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ACr side projectizzle

[Jan 7,2004 3:14pm - A_Cold_Reality ""]
acoustic solo project songs:
http://www.665.org/acr/letthesorrowfadeaway_mixdown01.mp3 http://www.665.org/acr/empty_mixdown01.mp3 http://www.665.org/acr/inyourembrace_mixdown01.mp3

Alter-ego of justin from A cold reAlity, for fAns of porcupine tree, damnaTion style opeth
[Jan 9,2004 3:11pm - succubus ""]
great stuff!!
[Jan 9,2004 3:23pm - A_Cold_Reality ""]
here's A new song.... http://www.665.org/acr/justadream_mixdown01.mp3
[Jan 9,2004 3:34pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
it sounds like static... fix the recording of it man so people can appreciate this good music.
[Jan 9,2004 3:53pm - A_Cold_Reality ""]
it depends on your soundcard, that's what i realized. On some soundcards, it sounds static-ee. On others it doesn't. I've asked almost everyone I've sent it to, theres only a handful with the static problem, and you my friend are one of them. I'll give you a burnt cd of the songs, they sound fine on the disc.
[Jan 9,2004 3:54pm - A_Cold_Reality ""]
if u have the static problem, try not to have the volume on your computer at its maximum capacity. Put the wav level to like mid point.

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