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[QUOTE="DestroyYouAlot:730920"]Rule # 551: I NEVER (except once, but even that they managed to leave out the worst bits) hear of any news of any crimes committed by USA by the American news media, unless I research it through google or/and watch the history channel, which even that they imply it but NEVER directly state it, else fear of reprisal from the Pentagon, as happened to CNN, for a decade, after Gulf War I. Most current example would be Iraqis INDIRECTLY telling the USA you can have our oil, but stop bombing us, as well as the internal religious & cultural strife between the 3 different ethnic groups, same as in Yugoslavia, where it was about mineral rights by USA companies rather than about oil, allowing USA to legitimize and legalize through UN the illegal aggression against a NON-threatening nation by USA, which the USA feeds on, the old tactic of divide & conquer they learned from Britain, which divided Iraq & Kuwait, which resulted in the Gulf War I & II, which is manifested in the so-called free elections, which legitimize USA aggression of taking over a sovereign country for its oil, which few seem to notice that the Gulf War I & II was about oil & the Euro, and it NOTHING to do with WMD, since the top Iraqi scientists had IQ of someone with an Associate degree in physics, which is enough to understand the basics, but NOT enough to build all the complex parts, why Iraq needed help from the French. Most commonly used tactic of trolls is to call (a) NON-troll(s) (a) troll(s), sort of like Capitalists were calling Communists evil, when both were same: what was happening was that 2 super trolls fighting each other for supremacy. And, Negative Energy is so powerful that it takes an entire society to stop a troll, sort of like 1 bad fruit can ruin all the good fruits in a basket. And, there seems to be levels of trolls, from the most vicious to the average: society seems to be infected with them, mostly average, which seem to be controlled by the few, who are most evil & vicious. The amount of Negative Energy it takes to control society or/and escape laws of society is proportional to amount of energy needed to bypass laws of physics, in what is commonly understood as the light barrier, escaping it allows FTL, time & dimensional travel, by excessively manipulating Negative Energy, which in the/this 2nd example: I don’t mean psychology, but in manner of accumulating science TL in similar way excess greed would accumulate wealth, power, resources, & fame, which where US(A) Presidents have a nasty habit of having ulterior evil motives for their so-called good deeds, some form of imperialism. Rule # 550: There are 5 parts to this rule. Based on my Rule # 3 & Rule # 6, this: {(0,0) END} is a human, usually a male human, at least in this rpg HYBRID, since women are too complicated to make in my rpg, since creating women in my rpg requires politically incorrect math, but to return to what I was saying before I digressed, is as follows: although I’m using the {(x,y) END} from Champions/Hero to illustrate a point that being {(0,0) END} ought to be for a human, usually a male human, at least in rpg HYBRID. The variable (y) which in Champions/Hero is/was meant to define LS in terms of “END” @ some fraction that of default LS, which its C# depends on the character, better to use C2, since it will give greater LS or Life Span, but less C2 PL or Power Level, if the original C# had been C1 in terms of C2 before using the ½ which will then @ C2 increase PL to 98 C2 which is NOT mutant power but what C2 value for IQ, which is NOT what IQ is @ 98, but IQ is 260 @ 98 C2, which is then reduced to get mutant power(s). If the original C# had been C1 rater than C2, #s for both being different of course, then LS @ C1 would be 10 rather than 20, if starting default LS or 0 END had been @ 20 C1, then PL would increase to 20x2 = 40 C1 rather than 49x2 = 98 C2, but LS or Life Span using C1 is ½ the C2, meaning manipulating points @ C1, gives a 10 C1 LS rather than a 49/2 = 24.5 C2, which is a 15 C1 by X^LOG10(X), where 20 C1 = 49 C2 and 15 C1 = 24 C2, approximately. The ½ is or was supposed to be ½ of C2 for LS or Life Span, but somewhere along the line, it seems to have gotten mistranslated into ½ END, @ -1 limitation for default Life Span, giving a +1 advantage for Power Level for the mutant, which coincidently is similar to the way it works in my rpg HYBRID, where I’d multiply default PL by 2x, reducing LS by 2x, by multiplying LS by ½, allowing one to multiply PL by 2x, but it is difficult to explain why it’s similar, either coincidence or/and more than a coincidence, but then again, I was thinking about END in 1987, as its important in the scheme of things, that of MU TSR rpg which, later, I made it to be @ C2, for its health stat, which is usually @ C2, a conclusion I came up with in the 1990s, which is different from the Karma stats, which usually are @ C1, although Intuition can be @ C2 if poorly defined or/and if poorly used, but Intuition that of the MU mutant humanoid female character Destiny has her Intuition @ either C2 or C1, NOT sure, since it depends on how you interpret that female character, if she’s scamming you or/and if she’s for real, although even if she’s scamming her victims @ C2, she can be or/and still is very effective, and if her Intuition is @ C1 PL, then you can interpret that character as you like, although if her psychic powers is that of the MU Purple Man, then her Intuition is @ C2, rather than C1 PL, which is more like that of Dr Doom, before I even discovered to come up with a stat called LS or Life Span, which, for this example, is ½ C2 of original default Life Span, in order to increase PL or Power Level by factor of 2x. The reason it has to be a limitation is for PL or Power Level to have an advantage, the LS or Life Span must take on the -1 limitation, which is ½ C2 for Life Span, which original was @ 0 END or @ default, whatever value it was @ for that mutant. In Champions/Hero rpg, END (0, ½) USUALLY APPLIES TO MUTANTS AND means that person starts @ 0, which is NOT a value of 0, but meaning default, THEN if the character is a mutant, but he must be a mutant in order for him to have the or/and be @ ½, which is what his mutant power level will by @ after his IQ is reduced after his IQ is increased by +1 advantage, meaning his C2 will double or increase by factor of 2x, which is then reduced to ½ advantage or ½ limitation from his 2nd 0 END, which is his NEW PL after having his PL increased due to his LS or Life Span decreased, such for a character such as the MU Spiderman, allowing him to increase his PL or Power Level @ C2 by factor of 2x with advantage of +1, which @ C2 for IQ is increased to which must be decreased to have mutant power(s), the more he decreases his IQ, the more power(s) he gets, and NOTE that he already starts with a larger LS or Life Span than an average adult male human, allowing him to decrease his LS to human levels, which in turn will increase his PL, and since his PL is, also, greater than average adult male human, his PL will increase even more, with his LS decreased: this all can be reversed to apply for PL (rather than LS) @ C2 of ½ its original value @ -1 limitation, which will increase LS by a factor of 2x which is +1 advantage, to increase LS @ C2 by factor of 2 by advantage of +1, which is NOT usually done, since mutants usually crave power(s) rather than longevity or/and longer life span: this is NOT the rule itself, but a little background information on what I’m about to say after my next comment, which will also serve as a little extra background information on what I’ll say later, in a brief moment, after this brief commentary to serve as a little background information on what I’ll say later so that it’s NOT taken out of context. NOTE that default has multiple values, depending on if it’s fixed or NOT, both can take on the concept/term of 0 END, which is term from Hero & its predecessor, Champions rpg: this is a side note & NOT the rule itself: a little background information. The Psyche stat for the MU character Dark Phoenix is within a range of 30 to 40 C1 Default Psyche, with Phoenix being @ 20 to 30 C1 DP, with Jean Grey’s powers @ 20 C1 DP, although she isn’t @ that, since her COM is that of a woman & NOT a guy, but getting back to what I was saying that being Dark Phoenix’s creator, Professor X is @ 49 or 50 C1 Default Psyche. The ’86 MU TSR rpg creates an interesting paradox with the MU character Dark Phoenix which is NOT what this rule is about but serves as background to what I’ll say later. The purpose of why the ’86 MU TSR rpg killed the Dark Phoenix off, temporarily, because she maximized her stats, lowering her Life Span to increase her Power Level, besides Xaiver NO longer wanting her give Jean Grey extra powers, where she was acting as herald for Xavier, similar to way Norinn Radd acted as herald for Galacuts, but getting back to what I was saying about the Dark Phoenix getting killed off temporarily because she maximized her stats, based on combination of 3 (three) things: [{X^LOG10(X) @ C1} for X @ C2], in conjunction with Rule # 3 & Rule # 6}, meaning her unusually high stats can be explained away with the/my original equation X^LOG10(X), using Rule # 3 & Rule # 6: this will serve as background to what I’m about to say. The purpose of my grandiose statement in Part II of this rule is NOT to reveal how pretentious I seem to be, but to reveal how all rpgs can be reduced to 2 recursive equations, like the 2 blades on a helicopter: major equation being X^LOG10(X) @ C# for X for point distribution & the minor equation being X^LN(X) for some of its properties @ C# for X, although you can define the properties, using the original X^LOG10(X), without having to rely on its minor sibling equation X^LN(X), and/but relying too heavily on X^LN(X) is NOT good idea, to rely too heavily on it, that is, since you might end up with similar problem if the equation had been instead X^2, since the X is based on the equation X^LOG10(X), which is the main equation for point distribution @ C#. This equation could just as well be written as X^2, as the recursive equation, instead, for point distribution, but X^2 would NOT give the correct point distribution used by the other rpgs, except @ LOG10(100), FOR EXPONENT, = 2, although it does give some interesting results to ponder, and/but if I were to use X^2, then I’d have to rewrite most of my rules: which I don’t want to, NOR feel like it, and besides it would move me away from my main objective which is to have a 1 page rpg, which can be done with Rule # 3 & Rule # 6, & the 2 simple recursive equations just mentioned above, X^LOG10(X) & X^LN(X) @ C# for X, for point distribution. The odd thing about Part 2 of this rule is that even my favorite colors which changed over time seem to reflect comic books characters, is an example of Maxwell’s equation of time travel. There are 4 parts to this rule. The DC character Spectre is an extreme version of the 2nd part of this rule, that being Maxwell’s equation of time travel, which in terms of MU is Captain Universe, when Spiderman was taken over by Captain Universe when he was taken to the micro-verse [subatomic universe of MU] by the subatomic MU character Fear, which is what’s to come in Part 2, but I didn’t supply an/any example, which is what I just said. For Part 1, then, the first modification to make to the Fibonacci # is TO add LOG10(% of accuracy of TL). But, even before that, one must NOTE THAT THE C# has properties similar to gravity, in that both are recursive, and using the Fibonacci series on C# doesn’t always give you the correct TL # @ that C# when computing TL based on C#, since taking root Y, based on some Fibonacci #, which has to be modified, but when C# is small, that modification isn’t too great NOR too complicated. And, just like laws of physics break down when gravity is too intense inside singularity, but @ same time within some universal set of physics, similarly, if one could figure out the correct modification to the Fibonacci # that one could apply to C# to figure out Y root of C#, he could figure TL, even with a large C#, which will eventually give an even larger C#, when # in C# is very large, but both my lat former & latter comment are different, regarding #, which are of 2 types, being (# C#), which might be said or/and written as (# @ C#), in which there are 2 types of #s. And, a value of 10 C in the ’86 MU TSR rpg is 10 C0, both being @ a unitless unit, where 10 is a neutral value, until, a proper unit is assigned, same with Champions / Hero, which have inconsistent units of magnitudes, similar mistake that the ’86 MU TSR rpg make, perhaps it used Maxwell’s time travel equation to steal my ideas from the future, since it, the ’86 MU TSR rpg lacks the proper unit of magnitude, the only way that can happen is if it’s stolen my ideas, unless it is intentionally keeping out the proper units of magnitude from the public, for some unknown reason, maybe for same Reason that Nostradamas was vague, but @ same time was a fraud when it came to chemistry, but was @ same time genius when it came to predicting future events, unless it was based on some other book, that being the bible code, which IF true is based on Maxwell’s equation of time travel, same way these other rpgs are stealing my ideas before I have chance to invent it & claim it as their own even though it’s probably NOT their own, but probably mine, since fragments of many (close to all) of my ideas which I independently discover without any outside resource shows up in different rpgs, as well as in recent scientific discoveries, predicted 1st by my rpg HYBRID & its equations & algorithms, including the many recent discoveries also predicted by my rpg HYBRID & its equations & algorithms, predictions such as that of there being microscopic black-holes, is based on my recursive equation X^LOG10(X) @ C# for X, IF I DO NOT SOUND PRETENTIOUS, then, also, the super computers is, also, based on my recursive equation of X^LOG10(X) @ C# for X, as well as teleportation that the pentagon is researching into is based on my recursive equation X^LOG10(X) @ C# for X, & creating a viable human from an egg without a sperm, is based on my recursive equation X^LOG10(X) @ C# for X, my idea(s), where the sperm(s) has/have a parasitic propert(y/ies), because the male human has LESS points than the human female, is how the 2 genders operate: why, animals within the same specie look alike, and difference in appearance is between differing species is just topology, but similarities between the 2 genders within the same specie look alike for reason that since difference in points for the 2 genders are close to being similar for animals, although ratio is never @ 1:1, else THEN reproduction would be difficult @ 1:1 ratio, but NOT impossible, but possible, depending on, again, my major recursive equation X^LOG10(X) @ C# for X, and its minor sibling equation X^LN(X) @ C# for X, but the female will always get more points than the male, UNLESS the male is a mutant, but he must NOT looked deformed, but he looks deformed, he (mutant) to be superior must have hidden points, to be equal to a female; while, we humans are/look different in terms of appearance, since the human female has LOT MORE points than the human male, and being humanoid in shape, also, gives us more points, by simply having that humanoid shape, where the shape or/and topology of having a humanoid shape acts to reinforce the laws of conservation of mass & energy, according to math, since physics is based on math, why math is more gibberish than physics, which according to 1 theory, the universe before it created itself, scanned alternate timelines & picked 1, and created itself, BASED ON my 2 universal recursive equations: X^LOG10(X) & X^LN(X) @ C# for X, which it seems/looks to me that in my opinion the universe, reality, & all its dimensions that we live in & don’t perceive, its rules & laws, including laws of quantum mechanics & relativity that of Einstein, IS BASED ON my 2 universal recursive equations: X^LOG10(X) & X^LN(X) @ C# for X, why all rpgs have point distribution @ C#, based on X^LOG10(X), while 2nd minor equation X^LN(X) is just an extra equation to make sure that the other 1st major equation that of X^LOG10(X) is properly & efficiently used, where even history itself is based on my 2 universal recursive equations: X^LOG10(X) & X^LN(X) @ C# for X. So, in effect reality is based on my ideas or/and my rpg, HYBRID, which is what all rpgs are based on & all science, math & engineering is based on my 2 simple recursive equations: X^LOG10(X) & X^LN(X), including useful to fractals, including physical objects that look like or/and seem to be puzzles such as a Rubik cube or/and its manifestations, and everything else, including genders, including any & all science-fiction is based on these 2 equations of mine, which is what my rpg HYBRID is based. And, perhaps the first rpg that I read, the ’86 MU TSR rpg, was (it seems or perhaps it is: all my evidence points to this) based on my future rpg, HYBRID, that I would try to create in the 1990s, but is still incomplete, but as far as C# goes, it’s % of completion is [(year – 1990)^2] = % of completion for C#, but as far as myself having all the rules for manipulating C# is incomplete, but based on the equation 2 equations, major being @ X^LOG10(X), and its minor sibling being @ X^LN(X), since I’m NOT genius, and it would take a genius to complete all the rules. So, just as gravity can take on different values, so can C#, each being different, in terms of how dense or not it is for its point distribution. I will momentary digress with this brief statement that the unit of magnitude CA in my rpg HYBRID stands for CMagic, and as for the letter “C”, by itself would be written as C0, a neutral unit of magnitude being a unitless unit, meaning undefined as of yet, same as C#, is the quantum state but defined in some specific C# for point distribution, where C1 is less dense than CA, which is usually maximum value for the MU Beyonder. And, since there isn’t any entity or/and force more powerful than the Beyonder in any science-fiction, then the maximum unit of magnitude is CA. Now, to return to the rule itself: the unit of magnitude of C1 & CA which is used in my rpg, HYBRID, is coincidently proportional or/& similar to Mega-scale of Champions/Hero rpg, depending on how you wish to define Mega-scale, which can sometimes be defined as advantage or limitation or modifier or as a # of points, similar to its Real & Active points. And, for a human, C2 or/and C1 might be considered for the same purpose of magnifying results, by simply increasing unity by 1, by “increasing”: I mean decreasing # in C#, causing an increase in C#, by 1 unit of magnitude, which sounds like a paradox, but so is reality, which is a paradox, which is my original mutant equation of transforming an adult male human into a mutant, such as by changing his C2 to C1 as his 0 END, which only the GM can do, unless given the option, if he is already a mutant, such as Dr. Banner/ HULK or Peter Parker in Part II of Spiderman movie, where he lose his powers to increase his IQ, which he then later reduce to get back his powers. NOTE that 0 END is simply default stat(s), which can vary depending on IF it has been altered in some way, based on Rule # 3 & 6, which determine how much his Life Span can be reduced, so as to increase his PL or Power Level, where # END can take on 2 types of values, either what END (in terms of LS) is reduced to or is stated in terms of advantages or/& limitations, but the END when defined/stated as characteristic in Champions/ Hero is @ 0 END, sort of like when LS @ C# is reduced to ½, same as ½ END, so it has multiple meanings, although LS in terms of C#, is exponential, in terms of how C# is set up for Life Span & Power Level. And, when LS is reduced or increase, you’re NOT decreasing or increasing in linear way or method, but the C#, which when computed for actual life span in terms of some unit of time, is exponential, why LS is so important in the scheme of things, why it seems that Champions/Hero gotten its idea of 0 END somehow from me & paraphrased or it could just be a coincidence, considering that Champions rpg was published 20 years before & Hero rpg was published 10 years before my rpg HYBRID was published in year 2000, when C# was 100% complete, for by 2005: C# is 15^2 = 225% complete by [year-1990)^2] = % complete for C#, which its definition grows in proportion to year, now 15^2 or 225% complete for C#, although my rpg HYBRID itself is 22.5%, in terms of length of average rpg to mine. Rule # 549: The following doesn’t mean what you might think it means, unless you have lot points to play with, else if you have only a few points to play with then it means the opposite of what you might think it means: # of books needed = [N^(1/L)]: this has a double meaning, where N = # of days within a time unit of 1 semester, which has a different meaning than if you were to change the unit of time to 1 month, which would have a different meaning if you were to change the unit of time to 1 week. And, you ought to keep in mind that difficulty level L = {C2/(1d6)} or L = {C3/(2d6)} or L = LN(C#), range of between C3 & C2, where L = [{(age of soul in number of years)/Z}^2/Z], where Z = 10 = square root of the competition’s C3 PL, from the male perspective, which may sound lame, but that’s how it works in this rpg of mine, assuming my math is correct. I will discuss the easy part of this rule first, then something similar that can be derived from it, & then the complicated part of this rule is the “root of X”, is based what C2 value the professor assigns as the competition, based on some modifier used on that C2, altering it in such a way to give a particular “root of X”, specific to that professor. The # of books necessary to read for a subject matter, per college course, depending on what its L: # needed = (W^Z), where W = (L^L), and where Z = {(1d6 C2)/(your C2 @ 3d6)}, which for someone that is a prodigy might be @ 2d6, or 3d6, or 4d6, or 5d6, or 6d6 C2, for someone like Einstein, but whatever your C2, equation will give you approximate # needed. A professor is almost NEVER more than 3d6 C2, maximum value, while minimum value is @ 2d6 C2, which doesn’t mean that a professor can’t be @ 4d6 C2, which he can but is rare, in terms of IQ, but do NOT confuse 4d6 C2 with 4d6 C1, both are different, where 4d6 C1 is @ 4d6 INT or 24 INT, similar to that of GURPS rpg, which is coincidently similar to my rpg mechanics, where FTL begins @ 24 or 4d6 C1, but on an object size @ 24 or 4d6 C2, which @ this value is NOT 4d6 C2, which is 15 INT, as it might be said in the rpg Champions/Hero or the latter 15 Reason, as it might be said in the ’86 MU TSR rpg. So, then, if the competition is @ 3d6 C2, meaning @ 18 C2, then # books needed to read on that subject matter = (L^L)^(1/3), which IF you’re @ 2d6 C2, then the equation changes to (L^L)^(1/2), is approximate. So, if you’re confused about Rule # 548 or Rule # 543 or any previous rules related to these 2 rules, then all you need to do is refer to this rule, Rule # 549. The purpose of this rule is to help you or/and me, to figure out differential equations, which are needed @ L4 to L5 to make a nuclear bomb @ price of beer can. To figure out C2, figure out its C3, where C3 = C2^LOG10(C2), and where your COM = C3/(pi+1), for guys; while, for females, her C3 PL in terms of her IQ is ~ to her ideal male match; so, if her COM is @ 11, then she must use C3 equal to her ideal male match, then figure out C2 based on its C3, then use the above equation, to figure out how many books she must/ought to read for each of her college course, depending on the variable L, which is the difficulty level of the course. The reason that I divide C3 by (pi+1), to compute a guy’s COM value, for reason that it is the accuracy of one’s DNA, in terms of how error-free it is, in terms of gpa; so, when you divide by (pi+1), you’re assuming that your DNA is error-free @ gpa = pi+1. And, C3 is your life force value in terms of Psyche, which is what the other 2 stats, Life Span & Power Level, depends on, using Rule # 3 & 6, to create a character, object, technology, disease, or just about anything in reality, including anything in science-fiction. If you change unit of time from per month to PER HOUR, the substance of the rule changes from # of books to # of pages, {(L + 1d6)^(L + 1d6)}^{(1d6 C2)/(your C2 @ 3d6)}, where 1d6 = LOG10(% comprehension of subject matter), which IF you lack the points to make this happen, THEN it does NOT mean that you can read more, but that you NEED TO read more to make up for difference, but giving you a similar result, in terms of grade, such as, for a worst case scenario, with only a few points to work with, if a person were to have only a few points to work with, THEN: IF & IF it were to take me 1 month to complete a course @ L = 2, then it would take me 1 (ONE) year to complete a course @ L = 3, but the/this time is greatly reduced if I were to have much more points, in C#, where # = (1d6), for time, where larger the #, longer it would take; while, smaller the #, the LESS time it would take, to complete, which is combination of how much you can understand & how much you can memorize & how much you can analyze & how much you seem to be politically correct, & etc. Lastly, the “root of X” can take on so many different forms that it’s NOT worth contemplating, since it depends on how difficult the professor wants to set up his course, although IF the professor make value of the variable Q too large, THEN he would be guilt of something, NOT sure what, perhaps being cruel or/and a sadistic, so as NOT to contradict himself or herself, he or she ought to have an X value as low as possible, less than 10, which gives a set of new equations as follows, where you can multiply base L by % of comprehension, to give you a NEW base for you to base the equation on: grade @ 10% comprehension @ L2.7 = {LN(either # of pages or books per unit of time as rest of the students)}^Y, where Y = ”root of X”, where Y = {(1d6 C2)/(your C2 @ 3d6)}, where base = 2.7*LOG10(10%) = 2.7*1 = 2.7; while, grade @ 100% comprehension @ gpa = [{LOG10(%)}/2] for L5 = {LOG[base 10 = from 2*5](either # of pages or books per unit of time as rest of the students)}^Y. L5 is usually reserved for 5th year of college study, although sometimes L can be @ 2 @ a doctorate level, such as for business majors, but be @ 3 for English, so it’s can of subjective: L for math is usually @ 1d6, which can go up to 2d6, depending on how complex, where this 2d6 is NOT C2, but “root of X” = 1/(Q), such as Q = (C#/(Nd6), or Q can be (C#-10), which when it’s C1, it means that maximum value for that society is @ C1, which is for modern society, but when it’s @ C2, such as medieval times, then C# is @ C2, but currently C# is @ C1, but C2 which is worst case scenario, in terms of modern times, since society has both less # of talented people as well as less understanding of the environment that he is in; but, in an ideal future, C# might be @ CA, requiring less work for the individual, in an ideal future, but that is impossible to use, since there is NO # in CA, which is alpha quantum unit, so the least Q can be is @ C1, for now, since I don’t know how I can use equation for @ CA, other than compute its TL value by trial & error, which doesn’t take too much effort, other than a few simple calculations. TL = {(C#-10)^(1/Y)}, where Y is a value as defined in terms of Fibonacci series, Yth # or the Yth Fibonacci #, with a modifier added to Y, to become the NEW Y, where the modifier is @ LOG10(% accuracy of TL), WHEN THE # IN C# IS @ 1 OR GREATER THAN 1, the equation or/and algorithm ought to work when C# is small, but this equation or/and algorithm is NOT error-proof, since it has to be modified when the starting C# is large, SINCE ALTHOUGH MATH CAN HANDLE ANY #, BUT LAWS OF PHYSICS HAVE CONSTRAINTS ON THEM & IS VERY FINITE, & PHYSICS IS NOT AS INFINITE AS MATH IS, WHY ADVANCED MATH LOOKS MORE gibberish than advanced physics, which is NOT to say that math is infinite, since math too, also, has finite properties, which are NOT as finite as it would be in physics or/and chemistry or/and related science; but, when C# is @ CA, then TL = {2*(CA-10)}, which is [2*R], where R = rating in Nobilis/Saga rpg; and, so on, but exact pattern you’d have to calculate to figure out when C# is greater than CA, such as CC, and so on to CZ, which is extreme, just as C26 is extreme, in the opposite direction, but the maximum value within either science or science-fiction or within reality is @ CA, while minimum value is uncertain, but Synnibar has its stats defined in terms of C4, while D&D & D20 is in terms of C3, which is in terms of C2, which is in terms of C1, and so on, which can go in either direction, where C0 is a neutral unitless unit, similar to the neutral unitless unit C in the ’86 MU TSR rpg, which lacked unit of magnitude, like most rpg lack units of magnitude, why/where I came up with C#, but I wouldn’t be surprised if all rpgs are based on my rpg HYBRID, if timeline of reality is a circular timeline, similar to the analogy of the movie Terminator, which advocated a circular timeline, where past & future events influence the present, which effect the past & the future, where I’m assuming that my rpg HYBRID, is center of all rpgs, where all rpgs are based on my rpg mechanics that of HYBRID, and some how they managed to get or/and borrow or/and steal my ideas from future & take it into the past, before I had chance to invent my ideas, which were independently created by me, myself, before I came across similar ideas in these other rpgs: THEY CAN EASILY DO THIS ACCORDING TO MAXWELL’S EQUATION OF TIME TRAVEL, ALLOWS ONE TO STEAL IDEAS FROM THE FUTURE & TAKE IT INTO THE PAST, WHICH WOULD THEN INFLUENCE THE FUTURE, WHICH WOULD ALLOW THE PAST TO BORROW THE IDEAS FROM THE FUTURE, CREATING A CIRCULAR TIMELINE, SIMILAR TO ANALOGY IN THE MOVIE TERMINATOR. AND, AS FOR HOW ONE COULD STEAL IDEAS FROM THE FUTURE, THERE ARE NUMBER OF WAYS, SUCH AS HAVE HAVING EXTRA POINTS, # OF EXTRA POINTS, DETERMINE HOW MUCH YOU MUCH YOU CAN STEAL, AND THE OTHER WAY IS NEGATIVE ENERGY, FOR THOSE YOU LACK THE EXTRA POINTS, BUT HAVE THE PERSONALITY OF GREED WITHOUT FEAR, ALLOWS ONE TO ACCUMALE NEGATIVE ENERGY, WHICH HAVE 2 PARTS, ONE IS PSYCOLOGICAL & THE OTHER PART IS PHYSICAL, WHICH SCIENCE CAN MIMIC IN THE FORM OF TECHNOLOGY TO ACCUMULATE NEGATIVE ENERGY, ONE SUCH WAY IS TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO CREATE OR/AND STORE ANTI-MATTER, WHICH IS A FORM OF NEGATIVE ENERGY, WHICH COMES IN COUNTLESS FORMS, AND IS ABOUT AS COMPLICATED AS KINETIC ENERGY, ALTHOUGH REQUIRING A LARGER STARTING VALUE, TO KICK START OR/AND JUMP START THE PROCESS, why bio-physics are researching into the matter to reduce the starting value by mixing biology into the equation or/and algorithm, although some Japanese science-fiction had or seem to have already figured this out & came up with the science-fiction storyline that of Godzilla, Gamara, & similar Gamara-like or Godzilla-like monsters, where they use this to have their powers & attributes, similar process is done for comic super-heroes and super-villains, to figure out how to lower the starting value to kick start the process, one such is cold fusion, which is difficult, for this reason, because it has a starting value which is outside the current bounds of technology. And, if you were to replace C2 for C# with CA, you’d get rating Nobilis/Saga @ (CA-10), is different & has nothing to do with this rule or/and equation. Or, if L can be credits per course, if courses were ideally numbered, but there’s too much politics with this, so it’s never an ideal #, which can be computed based on personal experience or its reputation, which is subjective based on person’s C2. The equation (W^Z) can be stated in # of weeks, to complete course, but to calculate its grade is already built into the equation, which has to be take apart, that being the equation, similar to way when white light is taken apart, giving your its colors. Rule # 548: The correct unit of time in Rule # 543 ought to be per month & NOT per semester, when using the variable L: I accidentally used per semester, which is the wrong unit of time in Rule # 543, where the correct unit of time ought to be per month, which in previous equations similar to that (in Rule # 543) the unit of time is per semester; but, I’m NOT sure the accuracy of the unit of time for these other equations, if it ought be per month or per semester, since I didn’t recheck it, for accuracy; so, I’m NOT sure how much off the results from those/these other equations might be, that are similar to Rule # 543, where for which I was wondering why my results were off by a factor of 3, and after rechecking my results & my calculations, I figure out that my results were off by factor of 3. So, the correct unit of time, when using the variable L, is per month, rather than per semester, but NOTE that you need to use L^L, & NOT just L, when computing for Rule # 543. But, when NOT using the variable L, the 0 (x, y) coordinates, so to speak, is @ L = 3; but, in a previous equation related to L, NOT sure if it is Rule # 543, the 0 (x, y) coordinates, so to speak, is @ L = 4, ex: physics. I’m NOT sure how large a rule the difference between binary logic & fuzzy logic is played in the deviation in/of results, which fluctuates @ 1d6 @ L = 3, why I made a small correction/modification to equation(s). Rule # 547: The # of types of people there are = (Z=12)*{{LOG10(# of years of evolution)}/3}, where Z = # of model types in the sci-fi tv series Battlestar Galactica, which reveals 4 of the 12 humanoid models. So, since there are 12 model types, then the story takes place 1,000 years into the future from present, since maxim TL is/seems to be @ 30 C1 ~ to year 3000. Rule # 546: NOTE that Rule # 545 & the rules that preceded it are/were/can be relevant to (meaning can be used in/for) WWI, such as for engineering skills. When I use the term “starting point”, I do NOT mean that is the # required for it, but as a minimum value. And, NOTE that C4 is used in Synnibar rpg, which most people are NOT aware that it uses C4, why Synnibar rpg might seem confusing, but if you note that D&D, Dungeons & Dragons, D20, D6, D12, D(3d6), & other rpgs that are similar to those, all of these rpgs, by for example, the maximum C1 DP in a D20 will be a 20 C1 DP or Default Psyche for the male character, but for a mutant human(oid) female character in terms of the 20 C1 DP male mutant humanoid character, which if was/were a man would have 20 points of Psyche in the ’86 MU TSR rpg, which adamentium is @ C3 while Havok’s energy blast is @ C2, the ’86 MU TSR rpg does NOT have a consistent unit of magnitude [to know exactly which C# to use, you need to have an intuitive knowledge of how much effort is needed to get a job done, in terms of bio-physics] for Psyche, which is sometimes in the C2 unit of magnitude without ever telling the readers such as for Odin, whose Psyche is in terms of C2 & NOT in terms of C1, which is a/my (unit of magnitude for point distribution of) C1 unit of magnitude which can then be converted to C3 after figuring out C2 unit of magnitude to calculate his total points, in terms of C3, IMPLIED IN THOSE RPGS, from this one can figure out Synnibar rpg & its various technologies, which are usually @ C4, although parts of Synnibar rpg is @ C3, but mostly @ C4, when its FTL, can be derived using the/my super simple recursive equation of X^LOG10(X) to compute C1, C2, C3, & C4 which are referred to as (@) C#, and the assumption that 8.5 TL which is 25.5 C1 PL = maximum TL @ C# @ or/and = 95 C2 PL by 1995 was maximum highest technology that USA or/and Russia had by 1995, most of it probably TOP SECRET, not referring to the Stealth fighter which isn’t that high a TL, since it requires only elementary physics & a knowledgeable chemist with background in physics, since it too, its TL level can be computed using {(C3)^2}, the equation for maximum velocity for TL, to compute TL of the American (USA) Stealth fighter, which was based on TL that of several decades before it was made, using Russian research, which just happen to be in public domain, which an American physicist came across, when asked to build the stealth fighter using/starting with a hexagon shape, chipped away until he had something that could fly with aerodynamic properties, but I’m digressing away from my FTL equation, which then there is a minimum range of 8 to 9 TL as starting point for FTL technology; &, by using my equation for force field and description of what TL 7, which comes out to 21 C1 PL which is 56 C2 PL that of highest USA or/and Russian technology in 1956, and since 7 TL is 21 C1 PL & by starting with the assumption that 9 TL which is 27 C1 PL by [3*9] is needed as starting point for FTL technology, then you can understand that NOT only Godzilla & Godzilla-like monsters (can) use equations [consciously or/and unconsciously] similar to this in/from my rpg HYBRID but you also can use these equation(s) to simulate their (mutant) powers or FTL technology, based on laws of relativity, which is incomplete, without this Rule # 546, which is such that you can use equation for maximum velocity for a spaceship (TL) to compute what C# is needed to create close to light speed velocity for a spaceship, including FTL, which is consistent with the equation, as well as with laws of physics, such as relativity, which creates illusion that there is a limit to maximum velocity, but this limit is made void by space or/and time being altered in the process to, in accordance to how much limit is imposed to maintain conservation of mass & energy: the equation being {(C3)^2} in mph: it’s how simple the equation is to compute maximum velocity for a spaceship (TL), where you can approach 99% speed of light @ 126 C2 PL, but is temporary, which can be made more permanent with C2 PL more than 126, the more C2 PL, the more permanent, meaning before the spaceship runs out of fuel, so to speak, why you’d want to [in this rpg, HYBRID] give the captain a DP or Default Psyche equal to the C2 PL, where the captain would psychically run the space-ship; although, the spaceship could run on tachyon residue stored to fuel the spaceship or have the tachyon residue embedded in some object, such as dilithium crystals, such as in Star Trek to create false impression that it was TL that ran the TL, sort of like the movie, Manchurian Candidate, where they had the microchip implanted into the brain of the Vice President, before he became the Vice President, by his mother/wife, NOT sure which she was, for she looked young enough to be his wife/mistress, but he called the woman his mother, which could have been a figure of speech, which was used in 19th century by some men to call their wife, mother, strange as it may seem, in the wild west in 19th century USA, which is full of oxymoron habits, cultures, & ideologies, such as creating the Monroe doctrine to take over the entire continent, then a century later use the Red Scare of Communists wanting to take over the world, which in fact the Communists were probably trying to fight the Monroe Doctrine, which was imperialist. But, getting back to my FTL equation of {(C3)^2} mph to compute your FTL for your spaceship, depending on its fuel reserve – probably using anti-matter or a psychic simulating its effect or instead using tachyon reside to create illusion of technology, such as in the rpg Mage the Ascension, which is combination of science & psychic powers, latter, referring to psychic powers is referred to as a supernatural power(s) or/and source of power(s). Rule # 545: L is difficulty level on a 1d6 scale, which can be derived by changing C# @ C2 in the length equation in ft. for animals to C# @ C3 to compute college credit load @ some difficulty level @ a particular % grade: both being @ [{(C#)^2}/10]: result can be either {L^L} or/& a 2 dimensional array representing credits & X, latter X used to compute % or/and grade, by %, grade, = {100*(1 – 1/X)} @ Y credits, which this Y variable is NOT the same Y variable in next equation; but, credit 1 represents 1 course, which represents 1d6 courses, depending on how lucky or/& unlucky you are, may represent any # of your (other) attributes. Next, the L on top of the ratio, in algorithm below, is you, while L on the bottom of the ratio is your competition: this is similar to but isn’t a dy/dx, but is similar to it, where think of dx as a woman for the X chromosome, independent variable, and dy as a man, the dependent variable, as an analogy. So, then, when I say the following, I’m jumping a bit ahead of myself: X = {(# of credits)*(gpa)} = C3, which has accurate range of {(L/L)*X}, which is worst case scenario to {X^(L/L)}, which is best case scenario: this can also be viewed or/and restated (IN TERMS OF @ C2, in terms of # of credits, without taking gpa into account, per unit of time, which is usually per semester or/and per year) as X = 10^[{(Nd6)/(1d6)} – Y], where Y = 1d6 = level of interest in the subject matter, where higher the # for Y, the less interest in the subject matter, NOT referring to the female X chromosome, but getting back to what I was saying, for Y, where % of lack of interest = {100*(1-1/Y)}, where % of lack of interest = 50% @ Y = 2: this equation is reduced/simplified to C2 credits per semester or/and per year, depending, when attempting to maximize; and, since most people are @ ~ or/and proportional to their C2 in terms of # of credits / semester: this may be or/& seem trivial, although one might be interested in the arithmetic aspect of how one gets to being @ C2 based on his credit load & gpa & level of difficulty in terms of his/her courses, where if her, then she’d be proportional to her ideal male match, meaning from a male perspective from that of her ideal male match, when computing her credit load, gpa, & level of difficulty in her courses. This Rule # 545 serves as an example for Rule # 544. To begin, start with the very simple foundation of my rpg HYBRID is based on 2 equations: major equation [X^LOG10(X)] @ C#, magnitude USUALLY used for point distribution, [BUT CAN ALSO FUNCTION IN SIMILAR MANNER AS ITS MINOR SIBLING EQUATION], and its minor sibling, [X^LN(X)], which usually used for various types of input & output, most COINCIDENTLY & notably USED FOR Body for Body stat of Champions / Hero, where it fluctuates between a factor of 50% to 100% to 200%, within that range. Next, the DP stat is similar to center of a circle, while LS or Life Span & PL or Power Level stat are like 2 foci that of an ellipse. The central stat DP stands for Default Psyche. Then, start with the assumption that the average professor is @ 16 C2 DP or 28.18 C3 DP @: 4 ABMS or 4 Average Body Mind Soul of BESM rpg. To figure out, understand, or/and solve differential equation(s), by someone with little or/and no math aptitude, one needs to pace himself, properly, meaning using his time efficiently in a way that he isn’t demoralized into giving up which can happened to someone with only a few points to play with. To maintain his motivation, he (consciously or/and unconsciously or/& by Negative Energy) needs to keep in mind and to know his limitation(s), which after assuming that someone @ IQ of 138 by [10*C1] be @ 50 C3 DP [{C2=C1^LOG10(C1)}^{LOG10{C2=C1^LOG10(C1)}}] by X^LOG10(X): academic limitation(s) can be computed by (50^2)/10 = 2,500/10 = 250, which is then divided by 2 to get 250/2 = 125, which is changed into a 2 dimensional matrix, which doesn’t have your normal matrix properties, but since it looks like a matrix, why I use the term matrix, which you divide into 2 component, which you may call the X & Y component, the product of which is 125; so, you take the square root of 125, giving you 125^(1/2) = 11 courses that you ought to be able to take for that year, if you start with 50 C3 Default Psyche; and, the reason you used the exponent 2, was because you used 2 major columns, which in a much previous set of rules. You divide by 2 since you are (assumed to be) using 2 of the 3 semester during that year. And, by the way, NOTE that the “Level” stat in Aberrant rpg is similar to “Level” stat in FATAL rpg: both are [DP/10] @ C#, where C# = C2. And, the 3 rpgs that have similar rpg mechanics to that my rpg are: BESM, Aberrant, & Champions/Hero; although, there are more than several other rpgs that use similar magnitudes for point distribution that of my rpg, HYBRID, which uses C#, which allows variety of magnitudes for point distribution, ranging from C3, which is commonly used in rpgs, such as Dragonball-Z, to: [CA-10], used in Nobilis rpg. The key to figuring the most complicated rpg that I’ve come across that being Champions/Hero, which COINCIDENTLY USES ALMOST SAME RPG MECHANICS THAT OF MY RPG BUT SEEMS TO BE PARAPHRASED ON A MOST COMPLICATED WAY RATHER THAN IN A SIMPLE WAY WHICH MY RPG HYBRID ADVOCATES SIMPLICITY RATHER THAN COMPLEXITY, WHICH IN HERO / CHAMPIONS, can be reduced to simplicity by focusing on the END, INT, & EGO, which is ~ or/and proportional to Body, Mind, & Soul stat that of BESM rpg, which is proportional to Life Span, Default Psyche, & Power Level that of my rpg, HYBRID, which is NOT exactly in that a simple terms as I’ve stated, but it is almost what I’ve just stated, but there are some finer details, but getting back to what I was saying that being Aberrant rpg, also, has a Tri-Stat system, similar to my rpg, HYBRID, which, also, has/USES a Tri-Stat System, independently discovered without any outside resource(s) & COINCIDENTLY SIMILAR TO but slightly different from ABERRANT, which is inferior to my rpg, HYBRID’s Tri-Stat system, in my opinion, and also my Tri-Stat system is superior to that of BESM, and CHAMPIONS/HERO, WHICH ARE COINCIDENLTY SIMILAR TO MY RPG HYBRID, which is @ its CORE is similar to but slightly different to Aberrant’s (Quantum) Level & (Quantum) Minimum, which latter, referring to the stat “Minimum” is NOT what it claim to be, but a fluctuating with fluctuating properties ranging from Body to Soul, which in more simple terms is simply either [+/- “Minimum” + Level] or @ Minimum, which = end result of [(some #) + Level], where it’s ironic that I use the term “end result”, which is what happens in Champions / Hero, using slightly different arithmetic computation to get @ the same basic “end result”, after manipulating Level, which COINCIDENTLY would be simply or/and similar to the stat Default Psyche in my rpg, HYBRID, where Level = [(DP)/10] @ C#, where C# = C2, which can sometimes be @ C1, & other times @ C3. REFER TO Rule # 3 & 6, for detailed explanation for how they are similar, but in case you can not find it: it’s point manipulation. And, as to what C2 is, it’s what you get by/with the computation (20 C1)^LOG10(20 C1) = 49.28 C2, which is what D20 is based on 20 points of Psyche that of the ’86 MU TSR rpg, although it’s psyche stat is NOT consistent, but it is consistent enough to state it @ C1, but few times it is @ C2, and @ other times it’s @ difference, which is what you’re left with rather than what you start with. Rule # 544: This rule is a simplification of Rule # 543, which is simplification of several previous rules from various parts of my/this rpg, HYBRID. In this rule, if # of college course that are taken are similar to each other, it can act as if you’re taking only 1 rather than more than 1: this is similar principle used in probability field(s), imho, as well as cloning technology, using same principle. Keep in mind to reduce result FROM ratio in algorithm in next sentence to maximize efficiency in getting the best grade for college course(s) for that time unit, for average is semester, to maximize one’s potential for that subject matter, based on the observation that the velocity equation in mph for TL seems to be proportional to # of college a person can take based on # of points that he has, where you can use the ratio, {(C3)^2}/{(C3)^2} to figure out # of courses that he’ll be able to finish: his maximum potential can be determined depending on 2 factors: for this think of dy/dx, which serves as an analogy for this: his C3 be in the top part of the fraction, while his competition will/ought to be in the bottom part of the fraction, but when reverse this: you end up with a (major) delay in completing the course(s) or/and getting less that what you’d like to get, in terms of a grade, giving # of courses for him, IF your C3 is less or/and significantly less than the competition. The {(C3)^2} is also maximum velocity in mph for TL. Those with the fewest # of points, this rule can be rewritten in following 3 ways: depending on how fair or/and unfair his professor is, as well as the difficulty level of the book assigned by professor: grade, %, = 100*{1-1/(X^R)}, where notice that when R = 1, the equation changes to grade, %, = 100*{1-1/X}, where R = rating, where X = # of units of time, when R = 1 for most unfair, but the same equation for math @ R = 0.5 changes the equation to grade, %, = 100*{1-1/(X^.5)}, where R @ 0.5 is more than unfair, but keep in mind that this is for someone with few points, so this equation becomes diluted with more the person has, example for which is in Rule # 545, simplified version of Rule # 543, where after assuming its 0 coordinate is @ L = 4, where L = Difficulty Level 4 @ R = 1, such as physics, where if L = 5 rather than 4, then change exponent from [^2] to [^(1/2)], if (@ R = 1 for most unfair, then use time unit # of years), next: (@ R = 2 for fair, such as @ L = 3, then use time unit # of months), & (@ R = 3 for too fair that it almost seems like cheating, such as @ L = 2, then use time unit # of weeks) for/of how fair the course, professor, & the books are or/& seem to be, and do not confuse R with the variable L in the previous equation in Rule # 543, which work on similar principles, but is a different way of looking @ and solving the same problem as in this Rule # 544, to determine # of courses one ought to take, as well as difficulty level, as well % of success & grade. You can also use this to make a nuclear bomb @ price of a beer can: easier said than done to complete. ======== in terms of the amount of effort needed to get a job done using as few stat(s) as possible numbering within (3 +/- 1) with units of magnitude [C#] for point distribution @ C#, which is the main purpose of this rpg, which is to discuss my RPG HYBRID, where the simple recursive properties of my rpg is in some way or in an abstract way, similar to that of a fractal, but a fractal that acts as a role playing game, which would make my rpg, HYBRID, the first rpg that is both a fractal & an rpg. TO UNDERSTAND THIS RPG, THINK OF SOMEONE SOLVING OR NOT BEING ABLE TO SOLVE A RUBIK CUBE IS OR HAS PROPERTIES OR/AND CHARACTERITICS THAT OF A FRACTAL WITH ATTRACTORS: IF YOU CAN PICTURE THIS ABSTRACT ANALOGY, which works best for my rpg HYBRID, when C# is less than or/and greater than 10, which is analogous to value of 1 in the fractal world, in terms of how both work, but NOT directly or/and indirectly proportional, other than how small changes can make big impact, the butterfly effect. THEN YOU WILL BE BETTER ABLE TO UNDERSTAND MY INTERPRETATION(S), WHICH TRIES TO MIMIC REALITY, IN TERMS OF THE AMOUNT OF EFFORT NEEDED TO GET A JOB OR SOMETHING DONE, FOR my rpg was & is created TO BE EASY. AND, also, there will be NO links, since in previous version, where the several links (that I had put inside my rpg) slowed down my editing of this rpg to a pace of a snail, WHY the links were removed in this faster versions, with NO links. It’s 4% indecent & 96% decent. What this rpg HYBRID does is reveal how much effort is needed to get something done, or how many points is needed to get something done, although points in various forms from stats [ 3 +/- 1, different than those of GURPS, although the stats of GURPS [its 4 stats, although NOT directly used, but are in the background, like a shadow(s), but most of the time, these 4 stats DO NOT really do anything in this rpg, OTHER THAN serve as background, which in an abstract way is like a shadow; but, the significant & perhaps real substance of this rpg IS A completely DIFFERENT SET OF STATS, more fundamental & more basic & much more powerful in explaining reality, in my opinion ] to units of magnitude, which will be discussed later, less effort, the more points an object or/and person has, as well as the more points an object or/and person has, the more complex task that object or/and person can do, using the starting fundamental major equation X^LOG10(X), and its minor sibling equation X^LN(X), which reality in my rpg is based on, but @ the same time, more, which may ~ sound contradictory, but isn’t if you think about it: MEANING it works ~ similar to the work function, similar to your intro to physics. And, part of the focus will be to create an equation or/and algorithm to create a nuclear bomb @ the price of a beer can. So, IF I accidentally sound pretentious, then I ought to apologize, for I would NOT wish to sound NOR portray myself as pretentious as the person(s) that created the French Revolution, due to a # of factions [5 if you exclude the monarchy, and 6 if you include the monarchy, but the French monarchy was unaware of the power struggle until it was too late, during the 1790s, which was started in the 1780s, a microscopic version of the Nazi party during the 1930s, where the mass murder (a very evil & bad thing) took place, when only 1 in a thousand Jews were evil, a similar ratio where politicians get $1 for every $1,000 they steal from tax payers & give to the ultra-rich & their corporations & companies, while the rest (999 out of every 1,000 Jews before WWII) were innocent of being traitors, starting 1940, mass murder rather than weeding out the 0.1% that were evil, since the other 99.9% (of the Jews) were innocent, if you exclude their (Jewish) practice to circumscribe the male penis of its skin, which is about as bad as making anti-Semitic statements or/& commentary, but abortion is also bad, except in certain particular circumstances, excluding use of birth control pills, which are ok for women to use birth control pills, assuming she isn’t trying to be with every guy she can be with, sometimes for purpose of $, such as prostitution or/and its opposite abstinence to drive up the price for sex, (it seems most laws can be abused, IF one is NOT vigilant), THEN turning around & asking for (alimony or/and palimony or/and) child support from the guy that gets her pregnant is NOT right, especially IF she’s NOT planning to marry him or/AND if she isn’t loyal to a man, for she ought to be stuck with the expenses, if she can’t be loyal to a man, and the construction of the death camps probably began after 1936, but the % completion of such plans was ~ to the nuclear bomb technology being built in USA @ the time], where these competing factions, competing for power, and yes, one of the factions consisted of Jews, meaning the Jewish factions, probably wanting their loans paid off, which the French monarchy bankrupted themselves trying to pay for the American Revolution, which was probably financed by the Jewish faction wanted democracy, NOT for freedom, but for purpose of corrupting/hiring politicians, which are easier to corrupt, and divert freedom, toward a police state, which would (they’d like to) eventually (they wish) be run by the Jewish factions, which is mainly concerned about $ & banking & media, which they advocate to create controversy then reduce freedom of press if/when it looks like things are NOT going their way, as always, NOT to be NOR portray myself as anti-Semitic, since I like the language, but NOT its parts of its culture, which seem to play too much importance on $, banking, & control of the media, (they) seem to be center of some sort of conspiracy, including in Russia a century later, towards the end of the 19th century & start of the 20th century, their influence seem to be everywhere for a small minority seem to rule quarter of the planet by $ & banking & media, where the commoners were pawns, causing a power struggle, but whether the people choose to have a democratic dictatorship or monarchy by a royal bloodline or a combination of the two, either way, you will/would still have some sort of dictatorship, consisting of some sort of the feudal system, which is difficult to get rid of, but I’m digressing on to some off-topic. But, ONE (big) question I haven’t been able to answer is that: are people able to come up with same or similar idea(s) on their own or must it be connected somehow, for Dr Doom in “Dr Doom 2099” MU issue said that there is NO such thing as chance or coincidence, which is what probability theory depends on, coincidence, so THEN the MU Dr Doom must NOT believe in probability, meaning that (almost) NO event is disconnected NO matter how remote, the process of discovering or the discovering process: does it create a circular timeline, and how circular is/are (our) timeline(s), and how much can it deviate from what is predestined, and does reality try to create a destiny for itself, even if it means to create a circular timeline. I answer these questions by noticing similarities in my ideas & ideas of others. A good example of my ideas [WHAT SEEM TO BE] being paraphrased & perhaps stolen [ALTHOUGH I COULD WRONG, IF IT IS A COINCIDENCE] before I have chance to discover it is that part of Champions/Hero where it say to spend End to reduce cost of powers SEEM TO BE paraphrased form of my rpg mechanic based on my Rule # 3 & 6, which I came with 1st before I READ OR/AND discovered this rule (OF MINE) being (IT SEEMS OR SEEM TO BE) paraphrased by Champions & Hero, ALTHOUGH IT COULD BE A COINCIDENCE, BUT THERE ARE COINCIDENCES IN DOZEN DIFFERENT RPGS SEEM TO BE LIKE PATCHWORK OF MY RPG, FRAGMENTS OF MY RPG, LIKE A GIANT JIGSAW PUZZLE, THE WHOLE PUZZLE BEING SOMETHING SIMILAR TO MY (INCOMPLETE) RPG, HYBRID. My stat LS or Life Span is referred to as END in Champions & Hero, while it’s referred to as Body stat in BESM rpg. At 1st, I wasn’t impressed by the END stat, which I read about AFTER I discovered or created a similar version of it using my LS or Life Span stat; but, the way END was defined, it wasn’t impressing, and I went about working on my LS stat, only to later discover that Champions (seem to have) used a variant version of my rules using the END stat before I discovered it, in the form of LS or Life Span; and, @ the time, before I discovering it independently, but only to discover that a variant version of my rules was already being used by Champions/Hero, which SEEM TO HAVE (it seems, due to the similarity, if one were to analyze it & my rpg, which is superior to Champions/Hero, which is flawed, in my opinion, as are most rpgs, which seem like fragment(s) of my rpg, HYBRID, which by pure coincidence is or/and seem to be entirety of all the best rpgs, by pure coincidence, unless it’s more than mere coincidence, but then I’d be theorizing reasons for it, and explanation(s) are beyond any average scientific explanation, but NOT necessarily impossible, but might sound like science-fiction, as for the similarities between these dozen rpgs & my INCOMPLETE rpg HYBRID) (OR IT’S A COINCIDENCE THAT IT SEEM TO BE) paraphrased (version of) my ideas in such a complicated way, that I @ 1st assumed it was a different concept, until it occurred to me one day, that it was or seem to be based on my idea of Rule # 3 & 6; so, figuratively speaking / meaning: I didn’t think anything of END, when I 1st read my 1st rpg the ’86 MU TSR rpg, why I came up with the LS or Life Span stat, but only to discover that a variant version of my LS stat was ALREADY discovered in Champions / Hero rpg as END, until recently, I noticed similarity between it & my LS stat, when it came to point manipulation to increase (certain aspect of) points [points that I refer to as/for PL or Power Level in my rpg], that part of my rpg is, sometimes, referred to as Active Points in Champions / Hero, that part of that rpg, PL, is referred to as Soul Stat in BESM rpg to generate powers. IF it was Dr Doom, he might think: someone was using or/and stealing his ideas. So, is my rpg may be result of some missing points, NOT sure if it (my discovering process) is like the effects of the Green Goblin’s missing 1 ABMS, meaning the movie (by Stan Lee) tries to implies 2 things that the Green Goblin is @ 6 ABMS, but it also implies that he is @ 7 ABMS, but Spiderman is @ 7 ABMS and won, which should have ended in stalemate, so the Green Goblin used inefficiently his last one ABMS, referring to his ABMS between 6 & 7, points inefficiently used by the Green Goblin, what the audience might think of as schizophrenia, but it as really a time travel power stunt on part of the Green Goblin is possible if he was @ 7 ABMS; ELSE, he’d have to reduce his human alter ego to 5 ABMS to create that same effect of schizophrenia, with the Green Goblin having 6 ABMS: do(es) NOT mean to imply that anyone with schizophrenia as a missing 1 ABMS, but to explain the MU character the Green Goblin; but, according to my math equation, I seem to be missing 1 ABMS, referring to my ideas showing up everywhere BEFORE I have a chance to discover them, trying to figure out how or/and why or if it’s just a mere CHANCE/coincidence or series of coincidences, probability; but, do NOT confuse this with boy version of Dr Doom during Secret War 3 or 4, when the boy Dr Doom was 1 unit less than the real Dr Doom, so whatever C1 DP the real Dr Doom was @, then the boy Dr Doom was @ C2 DP: but, as I was saying earlier, NOT sure, and I don’t know if it’s destiny or what, but my rpg is best, and my ideas are appearing everywhere, especially in rpgs, but NOT limited to there, or it could be a coincidence or series of coincidences, like probability field(s) is what I notice. Before you call or think of my diatribes as nonsense or that of a pretentious gamer, read articles on Maxwell’s equation of time travel to get a better glimpse into what likely & how it’s likely, although the PLOT behind most Godzilla movie is Einstein’s relativity [NOT referring to the atomic bomb, which is only a very tiny fragment of it, but FTL, to be more exact near light speed, where velocity is @ maximum value of [(C3)^2] in mph for object @ size C3, which can sometimes be replaced by C#, depending on how you define the parameters of the object & its points], although most of the audience isn’t aware of it, far as I know, since they are/seem too busy memorizing rpg rules, like a computer, without understanding what is it they are memorizing; and, I’m NOT sure if Einstein’s theory is even original; but, If you read Maxwell’s equation of time travel or the various interpretation(s) of it, which involves radio waves & electrons & the electromagnetic spectrum as well as perhaps gravity, will help you understand the nature of my diatribes, EXCLUDING my anti-feminist stance but rather REFERRING TO my rpg mechanics, which SEEM TO BE paraphrased by others & published BEFORE I discover them, and MAYBE because of it I notice coincidences of my ideas appearing everywhere, is result of noticing coincidences of my ideas appearing in places. My rpg, my incomplete rpg, is so great, that it seem people (including various rpgs, it seems, as just when I invent/create/discover an idea, it’s already been (parts of it, my idea(s)) paraphrased and appeared somewhere else, in some form or another) go out of their way to steal my ideas BEFORE I discover them, or it’s a coincidence that my ideas pop up everywhere I look & read. The only thing better than my rpg is sex with a spouse/lover. I’m NO good in math, but I have lots of good ideas. I read somewhere that before reality was created, reality scanned itself of various alternate futures, and picked one, which is ours: this one, seem to be, PARTS OF IT, WHY I say that my rpg is incomplete, greatly incomplete, SEEM TO BE PARTLY based according to my ideas, but why would (FRACTION OF) reality pick my ideas, when I’m NO good in math. I do NOT mean to sound in any way pretentious NOR be pretentious, but my rpg is the best rpg in the world, although greatly incomplete, and although I now say it’s 24.8% complete, it’s lot more incomplete than that, but since my host wants the % to increase, but I try to decrease % whenever I can, since my rpg is greatly incomplete, and my rpg HYBRID won't be finished in my lifetime, since I'm NO good in math, AND MY INTUTION CAN ONLY TAKE ME SO FAR IN DISCOVERING LAWS OF PHYSICS WITHOUT ANY MATH, SINCE I'M NO GOOD IN MATH, BUT GOT A GOOD INTUITION, WHICH ISN'T ALL THAT GREAT, SINCE I HAVE ONLY FEW POINTS, SO IT'S VERY LIMITED, EVEN IF IT'S ACCURATE, but parts of my rpg is similar to other rpgs, as if they (DOZENS OF PEOPLE IT SEEMS TO HAVE) stole(N) ideas from me before I discovered them, meaning I’m assuming this timeline is circular, partly circular, but NOT entirely NOR completely circular, like in time travel movies, which seem to have taken my idea(s) or parts of my idea(s) before I (had chance to) discovered it/them, referring to my ideas, which seem to appear everywhere, especially in rpgs, including naming of military weapons, unless the people who name them name them based on my C3 unit, which is points used in Dungeons & Dragons, which on a C1 scale would be your D20, which @ C2 is your points in Primal Order rpg: it seems, or how else could my ideas appear in them, but it could be a coincidence or a series of coincidences, but then few people say that my ideas are NO good, then turn around and use them: when I see that I feel like the 3 stooges, wondering what's going on. THE DISCLAIMER: Anything you find offensive in my RPG is NOT directed @ anyone; tries to be accurate. And, also, any similarity in my RPG and in any other is by pure coincidence, such as 69 & 96 symbols. The following 2 links below should take you somewhere else in my RPG, which is (3/4) INCOMPLETE. And, do NOT OR try NOT to be offended by my diatribes, which are throughout my INCOMPLETE RPG HYBRID – THE MOST SIMPLE & BEST RPG, which I update whenever I can find a more efficient way of doing things that is theoretical, but without changing any of the original premises, which are assumed to be correct, although there is always the possibility that a tiny fraction of my rules are faulty or/and in need of correction, such as accidentally writing X-Y rather than Y-X. And, this FREE rpg of mine HYBRID contains 4% offensive material, which might be offensive to some people, but its 96% descent. The Version # will temporarily go down to V 0.21, since it – my rpg HYBRID – is currently @ 2.1 Megabytes long, and then up later, as the size of this rpg grows slowly over time, which for the time being seemed to have reached its peak @ Rule # 543. What I write here is meant as material for science-fiction rpg, HYBRID. And, my rpg HYBRID is NOT based on other rpgs, but fragments of my rpg will seem or appear similar to other rpgs, but when that happens it’s by pure coincidence, but the/THIS greatest rpg (in my opinion) is my rpg HYBRID, based on X^LOG10(X) @ C#, which is 1 of a dozen equations, each as important as the other. And, when I notice an (small) error in my rpg or/and find a more efficient way of handling something, it does NOT mean that my rpg is faulty, but means that my rpg is INCOMPLETE, and needs more work & fine tuning, but far from being complete. The Version # will be [{(year-1990+/-3)^(1/(1d6 = 3))}/10]: 1d6 was = 2. The Version # will be [(its memory in Megabytes)/10] = (Mega/10). IF & IF all police had the morals & ethics of Captain America, then the police would get lot more respect, but often I see on tv is police acting as thugs, imho, which now sometimes even includes animal cops, who sometimes unfairly seize animals. They ought to be stopping the making & selling of most kinds of candies [which is different from pastry, which contain much LESS sugar than candies, but still contain sugar, which ought to be avoided by the consumer(s), except in rare circumstances, such as on birthday, if they choose to buy & eat a cake, which ought to contain LESS sugar or/and ought to be diluted with more or/and excess flour, diluting the sugar in the cake, which usually contains excess sugar, since excess sugar is NOT something anyone ought to promote, which is often promoted by candy companies & manufacturers, most of which is harmful or (ought to be) closing down stores or/& factories that sell/promote candies, such as those that they promote for children which seem like child abuse (if children are consumers of these candies, with NO label that it’s harmful, but they label tobacco as being harmful, but tobacco (harmful, but) is LESS harmful than candies), which they have no problem over but cry foul for other forms of child abuse, but seem to have no problem for this kind of child abuse by feeding them excess sugar, which is form of child abuse, imho; but, what do they do instead, the police harass people: rein of terror is what it is in some of the cases, such as few of the recent episodes of animal cops aren’t even abuse cases, but these poor person(s) get fined & imprisoned, where in one such case, one woman (NOT sure how sane she is) decides throw her husband out & live with her dog, which get thrown out by her husband, who gets charged with animal cruelty, where the woman/wife ought to be charged with adultery with a dog, but the guy (her husband) gets arrested for animal cruelty, where only in this PARTLY insane country that is called USA can something stupid like that would or/and likely to happen, which if that isn’t case for abuse of power & police state, then I don’t want is. Although animal may possess some human characteristics, they’re still NOT human, which some animal fanatics do NOT seem to realize, and spend so much (excess) $ on (an) animal(s), that it is/might seem unbelievable. And, although I may be digressing from discussing my rpg, but in my opinion, people need to draw a clear line between rights of animals & humanoid life-forms, which are anything that is humanoid in nature has or ought to have more rights than anything that isn’t humanoid, NOT that animals ought to be mistreated, NO, but they aren’t humans, either. THE BILL OF RIGHTS IN THE US CONSTITUTION WAS CREATED FOR HUMANS & NOT FOR ANIMALS! And, sometimes, NOT always, but sometimes, these animal cops seem like animal fanatics, just like cops on tv episodes of cops, sometimes, NOT always, but sometimes, seem like fanatics, violating civil rights (of humans). And, cops or/& government, ought to, in my opinion, be putting an end to the (excesses in the) sugar industry, & what about all the illegal immigrants, NOT that it’s a bad thing, regarding illegal immigration, considering the lands of USA were stolen from others, so I don’t really don’t know what to think about these illegal immigrants from Mexico in the tens of millions, NOT sure what to think of their illegal immigration, since it seems condoned, as long as it’s Mexicans, for purpose of cheap labor, but THEN that same right, of immigration, ought to be given to other(s) (nationals), as well, to be fair, (why not then) create open borders, for all countries, NOT just the Mexican-USA border, but I’m digressing again, but they ought to be honest about what they’re doing or/and plan to do, RATHER THAN TRYING TO ARREST EVERY PERSON(S) THAT WANTS TO SMOKE marijuana, NOT THAT I HAVE, WHICH I HAVE NOT, ALTHOUGH I WAS ASKED TO ONCE, BUT CHOSE NOT TO DO SO, SINCE IT WAS ILLEGAL, CHOSE NOT TO DO SO, (I’M (SEEM TO BE)) TOO COWARDLY TO REBEL AGAINST THE POLICE STATE: effort would/seem to be total waste of resources, as well as total abuse of power by the AMERICAN (USA, WHICH HAS BEEN HEADED FOR POLICE STATE, SINCE IT (USA) GOT ITS INDEPENDENCE FROM THE BRITISH EMPIRE, IT SEEMS THAT THE FEUDAL SYSTEM HAS NOT GONE AWAY) government! &, NOTE that that the sugar in my brownie recipe is NOT good for you is a disclaimer, since excess sugar is harmful, bad as any illegal drug out there, but why sugar is legal (which) is a mystery, but NOT a complete mystery, for there is lot of corruption in government, which is bribed by the sugar industry to keep it legal; &, making of brownies can be diluted with some or lots of extra flour. And, also, MAYBE, regarding my next comment, which I don’t belief, since I think we’re still living in a feudal system, but we just don’t know it because most people are brainwashed, but reality is OFTEN opposite of what we’re told, although trolls like to create false arguments which they can win; but, getting back to my next comment, which I don’t believe, since I think we’re still living in a feudal system, but as to why I made the comment, NOT sure; but, getting back to my next comment. The only thing keeping the American government & its police from being as bad as the Nazi: prevention is the US Constitution, in the absence of good leadership, but in the presence of good leadership, you don’t need the US Constitution, which is only required in the absence of good leadership, which would imply that US government doesn’t trust itself: if its needs the USA Constitution to function properly which is a pretty fine/thin line between good and evil, which both, the former & the latter, are symptoms of probability field(s). But, what is or are probability field(s)? Why do I mention this in a role playing game? I’m NOT an expert in probability field(s), which I only know the fundamental principle that a likely event will likely happen, but there is NO guarantee that it will happen; and, vice versa, where an unlikely event will unlikely happen, but there is NO guarantee that it will NOT happen: such as for example, the US wanted to nuke South East Asia, for trying to turn Communist, since the American merchant class like to maximize their profit & Communism [mentioned by Nostradamus] & other forms of socialism interferes with that, including the US Constitution interferes with monopoly of power, why the merchant class likes to bypass the US Constitution, since it would reduce profit, but US never got the opportunity to nuke South East Asia, due to the interference from China, which wasn’t much of a threat to US; but, China was back by Russia, which was a threat to USA: a similar scenario, except on the USA side took place before the Gulf War, where Kuwait was backed by USA, why Kuwait was emboldened to piss off Iraq, why Iraq declared war on Kuwait, which was part of Iraq until 1899, but was split by Britain for purpose of getting its oil: the stratagem of divide & conquer, which USA likes to often do by starting civil wars in other countries, HALF the planet was/is victim of USA imperialism, which you won’t hear about it in the news, such as (in the 20th century) the recent Yugoslavian civil war(s) was financed by some greedy rich guy(s)((a) billionaire guy(s) in USA, who wanted to collect more Negative Energy, with help form his lackey