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Drummer wanted for dirty band:

[Jan 25,2008 12:42pm - Masturhate  ""]
Von Voodoo out of MA is looking for a drummer. We formed a couple months ago and we're working on some songs now. We had a drummer but it seems like everyone turns out to pussies these days. We practice in Franklin, MA unless you have a better practice space. We are not going to be a band that rips off the sound of others but some of things that we dig the energy of are GG Allin, The Misfits, Cramps, Black Flag etc.. CALL 774-571-3015 now if you're interested.

[Jan 25,2008 1:01pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
I have no way of doing this, but if you get anything going I would like to know and to hear it. Dems some good influences.
[Jan 25,2008 4:35pm - Masturhate  ""]
KillerKadoogan said:I have no way of doing this, but if you get anything going I would like to know and to hear it. Dems some good influences.

Hopefully soon! SOMEBODY!

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