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DOWN - February 8th @ Lupo's

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Dec 21,2007 6:15pm - Bouldergeist  ""]
I will be going to this. I have still yet to see Down due to other bullshit happening in my life every other time they have been around so far. Who else is planning on going?
[Dec 21,2007 6:21pm - Horror_Tang ""]
I will say at least a dozen people on this board willing to dish out $35 for a shitty side-project.
[Dec 21,2007 6:23pm - Bouldergeist  ""]
Thanks for the estimate professor. I really don't give a shit what you think.
[Dec 21,2007 6:36pm - Horror_Tang ""]
Go fuck your mother.
[Dec 21,2007 6:37pm - RichHorror ""]
Sometimes I think that dude killed the wrong member of Pantera, but then I remember how glad I am that Diamond Darrel is dead.
[Dec 21,2007 6:39pm - Horror_Tang ""]
Phil Anselmo is already dead.
[Dec 21,2007 7:04pm - Dankill  ""]
Hey, something to do on my birthday.
[Dec 22,2007 2:27am - Fuck_Logging_In_NLI  ""]
Bouldergeist...just to let you know...I will not be going
[Dec 22,2007 11:57am - pam ""]
I will be at Exodus.
[Dec 22,2007 2:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'll go if somebody gives me a ticket and gas money. otherwise, no, i will not be going.

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