friends, also, rich, but not as rich, probably in the millionaire & LESS status range, but clandestinely participated, to make the country & its government unstable to buy up properties @ cheap price) who wanted the valuable mines in Yugoslavia, which didn’t want to sell it to him, but he tried to take it by force by starting a civil war there, hoping he could (secretly) set up a puppet government which would sell him the (mineral or whatever was it that was worth billions of $) mines which he wanted to buy: the same kind of scenario that the federation in Star Trek likes to often do to get their dilethium crystals: amazing coincidence(s) or/and similarities. And, the 2nd (false) aspect of probability field(s) [which is really (just an) inaccurate explanation of the actual cause, whatever that might be, since I’m NO expert; but,] is that it (we’re told, like everything else we’re told to believe) governs laws of physics & chemistry which we’ve been brainwashed to think & believe is governed by laws of chance & probability, sort of like every other theory that preceded it, only to have it recanted, later. And, well, lot of people want to role play a super hero, but don’t have the foggiest clue as to what a super hero is or about. Most comic/cartoon super heroes pretend to be a super hero, imho, with ulterior motive(s), or out right commit crimes, then solve it [in a similar manner of the USA government, which is rarely ever questioned for its acts, since most people are too patriotic [which for some people is like a drug, and has little to do with either common sense or/and morality] to question the morality of its government] just to be popular or put out the competition, which is I would NOT call being heroic but more like acts of villainy, NOR make any politically incorrect commentary or/& statements, since it’s in a forum format, regarding rpgs, usually in the same culture as majority rule which isn’t role playing, but (perhaps) (a) form of masturbation, in my opinion. Then, when people attempt to actually role pay a role playing game, some of them act like they’re in an opium den; while, others hack and slash in politically correct manner @ politically correct foes (that they would in the real world) or/and sit around and either make idle chit chat or have romance or/and sex, while in the real world they may have an actual spouse or sexual partner which might NOT be the person they are role playing romance or sex on the internet which I would NOT advocate it/that since that might be adultery, NOR group sex, mild form of which going to a nigh club & dancing with your lover, and I would NOT condone sharing partners, even the thought of it is repugnant, as to the role playing aspect, but do not actually do any [even in a pretend world] crime fighting, even in an imaginary world; but, seem interested in only having (super) powers or positions of status, like being members of the Avengers, or try to be slightly more than ordinary, but NOT actually do anything, in terms of crime fighting, which in itself is or/and may be very subjective, often abused by those with power(s), by the very people whom they trust, but sometimes I’d blame the citizens, since it is citizens that put those people in power. So, what is role playing? But, NOTE that MOST MALE members of the Justice League are evil, including Superman & Spiderman, & have better PR than the villains. And, do NOT forget that Stan Lee starting working for DC before Marvel: it’s a experiment by Stan Lee (in my opinion) to see if the unwary audience can detect super villains, to see if anyone can be brainwashed, by dividing super villains into 2 categories, honest super-villains & dishonest super villains, the latter dishonest super villains would be super heroes, with a better PR, in a similar manner that the citizens of the Nazi government did its citizens, except in a more clandestine way: for Stan Lee is very sneaky: the 2nd part of the experiment is to show how Doppler Effect & Resonance Theory can be used to generate mutant power(s) by “difference, if there is potential for it, then by Rule 3 & Rule # 6” & manipulating quantum field(s). You will notice a similar pattern (in my opinion) created by Steve Long except on a much smaller scale, except he doesn’t say that Hero rpg is based on D20, which is based on 20 point Psyche in/from the ’86 MU TSR rpg, which is missing a units of magnitude, which I’ve created, such as the @ 20 C1 DP & my Tri-Stat system, @ about the same time as BESM, towards end of the 1990s, a race which I didn’t win, but I think my rpg was & is superior to that of BESM, but except BESM rpg published it before me, although I came up with my Tri-Stat system on my own, independently without any outside resource, just as I’ve discovered equation for velocity for TL flight by [(C3 PL)^2], in m.p.h, and many other equations. My Tri-Stat system is based on Life Span, Default Psyche, and Power Level, which I refer to as LS, DP, and PL, which is part of the CORE foundation of my rpg, along with the equation X^LOG10(X), which partly governs point manipulation, by juxtaposing it with conservation of mass & energy using arithmetic operations on LS and PL, both start off @ default, sort of like a center of a circle, which change to foci of an ellipse, where LS and PL are like a pair of wings, which likewise in reality start off @ default, but branch off when put into flight. The 2nd major equation is X^LN(X), rarely ever used, but is used on for something for which I had no term of it, but later I would refer to it as BODY, for lack of a better term, but a term from Hero rpg, and NOT the term in BESM rpg, & is also used on work output, such as in terms of mass of a bridge or volts. My LS stat is close to being similar to the Body stat in BESM rpg, but I did NOT get idea from BESM rpg: THE similarities are pure coincidences, such as my C3 unit which come out to total for in several(7) rpgs, such as in Yu-Gi-Oh, which is @ C3 PL, while creators of the monsters, psychic kids with the pieces of the millennium puzzle @ Default Psyche, but can also be @ Power Level, but @ cost of reducing his Life Span. About my RPG HYBRID: It assumes that reality tries to reveal itself. About the Author: I’m trying to find an easy way to make sense out of gibberish that is found in many advanced math books, by Rule # 369. And, use that to understand science-fiction that of MU & Dr Who. Rule # 543: Make sure to use month as the unit of time rather than per semester, in this rule, when using the variable L: which is a slight modification to this rule to previous version of the same rule, where the unit of time was per semester, which was giving me results, which were off by a factor of 3, @ 1d6, WHICH STARTS OFF AS A SMALL DEVIATION, BUT WHEN L INCREASES, THE DEVIATION INCREASES TO A FACTOR OF 12, @ 2d6: to correct it, all one needs to do is change the unit of time to per month to get correct accurate results, when using the variable L. I’m NOT sure how large a rule the difference between binary logic & fuzzy logic is played in the deviation in/of results: will make sense if you meditate @ it for a minute. The Difficulty Level or L = {(Nd6)/(1d6)} @ C2, assuming there is no cheating going on, by that I mean you don’t have hidden points, but proportional to your COM, then he’d need to be @ 24 C2 DP to be @ L = 4, but this requirement is decreased when he has hidden points such as either by Negative Energy [which is (excess) greed without or with little fear] OR/AND if his COM is less, requirement him to have less points than is necessary. To check the accuracy of this statement, you do the following; but, I kind wander off for a moment, but if/when you finish reading this rule, by the time you get to reading the end of this rule, you’ll get a better understanding for the rule, which its main purpose to reveal the amount of effort needed to get a job done, even though it looks like I’m going off-topic. If I appear to be going off in a tangent to some off topic, skip that part the paragraph if it does NOT interest you. THIS RULE WILL CONSIST OF 2 (two) TYPES OF MATRIXES: unbiased and biased. So, THEN, the more dimensions you add on to the original unbiased matrix, the more biased it become: in other words, the larger the matrix becomes, the more biased it becomes. This is observed in both math & physics; and, it seems that (human) psychology seem to mimic reality of math & physics. I’ll be using these 2 types of matrixes, unbiased & biased, to create a rule, equation, or/and algorithm WHICH WILL CONSIST OF THE AMOUNT OF EFFORT AS WELL AS THE NUMBER OF POINTS NEEDED AS WELL AS HOW TO MANIPULATE ONE’S POINTS IN SUCH A WAY TO MAXIMIZE & MINIMIZE, meaning how to focus, which partly consist of NOT losing sight of one’s goals, INCLUDING THE AMOUNT OF EFFORT NEEDED IN THAT SUBJECT MATTER [OR HE/SHE MAY DIGRESS TO A DIFFERETN SUBJECT MATTER TO MAXIMIZE DIFFERENT KIND OF INTELLECTUAL SUBJECT MATTER], IN SUCH A WAY SO THAT PERSON(S) BE ABLE to create a nuclear bomb @ the price of a beer can, using, also, 2 of several(7) of my previous equations on IQ, where the equations that I’ll be using will consist of instruction(s) for point manipulation, which will involve the use of Rule # 3 & Rule # 6, which are 2 of the CORE RULES, used to create other rules & equations in this rpg of HYBRID. So, a 1x6 matrix will be less biased than a 6x6 matrix, where you need to remember regarding this rule that smaller the matrix the less biased it is and larger the matrix the more biased it is, which is slightly biased, but we’ll be assuming that this slightly biased matrix is unbiased, but it is NOT totally unbiased, but this 6x6 matrix will be the starting foundation, from where we’ll IMPLY [ BUT NOT DIRECTLY STATE ] a biased matrix of 6x6x6, which I’ll NOT be talking much about other than briefly which might seem like a diatribe, which if you wish to skip over, you may, and jump back to the unbiased matrix of 6x6, which is slightly biased, but NOT as biased as the 6x6x6 matrix. And, so, THEN, since this will be a matrix-like rule, meaning 6x6, @ 1d6, there should NOT be more than 36 chambers, @ 1d6, UNLESS the subject matter is biased or/and NOT uniform, tested to the (college) students, THEN THE SIZE OF MATRIX INCREASES FROM 6X6 TO 6X6X6, but the amount of effort needed does NOT increase, but remain the same, as if the matrix size was still @ 6x6, even though it has increased to 6x6x6. AND, I will momentarily digress after next statement. So, THEN, this will be a multi-dimensional rule. Within level of difficulty, ranging from 1 to 6, on a 1d6, there are 1d6 SUB-levels of difficulty in any subject matter that can be biased by TROLLS, prevalent in both genders, as well as some pets can be trolls, also, until you figure out reason for their abnormal behavior or/and use reward or/and punishment to alter their behavior, which may or/and may not work, depending on level of stubbornness, but we’ll be excluding pets, since they do NOT often seem intelligent, other than hunt, eat & procreate, which to some degree, humans, too, also, have similar attributes; and, although humans can sometimes display lack of intelligence by ignoring what seems to be common sense like believing in a false authority or/and religion, due to deception or/and fear or/and ignorance or/and being feeble minded, in terms of lack of independent will, such as history rewritten by the Emperor Constantine to hide that jesus was married & had a daughter, by vilifying her mother as a prostitute or/and something, which even if true, he must have had a good reason for it, maybe to absolve her of her sins or/and something, [but I seem to be digressing from discussing my rule on calculating # college courses @ what difficulty level one ought to take during a college semester, based on # of male points a person has access to, where women ought to be using male points or/and (from) the male perspective when using this rule to calculate # of college course she ought to be taking @ what/which difficulty level, but to momentarily digress, again], including obvious errors in books, often, believed by various BIASED professionals, and biased students or/and college professors, who write or/and believe in feminist dogma, without logic, same lack of logic is NOT kin to only feminist, for sometimes men, also, can be prone to the same LACK OF LOGIC, in the law enforcement, which have tendency to enforce law without any common sense, sometimes cross the line and violent civil rights, akin to committing mal-practice, THEN ought to suffer loss of employment in that area of work, but often they’re NOT disciplined, why NOT the law enforcement when/ for committing malpractice, answer being corruption is a huge problem, why democracy is both a blessing and a curse, and NOT always a good thing, but @ same time, prevent excess, sometimes, since the people do NOT always seem to know what an excess is, strangely; but, getting back to feminist being an extra 1d6 dimension to the 6x6 matrix, such as literature or liberal arts field, which is heavily infested with feminism, NOT that it’s a bad thing in all cases, but sometimes it can be a bad thing, why women tend to shy away from the sciences, since it has a natural barrier from becoming biased, and when they are attracted to the sciences it is NOT for the love of science but the money they can make from it, meaning they usually have an ulterior motive, so in a way, they have tendency to prostitute themselves, but in a way that is NOT noticeable, why men ought to always be on their guard, as to this so-called feminism & their desire for equality is another form of prostitution by feminists, and it has LITTLE to do with equality, for they (THE feminists) are using legal means get around moral rules & laws created by men, which they is getting in their way to make a profit, @ cost of destroying family values, all due to (human) females NOT using their right to vote in a responsible way, although NOT all women fall into this category, since some women are forced into it by the society created by the previous generation of feminists, who create inflation by excess greed; &, although men can also sometimes act as trolls by writing math in such a way that is easily NOT understandable to the general public, giving them (sort of) monopoly power, those with most # of points, a tendency to corrupt a subject matter is now becoming prevalent in the literature & liberal arts fields, which is heavily infested with feminism, why you rarely see a male student ever argue a matter, knowing it’s pointless & waste of time to argue, WITHIN 6 & each MINI/SUB-chambers: WITH 1 being most difficult, followed by 2, less difficult than if @ 1, & so on up to 1d6, similar to your high school level courses, except, now, for your college courses, based on university/college, as well as type of professor. What this rule does is reveal amount of effort needed to get a job done, or how many points is needed to get a job done. I’ll try to give a more detailed explanation with examples ~ @ the end of this rule. The equation or/and algorithm to make a nuclear bomb @ the price of a beer is revisited using a simple combination of previous equation & equation, previous to the previous equation and algorithm: combining both, as well as refining both, improving them, as well as further simplifying them, to such a state that it can be restated in a new form, using/creating a new equation, without violating the previous equations used to make a nuclear bomb @ the price of a beer can. There are a # of ways to arrange what I’m about to state, but NOT limited to only 1 interpretation, but in the most simple terms: we or/and I start with the assumption that reality has 6 levels of difficult which you can write it as 1d6, as to where or what difficulty level you want to start @, sort of like the Kung Fu movie, The 36th Chamber, except in this rpg, HYBRID: there are only 6 (major) chambers, which are then further subdivided into groups of 6, where the 6th MINI-chamber is sort of like your 6th year of college in that subject/major; OR, you can have a 2d6 rather than 1d6 (major chambers) in terms of difficulty levels, but THEN you’d have to subdivide each into groups of 3, for your MINI-chambers, which in this way, is (like) Dr Who level, but IF you had 3.6 major chambers with 10 minor chambers for each, giving a similar total of 36 chambers, but we’re NOT going there, since we or/and I am starting this off with a simple example, which require there be only 1d6 levels of difficulty, with each being subdivided into groups of 6, giving you a total of 36 chambers, which COINCIDENTLY is similar in # (of chambers) in the movie The 36 chambers, but this rule of mine is NOT based on the movie, which (MAYBE is) probably based on my rule, (maybe, if this timeline is circular, like the Terminator movie), using Maxwell’s equation of time travel if all of reality is based on my INCOMPLETE rpg, HYBRID, which I’m unsuccessfully trying to complete, which is NOT easy, considering I have only a few points to play with. So, to begin with, I’m going to skip a few steps, and jump straight to the equation, which I’ll then go back and explain the details, as to how I got to the equation; but, before I state the equation, let me give you some background information, which might make the reading of this rule a little easier. The 6 levels of difficulty can, coincidently, be restated as TL = {2*(1d6)}, giving a range of 2 to 12 TL for the 6 levels of difficulty in terms of defining reality, which the 6 levels are: (2, for business @ TL 4), (3, analysis of language @ TL 6), (4, science and engineering @ TL 8), (5, math @ TL 10, by which I don’t & do NOT mean pre-calculus, but differential equations), ad (6, science-fiction, by which I do NOT mean anyone’s interpretation of science-fiction, but something close to being true, but more difficult than math; so, do NOT think you’re in the 6th level @ TL 12 range; and, do NOT think that all of math is @ TL 12, since of it is garbage or written as garbage or simply cut & pasted together from other books or/and sources, giving it little value, requiring too much effort to make sense of it, since (advanced) math (books), too often, seem to be (as if) written by someone with ADD, although they can probably afford to write as if it’s gibberish, since they have lot more points to play with, jumping from one topic to next without very fully explaining any one topic in great enough detail, but I’m digressing, so to return back to the equation). The equations applies to someone with few points, so if you have lot of points, this equation might improve your grade from A to A+, but NOT much beyond that, but you need to reverse engineer the equation, if you start off with lot of points; ELSE, IF you have only a few points to start off with, THEN you can begin getting a particular GPA, starting with the equation: % = 100*[1 – {1/X^(1/(L-Z))}], where Z = {(C2 PL)/10} = Z; where for someone with only a few points, where we assume that person to be @ maximum Z of @ 10 C2 PL, but a prodigy would be @ minimum of 20 C2 PL, &, where L = level of difficulty, and where X = # of weeks, where we’ll be assuming that you’re taking 1 college course, and to simplify the equation, which when you’re taking more than 1 college course, the details will be explained to you, without having to restate NOR alter the equation. But, NOTE that Rule # 3 & Rule # 6 will be used throughout the equation, but when these 2 rules are NOT stated, it assumed to be implied that it’s being used; but, when I think it necessary, I’ll explain how Rule # 3 & Rule # 6, will effect this equation. For an advanced high school level course(s) you increase (L @ 1), by square root of the year of high school that the character is in to figure out his NEW L for the equation; so, in a 4th year advanced calculus course, but @ level that of/for a high school student, L = 1 + (4^(1/2)) = 1 + 2 = 3 Level of difficulty, where even for a prodigy student, the # of years of full time continuous college = [(L-1)^2], # of years of rigorous study. But, getting back to the college level course(s), since the focus will be to figuring out differential equations, which will be needed to make a nuclear bomb @ the price of a beer can, where L = 5, here. Those with few points, the credit level does NOT equal the actual credit load, but based on the difficulty level, since we’re assuming he has only a few points to use to figuring out differential equations, since if he had lot of points, THEN if he had lot of points, he wouldn’t need to use this equation or/and rule, which is mainly for someone with few points: for someone like that, credit load = (L^L) per course; so, taking more than 1 course (per semester) would equal {N*(L^L)} credits, which might seem wrong or/and astronomical high #, but using Rule # 3 & Rule # 6, for someone with lot of points, this # from {N*(L^L)}, can be dramatically reduced to a very small #, which will be clear to you later, after I explain it to you, perhaps, with more detail(s); but, before I do that, we’ll start with a simple example, where the unfortunate person has only a few points to use to figure out differential equations, which he must figure out using his 1d6 INT @ IQ of 70, which we’ll later (in a brief moment) compare his effort to someone much smarter (by giving him lot more points), to check for accuracy of my equation, if it gives a correct prediction, which if correct, will give a correct prediction, also, for the unlucky or/and unfortunate starting example, where he must his only his 1d6 INT or IQ of 70 to figure out the differential equations to construct a nuclear bomb. The C# that I will be using to construct this rule or/and equation is C3, where variations of this rule can be derived based on using this equation @ C3. But, do NOT forget that C3 = C2^LOG10(C2); C2 = C1^LOG10(C1); and, IQ = 10*C1. So, to begin, I’ll give this chap [British term for person] a 3.24 C3 DP or Default Psyche [lowest for any adult human male; the lowest in D&D is 10, so this is considerably less]. What I do next is construct 2 major columns: you can put either the # of credits or X in the 1st major column & the other in the 2nd major column. To maximize, use Rule # 3 & Rule # 6, which to properly use, use the following example, since it took some trial & effort, even on my part, to get it correct, even though I’m the author of the rule, so to understand the rule faster, without wasting time, which is essential, since you don’t want to waste time, use the following example to better understand & to use Rule # 3 and Rule # 6, which are NOT used the same way in all circumstances, which determine how those 2 rules are used, which will, IF PROPERLY USED, will give a close to accurate result. NOTE that @ end of this little demonstration, you can replace N or X representing # of credits by dividing it, after it’s maximized, by (L^L) or by {N*(L^L)}, where IF you choose the 1st option that of dividing by (L^L), THEN make sure that IF you have extra points, TO reduce those extra points by a factor of N, which you can then use as multiplier for the other major column, in figuring out gpa, where that X in the other major column (which is different from the previous major column) is multiplied to constant 3. Now, to demonstrate by text, how this simple example will help to construct more complex examples: you can start by either [3 + Y ], which will force the 2nd major column to decrease by Y, giving [3 – Y], which can, also, take the form of [3 – Y ] for the 1st major column, which will force the 2nd major column to increase by Y, giving you a [3 + Y], which may seem similar but are not: sort of like your basic organic chemistry reaction, where you need to keep track of the finer details, to better understand the process. To maximize, you need to minimize one of the major columns, which will force the other major column to maximize, which can be done a # of ways: but you always need to use a reverse math operation on the other major column, doing so is extremely essential in getting the final result accurate, since accuracy is what we’re looking for, here, since it will sooner or later, eventually lead to solving differential equations, which is one of the goals of this rpg. Another way to maximize one of the major column is to use a multiplier, and reducing the other by dividing it by that same multiplier, giving a value of 1 for one of the major columns, while giving a square value for the other major column: the reason for doing this will be explained in a moment, as well as its amazing properties in helping someone solve complex (math) problems. To maximize a low starting value of 3 doesn’t give you much in terms of (L^L), where you’ll get a value of 9, is like your 2nd year college English course, but @ X = 1, (incremental) per semester, which is a grade of 0, since you’re starting with a low starting C3 value of 3, requiring a person @ 3 C3 DP a total of several (7) semesters, to increase the X value to 7, or minimum of 3.33 semesters or 1 year to get C-, IF you are starting off with 3 C3, which we’ll be assuming his PL or Power Level matches with his LS or Life Span, both @ 3 C3, which since both are equal, giving him a 3 DP or Default Psyche, assuming you’re in a most strict college, which NOT sure how uniform colleges are, but we’ll be assuming the college is strict & uniform. IF you double the C3 to 6, you reduce the time by (1/4), by dividing the time by 4, since 36/{(L^L)=9} = 4, or a grade of C in a single semester. Now, I’m NOT saying that this 2nd person with 6 C3 DP is smarter, but that perhaps he has more resources, or is luckier, although he might perhaps be smarter, which is NOT out of the question, but it is also possible that he’s has accumulated more or lot more Negative Energy, by having more resources, making it a circular truth or/& argument. But, when you double this 6 C3 DP to: 12, makes him either smarter or luckier or with more resources, giving him a course grade of B or an A, which to narrow down as to which, you need to determine how much time the character has to complete that course, including # of semesters he takes off before registering, for it, as well as how serious he is about it, but there is an upper limit, determined by combination of Negative Energy, as well as # of points available to him. When he has 12 C3 DP, we divide (12^2) by (L^L) = 9 = (3^2), which also comes in matrix form, which I’ve already stated but stated differently that being a Level 3 difficulty consisting of subject matter of analyzing language @ 2nd year college course level for it, giving a (L^L) = (3^2): divide the maximum value in the credit column by that (3^2), giving N or X, which can be used to computer grade point average. IF either N or X, whichever variable you use for gpa, is too high, THEN you can decrease N or X, by dividing it by # of courses, which (@ maximum N or X) is @ 1, to increase # of courses, to speed up graduation or whatever. I’ve tested this equation @ all levels of difficulty @ all types of subject matter, giving accurate results, based on all point combination(s), including varying amounts of Negative Energy, when person is greedy or/and evil, which artificially increases C#, which = C3, in/for this rule, equation, & algorithm. I’ve used data based on many different various types of persons, although it gets tricky with the female gender, for which you can use the male perspective to compensate for a female character, where you’d use her ideal male match to equal what points to use for her, if she wish to use this rule, equation, or/and algorithm, which is extremely accurate: too much. Rule # 542: Assume that the earth is @ 567 C2 DP, use that to figure out the acceleration of gravity of various objects in ft./s^2, where ft./s^2 = [((C2 DP)/100)^2], leaving out certain variables, which Galileo might do IF he wanted to get ft./s^2. So, then, to figure out C2 Default Psyche of the moon, based on it having (1/6)th gravity of earth, which has 9.8 m/s^2, THEN the earth’s moon would be @ [{{(9.8*3.28)/6}^(1/2)}*100] = 231.46 C2 DP. Rule # 541: The exponent for power of acceleration /s^N, where N = ~ {+/- 1 + LOG10(# of points @ C2)}, which ought to be LOG10(# of points @ C2), in other words what you’ve been told in school is wrong (NOT completely, but they leave out the obvious, in the process giving you an inaccurate picture of gravity, which changes what @ 1st seem to be /s^2 to /s^N, which they don’t tell you or don’t want you to know for whatever reason, but I’ve just noticed this pattern; &, NOT sure what I didn’t notice it earlier, where +/- 1 is fudge factor due to LS or Life Span of object, as well as depending on numeric value of acceleration. So, law of gravitational acceleration can be deduced from # of points an object has in proportion to how much acceleration or velocity it can induce on an object, which when it’s points are diluted, its ability to accelerate an object changes to velocity. So, an object with # of points in # of 10s has /s, while an object with # of points in # of 100s has /s^2, while an object with # of points in # of 1,000s has /s^3 as its rate of acceleration by g. Rule # 540: Besides mass being measured by kg = 10^(C2^(1/2)) & 10^((C1/10)^2), mass, also, can be measured by # of metric tons of mass = 10^(C1/2), where it is assumed that C# = @ Default Psyche. If the equation gives more mass than it ought to have based on # of points @ C#, then it has potential for life, the more hidden points, the more potential. There was an episode of Justice League in ‘80s cartoon, where the sun had sun creatures, which were eventually defeated and sent back to the sun. Rule # 539: Using the exponent ½ for technology 2/3 for mutants, & ¾ for super-mutant(s); &, so on @ C# @ maximum PL or Power Level & minimum LS or Life Span, which (LS) squared is Default Psyche, when using ½ exponent on maximum PL: was original premise for the original exponent in my 1st equation used as a premise to form this rpg after I read the ’86 MU TSR rpg was in 2 forms, but as to which being better depends on # of stats used by character or/and object, where base is ~ to # of stats for character: exponent = 1/LN(C#) = X or (1-X), while other: 1/LOG10(C#) = Y or (1-Y). Rule # 538: The # of stats in my rpg is [3 +/ - 1], where its # of CORE premises behind its # of CORE rule in my rpg HYBRID is ~ to # of stats that of GURPS rpg; and, complexity of my rpg HYBRID is square root of Champions / Hero rpg; so, then, Champions / her rpg has 9 to 16 stats with square the complexity that of my rpg, HYBRID: the Fuzion rpg has 9 stats, while Champions/ Hero rpg has 16 stats. My rpg HYBRID is LESS complex than GURPS, which is more complex than my rpg HYBRID, which if I had to scale in terms of complexity compared to other rpgs, on a scale of 1 to 12; complexity is ~ to # of stats, which does NOT have units of magnitude, although it tries to fudge it, in various forms, latest being megascale, result @ C1, but megascale sometimes works like Quantum in Aberrant rpg, where it is @ C2, but in Champions / Hero rpg being @ C1 rather than C2, after you divide # by 10, then perhaps a +/- 1; while, the regular limitation & advantage being @ either C2 or C3, usually @ C2 for powers, where C2 is sometimes @ C1, why the confusion or lack of consistency in Champions / Hero rpg, where megascale can, also, be @ C2. Rule # 537: The movie i-bot symbolize that there is a greater force than either god or/& satan. In the movie i-bot, symbolism is duel between creator (god) & satan. The creator is the white scientist, and satan is symbolized by the black dude, wanting his woman. The creator rescues satan, who back-stabs the creator, after satan is rescued by the creator. The creator is killed by satan, but NOT before creator accidently imprisons satan, his imprisonment symbolized by the society that the creator created. In the movie i-bot, the black dude has nightmare(s), which is symbolic for him wanting white girl, whom he failed to rescue, but he probably [assuming he (the black dude) is an incompetent {in terms of morals} cop] set the whole thing up, so he could play the hero, but didn’t have enough Negative Energy to succeed, symbolizing that she was a minor & was out of his reach, symbolized by him NOT being able to reach her as her car sank into the river or lake, which is symbolized form of Gauss Theory, consisting of lines of force; he attempts just as he did, except later, with the older & alternate version of that white girl, but NOT the same female: symbolizing that evil never dies. So, he would later create a more elaborate conspiracy to get a white woman, that of the scientist who rescues him, using a more complex plan or/and conspiracy, so that he would not fail a 2nd time. The creator (of the i-bots) gets the same # of points that of the black dude, who wants to use his points for to attract a white woman, rather than for science; but, as if it were a GM script, where the black dude is forced or chooces to (as if he were an Anglo-Saxon) use his points in form of Negative Energy, since GM woudn’t allow him to use his points in a another more direct way, to attract a white woman. In the movie i-bot, stat(s) of the robot(s) can be reduced to [{3 +/- (1d6 @ 3 or less)d6} C2 DP] or [{(1d6)*(1d6)} or (1d6)^2 @ C2 DP], that of Lex in the tv series Smallville, converting his C3 to C2, for both his luck & for the i-bot(s): what you do is you change his, the black dude, who is assumed to be @, [(16 +/- 1) C2 DP], but then you later find out that he has an extra 1d6 C2 DP, in the form of cybernetics, giving him a total of [{(3 to 4)d6} C2 DP]; but, he seems a bit obsessed about getting a white woman, who has the personality of Lana of the tv series Smallville: ~ to convert him to a mutant, you would change his C2 to C1, IF he was Blade, which he isn’t in this movie; but, to have a humanoid robot, you change that C1 back to C2; so, both have the same stat value but because it is a robot: it seem lot more powerful than the black dude; to digress: NOT sure why he always plays the fool, maybe that’s his real personality in real life. This also applies to the humanoid robot in the Godzilla movie, where you’d change the Godzilla’s C2 unit to C3 for the humanoid robot, without any power(s), but back to C2 when you want a version with power(s), but when the robot gets larger, the rule changes to the following: the modifier which can act as a limitation or advantage depending on how you use it, is as follows: [1 + (LOG10(# of years of human evolution))/10] = LOG10(% of technology, in terms of complexity) = LOG10(C2 PL), which @ modifier 1.5 is @ 31.62 C2 PL, which is accurate for modern world, where C2 PL = (10^M) = % of technology, in terms of complexity. To digress, the egg shaped Quintessence is symbolized by their high status, equivalent to that of a woman: the robots would be @ 1 unit less than their master Quintessence, just as most of the i-bots were @ C3, except for 1 which was @ C2, symbolizing Adam, while his sister robot symbolized Eve, who tried to get rid of, harm, cripple, & tried to kill satan, but didn’t succeed, for satan was too lucky to get killed, symbolizing that evil never dies; and, her younger brother, the sentient i-bot was too inexperience NOT to be brainwashed by satan, who brainwashed the sentient i-bot to obey him to destroy his sister, who was trying to prevent him from stealing the creator’s woman, after satan killed the creator: show that the audience will believe whatever they’re told to believe that they’re told to side with the satan, which is what the audience do, symbolize that government knows that the people are fools, when it comes to politics, just as the white woman thinks that satan is good, because she is seduce by him, for @ first, she thinks he is a liar, which is what he is, but she is slowly seduced by him, by his luck, which symbolize that woman has tendency to prostitute herself, for purpose to acquiring Negative Energy, which is what Eve, also tries to do. And, if the creator was foolish enough to: rescue satan, who returns the favor by killing the creator, then everyone & everything is alike, with only separating people & objects is: gender, shape, & power. So, a mutant @ 50 C2 DP which is referred to as 5 Quantum in Aberrant rpg when a robot version of it is created, its C2 DP = (its mutant counterpart’s C2 DP)/(1+M), where modifier M is a limitation or acts as a limitation, a term from Champions / Hero rpg, but the rpg mechanic is mine if you subtract 1 from (total) modifier N = [M + 1]. So, (50 C2 DP)/( 1 + [M=0.5]) = 33 C2 DP, that of MU Sabertooth. But, I had earlier said that it should have only 20 C2 DP, so it seems to have an extra 13 points of C2 DP. Assuming that the black dude is supposed to be symbolic for the evil satan that tempted Adam & Eve, then the female computer is supposed to be part of that i-robot, which when it kills/purges himself of her, he is reduced from 33 C2 DP to 20 C2 DP, loses part of himself by obeying satan, the trickster; or, she gets an extra 13 points above his 33, giving her a 46 C2 DP, is male to female ratio, where the female gets minimum of [+>0] modifier in the form of an advantage, so if a male insect is @ X @ C#, then the queen is @ 2*X or X*(1+1) = 2*X @ C#; but, applying this to bacteria / virus, genders: ½ male & ½ female: asexual reproduction, but maximum danger is ~ to that of insect(s). Rule # 536: Sci-fi usually limit mutant’s life span to that of human, but that is NOT their default life span, but by doing so they increase the mutant’s points for powers: this is what Aberrant rpg does by multiplying the mutant’s Quantum by 2: which is same as multiplying his Default PL or Power Level by 2, decreasing his Default LS or Life Span by 2, giving him human level life span: RULE # 3 & 6. So, when, both LS & PL are =, then, its value is same as his DP or Default Psyche. So, my same repetitive question: will the coincidences ever end? No, doesn’t seem so, as I notice another similarity between my rpg and Aberrant rpg. The Quantum in Aberrant rpg is: (C2 DP)/10 = Quantum; while, it is ambiguous if Aberrant rpg means for its Quantum pool to be @ C2 or C1. Quantum pool is [(C1 DP)/10] if mutant is @ 5 Quantum @ 50 C2 DP, then it should be @ 20 C1 DP; except, Aberrant [like all other major rpgs] tries to fudge its rpg mechanics based on my ideas: how else can I explain the coincidences of similarities. Aberrant lacks units of magnitude like every other rpgs, NOT sure why rpg don’t put units of magnitude: unless they stealing my ideas, some how, NOT sure how. The Quantum 1 in Aberrant rpg is 10 C2 DP = 10 points in Primal Order rpg = 3.16 ABMS; while, Quantum 10 is 100 C2 DP = 100 points in Primal Order rpg, but in BESM, its ABMS = [(C2 DP)^(1/2)]. NOTE: Quantum in Aberrant rpg can, also, be @ C1; so, must be careful what unit you apply to Quantum; &, Level is +/- Quantum, where its base, Quantum, a recursive statement, is @ C2 or @ C1. Rule # 535: 1940 USA nuclear technology was @ ~ 40 C2 PL; but, a or the 1940 German jet bomber @ ~ 40 C3 PL will have a maximum velocity of this: [(40/2)^2] = 400 mph. You divide by 2, since it’s carrying weapons. NOTE that C3 @ PL or DP = C2^LOG10(C2 @ PL or DP). So, then, a military aircraft @ 20 C2 PL or 49.28 C3 PL with weapons will have a maximum velocity of [{(C3 PL)/2}^2] mph. If it has (any) anti-radar capability, then divide (C3 PL) by 3, rather than by 2 to compute its maximum velocity in mph. The stealth F-117 is @ 117 C3 PL = 27.425 C2 PL, based on Russian paper published 1927, putting the F-117 @ 27.425 C2 PL. NOTE that C3 = C2^LOG10(C2). You can, also, use C# to figure out the rise & fall of the Roman Empire. To compute F-117’s anti-radar capability, figure out the C3 for its maxium velocity, and its extra C3 for its weapons, and subtract it from its total C3. It should nicely divide by 3 or 4, but if it is divided by 4, then I’m NOT sure what that missing extra modifier is for. I’m NOT an expert on the stealth F-117. But, if it’s divided by 3, then its maximum velocity is @ [(117/3)^2] = 39^2 mph = 1,521 mph. But, if it is divided by 4, then it’s maximum velocity is @ [(117/4)^2] = 29.25^2 mph = 855.56 mph. The F-117 had a few incidences of falling apart, may be due to this rule, meaning lack of points would cause it to fall apart as it did. And, the F-117 has 3 night lights below it when it takes off & when it lands; so, people seeing 3 lights in the night sky in close formation in Area 51 were MAYBE the 3 lights of the F-117 or a similar or some military aircraft or some aircraft. And, for people outside Area 51 seeing 3 lights in close formation in different parts of USA or in other countries were MAYBE seeing the F-117, and it was NOT a UF0, but the F-117 or some earth aircraft with 3 night lights. Rule # 534: Do NOT confuse Super-X, the motorcycle of 1920, with Super-X, the spaceship with freezing ray, in the Godzilla movie. The 2nd Super-X is @ either 20 C1 PL or DP, IF latter for its creator, and former for its pilot, which would reduce his DP to 3d6 or 18 C1 DP; but, if @ 20 C1 PL for its creator, then the pilot is reduced to 3d6 or 18 C2 DP, rather than @ 3d6 or 18 C1 DP, given to its creator. Rule # 533: Both C3 in my rpg HYBRID & Active Points in Champions / Hero rpg has or come in LS, DP, & PL forms, which are IMPLIED in Champions / Hero rpg, as well as in BESM rpg, as well as in Aberrant rpg, have a tri-stat system, similar to my tri-stat system, but it’s IMPLIED in these 3 other rpg systems; &, my C2 unit is usually referred to as Real points in Champions / Hero rpg. LS or Life Span stat in my rpg HYBRID is referred to as END stat in Champions / Hero rpg; the same LS or Life Span CONCEPT is referred to as Body stat in BESM rpg. And, spending LS to reduce cost of PL by increasing PL for powers is: spending END to reduce cost of powers, increasing C3 (Active) points available for powers, also done, in Champions / Hero, but it’s done in an awkward way, since Champions / Hero rpg does NOT take into account units of magnitude, but that same or similar principle is coincidently also same or similar as my basic principle, but I came up with it independently of any other rpg; and, I only red about it in Champions / Hero rpg, AFTER I came up with a similar or same principle on my own. There are a number of ways that you can interpret the concept of 0 End and ½ End in Champions or/and Hero rpg, based on limitation(s) or/and advantage(s), which my interpretation(s) of it seem to be IMPLIED & is NOT directly stated anywhere in either of the rpgs, both manifestations of each other. When they say 0 End, it does NOT mean 0 End, in the literal sense, but @ X coordinate 0 or center, which is referred to as DP or Default Psyche, which is slightly similar to & only slightly similar to the Mind stat in BESM rpg, where its Mind stat is INCOMPLETE, the way BESM rpg defines its Mind stat, lot more incomplete than my DP or Default Psyche stat which seems lot more COMPLETE than the Mind stat of BESM rpg, is similar to my rpg. But, getting back to END, you can use either limitation(s) or/and advantage(s) on either LS to figure out PL or on Pl to figure out LS: each decrease when the other increases and vice versa, where each increases when the other decreases, for exact amount: use Rule # 3 & R#6. It is good idea to set 0 End to DP or Default Psyche, but it is NOT required, as you can set it to either maximum C# PL or minimum C# LS. So, when you reduce default LS with ½ limitation: increasing PL by ½ advantage, and vice versa, but it seems that both Champions & Hero rpg seem to be concealing this basic fact; so, it’s NOT clear if I or it has published it first, since Champions & hero rpg has NOT directly stated this, and since I have, it would imply that I’ve published it first before either of them, since most Champions & Hero rpg players seem clueless to this fact, since they simply memorize what’s written without understanding it. And, if Champions or/and Hero rpg doesn’t wish to directly state it or can’t for whatever reason, one wonders: IF it is their original idea, for I’ve read on internet that it isn’t: an analogy would be DOS used by Bill Gates, but DOS was written by another. The rumor said something to the same effect, but NOT sure where I read it. Although, it & other rpgs being similar to my rpg it could just be a coincidence, & nothing more than that. To digress, to return to unifying rpgs into my 1 rpg: the M-Theory of rpgs: HYBRID: seems Aberrant rpg IMPLIES a similar tri-stat system. Rule # 532: To construct a car, use C4, in terms of horsepower. The C2 PL can be calculated based on [10 + {(year – 1900)/10}], year greater than or equal to 1900. The C4 is a unit of magnitude, NOT explosive. C3 = C2^LOG10(C2); &, C4 = C3^LOG10(C3) = # of horsepower for TL: C4. Rule # 531: Foundation of a building needs to be @ depth of X in ft, if its or height of building is @ [(X^2)/2] = Y; so, total is X + Y. The thickness of the metal plate or sheets used in construction is in # of millimeters = X to compute height of building. The equation might work on bridges, but I’m NOT sure. If you replace metal with cement or wood, it should still work, but the structure may or will become weak. Rule # 530: NOTE that the IQ rule @ end of this paragraph is or only applies between 10 to 20 Psyche, the same limitation [NOT the term used in Hero / Champions rpg, but getting back to what I was saying] of applying this rule for between 10 to 20 Psyche for the 4 main health stats in the ’86 MU TSR rpg. The equation for this rule is @ middle of this paragraph @ end of my diatribe. This can be a useful rule, so as to avoid arguing with the GM, who wants characters to have certain power level, but the GM often doesn’t tell the upper limit; so, this is good rule to use to avoid arguing with GM: 1st) is that when character is evil, GM wants his power level to decrease or he must take on inhuman characteristic(s), (you’ll see this in any Marvel movies, such as Green Goblin is @ 6 ABMD while Spiderman is @ 7 ABMS, although both have same # of points, so they have Green Goblin have schizophrenia to hide the missing 1 ABMS (the way it is set up that the audience doesn’t realize, unless you spend lot of time analyzing the character his points) which really a time travel power stunt, so audience thinks he is crazy, but he is using his other points to give him enhanced senses in the form of schizophrenia; in X-Men movie, most powerful is also the ugliest guy in the movie, but he has more points than Magneto, since Xavier is supposed to be good, but Xavier is more evil than Magneto, but audience is brainwashed to think he is good, so Xavier has more points, but I’m digressing, so to get back to the main points that being my rule), so to avoid your character becoming in-human, your character must have his power level decreased. The health stats @ C2 in Marvel rpg is @ [10^(C1/10)], @ C2, but his LS or Life Span will be reduced to human levels which is referred to as END @ ½ @ 1 limitation, which for {1/N} END, limitation is @ {N-1} on default LS, which similar to but NOT exactly Body stat in BESM rpg, when N = 2, then limitation is N-1 = 1 on LS or Life Span, compared to ½ End in HERO / Champions rpg, which @ 0 End is @ 0 limitation on LS is @ default in my rpg, HYBRID; when he has large enough Psyche he doesn’t have to reduce his default LS to increase his PL or Power level: the ½ END & 0 END is based on D20 gaming concept which is based on 20 Psyche in ’86 MU TSR rpg @ 20 C1 DP is 49.28 C2 STR without pushing [a term in Hero / Champions rpg, but by pushing, he can push to from 40 STR to 80 STR @ 40 C2 DP, as done by Dr Octopus’s mad experiments in movie, but Dr. Octopus is @ 7 ABMS = 49 C2 DP, so he can push slightly more]: this applies to the health stats in ’86 MU TS rpg, where his fighting, agility, strength, and endurance is based on this equation, for a well balanced character. So, @ 15 psyche or 15 C1 DP or Default Psyche, he would have those 4 health stats @ {10^(15/10)} = 10^1.5 = 31.62 @ C2, which will get reduced to 31 or/to 30, depending on his personal past, including his diet & other personal history; &, his IQ when his Psyche is between 10 & 20, he will be @ IQ of [100 + {10^(C1/10)}], but @ 30 Reason, his IQ is @ 300 & NOT 1200. His Reason will usually be same as his Psyche, which will determine his Intuition, as well, which you can set @ either C2 or C1, both units are different, so Intuition @ 15 C1 is same as 24.17 C2, by 15^LOG10(15 C1) = 24.17 C2, which his C# works like raster interrupt: same for good & bad luck works in similar way. Rule # 529: The 30 points for teleportation on page 35 in Champions 3rd Edition is nothing more than 30 C1 @ PL or DP, but @ DP ~ 30 EGO or @ 30 INT, which I’ve been saying for years, but ignored; and, this power stunt can be simulated @ 20 points, but MUCH greater care must be taken, meaning you need to be MORE efficient for the way you use those points, but it wouldn’t be easy, since you’re working with less points: an example, for latter when working with 20 points can be done by such characters as the MU Power Pack. The 20 points is equivalent to tunneling, which requires a minimum of 20 points by Superman, who has more points than 20, which in this example is @ C1, so when converted to C2, it comes out to 49.28 but @ DP, which, this default value, can be increased @ cost of lowering his LS or Life Span if he only has 20 C1 DP, but since Superman has more than 20 points, he doesn’t need to lower his LS to increase his PL or Power Level @ C2. NOTE that larger the # in C#, the easier it is to use Rule # 3 & 6, since by lowering the # in C#, you end up with more points, but would require more work than if the # in C# was larger; but, @ larger # in C# you’d end up with less points, when you make the conversion to a C#: this is what the DC character Hal Jordan as Parallax (GL) realized before attempted to take over DC, during Crisis of Infinite Earths, which wasn’t really Crisis of Infinite Earths, but just about everyone was delusional in the storyline, trying to be more grandeur, imho, sort of like the SG1 series, is like Alice in Wonderland, where the characters are bullshitting the audience or have luck off the scale or mutants pretending to have alien technology, which oddly seem to be just lying around for them to pick up; &, even odder is that humans with less INT are able to defeat aliens with higher INT: which would only be possible if the humans were the bad guys or evil, & if the aliens were naive. The humans with less INT would have to collect massive amount of Negative Energy to defeat the aliens with the higher INT, but seem human, which makes it a paradox, if the show isn’t trying to confuse the audience, since I can no longer tell who is the alien and who is the human, other than SG1, which tries to portray that ONLY USA is capable of leadership: do they NOT know that FTL is time travel. On page 149 in Hero 5th, television teleportation @ 112 C2 PL or DP, if @ PL, then DP is lower # than # for PL, assuming LS is @ minimum value. And, as for the cost of 37, it is @ C1 PL, IF mutant is @ 112 C2 DP. Rule # 528: The multiplier 1 on page 35 in Champions 3rd Edition seem to vary between 0 & 1 advantage: 0 advantage when base is large, else @ 1 advantage when base is small, but when base is very small, the advantage changes back to 0, when dealing with TL or subatomic particles or when object is anatomically such that it can handle 0 advantage. But, there are 2 interpretations which are but the verb “are” acts as an “is” like looking @ a fractal of a butterfly, meaning regarding the 2 interpretations that I make of the telepathy chart on page 35 in Champions 3rd Edition. Using the 1st interpretation can lead to power ratio between The Master & The Doctor in the British sci-fic Dr Who series: divide The Master’s C2 DP by 1d6 to get # for The Doctor’s INT @ C1: [(368 C2 DP)/(1d6)] = 61, which is INT for The Doctor @ C1, which is also his DP; while The Master is @ 40 C1 DP, which is consistent with the storyline. But, even without this, the 1st interpretation is more likely to be true & closer to what it may be trying to say, while the 2nd interpretation is less likely. In the 1st interpretation, you take it literally, that being multiplier 1d6 times the “target’s INT, but it leaves out what unit to use or assign to the computation to what is needed which I’ll assume it is C2, since TO assume it’s @ C1 is falling into the 2nd interpretation, which is less likely. So, if the target is @ 2d6 INT @ C1, then use multiplier 1d6 on that 2d6, to get {(1d6)*(2d6)} @ C2, which we’ll assume is PL, but can be @ DP. Then, you have to use Rule # 3 & Rule # 6 to figure out how to increase default PL to required PL (which we assume is larger than default PL, UNLESS the default PL is very large to begin with, THEN you can skip this step) to get the job done, which will lower default LS to a lower LS. In the 2nd interpretation, the # may be correct for telepathy for page 35 in the Champions 3rd Edition, but its unit of magnitude is so wrong that it’s mind boggling, although only way to make it correct using the same wrong unit of magnitude is to assume that INT takes up most of his points, that he has very little points left for his telepathy power stunt(s), similar to Dr Who, is the only way to make the chart work the way it is presented; otherwise, you’d have to lower the unit by at least 1, when controlling humans, and by at least 2 when controlling animals, since the C1 unit is used for INT, which is way too powerful and way too costly, to use in the manner that the chart is trying to use, which if it did, you’d end up with something worst than the worst, meaning you’d have to have almost god-like powers that of Dr Doom. And, so, since mutants in this rpg Champions 3rd Edition is NOT @ that kind of power scale, you can assume that it’s C2 and NOT @ C1. So, lower the unit from C1 to C2 in the chart’s “target INT”: so, you’d be using the multiplier 1d6 on C2 rather than C1 which is in effect going back to 1st interpretation; so, 2nd interpretation is the 1st interpretation, making my argument recursive, like everything else in my rpg HYBRID. So, to continue with my explanation, the C2 unit is less dense (so to speak) in terms of point distribution, when trying to control, read or mind-scanning human(s) in whatever way. And, it DOES NOT take energy that of a black hole to control human(s) by telepathy, but more like that of nuclear bomb(s)/missiles): is the difference between C1 & C2 unit, using # for base from INT @ 3d6. (Multiplier 3 + 1) on 3d6 INT is the maximum INT for Dr Who @ 72 C1 DP which is unnecessary to use so many points (meaning using C1 rather than C2), when it can be done @ C2, which is less than C1, by using C2 level of the MU Purple Man (with telepathy powers) @ 72 C2 DP @ Akira LEVEL, smaller unit than C1 of The Doctor, who seems telepathically weak, since he uses most of his points for his TARDIS & for his INT, both very expensive to use: his telepathic powers is less than or equal to his regeneration power, which takes up only a tiny fraction of his points, but more expensive than K9, for whom you’d use the mutant equation to figure out his points from Rule # 527, below, if he was @ size of R = 4 or greater but since he or it isn’t the equation doesn’t help much, so some fudging is required, to figure out cost for K9, which might be @ 3d6 C2 DP. The telepathy chart on page 148 in Hero 5th looks different, compared to page 35 in Champions 3rd Edition, but just as vague; but, I think it tries to be more detailed by using + rather than (x or *). Just as you needing to reduce or change C1 unit to C2 for page 35 in Champions 3rd Edition, you need to do likewise or same for page 148 in Hero 5th Edition. EGO 14 = or ~ 14 INT = or ~ 20 C2 DP; so, you are adding 20 in the 2nd row to value 14, which can be some other value, but I’m using 14 as an example; but, it seem to have made an error, in that since the multiplier acts as an advantage, the multiplier should be +/- 1; so, it seem that multiplier got reduced in HALF in the revision in the 5th Edition, since it uses a + rather than a (x or *): (20+30) = 50 C# vs. {20*(1+4)} = 100 C#, where # is greater than 1. Rule # 527: Dogs can be rated on a scale of 1 to 5, in terms of its size; but, in terms of its C3 DP, it is @ [R*3]; but, TO change a NONmutant to a mutant, meaning turning/changing an ordinary character into a super character, you need to increase the unit in the equation from C3 to C2: this is the algorithm of changing a NON-mutant to a mutant. So, then, the Absorbing Man’s mutant dogs in the HULK movie can be rated based on this system, be @ (1d6: greater than 5 but NOT more than 6) to 2d6 = R in equation. You can derive this equation by the following manner: 1st, change the default PL or Power Level that of the Absorbing Man in the HULk movie to PL, then you take 1 step back by using the equation X^LOG10(X) to get C(#-1) @ PL, which is rarely ever done in this rpg but can be useful in some circumstances such as this, THEN reduce the unit by 1, and change PL to DP, to make the change permanent, since as long as it’s in PL form, the mutation will NOT be permanent: you can also apply this method to the mutant Absorbing Man, besides his mutant dogs, which would get a C2 DP as dictated by the equation above or according to the algorithm explained, which can also be used to clone new animal species, such as in the movie Jurassic Park. And, now, to explain how the algorithm works, you start with 9 ABMS for the Absorbing Man & 8 ABMS for the HULK, convert it or that to C2 DP, which is 9^2 = 81 C2 DP for the Absorbing Man & 8^2 = 64 C2 DP for the HULK. Since, in this example, we are trying to create the mutant dogs in the HULK movie, we need to increase the default PL or Power Level of the Absorbing Man and decrease his LS or Life Span, so as to increase his PL: this maintains conservation of mass & energy. But, you need to decide how much you want to increase the PL of the Absorbing Man. Let use increase his PL to such a level that it will allow him to create the mutant dogs in the movie. Since the maximum C2 DP for the mutant dogs is [(2d6 = 12)*3] C2 DP = 36 C2 DP, then figure out its C3 DP, based on the equation X^LOG10(X), giving 264.29 C3 DP, which you then change to 264.29 C2 PL for the Absorbing Man, but you need to still figure out his LS, to make sure you haven’t made any mistake, as well as to maintain proper accounting of your work; so, then, divide 264.29 by 81, giving [264.29/81] = 3.26 as multiplier, which is then used to decrease the default LS or Life Span to its appropriate level, so that all of this can take place, by maintaining conservation of mass & energy, giving a new or reduced LS of [81/3.26] = 24.82 C2, equivalent to maximum human level for an adult male human: use 2*C3 for years. Rule # 526: The radius or diameter of the Langoliers in # of millimeters = 10^{(its C1 DP)/10}; but, it needs to use Tesla’s free energy equation to enhance its powers, to maximize its efficiency: the equation changes to 10^{((its C1 DP) = 10*D)/10}, D = dimensions, which is subjective, but in terms of the story, it is as above. And, you can make modifications to them with Rule # 3 & Rule # 6. Rule # 525: # of useful rules in my rpg will be {(# of rules)/(gpa)}. Rule # 524: You need a minimum of 6 ABMS to have energy blast power. The minimum multiplier on LS # is 1d6, for someone like Batman, and 2d6 for someone like Wishmaster, has powers similar to MU Mysterio: do NOT confuse this with Average Body, Mind, & Soul, which coincidently is same as the multiplier. The multiplier is used to increase LS # to DP #, and using the multiplier on DP #, will increase DP # to PL #. The Body & Mind stat of BESM rpg works like a Soul stat in my rpg but defined as PL or Power Level, which is increased or decreased by adjusting Life Span, which is like the Body stat in BESM rpg, meaning BESM rpg is flawed in its rpg mechanics, even though I’m NOT the author of BESM rpg. Next, total points in my rpg HYBRID is calculated based on the recursive equation X^LOG10(X), @ C#; but, in HERO rpg total points fluctuates between using PL & DP when it comes to its total points, rather than sticking to 1 standard, which is due to Hero or/& Champion rpg increasing PL by adding disadvantages to LS (Life Span) to increase total, based on PL rather than on DP, which is referred to as base, which is artificially increased, by referring to total as base + disadvantages, which is PL & NOT DP, which is what total should be based on rather than PL, but all 3 stats are usually @ C3, for characters like Batman, but a super character like the Wishmaster can be @ C3, if his powers are like that of the MU Mysterio, within C3, in most rpgs, unless you have a Superman like character @ C2, and Time Trapper like character @ C1, but sometimes use C2 without telling the audience that it has changed the unit, giving wrong picture to audience, the same problem with the ’86 MU TSR rpg, and @ other times throws around wrong units into tits total points like adding dollars and cents, 20 C1 DP = 49.28 C2 DP = 733.1 C3 DP or Default Psyche is like center of an ellipse with its 2 foci being LS & PL; &, DP is NOT like the Mind stat in BESM rpg, which makes the same mistake as Hero rpg which defines willpower as a variable, but willpower in my rpg is a constant, and only become a variable due to circumstance, points, or/and attributes, and is Not the same thing as evil & good, which can be defined as binary but can also be a spectrum of values, but is due to circumstance, points, or/and attributes, and so becomes a circular argument. But, getting back to the main point of this rule which I’m digressing from, if you multiply C2 DP by (2d6 = 12), which BESM rpg rounds off to 10, but using 2d6 @ 12, you get a value close to C3 DP: 12*49.28 = 591.37, which is NOT 733.1, which is NOT the main point of this rule but a premise to the point which I’ll be making in a moment. The DP stat in my rpg is also average stat, so, when you combine (add) LS (Life Span) & PL (Power Level) and divide sum by 2, you get a bell curve value close to the original 49.28 C2 DP (Default Psyche). And, BESM rpg, rather than going through all of that, and rather than saying x10, it says add either Body to Soul and multiply by 5 to get health points or add Mind to Soul and multiply by 5 to get energy points; but, both health & energy points are same, in my opinion. And, to digress, but the following will have a importance in explaining as to why BESM rpg go about it a strange sort of way rather than direct, as I like to do things, but now to digress: if there is any truth to that theory of butterfly effect & Maxwell’s equation of time travel, THEN this rule assumes that reality is partly a circular timeline. So, BESM RPG tries to hide that its foundation is based on D20, which is similar to my RPG mechanics, but it is a coincidence that my RPG mechanics is similar to D20, meaning I didn’t get my ideas from D20, but I came up with my ideas during the 1990s independently, regarding my C# series for units of magnitude growing in accuracy @ rate of % = {(year-1990)^2}. By D20, it really means that a mutant is @ 20 C1 DP, which is about 20 points of Psyche in the 1986 MU TSR rpg which is NOT always consistent, for whatever reasons, and it was because of the lack of units (of magnitude) in ’86 MU TSR rpg, I came up with the C# series, which seem to be used (meaning it’s IMPLIED) in other rpgs, which use it poorly, meaning they mix up C1 with C2 & vice versa, which should NOT happen, if they knew what they were doing, without knowing that they are missing units, which seems strange, as to how can the author not know his rpg is either using the unit incorrectly meaning applying it incorrectly or missing units of magnitude, same as Aberrant rpg is NOT consistent, but it is consistent if you apply my rpg mechanics, meaning Aberrant rpg is missing some rpg rules, which can be found in my rpg, but if you take Aberrant literally, then it’s NOT consistent, and NOT only that but it is greatly flawed, regarding its 30 point premise, which is meaningless without a unit, since Aberrant fluctuates between C2 & C1 as its unit of magnitude [since Aberrant rpg lacks my C# series, units, which are units of magnitude for point distribution] for its 30 point premise, as it’s missing some rpg mechanics which can be found in my rpg mechanics in my rpg HYBRID. BESM rpg is sly in that it doesn’t say what it means, but IF it did, THEN it would look like my rpg HYBRID. BESM rpg goes about its rpg mechanics in a strange sort of way to get a similar end result that of my rpg; and, as for my comment “strange sort of way”, [it seems that way to me], I mean BESM rpg tries to fudge rpg mechanics, explains the, since errors seem to be too simple to be accidental and it’s coincidently a lot like my rpg, based on to my C# series & its various manifestations & equations, but my rpg has similarities with other rpgs as well, such as the point increase from 250 to 350 in Hero might have been partly or coincidently due to my nagging of it needing a point increase, but I drought it was due to my nagging, meaning it was probably coincidental, although my rpg is greatly INCOMPLETE, as it would take me infinite lifetimes to complete my rpg, since I lack points to complete my rpg. This rule will show how BESM rpg is similar to my rpg, even the order(ing) of Body, Mind, & Soul, is same as my ordering of my 3 stats, LS (Life Span), DP (Default Psyche), & PL (Power Level): I had order my 3 stats this way (before I came across BESM rpg) when I was developing my rpg, (before I came across BESM rpg), since most mutants like to have human level life span so to maximize their Power Level. The Body stat in BESM rpg is representative of my LS (Life Span) stat, while Soul stat of BESM rpg is representative of my PL (Power Level) stat, and the Mind stat of BESM rpg is representative of my DP stat; but, the Mind stat of BESM rpg is poorly (incorrectly) used, if the Mind stat of BESM rpg is supposed to represent my DP stat, then the Mind stat is poor representative of my DP stat, which is NOT supposed to represent the mind, but default of what the character starts with or has potential to reach, if his LS and PL were also @ default meaning same; but, character uses his mind to adjust his attributes @ DP. Rule # 523: The Jinn in the movie Wishmaster wanting 1001 souls before he can start mating or whatever to bring his race upon earth is symbolic of a character being @ 1001 C3 DP or Default Psyche, since C2 would be too much, since THEN (if he were @ C2, THEN) he wouldn’t need 1001 souls, and if he were @ C3, then he wouldn’t have enough power to grant any wish to anyone. So, the C# would have to be @ C3, representing the magnitude for his point distribution for his total points of 1001, which would put him (The Jinn) @ 21 C1 DP = 56 C2 DP or Default Psyche. And, also, if you take the 1001 # as 1001 years for his length of imprisonment (sort of like the DC Mxyzptlk, except rather than 90 days, the Jinn being in prison for 1001 years), represents my equation for death & reincarnation (equation), which is LN(# of years) as his ABMS in BESM rpg, would give the Jinn an average ABMS of 6.91 = 6.91^2 C2 DP = 47.73 C2 DP, which is close to the 56 C2 DP, and off by only several points, which in C1, is off by slightly more than 1 point. Rule # 522: For example, read @ Rule # 524, before reading Rule # 522. Parts of my ideas are similar to parts of other rpgs, creating or/and representing an image of a jigsaw puzzle, where each of my ideas is represented by a jigsaw puzzle being in form of a published rpg, which is probably (IF its not a coincidence, THEN is) NO way to prove my theory, and even if it can be proven, who would want to prove it. Anyway, with my main unit C# series in my rpg in terms of its accuracy growing @ rate of % accuracy = {(year-1990)^2}, for C# unit, but similarities between my rpg and that others is amazingly similar, so that I can discover their flaws, assuming my rpg is better than their rpgs, since these other rpgs have flaws (in their logic) (perhaps intentionally put inside to look different from my rpg, but intention being to get a similar point total) which I can spot, since it’s similar but inferior to my rpg ideas & mechanics. OR, if it is complete coincidence that my ideas show up in their rpgs, but there are dozens of coincidences in more than one dozen different rpgs, that it should make it easier for me to understand other rpgs & its rpg mechanics, such as on page 72 and page 73 in BESM rpg 2nd edition, which has copyright of November 2000, which is WHEN my rpg mechanics, at least regarding my C# series, was 100% complete, along with few of my CORE rules, based on a tri-stat system that of LS, DP, & PL, which I use to generate my other CORE rules. And, you will notice the unavoidable seeds of this problem in colleges already, taken to extreme levels, as they emphasize paraphrasing ideas, if you’ve taken any literature course, where you spend more time paraphrasing rather than learning, which should be the main goal, which seem to have digressed somewhere along the path of teaching. Although I’m NO good @ advanced math, due to my lack of points; but, my intuition is healthy enough to have good ideas, which I notice my ideas are (often) popping up everywhere, in rpgs & sometimes even in theoretical physics, such as teleportation and quantum computers is based on my equation X^LOG10(X), even the Body stat in Hero rpg is based on my equation X^LN(X), and I try to find the M-Theory of role playing games, is that when I start to make progress, when I start to notice my ideas show up in other places, such as rpgs. For example, the “soak” in Aberrant rpg is nothing more than extra points added to base @ unit different than used in Level or/and Quantum, which is usually @ C2; while, “soak” @ 1d6 or 2d6 is @ C1, which is like BP or Bonus Points in BESM rpg. And, so, assuming that most rpgs are similar to my rpg @ its CORE, THEN based on my ideas, they seem to use their own rpg mechanics poorly, as I can spot errors in their (rpgs) interpretation of my rpg mechanics that of HYBRID, which is has similar properties that of NOMIC & more than 1 dozen other rpgs, but coincidently, for I seem to have spotted a great error in Aberrant rpg, since my rpg does NOT have such error: its base points of ~ 30 is based on a false & inaccurate premise that all mutants must have this point pool, where points is/are meaningless without unit of magnitude, which Aberrant rpg refer to as starting point pool without a unit of magnitude, a mistake that most rpgs make, except (for) my rpg HYBRID, along with several other mistakes: 1st) the premise of ~ 30 points is simply the dividing line between male humans & male mutants, and NOT all mutants have base ~ 30 points, which is @ C2 DP: the same point distribution used in Primal Order rpg, but it is NOT called C2 DP; 2nd) the Quantum in Aberrant rpg has 2 functions which is NOT written in its book, but I can spot it, since it’s poorly implemented compared to my rpg idea or/and mechanic of PL or Power Level, based on my Rule # 3 & # 6: the Quantum in Aberrant rpg either serves as “difference” or as actual “PL”, for its Quantum, which is @ ~ {(C2 PL)/10}, but when C2 is incorrect in Aberrant rpg, then you must replace C2 with either C3 or C1, both are rarely used but it is used, but the readers are NOT told that a change in unit is taking place, same mistake Hero & ’86 MU TSR rpg make, which is why the discrepancy show up often in Aberrant rpg, meaning its creator had the same train of thought as myself, but poorly used or/and understood on their part of their own rpg mechanics or intentionally written with error or/and ambiguously, like a maze, where NOT all corridors leads to an exit, for whatever reason(s): there are many examples; 3rd) the Level is simply my stat DP, meaning its Level refers to my stat DP, where it’s Level is {(C2 DP)/10}, so when it say that this mutant is @ Level 3, it means that he is @ 30 C2 DP, and when they give additional information of such as Quantum 4, it means that he’s @ 40 C2 PL, which can be done by reducing his Life Span or LS which is referred to as Body to square root of 20 C2 LS, if his COM is high else to square root of 10 C2 LS for his Body if his COM is low, allowing him to father increase his PL to 50 C2 = ~ 7 Soul. But, Aberrant rpg makes the same mistake as Hero & ’86 MU TSR rpg, in that its unit of magnitude for point distribution is NOT always correct, since they follow the same false thinking as Hero, where they give less points to some powers, which should be lot more expensive, which can only be done by a new unit, which they lack, but which my rpg has: the C# series, which can account for any unit, except floating point, which I do NOT yet know how to calculate floating point unit of magnitude: difficulty level is about same as being able to calculate floating point factorial. Even, the lining up of Body, Mind, & Soul, in the order that it is written & explained is almost same as my lining up my units LS, DP, & PL, in terms of how I compute them, as well as my definition of my 3 stats is extremely close to that of BESM rpg: it’s coincidental or NOT ??? And, there are examples, which I’ll show later, to show my rpg is THE true source, and it is possible that reality is based on my 2 equations: X^LOG10(X) and X^LN(X), for everything, including most of history & technology. Rule # 521: Velocity for monsters, as long as its velocity is less than speed of light, then velocity in mph = 10^{(its C2 DP)/10/2}. So, if Rodan can fly @ 1,584 mph, then it is @ 8 ABMS = 64 C2 Default Psyche, based on velocity of a whale in the ocean waters: it works. Rule # 520: The science fiction Yamato should have been @ 40 C1 DP, but it seem to have turned out to be @ 50 C1 DP; the Comet Empire should have been @ 50 C1 DP, but it turned out to be @ 60 C1 DP. Rule # 519: Nostradamus lived in the year (1504 + his age). His quatrains could have been based on the bible, rather than his own source, just as some of Shakespeare’s source was Chaucer, & NOT (entirely) his own, other than creativity, THEN, 1st gets his unit decreased by 1; while, the 2nd maintains his unit, since he’s only translating. The other option for the 1st is similar to that of the fictional character Lionel Luther in the tv series Smallville, where his C2 DP is proportional to his age: if true, then, he would have or been @ 62 C2 DP if he died @ age of 62 in 1566, his predictions consuming most of his points, just as a woman’s beauty would consume most of her points, leaving little for herself, just as leaving little for himself, creating an image of him being human, assuming he wasn’t a con-artist, which is also possible, which would lower his unit by 1, such as from C2 to C3, if his maximum is @ 62 C2 DP; but, if he is a con-artist, then he’d be @ 62 C3 DP, rather than @ 62 C2 DP, where his ability to predict the future is @ C3 PL, where