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Pay by the hour practice spaces

[Dec 4,2007 12:56pm - BURZUMBLAACK ""]
Does anyone know of any good deals around boston for hourly spaces? Is the equipment total shit or what?
[Dec 4,2007 1:47pm - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
lisa I found this

but they have pretty fucked house rules about drinking and cigarettes, plus those hourly rates aren't too great.

I'll keep looking.
[Dec 4,2007 1:56pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
thuringwethil at the library said:
but they have pretty fucked house rules about drinking and cigarettes, plus those hourly rates aren't too great.

Two drink minimum?
[Dec 4,2007 2:02pm - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
hahahaha so much for the planned Von altar of goat urine and severed heads of priests
[Dec 4,2007 2:03pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I think Drummer's Lounge in Brockton may do this. Although you use your own equipment and just store it in a small closet or something.
[Dec 4,2007 2:58pm - A Dark In The Light  ""]
The Music Gym in Rugg Rd in Allston has hourly rates. Also you can sign up as a member and its cheaper that way. http://www.musicgym.com/boston/index.html

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