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chest pain after smoking shisha

[Dec 27,2007 12:13am - sever ""]
is this normal? I'm starting to get kind of worried.
[Dec 27,2007 8:56am - Horror_Tang ""]
Yes, it's actually worse for you than tobacco.
[Dec 27,2007 1:56pm - ouchdrummer ""]
well, thats debateable. If you use a water filtration device it is far better for you than tobacco. And even without filtration it is not carcinogenic (sp?). While tobacco obviously is. But yes with no filtration, "shisha" can cause lung problems including but not limited to emphasema. (SP?)

.....i am a terrable speller and too lazy to look things up. sorry
[Dec 27,2007 2:02pm - sever ""]
it was through a hookah so it was filtered.

but my chest feels 10x better now anyway.
[Dec 27,2007 3:18pm - Yeti ""]
carcinogenic is correct. emphysema was close.
[Dec 27,2007 3:19pm - Yeti ""]
excuse me, i ordered a Zima not emphysema.
[Dec 27,2007 3:37pm - brad weymouth  ""]
Is shisha weed? Hashish?
[Dec 27,2007 4:32pm - sxealex ""]
um im pretty sure that anything smoked is carcinogenic since it puts charcoal in your lungs.
[Dec 27,2007 4:34pm - sxealex ""]

here is what came up first on google
[Dec 27,2007 10:01pm - sever ""]
brad weymouth said:Is shisha weed? Hashish?

molasses-tobacco preparation for use out of a hookah.
[Dec 27,2007 10:17pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i think i had a mild heart attack today after going on a bone cruise and then gorging upon a large buffalo chicken pizza.
[Dec 28,2007 6:04am - brad weymouth  ""]
sever said:brad weymouth said:Is shisha weed? Hashish?

molasses-tobacco preparation for use out of a hookah.

for real?

[Dec 28,2007 8:45am - ouchdrummer ""]
actually if you check, recent studies have actually shown THC and other marijuana related compounds SLOW the spread of lung and cervical cancer. . and just because something puts tar into your lungs it DOESNT mean that tar will magically turn to cancer......... (wait i thought we were talking about weed? molasses-tobacco? what the fuck. all my comments are true.. although only for weed, i am sure anything tobacco related causes cancer.)

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