C3 ~ year, using Rule # 3 & # 6, which are explained @ the beginning of my rpg HYBRID, where you lower his default Life Span to increase his Power Level. But, if his default LS is increasing slightly each year, then so is his PL. Rule # 518: The base e for LN for 1st equation is based on [d-1], where D = # of dimensions for lifeform. The equation for death & reincarnation can be further simplified to the following: AMBS ~ = LN(# of years that the character waits before being reborn), which is for C2, meaning ABMS = C2^(1/2), where C2 usually = DP, but in some instances can be @ PL, but C# is NOT specific to only C2, which is maximum for a humanoid male, when equation is used to mimic real life, but in some instances C# can be other than C2, based on # @ C# is = (# of years that character waits before being reborn)^(1/#), where # is the 2nd # in C#, such as # = 2 for C2, as reference. But, this estimate or/and equation is NOT automatic, meaning your character need to use it accurately & properly, else your character ends up as something else than what he intended, and it also depends on supply & demand, meaning if there isn’t a slot open for that type of life form, then you either have to chose another or pay more points for it, to open up that slot for your character. And, you can’t use the equation any way you like it: it’s very specific, especially the 2nd # in C# determine gender & race & other attributes, including if you wish to be something other than humanoid. The lower the #, the higher up the evolutionary ladder you end up as; and, larger the #, the lower down the evolutionary ladder you end up as: it has Newtonian properties of equal and opposite; but, when # of souls run out, it’s new source is the subatomic or/& parallel or/& alternate universe: for new body. Rule # 517: Will the coincidences never end? Maybe NOT. I seem to have noticed another similarity between my rpg HYBRID and another rpg known as Aberrant. If you look on page 240 & 241 in Aberrant rpg, where it talks about “soak”, @ 1d6, which is simply 1d6 @ or added to base 10 @ C1 DP, where Hero rpg adds to a base @ C#, which is IMPLIED, although whether it’s @ PL or DP is also IMPLIED, meaning Hero rpg is vague, similar to DC rpg in terms of vagueness, leaving out the unit of magnitude, based on the description of “soak” on those 2 pages is almost exactly same as in it is done in my rpg HYBRID, by complete coincidence. If you are NOT familiar with my rpg HYBRID, and if you are confused as to what I’m talking about: I’ll simplify, for it is quite simple. But, before I explain, keep in mind or NOTE that this rule applies to those in a 2nd rate country like USA, meaning if you try to apply this rule to those in 3rd rate country like those in Africa, then use C2, rather than C1, which is assumed to be @ DP, which can later be modified using Rule # 3 & # 6. For an example for a C2, use it in a storyline similar to that of the movie, Kill Bill, where she gets a 1d6 C2 soak. But, most movies that of Jet Li, involves a 2d6 C2 soak, where base is 10: what this means is {(base 10) + 2d6} for his C2 DP. In the movie Kill Bill, most of her enemies weren’t that good @ martial arts, so, you’d give her 1d6 soak @ base 10: for her would be a subset & NOT actual. So, when soak is used @ C1 @ 1d6 for a human & NOT a mutant, it means that he is @ (10 + 1d6) @ C1 DP; but, when it is used for a mutant, then it means that he is @ resistance to damage @ (10 + 1d6) @ C1, where for latter 2nd example, I do NOT use DP, since it’s protection from that level of attack, in either form of technology or mutant power(s), which when it comes from mutant, they are referred to as novas, in Aberrant rpg. The term nova in Aberrant rpg MAYBE from MU, based on the Herald of Galactus known as Nova, who is @ CA, for she is @ {([base = 10] + [1d6 to 2d6]) @ CA DP}, meaning her rating of 1d6 to 2d6 in Nobilis or MU SAGA, her rating fluctuates, depending on her contributions to her master & owner, Galactus, who is like/(similar to being) her pimp, where she is the best looking (mutant) humanoid female in MU, just as Lobo is the best looking (mutant) guy in DC, where he too also has a rating that fluctuates between 1d6 & 2d6 by [(CA DP) – Nd6], in Nobilis or/and MU SAGA; Nova’s rating is similar to Nobilis or/and MU SAGA, in terms of average Psyche, which coincidently her power level is exactly proportional to her COM, although the two are NOT related, except hat MU has made them related, to lessen the mathematical computations, since other wise would required to use Doppler Effect & Resonance Theory, which would require more math and more computations, which is NOT good, so MU probably thought that it’s better to simplify using IMPLIED difference for humanoid female mutants, based on her PL to COM for mutant humanoid females, to lessen the computations, although the two are NOT related, so do NOT think they’re related, but created by difference, which is left to the readers to figure out based on that. Rule # 516: On page 57 of Hero 5th, you’ll see a chart or table for contact modifiers: it can be reduced or simplified or summarized with a simple equation, which is coincidently used by my rpg HYBRID, which I used before I came across this table on page 57, so it’s a complete coincidence that there is similarity between HERO 5th & my rpg HYBRID: +/- {(C#)/10}, where # is rating for that civilization, where # = 2 for a 2nd rate country like USA, which seems to think its a 1st rate. So, use # = 3, for a 3rd rate countries like those in Africa. The # = 1 would go to a fictional civilization like that of cartoon Cybertron. But, cost(s) for % of powers in Champions is @ C# = C2, @ humanoids. Rule # 515: The Version # for this rpg HYBRID will be: (the # of rules)/(year AD): so, this Version # should be about ~ V 0.26. Rule # 514: Power of rationalization is great; and, all it takes/took is/was a few bad apples (figuratively speaking) on both sides of the 2 genders to ruin the balance of power, as it seems to have happened during/after the founding of this USA, for each is its own worst enemy, for women ask for equality but cling to prostitution; while, men claim to be rational, but have no common sense to know that feminism is a Trojan Horse to enslave mankind, where feminists seduce the courts to have cops act as their pimps. The organized crime (which is) against men (married or/& unmarried) & marriage that which is known as feminism is legalized criminality or/and mental disorder. The Trojan Horse that is feminism created by feminists are attempting to rewrite the 8th Amendment of the USA to enslave the male species, through/(by having) the courts to create a fascist rule by feminist & their army of cops as their pimps, similar to that of the (fictional, or was it fictional) Amazons, equally shallow as the men they wish to be free of: will be the destroyer of this USA, just as Christianity [another sect, which even to this day do NOT admit that their god is false based on adultery by their virgin Mary, who brainwashed her child, jesus, into schizophrenia or he was a con-artist, like his mother, who was likely a con-artist or/and brainwashed by Jewish priests to take on the role that she did, after committing adultery, and it even possible that he was prostitute: so, both false gods, but worshipped, which shows how fickle humans are, why there is NO such thing as democracy, which is an illusion in USA, which was created by con-artist, the so-called founding fathers of USA were NOT working for democracy, but for the elite merchant class, who were Jews; so, worshipping false gods is the result of the elite being able to brainwash the rest of the populace: is the most oxymoron of logic, since people think they are rational, which if anything Aristotle, Plato, and Archimedes should be worshipped & NOT these false gods of Mary & jesus, false as the Muslim messenger Mohammad, NOT knowing that the voice in his head was his own voice, & NOT that of god: the same with Moses, NOT knowing that the voice in his head was his own voice, & NOT that of god, but this Trojan Horse of Christianity] was the destroyer of the great Roman Empire, which also had excess, which like feminism will bring down USA, (into another 3rd civil war MAYBE in the year 2345, AD, with the 2nd civil war being feminism in the 20th century by feminists, who are anti-marriage extremists, who will bring down USA), which is under threat NOT from foreign terrorists, but excess from feminists, which is the greatest threat this country USA & the world is under or has ever faced, worst than any nuclear or/and biological attack: feminism is responsible for the increase in prostitution by women with multiple male partners with is polygamy, which is illegal for men, but legal for women, is an oxymoron in logic, when women claim to want equality in family law, where they want to be supported by NOT only by their current boyfriend or/and husband, but by all of their ex-boyfriends or/and ex-husbands. And, any feminist(s) [one of many Pandora’s boxes, most recent being feminism, who turn cops into pimps but then these same feminist complain about guys acting like pimps: talk about being an oxymoron: stupidity, in many different forms, this being one of many] [male for/and female] that attempts to destroy the marriage institution between a man & a woman should be very quickly ignored: you now have feminists that are trying to marriage into prostitution, which is illegal, but they want alimony, child support, & palimony; &, these most % of feminists [male & female, some dupes & ignorant, while others knowing, and others opportunists] are extremely dangerous, as any taser that a cop might use, with cops now (sometimes being forced to take on role of) the/their front line army of pimps, turning the world to be ruled by pimps & feminists. And, just as a bad apple in a basket full of good apples will ruin that basket full of good apples, feminist that bad apple will ruin this great nation that is USA & the rest of the world, and pull into a Dark Age, in a manner that a cow with mad cow disease, which is contagious, as is this evil feminism. And, court ruling on sodomy law being overturned is a good thing: at least for heterosexuals, who don’t want to worry about going to jail or/and being fined for having improper sex with their girlfriend or wife, which latter, the marriage contract was a religious ceremony by choice, which the feminists wish to take away, but claim to be for equality, which is a farce, as they want to rule in a dictatorial fashion rule by them, with penalty being alimony, child support, palimony or jail, which is for some % is violation of the US Constitution which banned cruel & unjust punishment, which is in excess compared to the rest of the world & worse than the Russian gulags of the/that of Stalin of USSR. So, do NOT trust feminist NOR pimps, as the only pimp a woman should be allowed to have is her husband, for if a woman can charge her husband for marriage rape, then her true pimp is a cop & NOT her husband, which violates the marriage contract, so in effect she is committing fraud, which if her husband should be able to charge his wife with fraud, but NO sane man would send his wife to jail, unless she has seriously violated his trust, which is NOT a two way street after marriage, which women see as legalized form of prostitution, which is an oxymoron, meaning any woman that has multiple lovers, is a polygamist, which is illegal for most men, but if women want to have that option, then men should be able to take more than 1 wife, but women object to that, since THEN they can’t accumulate Negative Energy, which is $, and only client a prostitute, a woman, should be allowed to have is her husband, for life & for free, considering he is willingly paying for all her & his family’s (with her being part of his family) bills for life long, why (a) wom(a/e)n should NOT ever be allowed to have more than 1 husband, which in this age of divorce would make him a boyfriend rather than husband, but a boyfriend doesn’t have to pay alimony, which feminist want to change to palimony, to an ex-boyfriend, which would make her a prostitute, which can only be enforced with pimps, such as a police officer, who thinks he is enforcing the law, but is really a pimp for some feminist: that is the problem of having an army of Neanderthals enforcing the law: that is they enforce the law blindly, without any common sense, making the police bad as or worse than the criminals, which the police were hired to reduce, but from what I see of cops on tv, they the police seem bad as or worse than the criminals, which is bad, police laugh about beating up people, like hoodlums, NOT right, & in the process of becoming criminals themselves, in the eyes of god, accounting, can be done by Negative Energy, and now some women want to get on the act: enforce the law blindly, without any common sense. Rule # 513: This rule works great for Destroyah & all other monsters, but just keep in mind that the movie/story has Destroyah has its power rating decreased as the movie progresses, but its power rating is greatest when it is size of a truck: its power rating follows a 1^2 = 10%, 3^2 = 90%, 2^2 = 40% pattern: the latter 40% is what is taking place in most of the movie after reaching adult form. Let % = % of mutant power for Mothra: this can be applied to Space-Godzilla, who is @ most 50%, but he/she/it (Space-Godzilla) is reduced to level that of Godzilla is @ 33% @ most, by the time it (Space-Godzilla) reaches earth, where you divide by %, in the equation below to calculate its length in meters. But, do NOT forget to subtract a few points from total to calculate its PL, based on what modifier you want to use to determine its Power Level for mutant powers. The appropriate modifier to use is LOG10(% of mutant power), which is NOT the same as defined in earlier equations in terms of a modifier, taken out of its ABMS, which is reduced by its modifier: this method is NOT always done, as it depends. If X is the correct value, then you can calculate year the movie was released for Godzilla & for Gamara based on the 3rd equation, below, where you divide by 30, as long as it (the monster) isn’t too super, such as in the case for the Destroyah, which needs the equation X*LOG10(X), which got reduced to X, as it grew: the reduction in points may have been due to the molecular control power stunt creating something out of nothing. In the light speed version of Mothra, divide by 40 @ 40%, rather than dividing by 30 @ 30%; for the FTL version, divide by 50 @ 50%; and, for the time traveling version, divide by 60 in the equation below, for a 1 way trip, else for a 2 way trip, divide by 70 in the equation below, which would place it @ 210 C2 DP which seems almost about accurate, but still far from the mark, since this amount is about 33.41 C1 DP which is only enough for [2,570/2] years of time travel, and Mothra in that episode traveled [1/2] million years back in time & back again to the present, which would require it to be @ 36 C1 DP @ [{(1d6)*(1d6)} @ C1 DP] that of the Master in Dr Who: the amount needed in the time traveling episode of Monster X, the one with the multiple heads: the Monster X [assuming I got the name right] looks like Tiamat of Dungeons and Dragons, where the monster, Monster X, gets only HALF of those points @ 110 C2 DP, and the 210 C2 DP itself for the time traveling human(oid) aliens. Also, the -1 changes to 0: in the 3 equations below when used for to calculate length of a jellyfish. NOTE that the female gender will get more points than the male gender, but as to how many more points depend on variables. And, for the giant octopus or squid in one of the Dr Who episode, Keys To Time, use the 1st equation, where you divide by 10. The giant octopus or squid has NO mutant powers, but you later find out that it is a Key To Time, THEN you need to use the 2nd equation where you divide by 30, for it, to figure out its C2 DP, based on its length. % @ 10% is NOT really @ 10%, but almost only 1%. For length of animals, without any mutant powers, the length in # of meters = 10^{{(it’s C2 DP)/[% = 10]} - 1} = L to [N*L], where N = [1] = modifier for most NON-human(oid) animals based on its attributes, but it’s slightly little bit more complicated when # is small, such as for fish & rodents. So, a blue whale @ 25 C2 DP will have a length of 10^{(25/10) – 1} = 10^{2.5 – 1} = 31.62 meters x 3.28 ft = 103.71 ft. long. But, for Godzilla, you’d need to divide by 20, giving equation, 10^{{(it’s C2 DP)/[% = 20]} - 1}, for almost NO mutant powers, which are gone once it’s used, meaning it’s NON-rechargeable; but, divide by 30 for if it has mutant powers, as its minimum value, giving equation, 10^{{(it’s C2 DP)/[% = 30]} - 1}, but this is its minimum length value. But, if it has a tiny bit of mutant power but NOT detectable, THEN equation is [10*{{(it’s C2 DP)/10}^2}] in ft, which for jellyfish is in meters. These equations will contradict each other, including its premise, since each represent different situations: unavoidable. Rule # 512: In my opinion, the intellectual side of the DC character Bruce Wayne & Batman’s personality & background & history, especially the death of his parents & his inheritance & freedom to do whatever, is partly based on the Roman character Galen, who became & was doctor to the Roman emperor. But, this Galen character seemed incompetent, other than his ability to writer: he should have been a writer rather than a doctor, since he was much better writer than he was a doctor, but his father wanted him to become a doctor: maybe for fame/fortune. Galen attempting to learn medicine was similar to Bruce attempting to learn martial arts, latter succeeded easily due to more points. But, if I later find that this assumption is incorrect, then I’ll update. Rule # 511: And, by the way, the Doctor (in Doctor Who) is a super villain & NOT a super hero, contrary to what most think; and the Master is a super hero & NOT super villain, contrary what most think: you will come to the same conclusion if you analyze the stories carefully & without bias & without being brainwashed by premise that the Doctor is the hero & Master is the villain, rather than skim through it like most do: most also skim through the Spiderman movie without analyzing it carefully or audience is brainwashed by premise that Spiderman is the hero, which he isn’t, and he is a super villain of worst kind: he commit crimes (THEN, he partly undoes it, to appear heroic, which lot of the male members of the Justice League does the same, while the ladies go along hoping to date them, but the guys are too busy accumulating Negative Energy to notice or/and date the ladies [who want that ring on their finger] other than a one night stand sort of thing, similar to the starting premise of the love potion episode of the Smallville series, but the girls fall into the same trap as the guys, meaning they too become busy in accumulating Negative Energy as the episode progresses) to (Peter Parker as Spiderman) gets his picture taken (by his camera) so as to appear in the Daily Bugle, Spiderman is photogenic. The 4 characters in science-fiction tv series & novels Dr Who can be summarized as follows: the timelord the Doctor @ [{(2d6)*(1d6)} @ C1 DP] @ maximum of 72 C1 DP, THEN the timelord the Master @ [(1d6)*(1d6) @ C1 DP] @ maximum of 36 C1 DP or HALF of that of the Doctor, where # of lives = or proportional to human(oid) female COM = {(C1/10)^2}, where C1 is usually @ DP, giving the Master 12.96 lives, rather than (9+1)+1, contrary to what most think, the Master had previously gotten a +1, and tried to get another +1, which he did manage successfully, somehow, since having the or being in the TARDIS cost 1 life, and time travel cost 1 life, so in a way it does come out to 10+1, where +1 is extra for which you have to roll dice to see if you succeed to get that +1; so, a Timelord with 9 lives would be @ 30 C1 DP which is the purpose of the story/show to show by subliminal message, in my opinion, at least that is how my rpg HYBRID works, by having the Doctor have a female assistant to show audience how points work by, where she would need a difference or points extra above her COM to have similar skills & powers that of the Master, who is @ HALF rating or/and points @ C1 DP that of the Doctor; the female timelord is @ minimum rating that of the MU Mystique; THEN, the next being Black Guardian @ [(1d6)*(1d6) @ C1 DP] @ same rating as the Master, meaning if you rolled all 6’s for that action phase for that character of yours if one of these happen to be your character with those many dice, & the White Guardian @ [(2d6)*(2d6) @ C1 DP)] @ maximum of 144 C1 DP, the latter @ HALF my original estimate, since due to the ending of the series “Keys To Time”, meaning the Doctor ended up with it, which he wished it to be destroyed or something, NOT sure, the ending was confusing, since the White Guardian didn’t end up with Keys to time: THE SAME PARADOX IN THE MU, WHERE WARLOCK OF INFINITY WATCH ENDS UP WITH THE POWER GEMS THAT ETERNITY WANTED BUT WAS UNABLE TO: DECREE MADE BY THE LIVING TRIBUNAL. But, getting back to White Guardian, I seem to have over estimated his DP in my original estimate, which should be HALF, meaning what I’ve stated above, which is HALF of my original estimate, which was @ 2x the estimate that I had given the Q of STNG. And, although I had given the Q (of STNG) = [10*(position of the letter Q in the alphabet)] @ C1 DP: this had to be reduced by a modifier to compute mutant power, which is about that of 144 C1 DP @ 10% mutant power, after subtracting 1 point form 145 for wasting his time with Picard. And, when Q claimed that he had lost all his powers, his C# was reduced from C1 to C2: this is interesting, since when a mutant loses his powers @ C2, his advanced skills are @ C3, or about 1 unit less: a good example for the latter is the Spiderman movies, Part I and II. This is the mutant equation of changing the unit, increasing it by 1, where “increasing” means decreasing numerically for C#, such as {C3 to C2} or {C2 to C1}, to change human to mutant, or mutant to super mutant: and, NO, I didn’t get this equation from these movies or these tv shows: I guessed or/& assumed, based on WWI & WWII technology, where average male worker has to be @ 1 unit less than the master engineer, such as Oppenheimer or Einstein, who would be @ C2, while the worker be @ C3; but, don’t think in large # for these 2, but think in low numbers, where you increase male humanoid’s C3 points to C2 points for master engineer, but do not use DP but PL, since DP is for mutants, where # is high, else when # is low you can use DP as starting point. And, although I had stated that PL is for technology, you can derive DP from PL, but if you start with DP, then PL is very much larger. So, you need to use PL for both average worker and for master engineer; and, by master engineer, I don’t mean certificate stating he’s master engineer, which is different. And, you can get away with using DP for average worker, but you can not start with same # for DP for master engineer, where DP has to be derived, based on his LS and his PL. Refer to Rule # 3 & 6. Rule # 510: The only thing that my rpg doesn’t do is calculus, but I will attempt @ a later time to figure out if it is possible for me to generate or/and derive calculus with my 4 equations: which is why I say that you need to use real science, assuming real science is based on calculus, assuming it isn’t lot of propaganda, like Stalin killing his own citizens with/for no reason, which was he forced his citizens to work in harsh working conditions, but as I was saying: you also need to use along with real science, calculus, along with it, you need to also use my pseudo-science, which consist of 4 main equations, if you wish to understand or/and play my rpg HYBRID. But, when I make statement that other rpg designers get their ideas from me is meant as figure of speech to show how astronomical low a chance it is: the odds of that would be equivalent to some asteroid hitting earth with force of an atomic or/and nuclear bomb; and, the probability of me getting my ideas from other rpgs is even less, since I’d have to be some sort of genius or lucky, neither of which I’m NOT, to connect all rpgs & all of reality with only 4 equations, where for accuracy % = {100*(1-1/N)}, where N = 4, for 4 equations, so THEN my rpg is 75% accurate if I use only 4 equations as the foundation for my rpg HYBRID; but, in my opinion, I’ve seemed to have managed to connect all rpgs & perhaps all of reality with 4 equations: {X^LOG10(X)} & {X^LN(X)} & {range of X to [X*LOG10(X)], where X = minimum C2 DP for Godzilla but X = C3 DP for the mutant dogs of Absorbing Man in HULK movie, but when X = C2 DP, then X = [(year AD) – (year AD that (Godzilla-like or Gamara-like) movie was released to public)]} & also {mass for almost NON-living astronomical object(s) in kg = [10^(10*LOG10(X))] kg, when X = C2 DP, is the 4th brilliant equation as foundation for my rpg HYBRID, which is free, since I’m NOT sure how I can charge for something that is essentially a 1 page rpg, with rest essentially explanations}, with frequency of use (in my rpg HYBRID) is about square root of previous equation, so the 2nd equation is used as often as square root of the 1st equation, and the 3rd equation is used as often as the square root as the 2nd equation. And, as for the similarities with my rpg HYBRID and other rpg, I can only assume it’s FATE, which I’m NOT referring to the rpg FATE, but FATE as in destiny, sort of like perhaps the rise and fall of the Roman Empire was perhaps linked to my 4 equations, meaning it was destined, meaning like a fractal, which is recursive like my 4 equations and my rpg HYBRID, or sort of like Columbus was destined to discover the Caribbean’s. And, now that the DISCLAIMER is given to the readers, I’d like to present my newest finding or/and discovery of another similarity with my rpg HYBRID with [SAS & BESM D20}. And, if I confuse BESM D20 with SAS, and vice versa, please excuse me, but both rpgs have properties that are similar to my rpg HYBRID, and I’m trying to figure out why, but it could be just a coincidence, since my rpg is similar to so many other rpgs, also. And, BESM D20, assuming it wasn’t SAS, computes C2 by Y*Y, where Y = ABMS, which is LS, DP, & PL in my rpg HYBRID, where Y is then reduced by HALF, but it doesn’t give reason, but it is probably so that its PL can be increased by 2x, but @ cost of reducing its or his LS or Life Span by HALF, which is the 2nd part of this little algorithm, with the 3rd part being 2x of default PL to get new PL, but @ cost of reducing or decreasing default LS or Life Span to HALF its original in terms of points @ C2, which [reducing LS in HALF from its original default level @ C2 to HALF of C2], might be referred to as defect in SAS, which is what’s done in my rpg HYBRID, but I did not get this/these idea(s) from BESM, but I thought of it/them (these ideas) independently, before I even heard of BESM rpg. The Mind & Soul stat often gets interchanged in BESM rpg, but they are NOT the same: similarly, in my (free) rpg HYBRID, the two of the three stats, DP & PL, get interchanged in my rpg, but they, also, are NOT the same. THIS SIMILARITY IS ALSO A PURE COINCIDENCE, as is some of the properties of Besom’s 3 stats, Body, Mind, & Soul, are similar to my 3 stats [LS, DP, & PL] in my rag HYBRID, which is a tri-stat system: LS or Life Span, DP for Default Psyche, & PL for Power Level; but, BESM gets similar results in an awkward way as if it’s going out of its way to paraphrase my ideas, [YES, ALL RPGS SEEM TO BE GETTING ALL OF THEIR IDEAS FROM MY RPG, IF THEY ALL USE MAXWELL’S EQUATION OF TIME TRAVEL TO FIND THE GREATEST RPG THAT BEING MY RPG HYBRID, FOR EVEN ABERRANT RPG IS FLAWED IN TERMS OF ITS MECHANICS [WHICH IS POORLY BASED ON MY RPG MECHANICS] BUT THE HAPLESS (if it has a derogatory meaning, please forgive me) (unsuspecting) PLAYERS DO NOT SEEM TO SEE IT, EXCEPT FOR ME, for I alone see the flaws [ by the term “flaw”, I meant NOT clearly defined, for Quantum has 2 different types of values, but this is NOT written, for it is based on my term “difference” and “PL”, where Level is DP, and it assumed that LS is human level or slightly more unless defined otherwise: but, NO ONE can see it, since they hide it by dividing all #s usually by 10 & @ other times they give false unit, which is wrong unit, meaning it should be 1 less or more, when unit is wrong], and this in Aberrant rpg seems clear to me, SINCE MY RPG HAS IDEAS THAT SEEM TO APPEAR IN ALL RPGS, which all other rpg poorly use or understand my rpg mechanics, which is so extremely simple, that one must assume that they either intentionally create such errors or they are plagiarizing off of me by using Maxwell’s Equation of time travel to find the greatest rpg that being my rpg, but they ran out of points so they did NOT see/read my rpg clearly as they should to understand it fully, sort of like taking information from the internet, except this information is from the future that being my rpg, HYBRID, and (they) using Maxwell’s time travel equation which is expensive, & NOT cheap, so they probably ran out of points & ran out of time, before they could get all of my rpg ideas, such as BESM’s Body Mind Soul rpg mechanics is based on my LS, DP, & PL, but thank god, they poorly under(stand/stood) my rpg mechanics, so that I can be sure that my rpg is the source or is a coincidence that my rpg is the source; and, EVEN THOUGH I DO NOT GET MY IDEAS FROM OTHER RPG, EXCEPT LESS THAN 1%] (THEY SEEM TO BE MAKING) the process of paraphrasing is referred to as hashing in computer science, but I don’t hash ideas, but I state my ideas [which is like Mage the Ascension, but also like Aberrant, Rifts [referring to lines of force], TORG, Amber [with its pattern, which is similar to that of Dr Who’s “time sensitive Timelords”, but with minimum base for pattern @ 100 C2], Dragonball-Z rpg, and Yu-Gi-Oh, latter last in a dream like manner] plainly and clearly as possible s I see it, WHY most rpgs are like (a) pothole(s) on (a) road(s)]. And, it’s a complete coincidence that they are similar to my (free) rpg HYBRID, which is free, since it’s based on only 9 CORE equations, in which only the Psyche stat from the ‘86 MU TSR rpg is defined @ C#, which is USUALLY @ C1 for Psyche, but since other powers /attributes/ stats vary in units of magnitude, why I came up with C#, since Odin is NOT @ C1, [yes & NO: since C# is recursive @ X^LOG10(X)], but @ C2, which is what the MU Silver Surfer is @ C2 PL, but his Psyche is @ C1 @ {(2d6)*(1d6)}, why I keep saying either than rpg writers are stealing my ideas or it’s a complete coincidence, which in that case, it could be something similar to MU Ragnorrok, splitting of souls, but it could be just a coincidence, or maybe Maxwell’s time travel equations taking place. You do NOT need to buy BESM D20, since it’s can be simplified into a single line of code, which is an amalgam of C3 or/and C4 for its experience points, while its character points is/are an amalgam of C1 or/and C2. NOTE that C4 is used in Synnibarr rpg, and depending on how you define the BESM D20 chart, it can be @ C4 for its experience points, if the chart refers to low powered mutants or elite male humans, else it’s for very powerful mutants if defined @ C3; but, by just looking @ the BESM D20 chart, it’s NOT clear if it (referring to experience points) is meant to be @ PL or @ DP, since it can very much significantly alter the character. And, Do NOT forget Rule # 3 & # 6, if you don’t want to use charts or want a reason behind the charts, then using X^LOG10(X) is the only way to get/calculate the experience points as shown in BESM D20 is to add 20 to base 10 @ C1, which is then converted to C3, which is what the experience points in BESM D20 is @ C3. But, the character points are @ C1, if BESM D20 interpreted my rules correctly, else the BESM D20 chart is wrong in BESM D20, meaning it would be off slightly, then, since it is used incorrectly since it’s NOT talking about Godzilla, which is what it would need to be referring to, since you’d have to add 3 PL points to its Default PL to reduce its LS or Life Span by 3 C1 points, meaning {30 +/- 3 @ C1}, UNLESS the experience points is @ C4 rather than C3, then, the base is @ C2 rather than C1, giving the {30 +/ - 3 @ C2}, which is WHY SAS has a total of 111.89 to 202.25 points @ C3, by X^LOG10(X), but if the C2 in the equation for X were @ C1 rather than C2, THEN RATHER THAN a ninja, the monster would be Godzilla rather than a (cinematic) ninja, which is 100 to 200 C3, and NO, the real Jacky Chan doesn’t get that many points, but LOT less points @ 4 AMBS @ 4^2 C2 DP = 16 C2 DP or @ 2.818 gpa in martial arts @ 28.18 C3 DP by 16^LOG10(16 C2), by (C3/10) = gpa in martial arts, but in (the) cartoon Jacky Chan cartoon, gpa in martial arts = (C3/100) or (C2/10), which are slightly unequal but close enough, but cinematic martial arts gpa be (C3/20), if you make cap of 100 or 123 C3 as maximum; while, Godzilla is @ 100 to 200 C2 DP @ {(30 +/- 3) @ C1 DP}, which is maximum value, while its minimum value is {(20 +/-2) @ C1 DP} but a similar creature @ HALF points in Yu-Gi-Oh would be @ PL [but, NOT because it is @ HALF] but NOT @ DP, by the equation X*LOG10(X), which if used for Godzilla, then X is @ C2; but, X in 2nd equation is @ C3 for a ninja; but, BESM D20 can be simplified into 1 line of code, or perhaps even less than 1 line of code, if you were to be able to understand it, that being my simplified explanation, but NOTE that it is almost exactly same as in my rpg HYBRID, but I had NOT taken it from BESM D20, for it is a complete coincidence for its similarity with my rpg HYBRID, referring to molecular control in BESM D20, which is @ (base = 20 @ C1, which can be @ either PL or DP depending on how powerful you want to make the character) + 1 for Rank, after Rank, which is extra points added to base, which is subtracted from total C2, giving a difference, which is NOT the difference in COM to DP which I was referring to earlier, but this particular type of difference is converted from C2 to C1, with total @ C1, where 21 C1 = 56 C2 by 21^LOG10(21 C1) = 56 C2, where Rank of 6 = 50 + 6, with base 20 = 20 C1, but the tunneling example, is @ PL & NOT @ DP, where my C1 is referred to as character level in BESM D20, and even the invisibility chart for BESM D20 is almost same as in my rpg HYBRID, that it’s a cosmically freaking coincidence, but you need to keep in mind that PL is used for weak mutants and weak power stunts, when that # is same when compared to another mutant with same # but @ DP rather than @ PL; while, DP is used for powerful mutants or/and power stunts, when that # is same when compared to another mutant with same # but @ PL rather than @ DP, but PL & DP are/means different, meaning in terms of Rule # 3 & # 6: << I need to get a better word processor. >> I hate my word processor: it’s so damn slow, especially the delete & the cursor key/button, which freezes my computer for brief moment, every time, it’s enough to make anyone mad, if they used a similar word processor, or it could be just that my computer is slow. And, I can see flaws in their rpgs, such as in BESM’s starting 30 point for a mutant is similar to a premise I use in my rpg based on his 30 C2 DP, for the starting point for mutants, but SINCE ALL RPG HAVE FLAWS, BUT # OF FLAWS in their rpg IS REDUCED BY REDUCING THEIR # OF RULES in their rpg, since I came up with these ideas over a period of time during the 1990s & still today, since my rpg is incomplete; or, they are hav(e/ing) the same train of thoughts, but NOT revealing the CORE rules, NOT even in published format, NOT even for a price, by any rpg company, except for me, regarding the CORE rules, which they seem to be trying to keep for themselves, but they’re NOT publishing it, except for me, but it’s here for free, since partly for reason that many of the character example I’m using are copyrighted [meaning MU & DC characters are NOT mine, NOT mine, referring to MU & DC characters, but used simply to illustrate my rpg ideas better, in terms of rpg, for my rpg HYBRID mechanics], where my examples use characters such as Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Dr Octopus, etc, & I wouldn’t be able to use these characters for my examples to explain my rpg HYBRID, which for the foreseeable future is or/and will be free, that being my rpg HYBRID, is or will be free for the foreseeable future, if I were to try to publish my rpg for a price, which is unlikely, so don't be discouraged from reading my rpg, since it's free, although the grammar might seem cumbersome, there are lot of good ideas in my rpg, good enough to read & improve & understand your own rpg & other rpgs including understand science-fiction stories better, and besides, I hate having to deal with the legal aspect of publishing is complicated, at least for me, since I hate stress, so I’m making my rpg HYBRID free, the CORE rules. Or, it’s a coincidence that my rpg has properties that are similar to 1.23 dozen other rpgs, which may have something to do with the # 12, since I’m NOT able to reduce my rpg to less than 12 CORE rules, like the 12 Monkeys, movie, but after (a) dozens of coincidences, I wonder. Rule # 509: In this rule inheriting a (multi)-billion $ is same as earning to becoming a (multi)-millionaire; and, lower the # for his DP compared to his PL, the less he can afford to waste his points, assuming his LS or Life Span is also less than his PL or Power level, and even more so, if it is less than his DP or Default Psyche. And, it is likely that even 20 C1 PL is too high for a male human in the 20th century unless you want to make him a multi-millionaire, but he can still cheat to create this or such an illusion using Doppler Effect & Resonance Theory, or even in/under Negative Energy (theory, which I wouldn’t call theory, but might have to use the word theory since it’s NOT proven, but neither was gravity by Newton (well, NOT entirely), since Newton got his idea for Gravitational constant from/using Kepler’s geometric equation(s), and Newton fudged Kepler’s equation to come up with the Gravitational constant, just as Einstein fudged Newton’s equation to come up with theory of Relativity, meaning it’s an evolving process, but I’d like to think that 96% of my ideas are original, with the other 4% being fused together in such a way that the other 96% can be generated, but it (my rpg HYBRID) can be summarized with 2 equations, X^LOG10(X) & X^LN(X), and their manifestations, one such as X*LOG10(X) as maximum value for Godzilla, when X = C2 DP, with X being the lower limit for Godzilla, but for Absorbing Man’s dogs in the HULK movie, change C2 to C3 for the mutant dogs, since C# is supposed to = C3 for those mutant dogs, if you put X = C3 in the above equation [X*LOG10(X)], for its maximum & minimum value, being X, where C3 is @ DP & NOT @ PL, but if it was @ PL rather than DP, then it (the mutant dogs) would be a tachyon projection similar to that of by the MU Mysterio, who sometimes uses (miniature) hypercube(s), by combination of force field(s) & holographic images, in my opinion, by TK & TP, rather than by technology, process similar to Wolverine’s adamentium claws, but it (referring to my rpg HYBRID) might seem like it’s only 69% correct, with 31% flaw in some 4% of my equations, but NOT the 4% that refers to the CORE rules, which seems accurate, and it might seem like tiny fragments of 4% my rpg is flawed, but I’m updated my rpg whenever I can, so as to make it as correct as possible, but I’m only @ 1d6 INT, so I’m rather slow in my endeavor(s), but it’s (referring to Negative Energy) understood or implied to the point of being almost common sense, that one can assume it’s a fact, rather than theory), especially in capitalism & probably in/under other forms of political systems, as well, if he is @ PL, else if @ DP, then a multi-billionaire, since there are NO mutants around, so Negative Energy would have them be rich or famous, if that person be male, else woman has to be a porn star or prostitute to be rich so average for genius should be @ 30s C2 @ either PL or DP, between 30 & 39 C2. If @ normal human life span, then PL is less than DP, if both @ same value, else opposite, where DP is less than PL, in terms of numeric value, but NOT in terms of magnitude, since both LS & PL rely on DP for their point value. And, I end up digressing in the middle of this rule. NOTE that you can use the recursive equation X^LOG10(X) to predict the discovery of the atomic bomb, by using a small value of X, but NOT too small a value for X, since technology is NOT advanced enough to use an X value that is too small to generate that amount of energy. You can, also, discover the Plank’s constant but as a variable, meaning how you define it, by {(# @ C#)/Y}, where Y = [10^{(C#=C2)/10}] = % of skill in physics or/and math, THEN use the recursive equation X^LOG10(X), to figure out Plank’s constant, in terms of X, but % is subjective, meaning when % is for a mutant like Dr Octopus, then use C# = C1, which it seems his 20 C1 PL was changed to 20 C1 DP, but it’s my assumption that he was @ DP all along, and just pretending to be @ PL, similar to Peter Parker, both pretending NOT to be mutants, in my opinion, with % = 100, but usually in its original intent & meaning, for Plank’s constant, you’d want # in C# to be = C2 or less, such as C3 or C4, etc, but # is NOT @ C#, but # in C#, where # is = to 2 or greater than 2 for C#, so if you are using 20 C2 PL or DP for your male human(oid) character, then % = 100%, as long as you’re defining it in human context, where @ 50 C2 PL or DP, % = 100,000, % skill in physics or/and math, where the maximum male genius in 20th century is @ 20 C1 PL & NOT @ DP, which I had accidentally given the stat DP once, so that 20 C1 PL has to be reduced to DP [where I used the word “reduced” since the male humanoid has the genius attribute rather than greater than human life span] by taking his LS or Life Span into account: a simpler process is converting 20 C1 PL to 49.28 C2 PL, then removing or subtracting 0.28, since he is going to waste some points, then taking the square root of 49 C2 PL, giving 7 ABMS in terms of PL, but the term AMBS is usually in terms of DP & NOT in terms of PL, as a NOTE or reminder, but I’m assigning PL rather than DP to help you picture the process as well as we’re starting with PL rather than DP. So, then, once you get the value of 7, then subtract LOG10(% of mutant power that you want): so, if you want 10% of mutant power @ his limits in terms of genius attribute, to giving you a/his or your character’s DP stat, by subtracting LOG10(10, which is % for 10%), which will give you a/his or your character’s DP in terms of ABMS @ 6, which is 36 C2 DP, which is in terms of the Green Goblin, but since there are NO MU Green Goblin, you can assume that he is well hidden or acting as a billionaire, by that I don’t mean someone like someone you think is a billionaire, since he is probably a millionaire, pretending to be a billionaire, by cheating, and prostitute don’t fall under this rule, such as some female talk show host would NOT be considered a billionaire, even if she has the cash, since I’m NOT considering cheating, which is easy under capitalism if you use Doppler effect & Resonance Theory: NOT all but ALMOST any woman [especially any woman that show up frequently] that shows her face or/and body on tv is or would be considered a porn star or/and prostitute in my rpg HYBRID, with exception to anyone that is ugly, since none would see an ugly person unless he or she had something of value to say, even if she isn’t doing anything sexual, since all female [almost all of them extremely attractive] weather talk show host or women would be considered prostitutes, who are now replacing men weather talk how hosts. But, I’m NOT a Muslim, NOR do I accept all its principles, since it is based on the # 0, meaning [benefits - punishments = 0], which any person with any common sense can figure out, but there are LOT of things in Islam which is an exaggeration of this equation such as genital mutilation by both genders which either they practice it or are forced upon them by others & is ludicrous because of it, partly similar to Jewish religion; so, Islam is NOT based on God’s words, NOR Christianity, but some guy, whom his followers misguidedly think is god’s messenger, but all objects/persons/things/places are god’s messengers. It is the previous rule regarding minimum C# needed to discover Plank’s constant that Aberrant rpg is based on: this being the starting point for male humanoids & sometimes female but mostly male but the ratio can shift toward equality in # of male to female mutants if there is sufficient difference in her DP to COM ratio being, which the word “being” is meant as a verb rather than as a noun, considered as mutants. Rule # 508: You can predict death of Archimedes by placing him @ 13 C2 DP @ {C# = C5}, while average INT would be @ {C# = C4}, in HYBRID. Rule # 507: To learn a skill by IQ follows the following pattern @his C2 DP: [1d6, 18 years], [2d6, 18 months], [3d6, 18 weeks], [4d6, 18 days], [5d6, 18 hours], [6d6, 18 minutes], [7d6, 18 seconds], & so on, etc. This is what is meant by an 18x time unit cycle, but for a 2d6 C2 DP or Default Psyche computer programmer = 14.6 (C3) points in D&D, by the 12^LOG10(12 C2), where C2 = Default Psyche rather than PL, here. But, you can, later, use Rule # 3 & Rule # 6 for point manipulation. If the skill is extremely advanced, then change C2 to C1 for C#. Rule 506: On page 35 of GURPS Super, the 100 points for Altered Time Rate Variable refers to a 100.5 point character @ 100.5 C3 DP = 26 C2 DP, by 26^LOG10(26), where 26 C2 DP = 5.1 AMBS = 5.1 Average Mind Body Soul in BESM rpg, for someone like the main character/hero in the MOVIE Born Identity. But, that white guy in Matrix @ same # of points would be @ base of 17 C2 DP, with an extra 9 C2 DP points for either luck or martial arts; but, Jet Li’s base would be @ 12.3456789 C2 DP, giving him 13.65 extra C2 DP points for either luck or martial arts. But, white guy in Matrix @ mutant level be @ 100.5 C2 Default Psyche. Rule # 505: Aren’t judges supposed to be impartial: my observation, sometimes tv judges are NOT impartial, & sometimes are insulting, goofy, incompetent, feminist, have that holier than thou attitude, called god complex, thinking he/she is better than everyone else, and can do whatever, are sometimes violent, since these judges can hold you in contempt if you do not show respect, but these same judges insult the people that show up, which seems contradictory to common sense, HALF of the episodes of cops (on tv) is like that: this is what happens when they have too much power(s), without common sense to go with it, and most of these tv judges (in my opinion) got their by collecting Negative Energy, which comes in countless forms of greed. Rule # 504: Excess amount of work given by a professor in his or her course will be @ 1d6, meaning equilibrium is @ 1, while/and more than 1 is excess: there are reason for this, but NOT politically correct. Rule # 503: Speed of light can be predicted with rules of my rpg HYBRID, using escape velocity needed to escape an almost neutron star, along with effects of a super massive body seem to coincide with real science, using Rule # 496, show you @ exact point various types of stars form, which coincide with real science: all from the simple equation X^LOG10(X), if you know what X to use @ what C#. This simple equation is a big part of my rpg HYBRID, which assumes that all of reality is based on this simple equation X^LOG10(X) & its various manifestations & forms, where X is some # @ C#; and, my other rarely used equation X^LN(X), can be useful when used along side its more powerful sibling, X^LOG10(X), is often used with other equations, and acts like a 2nd blade on a helicopter, with similar properties. You start with the premise that the sun is @ 1,000 C2 PL @ 10^30 kg, where C2 PL = [10^[{LOG10(mass of astrological object in kg)}/10]], but if you use this equation on a dead body, it gives you amazing results, that being equation predicts a drop in the lifeorms’s # @ C# DP, but it gives some odd results for tiny lifeforms which needs studying. Rule # 502: Although this rule is about as powerful as the tip of the feather that Hercules used to defeat Thor in the tv series Hercules in the episodes Ragnorrok, this rule does NOT work very well at very low values, since the higher values will attempt to prevent the lower values from working together to get what it wants: example, US vs the Axis of Evil, Part II: this doesn’t violate the rule, except that the rule is prevented from working by lack of cooperation or greed by one party that wish to horde the resources. When PL is C1, then use square root; but, when PL is C2, then use cube root, to figure out radius or/and diameter of nuclear blast by technology, in distance unit meter. The NEXT part of this rule may seem dubious, meaning uncertain, IF you use the wrong value of Y, which is based on difference, meaning it, the Y, changes depending on the DP of the male humanoid race that is using this equation: Y value in the next equation uses 3 values for 3rd rate country, e, 3, & pi, but 3 will be used; and, although USA might be considered a 1st rate country, but in this equation, USA must be considered a 2nd rate country, since 1st country must be like the Cybertron of the Transformer universe, similar to Mtv video HYBRID THEORY, for you to use Y = 1 in this next equation. Then, pi^1.6999 = 7, which @ TL 7, you can use to make nuclear bombs or/and missiles, where radius or/and diameter of nuclear blast by technology for a 3rd rate country is [10^pi] meters, although it can be slightly more than this under certain circumstances, which depend on type of society that developed it, in terms of how much of a group effort it was. This rule has to be modified slightly when TL is less than 7 or greater than 7. The # 1.6999 has to do with [(C1 PL = 21)/(Y = 3)]^(1/1.6999) = pi. And, the maximum radius or/and diameter of nucler blast = 10^{X=(C1 PL)^(1/2)}, in distance unit meter, where if C# were @ C2, then BESM’s ABMS = X in my rpg HYBRID, but X has 3 values, but in this case it is @ PL, but can be @ LS or/& DP. But, X in this equation is @ C1, and NOT @ C2, but when X = C2 PL, then use (1/3) as the exponent to figure out radius or diameter in meters. This works for all values, including the dubious part of this rule after a slight modification to the variable Y, using the Soul Equation. But, you need to keep in mind Rule # 3 & Rule # 6, which will guide you how to manipulate points, so you know what your character’s limitations are in terms of points, but you also need to read other rules within my rpg HYBRID, so that you don’t use the wrong modifer(s), so that you don’t get the wrong result(s), such as 5 points for immortality in HERO 5th rpg is NOT 5 points, but almost 5 THOUSAND points of C3, but if you want me to be exact, then those 5 immortality points is worth (4575 - base 10 for C#) = 4565 points of C3, by taking/making few recursive equations, why it [the 5 points of immortality in HERO 5th] is really 5 rating in Nobilis, making the character very powerful, almost on scale that of Dr Destroyer, so be careful how you add points, since if you are not using the same unit for those #s, then your result will be wrong. But, it is possible that it was meant to be read from point of view of Fuzion rpg, then that 5 points is added to base 19 C1 DP, to give a new total of 24 C1 DP = 15 CA DP = 5 rating in Nobilis rpg which is proportional to MU SAGA without the excess, so Nobilis is better than MU SAGA, but both IMPLY [CA-10] to get average Psyche of character. Rule # 501: Inflation, which is caused by feminism, which is bad, as well as recursive, forcing some women who do NOT want to be feminist to become feminist, in a recursive manner that of mad-cow disease ! You can use (simple parts of it, and NOT the complicated parts of it) Doppler Effect & Resonance Theory, to figure the dynamics of the ending of the novel Mill On The Floss, only to give an answer which says that one must go with the flow or be taken away by it, which is coincidently and horrifyingly similar to the ending of the book Mill On the Floss, which the title might mean On The Edge, or Something Stinks in Denmark, part of a quote from Hamlet, lot of recycling of themes, which I don’t do in my rpg HYBRID, which 1% (one %) of it is based on after I barrowed the fraction of (meaning part of) the idea of Psyche (which even that is NOT like the) from the ’86 MU TSR rpg, while everything else is original, but coincidently similar to (parts of) all (other) rpgs, but even the term Psyche is NOT the same as in the ’86 MU TSR rpg, since the ’86 MU TSR rpg uses a unitless unit Class, while all my units are @ C#, such as adamentium is @ 1,000 C3 PL or Power Level, which is 55 C2 PL, where 55^LOG10(55 C2) = # @ C3 = 21 C1, by same recursive method, while INT for Dr Doom is @ 60 C1, so that he can decrease his LS or Life Span to [60/2], so that he can increase his PL to [60*2], which (my math operations) maintains conservation of mass & energy, which without the proper units, such as my C#, the only possible alternative, which the ’86 MU TSR rpg neglects without which the conservation of mass & energy is/would be thrown out the window, so to speak, but with proper units, such as my C#, the only possible alternative, THEN, the ’86 MU TSR rpg can be saved from violating conservation of mass & energy, but it (Reason & Psyche for Dr Doom) is written as 50 Class in the 86 MU TSR rpg, where it should be @ 60 C1, while Dr Doom of 2099 MU comics would be @ 30 C1, assuming he is lot more powerful than Spiderman of 2099 comics, whom you’d put @ 20 C1 DP, but he seems to be @ 3d6 C1 DP, meaning @ 18 C1 DP, since he seems weaker or/and less powerful than the original Spiderman. And, Nightcrawler's teleportation between 6 to 12 to 18 is NOT 6 to 12 in my rpg, unless you do {100 + (6 to 12 to 18)} @ C2 DP, meaning a base of 100 is missing, same with some figures in Fuzion rpg. So, the original ’86 MU TSR rpg assumes knowledge of something or background which it never talks about, which is where my rpg HYBRID takes off @, which coincidently all rpgs use, that being the secret CORE rules, which I’ve discovered independently on my own, the secret rpg code, part of which I’ve discovered, the stuff that is NOT written in any rpg book, the most secret code(s), which was NOT my original intent, but due to the similarities, regarding my results, by using my C#, such as hit points in D&D, GURPS, Dragonball-Z, & Yu-Gi-Oh is @ C3, which come in 3 forms, such as LS, DP, & PL, which is NOT found in any other rpgs, why my rpg HYBRID is called a tri-stat system, which is NOT named after C3, but after LS, DP, & PL, for being a tri-stat, mostly @ X^LOG10(X) & its variations, and rarely is X^LN(X) used, in my super simple rpg. Rule # 500: Average gpa is @ (10+gpa) @ C1 DP, for all subjects, within a major; while, average gpa is @ (10+gpa) @ C2 DP, for a one single subject, within a major; while, C# @ DP is @ C3 for a chapter. Rule # 499: Start with the assumption that the DC rpg uses a 1d6 as foundation, which changes to [(1d6)^D] @ C2 DP, where D = dimensions, where author of this rpg is @ Dimension = 1, in the grand scheme of things. The following rule using law of hypercube, which states that dimension of character or object must be 1 dimension greater than what it is attempting to manipulate, but the recursive nature of this rpg of mine that being HYBRID allows one to manipulate a higher dimension @ a state of being @ a lower dimension: example, clock can tell time, which depending on its magnitude can be a 3rd dimension, while the clock in the grand scheme of thing is @ only @ 1 dimension. Each dimension can take on multiple values or states, depending on reference points: example, a dot if small enough can be 0 dimension, but if large enough @ size of a planet, then it can be or take on a 3rd dimension, if you include its interior, else be @ 2nd dimension. The DC Superman & Green Lantern [who later become Parallax @ D = 6, but seem to be @ D=5, but he claims to be@ D=6, why the confusion in if he is telling the truth or not] are supposed to be @ D = 4. But, the Specter or Infinity Man of ‘80s DC comics would be @ D = 5, but the Time Trapper is supposed to be @ D=6, but I’m NOT sure which comic character is telling the truth, since they all exaggerate; while, the Time Trapper of the same ‘80s DC comics would be @ D = 5, unless the 5 was for clone of the Time Trapper, but then the real one would get or be @ 6, which is NOT 6d NOR 6D, in the sense of 6dn or 6Dn, but @ {(1d6)^6} or/= {(1d6)^(D=6)}. Let D = dimension(s), that the character has control over. And, yes, everyone in the tv series Smallville is a troll, meaning a villain, including the innocent looking Clark, so, in the 2nd part of this rule, where it has to do with trolls, but an example of a troll is @ {(1d6)^(D=2)} @ C2 DP, such as Lex Luther in the tv series Smallville, where for whom you can either roll 1d6 & square it to get the result or use 2d6 and multiply the two #s together to get the result @ C2 DP, while Clark is a super troll @ {(1d6)^(D=3)}, where for whom you can either roll a 1d6 & cube it to get the result or use 3d6 and multiply the three #s together to get the result @ C2 DP for him; and, NO, I’m NOT a troll, even though I put myself @ (1d6) = {(1d6)^(D=1)}, which is an example. In the 1st part of this rule, there seems to be some order behind the chaos of salary inflation, which seems to be governed by rules of my rpg HYBRID, which dictates that salary is proportional to how long it would take me to figure out everything about a subject, compared to a genius, or someone with more points than myself, but with less points than a genius. This same rule is also proportional to my earlier rule on how long it would take a person to complete a degree program within a time frame or period that is using a base value that is equivalent to me, if I the author of this rpg is @ 1d6, using that as base for everything. In another words, the average salary in USA is @ 16 C2 DP or @ 4 AMBS, but a person that has less points than this can have these points by collecting Negative Energy which doesn’t always mean being unpopular, but what it means is being exce$$ively greedy, applies to trolls, that is those who get extra points artificially & more than they deserve, but it doesn’t make a person a troll by simply being labeled a troll, is usually an evil person that can NOT be touched by the law, NOT easily: $omeone extremely lucky, but be evil & greedy in other ways, such as being a criminal with no remorse. Rule # 498: Using 10^LOG10(10) = 10^1 = 10, where # @ C# = 10. So, a 10 point D&D character is @ 10 CA DP or Default Psyche for that adult male human character = [CA-10] = 0 (zero) rating in Nobilis & MU SAGA for average Psyche, which is a 10 point character in GURPS, Dungeons & Dragons, Hero 5th, Dark Champions, Yu-Gi-Oh. And, a male human @ C3 DP would have to be @ C2 DP to meet the Ancient One, but he’d have to have a Karma boost, which is also a boost in his Negative Energy, to C1 DP to have powers of the Ancient One, while unit CA is for god-like powers, which @ a low # @ CA can be @ human levels, since the units are recursive, such as 11 CA DP = [CA-10] = 1 rating in Nobilis & MU SAGA for average Psyche, which = 24.17 C2 DP = 4.92 AMBS in BESM rpg, or at least that aspect part of BESM rpg, which I understand parts of it, where @ that level, the adult male human is @ ~ 81.9 C3 DP by 24.17^LOG10(24.17 C2) = ~ 81.92 total points in Dragonball-Z rpg, including GURPS, Dark, Champions, Hero 5th, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Dungeons & Dragons @ 81.92 points. But/and, since these units are recursive, you can have a smaller # @ a larger unit of magnitude, by larger means lower # in terms of/in C#, referring to # in C#, & NOT # @ C#, both are/mean different. If you change the unit C1 to CA in your character’s C1 DP to CA DP, you’re changing that mutant to a super mutant, such as in the MU Dr Strange. NOTE that average adult human male is @ 4 ABMS = 4^2 C2 DP = 16 C2 DP which is 16 points in Primal Order rpg which to convert or change him to an elite, change unit of C2 to C1. Then, for C1 DP for mutant powers = 16 + LOG10(% of mutant powers, meaning a particular power packet of related powers, where % is for the average MU mutant). Then, the MU Quicksilver @ 16 C1 DP [which is the MU Senator Kelly without his mutant powers, which were Not enhanced by Magneto NOR Rogue, but it was a ruse so that audience would think that Kelly was Not born as a mutant, but according to the MU TSR rpg, Kelly knew or didn’t’ know he was a mutant but tried to hide it, {but it is possible that he knew since he had a medallion to hide his mutant nature, possibly created by the Inner Circle which is ruled by the Black King, but Kelly wanted to get rid of all mutants, as he wanted to be the only mutant around, so to be able rule over all, hoping the Sentinels would NOT be a threat to him, same as Clark of Smallville, but it is possible that Kelly did Not know he was a mutant, and Magneto took that opportunity to create a ruse that he could enhance powers of humans to mutants, but Magneto didn’t’ have enough points for that in the X-Men movie Magneto was only @ 20 C1 DP, why he tried to use Rogue, who didn't want to or didn't understand, why Magneto's plan didn't work] could have pick of any HUMAN skill or ability or/and status, but it has to be a MALE skill or ability or/and status, @ 16 C1 DP = 28.18 C2 DP @ 5.31 ABMS, @ anything OTHER THAN a billionaire, UNLESS Quicksilver decided (before his birth) to be born with a lower (potential) COM, which @ lower COM will make him more repulsive but with more $, which only applies with/at high total points, & NOT for any ugly guy, since Rule # 3 & 6 applies to this. If you are wondering what would happen if you set the MU Quicksilver @ 17 C1 DP, rather than the minimum of 18 C1 DP, is that @ 17 C1 DP = 32.66 C2 DP = 5.71 ABMS, he’d be like either the MU Captain America or the MU Sabertooth. So, the MU character Quicksilver is @ minimum of 3d6 C1 DP @ 18 C1 DP = 6.14 ABMS = 6.14^2 = 37.65 C2 DP by 18^LOG10(18), between the age of 18 and 37.65, years, but he may be @ maximum of 19 C1 DP = 43.17 C2 DP = 6.57 ABMS, between the age of 19 and 43.17, years, which you can use as template for mutant characters. So, then the MU Scarlet Witch, her powers [NOT her but her powers, since women {in my rpg HYBRID} have higher point total due to their higher COM (for the human(oid) female(s)) which numerically may be equivalent to a or some guys but in terms of magnitude women’s COM is @ higher magnitude than guys which you can explain homosexually mathematical, where (human) sexuality is spectrum based on (hidden) points (by geometry), using gravity as a template, where, women have higher attraction, due to hidden points, due to their (human(oid) female) geometric shape and whatever that goes with it, but getting back to powers of Scarlet Witch], her powers are coincidently ~ proportional to her COM which all sci fi writers set as default for mutant females, without actually knowing it, but it has to do with how many difference points she has which is more complicated for females than with guys, which is maybe why they and I set it @ proportional to COM, which doesn’t give a human female mutant powers without the difference in C# @ C1, where the difference must be GREATER THAN points needed to reproduce. And, if you noticed that both her COM & her powers for the MU Scarlet Witch in the X-Men The Evolution is much less than for the MU Scarlet Witch in the ‘MU comics, where her COM & her powers are greater than her COM in X-Men The Evolution. This is NO mere coincidence, as you notice this coincidence everywhere, for almost all mutant female characters. But, the actual reason for this is that the difference needed for this is set @ certain amount, which requires too much math for me to explain. But, that doesn’t mean this applies to every female mutant, but it is very difficult to find an exception to this rule. So, powers of Scarlet Witch are @ ~ 20 C1 DP, when her COM is @ 4 by (20/10)^2 = 4, such as in X-Men The Evolution; so, when she is @ 9 COM, such as in MU comics, her powers will be @ 30 C1 DP which is proportional power level to DC character Firestorm. And, this “power level” is using the lower case letter “p” and lower case letter “l”, (which) is NOT the same as the term Power Level, which is specific, while the former with lower case letter power level is broad & covers everything pertaining to that/those character(s). But, if you set her COM @ higher level than 4 for the one in the cartoon series X-Men The Evolution, then her powers increase, but it has little to do with her COM, other than to show how close the 2 are. So, do NOT think having a higher COM will grant your character more mutant powers, that is NOT the case, as your character always needs difference in points between COM & total, which act as catalyst for mutant powers, by Doppler Effect and Resonance Theory which govern all of physics; other option is DNA or FATE; so, you have 3 options, but there is a 4th option which is science & technology, which is result of combination first 3 options. And, COM has 2 values, seen & NOT seen, where NOT seen part is Power Level & LS, & seen part is COM, which has 2 values which I just mentioned, acting as a fractal ! But, that does NOT mean that getting injured will grant your character more mutant powers: the ratios has to be set by his/her Karma or Negative Energy, which can be slightly altered by artificial means to increase, and similar artificial means can reduce his/her Karma or Negative Energy, which determine his/her points, which determine outcome, using Rule # 3, 6, & other rules, based on Doppler Effect & Resonance (Theory) and Rule # 496, determines CORE rules such as Rule # 3 & 6, meaning it’s recursive: it, being my rpg HYBRID, is ~ similar to the game of NOMIC, which is NOT the source for my rpg, which has the best attributes of all rpgs, by pure coincidence, as if FATE is guiding me to create this rpg, HYBRID, which is the best rpg in the world, ever, in my opinion. And, my rpg HYBRID, also, has characteristics of fractals, bits of it. My rpg, also, coincidently has characteristics of TORG, RIFTS, & so on, such as a major component of RIFTS rpg is lines of force which my rpg coincidently also uses in terms of rpg mechanics, powers, and character creation, but because I’m NOT good in math, other than intuitively, my ability to use this (being concept of lines of force which you learn about in high school physics) in my rpg is limited, but I try to get around my limitation, by using intuition. Rule # 497: If you have a difficult time understanding how to use this rule, then you could picture (meaning use as reference or as template) the DC character Atom or the MU Multiple Man, where the former – DC Atom - require 2x the C1 DP points of the latter, MU Multiple Man, or use following as a template as a comparison for the first 2 templates, the time traveling character in the movie Butterfly Effect, which when his points are doubled @ his C1 DP, his powers are increased to the time traveling character in the ‘80s tv show The Voyagers, which is similar to the sci-fi tv series Sliders, which also requires 2x the C1 DP points that of the time traveling character in the movie Butterfly Effect. But, getting back to the rule, when using the following rule, STR is reduced 1 unit of magnitude, such as from C1 to C2 or from C2 to C3, OR if you want to simulate by virtual reality this rule without actually performing this rule, then it, STR, is reduced from C3 to C4, same as in the time travel equation, since most of the points are used by the power stunt that is consuming most of your character’s points. The following equation doesn’t include modifier M = {LOG10(N)}^(1/2), which if you add it to the next equation, which has 2 forms when converted to a shrinking equation, one of which is changing it to a Digimon @ size = 10^{-(M + LOG10(N))}, of original size, then the object is stuck @ the miniature size if modifier M is used, so it’s NOT recommended to use the modifier M. The equation for mutant cloning power for mutant guys uses the following equation, where maximum # of clones = N = 10^[2*X – LOG10(%)], where % is 10 for minimum mutant power, while it is 1% for technology based, & where X = [{(C1 DP) – 10}/10]. But, for female mutants, it is too complicated for me to create this power for them, since it requires use of Doppler Effect & Resonance Theory, which is too much math for me, as I prefer simple algebra to solve. Use 20 C1 DP for X-Men Multiple Man, 10x himself. LS is assumed to be @ a minimum for maximum # of clones. You can also change the cloning equation to shrinking equation, by changing the [-LOG10(%)] to [X]. So, a male humanoid mutant would need points that of a woman to shrink to size of a wasp, which is probably what Stan Lee was trying to say for Avenger Wasp. So, the Avenger Wasp should have been a guy with her points, but the alternative could have been Dr Pym with points that of DC Firestorm. But, these equations are NOT fixed, as they can be modified depending on what LS/Life Span & PL/Power Level is for that character/object, as well as C# for stats. Rule # 496: Astrological objects in terms of C2 PL, its mass, or its momentum, or its relative mass, which is similar to mass in E=mc^2, but getting back to mass @ C2 PL, mass in kg = 10^{10*LOG10(C2 PL)}. So, the moon if it were @ 10^22 kg, then it be @ 220 C2 PL. You can use Rule # 3 & Rule # 6, to figure out its DP, based on its LS. So, if you put it’s Life Span @ 880 C2, then its DP or Default Psyche be @ [880/2] = 440 C2 DP, which is where its LS is initially @ as it its PL, but both its PL and its LS need to be modified, to PL @ [440/2] = 220 C2, and its LS to [440*2] = 880 C2 Life Span, where its Life span in years = @ C3 to 2*C3, to N*C3, where N is NOT greater than 3, since % chance it reaches its full LS potential = 100*{1 – 1/(N^N)]. The N^N also shows up in the time travel equation, which is a variation of N^LOG10(N), which is the foundation of my super simple rpg HYBRID. And, if you don’t feel like going all the way back to the beginning of my rpg to figure out how to calculate C3, then C3 = C2^LOG10(C2). If you carry this equation to its end, then a galaxy @ 10^40 kg is @ 100 C1 PL = 10,000 C2 PL, by 100^LOG10(100), putting it @ 10,000 C2 PL. this fits perfectly with the ’86 MU TSR rpg, if you put Psyche @ C1, but you have to keep in mind that C# comes in 3 forms: LS, DP, & PL. The stat PL is what determines effect/intensity/magnitude of power stunt, but DP determines PL, depending on what LS is @ which is initially same as PL @ default, until it is modified by the character or by the player playing the character, to create a particular. The middle equation works brilliantly for stars & Dr Who storyline. Rule # 495: When LS or Life Span is less than its actual LS, then LS needs to be increased. 