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Your tour rider

[Feb 19,2008 1:25pm - ghostface killah kadoogan  ""]
I think this will be interesting. Make your list of necessary/wacky shit you would demand if for some reason you reached rockstar status.

- 2 Bowlfuls of only the BURNT Cheez-its.

- carton of smokes, any kind, no menthol

- As much Sam Adams Boston Lager as can fit in a cooler shaped like Eli Manning's slit throat

- Unlimited supply of coffee

- Buckets of weed. If it's not in a bucket I won't smoke it and will tell the concert security that you're trying to corrupt my mind with drugs.

- Kate Hudson. She must follow me everywhere I go while stroking both my ego and my penis, but she's not allowed on the bus and must pay her own fare to get to each gig on the tour.

I'm sure I'll think of more later on. What you fuckers got ?!?
[Feb 19,2008 2:27pm - INFECT ""]
- a mason jar full of the best hippy weed available locally
- a childrens swimming pool full of cafe mocha
- plenty of grapefruits and tangerines
- an accurate (not the eurocentric mercator projection) map of the world drawn in cocaine
- a book of LSD
- chubby blondes
[Feb 19,2008 3:00pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
1 K.I.T.T. with working A.I. (and not that gaytarded Mustang they've got passing for K.I.T.T. nowadays).

1 case La Fin Du Monde

1 mason jar of jenkum

1 baby tiger

1 Christine Ricci and 1 Fairuza Balk, both circa 96-98 (I'm flexible on this)

1 Intellivision with AD&D Cloudy Mountain Adventure cartridge

1 box Stouffer's French bread pizza
[Feb 19,2008 3:01pm - RichHorror ""]
A lifetime subscription to Watchtower.
[Feb 19,2008 3:09pm - largefreakatzero ""]
1 Hippy (to use for a punching bag)
1oz. to a QP of said Hippy's awesome weed (he won't be needing it)
1 jar of assorted pills (painkillers preferred, but valiums are OK too)
1 stainless steel set of pill inhaling implements (straw, plate, crusher, etc)
1 pair of twin Asian sluts
1 assorted case of fine red wine --if it's under $30 a bottle, fuck off
1 keg of Guinness
1 keg of Newcastle
1 fridge stocked with Dietz & Watson and Boarshead cold-cuts
5 loaves of fresh bread
2 bowls of assorted fresh fruit

I would be a tour manager's worst nightmare.
[Feb 19,2008 3:24pm - Yeti ""]
25 Bratwurst
3 trays of TGIF potato skins
1 box of Little Debbie Peanut Butter Wafers
2 18 packs of Miller High Life bottles
1.75 of Jameson Irish Whiskey
5 gallon bucket full of the local harvest
1 N64 + Goldeneye, Rush 2, Mortal Kombat Trilogy
[Feb 19,2008 3:54pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
A panda.
[Feb 19,2008 3:56pm - RichHorror ""]
A sad one.
[Feb 19,2008 4:26pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
For I shall make it happy.
[Feb 19,2008 4:31pm - SacNLI  ""]
Don't make local bands pay the bill for the show
[Feb 19,2008 4:32pm - SacNLI  ""]
oh, and naked pictures of bee arthur
[Feb 19,2008 4:34pm - Blue ""]
1 space harrier arcade console (like the huge one you sit down in)
1 bucket roasted red pepper hummus w/20 foot diameter pita bread
1 pound GOOD weed
2 copies of amazing spider man #50 (first appearance of kingpin)
1 lifesize replica of han solo frozen in carbonite (made of carbonite)

[Feb 19,2008 4:35pm - SacNLI  ""]

Blue said:
1 lifesize replica of han solo frozen in carbonite (made of carbonite)

i'll do you one better...

1 harrison ford dressed as han solo frozen in carbonite. don't worry, he'll be quite well protected
[Feb 19,2008 4:50pm - INFECT ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:1 K.I.T.T. with working A.I. (and not that gaytarded Mustang they've got passing for K.I.T.T. nowadays).

1 case La Fin Du Monde

1 mason jar of jenkum

1 baby tiger

1 Christine Ricci and 1 Fairuza Balk, both circa 96-98 (I'm flexible on this)

1 Intellivision with AD&D Cloudy Mountain Adventure cartridge

1 box Stouffer's French bread pizza

[Feb 19,2008 4:51pm - INFECT ""]
especially for the 1st, 2nd and 4th items
[Feb 19,2008 5:53pm - brad weymouth  ""]
one box of baking soda
cold water
one metal teaspoon spoon
12 bic lighters
12 little flower tubes
box of Chore Boy brand copper scrubbies
roll of paper towels
tv with 24 hours of porn
one stereo with Sirius satellite
a room that locks from the inside and can't be entered from the outside without permission

oh, and lots of coke
[Feb 19,2008 10:53pm - brad weymouth  ""]
up for willpower
[Feb 20,2008 9:36am - brad weymouth  ""]
looks like i killed the thread
[Feb 20,2008 9:45am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

brad%20weymouth said:
a room that locks from the inside and can't be entered from the outside without permission

[Feb 20,2008 9:46am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Blue said:2 copies of amazing spider man #50 (first appearance of kingpin)

Bagged and backed or THE SHOW'S OFF.
[Feb 20,2008 5:11pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
1,000 brown M&M's in a brandy glass.
[Feb 21,2008 12:24pm - ghostface killah kadoogan  ""]
haha these are awesome.

here's Iggy Pop's, I think it was posted on here a while ago:


there're a shit load of 'em on that smoking gun site. Iggy's is by far the best.

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