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Birds of Prey

[Feb 21,2008 2:21pm - bradmann ""]
has anyone heard this band?

Dave Witte, one of the guys from Baroness, and another guy from Alabama Thunderpussy are in it. sounds pretty southern and pretty awesome.
[Feb 21,2008 3:00pm - the_reverend ""]
I like it.
[Feb 21,2008 3:09pm - unholy_dave ""]
hell yeah birds of prey rules...the singer also sings for beaten back to pure, solid dude.
[Feb 21,2008 3:13pm - Yeti ""]
even the word raptor means bird of prey.
[Feb 22,2008 10:46pm - brad weymouth  ""]
named after the Mahavishnu Orchestra song?
[Feb 22,2008 10:51pm - W3 nli  ""]
haha Beeeeeeeeeeeeen Hooooooooooooogg !!!!

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