1st set LS to C2 = 10^{(# of tons for an object)^(1/3)}. Planet (with earth’s gravity) be @ 567 C2 Default Psyche, but it would have + extra points for being (if it were) earth-like. This doesn’t conflicts with my original planetoid equation of acceleration if you set its C2 to PL or Power Level rather than @ DP or Default Psyche, where acceleration gravity = {(C2)/100}^LOG10(C2), accounts for the sun’s gravity @ 970 C2 DP. But, here, the unit of acceleration be @ ft/s^2 for the 2nd equation in this rule is what the/my original force field equation was based on, but depending on the stat used, it gives 3 different values, meaning earth should NOT be @ 383 C2 DP, but @ 383 C2 PL, as I thought for its LS it deserved 2x the points that equation gave it for its PL, and you can give its DP few extra points, since earth is NO ordinary planet, why I gave it 2x more points, by 49.9^LOG10(49.9), regarding its DP, since 510 C2 DP was for mass of the moon, which seem to have ~ 3 different values because each represent a different stat. But, it seems that the ‘80s DC Superman was either initially or for a moment confused about it, meaning he didn’t either know initially or for a moment that there are 3 stats to every object, LS for Life span, DP for Default Psyche, & PL for Power Level, since he was thinking along the same train of thought, that is the confusion in his mind (since his powers are psychic, as is everything else, but some things are fixed while other things are variable) why DC ended up with Bizzaro world which was a figment of Superman’s imagination, but (Superman) had Lex use Superman’s Kryptonian device, so Superman wouldn’t be blamed for it, same as MU Tony Stark having Spiderman sabotage his device, so that the MU public wouldn’t know his teleportation device didn’t work, since Tony Stark didn’t have enough points to teleport large objects, so he had send Spiderman to send Venom to destroy or/and steal it, & NOT look incompetent in science. You have to keep in mind that Tony Stark is between 30 & 39 C2 DP, while Dr Banner is 2x that between 60 to 78 C2 DP, which gets boosted to 90 to 117 C2 DP when Dr Banner has Dr Strange as an ally/friend: there is a similar theme when Dr Strange imprisons the HULK for months & Jor El imprisoning Clark for 3 months in the tv series Smallville. But, I suspect Jor El is a figment of his imagination, but I can’t use the theory that his spaceship is Sputnik, since the story beings in 1987. Or, he time traveled from future into the past alternate timeline. And, he is always plotting to get more Kryptonite, to boost his powers & to create false history of himself, by pretending to be an alien & pretending to have Kryptonite as a weakness & pretending to be from another planet & pretending to be nice, or temporarily being nice or/& evil, depending on his mood. Rule # 494: The link below, referring to Link # 7, gives a new equation, which also seems to be universal, depending how you define base1 and base2, although base has 2 parts, which is different from M. Setting the {1st part of base1 = Modifier M} to 10 = M = earth’s gravity & for the MU mutant Graviton: the equation gives accurate results, which you can test for MU Graviton @ a smaller total C1 DP points which should give a smaller end result. By setting M = 0, you should be able to (if you are an engineer @ 14 C1 DP) design a plane that carries that many people as defined by the equation, giving a # = 673 passengers, which makes his airline particularly large which Adolph Hitler tried to have his engineers do before end of WWII, but never managed to finish his project. The new equation for # of people that an object can influence = N = {10^(2*Z)}, X = (C1 DP), Y = {X-M}, Z = {(Y/2)^(1/2)}, where object can be an engineer, mutant, or a planet, but the Modifier M is different for each of these objects, where M = earth’s gravity in (meters/sec^2) overcome by mutant power = {(%)^(1/2)}, where % = % of mutant power, and X = base1, where when M = 0, object is natural, rather than supernatural, latter when M > 0: N = [10^(2*Z)] is better than E = mc^2, which is vague unlike my equations are more practical. You can use N, to figure out how powerful Magneto be @ 20 C1 DP, which he like to portray it to be @ 30 that of MU comics & cartoon, where Magneto tried to portray himself @ 40, but was @ 20 in X-Men movie. Equation for tanks in Gulf War I and Gulf War II, where you have to replace mass with TL, which is NOT mentioned @ the link. So, when C2 PL exceeds mass of tank, then the excess C2 PL is for TL. If all the dictators of history had my rpg, they could have won. To remind you, my rpg HYBRID is better than all the rpgs put together. And, another reminder, my C2 unit is ~ (proportional) to # in Primal Order rpg, which is usually @ DP (I assume) rather than PL, where PL is Power Level, while DP is Default Psyche is your potential, which for mutants & meta-humans & novas, when it is greater than his/her COM, then he/she can have mutant powers, but the difference in points is much greater for guys than women, unless they are NON-humanoid, which in that case the difference between the two genders & their points is NOT that great: you can use this to create deadly bio-weapons, or you can clone animals if you like, but both require you to have some real science: my pseudo science doesn’t do everything. To know more about LS, DP, & PL, read Rule # 3 & # 6 of CORE rules. Rule # 493: To create a cure for the Legacy Virus, the mutant has to push his powers to his limits, resulting in him losing his powers, as well as decreasing the effect of the Legacy Virus on that mutant. And, coincidently this was ~ how it was done in MU comics. And, in my simple rpg HYBRID, the mechanics for the cure has more to do with Doppler Effect & Resonance Theory, which simply means to attack the attacker’s attack, which is the Legacy Virus, which when the mutant’s power(s) attack it, the mutant’s power is decreased, as well as the effect of the Legacy Virus, which is in terms of an analogy is like sound waves. But, it seems the MU comics took the analogy literally, & MU had the cure released into the air. What was actually released into the air was data for its cure that other mutants can pick up, a power stunt similar to the Silver Surfer, who has power to pick up & read data: this is probably how the musical genius on 60 minutes did his trick, either that or pick of musical pieces from the future, since he wasn’t able to change it, other than read it, like tapping into the future, using Maxwell’s equation of time travel, to read the future, which requires a lot FEWER points than if one was traveling there, but if one wanted to know how many points, then simply lower the unit of magnitude by 1: so if it requires 30 C1 DP to physically time travel, then it requires 20 C1 DP to astral project oneself there, but @ [10+X] C1 DP, the % success to astral project into the future or tap into the past or future is @ 100*[1-(1/{X^(1/Y)})], Y = dimensions. Rule # 492: Another similarity between Champions 1st edition & my rpg HYBRID is the STR chart compared to damage scale: it’s uncanny exact, but my data is based on an equation, where STR is @ C2, while Nd6 for damage for/by technology is @ {((C2 PL)/10)^2} while Nd6 damage by mutants @ {(C2 DP)/10)^2}: there is big difference between PL & DP. You see Godzilla’s power that of nuclear blast is proportional to that of the MU Cyclops, since Godzilla’s large size is a manifestation of COM, which soak up most of his power, leaving him with a weaker energy blast power then he would have if he were human size humanoid mutant: THIS THEME of mine is explored in the movie Destroyah vs Godzilla. The STR is simply @ C2 PL, which @ 100 C2 PL, he/it is/can be @ 100 STR; but, if C2 PL is used for other than for STR, then STR is much less. Rule # 491: Damage in Nd6 for a human size humanoid male mutant is @ {((C2 DP)/10)^2}, where DP is Default Psyche. So, a 40 C2 DP mutant Havok can inflict a 16d6 damage by energy blast power(s): the STR for that damage is @ {C2 PL}, which is different from {C2 DP}: R 3,5,&6. And, a 2nd instance for similarity between HERO and my rpg HYBRID is the term fixed power, including its cost, where in my rpg, you’d reduce the effectiveness of the C2 by –(M=1) ABMS for multiple of 10 in terms of %, where M = LOG10(%). So, 10% cost is -1 ABMS to his C2. In Champions/Hero, its Real Points is sometimes @ C2, while its Active Points is sometimes @ C3, where C3 = C2^LOG10(C2). The Hero 5th does NOT use this or any of my equations but it & they are implied, including my equation for relationship betwen mass & growth, where mass in (lbs @ minimum) or (kg @ maximum) = {(height in ft)^3}, which is implied in HERO/Champions, implies this equation of mine, also, coincidently. 3rd) similarity between HERO/Champions & my rpg HYBRID is the allocation of points which in Champions/Hero is/seems almost random @ 1st sight, but if you stare @ it long enough, you’ll see a pattern develop, where that pattern is my rpg HYBRID: example: page 39 of Champions 2 (1985), where they have 41 Real Points & 6 2Active Points, can take on 1 of 2 or 3 options in my made-up rpg HYBRID: 1st) you can set the 41 after rounding it off to 40 to explain this to the reader in an easier manner; decrease the default life span of 40 to 20 C2 by [40-20] = 20 C2 LS or Life Span, where this process of decreasing his Life Span would/will allow him to increase his Power level to 60 C2 by [40+20] = 60 C2 PL or Power Level: IF this is NOT mentioned in Hero rpg, because it’s a closely guarded secret if it is based on ideas similar to my rpg HYBRID, which I did NOT reverse engineer this or any of Hero or/and Champions stuff, why I wonder @ the similarities, which (my ideas) are scattered throughout all rpgs, like pieces to a jigsaw puzzle. Dr Doom of MU 2099 in a comic said that there is NO coincidence to patterns, which have logic & reason, where all things are interconnected, similar to the fictional events in the tv series Smallville. The 2nd) option is Active Points is @ C3, while Real Points is @ C2 (p 37), by 20^LOG10(20 C#) = 49.28 C(# +1): part of this is IMPLID on page 38 of 2nd edition of Champions, where it says that “fixed slot is equal to the number of Power Points in the slot divided by 10”: this is referring to the base of # @ C# @ either PL or DP, & few of my other rules. The dividing by 10 may be based on a rule which I never wrote, regarding material strength, since I’m still working on its details @ C#; but, 2nd possibility may be it may be based on a ratio of 2 different #s. Rule # 490: C2 DP works differently in terms of its effect based on size of object that it is assigned to: larger the object, less the effect; while, smaller the object, larger the effect, partly based on an article I had read on how Einstein would create a time machine, in his own words, which were paraphrased in the article, but it seemed incomplete for all instances for all objects, which was when I started pondering how I’d create a time machine, after reading the ’86 MU TSR rpg. But, I’m NOT sure what year I had read the article, which played a major role in shaping this rpg of mine that which is called HYBRID. And, I had NOT realized when writing my 1st sentence @ start of this rule that this rule of mine seem to also apply to black holes, where its size is small relative to its C2 DP, why its gravity is so large. Rule # 489: THEORY: instance that I found similarities between my rpg HYBRID and Champions / Hero is the following: 1st) I had just come up with an equation for damage scale yesterday based on STR, and it almost matched that of Champions (dated 1985) on page 82 of the 2nd Edition. My equation was NOT reversed engineered, but based on my C2 DP unit, which was based on whole set of ideas that I had gotten in 1987, after reading the MU TSR rpg, which I found to be infested with errors, which were NOT really errors, but it seemed like it, since it lacked a coherent set of units for magnitude, where I had to come up with them, which was Not enough, since it was NOT enough to explain the MU gods, NOR why mutants had human level life span, then I had gotten an idea of using an ellipse or its 2 foci or law of equal & opposite reaction or sum of 2 opposites equals 0 & other stuff similar to that effect to come up with my 3 universal stats: Life Span, Default Psyche, and Power Level, which I would later find out that Dragonball-Z rpg would use a primitive version of my idea, but my idea was/is more advanced/correct, but my equations are pseudo-science. Rule # 488: The term paraphrase in literature is called something else in computer science, where it is called hashing, which is to mix things up without changing the original idea, sort of like a salad. Rule # 487: The point system in D&D is I assumed it is based on vote ratio of whites to blacks in the 19th century @ (2/3), which is also an exponent, as well as others, depending on intensity of the power stunt, used in my 1st equation to figure out the C0 unit of magnitude in the ’86 MU TSR rpg, is probably how the similarities are popping up, if that original premise is used like a fractal to develop an rpg, and probably NOT as if they mind scan my future, but the # of coincidences that seem to be popping up, just after I complete a rule, THEN I read an rpg other than my own, only to have that rule show up paraphrased, since it is always theoretically possible to mind scan the future, if you have enough points, based on Maxwell’s Equation for time travel, which work similar to Spiderman’s Danger Sense, which work similar to a person sleeping and dreaming, where the dream is a possible alternate reality or future, and if I can have a realistic dream with only a few points, then someone with lot more points than myself could have even more realistic dreams, and better access to alternate realities or/and futures, where time unit increase by 1 unit of magnitude for every +1 ABMS, to figure out how much of my ideas are being stolen, from the future, sort of like the movie “Back to the Future”, where Marti loses his sports almanac, which is found by Bif, and used, and become rich, as a result of it. Every time I come up with great idea, I find out that someone has already discovered it. So, it is either a coincidence, which is possible, based on fractals, or maybe my ideas are being stolen from the future? But, on an off topic, some cops rape prostitutes, but actually a large chunk, %, of society is based on 3 components: pimps, prostitutes, and customers, if you analyze it. RULE # 486: You can generate a graph like in discrete math, for between Lex & Clark, regarding the artifacts in the tv series Smallville, which starts in 1987, the story that is, the same year that I started working on my rpg HYBRID, where (for reason(s) other than power(s)), Lex wants the artifacts to understand Clark, and vice versa, where Clark wants the artifacts to understand Lex, although it may NOT be as simple as this, but it may be, if each of their Karma determines the outcome, but Karma is determined by Negative Energy, why you see power mad people (including feminists, including prostitutes) running/chasing after Negative Energy, which determines Karma, which determines the amount of Negative Energy that one can collect, where it is a circular argument as to which determines the other, where it seems that Clark may have discovered the secret of Kryptonite, before anyone else, where he (can) use(s) the (possibly made up) story of being alien along with having it as a weakness, acting as a correcting mechanism for Clark to preserve or/and increase his power(s), so that none can use Kryptonite against him, by taking it for themselves, meaning source of Clark’s power(s) may be the Kryptonite itself, rather than it being a weakness to him, as was implied in the DC Rein of Supermen, where the Kryptonite boost Karma of anyone that touch it & its manifestations, such as its symbols, which Clark could have created, and embedded it, to create FALSE history, TO CREATE a false history of him being from another planet, as I prefer the conspiracy angle rather than the alien from another planet angle, since all superheroes have some sort of conspiracy to hide, since they all have some sort of alternate motives: to rule or to take or to plunder or to commit polygamy: the female mutants are oblivious the male mutant agenda or they are a willing participant, for reason as simple as trying to find a perfect guy for themselves: the only exception to this rule is Louis Lane, but she’s human, but Clark is so obsessed with creating conspiracies that he misses the obvious, like some savant who has so much computation power, that he prefers the complicated way rather than the simple way; &, other than Lex, the only DC character that comes close to Clark and his many conspiracies is Batman, who is obsessed with creating conspiracies, such as to kill his parents to inherit $, why Batman wants to get rid of only witness, the Joker, who was probably hired by Bruce as a kid, but Bruce didn’t’ want to share the loot; but, the Joker was (partly) insane to trust an evil kid, a kid more obsessed about $ than anyone, why all the conspiracies. RULE # 485: Start with the premise that a whale is @ {2*(2d6)} or maximum value is @ {18 + 1d6} C2 DP. Then, the following rule does NOT change what this rule is representing which is another rule on the same subject matter that being (for) Godzilla (like/type) monster(s): there is a minimum value and a maximum value in terms of C2 DP. After making a few extra calculations on my initial calculations on my initial premises, it turns out that my initial guess was correct, which is great, but earlier (meaning in previous version, but almost the same as this) I had NOT given sufficient enough proof to make a convincing argument, but the material strength in my original argument for monsters was off slightly only because I had forgotten about 1 of my premises, and me forgetting about this premise led to a slightly faulty conclusion, why there was need to put in a multiplier of 2, but it was NOT immediately obvious why I needed a multiplier of 2: reason being that when an animal is NOT an animal but evolved @ same level as that of a human, then you need to use # for material strength for its skeleton that is 1 unit higher, meaning a human @ 49.28 C3 DP would have a material strength for its skeleton @ 20 C3, rather than 49.28, where 49.28 = 20^LOG10(20), meaning your character need to step back 1 step in terms of #. But, getting back to Godzilla should be @ minimum value of (year – 1900) @ C2 DP, and maximum value of 2x that which comes out to a maximum of X*LOG10(X), which is different from and NOT X^LOG10(X). So Godzilla in movie Godzilla 2000 should be @ 100 C2 DP to 200 C2 DP, where maximum value is @ 100*LOG10(100) = 100*2 = 200 C2 DP for it. This rule is still incomplete, regarding material strength. RULE # 484: In the tv series Smallville, the character Jor El seems almost like a god-like entity, with Kal El seems almost like a (son of god) like entity, with Christian religion overtones, with Martha Kent seems almost like Virgin Mary, who has a dark side similar to Clark, who is @ 1d6*(C2 DP of Lynal Luther, @ 6 +/- 1 ABMS @ 25 to 49 C2 DP), while Lex Luther is @ either {(1d6)*6} C2 DP, is 1 ABMS less than Lynal, but notice the last 2 letters “al”, which could easily be “El”, which shows or gives a clue that Clark is as dishonest as Lex, who is a micro or miniature version of Clark, who may be Jor El & Kal El, meaning a split personality, where the magic cave may be a projection of his Psyche and his hidden goals, similar to a fractal reality. RULE # 483: In the movie The 13th Floor, it was about the fractal universe @ dimension 3.61, by taking square root of 13, giving 3.61. Realistically, it should be @ only 34.65 C2 DP, but in the science-fiction movie, the invention turned out to be @ 34.65 C1 DP, which might have only been the dream dimension @ 7 rating in Nobilis or MU SAGA @ rating of 7.41 for the dream dimension, but the boogieman that escaped it was @ 34.65 C2 DP, was proportional to the scientist @ 174 IQ: this creates an impression of equal and opposite: Nemesis effect. RULE # 482: My rpg HYBRID works little bit like Pascal’s triangle: @ 1st level is the equation X^LOG10(X) & its variations; 2nd) Doppler Effect & Resonance Theory; 3rd) when LS for Life Span = PL for Power Level, then that # is = to DP or Default Psyche, which is like the center of a circle, but when the/that center fragments into 2 centers, those 2 centers become foci, which is what LS and PL are to the center point being DP, where the 2 centers are like the 2 fragmented rings of Shazzam, which when put together, referring to the 2 centers, the NEW center becomes DP; 4th) math; 5th) emotions, (pleasure & pain), (fear & desire), & (anger & stress), which is the 5th dimension used to govern the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, meaning it’s recursive, referring to reality. RULE # 481: This is an ingenious rule for figuring out Nd6 damage based on either STR or energy blast based on STR, where for damage in Nd6, N = [{(STR/10)^2}/LOG10(C3)], where STR numerically (for mutant power(s)) is @ C2, which is NOT the same for technology such as Nd6 for nuclear blast which gets a slightly higher STR depending on C2, which for technology, STR = C2*{(C2/10)^(1/2)}. NOTE that mass of a living male humanoid or monster or astrological object in kg = (C3)^LOG10(C2), which is slightly different from my original equation of X^LGO10(X). The earlier equation when used to calculate mass of an animal in lbs. or kg, it changes to (C4)^LOG10(C3), which for a 20 C2 DP animal gives a mass of 733.1^LOG10(49.28) = 70,762.03 lbs = 35.38 tons for a whale, but in unit kg for a giant jellyfish = 70.76 tons, based on the given 20^LOG10(20 C2) = 49.28 C3. These are ideal STR equations, meaning average. But, getting back to damage scale based on STR, the MU Shocker, if placed @ 6 ABMS, he could be able to inflict 5.5d6 damage with his sound blasters, which are similar to that of the MU Klaw, who gets 2x the C2 DP that of the Shocker. The 5.5d6 damage is calculated by [C2 23.45*{(23.45/10)^(1/2)}] = STR for technology, but his powers may be mutant disguised as technology @ 36 C2: his LS determines his PL: the two acts like foci, but in an abstract way the LS or Life Span and PL or Power Level acts like similar to wings that of the mutant Angel, who in the ‘80s cartoon X-Men had energy blast power, which he could project from his chest in a ring like form, which was Ret conned out by MU, similar to the Juggernaut’s globular energy blast power which the Juggernaut could project from his hands in a similar manner that of the MU Shocker was Ret conned out by MU. What this means is that the MU Shocker tries to project himself @ 23.45 C2 DP, but he is really @ 6 ABMS, which is @ the Green Goblin likes to project himself @, but the Green Goblin may be @ extra @ +1, meaning @ 7 ABMS @ 49 C2 DP that of the MU Spiderman, who likes to project himself @ 6 ABMS, which is that of Batman, but Batman likes to project himself @ 5 ABMS, which is @ 25 C2 DP is what J Jameson is @, who likes to project himself @ 4 ABMS, which is @ 16 C2 DP; and, etc. RULE # 480: The modifier on page 23 in 1st Champions rpg would be @ base 10 @ C1 PL, meaning, add modifier to base 10 @ C1 PL. You can then compute his C1 DP, based on his Life Span. Numerically DP will be less than PL, but in terms of magnitude DP is greater if both are =. But, in terms of technology, you’d want to reduce unit from C1 to C2. RULE # 479: NOTE that if you start Havok off @ 40 C2 DP, then his C2 PL is @ [40*2], NOT based on RULE # 5, but based on RULE # 3 & RULE # 6, which would decrease his Life Span to [40/2] = 20 C2. So, then, his energy blast is @ 80 C2 PL, in terms of # @ 80 C2 PL, but NOT 80 C2 PL itself, which is reserved for TL, just the # 80 for his energy blast @ 80 STR, meaning STR for his energy blast @ 80 C2 PL is @ 80 STR, but energy blast by technology such as nuclear blast by the same 80 C2 PL if used as INT would allow him to create by technology a nuclear blast @ STR of 80*{(80/10)^(1/2)} = 226 STR @ 80 C2 INT, which is NOT the same as 80 INT, which is @ C1, which is @ C1, which reserved for the Dr Doom if his Life Span is reduced to HALF if you start Dr Doom @ 40 C1 DP, giving him 80 C1 PL, which he can put for his INT, which for Havok @ 80 C2 PL is @ 24 INT, if he were to use his Psyche [which comes in 3 forms: Default, PL or Power Level, and Life Span, where PL is used for powers, other than Life Span: to learn more about how to manipulate them, read RULE 3 & RULE # 6] in a different way other than his regular energy blast, which he could create similar effect by technology: he could get greater Life Span back to 40 C2 from his 20 C2 by reducing his 80 C2 PL to his Default back to 40 C2. You can use Havok of MU TSR rpg as template for STR, which comes in 3 of many different forms: regular STR which is @ C2 PL, energy blast which is also @ C2 PL, and energy blast by technology such as nuclear blast which is @ (C2 PL)*{{(C2 PL)/10}^(1/2)}: this is mentioned in RULE # 5, which you should read [if it doesn’t seem confusing to you, else return back to RULE # 479, since it, referring to RULE # 5, gives more information than is necessary which might confuse you], before attempting to create Dr Destroyer of Champions rpg in HYBRID rpg, where STR for Colossus should be HALF my previous estimate, since he uses HALF his STR for his powers, meaning HALF his STR for STR & his other HALF his STR for shape shifting power. The following is how Dr Destroyer of Champions rpg would be constructed in my rpg HYBRID: 1st) look up highest value between the 2 stats INT & EGO, where you pick the higher of the 2 values which is 30 for 30 INT, and you temporarily forget about the 26 for 26 EGO; 2nd) you assign that 30 in 30 INT as 30 EG0, while you shift the 26 in 26 EGO to 26 INT, based on character description of Dr Destroyer; 3rd) you look up the final total point total which is 500, which will be that character’s C3 DP or his Default Psyche, by 44^LOG10(44) = 502 C3 DP @ 44 C2 DP; 4th) you assign the unit PL or Power Level for the 30 EGO which will be @ unit C1, rather than @ DP; 5th) the 26 INT will also be @ PL but @ unit C1; 6th) you need to increase Default Power Level from 44 C2 to 30 C1, which is 152 C2 by 30^LOG10(30), which you can do by using the multiplier 3.45 on 44, giving you 44*3.45 = 152 C2 PL; 7th) you need to perform a reverse math operation on his Life Span, reducing it from his Default LS of 44 C2 to 44/3.45 = 12.75 C2 = average that of a human, but he has lots of defenses & powers; 8th) his ABMS = 44^(1/2) = 6.63; 9th) his STR is @ C2 PL, including energy blast is also 2 C2 PL, but if he wish to increase energy blast by technology, then it is @ 70*{(70/10)^(1/2)} = 70*2.65 = 185 STR for energy blast by technology in terms of a super nuclear blast, if he were @ 70 C2 INT, which is NOT regular # for INT, which is usually @ C1, which is @ 23 INT for 71.5 C2 INT, which can be used to calculate STR for energy blast by technology, which isn’t really STR but an energy blast, and his INT in this example is @ 26 INT or @ 26 C1 INT, but if his STR drops below 70, then his Life span increases proportionally. So, if his STR drops to HALF that of 35, then his Life Span increases to 12.75*2 = 25.5 C2, which is maximum human level of Life Span. And, NOTE that the Damage scale is slightly different than previous, meaning damage now cost slightly less points, by 1d6 to 2d6 less points, but now mutant powers now consume 1d6 to 2d6 more points: so, it about evens out. NOTE that RULE # 5 defines what STR is in Part 2. RULE # 478: By generating a comparison between math and physics, one can predicts results, in terms of types of inventions, as to when, including types of people, but it is difficult to say which unit of magnitude would best apply for them, since interpretations of their abilities vary, such as a 733 C4 mathematician would exist in year 1733, by taking his 20 C2 DP = 4.47 ABMS, and his C3, then his C4. RULE # 477: The equation that seems to be IMPLIED or seems to be used unknowingly or if knowingly used then it’s a best kept secret, that being my equation X^LOG10(X), where X = # @ C#, where the 1st # and 2nd # are usually different, where 2nd # is ((part of) unit of) magnitude, while 1st # is value of that (unit of) magnitude, for rpg(s) by rpg writers & also in science-fiction, with the rare equation X^LN(X), which is rarely ever IMPLIED (used), including (rarely ever used) in my rpg HYBRID. What I mean to say in this rule is that the process that I discovered my equation X^LOG10(X) for my rpg HYBRID is similar to the properities of fractals or/and fractal dimension, but I do NOT mean to say that my equation was meant to be a fractal other than make predicting results easier which for which I’ll give another example in next rule in Rule # 478, but it is possible that it might perhaps be a fractal, but I do NOT know enough about fractals to draw a picture of my equation, since it has dozens of different # of applications, maybe, making X = {# @ C#} in [X^LOG10(X)] essential to any rpg. And, based on the uniqueness of fractals, and similar to the way fractals or the fractal dimension started being discovered during the 1890s @ 1% in 1891 & 100% certainty of its existence by 1900, I started on discovery of my rpg HYBRID during the 1990s @ 1% in 1991 & 100% certainty of my equation X^LOG10(X), where X = {# @ C#}, for my rpg HYBRID by 2000. Both ideas have similar properties, but both are different, in that my equation X^LOG10(X) is more abstract and doesn’t give meaning without some background in physics & belief in order rather than chaos, which is result of too many or excess variables, which can be averaged out to get a finite predictable result, which is still unpredictable due to chaos, in that evolution could take a detour. RULE # 476: As for what is a hypercube, a super magnified version of a hypercube is: the Cosmic Cube of Marvel Universe, which is similar to but good version of the evil version of the movie version. And, as for the Cosmic Cube it is lot weaker than the Beyonder; the Cosmic Cube is about as weak as the MU Molecule Man, who has a fraction of the powers of the Beyonder: the relationship between the Molecule Man and the Beyonder is similar to that of the Silver Surfer and Galactus. But, the Molecule Man is supposed to be NOT more powerful than Dr Doom, but you had everyone on Battleworld claiming to be more powerful or different than they actually were, meaning they were still ~ the same: what was really going on was they they were using their Psyche in a different way, than usual. So, it looked like they got their power(s) altered or/and magnified, which was and was NOT the case, since the Beyonder had little to do with it, but more to do with lies created by the mutants, hoping to cover their tracks and blame it on Battleworld. So, HULK pretends to be stupid or willingly become stupid hoping to get his STR magnified even further, while Spiderman decides to get a living costume by TK and TP, which he use to create a tachyon field(s) to create a new living costume for himself, and his webbing is also composed of tachyon field(s) by him. But, getting back to the Molecule Man, readers misinterpret the same way that their character is telling the truth, during Secret Wars III, but that is NOT the case, meaning Molecule Man deludes himself into thinking he is more powerful which the Beyonder goes along with & forced by Infinity, who is girlfriend to the matured Cosmic Cube. RULE # 475: Before you can understand the next sentence, you need to NOTE that a mathematician is a person that is obsessed only about numbers, while a physicist is obsessed about the significance of those numbers, rather than the numbers themselves. The MU Mad Thinker was obsessed only about numbers, while Dr Doom was obsessed about the significance of those numbers. The Mad Thinker has HALF the INT that of Dr Doom. INT is proportional to Psyche, which is DP or Default Psyche, since it’s a almost a constant: the reason that I say it’s “almost”, since Limit Theory of your basic calculus would prevent it from being a complete constant, since everything is evolving; but, the rate is so slow, that it seems like a constant. And, as for evolution (in HYBRID rpg) exists only from perspective or point of view of Limit Theory, meaning earth acts as a beacon for life forms (that is souls) in other planes of dimensions, particularly the subatomic dimension, based on the equation [.1^LOG10(.1) = 10], which reincarnate in particular way that seems like evolution. So, both INT and psyche would get the same unit of magnitude for point distribution. I only play parts of HERO rpg that coincidently matches with my rules, such as point cost for this or/and that @ C4, C3, C2, C1, CA, or/and @ IQ. To play Fuzion, it might require the male player a minimum of base of 10. But, to play HERO or Champions rpg in its entirety, you need a minimum of 2d6 INT, since its excessively unnecessarily complex, unlike my super simple rpg HYBRID, which is based only only a few CORE rules, but expandable CORE rules, Rule # 3 and Rule # 6: one of the reasons for attempting to come up with a super simple rpg is that I the author of this rpg HYBRID have/has a 1d6 INT, by that I mean I do NOT have photographic memory [at least NOT @ a 2d6 level] NOR (am I) able to make complex mathematical computations, so I attempted to come up with 1 equation that can account for everything in reality: that 1 (one) equation is X^LOG10(X), which is used throughout my rpg HYBRID, and the rarer equation of X^LN(X), which is rarely ever used by me, other than taking or figuring out the mass of a bridge in # of tons @ C2 PL, by taking 30^LN(30 C2) = 105,677 tons which is 30 BODY in HER0 rpg which for a battleship in HERO rpg is or should be @ 23,108 tons by {(C3)^2}, by [{30^LOG10(30)}^2]. And, a little while back, someone gave/given Dr Doom 3d6 or 18 INT in GURPS, which is too low; the proper amount of INT @ its minimum for Dr Doom should be @ 4d6 rather than 3d6, considering average person is @ 2d6, while a genius is @ 3d6 INT; so, a super genius needs to be @ minimum of 4d6 C1 DP which = 80 C2 DP by 24^LOG10(24) = 8.96 AMBS in BESM rpg. But, the MU TSR rpg gives Dr Doom @9d6 or 10d6, which is a lot more than 4d6. If you put him @ 10d6 INT @ C1 DP, then you can increase his PL or Power Level by decreasing his Life Span to 5d6 C1 which would increase his PL or Power Level to 20d6 C1, as in the ‘80s MU Battleworld issue. His 5d6 C1 Life Span still gives him a limited amount of immortality, which would get reduced when he had multiple selves in multiple timelines, where he tried to merge both into one self or soul, which the Beyonder split into multiple selves, similar to Galactus being split by the Cosmic Cube by the Elders of MU in an ‘80s MU rpg, Ragnerrok, which there was series of it in comic form regarding the Asgardian THOR which had almost nothing to do with the MU rpg Ragnerrok of ~ 1986: to show that there is a pattern to MU. RULE # 474: Heroquest rpg is @ C#, where # is = or greater than 2, meaning it is geared towards the real world rather than super powered, since # that C# is @ is usually between 10 & 20, so # in C# is = or greater than 2, but never @ 1, since if it were, then you’d have a mutant campaign, but if you want to use C# @ C1, then do NOT exceed 1d6 @ base 10, where 16 C1 DP = 28.18 C2 DP = 126.54 C3 DP = 126 point character in GURPS by my X^LOG10(X), which is also applied in D&D, Dragonball-Z, the ’86 MU TSR rpg uses this individually rather than as a point total such as a 20 point psyche character having 20 points of reason, which is @ C1, which in terms of STR is @ 7 AMBS , as well as his life span being @ 49 C2, such as for Spiderman, who by reducing his Life Span, he can get extra power of Venom & Carnage, that is clone himself, so that Peter Parker can have more than 1 girlfriend or/and wife; and, HERO uses C3, but power gamers in HERO rpg may use point distributions @ IQ rather than C3, but this 126 point character is @ 26,263 C4 DP or @ 26,263 point total in Heroquest for a character @ 28.18 C2 DP which is 28 points for shrinking, but this 28 points for shrinking is @ PL & NOT @ DP, which would reduce the points required for shrinking, assuming he reduced his life span to human levels, allowing him to increase his Power Level @ that C2, since a character needs a minimum of 28 C2 PL for shrinking in HERO, which is 8 points of shrinking in HERO which is attached to his C2 PL; but, since Heroquest rpg is geared towards the real world, the # in C# is @ 2 or greater. And, I’m assuming the symbol W is for decimal, since fraction after the whole integer would grant the person extra skill, they, referring to Heroquest rpg, uses symbol W, which should have been the symbol M rather than W for many skills. The larger the # in C#, the more inferior the male adult person or animal, by that I mean a male @ 20 C2 DP is superior to another male @ 20 C3 DP, who is superior to a male @ 20 C4 DP = 14 C3 by 14^LOG10(14) = approximately 20 C4 DP. RULE # 473: Warhammer 40K rpg is a lot like Synnibarr rpg, meaning both are mostly @ C4, former based on its review; so, a 500 point character (male soldier) is @ 44 C3 DP, based on 44^LOG10(44) = 502. The 44 C3 DP = ~ 19 C2 DP, since 19^LOG10(19) = 43 C3 DP, which = 13.5 C1 DP, since 13.5 ^LOG10(13.5) = 18.95 C2 DP. So, a 500 point character (male soldier) in Warhammer 40 K has an IQ of 10*C1 = 10*13.5 = IQ of 135. RULE # 472: Captain America @ 6 ABMS = 36 C2 DP, when NOT leader of the Avengers, ELSE as leader of the Avengers, he gets an extra +1 ABMS to his total, to a NEW total of 7 ABMS = 49 C2 DP as leader. This is why they had Captain America vs Wolverine @ 6 or Captain America vs Batman, THEN later Captain America as hybrid with Superman, but Clark in the tv series of Smallville is @ 9 ABMS or @ 81 C2 Default Psyche, while his villains are @ or less than 8 ABMS = 64 C2 Default Psyche. But, when Captain America defended himself from the Beyonder, I’d put Captain America’s ABMS @ 8 or maybe even @ 9, making him a mutant. So, then the super soldier serum was a ruse created by him, meaning based on Negative Energy: he could use to have someone create it for him. And, when I write the term AMBS, it is proportional to my 3 stats: DP, LS, & PL; but, when I write the term ABMS, it is proportional to my 3 stats: LS, DP, & PL. I assume most rpgs are based on my rpg, HYBRID. RULE # 471: When STR is defined as a burst of energy rather than a physical force, then STR is defined as @ C3 PL @ C3 C0: a good example for this is the MU HULK, who is @ 83.8 C2 DP has 4,998 C3 C0 STR. RULE # 470: The exponent for the force field equation works as follows @ C2 for the force field equation, exponent decreases starting @ 6 as gravity for object increases based on its C2 DP, exponent is reduced to 1: (10 C2:6), (100:5, by 5, what I mean is (1/5) exponent), (~ 500 C2 DP C2:@ ~ 4.5 for earth), (1,000:4), (10,000 C2:3), (100,000 C2:2), (1 million C2:1). The NEW force field equation conflicts slightly with my other force field equations, which is simplified to as follows: radius in millimeters = 10^{X=(C2 DP)/10}^(1/2)} for a 2 dimensional object, changes to 10^[Y={{(C2 DP/10}^(1/2)}^(1/2)] for an approximate 3 dimensional object in terms of # of kilometers or miles for radius, which when exponent is (1/3) rather than (1/4), radius is in meters : for 1st equation, for both X & Y subtract either 3 for meters or 6 for kilometers, for radius. This is another force field equation as the NEW equation for M-Theory for astrological bodies, except I’m NOT sure how to make it work for ring of Saturn, so it doesn’t work for ring of Saturn, but it should work for all other objects, as long as you are NOT too strict with it: radius of object in kilometers or miles = [i*{{(C2 DP)/10}^i}]/{(density)^(1/i)}, where i = intensity, where i = 2 for asteroid or/& planet, i = 3 for stars, i = 4 for neutron star, i = 5 for black hole, and in theory i = 1 for atmosphere, but it doesn’t make sense @ i = 1, for something less dense than an asteroid, why it doesn’t work for ring of Saturn, and I’m NOT sure what object should have i = 6, maybe cartoon Mxyzptlk. With this equation, you should be able to figure out the C2 DP for earth, based on its radius. If you change the unit kilometers to meters for nuclear energy ball, except it’s a lot more intense in terms of temperature as C2 points go up {proportional to a star, meaning temperature for his nuclear energy ball @ 1,138.75 C3 PL is ~ to a star @ 1,138.75 C2 PL} that a Psion is able to generate and project: end up with power rating for characters in Dragonball-Z rpg. This equation takes into account Rule # 3 and Rule # 6, & it works. This proves that my original force field equation R 7 was off by 17%, which may be just due to existence of probability, meaning WWI could have ended either in 1945 or in 1954. The X and Y variables in Rule # 7 was originally & mistakenly placed backward, which I corrected, meaning it should say [Y-X], NOT [X-Y]. RULE # 469: IF the DC planet Krypton was not future version of DC earth, then you can use the following equation to figure out the distance of the planet from DC earth, based on the movie Part I and appearance of Christover Reeve in the tv series of Smallville, and based on the power level of Clark Kent, and based on the history of the caves & book of magic spells in the tv series of Smallville; but, it is implied that the DC character Superman is based on 1 particular Greek or/& Roman character that lived in 220 AD, where the # 220 for year AD & his average stats are significant for the creation of the DC character Clark/Jorel(assuming he isn’t pretending to be Kryptonian, and assuming he’s not from the future, DC future timeline, but what is odd is that Brainiac that ends up being servant to Jorel is from the future DC timeline; or, Clark could be telling half-truths or be just plain lying, or he could have been brainwashed by his step-parents into thinking he was an alien, so that he never look for his real parents, which became parts of his imagination, perhaps)/Superman, when he was supposed to be in his 20s C2 DP, referring to his Average Mind / Body / & Soul, meaning elite man of his time, even by today’s standards, close to perfection, where using the mutant equation, and assuming that the DC character Superman is based on him, then you’d change that/his C2 to C1, giving a C2 DP range of 49.28 to 137.6 = 7.02 to 11.73 AMBS of BESM rpg, by (X within 20s)^LOG10(X C1) = C2 DP, well within Clark’s/Superman’s C2 DP power range, IMPLYING that Superman is @ 220 C2 DP which = 34 C1 DP by 34^LOG10(34) = 221.53, so the young teenage Clark who looks like he’s about to graduate is @ (1/3) the C2 DP of his full potential, putting Clark @ 73.84 C2 DP which is @ 5 rating by 15 - 10 = 5 rating in Nobilis or MU SAGA @ 15 CA DP = 81.89 C2 DP: # of light-years from DC earth = 10^{(C1 DP of Clark Kent in the tv series of Smallville)/10}; so, @ 34 C1 DP, the DC planet Krypton is/was @ distance of 10^3.4 = 2,511.89 light-years from DC earth. But, if you put Superman @ 2x the C2 DP or 2x73.84 of Clark, then the DC planet Krypton is/was @ distance of 10^(29.7/10) =10^2.97 = 933.25 light-years from DC earth. But, if you use his age that he becomes Superman as his actual C1 DP, after what it seems he’s finished collecting all the Kryptonite [which he does in the ‘80s cartoon version of the Justice League, where he puts all the Kryptonite in his Fortress of Solitude] for himself to increase his powers, if assuming Kryptonite is his source of powers rather than his weakness: he said it was so that no one would use it against him, except Batman. But, if his C1 DP is slightly more than (1/3) of the 221.53 C2 DP, then his C1 DP is @ 24.17 C1 DP @ 5 [r], putting his planet Krypton @ distance of 10^(24.17/10) = 10^2.42 = 260.93 light-years from DC earth before it was destroyed by its red sun, which maybe is best case scenario for Clark in tv series (of) Smallville. &,: {and + ,}: Logo or/& Trademark for Hybrid rpg, including {CZ..CA..C0..C#}: usually @ CA, C1, C2, C3, or @ C4, and so on. 2 common equations within HYBRID RPG: major equation being X^LOG10(X), and minor equation being X^LN(X), which is rarely ever used; but, both use Doppler Effect & Resonance Theory, to simulate science by pseudo science which is NOT science but something that looks like science to give the same results as science without using science in my rpg. THESE ARE EXAMPLES TO MY PART I OF MY RPG HYBRID: BESM’s ABMS is ~ to my 3 stats: LS, DP, PL; and, if I were to write BESM’s 3 stats as AMBS, then it is ~ to my 3 stats: DP, LS, & PL. HERO rpg: it uses 5 different point distributions: IQ, C3, C2, C1, & [CA-10], which referring to latter is Nobilis & MU SAGA rating for life span, average psyche, and power level but all of these 5 different point distributions are lumped together under points, similar mistake ’86 MU TSR rpg made, why I came up with [C#], which in its initial form in 1987 was vague & I completed 1% in 1991, referring to the C# unit & all its manifestations, @ 100% completed by 2000. FATAL rpg: mostly @ C2 & C3, but few parts of it @ C1, and even fewer parts of it @ C4, which I accidentally previously got when I took out of context 1 power: creating weather for predicting the weather, the latter requires lot less points than the expensive creating weather; Synnibarr rpg: mostly @ C4, but (some) parts of it @ C3, C2, & C1; Dungeons and Dragons: mostly @ C3 Default Psyche; BESM rpg: AMBS @ [{C2 DP)^(1/2)], average male human @ 4 AMBS; Primal Order rpg: mostly @ C2, based on its review; MU SAGA rpg: mostly @ [CA-10], in terms of average psyche; Nobilis rpg: mostly @ [CA-10], in terms of average psyche; ZERG rpg: {similar to alien} mostly @ C3, except it’s off & deficient by [{10+X} @ C2], and the ZERG queen should get 2x her stated value, which [I’m assuming] is an intentional error built into rpg point total, so that it does not resemble D&D, which is mostly @ C3 DP; C1 = CA^LOG10(CA), C2 = C1^LOG10(C1), C3 = C2^LOG10(C2), C4 = C3^LOG10(C3), GURPS: mostly @ C3 DP or Default Psyche; Dark Champions: mostly @ C3, which for 1 character it slides into C4; Dragonball-Z: mostly @ C3 Default Psyche; Yu-Gi-Oh: mostly @ C3, but @ PL rather than @ DP, which is reserved for psions, whom in Dragonball-Z rpg are @ DP or Default Psyche. The Psyche stat in ’86 MU TSR rpg is usually @ my C1 unit of magnitude for point distribution for total, but is NOT the case for Odin, who is @ C2 rather than @ C1, since for 2 reasons: 1st Graviton is or should be @ 30 C1 DP but is listed as @ 6 which is either wrong or what is left after he has used up most of his points, since the MU Graviton should be in his 20s C1 DP, from 20 to 29 C1 DP, with either his last 1 point being his listed Ty (6) psyche stat, whatever that’s supposed to mean, or if Ty is his first 6 points then he is prone to psychic attacks, else not if it is his last 6 points, then he has only used up 24 C1 DP = 80 C2 DP, which @ 24 C1 DP is PL that of Clark Kent of the storyline in the tv series of Smallville; 2nd reason) because, Odin should be @ 60 C1 DP = 1,451 C2 DP, by 60^LOG10(60) [so, the 1,451 Psyche listed for Odin is @ C2 rather than C1. And, even if Odin is @ C2, he is still weak due to him either or both dieing of old age or put into a coma by Gal] (Odin) is @ Power Level of slightly more than that of Silver Surfer, who is @ ~ 50 Psyche @ C1 = 770 C2 DP by 50^LOG10(50), which if SS was written in Primal Order rpg, SS would be @ 770, based on SS being @ 50 Psyche, according to Ragnorrak version of ’86 MU TSR rpg, when the Silver surfer arrives @ Asgard as either messenger of Galactus or SS has come looking for his master Galactus, who has a breakdown, literally, by the Cosmic Cube, controlled by the Elders of MU, where 123 C1 DP Gal is sent to Asgard, where Gal is its new ruler, while Odin lies in a coma state, with Thor worries what to do. The other 2 Ac and Tus are somewhere else, with 123 C1 DP Ac @ in dimensional of Hell part of the MU Asgard and Olympus, while 123 C1 DP Tus is roaming around mad, by that I mean more than just angry; while Gal later takes over Olympus, where Zeus is dethroned and imprisoned, with Gal is about to take a bride. And, it is up to the MU heroes [Dr Strange, Thor, Spiderman, Captain America, Black Widow, She-Hulk, Wasp, and the Vision, as well as the Silver Surfer: they start on Ego, where SS meets the heroes] to put MU Galactus back together. The heroes then return back to Asgard, and then to Hell & to Olympus. And, NOTE that when Galactus is split, this C2 Psyche is split into 3 parts. C1 is used for mutants, and C2 is used for gods & entities; but, when working/thinking backwards, sometimes for Default Psyche = [(C1 PL)/10], since LS or Life Span = [(DP)/10], such as for MU Mistress Death, based on Rule # 3: the same method applies to MU Eternity. This method does NOT apply fully to mutants, since they are NOT immortal; but, this method is applied partially to mutants’ LS, DP, and PL. This is why this rpg system of mine HYBRID is called a tri-stat system. But, regarding the EXAMPLE campaign from ’86 MU TSR rpg, Galactus eventually gets his 3 psyche parts put together @ total, 369 C1 DP, which is @ 30 rating in MU Saga or/and Nobilis by [CA-10] = [40-10] = 30, where 40 CA = ~ 369 C1 DP, by 40^LOG10(40), where 30 is maximum value in MU SAGA, where average psyche is @ [CA-10] ~ Nobilis rpg. I got so lucky with discovering these equations, that it must be fate. And, from all of my equations, about less than dozen are flawed, meaning inaccurate. About my RPG HYBRID: It assumes that reality tries to reveal itself. About the Author: I’m trying to find an easy way to make sense out of gibberish that is found in many advanced math books, by Rule # 369. And, use that to understand science-fiction that of MU & Dr Who. Rule # 468: In long files in Microsoft WORD gives some kind of fatal error in a pattern for cut & paste that one is forced to: follows a Fibonacci series, meaning you need to start small, before having more. And, sometimes, cut & paste does NOT work if you start with a space, or if you have too much saved in the clipboard, if too cluttered. The problem may be due to the fact that I’m using an older version of WORD: there is NO such problem in the newer version of WORD. Rule # 467: Each text page = 1d6 K of memory, depending on font size: (each size 10 page: 1 K), (12:2), (14:3), (16:4), (18:5), (20:6). Rule # 466: The Attachment file doesn’t seem to accept more than 345 pages of text, so I’ll keep Part I of my rpg HYBRID less than 345 pages of text: anything extra above that, will go into Part II, which will consist mostly of rules, based on the first dozen CORE rules. But, I’m going to limit attachment to not more than 345 pages, since WORD easily crashes when attachment is more than 345 pages of text, since if I want to add something in part I, there is little hassle. So, each PART or CHAPTER will be ~ 300 pages of HYBRID rpg text. Rule # 465: Didn’t USA embargo & its attack on Iraq kill millions for oil vs Saddam killing square root of that amount being thousands. And, whatever happened to international sovereignty, considering that Iraq never attacked USA, the same way that S.E.A. never attacked USA after WWII, and it’s not like USA itself didn’t kill thousands of its own natives. USA celebrate Thanksgiving each year, but it was the natives that helped the Americans, who killed the natives, so what are we being thankful for? USA attempts to discredit the UN {United Nations}, after USA is found to be attempting a baseless war with Iraq. And, Kuwait was part of Iraq in 19th century until Britain showed up 4 oil. Rule # 464: All the characters in the tv series Smallville seem to be self absorbed, meaning they are all villains, some of them disguised as good, including the innocent looking Clark Kent, where he pretends to have weakness that being Kryptonite, which is really his source of power. By pretending to have it as a weakness, his enemies would try to use it against him, thereby making him stronger each time he gets attacked by Kryptonite: it is simple and ingenious way of surviving attacks. This way, he becomes the most powerful person on the planet. In another words, Clark is just a more powerful version of Lex, while Lex is a very weak version of Clark, including lack of good looks. Rule # 463: You can use the flight equation to figure out the purchase price of this/my FREE rpg HYBRID, based on C2 DP of Steve Long of HERO rpg, whom I’ll give a few(3) points less than his actual points. So, the purchase price of my rpg HYBRID, is inflation of $1 per decade. Rule # 462: It is difficult to pin down exactly where C# stands in the flight equation, which seem to fluctuate, perhaps/maybe due to unequal resources given to different types of technology is only explanation. One way to compute mph is pick smaller value from the 2 equations, {(C3)^2} & C4, which conflict with my earlier 1st flight equation @ C3, which may be partly due to engineers playing D&D making same mistake, which it seems that I made the same mistake as they did. Or, it could be FATE: that unequal resources were allocated to different technology, so that engineers playing D&D would make this mistake: sort of like the movie Terminator: FATE creates circular timeline. The NEW flight equation might look like this: X = [{(year) – 1900}/10]; then, Y = 10 + X; and, then, Z = [(Y @ C3 PL)^2] mph for airplane. But, to compute Y @ C3 PL, do: C3 = C2^LOG10(C2), same for jet plane. So, by 1910, an 11 C2 PL airplane @ 12 C3 PL @ 144 mph in 1910. So, a 14 C2 PL airplane in 1940 @ 20 C3 PL @ 400 mph for German jet plane. To compute when the sound barrier of 770 mph was approached by jet technology, do: X = 770 mph; Y = [X^(1/2)]; C3 PL = Y; find C2 PL for C3 PL; Z = C2 PL; year = [1900 + {10*(Z-10)}] = 1900 + 59 = 1959, when USA use South East Asia for target practice to show world that USA was # 1, as USA used Japan for target practice by nuking them in 1945, based on technology based on my force field equation @ 3d6 C1 DP, after provoking Japan by creating an economic embargo on them, after which USA ended up with Pearl Harbor; but, I’d partly blame Japan for invading Manchuria, but Japan got the green light to invade by the last Emperor of China who was too busy taking opium & NOT enough sex. Similar fiasco takes place when hunters provoke a foreigner trained with military background who arrived in USA but confronts/ed racism. Rule # 461: The method use on page 174 in Hero 5th is almost same as it would be done in my rpg HYBRID, although there might be some dispute as to what Advantage to use, since the description of the power is vague. And HERO rpg miss 1 important fact that being one can NOT have points greater than default without taking on disadvantage of having life span less than default, which is assumed to be @ same as that of the power, since the Advantage is used on the point cost for that power @ a particular #, meaning before the person can expand his power from 60 to 135, using the 1.25 Advantage, he *must* also take on a Limitation of 1.25 by having his Life Span decreased, in order to take on the extra points, ELSE he’d be stuck @ 60 points, which because it is assumed to be @ unit C2, that corruption power is as powerful as that of the DC Aquaman, who is @ 2x the C2 DP of a whale @ 40s C2 DP, which is less than 60 C2 DP, which is closer to that of MU Prince Namor, who @ 50 C2 DP, which @ 60 @ that C#, which when @ C2 is PL that of Cyclops without his restraining power of his red eyeglasses, but his actual PL is greater than PL used for a mutant power, which only functions when his default C# is @ C2. His COM = (C3)/(pi+1), but IF that C2 unit was C3, then it would be a seduction spell, if his COM was less than cost @ 60 C3, meaning if his COM was less than 14, if unit C3 was used rather than C2, which is reserved for mutant powers. The corruption example in Rule # 460 that I gave is very similar to my rpg, but 1 thing that HERO rpg does NOT do is give unit of magnitude to show how intense the power is, since points do NOT mean anything without a unit of magnitude attached to it, which HERO rpg lacks, as they give it @ [#*(1+Advantage)], which is used by HERO rpg without using 2 important steps without which this equation can NOT be used, at least NOT in my rpg HYBRID, requires 1st 2 important steps: 1st step I’ve given above, and 2nd step is that they do NOT say what unit of magnitude the power is @ which if written in my rpg, it would be @ C2 if power was similar to that of an average MU mutant, would be @ C2, which is proportional to magnitude in Primal Order rpg. I’m assuming that it is @ C2, since it says that it’s dimensional, but one has to read description to know what unit to attach to the points. Rule # 460: NOT all (the time), but some of the (time) point cost, sometimes, in HERO rpg is proportional to my C2 unit of magnitude for point distribution which is similar to the point distribution in Primal Order rpg: 1 Hero example is corruption @ #, which depending on its intensity, which I assume it is assumed to be @ C2, which can be @ other C#, depending on its intensity. NOTE that the base point given to a character template is @ C3, which can be increased if base is greater than his COM, by decreasing his life span to human level to proportional to his COM, where his base when it is given is referred to here as default psyche which remains constant, which is what his Power Level is @ but can be increase if his life span is decreased: this maintains conservation of mass & energy. This is explained in Rule # 3 and in Rule # 6 which are 2 most important rules, which once you understand them you will see that my rpg HYBRID is COINCIDENTLY very similar to many other rpg: I ASSUME IT’S FATE that my rules give similar results, point cost, but I use unit(s). And, the extra points gotten by taking on a decreased life span is referred to as Power Level, which @ the stat is @ default, which is greater for someone with a greater base value, depending on his C#, unit of magnitude. Rule # 459: To create large butterfly in my rpg HYBRID, do following: # of points = (1d6)/(accuracy @ gpa), meaning start @ 6 C1 DP for it. And, the shrinking table on page 141 in Hero 5th is coincidently very proportional to my C2 unit, which is coincidently proportional to Primal Order rpg. What the table is trying to say is to add the points in the 1st column to his C2, which if total is PL then power stunt will be slow but if C2 total is @ DP then it will be quick. To calculate total points in GURPS or D&D, use C3, which will give a similar total points to their total. But, if you want to create a baby version of Mothra, then, just use the points as C2 DP that is listed in the 1st column, then figure out C3, which is C3 = C2^LOG10(C2), coincidently is total points in Dragonball-Z & Dark Champions. Rule # 458: Description of the relationship between USA and Japan is that of the MU Galactus to the MU Silver Surfer as an analogy. USA before WWI help create the powerful Japan, which then rebelled against the USA, which help to make it powerful, similar to those 2 MU guys. Rule # 457: The other principle equation, besides X^LOG10(X), is the 2nd equation that being X^LN(X), which I’ve rarely used, since its principles I’ve NOT worked out yet, but could be used for world domination, such as empire building & manpower to build technology. Rule # 456: This might seem like an episode of Carroll Burnet Show, but this is pseudo science, which is NOT science but something that looks like science to give the same results as science without using science. Start length of object in # of ft of primitive lifeform @ C2 DP = 10^[(C2 DP)^(1/D)], where dimension D of object = 2 for a tree. Important part of this rule is that to NOT forget the C# for NEW value which is NOT the same C# as it was for previous value, after making the computation, such as to change 0.01 C2 DP to C3 DP is as follows: 0.01^LOG10(0.01 C2) = 0.01^(-2) = [(1/100)^(-2)] = 100^2 is = 10,000 C3 DP = 100 C2 DP by 100^LOG10(100 C2), which is NOT what you started with, but by this contradiction it tells you how physics works, as to size of window/gateway for either teleportation or/and time travel, at least in my rpg HYBRID. In other words, people that are obsessed about math do NOT like to simply explanation so they seem brilliant or so that no one else can figure it out, why committee of hackers invented C++ [which is more like a role playing game than a computer language; more like a game of Dungeons and Dragons] and why another committee want to use an ever more difficult programming language rather than use BASIC: there is conspiracy against the computer language BASIC, and against everything that is simple, even in economics, which Hamilton tried to point out, without success, that government(s) sometimes pursue or/and will pursue inflationary policies which is NOT good. The value of subatomic particles {using my simple equation X^LOG10(X): this is what part of reality is based on which I’m assuming to be true and is what HYBRID RPG & subconsciously all other rpgs using rules and principles that of (my) HYBRID rpg without even knowing it or imply it, is IMPLIED OR/AND IS based on that being X^LOG10(X)} increases as its [referring to the subatomic particle(s)] size decreases, where X is less than 1, seems to coincide with super string theory. When X is close to 1 @ 1d6, you can explain microbiology by [C# approaches 1], as # increases, when value of C# is less than 1d6. You can explain physics by [C# increases value from microbiology to human levels to that of MU mutants to level of MU gods if set value is much smaller than 1, when # increases, when value of C# is initially set to less than 1]: the principle of teleportation & everything else is based on HYBRID rpg is partly based on this [this being X^LOG10(X)] which it seems that the Pentagon wants to get in on the act to figure it out, where it being teleportation. Next, the # of points for insects is 1 if male, else 2 if female queen, but this range can sometimes be 1.5 to 3 points @ C#, which is proportional to human colonies, that when average human males range from 10 to 20 C2 DP in a human colony, the insects range from 1 to 2 @ similar C#, by either {C#/(2d6)} in a NON science-fiction campaign, else {C#/(1d6)} in a science-fiction campaign; so, if the male humans range from 15 to 30 C2 DP, then the insects in area range from 1.5 to 3 C2 Default Psyche, where the female gets Nx the points as the male, when both are NON-humanoid, the ratio is 1 to 2 or/to 1 to 4, where % percentage of effectiveness or efficiency of colony = 100*[1-(1/N)], the ratio is also in Black Widow Spiders, closest to human ratio, where for humans, the human female will get square points that of her male; so, if her minimum ideal match is @ 16 C2 DP, then she will be @ 256 C2 DP in terms of her beauty @ 6 to 12 COM, while he’s @ 4 ABMS in BESM rpg, but she will more likely end up with a male person @ within a range of X and [X + {X^(1/2)}] C2 DP, is @ either 16 or 20 C2 DP male. The 16 C2 DP guy will end up with a 6 COM woman, while 20 C2 DP guy will end up with 12 COM woman, based on probability ratio above. When either the male or female doesn’t or hasn’t yet maximize(d), then he or she will have or tend to show polygamous behavior, UNLESS she either has good morals or there are other factors, such as economics, or it could be that she is just plain greedy, just as a man might be. The extra {X^(1/2)} C2 DP for the male acts as a doubling effect to attract a woman 2x the average COM that he would normally be able to attract. Rule # 455: Simple power chart is as follows: MU Iron Man @ 36 C2 DP, Cannonball @ 49 C2 DP, and the Juggernaut & Gladiator @ percentage = [(C2 DP)/10)^2] = % = 100% @ 100 C2 Default Psyche for latter two. NOTE that 36 C2 DP = 6 ABMS, and 49 C2 DP = 7 ABMS in BESM rpg. And, NOTE that the MU Onslaught was only @ 123 C2 DP = (1/6) DP of Xavier, who wanted to stretch his legs & his powers as Onslaught, rather than pretend to be crippled, considering that MU Wolverine has 6.46 ABMS, where Wolverine’s ABMS is @ 6.X, where X = [(%)^(1/3)] = X = 2 @ 8%. Rule # 454: If computer is infected by a 1d6 virus, then the computer or/and software will crash after 1d6 tries: NOT sure if for all #. Rule # 453: The mechanics in FATAL rpg are IMPLIED {as is implied in the ’86 MU TSR rpg, as is also IMPLIED in GURPS rpg, as is implied in Dungeons & Dragons, as is implied in Dragonball-Z rpg, & in HERO rpg, which latter has 4 different point distributions: IQ & [C3, C2, & C1]} & if true, meaning if accurately interpreted by me, then FATAL rpg is same in HYBRID rpg, which is same as every other rpg, except HYBRID is best and most simple and most accurate, for The “Predilection” spell @ p. 682 in FATAL rpg is @ Level is @ C2 meaning @ 20 C2 DP @ Level 2, but to use the spell his DP is reduced to ~ 16 C2 according to FATAL rpg, but the amount reduced can be replaced by a 1d6, in FATAL rpg and is similar to one cast by Mxyzptlk in the tv series Smallville, except Mxyzptlk had his powers reduced from 16 CA to 16 C1 after having his name read backward on the computer: @ the end of the episode he was @ 16 C2 DP, almost powerless. But, do NOT confuse “Level” with “Caster Level”, both are usually (most of the time) different in FATAL rpg; but, I did NOT read all of FATAL, but only parts of it. The magic spell “Pudenda Key“ in FATAL rpg has 2 interpretations: the strong version and weak version, where the weak version is love spell with Level @ C3 rather than @ C2, while the strong version with Level @ C2 to make a woman pregnant without intercourse: both types were used by an evil monk in the story of Mahabharata. X = 2d6 for the Caster Level to Life Point power chart in FATAL rpg is @ [{Y+X} @ C1 DP], which in ZERG rpg is @ [{10+(X=2)} @ C2] which is what or how much ZERG rpg is off or/and deficient in points @ C3, which @ C2 DP is off by 2x for ZERG queen, while the Life Point in FATAL rpg are @ C3 PL of what one can do, after one has subtracted the required modifier to acquire mutant powers. So, in FATAL rpg, other than 2 exceptions {although there may be more exceptions, as I only skimmed through FATAL rpg} that I’ve found, both FATAL rpg and HYBRID rpg are very similar, including for the Levels {which, referring to the FATAL’s unit Level, which @ first or @ the beginning, it seems NON-sense, but after trying to make sense of it, once you figure out its actual magnitude} works very similar to HYBRID rpg, where C2 DP = 10*Level, where in HYBRID rpg, one must subtract a 1d6 from his actual total points to have mutant powers, where 1d6 = Nd6, where N = complexity of magic, % = 99*{1-(1/(N+1))}, but the points Nd6 must be subtracted from his DP & NOT from his PL, which is NOT real magic, but mutant power(s) by TK or/and TP, since magic is supposed to be more concentrated than C2 unit, why magic in HYBRID rpg is @ CA unit of magnitude for point distribution for total points. So, in order to figure out the magnitude of points in FATAL rpg, one must read description of power, and depending on where you start reading, it may seem to be {coincidently similar to} @ C4, or C3, or C2, or C1, such as “Rend Asunder” for its Magic Points is @ C2, which is @ PL if that power can NOT be repeated too often, ELSE @ DP, if it can be repeated often, although its Life Points is @ C3, which is most likely @ PL rather than @ DP, and where explanation for the term “Magic Points” in FATAL is @ C2 after next sentence but is NOT same as term “Magic” in HYBRID rpg which is @ CA, such as for the MU Dr Strange, since FATAL is for realism rather than @ cosmic level, which is for gods @ CA for “Magic”. The Life Points in FATAL rpg seem to be @ C3 @ PL or DP. So, then, I seem to be right about the C2 PL for the so called jesus christ character, who seems to be @ 20s C2 PL, depending on intensity of his miracles, mostly tricks, since 20s C2 PL is NOT enough for real miracles. This power rating of my rpg HYBRID which in FATAL rpg is written as “MAGIC POINTS”, which are/seems @ either C2 PL or @ C2 DP. Appearance-wise, FATAL’s Kobold’s range of 2 to 3 quarters {50 to 75} C3 DP, reminds me of episodes of Battlestar Galactica, where humans seem to be smaller than average, thus seem to have less points @ HALF of the Kobold’s range, but since they are supposed to be (lot) more advanced, would/should naturally have/get more points, @ 2X or more, which is more likely @ more. So, during the character creation process in FATAL rpg, when a roll is @ “25 to 53” for average guy can be rounded off to “23 to 53”, which is @ C3 but is only average for 1st & 2nd rate country, where you need minimum of 2d6 to discover/solve/manipulate calculus, beyond the pre-calculus level, although the # of points for other characters in FATAL rpg less than 16 is or seems to be greatly off COMPARED TO MY RPG HYBRID, since FATAL’s 1 point scale is @ 1d6 in my rpg HYBRID & FATAL’s 15 to 22 points scale is @ C3 DP = a short Caucasian adult male @ 11 to 12 C1 DP in HYBRID rpg, which is also coincidently same/similar as in FATAL rpg, although that male person would be ~ shorter @ points less than 11 C1 DP which = 12.15 C2 DP = 15 C3 DP; while, FATAL’s other examples for points @ or greater than 16 C3 DP is same as in HYBRID rpg, where FATAL’s 16 to 100 is/seems to be @ C3 scale of my rpg HYBRID, meaning @ 16 to 100 C3 DP or Default Psyche, since both rpgs matches @ 16 to 100, although there is a discrepancy in points for a NON-caucasian male character(s) by difference of 1d6 between my rpg HYBRID and that of FATAL rpg, where difference is 2d6 C3 DP for brown skinned male character, depending on race, since NOT all brown skinned male character are @ same value, referring to African and South Asian, which latter need more $ than former, why they both act differently, why former [the young in USA] (some of them, likewise, also, some from other races) sometimes acts goofy, [maybe they think it’s cool], since [in Africa, they kill each other, which is worse] they [feel that they] do not need to conform NOR need as much $ to survive as much as the latter. The C3 is approximately # of hit points for a character in D&D, GURPS, Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragonball-Z, Dark Champions, Hero 5th, but my unit of magnitude C3 is coincidently proportional to these rpgs, where this (my units of magnitude based on CA for) C3 for “23 to 53” is 12 to 14 C1 DP or Default Psyche, which is either {6 to 7} or {12 to 14} Psyche in ’86 MU TSR rpg, where this = either {6 to 7} or {12 to 14} C0, which is a unitless unit when C# is @ C0 until for this example C# = C1, for “Class” for ’86 MU TSR rpg, where the correct magnitude [if the ’86 MU TSR rpg had unit of magnitude which it doesn’t & I had to create a unit of magnitude as a result, since the ’86 MU TSR rpg doesn’t have a unit of magnitude, since the ’86 MU TSR rpg calls everything by “Class” rather than by some specific unit(s) of magnitude, such as the following units which I made up which are coincidently used by all rpgs: CA, C1, C2, C3, C4, where my C4 = C3^LOG10(C3) & C2 = C1^LOG10(C1)] would be C1 for 12 to 14, which = 14.61 C2 DP by 12^LOG(12 C1) = 22.72 C3 DP by 14.61^LOG10(14.61 C2), and the other 14 C1 DP = 20.59 C2 DP by 14^LOG10(14 C1) = 53.16 C3 DP by 20.59^LOG10(20.59 C2) = 53.16 C3 DP or Default Psyche or 53 points for average guy in FATAL rpg, when a roll is @ 53, during character creation process, is a character of 53 points in Dungeons & Dragons. FATAL’s Anakim race if created in HYBRID rpg would have to be size of fairy similar to in story/movie Peter Pan, but would still have more points than designated for them in FATAL rpg @ 1, which is too low value in HYBRID rpg, where it would have 1d6 @ 6. And, FATAL’s bugbear @ 16 [depending on his size, meaning his height] (if made in my HYBRID rpg) is same as in HYBRID rpg, but the “2 to 16” is or seems incorrect, since 2 is too low a value in HYBRID RPG, where similar to just above where instead of 1 but @ 1d6 @ 6 for Anakim if @ size of fairy, the bugbear rather than @ 2, he should/would/need (to) be @ 2d6 @ 12 @ C3 DP in my HYBRID rpg; although, if that bugbear was Bigfoot, then he’d get lot more points, such as @ 12 C1 DP which is a lot for something that is NOT human. The amount of points for it was same as the MU version @ 30s C2 DP, but for the one in movie where the DNA analyzer landed on its home turf: both versions acted like trolls, meaning very evil and scary and fierce, to those in his home turf. Rule # 452: Before I state the rule, a little bit of a diatribe. Today, on Judge Judy, according to her verdict, a woman doesn’t [didn’t] have to pay off a loan to a man, while a guy if he were to take out a loan from a woman, he would probably & most likely be compelled to pay it off to her; every feminist judge makes the same kind of ruling that one wonders if courts are biased. And, now to state the rule, a character playing a cop can use this rule to figure out how much or how many volts to set on an adjustable taser [if he had an adjustable taser] to use for on a violent offender, by setting his adjustable taser [if he had an adjustable taser] @ C4. NOTE that # of hit points in Dungeons & Dragons is @ C3, where C4 = C3^LOG10(C3). The first taser in terms of volts used by cops was @ either C3 or @ 1000 volts, by 3d6 C2 DP [average American soldier] @ 37.65 C3 DP = 37.65 hit points in Dragonball-Z rpg & GURPS rpg & Dungeons & Dragons rpg by C2^LOG10(C2) = C3 = @ 304 C4 by C3^LOG10(C3) = C4 = 304 points in Synnibarr rpg, requiring a 304 volts setting on a taser to stop that person, which since it wasn’t too violent enough by some trigger happy cops, as they wanted to jack up the voltage to either C4 or 50,000 volts, so they could increase # of arrests to put them into gulags like the old Russia of Stalin. But, for the morally bound, a character playing a copy [if he had an adjustable taser] he could set it @ C4, to prevent excess force. An average person @ 4 AMBS in BESM rpg @ 16 C2 DP @ 28.18 C3 DP should NOT have an excess force used on them more than 126.54 C4 volts which is enough electric shock to make you say ouch, more than that for a person of that category is simply excess force, which usually should NOT be used without a very good and compelling reason, without violating suspects’ constitutional rights, although a person should have right to defend himself, but what if a woman wants to rape a man [usually her ex] financially, and then taking him to a gulag; or, NOT arresting a porn star [prostitute], which is polygamy, which is illegal, prostitution, but they arrest the guy rather than the woman in California which is entrapment, which most single guy$ can NOT resist, if she is attractive enough & if she doesn’t look diseased. But, for those woman that can NOT resist $, greed by prostitution, should be arrested or/and fined on polygamy, which is illegal, so to make it unprofitable, to prevent abuse by women, who are just as morally degenerate as some men, although arresting for such crimes might seem excessive, but there must be a rational solution to such an epidemic, where you have millions of female law breakers, since what was once illegal is now legal, part of the problem is feminist judges & politicians including most Presidents that break the law, but the common man, who is a citizen & without $ to influence by bribe must obey the law since he can not bribe since he has no $ to bribe [which for it to be legal can not look like a bribe, sort of like prostitution, which for it to be legal can not look like prostitution] is complicated like a math fractal. But, superheroes with a good PR [public relations] are referred to as heroes which is partly fault of reality for basing psychology based on physics: which is like mad cow disease, where common sense is thrown away & replaced by greed, based on Rule # 1: binary logic in war with fuzzy logic. And, by combining Rule # 1, # 3, # 6, # 451, and several other rules, you get a more readable and predictable time travel equation, without violating any of my previous rules, but I got the idea for this new time travel equation partly based on voltage value of a taser used by cops [the jacked up version @ C4 rather their original value @ C3, which they though was too weak, but I don’t think 1000 volts is weak, but they seem to think they need 50,000 volts: excess], and by using the voltage value that of the MU character Storm in the movie X-Men, where if you put her @ 36 C2 PL which is 6 AMBS in BESM rpg which @ C4 = (3/4) of 1 million volts of electric bolt/blast/powers/etc, excluding her COM value but coincidently her power level matches her COM value after subtracting 1 ABMS to have multiple mutant powers of 7-1 = 6 ABMS , where 7 = 20 C1 DP = [{(20 C1 DP)/10}^2] = 4, which is HALF the COM for her of the comic or/and cartoon version of Storm; but, in the movie of the X-Men, her COM @ C1 DP of 49 = 7 ABMS, where her actual points total is an extra +1 ABMS @ 8 ABMS: she needs an extra +1 ABMS to have mutant powers, the same applies to guys, but women use up most of their points for COM, why it’s cheaper to be a guy in HYBRID rpg. But, the time travel method for character that is @ 36 C1 DP, he can increase his PL to 49 C1 by reverse and reduce his Life Span to 25 C1 by adding a modifier of -1 after taking square root of 36 & then squaring 5 to get 25, which is still more than human: +/- # of years = ~ X^X = 1, when X = ~ 100 C2. Rule # 451: For astrological bodies, use the following power chart: asteroids range from 20 to 29 C1 DP, moons range from 30 to 39 C1 DP, planets range from 40 to 49 C1 DP, with Jupiter @ 49 C1 DP, which was previously mistakenly put @ 50 C1 DP, stars range from 50 to 59 C1 DP, neutron stars range from 60 to 69 C1 DP, and black holes range from 70 to 79 C1 DP, for the most part, in my super simple made-up rpg HYBRID. And, note that 49 C1 DP = 719 C2 DP by 49^LOG10(49) = 719 points for Jupiter, in my opinion, in Primal Order rpg, for that size & mass. Rule # 450: Hypercube(s) in science-fiction movies come in 4 forms: @ 10, 20, 30, or @ 40 C1 DP. When it is @ 20 C1 DP, it is @ Power Level that of the MU character Mysterio. The hypercube in the movie Hellraiser, if it was fake, then it was @ 10 C1 DP, ELSE if it was real within the story, then it was @ ~ 20 C1 DP, if it acted as a beacon, but it could have been more powerful, @ 30 C1. As for the Dimension of Hell in that story/movie, it seems @ 40 C1. There are/were 7 different movies on hypercube(s). But, the hypercube in the movie Hellraiser may have been a time machine, with the small one acting as a beacon to the larger one within the so-called Dimension of Hell, which may in fact be future version of earth, similar to the so-called planet Krypton being future version of DC earth [in my opinion], with the larger hypercube within the so-called Dimension of Hell may be similar to the supercomputer – Skynet -in the movie Terminator, but more powerful than the Skynet supercomputer. Its program logic may have developed an error similar to the MU Sentinels’ master computer Master Mold, which had fail safe device known as Conscious, which was later attacked by Master Mold in Days of Future Past of MU comics and of the rpg MU TSR rpg of the late 1980s. And, the demons may have been just sadistic time travelers with psychic powers [like mutants, maybe] rather than being actual demons. And, even the so-called Hallodeck of Star Trek Next Generation is similar to a hypercube @ HALF the C1 DP of the ship or the captain. So, if Picard or the ship is @ 50 C1 DP, then hypercube Hallodeck be @ 25 C1 DP @ maximum Power Level that of the MU character Mysterio. And, NOTE that 25 C1 DP = 90 C2 DP by 25^LOG10(25) @ PL that of Clark Kent of the tv series Smallville @ ~ 90 points in Primal Order rpg, where he is @ [20+X] @ C1 DP, where X = LOG10(% that PLOT puts him @). Rule # 449: To figure out the C2 DP required for power stunt used in the time travel storyline of movie Final Countdown, which if it has insufficient tachyon fields, then it might have only projected the ship and its crew [part of its and their essence, in a ghost like image, similar to the most recent hypercube movie, the one with the actor Monk, where the # of ghosts seem to be ~ to the C0 or Class rating in the Ghost Busters, where Class 5 hypercube would be @ 50 C2 DP, but this Class rating is NOT the same as in the ’86 MU TSR rpg, which has a unitless unit which I refer to as C0, without a unit], in the past rather than actually placing them in the past, replace the PL unit with DP unit for C2, which = [year – 1900] that the movie was released, which was in 1980, which I assume Fate had a purpose for movie being released in that year, for reason that the amount of C2 DP required for such a power stunt = 80 C2 DP, which is about what Clark Kent of the tv series Smallville (he) is @ 15 CA DP = rating of 5 in Nobilis or MU SAGA by [CA-10] is @ 81.89 C2 DP = 24.17 C1 DP, which @ his C2 DP is (1/3) his actual total, is a way of reality trying to reveal itself, or it could be just coincidence. It works perfectly with my time travel equations. In the movie, the power stunt was temporary, reason being that 80 C2 DP is NOT sufficient for the Time Storm for the person(s) that created the Time Storm, which may or may not have been natural. The aircraft carrier itself is @ 40 C2 PL, which is NOT {@} DP, since it, the aircraft carrier is NOT alive, why PL is used, rather than DP for the aircraft carrier. But, for more detail for the time travel stunt, combine Rule # 3 with the most recent version of my time travel equation, by that I mean, if the aircraft carrier arrives in 1941, and if it took off in 1977 and assuming that the aircraft carrier was @ 38.5 C2 PL, using/placing the Time Storm @ 77 C2 DP, then if [{(C2 DP)/100}^{(C2 DP)/100}] = pi^pi = 36 years back in time for 36 years, but since the time travel power stunt was only temporary, the required C2 DP would be lot less @ (1/4) of 314 C2 DP = (1/4)*314 = 78.5 C2 DP for that time travel stunt. The storyline of the tv series Sliders uses similar premises & equations, but because their frequency [referring to quantity rather than wavelength] of use of time travel power stunt is much much greater, required C1 DP is also greater @ 2x the C1 DP for the above example. 