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Diabolic - Subterraneal Magnitude

[Dec 22,2007 6:26pm - SW  ""]
Solid fuckin album. Yet another band I just never checked out, but now am pleasantly surprised at how good they are. It's got the fast and slow and everything in between. Super heavy and doesn't get boring.:NEWHORNS:
[Dec 22,2007 6:32pm - SW  ""]
[Dec 22,2007 10:26pm - MetalThursday ""]
Then pick up Supreme Evil, Vengeance Ascending and Infinity Through Purification. They're all solid albums.
[Dec 23,2007 8:24am - SlavonicIdentity ""]
Supreme Evil kills, especially the track "Rack of Torment."
[Dec 23,2007 10:20am - MetalThursday ""]
It's all about View With Abhorrence
[Dec 23,2007 10:46am - the_reverend ""]
they are all the "same" album. but it all sounds pretty damn good.
[Dec 23,2007 10:49am - Horror_Tang ""]
[Dec 23,2007 11:13am - Aegathis ""]
Infinity through Purification was definitely different from the other albums. Almost kind of a grindcorish Behemoth.
[Dec 23,2007 11:14am - Horror_Tang ""]
[Dec 23,2007 1:11pm - dreadkill ""]
diabolic is one of the most boring bands i have ever seen.

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