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Benazir Bhutto is killed by suicide bomber in Pakistan

[Dec 27,2007 8:48am - the_reverend ""]

wow... that sucks.
[Dec 27,2007 9:05am - SkinSandwich ""]
She was hot!!! But not now with the bullet lodged in her neck.
[Dec 27,2007 10:21am - thuringwethil ""]
I feel badly. Dark days over there. DARK fuckin' days in that country.
[Dec 27,2007 10:24am - thuringwethil ""]

jesus christ.
[Dec 27,2007 10:24am - Whoremastery ""]
all those people over there a fucking crazy!
[Dec 27,2007 10:55am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
Although it sounds unpatriotic for me, I wouldnt be surprised if this wasn't pushed by some agency in America, the current ruler over there is our ally after all.

But then again it could have been simply just the current ruler now...

either way, life over there just got a little darker.

[Dec 27,2007 11:29am - SkinSandwich ""]
Ha, I was wondering when someone was going to imply the United States had something to do with this.:LOL::pukeface:

[Dec 27,2007 11:33am - brian_dc ""]
well, we're not uninvolved. Pakistan is as democratic as they are because of our influence and that doesn't exactly thrill the type of people who participate in these kinds of attacks.

not saying, "OMG the US did this!"

but let's not be ridiculous. The democracy agenda, while it may be a noble one, has contributed to a great deal of violence in the middle east.
[Dec 27,2007 12:00pm - the_reverend ""]
thuringwethil said:jesus christ.

they don't believe in christ. I'm pretty sure that's why things like this happen.
[Dec 27,2007 12:05pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
[Dec 27,2007 12:17pm - the_reverend ""]
wow... way to dig into the 90's for your web references
[Dec 27,2007 1:12pm - pam ""]
I give a fuck. This sucks.

And the US was more allied with Bhutto than we are with Musharaf. Bhutto has always been more pro-democracy in the Western sense than Musharaf was, if you remember correctly, it was only a few months ago that we condemned him for stalling stepping down from power during the martial law. We have nothing to do with this, we stand to lose a lot of influence in Pakistan now without Bhutto. When Bhutto returned from exhile she fingered a few high-ranking Musharaf officials as working with terrorist regimes...if there's any conspiracy to jump on, it'd be that Musharaf was behind this. Although I don't think he was...but his government was responsible for her security so...

She was a woman trying to regain power in a Muslim nation. Unfortunately this was inevitable.

It's really sad though. She would have won the election next week and I think she would have done good things for that country. That woman had more balls on her than most men. RIP.
[Dec 27,2007 1:15pm - Horror_Tang ""]
pam said:When Bhutto returned from exhile she fingered a few high-ranking Musharaf officials...

That would be the other way around.
[Dec 27,2007 1:16pm - Yeti ""]
pam said:When Bhutto returned from exhile she fingered a few high-ranking Musharaf officials

[Dec 27,2007 1:18pm - pam ""]
Wow I didn't even catch that. Ahhhh...you guys.
[Dec 27,2007 1:18pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i'm pretty sure i know somebody who is over there. hopefully things don't get too out of control
[Dec 27,2007 1:22pm - pam ""]
SacreligionNLI said:i'm pretty sure i know somebody who is over there. hopefully things don't get too out of control

I'd say as long as they stay out of the streets, they'd be fine. However the protests are going to get completely out of control. She was loved and Muslims don't fuck around when it comes to showing their displeasure.
[Dec 27,2007 1:26pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i can't believe the state of the world today
[Dec 27,2007 1:28pm - Yeti ""]
i wonder what the retaliation is going to be. things are teetering on apocalyptic.
[Dec 27,2007 1:34pm - pam ""]
No one is claiming credit for it. Normally terrorist groups claim responsibility within the day...if they don't...it was either an inside job OR they want it to look like an inside job to shake up the public enough to put off the elections.
[Dec 27,2007 1:36pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Oh well, Democracy doesn't work in the middle east, it doesn't work in any country...or hasn't in the true form.
[Dec 27,2007 1:36pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
oh franz ferdinand
[Dec 27,2007 1:37pm - pam ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:Oh well, Democracy doesn't work in the middle east, it doesn't work in any country...or hasn't in the true form.

Pakistan is actually an Asian country.
[Dec 27,2007 1:40pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
well, it's kinda the bridge from middle east to asia
[Dec 27,2007 1:41pm - pam ""]
It's an Asian country nonetheless, sir.
[Dec 27,2007 1:43pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
democracy doesn't work because power corrupts. all political officials should be injected with the serum from equilibrium.

this is an entirely different matter from democracy, though. this is still a problem of fundamentalists going all vigilante(justified in their own minds). you can't tell a group of people how to act so you end up with wars that are more based on a certain race or creed then a country itself. this is something that democracy by nature can't really handle.
[Dec 27,2007 1:44pm - pam ""]
I think it's a good sign though that at least a democratic leader was most likely going to win power in a Muslim country. It's a baby step, but it's something. Especially in a country with nukes.
[Dec 27,2007 1:48pm - Horror_Tang ""]
pam said:Pakistan is actually an Asian country.

[Dec 27,2007 1:48pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
as long as there are the age-old religious disputes this will be a problem over there, though. solutions for this problem are not easy to come by.

i suppose you could, i guess, start a war where the people you're fighting will be "dressed as civilians" so your aim is to pretty much eradicate an entire race. i think someone's done that before...maybe two people have done similar things actually.

[Dec 27,2007 1:49pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I also heard that the tribal regions of pakistan are trying to break off and form their own country with parts of eastern afganistan, and the tribal region makes up well over 70 percent, at least, of Pakistan.
[Dec 27,2007 2:05pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Please do not insult Hitler like that.
[Dec 27,2007 7:28pm - Dankill  ""]
I'm worried as hell about my friend Neda who is over there visiting family.
From what I'm seeing on the news, shit is getting hectic over there. Rioting and who knows what else is coming down the pipe next.
[Dec 27,2007 7:34pm - Fuck_Logging_In_NLI  ""]
I must admit, Bush is rocking that 'stash.
[Dec 28,2007 10:37am - Yeti ""]
Dankill said:I'm worried as hell about my friend Neda who is over there visiting family.
From what I'm seeing on the news, shit is getting hectic over there. Rioting and who knows what else is coming down the pipe next.

yeah my roommate Mike said something about Neda being over there. i hope she is alright.

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