75.39 C2 DP = 23.45 C1 DP for character in movie Butterfly Effect. The character Jason @ 3d6 C2 DP with his magic ring is only @ 3d6 C1 DP. But, a lot of this depends on if @ 100 C2 DP, dimensions overlap, like circles, creating an illusion there is only 1 {figuratively speaking} dimension, which in its definition is subjective to define results, which depend on the definition of the term dimension(s) @ 100 C2 DP which {I assume} is crossroads for the term pattern(s) in Amber rpg. Rule # 448: And, as for communism, I think it was Nostradamus, who coined the term, Communism in the 16th century. Later, Alexander Hamilton, who was more like a communist, meaning too much government out of mistrust of the elite, slightly objected to the other or 2nd economic model created by Adam Smith, who wanted as less government as possible & was the founding father of US economics based on greed, can be partially disproved or proved to be flawed, using analogy of a car, which will eventually break down, if it is not given a regular maintenance & tune-up, which the rich prefer not do, since they like to horde $; but, the problem with that is that unequal distribution of wealth is created by lack of a (good) revolution every now and then: distractions created by sports, religion, politics, , economics, (fear vs love), & holidays. In other words, Adam Smith’s economic model fluctuates between binary logic & fuzzy logic: why it works sometimes but NOT always. It is easy to see this by juxtaposing the supply demand curve x with Doppler Effect & Resonance Theory, with evolution being Z-axis. The character Nash in/of the storyline movie Beautiful Mind tried to say something to this effect, about corruption, lack of interest, excess or lack of patriotism, & stupidity, considering that if a 1 billion people can believe in false gods, then they can be fooled/forced by their government into inequality & the creeping of inflation, due to greed, which doesn’t always work as a self correcting mechanism in the economy, such as % of US prisons often a violation of US constitution. Rule # 447: Godzilla is @ either [(25 +/- 5) C1 DP = 49.28 C2 to 152 C2 DP] or [(25 +/- 10) C1 DP = 24.17 C2 to 242 C2 DP], based on Doppler. And, do not forget that when the original HERO/Champions 250 point @ [10*C1=IQ] scale slides into C3, 35.25 C2 DP = 249.75 C3 DP. The 2nd point distribution in HERO is or perhaps is @ [10*35], where total is @ C3; while, original [10*25], where 25 C1 = 90 C2 = 6,592 @ C3. This is why Dr Destroyer has so many points in 2nd C3 point distribution, which was used in Dark Champions, which for 1 character is @ C4. Rule # 446: The reason for the confusion as to how many points to assign characters in/for HERO rpg is because there are 2 (two) different point distributions used: 1st being @ IQ, which is [10*C1], which was the original estimate, but when people tried to create characters for the 250 Point Project, they skidded into the C3 distribution for total, since it has more references than {C1*10} = IQ, which is NOT always IQ but is an option, such as the Thing [MU version, NOT the DC] can be either the Thing or like HULK [’86 MU TSR rpg had Ben make his own exo-skeleton in an alternate MU universe, mechanically, rather than in an organic way, latter being for Dr Banner: points total determine powers]; &, 2nd being @ C3, used by D&D, Dark Champions, & HERO 5th, which is based on Dark Champions. Rule # 445: Before you can take Rule # 6 to the next step, you need to either NOT violate Rule # 6 or keep it as close to the original Rule # 6, as possible, which, the latter part, is what we’ll be doing to test the NEW premise on a tree if the premise hold true, before trying to expand or/and taking Rule # 6 to the next step. The result(s) do NOT need to be exact, but the result(s) need to be as close to being realistic as possible; and, IF there are NO real data to compare the results to, then the result(s) need to be compared to data found in science-fiction stories; the 3 that stand out are: 1st) the ‘80s Masters of the Universe, 2nd) Jason and the Wheeled Warriors, and 3rd) The Inhumanoids. For a plant life form, we use a C4 = C(#+1), rather than C3, to compute its Life Span @ # of years = [{(C#)/10}*{C(#+1)}], which for a male human @ 20 C2 DP, we use C3 to computer his LS, where C3 = C(#+1) [such as for Jason, in the ‘80s cartoon series Jason and the Wheeled Warriors, without his magic ring, which would bring his unit up 1 by reducing the # in @ his C# by 1 from C2 to C1, but for now we’re NOT including that in the computation, which is just an example, that we’ll use to compute to stats for a tree, later, but for now, he is @] = 49.28 C3 DP by 20^LOG10(20), comes out to: {20/10}*{49} = 2*49 = 98 years, for his life span, if he either has NO extra powers or if he uses his extra powers as much as inefficiently as possible that either brings or reduces his life span to 98 years, assuming he doesn’t prematurely get himself killed. Now, we’ll try 2 different values using the above premise that of using C4 for a tree and plug that value into its equation, which can be used for male humans @ C3. The 1st value is 1d6 @ 6 C2 DP [which is the assumed maximum value for a tree] and 2nd value is 2d6 @ 12 C2 DP [which is the imaginary maximum value for a tree, but since it’s an imaginary value, there is NO real upper limit, but for now we’ll keep it @ a limit of 2d6, since we’ll need to later test [actually compare] it with a value of 12 C2 DP, which we’ll use as the 3rd test value, based on [50/(M = # of modifiers for # of recursive powers @ # = 2 but # is increased to 5 in final form of the 3rd test case, where being alive counts as 1)] = 25 C2 DP, since the sentient tree that He-Man had come across was assumed to be @ 50 C2 DP, which comes in a 2nd form of {(50-10)/2}, where the -10 stands for its guardian, which was a midget troll-like creature, which was NOT really @ 10, but its value is last 10 points of the sentient tree, which is like a microscopic version of the MU Ego, and this sentient tree as a 3rd test example which we’ll test & compare its value with the 1st and 2nd test case for] on a tree, using the above premise and equation. The 5 modifiers are: 1st) being alive, 2nd) being sentient, 3rd) having persona guardian, 4th) guardian having power to create guard dogs, and 5th) having a personal female flying nymph, like in story Peter Pan. So, its 50 C2 DP is reduced to 50/5 = 10 C2 DP, in terms of its size and life span. Then, use the above 2 equations to figure out its height in ft and life span in # of years. The equation doesn’t give correct value @ 10 C2 DP, just as it doesn’t give correct value for humans @ 10 C2 DP, why Rule # 6 was modified slightly @ 10 C2 DP; and, similarly the equation needs to be modified, also, for a tree @ 10 C2 DP. The equation changes to 10^[1+{(C2 DP)^(1/2)}] for its Life Span in # of years, and its height in # of ft. = {(C2 DP)^(1/2)}; so, for giant redwood and sequoia trees of California, it has a symbiotic relationship between its LS and its height: this is very important, when constructing a tree. If a tree, such as the one that the fictional character He-Man had come across is sentient then subtract any points as its modifier, which acts as its guardian or protection, and divide its points by 2, where you are left with {(50-10)/2} = 20 C2 DP, excluding all other attributes, which if you decide to remove or/and decrease to expand or/and increase its Life Span & its height, then it loses sentient in proportion to above premises & equations. The reason that we divide by 2 is that it is according to or/and based on the earlier shape shifting equation, but I forget R #. And, unlike Rule # 6, this Rule # 445 is ambiguous, since you have to figure out your reference point, meaning your place in the pocket universe. This rule is a manifestation of Rule # 6. This rule tries to replace law of conservation of mass and energy with dimensional optics, where contradiction is used to maintain law of conservation of mass and energy for Rule # 6, when Rule # 6 is taken to next step, meaning a more evolved form of Rule # 6. The variable X in Rule 6 is originally set @ [(C2 – 20) + 2], when C2 is less than 20 C2, else X = 2, when C2 is greater than 20: this is original premise, which has 3 NEW stages. 1st being X = (C2/10); 2nd being X = [(C2/10) – (Y^Y)], where Y = LOG10(% of good luck); 3rd being X = Z, where Z = (C1/10): this last equation assumes that object is extremely large, why it helps to keep in mind Rule # 6, to figure out what C# to use for X. But &, if you interpret this equation incorrectly, then it will result in incorrect LS value for object, using the New Life Span Equation, meaning if you are NOT sure how to interpret this, then you are better off using the Rule # 6, which is NOT ambiguous, unlike Rule # 445. This Rule # 445 is still incomplete & far from being complete. Rule # 444: Total points in Primal Order rpg is @ C2, which is unit of magnitude for point distribution & for its total points in my rpg HYBRID, which is similar to Primal Order rpg @ C2. This similarity is by PURE COINCIDENCE: same coincidence of Nobilis using miracle points, which is manifestation of using my PL unit for Power Level in my rpg, which has similarities with many other rpgs, by pure coincidence, such as C2^LOG10(C2) = C3, which is total points in Dungeons and Dragons, which has similar total points as in Dark Champions of HERO, Hero 5th, Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragonball-Z @ C3, and GURPS, all use my C3 unit for its total. It sometimes seem like everyone is stealing my ideas from the future, or it could be fate, like different people discovering the value of pi = 3.14, similarly I may be getting same ideas either @ same time or before they are discovered, such as Rule # 443, just as when I was finished with Rule # 442, is what I mean: similar to me discovering idea of microscopic black holes {I based it based on biology rather than physics, using bio-physics that of to create a Cosmic Cube that of MU Kree technology: it is similar to the ending of Pyron in the Japanese manga Nightstalkers; but, I had discovered similar idea of microscopic black holes } before Steven Hawking, but I was labeled insane while he was labeled a genius; and, if anything, the MU written/ controlled by Stan Lee should be given credit, since I got the idea from his stories. And, Nobilis seem to be based on or is similar to combination of MU SAGA & BESM, but Nobilis use of miracle points is or seem to be manifestation of combination of my PL unit & my Rule # 3. But, getting back to my comment on Primal Order, it uses my C2 for its total points, such as 100 points for godling which is @ 100 C2 DP; but a mutant can temporarily fake have that PL by use PL if his default psyche is @ 50 by decreasing his Life Span to 25 C2, maximum human limit, which is usually set @ maximum of 20 C2, maximum human limit. Refer to Rule # 3, as to how to manipulate points in my rpg, HYBRID, which is most simple and best: better than any other rpg. Rule # 443: Velocity for jet plane is @ {(C3)^2} @ mph ~ Rule # 442. NOTE that jet technology is @ [(year – 1900)/3] @ C2 PL, NOT @ DP. NOTE that C3 = C2^LOG10(C2), to compute PL of C2 @ C3, for above. Rule # 442: Rule # 441 can be simplified to {C3 or (# @ C3)}^2 = X^X, which can be replaced by {(C#)^2}, where C1 for less than average, C2 for average, and C3 for above average, where referring to # @ C#, meaning 14 C1 DP = 20.59 C2 DP = 53.16 C3 DP by C#^LOG10(C#)=C(#+1). And, whether to make it per semester or per year depends on: it’s a circular argument, since it depends on lot of things, but finite. Here, you can’t use C4, and if you do, C4 will change to C3: limit, meaning C3 will increase greatly if you try to change C3 to C4. If you are a genius or extremely talented, then use C3, else C2 if average, else C1: to compute # of courses, based on his efficiency @ C#. And, both Rule # 441 and Rule # 369 still apply to Rule # 442: purpose being to simplify calculations as to when to take what courses. Rule # 441: Use either this rule or Rule # 369 to create proper college schedule for yourself so that you don’t accidentally screw up your gpa; or, to create nuclear technology @ price of a beer can which depends on proper balance within a or that human(oid) society. This rule is mostly for those with few points, Rule # 369 can be further simplified to the following: # of weeks per course = {(credits per course)^(DL @ 1d6)}, per course, where DL = Difficulty Level, which here is @ range of 1 to 5 @ 1d6, rather than @ 2d6 @ 1 to 10, since most college courses have redundancy, so that they can rob you of your $, since colleges are businesses, like any other, where they like to make maximum profit. This above equation then changes to X^X, which for sufficient understanding in # of days = {1d6*(X^X)}, where 1d6 = (your competition’s # @ C#)/(your # @ C#), which may give a larger # than a 1d6, where # = gpa; by [X^X], it gives you the ~ course #, which is an estimate of its Difficulty Level, when X = 4 or 5; but, since 2nd equation doesn’t give ~ course # for X = 1, 2, or 3, but if that # is correct, then one can assume that there is lot of excess or/& redundancy thrown in there. But, note that, here, laboratory course counts as 2 credits rather than 1. The 2nd equation works but NOT perfectly when X = 4, to give course # for Differential Equations @ course # 256. And, use X = 5 for anything that is almost impossible; and, use X = 6 for the impossible. But, DL in the 3rd Equation is slightly different than used in the 1st or 2nd equation of Rule # 441 but/and similar to that of Rule # 369. The 1st equation can be expanded to include other situations, such as bad luck, where modifier M = LOG10(% of bad luck), which is added to the DL or Difficulty Level, the same for Rule # 369, will slightly change the above equation and give the equation, where the # of weeks per course = {(credits per course)^(DL + M)}, per course, will simplify and reduce # of calculations required, as well as to make it easier on the reader, as well as come with an alternate way to get the same result, where # of years for to complete a college program @ a particular DL, which we are assuming is ~ to # of years to complete it, which is NOT the case for all majors, which I’m assuming it to be math, since I’m trying to figure out an easy way to do Differential Equations, as well as, also, predict results for anyone trying to do / solve Differential Equations or any other subject/major @ based on Difficulty Level. So, then, the 3rd equation will work similar to leafening process similar to baking bread or/and pastry, where we expand it, that being # of years, to complete all the course required to complete that degree program, based on his C2 DP & and that of his competition, also, @ C2, which we can later replace it by C#, for abstract interpretations. So, here is the 3rd equation, but before I write it, note that you can skip this step if you already have a high IQ, since this equation is for those with less talent than their competition: (DL + M)^{(your competition’s C2)/(your C2)}, where we are assuming DL for Dif Eq to be @ 2, in this example, where this same DL is @ 4 in the 1st and 2nd equation for Rule # 441, but for the 3rd equation it is set @ 2 rather than @ 4. And, by the way, note that for the competition, I’m setting @ 40 C3 @ 4 gpa, where 18.44 C2 DP = 40 C3 DP by 18.44^LOG10(18.44) = 40.01 C3 DP, which = ~ 40 point character in Dragonball-Z, Yu-Gi-Oh, GURPS, HERO, & Dungeons & Dragons, are all proportion to each other, in total points. This 40 point 3d6 character that is the competition is NOT a genius; but, we are using a 3d6 character to complete math major in 4 years. So, the, for someone @ 9 C2 DP @ HALF that of someone @ 18 C2 DP, the person @ 9 C2 DP would take 16 years to complete his math major: the amount of time Iraqis needed to figure out % of nuclear technology, where % = {(time in years)^(1/gpa)}, where gpa is @ 1d6 but its definition is subjective which gives different results, depending on the definition of gpa, which is defined as @ {(# @ C#)/10}, but which C# to use is subjective; but, use C1 for either science-fiction or low-level magic, since high level magic is @ CA, with C2 @ nuclear technology or for mutants when his C2 is greater than his COM, while C3 for research but NOT having nuclear technology, which Cuba is a good example for the latter when it is @ C3 & NOT C2; assign C4 for a mathematician, and C5 for a borderline autistic mathematician; and, C6 for an autistic mathematician; but, this gpa variable is and is NOT gpa, but more like representative of a country that is its maximum competition, which is the USA. But, Bush bombed them before they (Iraq) could figure it out that being 2% of nuclear technology @ gpa of 4 @ 40 C2 PL, where % = (# of nuclear missiles )^(1/[#=1.72 @ 52 C2 PL of 1952 for USA]), where # = LOG10( C2 PL that of NT or nuclear technology), where # of nuclear missiles = {(%=2)^LOG10(40 C2 PL type nuclear missiles)} = 3 nuclear missiles {depending how gpa is defined} after 16 years later in 2016, IF the USA had NOT attacked Iraq. Question is will USA bomb a democratic Iraq 16 years from now. And, also, by the term Iraqis, I meant the state of Iraq which is @ 2x the C2 of average individual which does NOT mean to imply that that is a case for all countries, since size of country also play a part in deciding C2, as well by Rule # 3, which is rarely used on country, except mutants. So, by attacking Iraq rather than North Korea, means giving NK 2% @ {gpa of 4 @ 40 C2 PL} = 3 nukes. So, NK is a future version of Iraq, but NK now has 3 nukes, which took NK ~ 16 years. Iraq could have gotten a stalemate, IF they concentrated on improving its gene pool rather than nuclear program, was based on barrowed technology paid by its oil revenue, should have been wisely used. Iraq’s nuclear war program was @ C2 PL ~ @ century @ 20 C2 PL, same as Iran; so, it should eventually have nuclear technology. Rule # 440: Spiderman or Peter Parker is a polygamist: proof is that he can be or does it by simply cloning himself, since he is a mutant to begin with, allowing him this power stunt if he has sufficient # of points which he does, more than sufficient # of points; process being similar to today’s episode of the tv series of Smallville, except that Peter Parker has lot more points. Venom and Carnage & other clones are Peter Parker’s dopple [NOT Doppler, but (a) clone(s)] gangers. Peter can’t have more than 1 girlfriend or/and wife, without revealing his true nature, so he just clones himself, without having to suffer from female wrath, and get more, by simply cloning himself, since he doesn’t want to portray himself as a villain, which is subjective. But, I’m NOT sure if he is a Christian polygamist or a Muslim male pretending to be a Christian, since there are 4 of him going around. Stan Lee intended this for Peter Parker, who started out @ 22 C2 DP, went to being @ 36 C2 DP, but slowly grew to 49 C2 DP, & ended up being @ 64 C2 DP; he took advantage of or became insane & tainted. Rule # 439: {Clark seems to be @ 96 C2 DP, but Lana as a witch was @ ~ 69 C2 DP. The symbol 69 in the Smallville tv series stands for 69 C2 @ either PL or DP which is (1/2) the points of the Juggernaut. It is a damn coincidence that both are proportional to each other in @ C2, that being the symbol 69 and my 69 C2 are equivalent @ PL or/& DP; the effects are different based on how you combine it with Rule # 3.}{And, to calculate your immediate causality #, (use # of enemy dead)^ratio, where assume smaller C# is for enemy, while larger C# is your troops. So, if enemy is @ 10 C2, and your Americans troops @ 20 C2, then your casualty for USA troops is = (causality for enemy)^(enemy @ C#/USA @ C#); and, reverse to calculate casualty for enemy = (for USA American casualty)^(USA @ C#/enemy @ C#). And, if enemy is @ 10 C2, and USA soldiers @ 20 C2, then TOTAL casualty # for enemy soldiers WITH LEVEL OF PREEMTIVE 1ST STRIKE AND ADVANTAGE @ # = [10^(difference @ C#)^(1/#)] that of Americans, #=2 in C#, but this is NOT always the case, but usually, when ideal: why the Americans don’t want others to have nuclear technology. The same rule is/was applied in/for Vietnam War, with enemy @ 10 C2: approximately. To get an idea of the scale for C2, use EXAMPLE for symbol 69 @ 69 C2 in Smallville TV series: Lana without any powers is @ 12 C1; but, which with a bit of luck, using her feminine charm, she is @ 12^LOG10(12) = 14.61, which would normally be @ C2, but in this case be @ C1, which gives her a 14.61^LOG10(14.61) = 22.72 C2, {notice that this is recursive and I don’t use neither DP nor PL for her, since it is not applied to a mutant or super female character; but, you can if you want to make the math easier on yourself, but keep in mind that it is NOT her actual DP nor PL; but, the strange thing about the episode is that her upper limit as a witch matched her COM level, which is reverse of Rule # 369, for gpa: she @ 22.72 C1 DP in terms of her COM be @ (22.72/10)^2 = 5.16 COM, which is what Clark thinks she is @ or what the Smallville tv series episode thinks she is @ {&, picked just for that, maybe, or a coincidence that everything matches, as if it’s purposeful or/and fate} or what I’m interpreting her to be @ or all 3 reasons, but she is probably slightly less than this, which is less than the other 2 girls, who are @ 2x the COM that of Lana but @ only (69/2) = 34.5 C2 = that of Lex Luther = (1/2) the PL that of Lana as a witch, who were her female fatal partners in crime; their COM is very different when measuring COM for guys, who have less points than ladies, consume most of their points for their COM, which if made unstable, like that of or similar to MU Mystique, in terms of magic, she can temporarily be a witch, but @ a high cost, which you find about in DC comics, meaning it has already been revealed, IMPLIED ACTUALLY, forget which issues. Then, as a witch, her C1 is @ 22.72^LOG10(22.72 C2) = 69, which would normally be @ C3, but since we upped her 22.72 C2 to 22.72 C1, her 69 C3 is now 69 C2, which is power level Mxyzptlk in the previous episode. But, NOTE that Mxyzptlk in DC comics and cartoon is much more powerful @ 69 C1, rather than 69 C2. But, since Clark has only a fraction {1/(2d6)}, with rest of his power(s) in the caves, Clark’s potential be @ C4 in a reverse matrix, which means 69^LOG10(69), which # would normally be @ C3, would instead be @ C2, meaning @ 2,406, which is Mxyzptlk level, version of DC comics or/& cartoon, NOT the Smallville tv episode version which is only @ 69 C2, rather than 69 C1. But, my earlier estimate for Superman was @ 220 C2 DP, which is what he try to portray himself @; and, that 2,406.39 could easily be @ PL or Power Level rather than DP or Default Psyche, which is more than PL, which is less than DP, by decreasing his default 220 C2 LS or Life Span to proportionally increase his default PL or Power Level, since it seems he arrived before he arrived, by increasing his PL to 220*11 = 2,420 C2 PL, decreasing his LS or Life Span to 220/11 = 20 C2, based on Rule # 3, and then return his LS back to default, which would decrease his PL back to default, & use only 110 of his 220 C2, with the other half his 110 C2 psyche being stored in the cave. AND, Rule # 369 is updated & simplified for better reading and to so that it’s easier to understand it; but, NOTE THAT anyone attempting to abuse Rule # 369, reality has already to put in a safeguard that the equation will only work in proportion to his points and rule # 3; AND, it seems the newest episode seem to have used before I could put it down on/in my newest update; and, it seem that someone else has discovered 6#s {1d6} for physical constants to manipulate reality, before I could put it down in my newest update, although my new 6#s represents psychology & economics rather than physics, which can only be manipulated based on how many points he has, but based on Rule #3. What does this mean ? Lana used her points @ C1, C2, &, C3 in a reverse matrix format; while, Clark used his points @ C4, meaning # that would be C4 is @ C3 to C2, probably @ PL rather than DP. And, what does that mean ? Lana without any powers is @ C1 but @ a reduced #, then her C2 is when she got hold of a magic spell book, and C3 when she was able to use that magic book, which was her top limits; while, Clark is/was/will be @ C4, but in a reverse way that C4 is usually used which is explained above that his upper limit is probably @ PL rather than DP, which is what he would need to time travel from a future timeline back in time. And, it is possible that he went back in time too much into the past, and tried to correct that by going into the future which is his present, which might explain the Kryptonian relics in the past. If so, then he is as powerful as the comic or cartoon version of DC Mxyzptlk, which or who is @ 69 C1 DP or Default Psyche, which for the Smallville tv series episode version is @ C2. And, ACME spelled backward is E = mc^2; and, since ACME came before latter, E = mc^2 is based on spelling of ACME, considering that Einstein got most of his ideas from others, why his 1st job was patent officer, but lucky for him, he did have some real talent, which he used to try to prove that Newton was wrong about FTL but later before he died he unofficially tried to say that Newton was right about FTL. And, ALL CHRISTIANS ARE WORSHIPPING A FALSE GOD, just as Mohammad was NOT messenger of god, since all he did was base his religion on the # [~ 0] that being [benefit + punishment = ~ 0], meaning trick both his male and female followers, since neither will complain since they are in competition with each other, and since everything & everyone is a messenger of god, he nor his followers should NOT have taken it so damn literally, but rather figuratively, but being human(oid) is probably @ highest point in evolution: NOONE should claim divinity, since power easily corrupt to the morally weak, & also because reality is a symbiotic relationship, meaning society ~ mostly needs everyone, by that I don’t mean only atheists, since priests & countless many others also abuse power, like priests using churches to hide prostitutes}, just like in the recent episode of Smallville, where Clark gives fraction of his power to Lana, who @ 69 C2 thinks she is a witch as a result, Louis @ 34.5 C2 @ HALF C2 of Lana but @ 2x the COM of Lana, and Cloie @ 34.5 C2 @ HALF C2 of Lana but @ 2x the COM of Lana, but they get greedy & lose their powers: NOTE that women like to horde Negative Energy, IF given the chance, like trolls, also like to horde Negative Energy, which is greed but can be means to an end. This rpg 24.8 % complete, since it’s about 2.48 megabytes long; and, 50 pages of Core Rules; & 770 total pages by 50^LOG10(50) = 770 total pages by RULE # 314. The V # is smaller than what it should be due to me working on some older rules. And, as I add details and make corrections or make it more efficient, the # for V # will go down temporarily. My examples use characters from different rpg systems. And, also, 1% of my rpg consists of lot of nonsense. This is a tri-stat system, consisting of 3 main stats: DP for Default Psyche (or life force or age of soul) of object, PL for Power Level for object, and LS for Life Span. It, my HYBRID rpg, consist of units of magnitude for point distribution, ranging from CA to C4, where C0 is neutral. IN theory you could use unit CC for entity like the MU Beyonder: to reduce the # assigned to that unit CC; while, a C5 would give # too large for your calculator, where even C4 would give too large a # for the Beyonder, where it is best to use CA, where A stands for magic, which is a more dense unit than the cosmic unit of C1, which is used for MU characters such as the Silver Surfer; but, do not confuse his C2 velocity with his C1 psyche; and, do not confuse C3 velocity of Cannonball with that of C2 velocity that of Gladiator of the Shi-Ar Empire. Less dense unit would be C2 is ~ for mutants, where C3 = C2^LOG10(C2) = total points in Dragonball-Z, Dungeons and Dragons, GURPS, Hero 5th in Dark Champions, and in Yu-Gi-Oh which is @ PL for tachyon field(s) or/& projection(s) but @ DP for its creator. And, unit of magnitude for point distribution C4 used in Synnibarr. And, NOTE that my unit of magnitude “C2” for point distribution was invented several (8) years ago in 1996., since I came up with it years before they did, for I came up with my unit C2 in 1996 or [1995 +/- 1 year]: my next unit C3 which I invented or discovered in year ~ [2000 +/- 1 year] is defined as C3 = C2^LOG10(C2), where my C3 coincidently is ~ to total points in Dragonball-Z & Dungeons & Dragons rpg, also ~ to Dark Champions of in HERO of & by Steve Long, and ~ to GURPS, that being my C3 unit for total points. You can check accuracy of C3 by based on C2, where C2 DP = square of ABMS of BESM, where 6 ABMS = 36 C2 DP = 264 total points or 264 C3 DP by C2^LOG10(C2) = 36^LOG10(36) = C3 = 264 point character in GURPS or/and HERO rpg for that character if it were written by Steve Long, since [in my opinion] he thinks of HERO total points in terms of GURPS and other rpgs that are @ C3 point distribution. But, he originally made same mistake in Dark Champions as Fuzion [for the Gargoyles] did that being using PL or Power Level to compute total points, where PL depending on value of LS or Life Span of object rather than on DP or Default Psyche for total points, PL can be larger or smaller than DP, including basing total points based on PL, which gives a false picture of total points. Although, he does make some mistakes, in my opinion when it comes to magic for which he gives too little points, unless you assign the correct unit then his point value is same as that mine else his point value is much less: example: for time travel, unit is C1, but he mixes up C2 with C3 or C1: in another words, he subconsciously or/& indirectly uses HYBRID rpg, although neither [he NOR I ] influenced the other. And, lot of my ideas for my rpg I had already thought of in the early 90s but didn’t coalesce into anything until after the mid 90s, when I thought of a name for my rpg, HYBRID, for mixing psychology, economics, biology, physics, politics, and whatever else I could think of into my rpg. < @ Font size 12, average of 1 page = 1 rule > [(Act 2: Scene 2), Hamlet says to Lord Polonius] - yourself, sir, should be old as I am, if like a crab you could go backward: is what the theory of relativity is based upon this 2 line fragment of a quote from the play, HAMLET. DISCLAIMER: This free rpg is 24.8% complete, since it’s about 2.48 megabytes long; and, 4% of this rpg is NOT suitable for children, and may seem offensive to some adults, with other 2% is X-rated, and other remaining offensive 2% is R-rated. So, 4% of this rpg is NOT suitable (not) for 4% of children that may read it: as well, as 4% of this rpg may NOT be suitable for some 4% of adults, if they take or find some my rules & equations too seriously or offensive(ly), as this science-fiction rpg is only for the imagination: do NOT take the rules too seriously, but compatible with most rpgs, in my opinion, with exception to few X-rated. And, if any comments that you may find distasteful, do not fault me, since my comment(s) is/are based on logic or/and generalities, meaning I either generalize or base it on hidden logic that you do not see, but not difficult to see, for all rules in this rpg is based on patterns, which is a term that is ~ to the term “pattern” in Amber rpg, but ~ based on coincidence, like value of pi IN RULE # 426, where it strangely pops up when juxtaposing my rpg rules to the DC character Flash, where pi is ~ to # in C#. But, NONinteger # is very difficult to use in r 426, as it is difficult to use NONinteger # for a factorial. Introduction: My rpg, Hybrid, will use psuedo science. But, there are a lot of similarities between my rpg Hybrid and other rpgs being similar in some ways referring to magnitude of hit points which for @ unit of magnitude is implied in other rpgs meaning in other rpgs, which do not directly have unit(s) of magnitude nor directly state unit(s) of magnitude but is or/and are implied, which numerically are similar to my rpg Hybrid, by pure coincidence: sort of like 2 guys finding an attractive woman attractive without having tell the other that she is attractive, meaning it’s common sense. For example, when comparing to DC rpg, the power chart on page 89 in DC rpg @ {nd6} is @ mostly @ or should be @ C2 for male humanoid mutants but @ C3 for non-mutant male humanoids, which for the (male) human(oid) character(s), it easier {to perform power stunts or/and to have attributes} @ DP & difficult @ PL @ same # as his DP, but everything is governed by Doppler Effect and Resonance Theory in my HYBRID RPG, {for example, a jellyfish must give up body (in order) to have access to (sting) venom, if size and DP of jellyfish is ~ same as that of other animals: sort of like or similar to conservation of mass and energy}, (Part I) assuming both have = values, (sometimes) leads to different results depending on value of LS or Life Span of object if its value differs from PL or Power Level of object, (then in Part II) ***where LS decreases if PL increases and vice versa***, where PL decreases if LS increases, where LS = Life Span of object and PL = Power Level of object: since (in Part I) DP or Default Psyche has potential for greater PL or Power Level when both have = values [ look @ Rule # 3 for further explanation ]; but, the chart is wrong @ 1d6, as is 1d6 wrong on previous page for on page 88: both 1d6 should be 4d6 but on a (very) limited scale, assuming he has a low COM value, so that he has points left over which he can use for a power stunt. The 1d6 on still previous page 86 is also wrong: the 1d6 should be 4d6, such as if you want to cast a spell [ which probably might not work if you did not plan ahead of time to cast the spell, which can not be cast @ last moment, unless you have saved potential points for such a power stunt, should the need or desire arise ] to make it snow so that you can take a day off from school so as to study for an exam, unprepared for. NOTE that the chart on page 86 in DC rpg book for its unit of magnitude is IMPLIED @ C1, more likely @ DP rather @ PL, assuming both have = values then DP has greater potential for PL, BUT THE 1D6 SHOULD BE MINIMUM OF 2D6, AND NOT @ 1D6, WHICH IS WRONG, AGAIN: unless person is microscopic, then he can have that power @ 1d6 DP, else he needs to be @ 2d6 C1 DP to have that power which @ 2d6 is barely sufficient to have that power, and thus requires a roll to see if that power stunt is possible @ 2d6. IN fact, it is more likely that the first 2 power ratings in left column of page 86 are off by 1d6, meaning the 1st 1d6 should be listed as 2d6 if he is an animal else needs to be @ 3d6 if he is humanoid, and the 3d6 – the 1st part of the 2nd power rating – is correct if @ low intensity else if @ average intensity then it should be @ 3.5d6 C1 DP, while the 2nd part of the 2nd power rating should be @ 4d6, and not @ 3d6, unless used on or by an animal such as a snake. The power chart on page 85 is @ C1, either @ PL or DP; but, listing for 1d6 is wrong and should be @ 2d6, as I said earlier. The listing for 1d6 in the 1st of the 2 charts on page 82 is also wrong for @ 1d6 which should be @ 4d6 C2 DP; while, the 5d6 and 10d6 is correct when @ C2 DP: for which C1 DP would be too great & C3 is insufficient, unless person is microscopic then use C3 rather than C2; but, to decrease size to microscopic, he needs to be @ C2, since C3 is insufficient, unless he is an animal. The 1d6 on page 81 should be 4d6 C2, preferably @ DP rather than @ PL, if using power more than once, and the 3d6 should be 5d6 C2, similarly; while, 15d6 is @ PL & not @ DP, which is or would be excess if @ DP: using PL rather than DP is appropriate, but even @ PL, power is a lot: effect similar to artistic depiction of Green Lantern on page 80. The 1st column on page 81 is @ either PL or DP, depending on if you want excess then character needs to be @ C2 Default Psyche rather than @ PL or Power Level. < 50% down into the rpg Hybrid: equation for warp. > < Equation for time travel, but not exact: Rule # 90 > < Part I of M theory for dimensional & time travel: Rule # 396 > < Equation & algorithm for predicting & getting gpa: Rule # 369 > Rule # 438: Definition of a troll is anyone or anything that tries to horde Negative Energy, which comes in countless forms, including $. There are 6 types of people, just as there are 6 major universal constants in physics which govern reality in terms of physics. The purpose of trolls is to limit the # of souls that inhabit reality. They are sort of like gatekeepers, to prevent reality from being overrun by souls. By “they”, it doesn’t necessarily mean people, but it can also apply to molecules, also, since every object {in my rpg} has a soul, based on set theory. And, in my rpg, there are 6 levels to truth: 1 being a or based on a lie; while, 6 being almost universal, but not completely; do NOT confuse these 6 #s with C#, both are completely different, but coincidently use similar but different equation. Let X = #, when computing the level of a truth for that truth, then accuracy of that truth in % = 100*{1 – (1/(X^X))}, where X is similar but different in the time and dimensional travel equation, where % or years = X^X, where X = (C2/M), where M modifier for size of pocket universe: works similar to fractals, but is not, unless defined as such. Put Aristotle and Plato @ X = 2: truth = 1-(1/(2^2)) = 75%: this implies that Christianity @ {X = 1} = 1-(1/(1^1)) = 0% truth. Do not confuse this X with X in time travel equation: both different. Rule # 437: Note that 21 CA DP = 56 C1 DP, by 21^LOG10(21). Use unit CA if used for extra-dimensional; so, Dr Strange if @ {10*(1d6)} @ C1 rather than {10*(2d6)}, then his effect of communicating in an extra-dimensional way would have effect of reducing C1 to C2 on a human and to C3 on a mutant, since if it is an extra-dimensional power stunt. The modifiers on page 134 of HERO rpg 5th is nothing more than a list of what # to subtract from his C1 DP to get to 10. But, the page 134 does NOT tell you level of the mind scan in terms of its intensity, other than # in terms of quantity rather than quality of the mind scan in terms of intensity per individual, where use unit C1 @ full intensity, ELSE use unit C2, IF you are going to use common sense to figure out what the other person is thinking, such as by physiognomy & other observable data. You may use unit C3 for more common sense approach, but unreliable. So, take the absolute value of the modifier & add it to 10 @ unit C2 if @ mediocre intensity, ELSE @ C1 @ full intensity, to get his #. So, IF starting @ 30 C1 DP, that of Xavier in the movie X-Men, since he did not go through with it, else he would be @ 40 C1 DP; so, in a way, both Xavier and Wolverine suffer from Persecution complex: what this is similar to if Magneto in the movie X-Men were able to mutate the UN members, then he would be @ 30 C1 DP, but since he failed he’s @ 20 C1: what this means, is that both were creating a ruse, meaning pretending to be able to do so something, like a deceitful salesman. So, HYBRID is similar but better than HERO. Rule # 436: By combining the fact that there is supposed to be an ice age, maybe @ +/- {10^(2d6)} years, why it looked like an ice age in the original Superman movie, Part I; why, although he isn’t, but if he were @ C1, he’d be as powerful as the Time Trapper; and, although he isn’t, but if he were @ C3, he’d be as powerful as a sitting USA President: latter 220 C3 is PL or/and DP = 34 C2 for Lex Luthor of the tv series Smallville. The two DC characters Jor-El, whose personality and psychology, and good looks, journey, tutoring, and destiny of Kal-El are based on the real life character of Apollonius of 220 AD, where the # 220 would be C2 PL or Power Level for Clark Kent before he would become Superman, whose C2 DP or Default Psyche would be @ 220. And, the decay of the DC planet Krypton would be analogous to fall of the Roman Empire due to crafty Christian(s/ity) @ % = [100*{1-(1/C)}], where C = {AD/100}, by which the Roman Empire fell by 55% by 220 AD. The only problem with Christianity is that it seems to praise adultery as miracle of god, combine that with its female founder being a feminist, and you get a volatile contradiction in morality and logic. The same contradiction shows up in Clark Kent’s personality, where he almost has a nervous breakdown, as shown in Rein of Supermen “being a composite of several different individuals”, based on, also, this: (http://www.ard.net/Search_for_Truth/Jesus_Christ/jesus_christ.shtml; http://www.ard.net/Search_for_Truth/Jesus_Christ/jesus_christ.shtml; http://www.alchemylab.com/apollonius.htm; http://www.alchemylab.com/apollonius.htm; and, {interesting reading} http://www.mountainman.com.au/a_tyana0.html; http://www.mountainman.com.au/a_tyana0.html ): the cause being his foster parents telling him that he was from another planet and not of earth, when he was probably from a future timeline. Or, he could have been just a mutant, wandering around, and happened to be where the Russian satellite Sputnik crashed. My personal opinion is that all members of the Justice League are as crazy as the DC Joker, the only difference between the Justice League and the Legion of Doom is that the Justice League has a better PR or Public Relations. The Kents could have mistaken the crashed Sputnik for a spaceship, when their new little kid lifted a car as it almost fell on Mr Kent, senior. Or, else if the kid was a time traveler, then the Kryptonite could have been like or similar to the di-lithium crystals that of Star Trek; so, the crystals could be a mutagenic source for Clark Kent’s powers, assuming that Clark Kent is faking his weakness to Kryptonite. And, as for Batman, he as Bruce Wayne when a child probably hired the Joker to kill his parents so that he could inherit his parent’s fortune, then Bruce Wayne tried to get rid of the Joker, the only person knowing. The other members of the Justice League probably have equally odd origins, which they try to cover up with some sort of tragedy. And, the Romans of the Roman Empire only tried to persecute the Christians only after the Christians tried to persecute the Romans; historically, the Romans offered Christians freedom of religion, but Christians got greedy and wanted it all, causing a religion civil war 4 centuries. Then the Protestants and Catholics fight each other 4 dominance: it is like watching who is more violent the cops or the criminals they go after. I’m probably going off on a diatribe, so I’ll stop there. Then you got the Democrats with little moral values, & the Republicans with also little moral values: maybe a toss of a coin would be better, both parties could save $100 million, could be used to pay off deficit. Then, all you need to do is to get rid of corruption and pork barrel projects, and you got 0 deficit or/and maybe 1 trillion $ surplus. Rule # 435: When you apply the time travel equation of R 396, for certain conditions, you get length of time ~ to human pregnancy, which may be just coincidence of (E-Y) years = ~ 8.74 months to give birth, where Y ~ 2, for average, SAME # 2 of R 433: wife buying equation. You can also use this equation of (E-Y) to create Ares, God of War, where Y = {(C2 DP)/10}, but NOT recommended to use Y other than only 1.97. NOTE that Y is still 1.97 even when C2 is less than 20, due to R 3. And, note that 0.2^0.2 = 0.72 year = 8.7 months, which is estimate. This is similar to but slightly different theory by Pythagoras. Rule # 434: The lack of clarity that the writers or/and readers make for Dr Doom’s PL or Power Level and DP or Default Psyche, is same for the timelord character the Doctor and his TARDIS, latter both having a symbiotic relationship, sort of like Peter Parker and his Venom costume; but, DP or Default Psyche for Doom & the Doctor is @ either {10*(1d6)} or {10*(2d6)}, within range of [10,60] or [10,120] @ C1. And, just as the White Guardian gets 2x that of the Doctor, similarly Galactus gets 2x that of Doom, in terms of his C1 Default Psyche; but, it is assumed that Death and Eternity are @ 2x that of Galactus’ C1. Rule # 433: You can use the equation for cost to buy a pet to figure out cost to buy a wife, both are proportional to COM of the guy that is doing the buying, with # ~ proportional to gpa, which is variable for accuracy for price: co$t was = [{(C#)^2}*10], where exponent 2 represents average price, based on cost of rabbit(s) for (a) pet(s). To take inflation into account, use the following modifier M that of Rule # 427, where 1st start with L = LOG10(rate of inflation, % = 100, for every 2d6 years which = every 10 years, for past few centuries), then M = {L = 2}^{(difference in # of years from 2000 AD)/(10}, where you multiply equation by M if it takes place after 2000 AD, else divide equation by M if it takes place before 2000 AD, if in the past. This equation even works for Anne Nicole, based on her COM, which is used HALF that of her previous COM, when she was NOT dieting, which seems to have reduced her COM in HALF, why they asked Bridget Jones NOT to diet but reverse: to increase her COM by 2x, but this does NOT work for all women, but for some: dieting makes them uglier while for others dieting makes they prettier, then to figure out C3 of her ideal male match, then u$e equation. This equation should work for any woman on the planet, based on # @ C#. So, let’s say woman‘s ideal male match is @ 11.9 COM, which puts him @ 20 C2 DP = 20^LOG10(20) = 49.28 C3 DP: you can use either the C2 or the C3 variable, to compute co$t to buy a wife, where C2 is @ accuracy @ gpa 2, while C3 is @ accuracy of gpa 3, but it has nothing to do with gpa, which is just a variable, which gives gpa based on effort @ some difficulty level. But, getting back to the wife buying equation, co$t = {10*(20^2)}*{2^.4} @ accuracy of 2, ELSE {10*(49^2)}*{2^.4} @ C3 @ accuracy of 3, where you can think of the variable gpa as integration, where you are taking a 2nd or 3rd integration to calculate co$t to buy wife. And, level of accuracy only reflects level of feminism for her, if she is available or on market. Rule # 432: This debate [if math is different from physics, like a shadow is to a body] continues even today, regarding this rule might seem or sound like I’m getting this particular idea from reading about Plato, but I’m not, since I got the idea when I decided to base everything on the “psyche” unit after reading the ’86 MU TSR rpg, where I noticed a quantum pattern generating between different power levels; but, my idea and that of Plato’s being similar is just a coincidence, so don’t be accusing me of barrowing Plato’s ideas, as this is first time I’m reading about ideas of Plato’s, though I’m simply using his ideas to show his his ideas are similar to mine: the similarit(y/ies) is/are just (a) coincidence(s) that it. For now, there are 2 main parts, which I’ll quote, end of which I’ll tell you where I got the 2 quotes from: 1) “for Plato there are two fundamental aspects or realms of reality - the realm of the senses and the realm of the forms”, such as math and physics, where math is or belongs to the realm of the “forms” and physics is or belongs to the realm of the “senses”; and 2) “in order to explain how sensible things come into being, Plato relies on the idea of participation. A table comes into being, he believes, because it participates in th form of tableness”, www.molloy.edu/academic/philosophy/sophia/plato/plato_metaphysics.htm. I, the author, concentrate most of my rpg HYBRID on part II of this. Both his ideas and mine are very similar that is it is like 2 overlapping circles; although, I constantly update my rpg, whenever I find way to make it more efficient. You can use this to figure out the storyline of Nightmare on Elm Street of collecting souls or the recovery of one of the Nightstalkers after being defeated by Pyron, who seem to have 2x the C2 DP that of the Nightstalker that he was fighting in the Roman coliseum, where the Nightstalker in form of a giant robot decides to take on Pyron, who resembles Graviton in the ‘80s Flash Gordon series, one with the 4 members & 1 sidekick. What I just said about Pyron, it was about not only about how many points he had, but also how efficiently he used them (his points) by taking on an energy form rather than physical, allowing him to grow in size. But, it is my opinion that Plot’s idea regarding morality being a binary concept is a paradox, meaning morality is both binary and not, in my opinion, since people constantly say that it is not, but act as if it is binary, why morality being binary is or can be a paradox, meaning when it comes to morality, people act contrary to what they say they like to act, perhaps due to emotions, which I’m not sure if it is based on math or/and physics, that being emotions, maybe both, why Plato had a tough time with trying to figure out morality, which could be the only thing that that has both properties, similar to the particle vs wave debate regarding light having both the 2 properties. This is where Aristotle started where Plato had left off by “Plato’s greatest pupil, Aristotle (384–322 BC)”, myastrologybook.com, that is is there 1 entity or more than 1 and how many if more than 1: {long quote} “problems or perplexities (aporiai) he hopes to deal with. Characteristic of these perplexities, he says, is that they tie our thinking up in knots. They include the following, among others: Are sensible substances the only ones that exist, or are there others besides them? Is it kinds or individuals that are the elements and principles of things? And if it is kinds, which ones: the most generic or the most specific? Is there a cause apart from matter? Is there anything apart from material compounds? Are the principles limited, either in number or in kind? Are the principles of perishable things themselves perishable? Are the principles universal or particular, and do they exist potentially or actually? Are mathematical objects (numbers, lines, figures, points) substances? If they are, are they separate from or do they always belong to sensible things? And (“the hardest and most perplexing of all,” Aristotle says) are unity and being the substance of things, or are they attributes of some other subject?”, http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/aristotle-metaphysics/. HYPERLINK \l "R513" µRule # 431§: The character Tiamat dragon (of the ‘80s Dungeons and Dragons) is based on Babylon myth and legend. Look @ Rule # 513. Rule # 430: This rule shows you how to wage a war, assuming you have the resources to wage a war: (take the difference of whatever)/(Yd6 = 1d6 or 2d6, depending on complexity)^(gpa, effort put in to make technology). The default gpa effort @ maximum is @ 3, which is estimate. So, between 1940 and 1945 is a difference of 5 years which you take that to the exponent of 3 to compute % of war effort which comes out to: (1941, 1%), (1942, 8%), (1943, 27%), (1944, 64%), (1945, 125%); if effort gpa 2 were used rather than 3, then war effort would have dragged on, several or 6 more years, without the A-bomb. Similarly, to create a time loop, % of time loop is {(C1 DP)/(Yd6 = 1d6 or 2d6, depending on complexity, where Y = gpa effort which seems to create a paradox)}^gpa = %. Use gpa effort of 1 @ C3 to figure out length of war in # of years, for wars in periods in BC, such as Mahabharata. Rule # 429: It is the opinion of this author that the character Paul Atreides or Paul Muad'Dib of / in storyline / movie DUNE is based on the character Abhimanyu in / of Mahabharat, which took place in India @ around and between 2,500 and 5,000 BC. Another way to figure out the exact date is to use optics, that is angle of refraction on the (fictional) character Krishna, in terms of his power level, or that of what he claims to be in Mahabharat, that is he claims to reincarnation of Vishnu or something like that. So, how does optics or angle of refraction work in figuring out exact date for Mahabharat, based on the (fictional, if he was superhuman) character Krishna ? It assumes to some degree that history [past, present, and future: a circular universe or/and timeline] is already prewritten, where you can use geometry to figure out whatever you want to figure out in manner similar to Nostradamus, assuming he wasn’t a con-artist or if didn’t base his findings on findings of another/others, or if he wasn’t given a source, which wasn’t his: if in 2000 AD, THEN THE IF most powerful male character in Mahabharat Krishna if he was @ 20 C1 DP which was @ Power Level that of MU Spiderman could have died in 2000 BC, but this assumes a lot of things, such as if Mahabharat took place a # of millenniums earlier than you’d want to add that same # to 20 C1 DP for Krishna, where if it took place 1 millennium earlier than assumed date, then you’d want to add +1 to 20 C1 DP = 21 C1 DP to Krishna; &, there are a lot of exceptions to this rule, which fluctuates like chaos theory which in my rpg HYBRID assumes that universe is based on 2 forces: chaos and order, which are manifestations of Doppler Effect and Resonance Theory. But, getting back to figuring out the exact date, if (NOT sure how factional this might be, but worth pondering about, maybe) Krishna and Vishnu are @ same DP then if Mahabharat took place in 3000 BC, then Vishnu would be @ 20 C1 DP, since we are applying reverse of AD rule for BC, where most powerful human male character would die in AD which is reverse of most powerful human male character being born in AD: so, @ 21 C1 DP, he would have a Life Span of 1,000 years without appearance of excess old age, and 2x that LS if he wants to have option of look grose @ appearance of excess old age; this is 2x previous estimate @ 22 C1 DP, where it or LS or Life Span increases by 2x for every +1 C1 DP and decreases by (1/2)x for every -1 C1 DP. And, Krishna supposed to have died as a mortal, although in the storyline he is supposed to have power level that of or @ {20 C1 DP +/- few(3) points}, which is that of the MU Spiderman. You can assume that the Green Goblin seems weaker than Spiderman since GG uses his powers inefficiently, where GG’s schizophrenia is really time travel power stunts, meaning time travel by astral projection, similar to the time traveling character in movie Butterfly Effect, where he had few(3) points more than 20 C1 DP @ 23, so it seems. Rule # 428: The most famous example of a feminist, starts with the letter D. Spelling her entire name might bring bad luck, serve to educate mankind. Rule # 427: You can use this rule to figure out why there is outsourcing of jobs being done in USA: reason(s) being inflation, inefficient use of government funds such as pork barrel projects, including building of schools [which are just pretty penitentiaries OR SOCIAL GATHERING PLACES, WHERE INSTEAD THEY COULD MORE BETTER USE THAT FUND$ TO BUILD YOU A HOUSE SO THAT YOU WOULD NOT NEED TO TAKE OUT A LOAN TO HAVE A HOUSE, BUT INSTEAD THEY THE GOVERNMENT USE THAT FUND$ TO BUILD SCHOOLS WHERE THEY DO NOT REALLY TEACH YOU ANYTHING OTHER THAN GIVE OUT TESTS WHICH COULD BE MAILED TO YOU WHICH COULD BE MAILED BACK TO THEM to be evaluated to be graded WHEN YOU’RE FINISHED TAKING YOUR TESTS, which in themselves are stupid since IQ is a fixed property, based on talent and interests and resources, which all 3 have a fixed average #, which sometimes fluctuates, INSTEAD OF or rather than investing in BUILIDING PRETTY penitentiaries OR SO CALLED SCHOOLS, allowing the USA government to save hundreds of billions of $, if they wanted efficiency rather than gluttony, or self imposed imprisonment]since most people (children and young adults) don’t need teachers, since we got local library and the internet {and, considering most professors can’t teach because they are stupid {maybe it was an honorary PhD, like that of Bill Cosby, who is sadistic in a nice sort of way which is scary) or (the{y/m} professor, where only 17% of my professors seem like professors which even that is only less than the textbook, but then again they have had their HALF of their entire life to memorize 1 book, which is what people mean when they say you need a PhD to understand hieroglyphics of HERO rpg, where the only thing that makes any sense is COM, STR, INT, advantage(s) and limitation(s), real points, and active points, WHICH LATTER TWO AND PREVIOUS TWO, including still previous 1, referring to INT, {except STR and COM, which must be calculated {usually by an equation} based on type & intensity, and for the latter, COM, which that being COM was discovered last by me in terms of equation(s), which is/are different for both male & female humans} ARE/CREATES RESULT(S) LOT LIKE MY C# @ # {although these terms are of HERO rpg, but their properties were independently discovered by me when creating my rpg HYBRID: process was started in 1987 and completed in 1990 for the units C#, but my rpg was far from complete, since the units C# were disconnected, like pieces to a jigsaw puzzle, and took a decade to connect them C3 units to each other with X^LOG10(X), which in terms of analogy is like e in differential equations; but, time since year 2000 AD, that is 4 more years, to come up with a universal time travel equation that is used unconsciously by all sci fi writers, or it could be conspiracy to NOT directly state it, except in vague terms, OR IT COULD BE FATE, WHICH IS/might be A POSSIBILITY, LIKE BINARY VALUE FROM A COIN TOSS: IT’S FATE, OR A CIRCULAR ARGUMENT OR TIMELINE}, while the other 80% of the professors seem like idiots, where TAs are worse, except for 20%, this is NOT because I think that I’m smart, which is if you have a fast brain with high memory, which I don’t have, so I’m NOT smart in those terms, which give you a feeling that you’re back in high school, but because 80% of teachers and professors really are stupid, since for most students: high school should have been taught @ grade 4 to 8 rather than after 8, but the insane school system try to steal/destroy/erase 4 years from everyone, almost seem like hazing or/and tax) (almost 80% of professors don’t do anything, literally, intellectually and otherwise) plagiarize anyway, and when they don’t: they are not any better than the average student, like putting an equation on the board from a book and asking you to figure it out rather than explain it to you, and even if they explain it to you, it is not any better explanation than the books, circular arguments they use to explain, similar to they way books written for/to explain C++, and when they do explain it to you, there really is no need to for it to be explained, since example given is usually simple, even if it is literary: most schools stink @ most grade levels, including colleges} [we could teach ourselves without having to pay what should be free that being education, which should be free, just like medicine and health care, {I’m amazed there is not a revolution or/and civil war in USA, which is like 18th century France}], since most teachers don’t teach except give out tests, and there is corruption (if there was lack of it would reduce deficit to 0, along with creating a surplus, but then that might be called socialism, if the corrupt capitalism system didn’t exist which it does) everywhere @ all levels of American society, including both sides of their government that being in both the Democratic and Republic parties, both parties stink, and should be replaced by either the feudal system, since we already have it disguised as democracy, or replace leaders with supercomputer(s), programmed with a particular constitution, but then logic-error might develop similar to the MU Sentinels: so, either way, people will be screwed, no matter what, like the so-called animal cruelty laws, before you know it people will be charge with murder for eating chicken meat or/and cheese burger, if you follow this slippery slope argument, since you got people being fined for keeping their cats on their porch, rather than in their home.{GETTING BACK TO WHAT I WAS SAYING} This simple rule allows you to properly budget your savings or inform you how much of a savings you need for your life expenses: X = (T^Y)/Z; X = # of months before his savings run out; Y = college gpa that you get which is usually 1 letter grade less than your high school gpa; Z = college gpa you want; and, T = # of thousands of $ that you either need or have in savings. X*Z = T^Y, where T = {(X*Z)^(1/Y)}[@ either {*M} if in future multiply by M or ELSE {/ M}, which is divide by M, if in past, where 1st start with L = LOG10(rate of inflation, % = 100, for every 2d6 years which = every 10 years, for past few centuries), then M = {L = 2}^{(difference in # of years from 2000 AD)/(10}, where (set) the year 2000 AD (as)/is the present but you may use another year as set point for present if you like and take the difference in # of years from there and divide by 10 before raising 2 to that #. And, note that this equation is for a college student, assuming he’ll find a descent job when his $ runs out. So, a freshman with a full scholarship needs a minimum of 3 gpa to keep his full scholarship for 4 years of undergraduate study, assuming his parents give him {$5.24K}*[2^{(2004-2000)/10}], which = {$5,240}*(2^.4 = 1.32)~ $6,916.8, if he is @ IQ of 130, then he should need that much, from his parents as a gift, when he is 18, for next 4 years of his college studies, for his undergraduate studies; &, if his high school gpa was 4.0. Purpose of this equation is to inform parents as to how much $ they need to give each of their children for their college education, if they should decide to give, based on their children’s gpa, during their 1st college semester, which is usually 1 letter grade less than their high school gpa, which is an estimate. Rule # 426: The accuracy of the equation using this rule intentionally decreases when either or both 1st # and 2nd # in {# @ C#} increases: the purpose is to calculate error by taking the difference between the correct value and the incorrect values, latter using the equation in this rule, while former using C(#+1) = C#^LOG10(C#), where C# is magnitude of point distribution for total points for character or/and object, where C(#+1) is less dense, for that unit C(#+1): this is what you might call chaos theory for the DC character Flash. This rule works similar to the DC character Flash, by that I mean you have to go forward and backward in your calculations, sort of like Newton’s rule of approximations which is meant as an analogy & NOT as a literal example, where in using RULE # 426, the error [ which is not really an error but looks like an error to someone that is not familiar with my rpg rules; the or this error grows when you move away from the center like a hurricane, where it is chaotic outside the center which is opposite that of a black hole which is chaotic @ the center, reverse that of a hurricane but like a hurricane since, since shape of each galaxy is that of a hurricane on a @2D, with center of each galaxy being a black hole. But, getting back to the rule that is:]. You start @ C1, where the 1st # for C1 can be calculated @ by # or 1st # = [(1d6 or 2d6) + (#, difference of {{# @ C1}-10} if # is >= 10)^(# in C#) but when # is < 10 then it’s tricky, since more Negative Energy is required], where C# = C0, and where the 2nd # is # in C#. But, as 2nd # gets larger, friction both grows and decreases depending on reference point. When 1st # is small, it can be used as model to estimate # of points needed to have a certain IQ or INT for the several previous rules, as a shortcut: example, [10 + gpa] @ C1 DP, where a surgeon @ 13 C1 DP would have a 3 gpa @ IQ of 130 by the IQ equation of [10*C1], where 13 C1 DP = ~ 3d6 C2 DP or 17.41 C2 DP, by 13^LOG10(13) = 17.41 C2 DP; using RULE # 426, [10 + 3^2] = 19 C2, which is meant to be an average estimate, where the exponent 2 is the 2nd # for C# & NOT the 1st #, which = 19; but, NOTE that 10 is based on 2d6, which if it is @ 1d6, them max modifier is @ 6. The purpose of this 1d6 or 2d6 modifier is to account for hidden attributes or lack of it. If you decide to use C3 rather than C2, then 3^3 rather than 3^2, giving you [10+ 27 = 37] @ C3. If you back track, you’ll notice, that is ~ (approximately) the same value: 18^LOG10(18) = 37.65 C3 @ either DP or PL. And, you are probably wondering where the value of pi appear and in what pattern. It appears when the 2nd # in C# gets larger, where error grows and doesn’t grow, depending on how you are looking @ and using RULE # 426: this is where the DC character Flash comes in as an analogy when using an ever growing 2nd # in C# that being this rules works similar to the DC character Flash’s powers, in that @ the core, he is super-human but NOT too super-human, but outside the core, his abilities grow in ~ to C#: good example would be kid Flash in the tv series Smallville. As you become more familiar with my rpg rules, you can more easily see and understand what I’m trying to say. And, notice that a dentist needs minimum of 2d6 C2 DP or PL, since it is not as complicated as being a 3d6 C2 DP or PL surgeon who entails more skills & more knowledge. Rule # 425: @ google, type “how to make anti-venom”. Then, to learn how to make your own anti-venom, first read HYPERLINK "http://ask.yahoo.com/ask/20000803.html" µhttp://ask.yahoo.com/ask/20000803.html§. Note to refrigerate but NOT freeze the anti-venom, since far as I know (although what I write is NOT entirely accurate, but more of an estimate like everything else, although I dislike averages for its lack of accuracy, but sometimes averages can be helpful and is needed), you need to keep it @ a cool temperature, like wine, since the anti-venom is composed of venom crystals and horse blood. You can use the time chart below to make anti-venom. Advantage in unit of time to a next lower unit of time is gotten by specializing in an area. Another equation for calculating grades = [100*{1 – (1/X)}], where X = # of unit Y, where Y = following set {decade, year, month, [week], day, hours } ~ to the following set {5, 10, <15>, [20], 25, 30 (C2 DP)}, where if person is @ 25 C2 DP, then he should use X = hours. And, note that the 2nd set can be replaced by {1d6, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, 5d6 (C2 PL)}; note that in the replacement set for 2nd set, the unit of magnitude is PL rather than DP: the reason for this is that LS or Life Span is < DP. The < symbol is for “less than”. When LS is < DP, PL is > D, where the symbol D is for “Default”, and not for D gpa. You can check accuracy of this rule by placing time unit of week @ 20 C2 DP for any 1 course. If more than 1 course is taken, then the other courses should or must be in a related area to get an advantage of using time unit of day rather than week when @ 20 C2. You can get a similar advantage @ lower point level by having reduced default COM, which is significant effect only @ low total points, else has little disadvantage, unless you replace male gender by female gender, but this disadvantage can be decreased by Negative Energy, which comes in dozens of different forms, and if collected which when spent is +. So, in a way, accounting & (bio-)physics are ~ related, although only very slightly. Rule # 424: College grading policy in USA seem to be @ 100 – C0 + C0, where C0 = C#, where # = is difficulty level which is in reverse matrix form, where least becomes most, and vice versa; and, # is ~ to # years of rigorous college studies, but # can also be ~ gpa. So, for undergraduate years of college studies, use grade = 100 – C3 + C3. NOTE that C1 is used @ the 5th to 8th grade level; C2 is @ the high school level; C3 is @ the undergraduate level; C4 @ the Master’s level; &, C5 is @ the PhD level. Each level consists of groups 4 years. So, [10 + 4*5] = 30 or by age of 30 years, he should finish his PhD if he has the potential to finish it, else not. But, it, also seems to come out to 15 + E(1,5) = 30 years, by when he should finish his PhD if potential to. And, notice that 15 + E(1,2) = 18 years, finishes 12th. Rule # 423: If you want to create a dog for a character @ or between 1d6 or/and 2d6 C0, then use Rule # 3. You’ll need to speed up its physical maturity but lower its IQ @ % of @ for someone [ a human ] @ 1d6 or/to 2d6 C0. NOTE that, here, law of conservation of mass & energy can’t be violated; but, by that it doesn’t mean that an object can’t have hidden properties which determine its points. But, assumptions must be based on its total points @ C#. And, C0 stands for whatever you decide to give at C#. So, if a dog physically matures 1d6x faster than a human [let’s say 5x], then by law of conservation of mass and energy its IQ must decrease by that same proportion to a human. So, the dog’s IQ would be (1/5) of 100, if both the dog and its master are both @ 10 C1 DP. If both the dog and its master are @ 8 C1 DP, then it is (1/5) of 80 = 16. Dog’s maximum C0 is @ 2d6 or 12 @ maximum roll of 12 during character creation; and low as 1d6 or 6, if a 6 is rolled during character creation, but not less than 2. But, a human can exceed a 2d6 C0, which is later @ C#. Its disadvantage of not having human beauty, give it an advantage of super sense of smell, night vision, sharp and strong teeth, and also ability to run fast, etc. Rule # 422: Before using this rule, NOTE that maximum potential for work is @ C3; but, you can adjust the number of work hours you wish to work per week, after you know your maximum potential which is @ C3; and, using C4 is only possible in the abstract sense, such as how much you need to work compared to your maximum C3 potential. And, I’m not sure if I’ve already written this rule or not. But, this rule is used to calculate how many hours per week you should be working: C#, where # = accuracy of your work, as well as complexity of work on a scale of 1 to 5 which work in reveres to the way it would normally work, once you know your competition’s C0 or C#, in terms of gpa. This rule can also be used to calculate overtime pay. And, NOTE that “0” in C0 is not # in C#: this is an exception to the rule, since “0” in C0 stands for neutral (f/o)r a unitless unit or an undetermined unit, for point distribution for magnitude for points, for total or life or psyche, one or more of which it can be. So, a young adult male person @ 20 C2 DP could work 49 hours per week @ accuracy of 3 gpa, by 20^LOG10(20) = 49; while, a person @ 10 C2 = 10 C3 by 10^LOG10(10); so, he would have to work 5 weeks to equal 1 week of work for that person @ 20 C2 DP. You can calculate overtime pay based on 10 C2 DP or you can underpay the 2nd person @ 10 C2 DP based on person @ 20 C2 DP: you can change the difficulty of measurement of pay or decrease difficulty by changing C0 and X @ C#, where initially C# is @ C0. So, a Japanese man @ 10 C2 DP working @ accuracy of 2 gpa would need to work 2x his normal work load, if his American competition @ 20 C2 DP [not all but those @ 20 C2 DP] also working @ accuracy of 2 gpa. So, if normal work load is 40 hours for the American, then the Japanese man would need to work 80 hours per week to catch up with the American if the American were working @ accuracy of 2 gpa. But, if the American worker @ 20 C2 DP [not all but those @ 20 C2 DP] were to work @ his maximum potential @ C3, which = accuracy of 3 gpa @ 20 hours per week, then his Japanese competition need to work 100 hours per week to catch up to the Americans @ 20 C2 DP, unless latter be lazy and why they seem lazy according to the Japanese, even though the former give more output than the latter; but, due to inflation this basic rule is reversed, since they don’t work @ maximum C3 potential. But, you might be wondering what might be an example of a young adult male @ 19 +/- 1 C2 DP which vary based on his attributes that add up to that C2 DP; but, example would be the wrestler & actor with the nickname, the Rock. He loses a 1d6 points due to his tan skin color; ELSE, IF he looked pale or more “white”, then he be @ 25 +/- 1 C2 DP. But, he has to be naturally, & NOT by artificial means; unless, the artificial means is meant as an enhancement. Rule # 421: This rule is an extension of the last sentence of Rule # 420. To calculate # of years of rigorous college = 2^((C1-10)-{Z=1}), an average estimate. If you change the unit of magnitude of C1 to C2, then you end up with course #. Z is bad luck level. Rule # 420: Before using this rule, keep in mind that there are 2 types of COM indicators, one is given, & the other or 2nd is what you can change your COM to based on difference between your 1st COM indicator and your DP or Default Psyche, where you are actually comparing your 1st COM indicator to your default PL or Power Level rather than DP: greater the difference between the two, the more you can change your COM or you can use the difference in other way such as increasing your IQ or INT or Reason. This rule is an extension of rule # 419. To get a perfect gpa, the person should have a COM @ half the value of their DP, while their PL is @ 2x their DP. So, if a male humanoid person is @ 12 C1 DP, then their COM should be @ {C1 = 6}, while their PL is @ 24 C1. But, NOTE that it is much more difficult to maintain a C1 rather than a C2, which is more difficult to maintain than a C3, etc, and more so by a * rather than by a + math operation: using a * math operation & its reverse / is more difficult to use than a + and its reverse -, in terms of willing it to happen, where * requires more. So, you’ll likely see a + and – when he is @ 12 C1 DP. NOTE that to start research in a nuclear program, the engineer or scientist needs to be @ a minimum of 12.3456789 C1 DP or Default Psyche. So, the engineers or/and scientists in the Axis of Evil needs to be @ minimum of 12.3456 C1 DP = Associate Degree in. Rule # 419: This rule is an extension of Rule # 418. To calculate average estimate in gpa in a 1st course in Differential Equations is as follows: gpa = [(C1 DP)–10]. So, a male humanoid person @ 11 C1 DP would get a gpa of 1 or a grade of D in his 1st Differential Equations which is a passing grade in some countries but not in USA, where you’ll need a gpa of 2 or a grade of C for it to be a passing grade which will require him to be @ 12 C1 DP. But, there is a way for him to get a higher gpa than predicted by the equation above: when COM is less than PL, then he can use the difference between his COM and his PL to increase his skill or attribute, such as in area of IQ, such as in solving Differential Equations. This is how it’s done. If he is @ 12 C1 DP which states that he should get a gpa of 2 if his COM is = to his other 2 main attributes or stats that being LS and PL, where LS = Life Span and PL = Power Level. But, his gpa = 3 if his PL is @ 13 C1 by [12+1], if his COM is less than C1 = 12 such as @ 11 C1 by [12-1] = {COM of 3.62: 3.62 COM}, by C3/(genetic accuracy @ 1d6 = usually a 4 @ pi+1 = X ): you may use 5 in the year [1,000*2.24] = 2236.07 AD = @ 12:57.6 AM @ January 26 of the year 2236 AD: this is an average estimate, and NOT an exact rule, meaning you should still use X = [pi+1], when calculating COM for person in century less than 20th. You get the value 2.24 by taking the square root of X = 5. And, note that his COM @ [C1 = 12] = 5.49 by [C3/(pi+1)]. The decrease in his COM @ birth, allows him an increase in his IQ, but this does NOT mean an injury will do, but something that is inherent or willed by his self, which again does NOT imply injury to self but shift in point allocation from COM to IQ: injury will not increase IQ. Rule # 418: This rule shows that college education should begin @ grade 9 rather than @ grade 13, but since it isn’t you actually lose 4 years of education, where students pay to learn in most colleges in most countries what they should have learned in high school, meaning they should be finished with high school by the time they finished 8th grade, which implies they that they should have finished 8th grade by the time they finished 4th grade, which should be finished by the time they finish 2nd grade. This rule [what follows] is an extension of Rule # 417 and is extremely accurate. Differential equations in Hybrid rpg begin intellectually @ 10 C1 DP, which = gpa of 1 @ grade 10 in Dif Eq; but, since Dif Eq begins @ 10 C1 DP, and since a student doesn’t learn Dif Eq until he is @ age 20 which ~ grade 14: implies that education is seriously flawed, since it should be taught @ grade 10 which it is in some parts of Europe. Another way of looking @ C0 is as follows: X @ C#, where # = gpa, and where X = grade level. So, a person [a humanoid male @ 14 C1 DP] @ 20 C2 DP would have an IQ (potential) of gpa @ 2 @ grade level 20, from which you subtract 12 to calculate his potential in college, to figure out # of years of rigorous college studies. You can, also, use ratio of C2 to C1 to figure out C1 DP for various types of medical specialists, including fictional ones, such as Dr Frankenstein, based on # of pages of complicated texts that he can comprehend = [10^((C1 DP)-Y)], where Y = 10, which is a modifier of where Dif Eq begins, as well as for complexity of text within a complex book. So, a male human @ 16 C1 DP @ {30 +/- 1 COM, where his COM does not have to be apparent, meaning it can be hidden} would be able to comprehend ~ one million pages of complicated texts = 1,000 books if each book = 1,000 pages, or 2x if each book = 500 pages. But, NOTE that IF complexity begins @ 16 C1 DP rather than 10 C1, then # of pages of complicated texts = 1. Give Dr Frankenstein 17 C1 DP, but in the movie his children seem to be @ 16 C1 DP: the clue to that is @ C3 DP = 126.54 @ 28.18 C2 DP @ 16 C1 DP. But, note: COM = C3/(genetic accuracy @ gpa = 4 or 5). This is why clones age faster if they have low points. You can replace gpa variable by 1d6 roll if you like, but not recommended unless you’re running a cloning campaign. And, by “age faster” I meant decay, not maturity; although, it might seem that they mature faster, under certain conditions, which consume Power Level points, manner of which might be use of a limitation, which consume the last few points: PL / (1 + limitation). The female detective disregards her 28 C3 DP partner for a superior one @ C2 DP rather than choose a C3 for her mate. You also notice a slight similarity with the Terminator movie, where woman has to pick her mate. But, the odd thing is that the guy that the female detective chooses has a less COM but higher points, while the guy she disregards has a higher COM but less points of DP. The guy that she chooses if he didn’t have higher points would be @ COM @ level @ {3d6 C3 DP} rather than 28 C2; while, the guys she disregards would be @ STR of {C3 = 28}, while being @ COM @ {C3 = (3d6 C2 DP)}. So you’re seeing an inverse between the two of three characters. Rule # 417: The amount of your C2 DP is used in the equation rather than your competition’s which for the latter is @ [10*X], which is not the former @ C2 DP. The variable base X represents competition @ (C2 DP)/10. So, when competition is @ 24 C2 DP, then base X = 2.4 @ roll of Z = 6 by [6^(1/2)] = 2.4. This rule is an extension of Rule # 416. To calculate (for oneself or for anyone else) potential # of rigorous years of college studies = [X^(Y+M)], where X = base = 2 for him or for her based on her ideal potential mate when Z = 4 @ his 20 C2 DP, where definition of X, being square root of maximum value in the 1d6 roll = Z; and, Y = (C2 DP)/Z, where Z = 5, but Z can be replaced by 1d6 roll, if the variable Z is properly used. The modifier M = +/- 1, but can also be 0; so, M is a range between -1 and +1, but can include 0. The equation can be replaced by inverse natural log which is not 10 but slightly larger than base 2. You can use this equation to figure out phenomenon of outsourcing. What the modifier M does is take your interest or lack of it in a particular field of study; while, the rest of the equation is based on either your talents or karma points, which I refer to as default psyche @ point distribution. The variable M also takes your environment into account. The variable M also similar to modifier in Rule # 414, meaning a measuring of Negative Energy, which in your enemy will reduce your productivity and vice versa. You can also use this equation to figure out accuracy of politically incorrect statements about various events, such as increase in tuition, which increases due to either greed of society which borders on cannibalism or/& mistrust in others can be reduced with this equation. Rule # 416: This rule is an extension of Rule # 413 and # Rule # 412. You might want to call this rule 412.5, since it takes off where Rule # 412 left off or ends. And, like some of the other IQ rules, you can use this rule to create a nuclear bomb @ price of a beer can, if you know how to use the rule and if you have access to sufficient # of points or are in charge of allocating points, such as if placed in charge of position of authority, allowing your allocate points by allocating resources towards a goal. What this rule does is it indicates potential, similar to the other IQ rules. You can use these possible potential(s), so that resources are not inefficiently used. In another words, it’s a rule for resource allocation. You can probably save a hundred billion $ in USA if my equation is used properly, if you could remove corruption, which is same everywhere, whether it be in USA or Iraq. So, if corruption is @ 15% in Iraq, then corruption is 15%, also, in USA. This is how the equation works, but it is more like an algorithm, though simple and not complicated. 