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7 1/2 hours of sleep and still dead tired disapreesh

[Dec 23,2007 8:31am - immortal13 ""]
I hate getting the same amount of sleep I always do and still waking up dead tired and completely non-functional in the morning. Happen to any of you?
[Dec 23,2007 9:08am - the_reverend ""]
that's winter for you.
I'm in canada and I'm just sleeping constantly.
[Dec 23,2007 9:28am - Lamp ""]
I think I got about that much last night and I'm feeling pretty good.
[Dec 23,2007 9:37am - brian_dc ""]
3 1/2 and I feel like a champ
[Dec 23,2007 9:50am - fleshfries ""]
Make it 8 hours and you'll be good to go....it's surprising what 30 minutes will do.
[Dec 23,2007 9:50am - sever ""]
this is the story of my life.

but when I sleep 2 hours, I feel fine. wtf?
[Dec 23,2007 10:09am - Lamp ""]
When I worked at 3am I used to sleep in 4-5 hour intervals twice a day. Doing that for a prolonged period of time is a pretty good way to feel out of it.
[Dec 23,2007 10:17am - brian_dc ""]
my ex works graveyard shifts at a hospital. Poor girl sleeps from like 9-1 every morning and that's about it. She's got all sorts of health problems from it...plus she's probably addicted to sleeping pills.
[Dec 23,2007 10:45am - the_reverend ""]
provigil is what I want.
[Dec 23,2007 10:46am - Horror_Tang ""]
[Dec 23,2007 10:49am - the_reverend ""]
awe... maybe you do have a heart after all
[Dec 23,2007 10:53am - Horror_Tang ""]
[Dec 23,2007 10:54am - Horror_Tang ""]
[Dec 23,2007 10:54am - Horror_Tang ""]
[Dec 23,2007 10:55am - Horror_Tang ""]
[Dec 23,2007 11:08am - the_reverend ""]
I think you are trying to get in someone's pants
[Dec 23,2007 11:10am - Horror_Tang ""]

Thanks. Mr. Papadopolis.
[Dec 23,2007 11:57am - sever ""]
ahaha that was classic.

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