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Is there anything better than putting your penis in a vagina?

[Dec 22,2007 11:23am - brad weymouth  ""]
Fucking fuckin rules
[Dec 22,2007 1:04pm - brad weymouth  ""]
Seriously, not one post in and hour and a half? Guess you're all virgins....bwhahahahhaa!!
[Dec 22,2007 1:06pm - the_reverend ""]
vaginal sex
it's just the tops
[Dec 22,2007 1:11pm - the_reverend ""]
ps: I'm guessing your wifey had her kid 6-weeks ago?
someone's ain't been laid in 6 weeks.
[Dec 22,2007 1:22pm - demondave ""]
Its the Bee's Knees!
[Dec 22,2007 1:55pm - brad weymouth  ""]
You got it Revvy.its amazing how it all snaps back into shape
[Dec 22,2007 1:56pm - brad weymouth  ""]
My wife kind of resembles Lois actually
[Dec 22,2007 5:56pm - Dankill  ""]
Sex is fun
[Dec 22,2007 6:37pm - SW  ""]
putting you penis in a mouth...duh!
[Dec 22,2007 7:53pm - sxealex ""]
dont all you non loginers get tired of typin the security code thing
[Dec 22,2007 8:57pm - todayistheday nli  ""]
if the code is MILF...you can just put in sdsfdfgfdgfgfgf and it still works
[Dec 22,2007 10:11pm - Fuck_Logging_In_NLI  ""]
sxealex said: dont all you non loginers get tired of typin the security code thing

you only have to type it once.
[Dec 22,2007 10:16pm - sxealex ""]
so i c
[Dec 23,2007 12:34am - dftg  ""]
SW said:putting you penis in a mouth...duh!

that's great, but vaginas are just better.
[Dec 23,2007 7:49am - degenerate bastard  ""]
i like my face in sum good booty for like an hour or too then kill it with the cocko or whatever is around .......
[Dec 23,2007 11:07am - scumfuck ""]
i like fuckin first thing in the mornin, ya know get her good and dissapointed first thing
[Dec 23,2007 11:13am - Horror_Tang ""]
Girls have penis. Man have vagina.
[Dec 26,2007 12:54pm - Yeti ""]
no, there really isn't.
[Dec 26,2007 12:57pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Big fan of the vag, myself. Although there are alternatives nearby...
[Dec 26,2007 12:57pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
BTW, Lois is so damn hot. Is sexin' a cartoon against the law? I can't remember.
[Dec 26,2007 1:14pm - Timma ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:BTW, Lois is so damn hot. Is sexin' a cartoon against the law? I can't remember.

I said that once outloud when watching Family Guy and it was followed by a very uncomfortable silence by all those around me.

[Dec 26,2007 2:46pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I personally am a big fan of the female anus. Its nice.
[Dec 26,2007 6:57pm - swamplorddvm ""]
"Is there anything better than putting your penis in a vagina?"

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women.
[Dec 27,2007 12:59am - sxealex ""]
[Dec 27,2007 1:00am - sxealex ""]
[Dec 27,2007 2:52am - bradmann ""]
damn those fat girls...i never know what i'm sticking it into
[Feb 7,2008 4:39pm - brad weymouth  ""]

swamplorddvm said:"Is there anything better than putting your penis in a vagina?"

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women.

awesome. "CONAN! What is best in life?"

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