1st step: # = gpa; use C# for Step 2. You’re NOT done. There are few more steps to go. Rule # 415: You can use pictograms or pictographs to represent reality for that universe or the way complicated science works for it, since science should rarely be nor written so complicated that it escapes common sense is tenant behind HYBRID rpg. This is done simply by use of polygons or/and a series of connected or disconnected polygons to represent reality, either real or/and fictional; but, shape of polygon represents concentration of karma points for that reality; and, the arrow represents the way or direction karma points are distributed, meaning either bottom up or top down. There are so far 6 types of polygons, which do not have to be symmetric but helps if they are, to make it easier to read the pictogram or pictograph: triangle (pointing up), triangle (pointing down), square, hexagon which is a fusion of 3 polygons, a rectangle being fusion of 2 squares, and a 6th type that being a diamond shape which is a fusion of 2 types of triangles. But, you can also have a disconnected series of realities shown by a series of disconnected polygons; or, you can have a series of same types of realities connected by similar types of polygons, where shape of polygons represent how karma is distributed, with the 2 options (while temporarily eliminating shades of options for sake of argument): the pointy side is place of concentration of the karma points, while its opposite is the side with the least amount for each: this is altered or reinforced by the arrow. You can start by using the pyramidal triangle to represent the DC universe, and an arrow to represent the direction of power in that universe, where the arrow that was represented works similar to a current but not entirely: the best example would Superman and his weakness to Kryptonite. In another words, you can use high school level geometry and physics to figure out science-fiction. And, if you recall Stan Lee worked for DC before starting his own company (IF that is what happened) that being Marvel. He probably influenced both in ways no one other than himself knows about it, since most readers are too literal minded, although in terms of a fictional content or fictional universe, but I think it was supposed to be abstract, containing subliminal messages, such as mentioned to explain how DC universe works, in terms of laws of physics, without revealing too much of the (DC) plot. So, you’d have Marvel represented by a pyramidal triangle attached to an upside down equilateral triangle; and, don’t forget the arrow to represent the direction of power, pointing up, representing how karma points are distributed, from bottom up, such as from Kryptonite in the tv series Smallville. A regular equilateral triangle looking like a pyramid would also represent our reality: the same pictogram or pictograph could also represent the Marvel universe, the only difference being total point limits for various objects: this is an oxymoron which helps to create the DC universe and vice versa, since DC supposedly came before Marvel, but basic logic is same. Rule # 414: Accuracy of result(s) using this dating equation depends on # in @ C#, where # is ~ to gpa, which is a variable that measure (total life) points which doesn’t really measure INT, which increases with higher (total life) points of psyche under certain conditions, but # is not defined as gpa: example for analogy of how # in C# works is of Frankenstein vs Dr Frankenstein. The example given for this equation is @ C2, where # = 2; so, accuracy of the result in the example using this equation is @ 2 gpa: if you were to use C3 rather than C2, then the result(s) would be more accurate rather than @ C2. If you want to play a rude guy, then use C1, @ accuracy of result(s) being @ gpa 1: note that the # in this equation works as a reverse matrix that of magnitude of unit C#. Although incomplete, this is a dating equation for men to counter feminism, which can counter this equation by Negative Energy, which men can counter by using a modifier in the equation, where the modifier is Y = LOG10(% of Negative Energy), where purpose of the variable Y is not only to figure out how much in excess that particular woman or girl want more than she deserves to have but also when ratio seems to be 1 to 1 but if the equation without the variable Y doesn’t seem to work then you must include the variable Y into the equation, which could be used on (some not all) Thai women, who commit polygamy [ not more than 1 in the legal sense but more than 1 in the abstract sense: many men are guilty of the same thing (of trying to) ] by marrying up, which for men would be mostly looks or then/than $, strangely seems similar to women but isn’t, [where a good analogy would be the pyron protean molecule, where a small twist alters its characteristic, although its chemical makeup is same as it’s alternate self, but both have different behavior properties based on its shape: the same proportionally ~ with psychology of men and women; similar ratio of crimes, also, would be observed in a politically incorrect or biased free environment], (in my original argument) by accumulating potential Negative Energy more than they deserve to have; and by “deserves to have” I mean if she was still living in 19th century: few or almost no woman can resist this equation if used properly, assuming they aren’t obsess(ed/ing) about collecting Negative Energy, since women are governed by probabilities rather than common sense; and, by probabilities, I mean the economic model in terms of Doppler Effect & Resonance Theory, since most women are expert liars, unlike men, who are terrible liars. The equation is so simple that it boggles the mind, along with also that noone see a divorced woman as committing prostitution to her ex-husband, if she were to divorce him, why divorce should be illegal. But, getting back to what I was saying, to calculate probability of getting a woman by successful seduction: divide (C2 DP of her ideal guy) by your C2 DP = X, then the probability is [(population of available women @ COM not less than what that man wants in a woman wanting a man)^(1/{X+Y})]. So, if the guy is @ 20 C2 DP, he would be @ r = 4, such as for the wrestler The Rock. So, his chances would be 1 in 1; or, he’d score 1 out of every 10 wanted to have or date or do whatever; but, this % is within a female population with top value of 11+/-1 COM. For values greater than population sample, you’ll have to adjust her race, based on her personality, alters the outcome, similar to when Rochester says to Jane Eyre that her decision will decide her fate can be calculated. Rule # 413: This rule explains why the world is the way it is in terms of evolution of technology: you can use Doppler Effect & Resonance Theory for an economic model. The first top half of this paragraph is just premise to this rule. The idea behind HYBRID rpg is to reduce chance as much as possible but with simplistic equations to predict future potential for technology & evolution that even a 10 year old child can understand. This equation is so accurate that it is scary, although the exception(s) to this rule can be accounted by Negative Energy, such as, for example, feminism and prostitution, 2 of many forms of Negative Energy; being psychotically greedy can also be Negative Energy, one of its forms is such preached by Machiavelli, where he preaches fear rather than love. In my last or most recent equation on how to calculate the correct college level credit load, where I forgot 1 variable, that being $ to pay for those courses, since it’s rarely free. The process of using 5 columns to calculate it can be simplified by this way: the first 4 columns, divide it into 2 major columns, with 1 (one) additional minor column, with total of 5 columns. And, just before for final total credit load @ the appropriate difficulty level @ the appropriate GPA that you wish to get, divide credit load by 2, latter to pay for $ for it: this takes scholarships or/and employment into account, in scheme of things. This is how it’s done. Round off 20 C2 DP which is @ 49 C3 DP to 50 C3 DP, then create 2 major columns: in 1st for your gpa @ %, where you need to first divide 50 by the appropriate difficulty level of the course: 1 for 1st year, to 5 for 5th year, latter reserved for Masters @ the Masters level, assuming there is no grade inflation or/and bias, since we are assuming an ideal educational system, and assuming $ cost is not too excessive. Then, divide # in 2nd column by 2 to represent $ cost to pay for those courses, where 50 / 2 = ~ 25 credits. But, getting back to the 1st major column, after taking the difficulty level of course into account, you have unit “n” left which determine your gpa in % by 100*[1 – (1/n)]. So, @ 20 C2 DP, it is 20 credits / (per) semester if you either are given a loan or some immediate $ source to pay for it, else 20 credits / (per) year. Rule # 412: This equation is for home schooling to increase IQ of child when IF home schooled, but this equation should not be used without adult supervision if child is working in a laboratory situation: potential for a child to learn @ maximum grade level = [(his grade level if he went to public or private school)^X] = ~ C3, where ~ = approximate or on average but not always, especially [meaning not always & rarely, more rare the higher the exponent when > 2] @ very high values unless PL is used for power stunt rather than DP, but DP would be used in the initial calculations, where X = [his father’s C2 DP or Default Psyche)/10], where X = 2 if his father is @ 20 C2 DP, by (20/10) = X; but, this maximum potential is only @ gpa of 1. You can check the accuracy of this by C3 = [(C2 = grade level)*(gpa)] @ the college level, where C3 = C2^LOG10(C2), where one assumes that the grade level less than college level is for advanced students, meaning lot of a 12th grade education can be taught to students @ 5th grade level @ gpa of 2, by C3 = {(grade level)*(gpa)}^(1/2) = NEW grade level without inflation, @ less than college level work, assuming he is @ 24 C3 DP by the time he is in 5th grade. So, by the time he is in 3rd grade, he has potential to learn up to 9th grade level work @ gpa of 1, allowing him to do 4th grade level work @ gpa of 2 if he is in 3rd grade, but not without adult supervision, probably his mother, if he is home schooled. So, by sending one’s child to either private or/and public school, you would actually be dumbing down your child, unless the school has an honors program which most schools have. But, grades 4 to 8 are still probably frivolous, other than linguistics and music lessons. But, note that if the child father is @ 10 C2 DP, his child has a 1 to 1 ratio, if he were home schooled or sent to either public or private, meaning it makes no different. The different only exist if his father is @ C2 DP > 11, to have a noticeable effect on the child to be home schooled. You child could play with other home schooled children of your choice, if well behaved. But, it has a limited social benefit, other than only academics, which for home schooling is limited IF he wants to be mechanic, unless his father is a mechanic, meaning to learn particular skills requires (sharing of) particular resources, such as repairing cars & such. Rule # 411: This equation is to create a (super) villain character, such as for a hacker or an evil or a law breaking student: Y = # of credits he (can) take(s) = [[{(his C2)^(1/2)} – X]^2], where X = his GPA; and, also, Y = COM for his girlfriend(s). Another super villain equation is # of people directly under your influence by fear, # = 10^{{(his C2)^(1/2)} – LOG10(%)}, where % = % of control by fear. You can use C2 DP = 10 for (to construct) a terrorist (character). But, NOTE that C2 can be either DP or PL, but most likely @ DP or Default Psyche rather than @ PL or Power Level, latter if he wants to push the equation to extreme levels; but, if @ PL, then LS is less than @ default, assuming PL is greater than default based on Rule # 3. And, I had earlier mentioned this equation for politics several times, where {surface when exponent is @ (1/2), when where d = 2} radius or diameter in # of miles or kilometers = [10^{{(his C2)^(1/2)}/2}], which to construct a surface terrain for a fictional planet such as the DC Krypton, use d = 2.5 in the equation radius or diameter in # of miles or kilometers = [10^{{(his C2)^(1/d)}/d}], where d = 2.5 in year ~ [30,624,777 AD], assuming that Krypton is future version of DC earth based on equation, year AD for Krypton = [{10^{3*d}} – 10^6 + 2,000]. The d = ~ [2 +/- X], where X = {LOG10(years)}/10. So, the .5 part in “2.5” represent a +100,000 years AD or from present or into the future; but, if the .5 part had been a negative rather than +, then the “1.5” would represent a -100,000 years, BC, or into the past. How do I guess this ? Kal El is supposed to travel back in time during either an ice age or/and near destruction of earth, at least that is how it is shown in the movie. The earth is tilted @ an axis, sort of like subatomic particles. This polar axis for the planet earth slowly changes to neutral position over a long period of time. When you combine that with rate of human evolution, you get an estimate as shown above. And, for the story or movie DUNE, the maximum for a male character would be @ 49.28 C2 DP = 20 C1 DP by 20^LOG10(20). So, Senator Kelly in the X-Men movies (Part I & II) would be @ ~ 33 C2 DP or Default Psyche which is about same as that of the MU character Sabertooth. And, Magneto probably didn’t change Senator Kelly from human to mutant but rather his psychology or personality which in turn would alter the way he’d use his extra 12 points, where his COM would be based on 21 C2 DP, but if he wasn’t so pale looking, his COM would be based on 15 C2 DP, where he gets extra points [1d6] for looking pale; but, his COM is based on COM = [C3/(gpa)]; gpa = pi+1; gpa is variable for accuracy of his DNA for his race r4 = R2, which is different from r4 based on his probability. R=1 @ 10 C2. Rule # 410: In the science-fiction movie, Event Horizon, there are 2 possibilities: 1st) IF he – the scientist that developed the space ship with warp drive - is a fraud, then the “40” - in the year 2040 – represents 40 C2 DP, that is his 40 C2 DP, when he was @ 40 C2 DP, and the “47”, similarly, in the year 2047, represents his 47 C2 DP, perhaps when he is 47 years old. 2nd) IF he is not a fraud, then the unit of magnitude for point distribution should be set @ C1 PL for both 40 and 47, rather than @ C2 Default Psyche; if the unit is set @ C1 PL, then to get the correct DP @ C1, one has to work backward or reverse engineer his DP: one possible DP for him is @ 30 C1 DP. I could use a semicolon like Jane Eyre, but it would confuse both you and me, if it part of the previous clause or part of a new clause. So, I’m setting a period. The # “30”, also, coincidently ~ represents the # for unit C2 DP for rest of the crew on board ship # 2 within story Event Horizon, where their PL represents the distance from earth, where distance = # of miles = 10^[3*{(their C2 PL)/10}], for astronauts, except the main scientist that developed the warp drive, whom, he, represents sort of Dungeon Master or Game Master, who attempts to control the story from start of story @ 2040; the crew arrive @ the his renegade space ship in 2047, when his warp drive acts as an obstacle that the crew must escape from or overcome. There are 2 ladies in the movie, sort of like in the movie Alien vs Predator: the 2nd plot being the 2 ladies must chose a mate; 1 dies before she has a chance to; while, the 2nd in both movies choose the alpha male, meaning she rejects the GM over the black dude because he looks like an alpha male, even the he is an beta male, meaning the GM is the alpha male, who is left behind with his warp drive, as the drafted players attempt to leave, most of them unsuccessfully, except for the 2, whom genetically on a probability scale seem like an ideal match, though not sure if they are ideal match in other ways; but, ideal in terms of his appearance, ~ proportional to her appearance, excluding his difference = (his PL – his LS), where LS is decreased if PL is increased & vice versa, where LS = Life Span which is @ default of 30 if PL is @ left unchanged @ default of 30 @ ~ to his 30 C2 DP. NOTE that Aliens and Predators are in range of 36 to 49 C2 DP; mother queen Alien @ [2*(x, average)] = 64 to 81 C2 DP, same as the captain of Predator space-ship in the movie Alien vs Predator. Rule # 409: This particular rule is mostly a theory , as well as guesswork, but has the possibility to be correct, but not sure how correct it is or may be: the famous Freud and this theories may have been gotten from the Victorian novel Jane Eyre, who herself may have read something similar somewhere. The novel seems to be full of semicolons and colons as her favorite punctuation marks, and occasional uses the dash; although, she does use the period like any other average author. I’m assuming that the character Jane Eyre represents her Ego, while her step-sister Georgiana represents her id, and her other step-sister Eliza represents her super-ego; but, none are as extreme as Freud would later develop the 3 parts of the human mind. There is also a dream sequence, but I forget what page, as well as @ times a preoccupation with her childhood or/& her past in story. Rule # 408: Ideal # of books that can be published for author & bought by public = [(his C2) @ C#], where # = gpa, is what grade he or/and public would give his book. So, if he is @ 21 C2 DP, then @ C4, # books = 1,000; but, his C2 does not necessarily have to be @ DP but can be @ PL, where if C0 = 21 C1, then # of books = 1 billion. Rule # 407: Let # = # of dimensions for the space-time dimensional portal. When # = 2, then it is a 2 dimensional portal, similar to the time travel episode in one of the Godzilla movie, Godzilla vs. Giderha, where the required C2 DP = [10*C0], where C0 = C2, which if C2 = 20, then the required C2 DP = 10*20 = 200. When # = 3, then it is a 3 dimensional portal, where C0 = C3, where the required C2 DP = 10*49 = 490 C2 DP, where C0 ~ size of portal is a time travel equation: let X = LOG10(velocity in mph); Y = LOG10(either # of subatomic particles or length of dimension of object in terms of # of subatomic particles, latter requires a 1 unit of magnitude greater than previous type of power stunt); Z = {X*Y} @ C0, lower the # in C# @ C0, greater the effect; while, larger the #, less for that C0. So, for example, the time travelers in one of the Godzilla episode would require same total points @ as Godzilla based on these equations: estimate being @ between 123 and 234 C2 DP: change the unit of magnitude DP to PL for dream like effect(s), else use DP for (a) more permanent effect(s). Rule # 406: This rule shows how BESM is coincidently similar to my rpg HYBRID. Let C0 = size of object. IF C0 = C2, then level # in BESM for velocity and size of TL object = (C2 / TL) @ PL or Power Level; C2 = (level*TL) @ PL or Power Level; so, then, if TL = 7 @ level 6, then C2 = 6*7 = 42 C2 PL or Power Level is ~ to that in BESM rpg. And, NOTE that every 1 increase in unit of magnitude, length of each of the 3 dimensions of the 3 dimensional object increases by a factor of 10^6x or by 1 million x: in different combinations give(s) different types of TL; &, TL 7 @ 21 C1 PL is @ level 3 size nuclear missile. So, a TL 8 @ 21 C1 PL will reduce size to level 2.6 for it. You can use this top 1st equation to figure out size of TL such as for the castle on giant floating rock in the Japanese Manga cartoon Darkstalker @ by (TL*level) = C2 PL which is ~ to using force field (power(s))~ PL of MU Invisible Woman, meaning that the equations are correct, but the equations are relative, depending on other variables. For example, the same equations changes to 2x when applied to Godzilla or for Godzilla type monsters. Why ? Because inorganic technology is 2x cheaper than organic technology, why organic technology is 2x more expensive than inorganic technology, such as for the previous example. But, you can substitute fake or false TL for real TL, but effects can be similar or different, based on what kind of effect you want, but within limits, where Y = 2, in previous example, where % fake or false TL = [100*{1-(1/Y)}], for different types of power(s), but this is relative and subjective, meaning it depends on type of power stunt(s). A variety of this might be changing (pi+1) to gpa = X, for error-free DNA & DNA to calculate COM = (his C3)/(X), where if X = 5, which would slightly increase resistance to sicknesses & diseases, but increasing from (pi+1) to 5 is NOT much of an increase. So, it’s NOT much of greater resistance to it. But, it is sufficient enough to give the character(s) time to get better medical treatment for his recovery. Rule # 405: Coincidently, Positive and Negative energy works in similar ways as in the storyline Darkstalker, Japanese Manga, meaning Positive energy is for ordinary lifeforms and technology and for males; while, Negative energy is for mutants and super technology, and, also, for females. A planet can use Negative energy to create positive energy. The male can be considered positive energy; while, the female can be considered Negative energy, where the more humanly looking female, the more she can collect Negative energy. The reverse of which, a man can change Positive energy into Negative energy; and, vice versa, a woman can change Negative energy into Positive energy for procreation. So, the Big Bang is a combination of both of the 2 types of energies: + & -, by which I do NOT refer to matter & anti-matter which is different from positive & negative energies in HYBRID. Rule # 404: Coincidently, there are some similarities between BESM rpg and my rpg HYBRID, which has a few similarities with other rpgs, also. Couple of those similarities I’ve already mentioned earlier. But, I’ve discovered some NEW similarities with my rpg HYBRID. 1st: the teleportation chart or table on page 154 is [20+X] @ C1 DP, where X = level. So, a level 1 teleportation will require him to be @ 21 C1 DP. As for the next page, 155, the 6 different levels seem to be @ the same power level @ 20 C1 DP, meaning the 6 different levels are simply 6 different ways of using the same power stunt; so, cost is same. 2nd, the table on page 118 is similar to my human to mutant equation of changing his C3 to C2 unit; but, note that only the GM can change his C3 to C2 unit, meaning the character can not do that unless the character is already @ C2, then can change his C2 to C3 which will allow him to alter his appearance: this method or equation can also be used for larger or/and smaller units of magnitude such as the larger unit C1 and the smaller unit C4. C4 to C3 is used for the ape-like characters in the storyline of Planet of the Apes. And, changing C1 to C2 is used by Godzilla-like monsters, allowing it its powers. For vampires and werewolves, they change their C2 to C3. 3rd, the 6 different levels on page 107 cost the same, so they are simply 6 different ways of using their powers, costing him to be @ 20 C1 DP or Default Psyche, based on age of his soul. 4th, the table on page 96 is [20+(2*X)] @ C2 PL, where X = level on that table on that page of BESM rpg. Note that WWII warplanes were @ [(year – 1900)/2] @ C2 PL; while, after WWII, warplanes were @ [(year - 1900)/3] @ C2 PL or Power Level. This rule is accurate enough to construct the NASA space shuttle, which is average of the 2 equations. But, 1 equation that still escapes me is equation for making textiles, which I’ll include it when I’ve figured it out but, for now, it seem to escape me. 5th, the table on page 82 is off by or seem to be off by 1 level, meaning level 6 should be level 5, where C2 PL = {10*L}, where level 3 on / in table should be @ level 2, perhaps the discrepancy is due to not everyone use their points in same or similar way which if true then there is no discrepancy if discrepancy is average case scenerio rather than particular; so, there is discrepancy of 1 level in chart; but, equation can be used as either running or for speed of astral body ~ to each other. You can use vectors on this equation to astral project into an alternate timeline, such as by Nostradamas @ 15 +/- 1 CA DP: note the unit is @ CA, for super genius @ [{14 CA DP = 20.6 C1 DP} = average psyche rating of 4 in Nobilis or MU SAGA, {15 CA DP = 24.2 C1 DP} = average psyche rating of 5 in Nobilis or MU SAGA, or/and/to {16 CA DP = 28.2 C1 DP} = average psyche rating of 6 in Nobilis or MU SAGA]. The purpose of vectors, here, is for radius and velocity: smaller the radius vector, larger the velocity, more likelihood of being able to time travel by astral projection; while, larger the radius, smaller the velocity vector, reducing the likelihood of being able to successfully time travel by astral projection, unless total C2 point total is large enough to supply both a large radius & velocity vectors: this method Nostradamas probably used if his actions are true. But, strange thing about him is that his 3rd vector which is his 2nd vector @ FTL rewritten as a 3rd vector that being his perception of time beyond that of ordinary humans males seem to start with the death of Merlin: it is possible that Ragnarok or death of the(ir) pagan gods started with their followers converting to Christianity. Total @ C2 PL = 10*{LOG10(radius in miles)}*{LOG10(omniscient, in terms time period in # of years, combination of +/-, total is absolute value)}, where total be itself or + to his COM value, where if unit of magnitude is DP rather than PL, then the effect(s) are less random and more permanent, in terms of being able to see into the future & hear it with certain accuracy: similar to Clark in Smallville @ 99 C2 @ 1%, 80 C2 @ 10%, & 60 C2 @ 99%: 60 C2 DP = MU Colossus. Rule # 403: To create a super digimon, which its creator is is usually @ 100 C2 DP but for this we’ll need him to be @ 100 C1 DP for him or his Digimon (to be) as a law of physics, you need assume that law is a Digimon, since you’ll be using the NEW and 2nd shrinking equation to increase life span for that law of physics: you start with 100 C1 DP which gets decrease to [100/10] = 10 C1 {human level or size of a small vehicle} for its size for the Digimon, increasing its Power Level to [100*10] = 1,000 C1 PL which is size of universe. Then, you need to decrease 10 C1 to 1 C1 by [10/{10*(1 or 2: 2 if efficiently used, else 1 if not)}] = 1 C1 to create an *atomic scale* Digimon, but for latter power stunt that being to shrink your super digimon to atomic scale, you’ll need your character to do 1 of 2 things: either decrease his LS or his PL, where LS = his Life Span which can also be life span for his law of physics; and, his PL = his Power Level. Reducing his Life Span from almost immortal to ~ human level. Rule # 402: Similar to space, meaning each dimension can be further subdivided into dimensions, NOTE that time is not always the 4th dimension, except in and under certain circumstances. And, for each increment in dimension of object, 2x the total cost @ C0, meaning total cost doubles for every 1 increase in dimension of object, meaning for a laser, cost is 50% that of bottom table on page 232 of BESM rpg, such as used by the DC character Sinestro to slice the moon, where for the top table coincidently is @ C3 DP for building; while, the bottom table coincidently is @ C2 DP, for astrological bodies ~ to my original table of values, except that my original table of values were off by 50%, meaning to add an extra dimension you’ll need to increase it by 2x to increase from 2 to 3 dimensional object. The point cost in bottom table on page 232 of BESM rpg is sufficient to destroy a 3 dimensional object @ 50% cost of its actual cost, using a 2 dimensional model, such as that of an energy blast. And, as for the top table on page 232 of BESM rpg: start with C2 ~ C3, they = in magnitude, but numerically not = to each other, except when @ 10, since 10^LOG10(10) = 10, then decrease default C2 to get life span of object, then increase default C2 to get its power level which will give size of object such as building or skyscraper: how to do this is explained @ beginning of rpg in Rule # 3, using simple arithmetic operation reverse of each other for LS & PL. Rule # 401: The origin of Hybrid rpg is based on a few steps, with additional steps improving its accuracy, starting with step # 1: for the C2 unit, the MU Kingpin without his resources and assuming he didn’t have super strength would be @ 20 C2 DP, but the Kingpin with all his resources would have similar total points as the Blob who is @ 20 C1 DP, meaning his less than ideal appearance would increase his strength when @ 20 C2 DP, creating false impression that he is greater than @ 20 C2 DP, but it is his less than ideal appearance that gives him his greater than average human strength, similar to the Blob, except the Blob is @ 20 C1 DP, rather than @ 20 C2 DP. Then, step # 2: Xavier vs Dr Doom, in terms of accuracy of their psyche rating: Xavier has 2 different psyche ratings, 1st one which he reveals to his X-Men and the 2nd more powerful which he doesn’t reveal except as Phoenix [based on # of points he is assumed to have based on his time machine that was discovered in Days of Future Past MU rpg, meaning his points for his time machine matches points for Phoenix, which has to be a simulation created by Xavier, but even if it wasn’t a simulation, the point total cost matches as if it were a simulation: similar to conservation of mass and energy, and] until the Onslaught episode which even then only 80% of his points were revealed, meaning: he in his wheelchair seem to be @ 10 C1; jumping a little forward, Xavier seem to be C1 DP estimate = [(year MU comic issue is published for Xavier) – 1900} / 2]; while, Dr Doom seem to be @ C1 DP estimate = [(year comic issue is published for Dr Doom) – 1900}. So, in March 5th of 1986 MU comic, Xavier was or seem to be @ 43 C1 DP which = 19 CA DP by 19^LOG10(19) = 43.17 = rating of [CA-10] = 9 in Nobilis or MU SAGA for Xavier, assuming Xavier is responsible for creating Dark Phoenix as his herald, similar (in analogy) to SS being herald of Galactus; while, Dr Doom was @ 86 C1 DP on Battle World, assuming it took place in 1986 for Secret Wars issues. Then, step # 3, since 1,000 C0 or even 5,000 C0 for Dark Phoenix, assuming she was a tachyon projection created by Xavier or a power boost given to Jean Grey, @ C2, which is different in magnitude than C1, which is a unit for numerical density of point distribution which as a result of this creates magnitude; but, notice that Jean Grey without her Phoenix powers is @ C3 but @ same #, such as 1,000 C3 is different from 1,000 C2 is different from 1,000 C1, latter for Galactus @ PL or Power Level. Notices that 83.8055 C1 PL = 5,000 C2 PL by X^LOG10(X), where X = 83.5055; and, C0 is a unitless unit. Step # 4: to alter LS or Life Span and PL or Power Level when point total is greater than COM or size or mass of object, creating hidden mass which creates variety of powers. And, step # 5: various log values should create a table of values, similar (in analogy) to chemical periodicals, such as size, mass, & velocity of different TL objects, as well as NON-TL objects, such as astrological objects. Rule # 400: The # “23” or [3d6 +/- 1d6] @ C1 DP or Default Psyche is used in recent science-fiction movies, such as the Butterfly Effect. Example, in the movie, Black Knight, he has “23”, which should be minimum of 20 for 1 power stunt for the # >= 20 on his t-shirt which represents his C1 Default Psyche. Just before end of movie, he wakes up, but his 1 week trip seem to have lasted for several (7) minutes ~ laws of relativity IF he actually time traveled by astral projection, similar to the main character in the story-(time) line of the movie “Butterfly Effect”, where # >= 20 @ C1 DP: IF # > 20, then slightly more powerful than Spiderman or his arch enemies, such as the Green Goblin uses 20% of his points for danger sense in different way than Spiderman creating effect that Osborn Senior is schizophrenic, but he probably is not, based on laws of physics, if Osborn senior has ~ = # of points as Spiderman but only uses 80% of his points, of which 25% of his points goes into his weapons which he could have used to save his company but he invests it into his weapons similar to Marvel Universe character Tony Stark, with similar side effect, where he loses % of company every time he becomes his alter ego, while Spiderman uses 90% of his psyche points. IN the movie Black Knight, the # 10 road exit he takes maybe represents his common sense or/and attitude, both lacking, which reminds me of an episode of Twilight Zone, where a woman’s personality was or SEEMED TO BE linked to her appearance, where a change in his or her appearance would IN THEORY alter his or her personality, since he seems weird, or it could be a combination of factors. Another # in the movie Black Knight, the # 18 on his apartment ~ his C3 as his COM @ [C3/X], where variable X = {pi+1=4.142}, where his X ~ gpa in terms of an error-free DNA & RNA @ his r = 2, meaning his luck increases his 18 C3 to 23 C3. The # 7 that the black woman gives herself is probably her COM rating, which is probably a little too high and should be decreased to 5 COM for her. Also, notice that he travels in / through time each time he falls in the mote, maybe representing that he needs to stink in order to have a descent imagination. The movie ends with him arriving in middle of the Greek coliseum being charged by lions: maybe, he sees himself trying to escape shackles of servitude in his dead end job. And, finally, IN the movie, Alien vs. Predator, the characters fall within the following psyche values: the black women if she were guy, she’d be with luck of @ 23 C2 DP where her 23 ~ to 23 that of Arnold Schwarzenegger but he is @ C2 while she is @ C3 regarding her ideal male match, giving her a COM ~ to his if he were @ C3, if she were a guy but she isn’t so her total point is different but her luck is ~ to Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1st Predator movie, but the black woman’s COM if she were a guy would be @ level of 23 C3 DP, which you can use the COM equation to figure out the specific level of COM in terms of her ideal male match @ COM = (his C3)/(pi+1) = (23 C3)/(pi+1) = 5.55 COM, which is equation for COM for human males but this COM equation does NOT apply to women, who have a different COM equation including having a different unit for point distribution but numerically ~ similar but not exact, setting aside the difference in unit which would give a different total points for both, male and female humans, where C3 = C2^LOG10(C2). In the movie, the white woman’s COM would be @ level @ if she were a guy @ 20 C2 DP. The psyche or life force or age of soul value or stats for the Aliens and Predators depends on how you want to interpret the story. The mother Alien might get 2x the value that of the Alien @ 2x36 + 4.45 = 72 + 4.45 = 76.45 C2 DP, where 4.45 is miscellaneous, but the mother Alien having the same C2 DP as the black woman @ 5.55 COM. But, for both, the pattern seems to be that the less combat that they participate in, the more C2 DP value they have. But, both, the Aliens and Predators, have STR and fighting skills ~ to each other but a little different, similar to each having half the attributes of the DC character Batman, who ranges from 25 to 49 C2 DP. Rule # 399: What adding % error in previous STR equation does to STR equation is that it moves your character or his conscious or part of his soul [sort of like how TK and TP works, sometimes] to a different location or to a different universe or to a different reference point within a universe, assuming you do not want your character to act like a living bomb; or, as 2nd option, but still NOT violating RULE # 3 else equation is NOT applicable if it violates RULE # 3: if you want your character to act as a living bomb, then he would lose his life span or have his life span decreased in % ~ to % error you give or add to your previous STR equation for your character. But, STR will vary depending on how points are allocated; but, the maximum STR @ ~ 1% or slightly more than 1% of the time [low % mostly due to fatigue] or ~ to modifier that is ~ to how your character is constructed for an adult humanoid male mutant is within the ~ range of [X to Y], where X = the previous maximum STR equation of ~ 10*Z*{Z^(1/2)}, where Z ={(C2 DP)/10}; and, by intentionally adding a % error within the previous equation, within a range of 16 to 32 C2 DP with little or no side effect @ 100% error, you can increase your STR beyond maximum value. But RULE # 3 is still paramount in determining how % error can be applied or given to previous STR equation; but, the side effect is that it is self destructive, sort of like the Ultimate Nullifier, meaning, the character’s (his or her if she has extra points ~ to a male mutant) life span is decreased by % in ~ proportion to amount of % error that he decide to add to previous STR equation. So, the NEW maximum STR equation of Y = {10*{((Z-1)*{Z^[1/[2-[-1+LOG10(% error in equation)]]/2]}, but I’m not sure how the “-1” and “/2” effect his life span: within this range, but take the lower of the two values when C2 DP is greater than 16 else take the higher of the two values when C2 DP is less than 16, which @ 16 C2 DP is 4 ABMS or 4 Average, Body, Mind, and Soul in BESM rpg, since STR is, also, associated with other attributes, which, also, cost by taking part of the STR, reducing the maximum STR slightly, unless you have a power stunt that requires the higher of the two values. So, for example, @ 20 C2 DP = 28.28 STR but for @ Race 1, while, @ 10 STR @ race 4 using the 2nd equation, such as in the ’86 MU TSR rpg: 10 STR is IMPLIED TO BE @ 20 C2 DP @ race 4 in HYBRID rpg. The value of 0 to 30 C2 in Hybrid rpg is ~ to that of Action rpg which is ~ to other rpgs. So, 30 C2 in Hybrid rpg is @ maximum STR of 30 using the 2nd equation which gives a lower value than if using the 1st equation which would give a maximum value of 52 STR, but depending on how points are used & only under very specific conditions, usually lower the (r/R)ace value, the higher the STR which per unit of size when low would increase height or length of lifeform or Technological object. Rule # 398: The # of +/- years that a time travel can travel can travel in time = +/- [(# of light years traveled by FTL)^(1/X)], where X = X in accuracy = % = 100*[1-(1/X)], where X = 2 for @ 50% accuracy. So, if FTL allows a character to travel 1,000x light speed, then he can travel +/- 31.62 years @ approximately 50% accuracy. Rule # 397: The time traveling character in the movie or/and storyline that of “Butterfly Effect” be @ ~ [20 + X] C1 DP, where X = LOG10(# of time travel power stunts). Then, for “Timeline”, inventor of time machine @ ~ [30 + X] C1 DP, since it’s physical rather than by astral projection: this should be accurate, far as I know. Make sure to add an extra +1, since more than 1 person used the device. And, if the trip is pleasant, then add +4 to get NEW total of [30+1+1+4] = 36: last +1 for 10 trips. HYPERLINK \l "L3" µRule # 396§: There are 2 types of % in this rule, so do not confuse the 2 types. Note that if Peter Parker were @ 14 C1 DP or 20.59 C2 DP if he were not a mutant, meaning when he temporarily lost his powers in Part II, he’d still be smart enough, but his powers require him to be @ 1 unit higher, such as CA = 14 ~ {C1 = 20.59} DP for his powers. Nostradamus is @ 15 +/-1 CA DP or Default Psyche, with 14 @ minimal interpretation, 15 @ average interpretation, and @ 16 @ maximum interpretation. The unit CA stands for magic class: A for magic for CA. The 14 CA = 20.59 C1 DP that of Spiderman or/and the Green Goblin, if his – the Green Goblin – hearing voices & reflection of him in the mirror in Part II is probably a time travel power stunt rather than schizophrenia, then Green Goblin ranges between 36 & 49 C2 DP which is 6 to 7 ABMS, but originally the characters *seem to be* @ 30 C2 DP for Green Goblin II, 40 C2 DP for Green Goblin I, and 50 C2 DP for Spiderman: similar to but different from Spiderman’s spider sense; 15 CA DP = 24.17 C1 DP, what is required for time travel by astral projection or to see into the future, but within a limited range, both distance wise and time wise; and, 16 CA DP = 28.18 C1 DP = either % = {((C2 DP)/10)^2} or similar to movie “Timeline”, where 28.18 C1 DP = 126% astral projection or have Nostradamus be 126% accurate. But, since if Nostradamus is 100% accurate, he only needs to be 100 C2 DP or Default Psyche, and not more than that to be accurate. 100.5 – (.5 for miscellaneous) = 100 C2 DP = 26 C1 DP by 26^LOG10(26) = 15.471 C1 DP: ~ when he was alive @ 1547. This equation does NOT apply to everyone except to super genius, but parts of story for Nostradamus make him look like a con-artist, which would lower his unit from C2 to C3. C3 = (days or years)*(gpa in terms of accuracy): you can use this equation to predict the weather, but only if assuming you or your character has enough psyche or life points or points used in a way to allow this. So, @ 10,000 C3: 2,500 days or years @ 4 gpa accuracy for Nostradamus @ 100 C2 DP or Default Psyche @ 26 C1 DP. % of dimensional or time travel in years = [X^X], where X = {(C2 DP)/100}, where we divide by 100 to show size of pocket universe that of Milky Way Galaxy, based on rules @ beginning of my rpg HYBRID, but if we had divided by 10 then size of pocket universe would be that of Rein, why the timelord the Doctor should be @ {10*(1d6)} @ C1 DP @ minimum, with maximum value of {10*(2d6)} @ C1 DP: the same with Dr Doom of main MU timeline, and not referring to the 2099 MU timeline, where Dr Doom is 5*(1d6) @ C1 DP. The previous equation can be used on black holes & wormholes, such as for the storyline in the sci-fi tv series Farscape, where % = [X^X]: this equation, also, applies to the storyline that of H G Well’s Time Machine, where @ 700 C2, # of years = 7^7 = {823,543} years, where he be @ 20 CA DP = +10 in Nobilis or MU SAGA @ 49.28 C1 DP = 733 C2 DP, by 49.28^LOG10(49.28 C1) = 733 C2 @ either PL or DP, but to be @ DP means that effects would be more permanent, rather than dreamlike, similar to Freddy’s Elm Street, where his powers are based on physics, if he had sufficient points. But, if the alternate timeline doesn’t exist, then pocket universe is smaller than would be predicted, since it would consume more power, similar to powers of Freddy Krueger. But, for if Nostradamus @ 15.5 CA DP ~ 26 C1 DP ~ 101 C2 DP = @ +5.5 in Nobilis or MU SAGA, use PL or Power Level rather than DP or Default Psyche, by decreasing his LS or Life Span to human level, allowing him to increase his PL to [100x5], @ C2, if his reduced LS is 20 C2, where his % = 5^5 = 3,125 years, that he can see into the past or future, increasing his PL to 500, if his DP is @ 100, reduces his LS to 20: amazingly, the writer of storyline for tv series Smallville for the character Clark Kent uses this same exact equation to predict the future for Lana, by % = X^X, if Clark Kent is @ {10*(2d6)} @ C2 DP. The accuracy of this can be predicted by theoritical physics of Einstein and others, who never officially put this % stuff on paper, but gives similar result(s). Rule # 395: Cake is 1d6 flour for 1 part sugar & HALF bar of butter for every pound of flour, while bread is 2d6 flour for 1 part sugar. If you keep what I write next as directly proportional rather than inversely proportional, then too much or excess sugar in your diet can make you stupid, unless you are at least a low level mutant with excess points greater than your COM, more difference the better. Ratio for amount of sugar to get that sweetness of or for pastry, including bread, is inversely proportional in effort needed to get that gpa is likewise sometimes similar: example, (1/1d6) or (1/2d6) sugar to flour is inversely proportional to effort needed to get that gpa, where grade = 100*{1-(1/(1d6 or 2d6))}. But, do not forget that amount of baking powder is 1 teaspoon of tiniest teaspoon *for every* 1 large spoon of sugar which is larger than a regular size spoon of sugar that you put in your flour or (gpa)x in # of the tiniest teaspoons to that of 1 packet of yeast in flour. The percentage, %, done when baking = [100*{1 – (1/X)}], where X = [(time in # of minutes) – (time to heat oven @ either 1d6 or 2d6, minutes)]. When the dough is made, make sure to let it sit for half an or 1 hour { but make sure the dough doesn’t dry up, either; and, make sure it is moist before placing it in the oven } before using it, to allow it to rise, to allow the yeast to do its magic, before putting it in the oven for 10 minutes, but make sure to preheat for 2 minutes & let it set for an extra 2 minutes @ end of the cooking process when oven is turned off: total time of 12 to 15 minutes. The recipe for baking a breads and HYPERLINK \l "Cake" µcakes§ is revisited, using the following equation, if you want to alter the original recipe on back of box, using the equation as a guideline, to adjust recipe to your liking: X = # of ounces or oz. of flour; Y = X^(1/2); Z = # of spoons of brown sugar @ {L*Y}; L = 1 for bread and L = 2 for cake; 1 packet of fast yeast for each 1 lb. or 16 oz. of flour; (1/8) bar of butter for each spoon of brown sugar; do not use white sugar unless you intend to use less white sugar than you’d use brown sugar; if you use white sugar, then amount = (1/2) that of brown sugar, since white sugar is more concentrated than brown sugar, similar to or proportional to the race equation written earlier in the rpg HYBRID; ~ 1 cup of hot water or milk for each 1 lb. or 16 oz. of flour, but make sure to add the hot water or milk in small amounts, bit by bit, until it is a ball, but make sure to mix the ingredients before adding either the hot water or milk. Then, place it in buttered pan, in oven @ 350 * Fahrenheit for 2 minutes, before reducing temperature to 300 * F @ for 10 minutes: total baking time of 12 minutes in oven. Take it out, cover it with aluminum foil, and let it cool, before slicing and eating it. Do not use L 3 in recipe, since L 3 is excess sugar @ 1 lb of flour which @ 1 lb of flour, the equilibrium or intersection point is 1 lb of flour, for equation for calculating amount of brown sugar to add for which substituting white sugar is (1/2) that of the brown sugar, to prevent it from being too sweet. But, the size of spoon used, also, determines sweetness. Use small size spoon if heaps of sugar is added, else use medium size spoon IF there is NO heap. Rule # 394: New ultimate military equation with few exceptions, one of which was listed earlier, but the equation to the new ultimate military equation is as follows: X = LOG10(length of object in millimeters); Y = {X^2}; Z = velocity in mph = [10^{-m+{(C0)/Y}], where m = 0 if there is no pilot else m = 1, based on size and velocity of a bullet. But, you can NOT use any C0 unit (C0) which has to specific to type of spaceship and length of spaceship: if super advanced, then @ C2, else if of 20th century then @ C3, and if spaceship is less primitive than primitive, then @ C4: C# is ~ to such that # = gpa, where less accurate the TL, the greater the unit and vice versa; but, C1 is greater than C2, and so on that C4 is greater than C5 if C0 is greater than 10, else reverse, such as 9 C1 is less than 9 C2. So, for example, the C 47, a US WW II aircraft, would be @ 47 C3 PL; the German WWII Messerschmitt 108 and the 109 would be @ 108 and 109 C3 Power Level @ point distribution or unit of magnitude of C3. The German U-boat U 166 would be @ 166 C3 PL. And, NOTE that 20th century aircrafts are @ average of [(year – 1900) / Level] @ C0, which is usually @ either C2 or C3, but for aircrafts use C3, where Level = 2 if research and development of technology is in accelerated mode, else Level = 3, such as during peace time, but this is not always the case, in terms of level type #, which varies. But, for US aircraft carrier, it be @ [(year – 1900) / 2] @ C2 PL & +10 if it has a nuclear weapon. So, a US aircraft carrier be @ 40 C2 PL @ length of 368 meters by 40^LOG10(40) = 368. There was an equation to calculate its mass, but I’ve forgotten it. Rule # 393: Use ½ for “0 End” for normal or average technology of 20th century: ½ advantage is used in exponent rather than in base, not always, but based on the way equation is defined. Example of how “0 END” works when used in Hybrid rpg is similar to but slightly different than in Hero rpg: “0 END” usually has a value range from [0 to 1], @ 2.5 for FTL @ {1+.5+1} or @ 1.5 for less than light speed @ {1+.5} in (40 C2 PL)^(1 + {(0 to .5) + (0 to 1: 0.5 for light speed @ exponent 2 by 1 + .5 + .5)}) for max value for Yamato, where “0 END”, which since it’s @ [+], it has a notation of “advantage” rather than “limitation”, which is [-]; but, “advantage” for “0 End” is sometimes applied to exponent and while @ other times applied to a base referring to some C0 but for velocity it is applied to exponent in equation, referring to the new velocity equation in previous example for Yamato in Star Blazers, where the velocity equation [ in Rule # 288 ] seems to be ~ consistent @ all levels of physics, both @ subatomic level where use value of 1 for C0, where 1^2 = 1, as well as on galactic scale [ where use {m*v} for momentum ] including @ all space time coordinates, when (to) calculat(e/ing) END [ for Endurance } by that I mean NEW C0 PL required for power stunt, such as how much PL needed to increase velocity. But, true “0 END” in Hybrid rpg is from [(1/2) to 1] rather than [0 to ½]. 0 END @ ½ when applied to small object would require a C2 PL of 31.62 C2 PL for jet plane, by [(10 C2 PL)^{1+(1/2)}] which for light speed velocity would require an “advantage” @ 1 @ 10 C2 = (10 C2 PL)^{1+1} = 100 C2 PL. Rule # 392: Example of how telepathy effects in Hybrid rpg is similar to Hero rpg: althogh EGO is normally @ C1 DP in Hybrid rpg, start with assumption that it is @ C2, as to how much you can telepathically effect others, then compare your C2 [ after changing your C1 DP to C2 DP by C2 = C1^LOG10(C1) ] to that of others, and compare, where “difference”, a term NOT of Hero rpg but of my rpg Hybrid, where the “difference” determine how much you can telepathically effect others. So, if the person you are using your telepathic powers on is @ 3d6 C2 DP average adult European male, then you a “difference” of a 3d6 C2 DP would allow you to telepathically effect him or her, based on your PL or Power Level can be increased by decreasing your Life Span: [36/2] = 18 C2 LS gives 72 C2 PL by [36*2] @ 1%; but, IF you keep your LS @ default level, then your “difference” is @ 3d6 C2 PL, rather than @ 3d6 DP, giving you less powers @ higher LS @ default. What this means is that if your EGO is @ 17.68 C1 DP, then change that 17.68 C1 DP to 36 C2 DP by 20^LOG10(20), where 36 C2 Default Psyche = 6 ABMS = 6 Average Body, Mind, & Soul in BESM rpg, in my opinion, or it should. But, both BESM rpg & Aberrant rpg violate their own rules, which I’ll explain later, perhaps in Rule # 520. Rule # 391: Example of how “chameleon” in Hybrid rpg is similar to Hero rpg: “limitation” is [–1*(“advantage”)]: if character is @ C0, if he didn’t have any super powers, then his NEW C0 @ DP which represent his Default Psyche in order for him to have that super power = [(his old or human level C0)*{1+(1/2)}], where “limitation” = [-1*(1/2)] = -1/2: (his NEW C0)/{1+(1/2)}, which represents what his C0 needs to be @ as a mutant, for that power. Rule # 390: Example of how “hardened” in Hybrid rpg is similar to but little different from Hero rpg: if character is @ 24 C2 DP @ height in ft @ height of ~ square root of his C3 DP where his C3 = C2^LOG10(C2), such as for a giant oriental man, where 24 C2 DP would be if he didn’t have any extra powers but if he didn’t have any extra powers such as “hardened” then, in the storyline in Ninja Scrolls, he @ +1/2 advantage would be @ or put him @ 24*(1+1/2) = 36 C2 DP @ 6 AMBS by square root of his C2 DP, @ power level that of MU Iron Man. Rule # 389: Example of how energy blast works in Hybrid rpg which is similar to HERO rpg, by pure coincidence: if a character is @ 20 C2 DP = 49.28 C3 DP = 49.28 total points in terms of the average rpg = “character points” which is ~ to 50 characters points in HERO rpg; but, in Hybrid rpg, if his COM is @ 10 C2, he can increase his PL to 30 C2 by [20+10], which @ 30 C2 = 9d6 energy blast by [{(C2 PL)/10}^2]d6 which is ~ to 10d6 energy blast. And, note that radius of energy blast = [10^(n/10)] meters. Rule # 388: For light speed, square the object’s C2; but, if object is extremely small then use C3 for new total @ PL or for its required PL, which represents its size and mass; and, for FTL, exponent the object’s C0, which if it = C2, where exponent = [2 + (X/10)], where X = 5, for 100,000 light-years for a foci [not focus, but foci like in an ellipse: to help you visualize] on the opposite side of the galaxy, where X = LOG10(years), meaning if object is @ 40 C2, such as the Yamato in Star Blazers, then it would need to be @ 1,600 C2 PL for it to reach light speed velocity; and, Yamato would need 10,000 C2 PL by [40*2.5] = 100 C1 PL, with [40/2.5] = 16 C1 Life Span, former for FTL, which is, also, sufficient, for time travel; but, it is difficult to have exact FTL and time travel equations other than to make a good guess. And, note that it is possible that Mystique’s shape shifting power is a form is a combination of teleportation and mind control by astral projection, creating an illusion of shape shifting: theory, if you want to interpret her powers that way other than direct shape shifting. For time travel, change his or its {C3 to: C1} or {C2 to: CA}. So, to create Nightcrawler without any teleportation to with teleportation or astral projection to different timeline or to any body, change his 30 C3 DP to 30 C1 DP, meaning he has to be @ or have 30 C1 DP, where use rule starting @ C3 rather than C2, regarding both characters. Rule # 387: What is odd is that ex-President Clinton and his wife, genetically in terms of their COM, seem to be @ 3d6 C2 DP, maybe an extra 1d6 hidden C2 DP, while their daughter seems to be @ 4d6, in terms of her ideal match @ 4d6 C2 DP. But, getting back to the equation, # of rein in years of rule = square root of his C3 DP divided by W in a democratic nation state; while, in an undemocratic nation state, the # of years of rein in years = his C3 DP divided by W, where W = # of wives, or girlfriend(s), or female sex slaves. For W, use W = 2 for ex-President Bill Clinton @ 3d6 self + 2d6 from his political party; while, for Bush II is / was @ 2d6 self + 2d6 from his political party + 1d6 C2 DP with help from Supreme Court. With this equation, you can politically take over the world: W = # of wives or/and girlfriends; X = LOG10(radius in kilometers or miles); Y = {(his C2 DP or Default Psyche)/10}; and, Z = {Y^X} % popular or popular votes needed to win election in which {with help of political party @ 2d6 @ C2 DP} + his nd6 + rarely 1d6 from Supreme Court: the needed % is less than what candidate actually needs: to win in US, candidate needs 27% popular votes to win democratically @ 30 C2 DP; else, @ 40 C2 DP, he needs 64% to win undemocratically, by 4^3 = 64% vs 3^3 = 27%. Rule # 386: For no extra physical attributes, use multiplier on C4, such as for solving a puzzle; else, for extra physical attributes such as astral projection, by that I don’t mean taking over another body which would require to use multiplier on C2 rather than C3, but for your mind to be able to be in 2 or more multiple different places @ same time, such as looking @ your text book in your dormitory while taking an exam in the your classroom, then use multiplier on C3, rather than C4, which is for trivial stuff, while C3 is for non-trivial stuff. The math operation changes from {* x} on C4 to {+ x} on C2, where {* x} on C3 is used if you create your own library rather than using a given library, for which C4 is used, but if you create your own library, then use multiplier on C3 rather than on C4. So, the +2 is on C2, while *2 is on either C3 or C4 in next example. For example, if you wanted to finish your PhD in physics a 100x faster, use multiplier of 2 on C4, assuming you are @ 21 C2 DP or Default Psyche = 56 C3 DP = 1,138 C4 DP by 56^LOG10(56). After multiplier of 2 is used on C4, the NEW C4 = 2x(1,138) = 2,276 C4 PL = 68 C3 PL = 2,280 C4 PL = 22.6 C2 PL. So, you need to increase your PL from 21 to 22.6, creating a “difference” of 1.6, which must be removed from default life span of 21 C2 by decreasing LS or Life Span by 1.6, giving a new life span of [21 – 1.6] = 19.4 C2 LS. This rule involves the use of multipliers, which are different in the usual sense. When using this rule, including the multiplier, use C3 if the power stunt or technology or object is @ C3, else use C2 if object, or technology or power stunt is @ C2. But, when using the multiplier to figure out science, use [C4], when the multiplier is used for a mental trait, for discovery, and later convert the C4 to C3, after use of multiplier, but before the multiplier can be used, you must convert your C0 to C4, & after C4 is altered after use of multiplier, convert your NEW C4 back to C3, to compute your new total points. But, divide the multiplier by how many physical traits you want which is not more than the square root of the multiplier. So, if you want to figure out a Rubik Cube a billion times faster, for that, use multiplier [9/{3 physical traits, based on square root of 9] = multiplier of 3, for 1000x faster, else if you don’t want increase # of physical traits, by that I mean extra abilities, then use multiplier 9 for 10^9x, to figure out a Rubik Cube a 10^9x faster, where multiplier 9 is used on C4, since it is discovery rather than altering physical object, for which you use C2 for invention. With this rule, you should be able to create any technology or power stunt. The rule is very simple, and I’m not sure why I didn’t think of this lot earlier. You can use this rule to figure out 0 END, although I’m not sure if my rule is compatible with either Champions or HERO or not. But, my rule is lot simpler and effective. This how my rule works to create 0 END. Power stunts works in a spectrum ranging from given (such as a rock or a moon) to {discoveries & technology} to mutant powers, for which, you need a multiplier. ut 0 ENDe any technology For example, technology requires increments of 9.8 = Z @ C2, where Z = LOG10(human population), where Z does not always represent human population but difficulty level of science, size of object or type and complexity of technology. And, as for the multiplier, it comes *next*. To create 0 END, use a multiplier, [ no, *not* limitation or advantage, although you could define these or this multiplier(s) in terms of a limitation or advantage, which is slightly different, sort of like comparing TK to TP, both similar but different, like opposite sides of a coin ] each for each effect or extra effect(s), usually either 1 or 2, but not more than 2 multipliers. For example, to reduce effort to create technology by factor of 10^5, use multiplier of 5, in [5*(9.8)] = 49 C2 increments, with the 1st multiplier being 5: this 1st multiplier can be referred to as 2nd multiplier if you used a multiplier for a given. And, now, for the next step for 0 END in my rpg, if you wanted to increase efficiency of your technology by factor of 10^5, then use another multiplier of 5, causing an increase in increments from [5*(9.8)] to [5*5*(9.8), latter = 245 C2, which can be @ C3 or any other unit, but C2 is used for time travel to make computations easier, since using C3 is more difficult since it requires more computations than C2, but using C3 has an advantage that it allows you to create a more detailed environment or technology. But, the explanation for the example is still yet incomplete. I’d like to give you some further details to better explain the significance of 0 END, using this method. For starters, it should help you create an electron which is useful in that it helps to check accuracy of your method. So, if I wanted to create starship @ 0 End with ability to travel @ light speed velocity without having to refuel for a very long time, similar to use of the dilethium crystals in Star Trek universe, use increments of 81, from 9x9, ending in 9x9x9 = 729 C2 PL or Power Level. Rule # 385: For Part I: you can roll a 2d6 to compute his C2 DP by either adding or by multiplying, but note that the example I give below for average Latino man @ 2d6, it means adding the 2 dice, assuming both were / are @ 6, else multiply: rolling a [6,6] @ [6*6] you almost win if you [6*6] when creating your character else has to work but almost never win if @ [6+6] since you now are a low level mutant but @ [6+6] you are average; [5,6] @ [5*6] you are (almost) best for a human but @ [5+6] you are slightly less than average, but better than 1d6, which is for a loser, who is barely able to survive @ C# @ 1d6 if roll = 6; however, you’ll need to roll another 1d6 to determine value for # for his C0, if you want to play a loser @ 1d6; but, for a female counterpart, she ALWAYS gets 1 or 2, but usually 1 but sometimes 2, extra dice if * math operation is used for her roll to determine her total C2 DP when creating her character: *assuming low values are not rolled*, to create an African male character, use + and roll 3d6, while [a female player uses * math operation for to create a female character, a woman: ~ of dice for a woman is reverse matrix of ancestor, when using *: what this means is that for a complete loser, his female counterpart gets 1 extra dice or total of 2 or 2d6 for her, if he gets a 1d6, where she must use * math operation to calculate her C2 DP]: 1 extra dice for a white woman, if she rolls high @ 4,5, or 6 on a 1d6, and a total of 2 to 5 dice based on a roll of 2 to 5, excluding 1 and 6, resulting in extra or less dice for a white man if + is used, when dice is greater than 2: never use + math operation when creating a female character ELSE she’ll need a bucket full of dice = to [X*(his C2)], where for value of X, she must roll a 1d6 to determine her X value which will determine how many dice she can use based on her ideal man she rolled, where if you use + math operation, then use # of dice = to his C2 DP, meaning @ X = 1, then, if she rolled an 18 C2 DP as her ideal man or if he received 18 @ C2 by either [6+6+6] or by [3*6], then giving her 18 dice if she wish to use + math operation to calculate her C2, where her C1 ~ to his C2, numerically speaking, such as 30 C2 DP for him to 30 C1 for her DP @ X = 1, assuming she rolled a 1 on a 1d6 for her X value, where, for those # of diced rolled by her = [X*(his C2 or C2 of her ideal man she rolled)], her potential (or) for her maximum COM is @ [{((his C2)/10)^2}+1] @ X = 1: both her COM and her C2 is greate(r/st) value @ X = 6. So, then, if he is @ 30 C2 DP, then if she received 30 dice and rolled all 6s, then her COM is @ 10 @ X = 1, and if she rolled all 1s, then her COM is @ 2.7, based on {(her C1)/10}^2, where you calculate her C1 based on her C2, where 30 C2 = 16.42 C1 DP = 2.7 COM for a woman; while, that same 30 C2 DP for a man ~ 36 COM. And, for Part II, for the example on after next page for the Power Puff Girls, I’ll be using 1st definition, but there are 2 definitions of race based on 2 equations: both equations are based on probability fields NOT using Mark Twain’s definition (after Civil War) which is incorrect, by that I do not mean that a white man and a black man can not have equal points which they can have equal points, under certain situations, within a probability field of [{6 or 1d6} +/- 1] to [{18 or 3d6} +/- 1] C2 DP or Default Psyche, where 1d6 is NOT pretty picture, while {3d6 +/- 1} is best @ C2 DP, which is maximum potential for a black man: different races < as defined by the biased version of definition by that I mean based on skin color, which for Caucasian lighter skin color means more points, while for an African, darker means more points, but not always, meaning sometimes lighter skin color for a black or Latino [ where average Latino man is @ 2d6 C2 DP, where looking Caucasian can mean an extra 1d6 C2 DP for the man ] man or woman can mean more points but the circumstance is not defined