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randolph bassist seeks death/metal band

[Jan 18,2004 5:38pm - hektik ""]
I'm a bassist who is heavily influenced by bands such as Atheist, Death, Opeth, Slayer, Emperor, Iron Maiden, Anthrax, Marduk, Megadeth, Pantera, Spawn of Possession, Cryptopsy, Suffocation, etc.

I'm looking to start a band (or join) that is pure metal/death metal. No pussy numetal shit, no hardcore shit, just straight up metal.

if you're interested you can contact me in the following mannars:

email: suffocation667@yahoo.com
AIM: hektik502

or just reply here

stay fucking metal
[Jan 18,2004 5:39pm - hektik ""]
i didn't mean to post this in here...I went to classifieds and posted in there, and it came out here, what the fuck is up with that?
[Jan 18,2004 5:41pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
jesus christ... whats with all the bassists lately? like a year ago no one wanted to play bass and now there are a billion.
[Jan 18,2004 5:42pm - hektik ""]
I double posted...my bad, fuck..

uh, yeah, I know no one used to play bass, now it's like a fucking fad.
[Jan 18,2004 5:45pm - the_reverend ""]
oh! check out the trauma concept thread.
[Jan 18,2004 5:46pm - hektik ""]
thanks man.
[Jan 18,2004 5:53pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Where abouts? I live off Union St.

Ascendancy - Randolph death metal represent.
[Jan 18,2004 5:53pm - hektik ""]
I just moved, I live off mainstreet.
[Jan 18,2004 5:54pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Welcome to the party. Get out before it's too late.
[Jan 18,2004 5:55pm - hektik ""]
haha, no shit right?
[Jan 18,2004 5:58pm - the_reverend ""]
dom' now I know where you live.
let the eggs fly!
[Jan 18,2004 6:02pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I'll rub my balls all over your camera and your girlfriend.
[Jan 18,2004 6:03pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
you are too old to egg houses!
[Jan 18,2004 6:04pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:I'll rub my balls all over your camera and your girlfriend.

hahaha, make sure you do it right after you play a set so as to have swamp sack
[Jan 18,2004 6:05pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I'll do it while I play. Death metal tea-bagging. \/\/0r|).
[Jan 18,2004 6:10pm - the_reverend ""]
damn you can do that..
since you have wireless.
[Jan 18,2004 6:17pm - succubus ""]
i already held a screw that was in your body..

yer balls ain't coming near me my friend

[Jan 18,2004 6:48pm - hektik ""]
so no one here is from randolph/looking for a bassist?
[Jan 18,2004 6:51pm - Terence ""]
Wow, welcome to the randolph club. Who would have ever thought someone from Randolph would have liked metal? haha Mike should we give him and initiation or something? :D
[Jan 18,2004 7:25pm - hektik ""]
hey...how's it goin?
[Jan 19,2004 12:24am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Terence said:Mike should we give him and initiation or something? :D

Like what, bring him to Brockton? haha. Take him on a day's worth of pizza deliveries, that's a quiality tour of town right there.
:shocker: Randolph.
[Jan 19,2004 12:52am - hektik ""]
this sounds fun...let's watch Oprah while we're at it.
[Jan 19,2004 1:38am - Terence ""]
I say we leave him at the Mill Village apartments overnight and see whats left of him in the morning, haha!
[Jan 19,2004 2:15am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
A fate worse than death.
[Jan 19,2004 1:02pm - hektik ""]
I'm gonna have to check these places out. They swarming with niggies?
[Jan 21,2004 11:35am - noosebomb666 ""]
Lived in Randolph from 4 yrs old until 26. Graduated from RHS in 1984.(showing my age here) I fucking hate Randolph. But now I live in Brockton, big improvement there, right?
[Jan 21,2004 11:37am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
noosebomb666 said:Graduated from RHS in 1984.(showing my age here)

dude... you are like 36, man you're old! :spineyes:
[Jan 21,2004 11:38am - noosebomb666 ""]
37, actually. Old as fuck.
[Jan 21,2004 11:45am - George ""]
its ok, you were in disrupt, you win a million awesome points
[Jan 21,2004 11:54am - subjugate ""]
i was thinking the same thing too bad he's not a rythem guitarist

TheGreatSpaldino said:jesus christ... whats with all the bassists lately? like a year ago no one wanted to play bass and now there are a billion.

