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Todd Laskowski rejoins SIN OF ANGELS, full length out this winter.

[Nov 12,2007 12:31pm - RichHorror ""]
From blabbermouth.net--

Rhode Island doom metal act SIN OF ANGELS has been rejoined by guitarist Todd Laskowski (WARHORSE, AS HEAVEN TURNS TO ASH). Todd was part of the group's original lineup, along with drummer Ray McCaffrey, and was instrumental in crafting the band's current sound.

Commented McCaffrey: "Todd left the band two years ago to take some time off and now has returned. We have been jamming together for the past month relearning some of the older tunes we had written together and are now learning the bands newer material. It sounds heavy as hell with two guitars again. Todd's first show back with us will be at Club Hell on November 11 in our home town of Providence. It should not be missed! If you thought it sounded thick before, just wait!"

Conceived in early 2003 by Ray McCaffrey, Josh Maher and Todd Laskowski, SIN OF ANGELS recorded and self-released a two-song demo, "The Dark Sky Sessions", which contained early versions of "At Journey's End" and "Dark Sky Prophecy" (later re-recorded and released on the 2005 full-length "From the Ashes").

SIN OF ANGELS will release its second full-length CD, "In the Grip of Despair", this winter via Obscenity Cult Records.

For more information, visit www.myspace.com/sinofangels.
[Nov 12,2007 3:10pm - w3 nli  ""]
[Nov 12,2007 4:24pm - paganmegan ""]
good shit
[Nov 12,2007 7:58pm - RichHorror ""]



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