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Real-life Cast Away in England (no Tom Hanks content)

[Dec 3,2007 4:48pm - bradmann ""]
from the Guardian:


Canoeist who vanished at sea in 2002 turns up at police station

Aidan Jones
Monday December 3, 2007
The Guardian

A canoeist who disappeared off the North Yorkshire coast more than five years ago and was presumed drowned has walked into a London police station and identified himself to officers.

John Darwin, a married father of two and former prison officer, was thought to be dead in 2002 when his shattered red canoe washed up on the beach below his clifftop home in Seaton Carew, near Hartlepool.

Darwin, 51 at the time, had last been seen setting off heading for rocks opposite his home at about 9am on March 21. He was reported missing when he failed to turn up for the night shift at neighbouring Holme House prison, sparking a 16-hour search along the coast involving police and coastguard teams, aircraft, nine lifeboats and a Royal Navy ship.

Article continues
A paddle was found and weeks later the wreckage of Darwin's canoe washed up.

At 5.30pm on Saturday, Darwin identified himself to officers at a police station in central London. Where he has been in the intervening years remains a mystery.

A spokesman for Cleveland police, who conducted the initial investigation into his disappearance, said: "Mr Darwin identified himself as a missing person from Hartlepool.

"He is fit and well and relatives have been informed of his whereabouts. It is not known at this time where he has spent the last five-and-a-half years."

Police will interview Darwin over the next few days.

Six months after he vanished, Anne Darwin, who worked as a doctor's receptionist said: "When John went missing, I stayed up all night. It was a nightmare and it's still going on. I feel very much in limbo.

"People die, have a funeral, they have a headstone, there is something to mark the fact they existed on this Earth. But without a body, I don't know how we can mark John's life.

"All I want is to bury his body. It would enable me to move on. It's difficult to grieve without bringing things to a close, but as it is I'm in limbo and there's nothing I can do."

Neighbours said Anne Darwin emigrated to Australia last year, but the couple's two sons, both in their early 20s, are believed to be living in the UK.

Last night neighbours recalled helicopters and lifeboats sweeping 30 miles of the coast during the search for Darwin.

"He set out from just beneath his home paddling to the sea, and never came back. When the canoe was found, it was presumed that he had drowned," one neighbour said.

"To have him turn up like this is quite incredible."blank
[Dec 3,2007 4:58pm - bradmann ""]
[Dec 3,2007 5:08pm - the_reverend ""]
this is pretty awesome.
[Dec 3,2007 5:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Dec 3,2007 5:30pm - eddienli  ""]
sounds like he went into a fugue state after the accident.
[Dec 3,2007 7:15pm - pam ""]
shit's bananas
[Dec 3,2007 7:31pm - BrianDBB ""]
"Pics or it didn't happen"
[Dec 3,2007 7:35pm - brian_dc ""]

now your thread is a lie
[Dec 3,2007 9:29pm - bradmann ""]
brian_dc said:[img]

now your thread is a lie

i bet you have that whole series on DVD.
[Dec 5,2007 8:58am - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 6,2007 8:52pm - bradmann ""]
Plot thickens...
[Dec 6,2007 9:23pm - the_reverend ""]

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