below for the latter, since it is difficult to define, but you know it when you see it, by that I mean skin color for the latter which is difficult to define, but you know it when it is very attractive; but, although some black in US are mixed breed < NOT meant in a derogatory way, my English is not that good > with lighter skin color than their African ancestors, their extra points will give them better attributes which compensates for their light skin color, so they in fact have more points even though their skin color is not as dark as their African ancestors > can have = points, under certain circumstances, such as, for example, if the white man is shorter than the black man, else if white man is tall as black man then white man has to be uglier to maintain conservation of mass and energy, but if a white man is too ugly then he has less points than a black man, unless if a white man is too ugly but has extra hidden points use to increase his INT, then he can have equal points that of a black man, but NOT all are = [ which even if applied to nation state, NOT sure if it is correct even if applied to nation state] (former being incorrect) due to Doppler Effect by which I’m NOT referring to the Civil War, but rather laws of physics; but, rather based on points for that person [man] and his ideal woman. By 1st definition, roll of 1 or 2 is R = 1; roll of 3 or 4 is R = 2; and roll of 5 or 6 is R = 3 which is maximum human potential. Using 1st definition is easier, but with no option to have mutant powers. The 2nd definition is used in Aberrant rpg which I didn’t take from Aberrant rpg but by pure coincidence Aberrant rpg use that 2nd definition of race. And, by 2nd definition, roll of 1 gives him a 4 or 5 C2 DP which is not a pretty picture; a roll of 5 gives him a 30 C2 DP which is maximum human potential for a man, assuming he is human, including dumb luck such as winning a lottery; but, by 2nd definition, rolling a 6 will give him mutant powers @ 1% that of Spiderman or any other mutant, if assuming mutant is not a super mutant. So, there are 3 races, but since these 3 races are further sub divided, giving 2 or 3 extra races, it creates an illusion of 5 or 6 races, which are created by density of points ~ to astrophysics, where once can assume that laws of physics and lifeforms are proportional to each other as if there is some hidden message, sort of like 3 major colors, but illusion of 5 major colors. Race in Hybrid rpg is based on probability field rather than actual race, although I may sometimes used the biased version of the definition to make calculation easier, else I’ll be using the probability definition of race; but, by probability definition, I do NOT mean Mark Twain’s definition of probability which I too, initially was prone to but only 50% bias of Mark Twain & not other 50% by that I mean for nation state & not to individual, unlike Mark Twain who later in his life after the Civil War seem to think that all humans are equal but NOT all human have equal # of points, and # of points is what Hybrid rpg is about, before I started creating Hybrid a decades ago, when I came across the MU TSR rpg when it was first released, WHERE I DEFINED THAT DEFINITION TO NATION STATE, BASED ON DEFINITION THAT OF SOUTH AMERICAN TRIBES in Brazil BEFORE I EVER READ ABOUT THESE SOUTH AMERICAN TRIBES, which when defined in modern terms would be analogy of between China and Taiwan, referring to my earliest definition of race, sort of like in Europe, (made) similar analogy, by pure coincidence, which the definition is different from definition that of Mark Twain, whose definition I do not use for individual except for nation state [ and, I have *no* comment on Mark Twain’s comment on race of Christ, other than he was using his free time to contemplate]: SO, I DIDN’T plagiarize off of some American tribe in Brazil, for my 1st early biased definition of race for nation state is similar to theirs, which as changed to probability field based not on population of race but on frequency of falling within certain # of points for that man and his ideal woman. R for race is fuzzy but defined in 3 categories [ each further subdivided into 2 ] within a 1d6 roll to determine race for character: 1st being @ if roll is @ 4 or 5, where it can be @ 3 to 5, depending on which of the 2 equation you use, but girl’s ideal guy can not exceed 30 C2 DP if both playing human characters and not less than 4 to 5 C2 which is the worst @ roll of 1; 2nd, R @ between 2 to 5 is fuzzy, since it can be used by either of the 2 equations, where person has to declare before rolling a dice what equation to use if roll turns out to between 2 to 5, where R = either {(C2 of her ideal guy) / 5} or [{(his C2)^(1/2)} - 1] = R, for which you can roll a 1d6 dice, to calculate race of your character: if you roll low such as 1, then her ideal guy is not pretty picture, else if roll is high such as a 6, then her ideal guy is @ 30 C2 DP which is maximum human potential: referring to his COM and other attributes such as INT [ where C2 is 16.42 C1 = 30 C2, giving an IQ of 164 @ 16.42 INT @ 16.42 C1, which can be decrease or increased, based on how his life span is increased or decreased, slightly less if LS is increase else slightly more if LS is decreased ] and other ~ attributes; but, then, there is pure dumb luck where a man’s salary exceeds his potential. The R variable for race comes in 2 types, both overlap each other, maybe due to the Uncertainty Principle: probability fields, which is what R is based on, but sometimes it is easier to calculate using a biased version of race rather than using probability fields, but usually it will be R defined within probability fields, but once in while I’ll use the biased version of definition of race to make the calculations easier. For the next rule, use inverse matrix, by that I mean [1,2,3,4,4.5] becomes [4.5,4,3,2,1]; or, use an (x,y) coordinate system, NOT literally but theoretically to compute her COM proportional(~) to her age, such as for the Power Puff Girls and for the ladies in the cartoon series Power Puff Girls, based on their age and skin tone color and other attributes, where for example, when the evil secretary [not referring to the good who didn’t wear any makeup: this version didn’t have any super power: super strength much much less than Power Puff Girls but slightly more than the good secretary < one, the woman with the huge cleavage, that works for the mayor, whose secretary, the woman, whose face you never see > ability to grow and control her hair: the one that wore makeup had that power,: NOT that makeup could give some super power, but the subliminal message was that her points were ~ to that that being if she didn’t need makeup but her R decrease when she lost her makeup and lost her powers, due to her points running low ] lost her makeup she also lost her powers which I’ll give example for later, but for the Power Puff Girls, where for whom, depending on their maximum COM potential is reached by age of 30 years: normally, divide by 1 if @ R = 3, divide by 2 if R = 2, divide by 3 if R = 1, but you sometimes need to [add +1] before dividing to compute their COM based on their age in years and race, since NOT all girls @ R = 3 and age of 10 years would be @ 10 COM since [some will be @ 5 COM, and not @ 10, by dividing by 2 rather than by 1 for those exceptions]: which is NOT done in the example for the Power Puff Girls, where if you did, you’d have to use +1 advantage to give them their mutant powers IF they were boys with mutant powers, why in few episode you have male version of them. Although it is difficult to create female humanoid mutant character in Hybrid rpg, it is NOT impossible (not): especially if her power level is proportional to her COM; but, her total points is approximate & NOT exact, due to her being a her. This is why it is easier to make male characters. The gender is defined how its COM is used, # of points, unit of magnitude, size of object, and if any reproductive abilities. And, now, getting to the new rule in next but not this sentence. And, as for what I just wrote in previous sentence is just some background information in case you didn’t read some of the earlier rules. The rule is that for some Caucasian human females, those with high potential for COM has her COM @ ~ to her age in years; while, the rest of human female population has her COM ~ to her age divided by her race, which range from 1 to 3, but for the exceptionally beautiful he race variable R = 4, which is extremely rare even among Caucasian females. But, getting back to the rule: this is leading up to the example, which previously in previous Version # was incomplete, referring to the example that being the Power Puff Girls, whom you put @ R = 3. And, their teacher would get same COM as the secretary of the mayor, since she - their teacher – has a lighter skin none than the secretary, who gets an R = 2, why the evil version of the secretary was wearing a lot of makeup to make her skin look lighter than it actually was, parts of which was coming off, as she fell in the pool after thrown in by the good secretary; but, her powers [ability to control her hair & grow it ] were as if her R = 3 ~ to how long she was able to create illusion with makeup [not that makeup gives her mutant powers, but the *subliminal message* to show how many extra points she had] that of as if she was @ R = 3, which was temporary until her makeup fell off is ~ to her extra points, even though she looked like she was @ R = 2 after her makeup feel off, while the woman that works for the mayor, referring to the good female secretary didn’t have any super powers, was @ R = 2, while the evil secretary had her points as if she was @ R = 3, even though she was @ R = 2. And, no, this is not part of the example, but just some background information. And, so getting back to the example, for creating the Power Puff Girls, not referring to the X factor or not referring to “Chemical X”, but rather referring to game mechanic to creating the Power Puff Girls: determine their age in # of years, and assign their COM ~ to their age, assuming their will grown up to be hot babes as adults, else divide by 2, but we will be assuming to divide by 1 which works reverse to the # or value of R, meaning divide by 3 if @ R = 1, else divide by 1 if @ R = 3. the, once you got their COM and their age in # of years @ 5, both ~ to each other, in this example, then, take the square root of 5 and then multiply it by 10 to get her C1 DP or Default Psyche, IF their R = 3, giving a value of [{5^(1/2)}*10] = 22.36 C1 DP = 66 C2 DP, which for their PL or Power Level would be @ 66 C2, which is not their total points but approximate, since their total C1 must be slightly greater than their COM, which in terms of their age is +1 greater than their actual age, meaning their C1 DP is as if they were 6 years old when they are actually 5 years old, for them to have mutant powers, they need to be @ 24.49 C1 DP = 85 C2 DP @ 1% of the time, 67.56 C2 DP @ 10% of the time, and 52.12 C2 DP @ 100% of the time, where since their LS or Life Span is assumed to be greater than human levels: their DP, LS, and PL = each other. And, finally, what the Power Puff Girls represents, referring to the *subliminal message*, is that since girls get more points than guys, [no, this is not the subliminal message but something derived [before the latter] from the subliminal message, referring to the latter part], if those girls did not have any powers, then their COM in terms of C1 DP IF assigned to guys would have similar powers, but since human female gender is expensive, they usually don’t have mutant powers, other than their sexual beauty. And, for them to have mutant powers then they have points greater than their COM or if their COM is less than their actual COM, meaning less than what it should be, then human females can have mutant powers: increase in % decreases C2, based on modifier, is extra -1 to her COM value. Rule # 384: Start with the basic assumption that the MU character Sabertooth is @ 17 C1 DP = 32.6591 C2 DP by 17^LOG10(17). Then, take the game from there, in either direction for characters less or more or = powerful as him: meaning either add 1 C1 DP for every 1 extra (set of) power(s) or subtract 1 C1 DP for every 1 less power. Then, for 3 extra powers, [adamentium claws and skeleton, healing factor, and super senses]: add 3 C1 DP points. And, NOTE that Sabertooth @ 196 C3 DP: {196 in Gurps}. But, if he only uses 1 power @ a time, then he only needs 1 extra C1 DP, rather than 3. If you raised his default to 18 C1 DP = slightly more than 6 AMBS @ 36 C2 DP & if his default was @ 18 C2 DP, then give +1 @ C2: 18*(1+1). Rule # 383: Size of object less than 3 C2 DP is less than an average insect, where @ 2 to e C2 Default Psyche, you need a microscope to see it, such as a dust mite, which in very very very large # is as lethal as killer bees. Now, that we’ve defined the 3rd dimension: we’ll need equation for the 4th dimension for time travel power stunt(s). Either or both the character and if he needs to use his time machine may have to shrink before he can time travel. Radius of worm hole for time travel power stunt = increases by a factor of 10^{C1^(1/{gpa+1})} for every increase in C1 DP. Radius of worm hole for time travel power stunt in # of millimeters = 10^{{(C1 DP) -30}/10}, of radius of actual space that is teleported to an alternate timeline, that is object within that space, but space occupied = 1,0000x within subspace which the extra space is an illusion but feels real, sort of like the TARDIS that of Dr Who, where the illusion of extra space by folding space in meters = 10^{{(C1 DP)-30}/10}, radius equation is for areas of illusion of extra space by folding space. This is simplified to simply increasing unit of space or object by 1, after adding 10 to original value: so, to teleport object with size 10 C2 requires 20 C1 = 49 C2. So, in the ‘80s cartoon series Masters of the Universe: He-Man @ 15 to 20 C1 DP; Skeletore @ 15 to 40 C1 DP; & sorceress @ 9 to [49 C1 DP = 20 CA = {10 rating in Nobilis rpg by [CA – 10], where CA @ Default Psyche]. Rule # 382: Rule # 101, for time travel, has been corrected. The previous version used a modifier in Rule # 91 or/and Rule # 101, where modifier “3”, which was initially somewhat but not totally incorrect in V 0.27 but incorrect in sense that it was NOT defined properly otherwise it was correct but those reading it would not know that it was correct since the modifier was not properly defined, since the storyline example from sci fi tv series “Sliders” & other sci-fi time travel power stunts such as from Dr Who for which I will get into later for latter example but for previous example that I had used only required a modifier of “1”, since the time travel power stunt was only for brief temporary moment, where # of days before you can open another time portal is defined by the modifier, m, = LOG10(# of days): you can use this equation for the storyline that of the tv series Sliders, where they use the modifier “1” for staying for period of 10 days before sliding again, since changing history is expensive, as well as staying in a timeline not of your own is expensive if the alternate or parallel timeline is or acts like a pocket dimension : this equation can also act as an END or a battery for time travel, where the terms - END & battery – are from HERO rpg, to determine when you can time jump again. The modifier m can also act as a limitation, term from HERO rpg, which is similar to HYBRID rpg since “-“ indicates a use of points in the left direction in terms of Doppler effect which is defined as “limitation” in HERO rpg, which is similar to HYBRID rpg, such that @-1 = 80/(1+1) = 40; while, a “+” is use of points in the right direction which is defined as “advantage” in HERO rpg; but, I’m NOT using anything from that book for my HYBRID rpg, other than pointing out similarities: such as, if modifier m @ 2 in HYBRID rpg is used for time travel such as for the storyline that of H G Well’s Time Machine, the time traveler needs to be @ C1 DP rather than @ C1 PL, where # for his C1 is numerical ~ to his C3 that of his COM, which needs hidden points in terms of his C1 if his COM in terms of his C3 is deficient, if less than 20 C2. Also, in Rule # 91, modifier was changed to 10 from 30, to show that modifier = 10*%, where % is % of universe within a timeline or within a pocket universe timeline. RULE # 381: By combining Rule # 379 and Rule # 380, you get the following average equation to create monsters @ length in unit ft = [10*{((C2 DP)/10)^2}]. There was a error in previous update which is now corrected: the error was that I had given the wrong initial unit for material strength which was supposed to be @ C4, which then needs to be converted to C3, RATHER THAN initial unit @ C3, but @ C4, then convert C4 to C3. So, a T-rex would have material strength for his skeleton @ 49 C4 RATHER THAN 49 C3 which is too high since 49 C3 is about that of cement, where 49 C4 = 20 C3 PL by 20^LOG10(20) = 49, which, 20 C3 @ C0, is about that of 2x that of the hardest and strongest wood, if hardest and strongest wood is @ 10 C3 PL: notice that I give the unit PL rather than DP, since it is a power stunt which gets the unit PL, which sometimes seems like @ DP or Default Psyche WHEN PL or Power Level and LS which is Life Span is @ default which is or means “average” for that person or entity or object. You can use RULE # 3 with this rule: the process I will go into later which will later help you come up with an equation for the MU dementia which is consistent with the X-Men movie, part I, as well as along with a '90s THOR comic which was really an '80s THOR comic where you can melt adamentium in its initial stage before it hardens to form adamentium, which is simply e or 2.72x times harder and stronger than iron @ 40 C2 PL = 368.6 C3 PL by 40^LOG10(40) = 368.6, since Wolverine is incapable of harming Colossus who is made of living osmium AND FOR 2ND REASON that Magneto is able to manipulate adamentium: there is, also, a 3rd reason that putting Wolverine’s claws @ 1,000 C2 PL would violate conservation of mass and energy in ways to allow Wolverine to slice through reality which he doesn’t have that kind of power(s), although a female mutant he came across in a ‘90s comic of X-Men was able to create that effect < NOT sure if it was supposed to be real effect or false effect within storyline > by either TK or TP which if it were @ TK then it would require more points since TP would have been used to create an illusion of reality being warped which does NOT imply that you can not use TP as TK since you can meaning you can use TP as TK but most don’t or most don’t see it that way that of using TK as TP and vice versa as using TP as TK that way though both are similar but different, so Wolverine’s adamentium claws would be @ 1,000 C3 PL = 54 C2 PL as I had originally stated in original V 0.01 when my rpg Hybrid was 1% complete for C0 rather than @ 1,000 C2 PL = 54 C1 PL, since 1,000 C4 PL is that of cement level material strength @ 54 C3 PL @ 21 C2 PL: and strangely his so-called bone claws could be cement claws @ 1,000 C4 PL = 54 C3 PL: but, recently, he has been reduced in power level, gone are both his adamentium and his “healing factor”, which has been reduced, attempting to get back his lost powers that of his lost adamentium, stolen by Magneto in late ‘90s X-Men comics storyline. But, getting back to my initial train of thought that regarding material strength of body armor and skeleton. So, a giant male python or an anaconda @ [14 C3 @ C0, 20.6 ft, 1d6] @ 14 C2 DP = 20.6 C3 DP by 14^LOG10(14), would have a length of 40 ft. if it, the material strength of its skeleton, is set @ minimum by which I mean [C3/1.94] which would decrease material strength of its skeleton from 14 C3 to 7.21 C3, causing an increase in its length from 20 ft to 40 ft by [C3*2], based on rule of conservation of mass and energy, where for this example, C3 = 20, then length in unit ft = [C3 DP], where if material strength of its skeleton is @ 7.21 C3 with a body armor of 2.69 C3 @ (1/2)d6 for python. RULE # 380: You can, now, manipulate RULE # 14 the same way as RULE # 3, but for RULE # 14, which – Rule #14 - only applies to body armor, material strength for its skeleton, and for its height, with material strength for skeleton can be set @ less than or = to maximum C3 or @ minimum C3 or less than minimum C3 with option to have a special defense if it is set @ less than minimum C3, for latter such as in case of a jellyfish, but using less than maximum will allow you to save points for other things, but by setting @ maximum C3 is within its C3 limits for the length of a specie; so, having a less body armor and less C3 for its skeleton will allow it to increase its length, but not necessary increase its survival chance: meaning, by increasing material strength of its natural body armor, you decrease its overall average length, and vice versa. But, @ the same time, the character has option to have hidden points, such as for mutants & martial arts characters. Finally, rather than using % & modifiers, you can use + or/and – for its total C3: example, 49 C3 @ 1% @ 0 modifier will change to 36 C3 @ 10% @ -1 modifier which can be replaced by [36+13] = 49: in other words, @ 100% @ -2 modifier, C0 = 25 C3. RULE # 379: Before using this NEW ultimate rule, know that (1/3) of female COM is hidden – meaning if she is @ 6 COM, which is @ 25 C1 DP for her to appear to be @ 6 COM, then she has an extra 3 “hidden” points of COM – but the rule as to how to calculate her (1/3) hidden points I have forgotten, but I’ll write it in once I recall how I did figured it out but for now I don’t recall how I figured it out, but getting back to what I was saying which is just background information [ if you had not read some of the other rules ] to this rule and is not the rule itself - which sort of acts like a pointer like in a computer language, half of these “hidden” points can be used to activate mutant power(s), but this – that being “hidden points of COM” doesn’t work this way for men, but if you do, then you could give a male character ability to give birth sort of like a seahorse, but getting back to creating a mutant character, some of his points have to be “hidden” in order for him to be a mutant, with more of his points being “hidden”, the faster and more powerful a mutant he can be - which is used for reproduction which isn’t used for hits rule other than a little background information, is enough to let you play without having you read or/and use the other rules, except that this rule, sometimes, doesn’t not work, but other times it does, sort of like tossing a coin, meaning if this rule doesn’t work, then you have to read and use the other rules, else you may use only this rule without any problem, but the other rules help to better explain this rule in certain circumstances, but getting back to how you can use this rule is as follows, BUT FOR WHICH YOU CAN PERFORM THES NEXT OPERATIONS *EITHER BEFORE OR AFTER* USING RULE # 3, THEN DO THE FOLLOWING, for WHICH < female mutant characters get an extra -1 added to their COM, *IN ADDITION TO* such as -1 for @ log10(10%) for either 10% of the time or @ 10% mutant power level & [-2 for log10(100%)], or [-2 for log10(10%) + log10(10%)], but – 2nd reminder - the extra -1 is added to her COM for *stability* of her body / mind / soul, unlike their male human counterparts; but, doing the same for the human male counterpart will not make him a mutant nor give him mutant powers other than make him a perfect athlete on a human scale or/and a genius on a human scale, since his scale is @ C3 for to determine his COM, while C2 is used for their female human counterparts, but while the C3 is @ PL for the male humans when determining their COM, the C2 for the ladies is @ DP, on an average overall basis, but like the male counterparts, a PL is used to determine COM, but for the sake of simplicity DP is used to determine her COM; but, getting back to the rule, which has little to do with the above, other than give the player some little background information, in case they had not read some of the other rules, but getting back to the rule itself of which Part I is >: 1st) determine how many variable that you will need to use, such as for example, science or/and technology will count as 1 variable, while mutant power(s) will count as variable # 2, and if you plan to use magic that is more powerful than mutant power(s), such as the time travel device used by the young girl in the last Harry Potter movie, then magic will count as variable # 3. And, then, there is the time – that is % of time of some particular unit of time that you wish to use your power(s), talent(s), skill(s), and abilities is variable # 4, which, the latter, we will get to later. THEN, STEP # 2 IS: determine % of the first 3 variable that you wish to use your power(s), skill(s), talent(s), and abilities. THEN, STEP # 3 IS: divide your C2 by 10, and then raise that base value to a particular # that will give your average %, < but for sake of convenience, you may use base 10 for all #, but there are exceptions to this > WHICH IS BEST TO KEEP IT @ 10%, FROM STEP # 1 AND STEP # 2. THEN, STEP # 4 IS: the value gotten from step # 3 is used to multiply the # of variable used for your character’s power(s), abilities, skill(s), and talent(s). THEN, STEP # 5 IS: the value gotten from step # 4 is subtracted from the following: take the square root of your male character’s C2 DP or Default Psyche, BECAUSE YOU ARE USING A C2 RATHER THAN A C3, WHERE FOR A C3, YOU’D TAKE EXPONENT (1/3) RATHER THAN (1/2): this value will be what your character’s Power Level will be from which you may manipulate to create a particular set of power(s), abilities, skill(s), and talent(s) for your character. THEN, STEP # 6 IS: TAKE THE SQUARE OF THIS VALUE, SINCE EARLIER YOU TOOK SQUARE ROOT FOR THE C2 VARIABLE, BUT FOR A C3, YOU’D TAKE EXPONENT 3 RATHER THAN 2. BUT, NOTE THAT LOG10(1) = 0, WHERE FOR 1% @ BASE 10 FOR @ 100 C2 DP, AND 0 TIMES THE # OF VARIABLES = 0. But, if your character is @ 27.18 C2 DP, and if @ 100% which @ base 2.718 @ 4 variable would be reduced to 8.76, by [27.18 – 4*{(LN(100%) = 4.61}] = 8.76, which what this means and is that he could create a robot @ 8.76 C2 PL @ 8.76 C2 LS, or [17.52 C2 PL @ 4.38 C2 LS], or a computer virus @ 8.76, and so on: he, @ 27.18 C2 DP would be @ power level SLIGHTLY LESS THAN that of the MU character Sabertooth, or PL of the MU character Captain America. But, for this example, @ 2.72 %, for which {LN(2.72%) = 1} x # of variable = 1*1, such as for mutant power only @ 1% of the time: [27.2^(1/2) – 1 = 4.21]^2 = 17.76 C2 DP for mutant powers such as for wanting to be a werewolf, and because it is only @ 1% of the time, is why he, can become a werewolf once a month, during full moon. But, if he chooses to be a vampire, by increasing his PL to 35.52 C2, but with a LS of 8.88 C2, then he will need to pick a bigger weakness than a silver bullet, such a daylight, which would kill him during the day: example. Part II: you can similarly subtract -1 for being able to - grasp, understand, read, recall, digest, 10% science or 10% martial arts or mutant power @ 10% power level – where 10% = -1 modifier - @ his / its particular C3 level - after taking the square root of his C3, then take it’s square to figure out the material strength of his skeleton; so, a person @ 49 C3 would have his skeleton reduced in strength to 36 C3 material strength; but, note, that @ 1% = 0 modifier, he can keep his skeleton @ 49 C3 material strength, if he is @ 49 C3 DP or @ PL. And, note that 49 C3 is material strength that of cement. So, you wanting to create (juvenile version of) Godzilla, which you can write one of 2 ways: 1st) to give it a length of 100 ft, give it a body armor of 43.88 C3 and for its skeleton with a 438.8 C3 material strength, thus [4388/43.88] = 100 ft length for its body, by Length in ft = [C3/(body armor)], notice the extra length of 34 ft compared to the next example, where @ body armor of 66 C3 which is that of cement, its length is reduced to 66 ft; 2nd) if it is @ 100 C2 DP @ 10% = it being @ 81 C2 DP, where its only main attribute is its super length without any super energy blast power, then you can write it one of 2 ways, either as @ skeleton @ 4,388 C3 material strength with 66 C3 body armor, giving it a length of 66 ft to meters, where using the unit meter will reduce its resistance to harms, while using the unit ft will improve its resistance to harms, so using the unit ft is much better, and consistent with the storyline that of in the Godzilla movies 2nd) @ with a body armor @ 49 C3 material strength, would give its skeleton one of 2 options in terms of its material strength which can be @ 49^2 = 2,401 C3 material strength if it’s PL is @ 2,401 C3, giving it a length of [2,401 / 49] = 49 feet; or, if it is @ [2 x 2401 = 4,802 C3 PL], then it can generate a (nuclear) energy blast @ 2,401 C3 PL from its mouth. Note that Rogue of the X-Men has her powers @ C3 PL which acts as if it were a DP, which must then be reduced to for its life span and increased for its power level in terms of its cost in HERO or GURPS, where a 733 point cost would be @ 733 C3 PL, after being reduced @ 10%, from 64 C2 PL to 49 C2 PL, where 64 @ 1%. But, getting back to the Godzilla example, it would be @ 102 C2 DP @ 1% of time or 83 C2 DP @ 10% of the time. RULE # 378: Start with the basic assumption that the MU Mystique & Godzilla both are @ X C2 DP @ 123, but for both of them to be @ minimum of X as mutants they both would need to be @ maximum of X in terms of their actual default psyche { life force: ~ their soul } based on the rule that for them to be @ 10% of their mutant power(s) they would need an extra 10% more points, where for Mystique when shape shifting into a male human form she does [ 123 / z ], and when shape shifting into a female human form she (as she) does [ 123*z ], {z = 10 as the Hispanic/Latino janitor @ 2 COM; or, @ z = 9 for @ 3 COM} & z = 5 as a security guard @ 20 COM in the movie in a male human form; but, z = 3 when shape-shifting into as Jean Grey, {IN RPG HYBRID, IT’S THAT SIMPLE}, where Y = 123, but actual Y = [(10% of 123) + 123] : same PL that of MU Rogue & Iceman. Then, the new Power Chart for the MU / DC characters: 1) 20s C2 DP for J.J. Jameson & Elektra, latter, for whom from point of view of the male perspective; 2) 30s C2 DP for Tombstone, Sabertooth, Joker, Bulls-Eye, & Captain America [*when* NOT leader of the Avengers] ELSE 2x his default, increasing his default to 60s; 3) 40s C2 DP for Dare-Devil, Wolverine, Green Goblin, War-Machine, and Havok; 4) 50s C2 DP for Venom, Spiderman, Cyclops, & Iron-Man, for whom, latter, flight mph = 10^[( C2 / 15 ) - 1 ]. But, note that Apollo technology be ~ @ 40 C2 PL @ 10,000 mph, approximately same for the Space Shuttle. Then jumping a little ahead of ourselves to the MU EGO @ Z C2 DP @ 40s C1 DP. NOTE that C2 DP between 90 & 100 would be that for the MU character Quantum, same for the MU Nightcrawler, for the reason that we use, [90 + delta] to calculate Quantum for fraction of a second: it is actually 88 rather than 90, but I round off 88 to 90. We then use something similar for the time travel equation where we use [ 100 + delta ] as basic unit which gives 200 C2 PL for 1 to 316 years which gives next basic unit of [ 200 + delta ] for basic unit for time travel with minimum unit being 1 year, with 300 = x = ~ 1 billion years for 1 time line for a human size time traveler; but, for more than 1 time line(s) = n, total C2 PL is @ [n*x], where n > 1. In terms of MU timeline, you let age of timeline for a human size time traveler be @ [((50 C1 PL) @ C2) / 2.09], where n = 2.09, and x = 368.63 C2 PL, since the C2 has to correspond to C1 that of Galactus, from point of view of MU Galactus @ 368.63 C1 DP = 40 CA DP for Galactus @ +(#) = +30 in MU SAGA - it’s very similar to Nobilis rpg - where # = [ CA – 10 ], where it is assumed that CA is @ DP & not @ PL. So, based on value of n, # of minimum timelines in MU is 2.09 = n. So, whatever you would give to the captain in Star Trek @ C1 DP @ 50 to 75, you’d give a C2 DP of 50 to 75 but a C2 PL between 200 & 225 by if C2 DP was @ 75 {depending on race, which is R = 5 for the DC character LOBO, who is @ minimum of 25 COM with GPA of 5 would have a R = 5 by the GPA = [COM / R], where a human dentist @ R = 1 would need to be @ 5 COM to get a GPA of 5, where {R = 1 for below average; R = 2 for average; & R = 3 for above average}, where COM = [C3/(pi+1)] for human males *WITHOUT* any mutant power(s) but for a DP of up to a maximum of 29 C2, where C3 = C2^LOG10(C2), where 4 AMBS = 16 C2 DP; this implies that you would want to give the ugliest scientist / engineer a 50 C2 DP with a C2 LS of [50/4] = 12.5 and a C2 PL of [50*4] = 200 who is responsible for contributing for making the time machine inside the storyline for the movie } then C2 PL be @ [75*3] = 225 C2 PL with LS or Life Span to the scientist / engineer @ [75/3] = 25 C2 to each of the scientist / engineer that is responsible for making the time machine for the main character in the storyline for the movie “12 Monkeys” @ n = 1, since history is not altered, else n = 2, if history was altered; if n = 2, then x = 100 + delta, giving total, X, = 200 + delta. So, the time traveler, since he’s forced, the actor who plays in the other movie Die Hard, who within this storyline has a [20+z] C2 DP, where z = extra points that tells him that he’s a time traveler, giving him a total of 25 C2 DP: z pushes / cause(s) him to the end of the storyline, which is basically a time loop. RULE # 377: Character creation rule is as follows, take the LOG10(% of PL or Power Level) = X, Y = square root of PL @ C0, and new total points, Z = [(X + Y)^2] @ C0 PL, where C0 = C2 for mutants, while C0 = C3 for humans, and C0 = C4 for humanoid animals that of the most recent movie Planet of the Apes, where C0 = C5 in the original. Notice that larger the # in C#, the more primitive. RULE # 376: To calculate inflation in grade, C3 PL = [(gpa)*(grade, # of years of full-time schooling, including college if grade is greater than 12)], approximately, which proves redundancy, proven by 100 C3 PL = (5 gpa)*(grade 20 = PhD) = 100 C3 DP @ IQ of 152. RULE # 375: Regarding Islam, the # of witnesses a woman needs to prosecute a man or/and men for rape = N = N% of Islam. So, if you start Islam @ 2 ARV or GPA of 2 @ grade of C-, if you accept 50% of Islam by [100% / (2 = ARV or GPA)], then if N = 4 for male witnesses, then those 4 male witnesses constitute 4% of Islam. Then, you are accepting [50% + 4% ] = 54% of Islam, which would decrease the ARV to [100% / 54% ] = 1.85 ARV or GPA of 1.85 or grade of D+ for Islam for the 54% of Islam that you or the law or the country accept. Note that 12% of Islam is a dating tool disguised as marriage. So, those would be converts to Islam should be aware of this and not be fooled. At first Islam might seem great, until you start to read deeply into it, where you find that Islam is literally @ the other end of the spectrum that of modern Christianity. And, if you are looking for a perfect religion, then HYBRID rpg is for you: SINCE ALL YOU NEED IS A SIMPLE ARITHMETIC FORMULA: DIVIDE 100% OF ISLAM BY EITHER GPA OR ARV < Anti Rape Variable >: it’s that simple, if you are looking for a perfect religion, then HYBRID rpg is for you. Islam as it is would get a grade of D or a GPA of 1 or @ ARV < Anti Rape Variable > of 1. Most modern type of Islam is that which is practiced in the country of Turkey, where a small fraction of the populace practice Islam @ GPA of 2.75 < grade of C+ > or/and GPA of 2.75 which allow a man to have 2 wives, but legally < in country of Turkey > he is allowed to have only 1 wife @ GPA of 3 or/and ARV of 3 WHICH ALLOWS ONLY 1 WIFE TO A MAN @ ARV of 3 or/and GPA of 3 = USA marriage laws of year 1900, AD. So, if only 50% of Islam @ GPA of 2 by [(100% of Islam) / (if you give < GPA or ARV > of 2 for/to Islam)) = 50% of Islam that you accept] or ARV of 2, if you agrees with & do not object to, then the other 50% of Islam would seem to be barbaric, cruel, inhuman, unjust, stupid, and insane. This 50% [ the part of Islam that you accept ] would be slightly reduced if I or you were to also reject that part of Islam which uses marriage a dating tool and calling it marriage but it < 12% of Islam > is really dating tool disguised as sexual marriage. I still do not like the idea of divorce, which Islam permits. To grade Islam, there is a simple formula, by dividing 100% of Islam by ARV or GPA, you can use either GPA or you can use the ARV ( Anti-Rape Variable), where a GPA of 1 or ARV of 1, you would accept 100% of Islam at GPA of 1 or ARV of 1, which is extreme, that of USA marriage laws of year 1700. I had earlier advocated an ARV of 3 < if one wish to have only 1 wife > to have 1 wife @ ~ equilibrium without divorce with that/your woman @/with marriage laws of USA that of year 1900, AD, where @ ARV of 3, one would accept only 33.33% of Islam, by dividing 100% of Islam by ARV or GPA. But, if you only reject 56% of Islam this would leave 44% of Islam that you do not reject @ ARV or GPA of 2.25 from a feminist point of view @ USA marriage laws of 1825 AD @ 2.25 ARV = 8 wives for Mormon leader. RULE # 374: Use GPA of 1 for college dropout. Then, new equation to make a nuclear bomb/missile (technology) @ the price of a beer can: # of NON-elite workers for every elite worker = 10^[(GPA of average elite worker needed for a job) – (GPA of average NON-elite worker)], where # of years of rigorous college = [C4/(grade in %)]; so, then if the average elite worker is @ 4 GPA while if the average NON-elite worker is @ 1 GPA, then # of NON-elite workers = that of [10^(4-1)] = 1000 NON-elite workers for every elite worker. But, note that the NON-elite worker is assumed to be @ 10 C#, where 10^LOG10(10, C#) = 10 C(#+1); also, note that # is ~ to GPA, but not always (not). Also, to compute # of hours in terms of GPA, use C# ~ to PART 1 of RULE # 374. So, someone @ GPA of 2 needs to spend 100x more time to = GPA of ~ 4. This is consistent with nuclear technology rating for China if you use the Soul Equation, giving China sum 69 C2 PL: you start with basic assumption that average male worker is @ 10 C2, and average nuclear missile is @ 50 C2, giving a new sum total of [10+50] = 60 C2, then to compute # of nuclear missiles that China has, you need to add a [-1] modifier to the exponent after taking the square root of the exponent of the difference in C2 in/for the Soul Equation, which will convert nuclear bomb to nuclear missile, which @ 100 nuclear bombs will place China @ 64 C2, but @ 100 nuclear missiles, it will place China @ 69 C2 PL or Power Level: but, if China has more than 100 nuclear missiles, each @ 50 C2 that of 1950 USA or Russian technology, but note that Russia is slight behind USA, but if each of China’s nuclear missile is greater than 50 C2 PL, then China’s total C2 PL is greater than 69. Note, that Clark Kent @ 81 C2 DP of the tv series Smallville, he would have mutant powers @ 64 C2 DP. This same rule also applies to vampires & werewolves, where if he is normally @ 16 C2 DP, where his mutant powers is @ 9 C2 DP; then, if slightly enhanced he is 25 C2 DP but his mutant powers would be increased to @ 16 C2 DP, BUT IF HE IS ALREADY @ 25 C2, THEN when slightly enhanced he is @ 36 C2 DP or DEFAULT PSYCHE but his mutant power(s) is/are @ 25 C2 DP: Blade @ 10% is @ 36 C2 DP in Part I but his mutant powers @ 25 C2 DP, and @ 100% is @ 49 C2 DP in Part 2; but, when his powers are running low like a pen running out of ink (vampire blood), then he is reduced to 24.5 C2 DP, which is the rating for his side kick in Part 2, while his side kick in Part 1 is @ 18 C2 DP = IQ of 3 years engineering. The reason for this is that science or/and technology is cheaper than mutant power(s), which is more expensive; but, @ very high points, both are similar which is why the MU character Galactus has lot of access to science and technology, which is ~ to his mutant power(s), but (not) because of his height, his mutant powers would be slightly less than it would be if he was @ human height. RULE # 373: Cost to USA government to support full FREE education for all ages @ all levels for all its citizens = [# = age (in years) limit] billion $, per year. RULE # 372: The biological clock: FAILURE TO STAY AWAKE PAST MIDNIGHT = % = [100*(1-1/N)], WHERE N = TIME AM. You can use the equation used by MU Magneto to stake awake, but you need a lot more points, but the equation for % changes to % = [100*(1-1/(N^(1/X)))], where X = (C2/10), which is consistent with the ’86 MU TSR rpg roster which says that Magneto can stay awake without any sleep for minimum of 1 week, which generates the following equation for Magneto’s ability to stake awake, # of extra hours awake = [2^(C2/10)], which, contradicts, (only) somewhat (meaning not really), with RULE # 6: combination of RULE # 372 & RULE # 6 creates Negative Energy @ high LP or Life Points, such as @ DP or Default Psyche, such as for a planet such as that of earth @ ~ DP that of MU Elder Ego @ in the 40s range @ C1 DP, where you ant to add [LOG10(age of earth in years) + 40] @ C1 DP of earth which would give earth same DP that of Jupiter @ ~ 50 C1 DP. You can use this 2nd part of RULE # 372 to figure out if the universe is expanding or contracting, as well as why it’s stable, as well as allow time travel, since this 2nd part of RULE # 372 contradicts RULE # 6. To better understand what this means, use the fictional DC character Clark Kent of the tv series “Smallville” as template, where Clark Kent would get 2x the # of C2 DP points that of Lionel Luther, who is @ 2x the # of points that of his son Lex Luther, who seems to be @ 20 C2 DP @ age 20, while his father is @ 40 C2 DP @ age 40, while Clark is @ 80 C2 DP, who, C.K., seems to be eliminating other mutants which is compatible with the storyline. This generates the following time travel equation, where accuracy % = 100*[1-1/((N=X)^(2 or/to X)], where X in [(1st # @ C2)^(X=2)] = 2nd # @ C2. The most recent time travel episode in/of “Smallville” is similar to the movie “Frequency”, involving radio to receive message of future events, but in case for/of tv episode it involved Lana’s taped message received from a stolen cellular to a tape. But, it could have been an elaborate ruse created by Clark to eliminate Adam or/and Lana, assuming Clark is evil, more than Lex, = or/and ~ evil as Lionel Luther. The 2nd part of RULE # 372 is ~ to the equation for Persecution Complex, which when it violates the rule for time travel, the equation for persecution Complex when used for time travel will create a pocket dimension or universe or parallel universe or time line. RULE # 371: North Korea is consumed by Negative Energy in the form of paranoia (due to USA foreign policy & its soldiers) leading to self inflicted violence on its own nation referring to its own citizens of N.K., but lot like some horror (Japanese) cartoon Manga film/movie, sort of like Bush I & Bush II projecting Negative Energy, hoping to collect Negative Energy from Iraqi oil & land. But, in a weird way, one can rationalize North Korea, but it would be scary to, for to understand North Korea is to understand humans, especially ability to be corrupted, which is similar to asking for a college education, since it’s not free, for employment which is form of bribe to receive employment as it’s a nice way of asking for a bribe, considering one can apply a 5 minute IQ test {using his or her COM, assuming his COM = his DP, {but note that when LS or Life Span is less than DP or Default Psyche, then PL or Power Level (either or both COM or/and INT or/and EGO, latter two which are normally measured @ C1 such as in HERO rpg but here it’s @ C2, where C2 = C1^LOG10(C1)) = C2 PL is greater than his DP, which in Aberrant rpg can be sometimes @ C2 or/and other times @ C1, and why those that play Aberrant sometimes give wrong total points to characters, due to wrong allocation of units}, where having a COM of 2 = IQ potential of/for 2 years of college, while a COM of 12 = IQ potential of/for 12 years of college, and having only a 1 COM = IQ potential of/for 1 year of college} & completely free using the RULE # 369 & there are couple of (2) others similar rules somewhere in my rpg < where one can get a college education [in theory] in just 5 minutes for free: annual salary in USA = [COM*(C3 PL of a country = 12,345 for USA)], > rather than having to spend years & $10,000 to $100,000 or more on a college education, especially when students are doing the bulk of the work, while most of the lazy professors just copy notes from books for their lectures that anyone could do themselves anyway. There are many different forms of Negative Energy: the way US citizens treated the Native American Indians up until the end of the 19th century, pretty much the same as North Korea. RULE # 370: This equation determines price/cost for a female feminist prostitute, depending on her beauty & her level of greed, where cost/price / unit of time = C#. * HYPERLINK \l "L4" µRULE # 369§*: This is accumulative, so you can use C4 if you wait long enough. Before you use this, note that this rule is based on C3 @ gpa of 3, use C4 for 4 gpa; but, if you are lucky, then you can use C3 @ C4, or C2 @ C3, but for latter requires luck, ELSE (a lot) more of everything. {SIMPLIFIED VERSION OF THIS RULE # 369: You have 2 {major} columns, both are @ n, which is originally set @ C#, where # = 3, which represents your level of resource(s), but {this} # can also represent race @ big letter R for a male human or small letter r for a female human, assuming men are smarter than women, by that I mean proportionally, which doesn’t mean that a woman can’t be smarter than a guy, since I’m only speaking statistically under ideal conditions, which can be manipulated in favor for the females with all this feminism, which is hording of Negative Energy, but not in all circumstances for the latter part of this, referring to latter part of this. Then, step 2 is divide 1st n in 1st {major} column by DL or Difficulty Level of your college course(s) from 1 to 10, with 1 to 4 being undergraduate, where I’m assuming the course are uniformly difficult to make the math easier on me for this example, which will then give you # of credits that you should be taking, with the 2nd n in the 2nd {major} column is your X for to calculate your grade; but, before you use X, divide X {which is initially set to or @ n, which is @ C3, but can be @ C2 or C1, depending on your level of resources, where C4 is used only for a genius: IT IS BETTER NOT TO USE C4 IF YOU ARE NOT FAMILIAR AS TO HOW TO USE THIS RULE # 369, ELSE YOU WILL CONFUSE YOURSELF, but getting back to what I was saying} by # of college courses, which can {if you like, if you are} @ high school level if all the courses are AP or Advanced Placement or Honor classes. Then, step 3 or final step is to calculate your grade which is grade = 100*{1 – (1/X)}.} But, my previous explanation {BELOW, after the Ogre example} makes less sense, since I didn’t put as much or more effort to simplify it. For example, an Ogre would have a high COM @ C2 = {30 by [20+10]} or C2 = {40 by [20*2]}, and low IQ @ {10 C2 by [20-10]} or C2 = {{20/2} = 10} with a particular LS or Life Span @ 20 C2, the average of those 3 stats = his DP @ 20 C2, for this example: so, there is a variation of 30 to 40 C2 for his COM = [C3/(pi+1)]: roll a 2d6 + 28 for his C2 for his COM. Note that C3 = C2^LOG10(C2). But, for an Ogre like Shrek, start his DP @ 30 C2 = {{Prince Charming @ {[(< 18 C2 = 9 default COM by 18^LOG10(18)/(pi+1) > + 1d6 (C2) for his extra COM) for maximum of 19 COM @ C2 = 24 ] + 1d6 @ C2 for magic for getting help from his fairy godmother}. PL is used in this rule, but PL is the average PL of his COM and his IQ, where IQ can be replaced with PL for psychic power(s) if IQ is reduced, sort of like for the MU character the Thing and the Human Torch of the FF, and vice versa, where the Human Torch is an android, and if you use either LS for Life Span or DP for Default Psyche, the resulting answer will be different. This rule like most of the rules are incomplete for calculating gpa and credit load per semester depending on his COM or DP or PL, but for best case scenario, let N = # of courses; make sure to apply {[n]/N} for new [n] = X for grade for each course if # of courses is greater than 1. Example: if he is @ 10 C3 PL, taking a 3rd difficulty level course, the new [n] = the [(old [n])/(DL = 3)] = the new [n], {IT IS KIND OF OR A BIT recursive}, where the original [n] = @ C3 PL, in/for a given semester, where he can save [n] for next semester if [n] is unused for a given semester, but [n] for either grade or # of credits, but if you wish to increase both then [n] is less than actual [n] for 2nd [n] which gets added onto 1st [n] for grade and for credit load, often both are equal but change depending on difficulty level for courses taken, where [n/2] would add onto original [n] for both grade and # of credits { one or both change when difficulty level is taken into account } for the 2nd semester if you skip the 1st semester, then by laws of Negative Energy, both in theoretical physics and also in Dragonball-Z, you can accumulate points that are unused, if you suffer from no bad luck, and assuming you can afford not to work and still pay for the courses, but only the 2nd of the first two semesters is used, same for calculating grade for the 2nd semester, where in the 1st semester if no courses are taken IF [n/2] is add onto both the grade and credit load to [n] of 2nd semester, where difficulty level is taken into account as next step in calculating gpa, where for this example, { 2*[n] = for 2 semesters, where 2*[n] = either @ X for gpa or for n = # of credits, with the other getting [n] }, and if you wish to increase both gpa & # of credits, but before you go any further keep in mind that points are accumulative if points are unused if you do not suffer from bad luck, but if he doesn’t skip a semester, then if he is @ 10 C3 DP or Default Psyche @ 10 C3 Power Level, giving # of credits @ 3.33 for 1 course, with [n]/1 = 10/1 = 10 = X, but since the course is 3 credits, [n] = 10+1 = 11 = X, used in the grade equation for that 1 course for that semester; or, if he was taking a course @ 2.5 difficulty level, with him being a @ 10 C3 DP or Default Psyche with 10 C3 PL or Power Level, the # of credits that he can take for that semester = 4 credits for that course, with [n]/1 = 10/1 = 10 = X, allowing him take a total of 1 course per semester @ 2.5 difficulty level, which if the DL were @ 2, each course @ most or not more than 5 credits, with each course @ 2.5 credits, then [n]/2 = 10/2 = 5 = X, with a grade of 80 for each of the 2 courses, each @ 2.5 credits for that or a given semester. This RULE # 369 can be used to create full employment without a college degree if his DP is known or based on his COM if his DP is unknown @ almost 0 waste in resource(s), with almost 0 corruption, allowing one to live in utopia, socialism, in my opinion, by using the best aspects of Capitalism & best aspects of Communism. This rule attempts to measure intelligence & potential for skill(s) or/and abilit(y/ies), without having (not) to spend all of one’s savings on college, which is a nice way of asking for & paying multiple bribe(s) to get employment, without appearing to be crooked by making the practice legal, and garnishing it with a diploma, as if you have achieved something, but it the diploma was already in your genetic code in terms of one’s potential & abilit(y/ies), including determination, which is affected by his or/and her environment, so college is not really necessary (not), but is really a waste of time & $, but one has to pay this/these bribe(s) to get employment. If instead of a he, entity is a she, then use the COM equation to figure out her C3 PL, which is then converted to her equivalent C2 PL in terms of the male perspective, meaning C2 PL of her ideal boyfriend, but I’m not going to define the term “ideal”, this C2 PL is then used to determine her credit load per semester. And, note that {C2 PL can be applied to credit load for college for per semester} or {C3 PL can be used or applied to calculate credit load for college for per year, using the same equation on next page, except substitute n for # of years rather than # of semesters, when C3 PL is used rather than C2 PL to calculate credit load, former {C3 PL} is per year, while {C2 PL} is per semester. The following [n] value/variable is different than from on after next page referring to [n] in for 1st column is different than [n] in for this example: both variables are different, depending on which equation or/and algorithm is used to define whatever is it that you are trying to define or/and discover. So, then this defines borderline ADD as inefficient use of one’s points, for the same (set of) task(s), {with the same # of Life Points}, might take to do. What this rule does is tap into the untapped resources out there that being there are a dozens of millions people studying in colleges working for their diploma which is a waste of time (?) in my opinion < it would be if everyone else thought it was a waste of time, but since most don’t: meaning either having or not having a degree does not reduce or in any way affect one’s IQ or potential other than to figure out his IQ & potential, but @ a heavy financial cost which does not need to be spent if they follow this 5 minute IQ test or/and algorithm which is completely free to determine one’s potential @ various stages of one’s college life > which, colleges, all it does it attempt to control a person’s way of thinking & not only that you have to pay to study which is not good since the government is interest in collecting taxes which for that people have to work for which people need degrees so the government should be paying people to study rather than people having to pay out of their own pockets to study – reminds me of the mutant registration act - homework & tests ? But, getting back to what I was saying that being RULE # 369. The New Equation to construct or learn to make a nuclear bomb @ the price of a bear can, can, also, be applied to make textiles which is not exactly clear but I’m working on latter which the latter is still incomplete as is the former is still incomplete, but close to the solution: create 4 columns, as you do not really need a 5th column which simply represent the person’s C3 PL or Power Level or/and Life Force which you put in some corner somewhere on the same blank piece of paper. The 4th column is your final GPA for that or this semester: this is accurate, depending on whether or not his C3 DP or PL is accurate or not. The 1st column represents [n] in terms of your gpa for 1 course by the equation [100*(1-(1/n))], where [n] = [his C3 PL], but for human females, use his C3 PL for her [n], but to compute his C3 PL for her, use his COM for her level of COM to compute her [n], and you can shift points [n] from 1st column to 2nd column, but use only {(- or/and +), or/and (* or/and /), according to RULE # 3}; the 2nd column represents the # of (college level) credits = [n], that you are taking but is later adjusted, depending on what GPA one wants @ what # of credits & how fast to the finish line, meaning having a capitalist personality is more efficient than having a communist personality by a factor of 3x, and how Russia (USSR) almost won the Cold War but lost to USA; and, the 3rd column represents the difficulty level of your classes, referring to your courses or the played character’s courses, where use x = 4 for 4th year level undergraduate between 1 & 4, where x = 1 for 1st year level, but, to 4, add 3 for masters level giving a value of between 5 & 7, and add a value of between 1 & 2 giving a value of between 8 & 9 for doctorate level, and add a value of 1 giving a value of 10 for post doctorate, though you may add another 2 points for genius level @ x = 12 for difficulty level, which, this, is used to divide n by x = z, which, this value, place in 4th column to figure out new GPA, using z as the new n. Then, use RULE # 3, to adjust the 1st & 2nd column, latter for # of credits & former for n for calculating your GPA. But, not that original, both n & # of credits = your C3 PL. And, whether the # of credits is per semester or per year, depends on your or the person’s personality, meaning if he or she is capitalist, then use per semester, ELSE use per year if person is communist. Then, use the Soul Equation to calculate the # of workers a country would need to construct a nuclear (missile) bomb, where the exponent 1/e = ½, where e = gpa of the worker, meaning if you want the average worker to have a gpa of 4 or A minus @ score of 90, then use exponent 1/e = 1/4, where e = GPA, in the Soul Equation to calculate the # workers needed to construct a nuclear (missile) bomb. And, Note that the Soul Equation is @ C2 Power Level. So, you need a 1,000 male Iraqis @ 10 C2 PL to construct 1 tank @ 19 C2 PL, which is @ tech level that of 1930s that of PRE-World War 2 which gives another equation that being the # of male Iraqis needed to construct various levels of technology, assuming each Iraq is @ 10 C2 PL = 10 C3 Power Level by 10^LOG10(10 C2) = 10 C3: # of workers = [10^((C2/5)-1)], where 50 C2 PL = technology of 1950 that of US & Russia. And, also, note that the average male Palestinian is @ 10 C2 DP, while the average non-Arab male Israeli is @ 20 C2 DP, where # of male Palestinians, if each @ 10 C2 DP and if @ GPA of pi, then exponent 1/e = 1/pi, where e = gpa of average worker, then # = 10^2.08 Palestinians = 120 male Palestinians = 1 male Israeli @ 20 C2 DP or Default Psyche @ 11.9 COM which gives another equation that being difficulty level of & @ college level that one can digest seems ~ to his COM. While, for the average person, GPA of 1 = not going to college. Look @ RULE # 3, beginning of my incomplete rpg, HYBRID. You can, also, use the Soul Equation to prove that the USA, its government, & its soldiers are PARTLY TO blame for the problems for both North Korean paranoia & South Korean prostitution. RULE # 368: The dating / marriage game can be reduced to a couple of equations, but they contradict each other somewhat: 1st equation) @ C1 DP = [Y*X], where X = # of the sub-rule (#) that he is using to get a woman = X, while Y = some constant which represent the accuracy of the equation, where for now, we apply Y = 2; 2nd equation) @ C2 DP = S(2x)dx, which you integrate, giving you [2*((x^2)/2)], which gets reduced to [x^2], where you replaced X = # of the sub-rule that your player uses to get a woman. So, the male that applies the 6th rule would need to be @ 36 C2 DP, but very very few men are @ 36 C2 DP, since most are @ between 9 @ 3 AMBS & 25 @ 5 AMBS, with average being @ 16 C2 DP @ 4 AMBS. Note that bugs get 1.23456789 AMBS. But, getting back to what I was saying, earlier, there are 12 sub-rules to the dating / marriage game, but only the 6th sub-rule can be used to legally reverse feminism to the way things were centuries ago. What is the 6th sub-rule ? The 6th sub-rule is to never get married & to avoid marriage, sort of like Buck Rogers, assuming you want to avoid the risk of divorce, marriage rape, alimony, child support, & etc. It is now something out of an episode of Buck Rogers of 25 century where on some planet man is property of wife, but the only difference is those fictional female characters pay to get a guy which is outlawed by feminists in S.Asia. A man’s resistance to ARV = ~ to his AMBS = (his C2 DP)^.5. RULE # 367: New interpretation of Islam for Muslims or/and Non-Muslims, (by) appl(y/ing) *the cloning equation* to Allah’s definition that a man has right to wed 4 women as his is both literal & subjective: Allah had 15 wives + 1 woman which was like a girlfriend but the latter might have been as a slave or a concubine, where total = 16, which would put Islam @ ARV [Anti-Rape Variable] @ 2.0 = 16, which from a feminist point of view is @ grade of C-; but, @ ARV of 2.25, if each of women that a man weds has 2 of such [2 of/from 4] (four) personalities – obedient, disobedient, crazy, & violent which is proportional to *the 4 basic instincts in each* personality that being: *pleasure, pain, fear, & desire* [combination of which] manifests as a personality - then if has the extra life force points based on his COM or psyche, both different, former is obvious & latter is not obvious, he may take up to 8 wives @ ARV @ 2.25, assuming his women are not too beautiful, else the maximum # of women that he can have decreases, sum or total should not exceed total COM, which if almost all of his psyche were obvious as COM, where his last hidden (1 from his/her total) COM point is used for reproduction, but almost never exceeds 29, but it seems that Anne Nicole stupidly decide to reduce her COM from 27 to 17, where she often listens to *bad* advice as to what she should do with her live, but getting back to what I was saying earlier on previous page that an ARV of 2.25, which from a feminist point of view is @ grade of C. Note that USA marriage laws in 2000 AD were @ ARV = 4.0 & why the huge divorce rate in USA, exactly what feminists wanted, @ grade of A- from point of view of feminists, which I’m not; and, if each woman represented 1 personality, with each personality representing 1 woman, then if a man’s girlfriend or/and wife has 4 multiple personalities, then if 1 such woman possessed all 4 such personalities – obedient, disobedient, crazy, & violent - then a man may have 3 more women as his wife or/and girlfriend, if each posses 4 personalities, where total = 16 personalities. But, if any of Allah’s wives, including that 1 extra woman that he had which was not his wife, but if any of those women, possessed more than 1 personality, then Allah violated his own rule not to exceed 16; but, if all 16 of those women displayed similar or 1 personality, each representing 1 woman, then there was no violation of his own rule not to exceed 16 personalities or 16 women @ ARV of 2 to 3 for Islam, but Turkey is @ ARV of 3, while South Africa @ 2 to 3 ARV, where 3 ARV = 1 woman as wife or/and girlfriend to a man, excluding lesbians, which is what some feminists are, excluding/including immoral sluts & tease, where for latter, she, as a tease, flirts with every man with her provocative cloths & dressing, but if a man flirts with her, then for her it’s sexual harassment, & why feminism is an oxymoron - women try to be male; though, some bisexual males may be feminists, also; but, there also *lot of* foolish men that are feminist, also, as they are gullible; some may be corrupt or/and bribed men by money or/and sex, where the corrupt may not be men but women as in divorce female judges, where without being checked by (a) m(a/e)n, she will give away everything of the man to the woman, including his negative energy, which is what feminists are after. RULE # 366: The movie *CORE* is fully compatible with the rules of my rpg HYBRID, where you convert the metal “unobtainium” in the movie made by the black scientist to the fictional metal of “adamentium” of MU comics & of ’86 MU TSR rpg: from there, it’s easy to understand the movie, including the characters, where you put the black scientist @ 49 C2 DP @ 7 AMBS = IQ of 200, where you should notice that I give him the unit “DP” for Default Psyche rather than the unit “ PL” for Power Level, there is a reason for this & it is NOT random assignment as some might think, to figure out, you 1st go to or use the Force Field Equation of RULE # 7, for which I misspelled Force Field Equation is misspelled in Version 0.3, where the term “Force Field Equation” is misspelled in the “introduction” as Fore Field Equation in Version 0.3 in the “introduction”, there is a misspelling, one of the reason(s) I asked to delete previous versions so as to make & facilitate reading & understanding of my free rpg easier [and, one of the reason(s) that it’s free is that the rate that my free rpg is progressing is so slow that it’s not worth to make it anything other than free else I’d have to wait decades to publish it if I were to try to perfect it & by that time someone bight already come up with my or/and similar ideas such as these that I put in my rpg HYBRID & why I don’t wait to perfect it before publishing it & why it’s (my rpg HYBRID is) free, besides to increase # of readership by making it free, as well as to point out the similarities between different rpgs & how my rpg HYBRID can be used to simulate science-fiction], but the host hosting for free my free rpg, wants to keep some samples of previous version for sake of nostalgic, and, also, in Version 0.3, I use “DP” in the force field equation for the reason that if the frequency of use is very high, where, also, the inventor of super laser in the movie uses a high frequency laser, but getting back to when to use “DP” or “PL”: otherwise, you should & must use the unit “PL” rather than DP to get maximum output, unless you have multiple invention that you are working on the PL is lower for each invention, but in order of ascending or descending importance of the inventions, such as those of the black engineer “Trass”, who creates a 64 C2 PL tera-submarine in the movie CORE, where project DESTINY is @ 81 C2 PL, which may be part of an elaborate ruse to fool the Russians & the world, and it’s possible that DESTINY may be part of either an new energy source to steal from inside the earth or may be part of some new form of mining operation that went seriously wrong or it had a serious side effect(s), either way, the crew of the tera-submarine needs a 81 C2 PL nuclear device but they only have a 64 C2 PL nuclear device which they divide up into 50s (range) C2 PL nuclear devices of increasing order of magnitude to create resonance to jump start the “core” of the earth which project DESTINY accidentally gave a ”stroke” or/and a “heart-attack”, to loosely speak, where the planet earth lashes out @ as if it were a terrorist @ significant man-made objects such as the LA bridge & ancient monuments in Rome, in which the name of the genius “Trass”, which may be synonymous to or/and with “Trask” in MU comics & rpg, where it some that some white scientist such as the DC Lex Luther in late ‘90s DC comics & carton and the MU King Pin in the MU movie Dare Devil are being turned black in different alternate fictional universes, but getting back to Version 0.333, for the inventor of the metal “unobtainium”, as well as the inventor of the super laser & the tunneling tera ship that looks like a submarine but laced with lasers; the white male final navigator (the professor [who uses Doppler Effect in his dating equation to increase # the number of women that he can have] with whom the female navigator fall in love with, since he’s the only surviving guy left for her to fall in love with) @ 36 C2 DP @ 6 AMBS, though he make be faking his high IQ & may be @ only 25 C2 DP, since the female co-pilot fixed the display console of his machine @ low IQ, assuming he wasn’t flirting with her by not knowing how to fix the display console for a clearer image, allowing her to fix it, since he was flirting with his female assistant by saying (or implied) that he did not having time to create a 3D model of the earth with the decaying electro-magnetic field; and, the female navigator @ 25 C2 DP @ 5 AMBS from male perspective, where she use Doppler Effect to hide her ambition(s) that of a feminist: @ level that of the plagiarist scientist @ either 25 or 36 C2 DP, @ [30 +/-5 C2 DP], who use Doppler Effect to increase his influence by stealing credit that of/from the discoveries made by the black engineer “Trass” in the movie, both the genius & the French side-kick & friend of the Professor dies , along with 1st male navigator, who gets killed in the cobalt cocoon, which gets breached by the pressure & heat of the mantle @ point of entry. The male navigator (the one that says to his female co-pilot that she is better than he is but she needs to fail 1st before she can become leader) that gets killed in the cobalt shell within which are metallic crystals within mantle but outside outer core, he is @ 16 C2 DP @ 4 AMBS @ same COM as the black woman in movie where she says “damn you” to the general, whom you put @ 36 C2 DP, but the hacker @ 25 C2 DP, whose COM is = # that of the black woman, who says “damn you”: note that COM of hacker @ C2 DP of 16 = 6.8 COM by [{16^LOG10(16) @ C3}/(pi+1)], but his C2 DP = 25 = COM of 21.73 = a difference of 14.93 COM for hacking, by [21.73 – 6.8] = 14.93 COM difference for the hacker @ 6.8 COM, but @ ~ IQ of 135 to 157, where he gives secret message based on a very small set of prime numbers: IQ is, also simulated based on the following equation, IQ = [Y + (Z*X)], where there is % of error [margin of error] in the equation, where Z = variable in [{100*{1-(1/Z)}}: for grade], and X = # of years of college in 1 very difficult field that you get perfect GPA & perfect score = Y%, assuming you don’t skip any semester(s), & take full course load each semester, including summer semesters in above equation: a class of freshmen honor students @ A- has IQ of 90+10*1 = 100; while, C+ graduating students @ IQ of [75+(4*3)] = IQ of 87. RULE # 365: Both “bad luck” and “good luck” work or at least seem to work similar to the properties of ions, such as positive & negative, referring to like a chain of positive & negative ions, especially that of the carbon chemistry of life, such as the solubility of fatty acids which proves that “ether” exists or proves the existence of “ether” vs/in space: also, applicable to electronics: and, also, work similar to Newton’s laws of physics, especially the part about “equal & opposite”: which concludes the existence of “chaos” or/vs/and “order”, which, then, strangely, leads to existence of fractals. RULE # 364: The character “Clark” {on average} has the same or = # of points as the female mutants such as the shape shifting & the ghost & the dreamer but from the male perspective, @ 73 C2 DP, in the tv series of Smallville; while, most of the male mutants seem to have half the # of points that of Clark @ C2; and, by half, I mean half of what he {Clark}, presents himself @, which is (1/3) his actual potential, which is (1/3) of what he is left with after arriving @ his present time, after his time travel stunts which would require him to be @ PL that of the DC cartoon or comic version of Mxyzptlk, who is much less powerful in the tv series episode of Smallville, where that or this particular version of Mxyzptlk is @ (1/3) his actual DC cartoon or comic version; by (1/3), in terms of points of DP or PL.. But, the other possibility is that the meteor rocks has effected Lex & Lionel, in similar ways, such that their C2 DP @ [his human age], explains Lex’s bad luck & his competition, as well as why Lex is bald that being Lex feels like he is a bitch to his father, like a lioness has no mare compared to a lion, which Lex feels he is not like. Then, Lex be @ {20 + (+5, greed/-5, bad luck)} C2 DP; &, Lionel @ {40 + (+5, greed/-5, bad luck)} C2 DP: similar pattern in the movie of STNG for “Nemesis”, the movie, where Picard is @ C1 rather than @ C2: the same also for his illegitimate son @ C1 DP: ~ proportional to age, years. RULE # 363: My homebrew rpg HBYRID is fully compatible with the character Wolverine in the movie X-Men in reference to his powers & other aspects about the character, with only 12% margin of error within my rules: the 12% do NOT represent complete error in all my rules but rather 12% margin of error in all my rules. But, then, 1st, the “force field equation” helps to correct the error in my original estimate for the character HAVOK, who is @ 40 C2 DP, allowing him 80 C2 PL with 20 C2 LS or Life Span, if the character Bullseye is @ 20s C2 DP in the movie “DareDevil”, who is @ 30s C2 DP, same as Wolverine, if you change Wolverine’s C2 PL of 72 to DP for AKIRA, THEN it, “72” is the C2 DP of AKIRA @ 72 C2 DP, who can then change his C2 PL to 144 by reducing his LS or Life Span to 36 C2, but AKIRA’S mutant effectiveness would be @ 121 C2 if he is @ 144 C2 by [{{144^(1/2)}-1}^2] = {{12-1}^2} = {11^2} = 121 C2 PL as his mutant effectiveness; and, if Cyclops is @ 50 C2 DP. But, coincidently, MU reaches the finishing line before me in an attempt to correct the stats for Havok, SINCE READERS WERE MISINTERPRETING THE CHARACTER Havok, so or which is why MU comes out with the “Age of Apocalypse” to correct the misunderstanding behind the character Havok that the ’86 MU TSR rpg roster which did NOT directly mislead the readers but it left out some very vital information that would mislead some or many & it is this lack of {though only 1%, the 3 units “DP”, “LS”, & “PL”, but this tiny bit of 1% information was more important than the remaining 88% that TSR did give; the next 10% is most of the remaining parts of my homebrew rpg HYBRID; and the other 1% being the/my generic equation of X^LOG10(X) that I use in my homebrew rpg HYBRID to calculate # of points @ some point distribution; but, I have not been able to come up with partial point distribution between whole integers which seems to be as difficult for me: similarly difficult for professionals to come up with partial factorial, which seem to work only for whole integers, which, similarly, point distribution(s) in my homebrew rpg HYBRID, FOR NOW & since its beginning for my homebrew rpg HYBRID, seems to work for only whole integers, such as CA is more dense than C1, which is more dense than C2, which is more dense than C3, but = @ 10, since 10^LOG10(10) = 10^1 = 10, which HERO rpg uses as a given @ “10”} seems to have accidentally left the readers misdirected, since the ’86 MU TSR rpg uses the unitless unit “Class”, where there is no way of telling, @ 1st glance, if a character is @ DP or PL, without at least or a minimum of a 2nd glance: this is my THEORY. 2nd, the character Cyclops in the ’86 MU TSR rpg roster is @ DP rather than @ PL; while, the character Havok is @ PL rather than @ DP which {for those who do not look @ the unit “DP” or “PL”, since there are no such unit “DP” or “PL” in the ’86 MU TSR rpg roster, but both are implied, and it is because the readers misinterpret(ed), including myself, originally, & why my original estimate for an A-bomb was mistakenly @ 49 to 64 C2 PL which should have been @ 36 to 49 C2 PL, these 2 characters that MARVEL came out with AGE OF APOLCALYSE to correct the misunderstanding behind the stats for the character HAVOK, in my opinion} falsely creates a false image that Havok is more powerful than Cyclops. 3rd, C2 PL for both an A-bomb & a USA aircraft carrier, both, range between 36 & 49 C2 PL, as before, little has changed; though, my original estimate range of 49 to 64 C2 PL in was due to an error that the ’86 MU TSR rpg roster made on the fictional character HAVOK, whose stats were corrected in “AGE OF APOCALYPSE”, purpose of which was to correct the error in stats for HAVOK in the original ’86 MU TSR rpg roster, in my opinion, but the error in my original estimate was corrected by or mostly due to change in unit from “ft” to meters @ C3 PL: by changing the unit from “ft” to meters, since the unit “ft” was an over or/and excess estimate in the original estimate, I was, then, able to reduce the estimate to 36 to 49 C2 PL. You can also use the “material strength” of various objects to determine the TL @ C2. This/my homebrew rpg is fully compatible with 18th, 19th, & 20th century warfare. RULE # 362: The new numbering system for my homebrew rpg HYBRID is the {V [(# of rules)/(1,000)]}. So, V 0.2 would need to be renamed V 0.1; and, V 0.1 renamed as V 0.05. RULE # 361: For this rule, use C1 for a country, & use C2 for an individual Caucasian male; while, C3 unit is used for all other races for any individual males. The date of the USA independence in 1776 represents a TL @ C1 of 7.6, the last 2 digits, “76”, divided by 10 = [76/10] = 7.6 C1 PL which for a person would need to be @ unit “DP” to seek independence. Then, 1800 USA date would be @ PL @ C1 of 10: followed by 1850 USA date would be @ PL @ C1 of 15; followed by the next USA date of 1900 would be @ PL @ C2 of 20; followed by the next USA date of 1950 would be @ PL @ C1 of 25. For Russia, reduce their PL @ C1 by 5 points compared to USA, meaning when USA is @ 25 C1 PL, then Russia is @ 20 C1 PL. RULE # 360: My HYBRID rpg is fully compatible with the fictional characters vampires & werewolves & zombies, for the latter, the movie might have been called “28 Days”, the zombie movie, the male zombies were @ 28 C2 DP, but it’s possible that the movie “28 Days”: the title represents the C2 DP or Default Psyche or/and the life force of the zombies in the zombie movie; and, their pg HYBRID, is also, fully compatible with including the/(for the) characters in the vampire movie in which the actor Tom Cruise stared in, the name of the movie I forget, but all of the 4 main vampires were @ 36 C2 DP: and, all of the 4 main vampires lied to each other about themselves. Or, another way of looking @ it, is that for the female child vampire to main attain her powers, she can not ever become a woman & has to remain a child, where her regression gives her vampire points, in a similar manner to that of the MU female mutant character, Mystique, and why she is purple & not beige, so as to save life force points, because skin tone color cost points, where beige or some color lighter than beige is most expensive for the player to buy for his/her character, especially if it’s a “her”, since female characters are more expensive than male characters, and why the female vampire was in a child form rather than as an adult female vampire because the author of the story wanted to create a subliminal message that all the 4 vampires were @ equal # of points that of 36 C2 DP, though the female vampire would be @ minimum of 2x that of the male character which you can figure out by using the cloning equation for females which the cloning equation for females comes in 3 forms: 1) dating/wives/girlfriends/concubines/prostitution (excess of by women due to feminists taking away “negative energy” from men which this loss of “negative energy” by men to women creates prostitution in society, where its newest form of prostitution in USA is “divorce/alimony/ or/and child support or/and palimony: and, for those women who don’t want the stigma of divorce or/and (break-up, for latter she can she that she didn’t break up but rather than he left her, but more like she had her pimp (the government: the police, who are used by *feminists* &
