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Feb 7 (Thu) - Exodus, Goatwhore, Arsis, Warbringer, The Pathos of Clytaemnestra - Webster Theatre (Hartford, CT)

Exodus, Goatwhore, Arisis, The Pathos of Clytaemnestra

[show listing]  _________________________________
[Dec 23,2007 4:37pm - killogy ""]
I'm selling tickets for the Exodus show at The Webster Theater in Hartford on Feb. 7 if anyone wants to go. My band is opening and of course we're required to sell tickets. You can check us out at www.myspace.com/thepathos or www.thepathos.net
[Dec 23,2007 4:50pm - the_reverend ""]
if you ut the http:// it auto links things
good for you guys though. this is a tight show. does arsis ever not tour?
[Dec 23,2007 5:06pm - killogy ""]
ahh thanks man, i shall remember that
[Dec 23,2007 5:07pm - archaeon ""]
This is WAY better than I expected.

Cool stuff.
[Dec 23,2007 11:46pm - Guitaristsb  ""]
Is this tour coming up to NH or ME?
[Dec 24,2007 12:04am - killogy ""]
I'm pretty sure its heading to marks showplace in NH, but I may be wrong.
[Dec 24,2007 12:17am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
killogy said:I'm pretty sure its heading to marks showplace in NH, but I may be wrong.

that sucks. might as well come to Connecticut.
[Dec 24,2007 12:29am - dreadkill ""]
i like the pathos. they are a good band. i remember them posting here a while back and i called them the pathos of chlamydia. instead of getting mad and taking it seriously, they understood i was joking and i checked out their stuff and liked it.
[Dec 24,2007 8:14am - i_am_lazy  ""]
dreadkill said:i like the pathos. they are a good band. i remember them posting here a while back and i called them the pathos of chlamydia. instead of getting mad and taking it seriously, they understood i was joking and i checked out their stuff and liked it.

That's exactly what I misread their name as...hahaha.
[Dec 24,2007 9:48am - killogy ""]
DaveFromTheGrave said:killogy said:I'm pretty sure its heading to marks showplace in NH, but I may be wrong.

that sucks. might as well come to Connecticut.

oh come on...NH can't be THAT bad
[Jan 15,2008 6:06pm - killogy ""]
[Jan 15,2008 6:43pm - the_reverend ""]
hm... Rotting Christ on the 6th and Exodus on the 7th?
[Jan 15,2008 6:55pm - dftg  ""]
killogy said:DaveFromTheGrave said:killogy said:I'm pretty sure its heading to marks showplace in NH, but I may be wrong.

that sucks. might as well come to Connecticut.

oh come on...NH can't be THAT bad

that's what everybody says. And then, they go to Mark's Rock Club.
[Jan 15,2008 6:57pm - goatcatalyst ""]
never been to mark's - won't be to mark's. fuck that place in the face.
[Feb 3,2008 1:18pm - the_reverend ""]
i would be at this show if i wasnt shooting rotting christ there the day before.

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