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2/10 - I Destroyer, Tinsel Teeth, The Paraplegics, Rampant Decay, Hive Smasher, Bitchslicer, Suffer Now @ The Jeep Shop in Providence

[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Dec 26,2007 2:10pm - RichHorror ""]
February 10, 2008

I, Destroyer [ex-As The Sun Sets Thrash Holocaust featuring Bob from Dropdead]
Tinsel Teeth [Naked Boobies Noise & Roll Freakout]
The Paraplegics [Beer-Soaked Scumbag Hardcore Punk]
Rampant Decay [Pill-Popping Mostly Overweight Hardcore Punk Hate]
Hive Smasher [Tech Grind Flying Asian Madness]
Bitchslicer [Zombie Handjob Werewolf Blowjob Thrash from Philly]
Suffer Now [Improv Scrotal Contusion Bludgeoncore - First show in five years!]
@ The Jeep Shop - 206 Chalkstine Ave. - Providence, RI
ALL AGES - $8 - 8 pm
[Dec 26,2007 3:34pm - RichHorror ""]
Official thread.
[Dec 26,2007 5:20pm - pam ""]
I'm betting this show is packed and at least 3 people die.
[Dec 26,2007 5:27pm - RichHorror ""]
If that doesm't happen I'll be PISSED.
[Dec 26,2007 5:41pm - pam ""]
What's the jeep shop? Is there room to avoid being killed? I have to be a pussy for another 6 months.
[Dec 26,2007 5:49pm - RichHorror ""]
Dying Fetus just played there, so it must be pretty big. It's right behind the Foxy Lady, so you know it's a classy joint. Everyplace everywhere has safe places to hide, worry not.
[Dec 26,2007 5:54pm - pam ""]
I'm gonna try and make it then. Don't let me forget.
[Dec 26,2007 5:59pm - RichHorror ""]
Look who you're talking to. When have I not shoved my shows down everyone's throat on a daily basis?
[Dec 26,2007 7:29pm - RichHorror ""]
Re-revised flyer coming soon.
[Dec 26,2007 10:59pm - t2daeek ""]
this is gonna be a fun one. can't wait.
[Dec 27,2007 12:36am - RichHorror ""]
Already tons of people are talking about this one. Shit's off the chizzain, son!
[Dec 27,2007 8:32am - aaron_michael ""]
haha, my drummer and I are bringing our pistols and just firing them off wildly at the crowd to play a game we call "who's a pussy and falls first?"
[Dec 27,2007 8:34am - aaron_michael ""]
NOTE: that previous post of mine is a huge "Jay Kay"
[Dec 27,2007 8:43am - Horror_Tang ""]
[Dec 27,2007 2:59pm - degenerate bastard  ""]
fun for everyone .......
[Dec 27,2007 11:57pm - RichHorror ""]
Ridiculous off the hookness for one and all.
[Dec 28,2007 12:29am - RichHorror ""]
The Paraplegics are playing a RI Rejects show the night before, just found out. A replacement will be found very soon. Welcome to the wonderful world of show booking.
[Dec 28,2007 1:22am - RichHorror ""]
If all goes well their replacement will be Salt Of The Earth [http://www.myspace.com/saltoftheearthprovidence]
[Dec 29,2007 12:29am - RichHorror ""]
Salt Of The Earth is indeed on the bill! New flyer and junk soon!
[Dec 29,2007 12:51am - RichHorror ""]
February 10, 2008

I, Destroyer
Tinsel Teeth
Rampant Decay
Salt Of The Earth
Hive Smasher
Suffer Now
[Dec 29,2007 2:02am - unholy_dave ""]
awesome, salt of the earth is better anyway. this is the type of show that will make providence scenesters trek out to this place.
i mean that in the nicest way possible. i hope this place does well, it's an awesome spot.
[Dec 29,2007 2:47am - RichHorror ""]
I love The Paraplegics, total fun Dwarves worship. But SOTE is the balls, their influences are impeccable. Whatever venue this ends at, it'll kill it. Providence is back like never before suckas!
[Dec 29,2007 9:33am - aaron michaelNLI  ""]
On behalf of everyone in the Smash, I ask, is it February yet?
[Dec 29,2007 11:51am - Horror_Tang ""]
Ya flyer fixed, massa.
[Dec 30,2007 1:43pm - RichHorror ""]
As far as I know, for the last time.
[Dec 30,2007 3:29pm - chrisabomb ""]
[Dec 31,2007 1:10am - chrisabomb ""]
be there...
[Dec 31,2007 12:55pm - chrisabomb ""]
[Jan 1,2008 10:34pm - chrisabomb ""]
[Jan 3,2008 12:15am - chrisabomb ""]
[Jan 4,2008 11:40pm - chrisabomb ""]
[Jan 6,2008 6:45pm - Sly  ""]
If Bitch Slicer is there i will be there too
[Jan 7,2008 12:30am - RichHorror ""]
Good man. They will indeed.
[Jan 7,2008 11:40pm - RyanPlegics ""]
Hahaha! Bitch tickler!
I'm fucking drunk!
We're not playing this anymore, but if all goes well, I should be waking up from the night before just in time for this shindig to kick my liver a new one.
[Jan 8,2008 12:44am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Why the fuck isn't Rampant Decay playing? That is stupid.

I'm fairly sure I'll be at this show. I'm doing some t shirt designs for Bitchslicer (thank you for referring them to me, Sir Horror, you are the man), so I see it fit for me to be in attendance.
[Jan 8,2008 1:19am - RichHorror ""]
We're playing, it's The Paraplegics that aren't on the bill anymore. Tinsel Teeth took their spot. And no problem, I actually talked Gary out of going with a couple other people and steered him towards you, Mark.
[Jan 8,2008 1:26am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Fucking christ I need to learn how to read. Anyway, sweet that you are playing and even sweeter that you're finding more victims for me. I am eternally grateful, and shall share many more loaves of bread with you.

"If you're not going to break edge, you're going to break bread!"-Rich Horror, January 2nd, 2008.
[Jan 8,2008 1:29am - RichHorror ""]
That was some delicious god damn bread.
[Jan 8,2008 1:30am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
We miss him dearly. But there are larger avenues to pursue...Wonderbread, here we come!
[Jan 8,2008 2:21am - RichHorror ""]
RichHorror said:We're playing, it's The Paraplegics that aren't on the bill anymore. Tinsel Teeth took their spot.

Oops, I mean Salt Of The Earth took their spot.
[Jan 8,2008 2:49am - RichHorror ""]
February 10, 2008

I, Destroyer [ex-As The Sun Sets Thrash Holocaust featuring Bob from Dropdead]
Tinsel Teeth [Naked Boobies Noise & Roll Freakout]
Rampant Decay [Pill-Popping Mostly Overweight Hardcore Punk Hate]
Salt Of The Earth [Metal Meets Crust Meets Sludge Meets Awesomeness]
Hive Smasher [Tech Grind Flying Asian Madness]
Bitchslicer [Zombie Handjob Werewolf Blowjob Thrash from Philly]
Dissector [Undead Crossover D-Beat Grindcore Cokefuck]
Suffer Now [Improv Scrotal Contusion Bludgeoncore - First show in five years!]
@ The Jeep Shop - 206 Chalkstone Ave. - Providence, RI
ALL AGES - $8 - 8 pm
[Jan 9,2008 8:35pm - chrisabomb ""]
[Jan 12,2008 3:26pm - chrisabomb ""]

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