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Jim Rice denied again

[Jan 8,2008 3:47pm - aril  ""]
one more year.
[Jan 8,2008 4:11pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
He'll get it for sure next year. He got one of the majority of the votes this year so next year, he's a shoe-in.
[Jan 8,2008 4:13pm - xmikex ""]
Wow. McGwire only 128 votes.
[Jan 8,2008 4:27pm - DomesticTerror ""]
when they announced it at 2:00 i thought this was his final year. so i threw a bunch of shit around for nothing.
[Jan 8,2008 6:37pm - SkinSandwich ""]
[Jan 8,2008 6:44pm - the_reverend ""]
is this about the president? they sound like republicans
[Jan 8,2008 9:52pm - Dankill  ""]
If he doesn't get in next year, it is 100% bullshit.
Just like the fact that he has had to wait this fucking long to begin with.
[Jan 8,2008 10:12pm - Lamp ""]
the_reverend said:is this about the president? they sound like republicans

Nah, I just had to look it up, these mofos are talking about baseball.
[Jan 8,2008 10:43pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
absolute bullshit. Jim Rice is the MAN regardless. having the respect of true red sox fans (unlike one Roger Clemens ehem) is worth more than that bullshit anyways.

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