[Jan 21,2004 11:58am - subjugate ""]
i'm old to

noosebomb666 said:37, actually. Old as fuck.

[Jan 21,2004 12:00pm - noosebomb666 ""]
George said:its ok, you were in disrupt, you win a million awesome points


we have to do a show together. Tried to get on that March 4th show but I think its booked.

[Jan 21,2004 12:01pm - noosebomb666 ""]
subjugate said:i'm old to

noosebomb666 said:37, actually. Old as fuck.


yeah . youre older than me you old fuck.

[Jan 21,2004 12:03pm - noosebomb666 ""]
Mike was like 7 when I joined Disrupt.
[Jan 21,2004 12:03pm - subjugate ""]
[Jan 21,2004 12:04pm - subjugate ""]
he was 15 when we started jamming together in exceed
[Jan 21,2004 12:54pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm guessing mike's got no parents and was just running feral when you found him.
[Jan 21,2004 1:18pm - subjugate ""]
actually his mom would drive his ass to practice
[Jan 21,2004 1:19pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i wasnt even born when that disrupt d00d graduated from highschool.
[Jan 21,2004 1:21pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Jim you could be Mike's great grandfather you ancient beast. You should've picked him up for practice in a sky blue 73 Cadillac, about 15 feet wide, called him "sport" and taken him out for ice cream before practice.
[Jan 21,2004 3:33pm - noosebomb666 ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:Jim you could be Mike's great grandfather you ancient beast. You should've picked him up for practice in a sky blue 73 Cadillac, about 15 feet wide, called him "sport" and taken him out for ice cream before practice.

now theres a funny thought, a guy playing with his great-grandfather in a death metal band.

[Jan 21,2004 3:34pm - noosebomb666 ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:i wasnt even born when that disrupt d00d graduated from highschool.

damn, that hurts.
[Jan 21,2004 4:37pm - subjugate ""]
listen sport i'm 37 not 97 geeeeeeez

DeOdiumMortis said:Jim you could be Mike's great grandfather you ancient beast. You should've picked him up for practice in a sky blue 73 Cadillac, about 15 feet wide, called him "sport" and taken him out for ice cream before practice.

[Jan 21,2004 5:02pm - succubus ""]
[Jan 21,2004 5:17pm - subjugate ""]
aaaha yep:krusty:

succubus said:"sport"

[Jan 21,2004 5:18pm - succubus ""]
annnnddddd you still look like you are in your 20's!!!
[Jan 21,2004 5:18pm - subjugate ""]
litacore noosebomb and i outta form a side band called "grandparents of Ma. metal" and do all old metal covers hahahaha

with a combind age of a little over 100 i think it's be kinda funny
[Jan 21,2004 5:28pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Grampycore. Grannymetal. Jim, no matter how you feel about Tom, you should put his nana on the album cover.
[Jan 21,2004 5:29pm - subjugate ""]
only if she's standing in front of his casket with him in it laughing cause he's finally dead

DeOdiumMortis said:Grampycore. Grannymetal. Jim, no matter how you feel about Tom, you should put his nana on the album cover.

[Jan 22,2004 8:58am - noosebomb666 ""]
subjugate said:litacore noosebomb and i outta form a side band called "grandparents of Ma. metal" and do all old metal covers hahahaha

with a combind age of a little over 100 i think it's be kinda funny

why dont we call it THE OLD FUCKS, or WRINKLECORE, or.......SPENT, or OVER THE HILL.

:tightiewhities:=my diaper.
[Jan 22,2004 9:11am - subjugate ""]

geratol and metal combined haha

[Jan 22,2004 9:26am - noosebomb666 ""]
The Incontinentals
[Jan 22,2004 9:33am - subjugate ""]
[Jan 22,2004 10:34am - noosebomb666 ""]
Thats the best one so far LOL!!!!!!

[Jan 22,2004 10:39am - subjugate ""]
cool hows this for a line up

you on drums vocals
litacore bass vocals
me on guitar vocals


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