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Practice spaces

[Jan 6,2008 10:45pm - ZJD ""]
We just left our space in Lowell. We need to find somewhere between Manchester and Boston, anywhere between really, that doesn't suck. Anyone else looking for a space want to try and share one? Anyone want to share theirs and pay way less?
[Jan 7,2008 8:42am - ZJD ""]
[Jan 10,2008 8:34pm - ZJD ""]
[Jan 11,2008 10:03am - goatcatalyst ""]
fuckin a - the reality of practice spaces just blows my mind.

when ipsissimus was lookin around for a place, one dude quoted me like $280 a month. motherfucker! that's like, a metric fuckton of merch and shit. guarantee that shit wasn't as mournful and austere as my mom's basement.
[Jan 11,2008 11:08am - VomittingCarcass ""]
theres spaces in littleton, not sure of the price, we have been there for years and still have the old price. i think its like 250-300 a month now. if you just join our band and play bass its way cheaper.
[Jan 22,2008 9:30pm - ZJD ""]
[Jan 29,2008 1:02am - ZJD ""]

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