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[Jan 31,2008 9:18am - the_reverend ""]
Video Link

the costumes are awesome.
[Jan 31,2008 11:21am - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
yeah saw this the other day, fucking marvel removed it from youtube but at least it's still on myspace. defenitly one of the best fan movies I've seen in a while, but still not as good at Batman: Dead End where he fights the joker, alien, and predator. so awesome.
[Jan 31,2008 12:16pm - kadoogasaurus  ""]
holy shit I can't wait to watch this whole thing. I just watched the first 30 seconds and I'm pumped. Can't right now, though.
[Jan 31,2008 12:27pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
Those are pretty cool costumes. What gay music though.

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