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I love supermodels....especially when they fall on the runway....

[Jan 10,2008 7:45pm - Hoser ""]

I couldn't stop laughing either....
[Jan 10,2008 7:46pm - Hoser ""]
God, I love Break.com
[Jan 10,2008 8:27pm - Hoser ""]
None of you lame-asses found this funny?.....unreal.

We really do need a plague.
[Jan 10,2008 8:41pm - hunterhunter ""]
i laughed it was pretty funny to hear the guy cracking up!
[Jan 10,2008 8:42pm - the_reverend ""]
I find it more funny when you post a video and don't tag it a video. it's like AHAHAHAHAH. except not.
[Jan 10,2008 11:03pm - MikePile  ""]
Hoser said:None of you lame-asses found this funny?.....unreal.

We really do need a plague.

no i'm sorry i didn't laugh at some woman falling down, sorry man, ps: sorry
[Jan 11,2008 10:52am - brad weymouth  ""]
[Jan 11,2008 11:40am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Sorry, I was too busy watching "Ow, My Balls!"
[Jan 11,2008 11:44am - Timma ""]
That second fall was the most akward way to lose your balance I've ever seen. That's a great way to snap an ankle.
[Jan 11,2008 11:44am - faggums  ""]
That wasn't that funny. That's what you get for wearing dumb ass impractical shoes though.
[Jan 11,2008 11:57am - goatcatalyst ""]
i prefer them when they don't eat and die.
[Jan 12,2008 12:14am - brad weymouth  ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:Sorry, I was too busy watching "Ow, My Balls!"

go away, 'batin!

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