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Memento Mori

[Jan 3,2008 11:03pm - ZJD ""]
I think this is the most common "oh, another band with that name" band name that I have come across. I've probably heard 100 different songs with this name, too.

This probably wasn't worth making a thread for. Buy my guitars or something.
[Jan 4,2008 3:48am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Awesome CD from Moonspell, their return to heavier stuff.
[Jan 4,2008 7:56am - niflheim ""]
Memento Mori was Messiah Marcolin's band after leaving Candlemass. If people are still trying to use that name, they're retarded.
[Jan 4,2008 8:00am - My_dying_bride ""]
memento mori is on of the sickest side projects youll hear...

mike wead is a god, messiah...(hence)

one of my top 10 metal bands.
[Jan 4,2008 1:06pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
I think anyband from 2000 on who uses the word dark in their band name should be killed...

so overused, yet some of the greatest use it.

Dark Tranquility, Dark Throne...

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