as pimps, but not called pimps but as law enforcement officers, but what happens when someone enforces laws that condone prostitution such as divorce/alimony/ or/and child support or/and palimony) take the husband or/and boyfriend away: so, she can tell her girlfriends that she did not divorce him or/and/nor break up with him but rather that he left her) charge their husband or/and boyfriend with rape”, where you can double your points by collecting “negative energy” such as in the trilogy of “Star Wars”, where this same “negative energy” is, also, used for time travel, where this same “negative energy” is used by owner of Playboy magazine to have his harem of unregistered wives, where this same “negative energy” is used by George Bush Junior to take over the world because he shows no fear, where Sadam Hussein tried to collect this same “negative energy” but a larger fish beat him to the finish line that being by George Bush Junior, who won because he used the correct base that being base 10 for 90% success; while, Saddam Hussein used base 3 for 66% success, IF George Bush Junior did not act, but since George Bush Junior (re)acted, the players must give Sadam Hussein square root of 66%, which you round off to 64%, and square root of 64% is 8% success which you give to Sadam Hussein, since he is from very small & weak country; 2) shrinking; and, 3) actual cloning of the female body, where by removing the COM variable, you get a deadly virus, such as Anthrax, such as in the movie “28 Days”: is based on rules similar to that of HYBRID rpg which most science-fiction writers use on a subconscious level, whether they know it or not, as well as by [at least in this rpg] by micro-biology uses rules of HYBRID. RULE # 359: This 2 part rule will help you become a master computer programmer, including creating a computer virus, like in the movie, Swordfish, in which you would put/place the master hacker @ [X] C0, where C0 is a unitless unit, based on the NEW salary equation in an ideal NON-inflationary world, but we don’t live in a ideal world, since humans are controlled by politicians, both being biased, but with lack of bias, {for part I of ii} the NEW salary equation for annual salary = $ = 10^[Y ={(C3 PL)^(1/3)}]: use RULE # 3 to calculate the player’s fictional character’s [C3 PL]. So, for the hacker in the movie, Swordfish, you’d place him @ 30 C2 DP, reduce his life-span to human levels by [30/1.5] = 20 C2 LS or Life Span for a Caucasian, giving him a PL or Power Level of [30*1.5] = 45 C2 PL or Power Level, which you then convert to C3 PL & use the NEW salary equation to calculate his NEW annual salary, assuming he is an adult, $ = 10^[{45^LOG10(45) = 540.89 C3 PL}^(1/3)] = 10^8.15, $. And, for part II of RULE # 359: a person @ IQ of 70 {it’s NOT really IQ in a Communist system but rather due to lack of resources but since for those that live in a Capitalistic system, it’s IQ & NOT due to lack of resources} will learn computer science @ following time table: BASIC {10 days}, C {100 days}, C++ {1,000 days}, Assembly {10,000 days}, and ML or Machine Language {100,000 days}: then, an elite (adult) male @ [5.18^2] = 26.82 C2 DP @ IQ of 156 will learn Assembly in [(10,000)^(1/2)] # of days = 100 days, assuming he is @ 26.82 C2 PL & LS = 109.72 total points in D&D, Dragonball-Z, GURPS, & HERO 5th @ C3, allowing him an annual salary of $ [10^(Y = 7.21)] by this method: 10^[<<<
^2>*1.5=40.22 C2 PL = X>^LOG10(X)= 375.26 C3 PL >^(1/3)] = 7.21 = Y, where his LS or Life Span is reduced to [26.82 / 1.5] = 17.88 C2 for a Caucasian or an elite minority member. So, if an Asian male were @ 11.78 C2 DP, it would take him [(10,000)^(1/{1.5 = NOT related to above for PL or/and LS})] = 464.16 days to learn Assembly if @ 11.78 C2 DP. RULE # 358: The NEW ultimate EQUATION TO CREATE A NUCLEAR BOMB @ THE PRICE OF A BEER CAN, USING HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL MATH, MEANING NO ADVANCED CALCULUS IS REQUIRED OTHER THAN A GOOD INTUITION FOR AMOUNT OF LIFE FORCE POINTS OR/and ENERGY REQUIRED FOR TL, AND SPEAKING OF “INTUITION”, WHICH STRANGELY IF YOU TAKE OUT THE “IN” IN ‘INTUITION’ COMES OUT AS ‘TUITION’, REFERRING TO “COST”, WHICH IS WHAT I’M ABOUT TO DISCUSS THAT BEING “COST TO LEARN & CREATE TL”, BUT IT’S NOT THE FREE ENERGY EQUATION THAT OF NICOLA TESLA, THAT PUTS MONEY, $, AHEAD OF IQ, IF HE HAS A LOW IQ OF 70 WHICH, IQ, CAN BE ARTIFICIALLY INCREASED WITH LOTS OF MONEY IF HE IS RICH ELSE NOT, RENDERING IQ, INSIGNIFICANT, ALLOWING A PERSON WITH AN IQ OF 70 TO CREATE A NUCLEAR BOMB IF HE IS RICH ELSE NOT, USING THIS EQUATION, USING ONLY HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL MATH, THAT ANY PERSON OR COUNTRY CAN USE LEARN & CREATE NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY IF THEY HAVE THE MONEY TO BUY THE RESOURCES WHICH IS MORE EXPENSIVE THE LOWER THE AVERAGE IQ OF POPULATION. THE EQUATION WHICH IS MORE LIKE AN ALGORITHM, WHICH USES ABSOLUTELY NO COMPLEX & CRAZY MATH & INTEGRAL(S), BUT this, real math (real), IS USED @ THE END (BUT NOT)/(rather than) @ THE BEGINNING. AND, NOW, THE EQUATION, WHICH IS REALLY COST TO LEARN & TO MAKE A NUCLEAR BOMB @ THE PRICE OF A BEER CAN, BUT CAN BE USED FOR TIME TRAVEL USING EQUATION # 2, AFTER I’VE EXPLAINED EQUATION # 1: FIGURE OUT THE DIMENSION(S) THAT IS MANIPULATED BY THE TL OBJECT THAT YOU HAVE CREATED, SUCH AS RADIO WAVES WOULD BE DIMENSION # 1: PART i: COST, $, = 10^{X=[(C# PL)^(1/#)]}, as PART i; AND, PART ii: C2 PL = [10*X]: I’ve listed various different scenarios & TL & TL cost to create TL @ cost of beer can, but it does require $ to learn to create the TL, including resources once you’ve learned to create the TL to create the TL @ end of the paragraph. AND, HERE IS THE PROOF, THE AMOUNT OF C2 PL IS NEEDED FOR TIME TRAVEL, USING DIMENSION # 4, AND WITHOUT part II, YOU END UP WITH THE INVISIBILITY EQUATION, PREDICTED BY BOTH EINSTEIN & THE SCIENCE FICTION CREATORS OF STAR TREK, BUT THE AUDIENCE HAS NOT PICKED UP ON PART ii of the equation, not sure why they have not picked up on part ii of the equation when it is so obvious, that even creators of Dr Who storyline uses the same equation for time travel for its story line, without knowing that they are using it, IT’S BEINGUSED BY THEM ON A SUBCONSCIOUS LEVEL WHICH THIS PATTERN USED BY SCIENCE FICTION WRITES OF USING EINSTEIN’S EQUATION FOR INVISIBILITY FOR TIME TRAVEL, WHEN THE ALGORITHIM IS PROPERLY USED, THIS PATTERN, ALSO CALLED “PATTERN” IN AMBER DICELESS RPG, THIS PATTERN, I’VE PICKED UP ON, AND “NO”, I DIDN’T DIRECTLY GET IT FROM ANY 1 SOURCE, BUT IS IMPLIED IN MANY DIFFERETN SOURCES, AND IT’S A RESULT OF USING HYBRID OR MANY DIFFERENT RESOURCES: ALL IMPLYING THE SAME EQUATION, COMPOSING OF PART I & PART ii. And, now, here, is the chart with couple of examples, for C#, where # = dimension(s)manipulated by TL, followed by 2nd column of info on dimension(s) manipulated by TL, followed by C2 PL needed for TL: US aircraft carrier @ 36 C2 PL for a 264 meter long aircraft carrier, since length is @ [C3 PL], if it has no nuclear destructive capability other than a nuclear locomotive drive or engine, without which it’s @ [36 +/- 4: a guess], else @ 49 C2 PL, but use 36 C2 PL, since time travel us(es/ing) mass & volume of object rather than TL of object being send through time, unless TL of object influence the mass & volume of object being sent through time, take C4 PL of 36 C2 PL, since we are going to manipulate the 4th dimension, here, in this example, take the exponent X = [(C4 PL)^(1/4)], which you will have the base 10” raised to this exponential power of X. Russian TL in 1949 was @ 49.28 C2 PL which you take the C4 PL of which = [[49.28^LOG10(49.28)]= Y]^LOG10(Y) = C4 PL = [733.1^LOG10(733.1 C3)] = [1.62 * 10^8], also @ $ @ 3rd dimension = approximately using part ii @ cost @ [1.62 * 10^8, C3] @ 3rd dimension @ [[(733.1 @ C3)^(1/3)], $, cost] = [10^9.02], $, = 1 billion $ to learn & create nuclear technology @ 49.28 C2 PL. But, getting back to the time travel aspect of the equation = [1.62 *10^8)]^(1/4) = 112.8 = X, which gives “cost” = 10^112.8, $, with C2 PL = [10*X] = [10*112.8] = 1,128 C2 PL for time travel. And, getting back to the 3rd dimension aspect of the equation, where [10*x], would give amount of C2 PL to destroy the surface of world inhabited by humans, by that I mean, amount of C2 PL to destroy human life on this planet, = [10*(X = 9.02)] = 90.2 C2 PL = @ 3rd dimension. And, PART iii: terrorism = @ %, where exponent for terrorism = % converted to a or some fraction, where 50% terrorism = exponent of [1/2] to USA imperialism expense of $ 1 trillion (good or bad, the equation does not look @), such as for “organized terrorism” = exponent of [1/2] = for those having the square root of the “power of” (USA), putting “terrorism” is @ the 2nd dimension; so, it would require [$ = 10^{AMBS = {(C2 DP which is different from C2 PL which is used for TL)^(1/2)}}] = group of = organized terrorism. And, state - run terrorism is @ 3rd dimension requiring exponent (3/4) rather than (1/3), such as [(10^12)^(3/4)] = $ 1 billion expense for a state-run terror program; while, for a local terrorist (local), he’d be @ [(10^12)^(1/4)] = $ 1,000 expense @ exponent [1/4], making equation for part iii different from part ii. And, this PART ii equation for “terrorism” is compatible with Star Trek Next Generation; and, PART ii is compatible with equation of / for persecution complex, written about @ much earlier in the rpg. Part iii, is, also, compatible with the tv series, CHARMED, witches, fluctuate between C2 & C1, but note that C2 is the mutant equation of C3, but C1 is for a super mutant if numerically same as C2. RULE # 357: Whoever or whomever created the DC character Firestorm, the character’s creator(s) seem to be thinking of the character in terms of a rpg: which I’m not sure, but looking @ how he activates his power(s) which effect his COM which coincidentally his BODY POINTS SEEM TO BE @ 2X HIS C3, or sum of the body points while those 2 are not Firestorm when they are Firestorm, referring to the sum of their body points when are FUSED INTO FIRESTORM, which in laymen’s term is @ point distribution that of D&D or Yu-Gi-Oh, in reference to his COM, meaning if you exclude his mutant power(s), the sum of the 2 people’s COM @ C3 = his NEW C3 for his NEW COM as Firestorm: c) Body Points = 58, but for each = [58/2] = 29 C3 which is that of the teenage kid < if Caucasian else his C3 for his COM is half that of a Caucasian if he is not a Caucasian which not being Caucasian refers to as “something else” in reference to IQ when his COM is less than that of a black man but his IQ that of a white man, where that “something else“ is the difference in life force points between that consumed to makeup his COM & his total, where the difference between the two gives him an extra IQ boost, to create an illusion of someone else with less points has more points, while for a black man he, based on his culture or upbringing, is preoccupied by sports rather than by intellectual pursuits, which create an illusion of an under achiever in intellectual pursuits, MEANING FOR SOMEONE (another male or a man) THAT HAS LESS COM THAN THAT OF A BLACK MALE OR A MAN, HE IS FORCED TO PURSUE INTELLECTUAL PURSUITS SINCE HE IS LESS ATHLETIC SINCE HE HAS NO OTHER CHOICE, assuming he has the extra points, referring to the non-black man, and if he doesn’t have the extra points above his COM then he’ll be forced into the loser category, but assuming he has the extra points, sort of like Jacky Chan has the same total life force points that of a black man but because his COM is (half) or/and less than that of a black man he is more agile, why oriental men are (more) agile, REVERSE OF THIS IS IN THE MOVIE MATRIX, which has more to do with his level of confidence [and, yes, I know that human females are biologically more agile than human males: this absolutism in terminology or reference reminds me of a scene in HAMLET, THE GRAVE DIGGER SCENE, WHERE THE GRAVE DIGGER TELLS HAMLET THAT HE IS NOT DIGGING A GRAVE FOR NEITHER A MAN NOR A WOMAN, BUT FOR A DECEICED WOMAN (too many suspects including herself for her death): SIMILAR TO THE SOLDIER KNAVE ON THE PLANET OF THE 3 LORDS OR VAMPIRES IN E-SPACE IN ONE OF THE DR WHO SERIES WHO RECOGNIZES “ADRICK” AS A “LORD”, NOT referring to the term “Timelord”, but just simply as a “lord”, who ‘Adrick’ is or has only half the # of points that of Ramona, who has (2/3) the # of points that of the Doctor, so the Doctor, for whom I’m NOT counting the TARDIS @ [60 (Doctor) + 20 (TARDIS, which is part of the Doctor’s life force)] = 80 C1 DP of which 20 C1 DP extra points as part of his life force which for sake of argument I’m NOT counting as part of the Doctor’s life force, which leaves him @ 60 C1 DP @ IQ of 600, Ramona @ 40 C1 DP @ IQ of 400, & Adrick @ 20 C1 DP @ IQ of 200 @ C1 & NOT @ C2, which @ C2, which some ignorant people like to use to calculate IQ @ unit C2, since because if you were to use C2 for Einstein then Einstein @ 37.65 C2 DP = 18 C1 DP would get an IQ of 376.5 by [10*C2], which, the unit C2, is erroneously used to calculate IQ for the genius professor IF the creature is not created by him/his subconscious but if you have the creature be created by him/his subconscious then his IQ is based correctly on his C1 in the movie “Forbidden Planet”, but keep his C1 @ PL since he loses the woman (not sure if it’s his daughter or not) in the end of the movie ELSE he’d be @ DP if the genius professor didn’t lose the woman (not sure if it’s his daughter or not), rather than IQ @ 180 by [10*C1], latter @ C1 is correct & former @ C2 is incorrect, which should be replaced by the unit C1, as I should know, since I made the same mistake of using C2 rather than C1 in 1995 in mistakenly & erroneously using the unit C2 several years ago in 1995, and used the unit C3 in 1990, when I gave Einstein an IQ of [10*C3], which if you apply C3 then IQ for Einstein = 3,040 IQ, where C3 for Einstein = 304 C3 or total points of 304, in my opinion, in GURPS, HERO, Dragonball-Z, D&D, & Yu-Gi-Oh} rather than C1 to calculate IQ = [10*C1], of which, C1, used since year AD 2000, is coincidently proportional (~) to equation for world domination & imperialism @ [C1 ~ [10*ARV]], where [ARV ~ [C1/10]], using the coincidence of similarity in proportion to the ARV, the Anti-Rape Variable, but getting back to ‘Adrick”, his recognition as a ‘lord’, where, again, I’m NOT referring to the term as a Timelord, but just simply as a “lord”, a term given to the 3 Vampires on an earth like planet in E-space, WHICH MAY OR MAY NOT BE LINKED TO THE GRAVEDIGGER SCENE IN HAMLET], which is higher for those with higher COM due (maybe or/and partly) to self confidence which in return give him higher agility which when magnified like for the character NEO in the movie Matrix, but it would not make much sense to say ‘the man in the dark glasses’ since by Part II almost every male taking part in combat is wearing dark glasses, [have not yet seen Part 3, but for Part 1 & 2], but getting back to the example of NEO in the movie Matrix, ,SINCE @ LARGE TOTAL POINTS, COM WHEN TOTAL POINTS IS LARGE THEN COM HAS LITTLE EFFECT ON AGILITY, SINCE C3 TOTAL @ [2X(COM @ C3)] IS NOT IMPRESSIVE, BUT @ LARGE TOTAL POINTS THEN AGILITY IS IMPRESSIVE, SORT OF LIKE FOR THE CHARACTERS IN THE TV SERIES DRAGONBALL-Z, reference to his COM = [(his C3) / (pi+1)] > visiting a college campus like that of the MU Peter Parker while he was in high school < but, what’s weird about the movie Spiderman is that none of the main [young] characters, excluding Spiderman look like they’re in high school, unless in some college they have lockers for students: that didn’t make sense to me, unless it was just weeks before graduation > before he became Spiderman; but, getting back to the DC character Firestorm, 58 C3 = his C3 for his COM as Firestorm @ [58/(pi+1)] COM = 14 COM for the DC character Firestorm, who in human form(s), one of whom is a professor, whose COM is less due to his age while the other is a teenage & why his COM is less, and individually, COM for each of the two is @ [58/2] = 29 C3 = [29/(pi+1)] = 7 COM. RULE # 356: Both concepts of E=mc^2, relativity, general concept of time travel, & general equations for time travel is explained in a 2 line fragment of a quote, the last 2 lines of a quote, from/in the play [(Act 2: Scene 2), Hamlet says to Lord Polonius] - yourself, sir, should be old as I am, if like a crab you could go backward – which is really “theory of relativity” which IF its (the latter) origin to Shakespeare’s HAMLET IF TRUE THEN this implies that Einstein plagiarized off of Shakespeare for general concept of relativity & Newton for more specific equation(s) for his theory of relativity: *maybe* Newton’s soul was divided into 2 before there was Newton into {Shakespeare & Galileo} before there was Newton which this division of 1 soul into 2 souls is THEORY why it {Dr Who series} had idea of multiple Doctors in Dr Who, the British sci-fi tv series. But, my interpretation & equation of time travel is further simplified by changing the unit from C1 to C2, and so on, in either direction, but by decreasing the unit by 1 level, such as from C1 to C2, @ PL or DP depending on size & mass of object, such as the TARDIS of that of Dr Who be @ PL for this particular rule because TARDIS is larger & more massive inside than outside, you can increase the # year of time travel in either direction, + or -, by an amount of that of 1 level less than previous level, but the amount of mass & size of object decreases by a factor of 1,000x. This is brilliant that this rule is used in many sci-fi literature & movies & tv shows. So, for example, a person that can travel [X] # of years, + or -, in time if he is/was @ 100 C1, then by changing the unit from C2 to C3, he’d be able to send a message through time @ the same proportioned speed as that in Star Trek. You can adjust the mass & volume of object, for increase in speed or/and time jump greater than master mothership which is slower. So, in theory, someone, in the far future, could send a magic bullet back in time to assassinate JFK, based on above theory for bullet. RULE # 355: This rule explains the pricing for ballpoint pens, and if you’ve made a bargain purchase or not or simply satisfactory. STEP # 1: you start with the original BIC ballpoint pen @ scale value @ either # 1 or # 10, and the term “original” refers to before gel pens & NOT “THE” original. STEP # 2: if you have come across a more expensive ballpoint pen during the appearance of gel pens, the ballpoint pen is likely to be scale # 5, assuming it’s not fancy, but by “fancy” I don’t mean ridiculously expensive with quality not matching with price, since only the encasing is fancy for the excessively fancy, but the fancy that I refer to I’ll get to in a moment, but 1st, getting back to what I was saying about scale # 5 & its price based on a pen @ scale # 10, where you take the difference between scale # 10 & scale # 5, giving a difference of [10-5] = 5 or 5x, which is by how much the pen @ scale # 5 is more expensive then the cheap BIC @ scale # 10 by 5x price per pen. So, if a cheap BIC ballpoint pen cost $0.2 or 20 cents per pen, then the pen @ scale # 5 is @ cost of $1 or 5x more expensive per pen than the pen @ scale # 10 that being the cheap BIC ballpoint pen. Now, for the more expensive Papermate @ scale # 5 in proportion to its kin or relative, PhD, @ scale # 4 would be @ $1.25 if it were in a cheap casing by [5/4] = $ 1.25, but since it’s more expensive than that, the casing is more fancy, the cost of which is the difference between the actual cost & $1.25. So, if you pay $6 for a PhD pen by [10 – scale #] = $ 6, then, the casing is about [6 – 1.25] = $4.75 for the fancy casing. Now, for a Quasar pen @ scale # 3 should cost $1.67 if it were in a cheap casing by [5/3] = $ 1.67, but since the pen is more expensive than that, the casing is fancy, which if it cost $7 by [10 – scale #] = $ 7, by an additional [7 - 1.67] = $ 5.33 extra for fancy casing. RULE # 354: Start with the template of Christ @ ARV @ [2*X = 4.2]; while, Allah @ ARV of [X = 2.1]: both, also, strangely coincidentally, proportional C1 PL or DP = [10*ARV], in reference to Christians vs Muslims, but the relationship is purely coincidental, since ARV has more to do with excess feminism or lack of feminism. Since founder of Christianity, mother of Christ, was a feminist, and why she came up with the false & insane idea of conception without sex to hide her adultery or/and premarital sex or maybe she was raped, and she raised her son into a feminist. Then, the Anti-Rape Variable @ 3.0 in USA in year 1900 AD = 0% divorce rate, IN THEORY, based on RULE # 337, parts of which I accidentally deleted, the part being the # of wives a man can have as the ARV decreases below 3.0, where ARV of 2.0 is the ARV for citizens of USA in year 1800 AD, which means that the natives were being massacred by the Americans, with ARV of 1.0 in year 1700 AD in USA which means that the natives were being massacred by the Americans, but more so in 1700 than in 1800, where more so in 1800 than in 1900, where more so than in 2000 AD. And, note that the polygamous Mormon religion had exceeded the # of wives allowed under Muslim law of Islam @ ARV of 2.5, though most Muslims practice Islam @ ARV of e = 2.72, that of marriage law of Canada of 1972, but Allah @ ARV of 2.1 with 15 wives, while the excessively criminally polygamous Joseph Smith [1805 – 1844] character, assassinated @ age 38 or 39, weeks before his ARV should have been 2.44 which he exceeded by placing himself @ 1.72 & why he was assassinated by a mob in 1844, weeks before, he was head of Mormon branch seem to think he was above Allah, assuming Joseph Smith @ ARV of 1.72 with 33 wives, but ARV of 1.72 is for year 1772 but he was NOT living in 1772 nor died in 1772, but by pushing his luck from 2.44 to 1.72, he exceeded his quota by [{33, total} – {(33^(1/2)), maximum that he should have had or been allowed to have}] = he exceeded his quota by 27.26 wives, meaning he had 27.26 too many extra wives beyond the maximum that he should have had or been allowed to have, meaning he should have had only (33^(1/2)) = 5.74 wives @ ARV of 2.44 by/in 1844, the correct & maximum # amount in 1844 for a polygamous Mormon adult male, maybe Joseph Smith thought that the maximum 5.74 # of wives be allowed to his followers, while their leader should be allowed [5.74^2], but that would depend on whether or not he was [a false prophet: maximum @ 5.74] or [a prophet: maximum @ 33], and whether or not a leader should have special privileges beyond his followers or not, either way, *damm*, it’s/that’s still a lot of wives for 1 man, and because he, the leader of the Mormon branch, exceeded, by “exceeded” means having “less” ARV than ARV of 2.1 of Allah, and why USA government banned polygamy of Mormons, since Joseph Smith called sex with any woman marriage which is true & not true, especially when some of the women that he had sex with were already married, & stolen from other men, so he wasn't really married to many of them other than committing adultery, in that he should be having sex with any woman other than only his wife for wives, where # of wives a man can have increases by factor of 2 every decrease in ARV of 0.25 from/below 3, where ARV of 2.75 = a man being allowed to have [2 wives] or [1 wife + 1 girlfriend] or [1 wife + 1 concubine] or [1 wife + 1 mistress]. So, the equality that the feminist want [it’s not true equality but having men be subservient to women, since women achieved equality in year 1900 AD @ ARV of 3.0] (women) would need to set the ARV to pi or 3.14, meaning push the ARV back from 4.0 that of year 200 AD back to 3.14 of year 1914; NOTE that ARV in USA in 1972 was @ 3.72, while ARV in Canada was @ e = 2.72 in 1972; though, men would like the ARV to be set @ [3 – (pi - 3)] = ARV @ 2.86, which would make divorce illegal & marriage rape legal, since marriage rape = marriage, for without marriage rape, marriage doesn’t exist, except in the figment of one’s imagination, since marriage without marriage rape, makes marriage = prostitution, which is not marriage. So, what feminists have been pushing for or their version of marriage is that to have marriage be like prostitution, and the gullible men & politicians don’t see their hidden agenda. And, ARV @ 3.0, men would be allowed (to threaten) adultery, if the wife does not act like a wife, meaning if she commits marriage fraud, then he’d be allowed to break his marriage vows; but, ARV @ 3.0, she would not be allowed to remarry if she decides to get a divorce, as she would be banned from the marriage institution forever, but he would be allowed to remarry @ or under ARV of 3, ideal for both, meaning the man given enough incentive to stay within marriage, while the woman is forced not to break her marriage: punishment being banned from 2nd marriage, prevented from being in 2nd marriage to a different man: but, behavior like in the video “Girls Gone Wild” be +/- 0.5 orbit around 3.0 ARV = ARV of either 2.5 or 3.5. RULE # 353: For a universe composed of matter, [IN THEORY, BUT NOT PROVEN], its god [IN THEORY, BUT NOT PROVEN] might be composed of {NEGATIVE ENERGY}; while, for a universe composed of anti-matter, its god [IN THEORY, BUT NOT PROVEN] might be composed of {POSITIVE ENERGY}, like {+, --} magnetic-like & polar-like bond(s), for each (set of) universe(s); but, like an organism is composed of organs, one can assume that the universe is composed of lesser gods below 1 true god for each universe, like the Greek & Hindu version of gods for the universe; and, for a multi-universe or/and parallel universe or/and dimension, there be multiple gods, where laws of physics would be similar to Pokemon or Digimon creatures {tachyon projection(s)} that obey its creator(s), gods & goddesses. RULE # 352: This is just prelude to rule # 352, and is NOT rule # 352. And, so, before getting into this particular rule, the reader needs to keep in mind what “Negative Energy” is, which is mainly used for background events, such that is controlled by GM, such as the latest earthquake that killed 20 to 30 thousand people in Iran would be an example of “Negative Energy” in HYBRID RPG, sort of like the proverb ”use it or lose it”, where “Negative Energy” works in manner similar to proverbs or “Murphy’s Laws”; Now, to get into or getting back to the RULE # 352: Doppler Effect [for this particular rule, but comes in various other forms as well, I assume, beside(s) the popular sound waves]= # of light years of travel = [[(C1/10)-1]^[(C1/10)-1]]^(1/(d=2=dimension)), where locally, 1 level less than universal level which is @ 1,000%, but @ 100%: d = [(C1 DP)/(Y=%= Resonance = 100)] : use combination of these 2 equations to figure out how the Q uses his/its power, but use Y = % = 50 for the Doctor in {Omega vs. (the 3 Doctors)}; so, then, Jameway of Voyager is @ either [Q/3] or [Q/2] = either @ [170/3] = 56.67 C1 DP or @ [170/2] = 85 C1 DP : from that, since movie Akira was released in 1990, the character Akira gets a 90 C2 DP in the movie Akira; then, work backward to: X = [C1/10], # of people that a mutant can control & read his mind, is: [X^[[difference in his to their C2]^(1/(Z=[X/2]=dimension))]]: use this equation for the MU Jean Grey & Xavier. Jumping or moving fast forward a bit in this train of thought, you can use [part ii of the Soul Equation] to figure out not only the human mating equation, but also, MU Spider-Sense is proportional to the 1st mutant equation, which is changing his C3 to C2 to change a human male to a mutant, and the other mutant equation, which, 2nd, is [RULE # 350 & part ii of RULE # 34], but also, vampires of E-Space of the storyline or/& British tv series Doctor Who, but also workings of power of Xavier in the movie X-Men ii, but also, how TP (telepathy) works for the MU Jean Grey & Xavier, where the # of people that he can control & read their minds & distance in # of meters = [2.72^[(difference in her or his C2 DP to the level o f C2 DP that she or he would need to control 1 or more individuals, latter based on the cloning equation, but then after that’s done, change his or her C3 to C2, which, C2, gives minimum requirement to control 1 or more persons, then, after that’s done, take square root of this difference)^(1/(Z=2))]]. And, now, rewinding a bit, in this train of thought, 1st, by which I don’t mean order of power but rather of beginning of this train of thought, China is @ 64 C2 PL or DP; 2nd, meaning next in this train of thought, Russia is @ 81 C2 PL or DP, same as USSR, both should be @ 100 C2 PL or DP, but their lack of patriotism or lack of faith in their Communist system, destroyed from the inside by Gorbeshev & Yeltson for a bottle of American whisky, which IN THEORY was/seems to have been a WMD, reduced their, Russia’s/USSR’s, potential to 81 C2 DP: this is NOT RULE # 352, BUT RATHER PRELUDE TO RULE # 352, which starts in next sentence. This rule explains how & (in next sentence) why Sadam Hussein lost to both Bush I in Gulf War I & to Bush II in Gulf War II. And, also, this rule is [part ii of the Soul Equation of RULE # 34 which (part ii of which) is partly explained in RULE # 350]: here, greater the inefficiency, greater the power of the mutant that uses the [part ii of the Soul Equation], but this brand of inefficiency is another form of efficiency, so it’s not really inefficiency, but rather lack of need to hav(e/ing) to cooperate with a larger group of people to get a job done which for a mutant it would be a power stunt. So, to construct a nuclear bomb, use base “10”; to construct a primitive missile system attached to the nuclear bomb, use base “11”; and, to construct an advanced missile system attached to the nuclear bomb, use base “12. Note that, in terms of nuclear technology, North Korea is @ 33 C2 DP, Iran @ 27 C2 DP, Libya @ 25 C2 DP, and Sadam Hussein was @ [{25 +/- 10} C2 DP] but his lack of planning or/and trusting his soldiers & scientists & engineers who were looting his treasury reduced him to 16 C2 DP, else he would have been @ 36 C2 DP [in past tense, since he is now a POW of USA]. So, IF Sadam Hussein had used base “12”, he would not have lost IF he was using base “12” rather than base “3.46”, and the only reason that he lost both Gulf War I & II was that he was using the wrong equation [he was or it “seems” he was using the mutant equation when he should have been using the human aspect of the Soul Equation: by that I mean, he was using the wrong base to construct nuclear technology: he didn’t see that the base “3.46” would work only to gain political power, such as for him to become President of Iraq, for which he would need to use base “3.46”, but for him to have his country construct nuclear technology, he would need to have his country use base [3.46^2] = base “12”, but he applied the same base “3.46” to have his country construct nuclear technology which was a mistake; and, if the current USA occupation of Iraq, where IF the USA (IF it) wants to create a true democracy in Iraq, depending on what type of democracy, since % democracy = [100*[1-(1/X)]], where X = “base”, which if X = 12, then democracy in Iraq = 92%, but not sure if USA wants a 92% democratic Iraq, but whatever form or5 democratic government of Iraq that USA wants to create, the value of X better be greater than 3.46 = X, for which USA (maybe) better/should use base “12” rather than base “3.46”, unless USA wants a puppet government, then it better use base “3.46” rather than base “12”] to construct his nuclear technology, as he mistakenly used base “3.46”, when he should have been using base “12” rather than “3.46. For the most recent episode of Xena in reference to the two (2) Magic Katana swords is based on [part ii of RULE # 350], which computes # of souls for a mutant: the reason that a mutant gets less souls than a human is that TL is less expensive than mutant power(s); in another words, one doesn’t actually get more souls than the other, it’s only a way @ looking @ STR of a soul in terms of # of weaker soul, and humans cooperate more than mutants, since humans are more fear stricken than mutants, sort of like in the Japanese Manga “Darkstalker’s Revenge”: the power level is amazingly similar for this particular episode , part i & ii, and the strange thing is that [part ii of RULE # 350], a guess that I made, turns out to be accurate before even seeing this particular episode of Xena in reference to the two (2) Magic Katana swords, which are, also, as powerful as that of about that of He-Man of the “Masters of the Universe” tv series, but getting back to how [part ii of RULE # 350] applies to the two (2) Magic Katana swords of/in the episode of Xena: use # of souls = [2.72^[(difference in his C2 DP to the average weaker soul that he is comparing himself to)^((1/2)]]: this equation APPLIES ONLY TO MUTANTS based on equation from RULE # 34, which originally applied only to humans that use TL, or to a mutant disguised as a male human, then, based 10 rather than 2.72 is used. And, also, note that Gabriel as assistant to Xena, Gabriel is 16 to 25 C2 DP, while Xena is 25 to 36 C2 DP, but in this particular episode she, Xena, seems to be between 36 & 49 C2 DP; while, Ares is @ 36 C1 DP, but Gabriel as lover of Ares, Gabriel gets a power boost to 16 to 25 C1 DP, which @ 16 to 25 C1 DP is ~ to the character “Adrick” in the British science-fiction tv series Dr Who, which @ 16 to 25 C1 DP is passed onto to her daughter, whom Xena tries to kill, that Xena being the control freak & bi-sexual that she is portrayed as, where C1 is more dense unit than C2, sort of like comparing wood to steel of equal solid volume. And, there is a mention of 40,000 souls which is subjective in the episode of the two (2) Magic Katana swords. But, each of the two (2) magic Katana swords, each, is @ [(1/2)*(C2 DP of jinn)], where jinn, this jinn, as powerful as Majin-Bu of Dragonball-Z, this jinn, seems to be @ 49 to 121 C2 DP: proportional to the MU F.F. @ {9 +/- 2} AMBS in BESM. The jinn is as powerful as the MU Mysterio or that of an average F.F. member, @ about 3 quarters or 75 C2 DP that of “Glove” of the tv series “Bionic 6”: < [(Professor Amadeus Sharpe) ~ (Glove)], [(Doctor Wilmer Scarab) ~ (Helen Bennet)], [(Meg Bennet) ~ (Madame)], [(Chopper) ~ (F.L.U.F.F.I.)], [(Mechanic) ~ (J.D. Bennet)], and [(Bunji Bennet; Jack Bennet; and, Eric Bennet) ~ (Klunk)] >; NOTE THAT @ 37.65 C2 DP seems to be average for all of them @ 18 C1 DP which is power level that of the MU Dare Devil @ {18 +/- 1} C2 Default Psyche, where 17 C1 DP is PL that of the MU Sabertooth. RULE # 351: The ‘90s DC-Marvel Amalgam storyline, has 1 basic pattern, which is all you need to understand the storyline: that pattern being a [10]x multiple increment in DP of 3 types of characters: mutants, super mutants, and gods, where if you put mutant @ 20 C1 DP, then the super mutant, DC version of the MU Gateway, be @ 200 C1 DP, after being transformed by the MU Cosmic Cube from human to super mutant, sort of like in the MU Elders vs Galactus in ‘80s MU TSR rpg Ragnorrok, the transformation was missed by countless readers even though it was right in the comics [NOT directly stated but picture of the MU Cosmic Cube was shown
: how did countless readers miss that one]: the MU Cosmic Cube; while, the 2 super gods would be @ 2,000 C1 DP. Note that Lobo is reduced in PL & DP, here, from 40 to 20 C1 DP, latter, 20 C1 DP = PL & DP that of the MU Wolverine & Spiderboy. But, some of the other mutants or meta-humans, also, seem to be @ reduced levels, such as Superman @ +5, Nobilis, by [CA-10], = power level that of 1964 Godzilla @ 15 CA DP = 24.17 C1 DP = 81.89 C2 DP = PL & DP that of Clark Kent of the tv series “Smallville” = PL & DP of MU Shadowcat. RULE # 350: % = [100*[1 – (1/X)]]; so, IF, both, Jesus & his mother committed 80% fraud @ X = 5, then Nightcrawler has 5x more points @ C2 than Jesus; and, if Nightcrawler is @ 152 C2 DP, then Jesus is @ [152 / 5] = 30.4 C2 Default Psyche, @ about same PL that of Allah = PL that of ex-VP Gore, based on # of wives that Allah had 15 wives, assuming EACH of Allah’s wives was @ average of 2.41 COM. LOOK @ RULE # 34, which states that when you combine souls into 1 soul, the power of each soul that is now part of THIS NEW 1 soul has STR of exponential # of souls; relativity works in similar way, when mass is compressed by gravity, which grows in strength based on radius of the body, within which the mass is compressed: race, determined by skin tone color, also, works in similar way that of relativity. Finally, Fuzzy Logic is/has a base = 2.72; while, Binary Logic is/has a base = 10, but both with an exponent = (1/2): conservation of mass & energy in RULE # 34 means that the base 10 for Binary Logic changes to base 2.72 for Fuzzy Logic, when computing the STR of NEW compressed soul of # of souls: USE FUZZY LOGIC @ BASE 2.72 FOR STR OF SOUL OF MUTANT SUCH AS BLADE; but, if his use of power for Blade is less intense, then use Binary Logic @ base = 10, such as for TL, to figure out how many he can kill by TL, which is cheaper than mutant power(s). RULE # 349: New COM equation for guys, where his COM = [(his C2 DP)/10)^(X = 3.21)]; his COM = [(his C3 DP)/10)^(X / 2 )]; his COM = [(his C1 DP)/10)^(X*2)]; and, his COM = [(his CA DP)/10)^(X*4)]. RULE # 348: % = [2*[((C1 DP)/10)^2]]; so, then, @ 70 C1 DP, % = [2*[(70/10)^2]] = [2*(7^2)] = [2*49] = 98% success to travel into or/and escape from either E-Space or a black hole. Then, chance or/and probability, % = [100*[1-(1/X)]], to travel into or/and escape from either E-Space or a black hole, the engineer or/and mutant needs to be @ [5*X*(E=2.7)]; then, @ 67%, C1 DP = [5*(X=3)*(E=2.7)] = 40 C1 DP, to travel into or/and escape from either E-Space or a black hole; and, to detect & perhaps see into E-Space, in the storyline of the British science fiction tv series Dr Who, the engineer or mutant would need to be @ [5*(X=2)*(E=2.7)] @ C1 DP = 27 C1 DP = 111.89 C2 DP = default psyche that of Godzilla, if it were a human size humanoid, it could; so, Ramona, a Timelord, is @ either (1/3) or (1/2) that of the Doctor, who is (sometimes) @ 100 C1 DP, though the Doctor isn’t always @ 100 C1 DP, such as when he was fighting Omega, who is @ 22.22 CA DP = +12.22 in Nobilis or MU SAGA by [(CA DP) – 10] = 65 C1 DP by 22.22^LOG10(22.22 CA DP) = 65 C1 DP = power of singularity of a black hole, but note that 22.22 C1 DP = power to create a door out of a wall by molecular control such as what the 2 Doctors @ [11.11 + 11.11] C1 DP = 22.22 C1 DP do/use to escape from his prison cell created by Omega, while the Doctor was @ [(44 for the 1st Doctor)+(33 for the 2nd Doctor)+(22 for the 3rd Doctor)] = 99 C1 DP @ the beginning & @ the end of the storyline; but, sometimes, the Doctor is @ {123 +/- 61.5} C1 DP such as when he traveled to the edge of the universe, bordering on the anti-matter universe by using the equation distance in kilometers or miles traveled = [10^((C1 PL)/10)], where if you were to replace the unit “C1” by “C2”, effects would be lethal IF travel time is instantaneous, for example, an engineer @ 20 C1 DP reducing his LS to that of his COM @ 11.9 @ 20 C2 would allow him to have PL of 78.56 C2 PL, allowing him to travel a maximum distance of 10^(78.56/10) = 10^7.856 miles or kilometers within a normal time, which is what is represented by the movie “Species”, as a subliminal message, where the unit “PL” is different from the unit “DP”, which @ same # as “PL”, the unit “DP” is greater in magnitude than “PL”, where the Doctor @ 75 C1 DP reducing his Life Span to [75/3] = 25 C1, gives him a PL or Power Level of [75*3] = 225 C1 PL, allowing him to travel instantly a maximum total distance of [10^(225/10)] = maximum total distance of 10^22.5 kilometers for a particular episode; note that the Black Guardian is supposed to be @ 30 CA DP = +20 in Nobilis or MU SAGA, while, the White Guardian is supposed to be as powerful as the MU Galactus @ 40 CA DP = +30 in Nobilis or MU SAGA; so, Ramona, would be @ either 33 or 50 C1 DP, which, 50 C1 DP is default psyche that of the Master, who may be @ (2/3) or 66 C1 DP. The young Adrick is @ 16 to 25 C1 DP: 16 C1 DP for being a mathematician; while, @ 25 C1 DP, for being able to travel with the Doctor. And, to understand E-Space, person needs minimum of [5*E] C1 DP = K-9. RULE # 347: # of total years +/- = [10^ (((C1 DP)/10) – 3)] , then start with the assumptions that the DC character Vandal Savage is @ level that of the MU Dr Doom (NEW estimate: 89.57 C1 DP) rather than @ level that of the DC Darkseid (previous estimate: 59.57 C1 DP): what this reflects is that the density in the timelines is @ % = [10^((NEW estimate) / (OLD estimate))] = 10^1.5 = 31.88% density in the timelines, based on RULE # 339, which requires that if the OLD estimate was @ 59.57 C1 DP, then the NEW estimate must be @ [((59.57^(1/2)) + 1)^2] = approximately 76.01 C1 DP, as their NEW estimate @ PL or Power Level that of the MU Molecule Man, but note that the MU Purple Man is still @ 76.01 C2 DP, @ 1 level less than Molecule Man, meaning that Purple Man is @ C2 while Molecule Man is @ C1, assuming that the MU Molecule Man is @ 76.01 C1 DP, but note that the MU Shadow Cat is @ 76.01 C2 DP, @ the same PL that of the MU Purple Man, but since Shadow Cat @ 76.01 C2 DP was OLD estimate, then her NEW estimate must be @ 94.44 C2 DP by [[76.01^(1/2)+1]^2] = 94.44 C2 DP or Default Psyche @ 10% density in the timelines; or, she @ % in density in the timelines, % = 10^1.24 = 17.485 % density in the timelines but then it would seem like she is still @ 76 C2 DP @ 17.485 % density in the timelines, where [1.24 x 76.01] = 94.44 C2 DP for her NEW estimate; so, the NEW estimate of 89.57 C1 DP is in excess of [89.57 – 76.01] for the former & latter part of this RULE # 347 that being for both the DC character Vandal Savage AND the character in the storyline Time Machine @ my previous NEW estimate of 90 C1 DP is in excess of [89.57 – 76.01] = 13.56 C1 DP, meaning both the DC character Vandal Savage & the time traveling character in the story line Time Machine should be @ 76.49 C1 DP: but, this does NOT imply that everything is off by some %, but rather most of the equations, based on % density of the timelines, IF AND ONLY IF THE DENISTY OF THE TIMELINES EXCEEDS 10%, where [X] multiple factor increase in the OLD estimate is based on X = LOG10(% density in the timelines), where @ 10%, all the previous estimate & their equations are still same as ever, assuming that the density in the timelines for those equations in a storyline is @ 10%, where [[LOG10(10%)]x] = 1x increase in the OLD or/and previous estimates. Then, these NEW set of time travel equations consists of 6 parts & do not contradict my earlier equations for time travel, for the most part, but these new equations assume that lower the value, referring to some constant magnitude, of the attractive force, higher the velocity of the energy & vice versa that being stronger the attractive force, less the velocity than light, such as for the strong force would be @ velocity @ much less than light & @ velocity @ sound but probably less than even speed of sound for the strong force, assuming all the forces are equal in total magnitude in terms of sum of all their internal & external aspects & characteristics, assuming one can use conservation of mass & energy to figure out velocity of gravity vs. light, which since light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is stronger than gravity, then gravity must be faster than light & I’m assuming that you can use vectors on gravity waves to figure out equation for time travel, assuming both gravity & light are equal in magnitude, since gravity is weaker than electricity, but light is different from electricity, but I’m assuming that both light & electrons have equal velocity: the same rule applies for the other forces, assuming all the forces are equal in total magnitude in terms of sum of all their internal & external aspects & characteristics. And, second, the ratio of C2 to velocity of TL is proportional to the ratio of C1 to velocity of TL in higher dimension(s), when C2 is replaced by C1: but, use PL for dimensional travel @ Power Level; while, using DP for time travel, @ the same rate & increment of every 10 points. Third, the # of Doctors in the tv series Dr Who = [((C1 DP) / {%})^2] = # of Doctors; so, for a total points of 100 C1 DP & if 1 Doctor was @ “AVERAGE” of 57.74 C1 DP @ 57.74 %, then @ 100 C1 DP = [(100 / 57.74)^2] = [1.73^2] = 3 Doctors, such as in [Omega vs the (3) Doctors], where you place Omega @ 57.74% or @ 57.74 C1 DP = power level that of the sun, but the 3 Doctors were @ [(44 for the 1st Doctor) + (33 for the 2nd Doctor) + (22 for the 3rd Doctor)] = 99 C1 DP; while, for the Master, # of lives he has = [(his C1 DP)/X], where X = LOG10(# of years he can travel into the past or into the future); so, if he has 12 lives, and assuming he can travel a maximum of 100,000 years into the past or into the future per unit of time [week = 1 or 2; month = 3 or 4; or year = 5 or 6] : for which you can roll to decide, then, his C1 DP for the Master is @ [(# of lives)*X] = [12*5] = 60 C1 DP; and, to check the accuracy of this, using the earlier time travel equation, # of years +/- = [[(his C1 DP)/(his COM)] – Y], where Y = modifier = 3: 1 for his Tardis, 1 for his shrinking device, & 1 for his android, which the Doctor later captured. So, the COM value for the Master is @ [60/(5+3)] = 7.5 COM for the Master @ [7.5*(pi+1)] C3 DOM = 31 C3 COM for the Master. But, if the Doctor suffers from Persecution Complex, then his C1 DP suffers a 50% error in accuracy or/and probability, so then for 1 Doctor if he is @ 100 C1 DP his new C1 DP range is @ 50 to 150. Forth, % accuracy = 10^[# of (+ (decrease in)) levels from his default]; so, if the time traveling characters are @ 50 C1 DP, they have 10% accuracy in time travel, by reducing their default by 1 level from 50 C1 DP to 50 C2 DP which is why they are constantly lost because they have 10% accuracy in getting back to their correct time line; but, by reducing their default by 2 levels from 50 C1 DP to 50 C3 DP, they, then, would have 100% accuracy in getting back to their correct time line, but @ 50 C3 DP, they would lose their time travel power. If they keep their Default Psyche @ 50 C1, with +0 level decrease in their C0, then they have 1% accuracy in their time travel which give them dimensional travel rather than time travel @ 1% accuracy is dimensional travel rather than time travel. Fifth, since before World War II to the present, German engineers name or give their airplanes a # @ C3 PL, proportional to the rating system in D&D, which is Dungeons & Dragons; so, a plane @ 380 C3 PL technology & velocity & size will be given the # 380, which would be @ 40.38 C2 PL = (40.38)^LOG10(40.38 C2) = 380 C3 PL or Power Level which is the largest commercial airline @ # 380, using 1980 technology; while, # 252 or the (German) Messerschmitt 252 @ 252 C3 PL = 35.456789 C2 PL, using 1935 technology. And, sixth, the final aspect of the time travel equation is [ actually, there is a 7th, but the 7th equation is incomplete, as I do not know why protons are larger than electrons, so I’ll post the 7th equation @ a later time when I figure out why protons are larger than electrons, but until then, the 6th equation is, but 1st, light = 10^5.27 mps ]: velocity in miles per hour = 10^((C2 PL)/10); while, velocity in miles per second = 10^[((C1 PL)/10)^LOG10(C1 PL)], where @ 30.5 C1 PL = 159.642 C2 PL = Space Godzilla by RULE # 339 which dictate that we @ C2 : [1.3]*[122.8] = 159.642 C2 PL which would place Space Godzilla @ 159.642 C2 DP ~ [(C2 + {its C1 @ C2}), DP]. But, strangely, # for both, C2 PL @ TL for sound velocity & C1 PL @ TL for light velocity, are both equal @ 30 which gives an increase of 10^3.556 for each increase in level, such as from C2 to C1: this, also, applies, when C1 is increased from C1 to CA, by 1 level, the new increase is transferred to dimensional travel, which create an illusion that velocity is less than light. But, 50% of Picard’s C1 PL is used to contact either the Traveler or Q, and of the remaining 50%, 50% of that is used to simulate TL by TK & TP; and, so, the remaining 25% of 170 C1 PL is used for TL @ 42.5 C1 PL = 448.384 C2 PL which when used for FTL works similar to warp drive of the Yamato of Star Blazers, as a possible alternate scenario as a possible type of warp drive engine. But, part of the Doctor’s life force is part of the TARDIS, so then if the average Doctor is @ 90 C1 DP, if his time lord assistant is @ 45 C1 DP if @ 50% else @ 60 C1 DP if @ (2/3); while, the advanced humans in some future time line are @ 30 C1 DP if @ (1/3) else @ 45 C1 DP if @ 50% but not for time travel but for dimensional travel for latter, referring to @ 50%, if the Doctor is assumed to be @ 90% & @ 90 C1 DP. But, if the Doctor were to contact someone in the anti-matter universe, he would temporarily be reduced to 50% of his original stats, from 90 to: 45 C1 DP. So, then for the shrinking or growing equation, PL for 1 of the 2 powers, else DP for both types of powers, shrinking & growing, x = [10^(+/-((C1)/10)-1]; but, if C1 = DP & if used for only 1 of 2 powers, then x = [10^[+/-2*(((C1)/10)-1]. So, then, the MU character, Fear, be @ 2x of my earlier estimate of 44 C1 DP to: 88, which represents an increase in 1 level that of Spiderman, when used to shrink to microverse; so, then, Captain Universe be @ 88 C2 DP, while Fear @ 88 C1 DP. Spiderman is @ 44 C2 DP, at least that is what he is supposed to be @, but his webbing power would increase his C2 DP to 55, assuming it is generated by TK & TP, assuming his cartridges are tachyon cartridge composed of his life force. So, the DC character, Vandal Savage, @ 60 C1 DP, if he was @ PL rather than @ DP, then he could not technically shrink the sun, unless the sun was slightly less than 60 C1 DP, but his shrinking power would work only slightly, meaning if the sun was @ 56.789 C1 DP, and if temporarily changing Vandal Savage’s 60 C1 DP to 60 C1 PL, keeping his LS or Life Span @ default of 60 C1, which = Life Span that of the universe, then the amount that he could shrink a star @ PL & LS that of the sun @ 56.789 C1, would be that of [56.789 - [60 – 56.789]] = [56.789 – 3.211] = to volume of 53.578 C1 DP of planet Jupiter: this & the fact that if our earth was not capable of supporting & generating life, then it would be @ [40 C1 DP rather than @ 50 C1 DP]: [(45 C1 DP) +/- (5 C1 DP)], for earth, this generates a pattern of for every decrement of Y = 5 C1 DP points, the diameter or radius of the astrological body decreases by a factor of Y = 5; but, for every increment of Y = 5 C1 DP points above 60, the diameter or radius of the astrological body’s decreases by a factor of [Y^2] = [(5)^2] or [25], assuming that a star @ 60 C1 DP would have a diameter or radius of 1 million kilometers; but, for an astrological body, the average radius or diameter = [10^((C1 DP)/10)], in kilometers; this is NOT consistent with the mass equation of mass in # of tons = [10^[(((C1 DP)– X)/10)^2]], where X = LOG10(life span of the astrological body in # of year), where X = 5 if it has a life span of 100,000 years, meaning if it crashes into another body more massive than itself such as when the planets for this solar system were being formed, billions of years ago, such that an object @ 35 C1 DP @ X = 5, it would have a mass of [6.92*10^16] tons rather than a mass of 1 billion tons @ diameter or radius of 1,000 kilometers @ 30 C1 PL mass; else, X = 10 if it has a life span of 10 billion years, then, it would have a mass of [1.28*10^14] tons rather than a mass of 10^6.25 tons @ diameter or radius of 316 kilometers @ 25 C1 PL mass, if it is originally @ 35 C1 DP: 1st note that the earlier rule that organic matter [mass of a life form] has 10^3x more hidden mass than inorganic matter [mass of an object that is not part of a life form] only applies if the organic object [mass of a life form] is @ 10 C0 DP; and, 2nd, note that organic matter has a mass that is square root of its inorganic counter part in # of lbs of mass to construct monsters such as Godzilla & Gamara, but rarely is there is a contradiction to this rule, meaning this rules mostly always applies to all inorganic & organic objects [latter if a life form, else the organic object counts as inorganic, if object is not a life form, but as long as the object is a life form, the object counts as organic] : # of lbs = [length of creature in # of ft)^3]; so, the, mass of an object that is NOT alive in # of lbs = or be @ [((((C2 DP)^2)/10)^3)^2], if object is NOT alive, then this is the mass of the object in # of lbs = [((((C2 DP)^2)/10)^3)^2]; but, if the object is alive, then its mass of the creature in # of lbs = [(((C2 DP)^2)/10)^3], but this rule does NOT apply to human females, unless you replace equation by height of human female in # of ft = [<[((her COM in C1 DP)/10))^2] = her COM> / (X = her race X = [(her COM) / (her height in ft.)], where her race X = between 0 & 4; so, a woman @ 24 COM @ height 6 ft, would be @ race X = [24/6] = 4; but, DC Lobo would get a race X = between 5 & 9, but DC Lobo would be @ C2 rather than @ C1, but since he has other mutant powers besides his good looks, he appears to be @ C1 for his COM, but his COM follows the following pattern @ C2, his COM = {[10 C2/4], [20/2], [30/1], [40/.5], [50/.25], etc} & the rest of his points are for his other mutant powers; while, most guys are @ C3 = ((his COM)/10)*(10)*((his COM)^(1/2))), for the average adult human male: then, once you have her height in ft, then, assuming she isn’t scrawny, her mass in # of lbs by = [(her height in # of ft)^3]. So, that a 25 C1 PL mass on organic level = 10^3.25 tons which give the monster a length of 152 feet which puts it @ 39 C2 DP. But, he could travel in time in 1 of 2 ways: use 50% of his C1 DP to travel 1,000 years per hour; or, since, he is @ DP rather than @ PL, by changing his DP to PL, meaning by increasing his PL by decreasing his LS or Life Span to half his default, leaving him with [90/3] = 30 C1 LS & [90*3] = 270 C1 PL, 33% of which would be used for PL or Power Level to shrink a star to that of the artificial sun size range for its diameter between 1 to 3 ft & weight of a bowling ball for the artificial sun that he used to power his time machine; while, the other 66% used for time travel, where # of years, +/- years = 10^((last remaining %)/10) = 10^(66/10) = total of +/- 10^6.6 years which would reduce his 90 C1 DP to 90 C2 DP AFTER months: time acceleration = +/- [(X= unit of time)^LOG10(C1)] years per unit of time X, where X = per [a day if C1 = 100; half a week if C1 DP = 87.5; a week if C1 = 75; a month if C1 = 50; and, year if C1 = 25]; but Vandal Savage should be +30 points greater than my earlier estimate of 60 C1 DP which should be @ 90 C1 DP for Vandal Savage, SINCE, when, Superman arrives in future timeline, the sun is red, and he loses his powers because of the red sun, but I suspect it is due to some other reason for loss of his powers that being due to Negative Energy (that being having Vandal Savage send Superman through time to give him a much needed vacation from the Justice League) rather than the sun being red: the same amount of time to reverse the process to send him back in time. The ratio of time that Superman spends to travel into the future, the amount of time that he stays in the future, and the amount of time that he spends to send himself back in time with help of Vandal Savage, during his return journey, are 1:4:1 ratio, assuming that each minute of the 30 minute episode = 1 month, then the same unit used per minute for the 30 minute episode is used for X = # of half a week, but similar to the movie Time Machine; so, a total of 5 months to travel into the future, 1.67 years in the future, & another 5 months to return back to his timeline, arriving back 5 months after leaving or after being taken into the future; so, a total of 30 months for that 1 episode. So, my previous estimate for the time travel in the movie Time Machine @ 2x C3 his COM @ C1 = 59.51 C1 DP & @ 29.75 C3 COM = 7.18 COM; but, my NEW estimate is @ 3x C3 his COM @ C1 = 89.26 C1 DP. Since, Vandal’s time machine is fixed on DC earth, the time travel effect should be greater than if the object were traveling through space, but the total time travel should be similar to the theoretical amount in the science fictional novel Time Machine, by reducing by 1 level, a time travel effect of 10^3.556, & squaring this = 10^7.11 years if reducing C1 by 2 levels = @ C3, to escape from the Morlocks. RULE # 346: I had said several (7) years ago in 1996 that Stan Lee decades ago based the MU on oriental culture & myths in reference to 20% of the personality & struggle of mutants, who are like the Samaria & ninja warriors in conflicts with modern warfare technology of 18th century, which is represented by the MU mutants & Sentinels, latter (Sentinels) attempt to get rid of the former (mutants), in the same competition for control for political power that the modern Japanese soldiers of 18th century try to take away from the Samaria. And, personality of Xavier [IN THEORY] represents & is a combination of an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh & Thomas Edison; while, Magneto represents & is a combination of an ancient adversary of this ancient Egyptian pharaoh & Nicola Tesla, who was, also, adversary of Thomas Edison: not entirely but some truth to this based on S.L.’s biography. This ancient Egyptian Pharaoh is not but is like the fictional character “Alexander the Great” in the cartoon series of REIN when compared to Xavier & vice versa for his adversary, when compared to Magneto. Also, note that China & India had trade routes with Egypt in ancient times in between 1234 BC & 2468 BC. RULE # 345: The Cylon motherships are shaped like a giant tetrahedron [speaking of tetrahedron, it, the word “tetrahedron” seems like a word only the greater Pythagoras would come up with; maybe I’ve been watching too much of the cartoon series “REIN”, which is supposed to take place in the year {2700 +/- 27} AD, according to rules of my rpg HYBRID, but if you must know which rule, it is the rate of evolution of TL based on evolution of TL for the past 1000 years, meaning @ 1,000 AD, maximum TL was @ C1 DP of 10, while @ 2000 AD, maximum TL was @ 20 C1 DP, which may or may not be accurate for further evolution, since the largest extinct male dinosaur was @ only 33 C2 DP, where for a non-humanoid female specie; but, she, as a humanoid, gets [Xx # of points @ CX unit] or [2x the # of points @ C2] or [3x the # of points @ C3 unit, and so on] as her male counterpart which IF applied to a human, she would be or make her a clone, is used to determine shape shifting power for those in the storyline that attempt to keep Alexander from taking over the world, which is referred to as “he is destine to destroy the world”] or a giant letter “Y” on each side, but there are two such parts to each such mothership, fusion of 2 letter “Y”s in opposite direction fused @ its center giving it a star like shape which is different from the original series where the Cyclon mother ship looked like a giant saucer which is shaped differently in the recent tv series “Battlestar Galactica”, which is a lesson in basic human psychology like the original series, and the only other similarity between the original & the new version is the personality of Apollo & that of Commander Adama, whose son, Apollo, who, when compared to other characters, Apollo contains a different combination of the 3 basic elements to his personality: the 4 basic elements to human personality [pain, pleasure, desire, & fear] is analogous to the 3 basic subatomic particles which strangely contains 4 types of subunits within themselves on a sub-sub-atomic scale analogous to the 4 primary colors; but, the part which is different from the original series in that, in terms of occupation & status, the timeline is of the current tv series is up by 1 generation, meaning many of the men take on female roles, while women take on male roles, and the timeline of the storyline is up by 1 generation, combination of both gives a feeling of deja voo to the audience, sort of like the movie “Groundhog Day”; another difference, Baltar in the original tv series was an evil human genius, while in the current tv series, Baltar is a synthetic human who thinks that he is human, who, Baltar, survives a nuke blast which means that Baltar is a synthetic human or/and an android similar to the blond woman that is his girlfriend, # 6, who plays a bitch & a love-sick girlfriend, who is a bit like the android Data of STNG in that she wants human emotion, but both she & Balter are such liars like a dishonest narrator that not sure if I should take their word for whatever they say to be true as to their feelings, as both seem to back track when caught in a lie, similar to the Cylon who gets suspected of being a Cylon which he denies but later proves to be a Cylon, but it’s possible that Baltar makes up the whole story about someone being Cylon which turns out to be true or it was a lucky guess or maybe it was based on lab test results of hair samples which leads to another similarity between humans & Cylons in that Cylons have infected virus into human technology & the humans have infected the Cyclons with human like emotions, so the human have to back track to a less advanced technology so as not to be infected by a computer virus the reason for the lack of networking or whatever that Commander Adama claims to be the reason for the lack of networking for Commander Adama may be part of conspiracy plot so that he can be leader similar to the conspiracy plot in Babylon-5 to kill the President so that he has excuse to create Martial Law so that he can control the political apparatus by military force, similar to the way the US government works & has been doing business politically since 1765 but not officially since 1777 in that they create an (false) enemy which when the enemy attacks the US government has excuse to control the people who are falsely fear stricken by the British, similar tactic used by the feminist who instill fear into women about men so much that women charge their boyfriend or/and husband with rape, or feminist may be creating more feminists, sort of like [in terms of an analogy] the protein life form known as Mad Cow Disease which replicate itself & is almost immortal & slightly smaller than any known virus, but his ruse is foiled when someone replaced the dead President, so that he could remove the Cylon bug from the main deck of the Battlestar Galactica, whose name, # 6, which reminds me of “7 of 9 of STNG where “7 of 9 “ is @ 14 of 18 COM, meaning “7 of 9 “ should be @ 14 COM but she is really @ 14 +/- 1 COM but it might seem strange to call her “6.5 of 9 ” if she were @ 13 COM and it might seem strange to call her “7.5 of 9” if she were @ 15 COM, where her average is @ 14 COM & and so “7 of 9” is her name, meaning # 6 represents her COM when she is not acting, though when she is acting as an actress in the movie, her COM is @ 14 +/- 1 COM in the movie/storyline for # 6. The female characters are portrayed as the worst aspects of their male counterparts, while the 2 blondes are portrayed as pernicious: Boomer as weak & submissive opposite of Starbuck & contrasts with Starbuck as incompetent & pernicious. And, # 6 seems to be the intersection of the male & female characteristics like in a Venn Diagram, as well as # 6 takes on the personality of the original Balter in the original tv series “Battlestar Galactica”, and the Venn Diagram , also, meaning that the robots, the Cylons are portrayed as the logical, meaning the Cylons have only a few personalities, while the humans are portrayed as illogical, due to their countless combinations due to the inequalities amongst each other & difference in gender. But, in the storyline, there are only 3 types of personalities on both sides: on the Cylon side, there is Baltar, # 6, & the Cylons; while, on the human side, there is Commander Adama, who has personality that of a Cylon, calculating & cold blooded, same as for the Colonel, who is like Commander Adama, and , then, there are the 2 remaining personalities on the human side: Starbuck & Boomer, who is like that black chick, < didn’t catche her name >, both submissive, while Starbuck is opposite, meaning anti-social, like Baltar. So, you have 4 types. Another oddity is that there are 12 human-like Cyclon models, and there are/were 12 human colonies most of which gets wiped out by Cyclons, with exception of 1 that being earth, but the only problem with that is that the planet that they are leaving is earth, and the earth that they travel to is back in time, and the earth that they leave is in future time line, as it was revealed in last episode in the original tv series that the Battlestar Galactica has time travel capability or at least they seem to be traveling in time every time they use FTL, sort of like in STNG, when they attempt to escape the Borg, accidentally travel back in time, consistent with laws of relativity: which may also be what’s happening, meaning they aren’t meating new humanoid lifeforms but rather either alternate future & past versions of themselves or they may be traveling to alternate universes or/and alternate dimensions. RULE # 344: The movie “Epoch” is similar to the movie “Taken”, in that in both movies, there is a mutant, who create a UFO hysteria: either [the planet earth comes alive sort of like the MU Ego in the form of a Torus, as Russia-USA alliance is on brink of nuclear war with China, which destroy US-Russia satellite or/and space station, which is a threat to China] or a Jewish archeologist, either a [mutant @ 30s C1 DP, between 30 & 39 C1 DP, using equation from RULE # 343 in movie Epoch, he tries to rewrite history, figuratively, and maybe literally, which he doesn’t do, but it is a trick to impress some woman [he does the same thing in Part ii: almost destroys the planet just to impress some woman so he can get a date with her: this reminds me of the dating habits of Clark Kent, who puts Lana in danger so he can rescue her so as to impress her so he can get a date with her, but once she says yes, he loses interest in her; Clark does the same thing later with Louis Lane] so as to get a date with her who later pretend to be pregnant by the Torus & him, or maybe he impregnates her by molecular control, but she rejects him so he has her assassinated, leaving him with a son @ either half the C1 DP of his dad or his son is @ C2 while his father is @ C1, whose son has power to reverse or undo death, probably by molecular control, but his father tries to create his own assassination or he doesn’t have any power left to prevent the assassination(s), sort of like an Anti-Christ, but 2x the C1 DP of Christ, assuming he is a mutant, following path of an Anti-Christ, sort of like the mutant “Nightcrawler” in the movie X-Men II] or [this is a ruse to hide plot by USA to create an illusion of aliens so that USA can nuke Russia & China, as USA begins plans to nuke the Torus over Russia & to nuke the 2nd Torus by Chinese border, and maybe USA in movie plans to also nuke Europe after nuking China & Russia & to blame it on aliens: it’s an ingenious plans by the Pentagon in form of a conspiracy theory]; while, the female child mutant is @ 20s C1 DP, meaning between 20 & 29 C1 DP, using RULE # 343; while, her biological dad in @ 10s C1 DP, between 10 & 19 C1 Default Psyche, same as his dad, but his daughter is @ C1 DP much greater than his but proportional to her COM, which seem to be melting like an iceberg in the form of a male DP, for unknown reasons, sort of like the movie Fly II, part 2. RULE # 343: @ 100 C2 DP = 10,000 C3 DP by 100^LOG10(100 C2) = 10,000 C3 DP, Godzilla’s skeletal material strength would be @ square root of its C3 DP, giving a skeletal material strength of @ 100d6, with a body armor of cube root of its C3 DP, giving a body armor @ 21.54d6, with a body length in # of ft of [10,000/(21.54d6)] = 464.16 ft.; but, then, it would have NO other (mutant) power(s); so, you have to give it a body armor & skeletal material strength less than optimum, so/for it to have other (mutant) power(s), besides only STR, like his/its oral nuclear ray. So, you want to give it’s skeletal material strength & body armor based on 81 C2 DP by [[[100^(1/2)]-1]^2] = 81 C2 DP = 4,388.49 C3 DP by 81^LOG10(81 C2) = 4,388.49 C3 DP, for its skeletal material strength, body armor, & its body length in # of ft, rather than @ 100 C2 DP: this would give it a skeletal material strength of [66.25d6], its flesh @ (1/4) root of its C3 DP, givng its flesh a material strength of [8.14d6], & for its body armor, a body armor of [16.37d6], with a body length of [4,388.49/(16.37d6)] = 268.05 ft. So, the new equation for almost everything, which [this next equation [below]] is an unstable equation, since I’m not sure if it’s accurate, meaning I’m not sure if this next [below] equation would work, where # of tons of mass for a monster like Godzilla = 10^[(((its C1 DP) – (X: uncertain if I should subtract X or remove this variable X, since LS or Life Span seems to come out as (1/3) of 81,000 years, but note that by increasing hidden mass & decreasing its actual mass it can increase its fire power))/ 10)^2], where X = LOG10((its Life Span in # of years). So, if you place Godzilla @ lifespan of 81,000 years AND @ mass of a modern 1981 USA aircraft carrier whose length in meters is @ its [C3 PL] @ 81,000 tons, then Godzilla @ C1 DP = [X + 10*[LOG10(mass in # of tons)^(1/2)]], about 3x that of PL that of a 1981 USA aircraft carrier @ 81,000 tons, giving a C1 DP of 27.06 = 112.61 C2 DP by 27.06^LOG10(27.06 C1) = 112.61 C2. Since, 81% of its points are used for its length & mass & body armor & etc, for everything other than its nuclear stats, then [.81]*[112.61] = 91.21 C2 DP for its body length including its tail in ft, which should be @ maximum of either [10*((91.21/10)^2)] or [(91.21^2)/10] = maximum length of 831.93 ft. = its predicted length is in excess by 2x, meaning its length should be half of 831.93, so that it can have other (mutant) powers besides only STR, such as super recuperative power(s) for self healing, like MU Wolverine’s healing factor, since Godzilla’s other 19% of its other points are used for nuclear stats, like his/its oral nuclear ray, where Godzilla can increase his/its fire power by decreasing its size (size of itself) by (1/2): smaller the version of Godzilla, with more hidden mass, the more fire power it has, which is why Destroyah is larger than Godzilla because Destroyah in its largest form has less fire power than Godzilla & Destroyah in its average size has more fire power, and the larger it grow, the less fire power it has; and, note that Destroyah is @ 80% PL that of Nightcrawler & so Destroyah is less powerful than Nightcrawler, since Nightcrawler can make a complete teleportation jump while Destroyah can only make a partial teleportation jump. So, if you place Nightcrawler @ 30 C1 DP = 152 C2 DP then Destroyah is @ [80% that of 152.02 C2 DP] = 121.61 C2 DP & IF you place Destroyah @ 30 C1 DP = 152.02 C2 DP, then Nightcrawler is @ [1.25x 152.02 C2 DP] = 190.02 C2 DP. So, now, to apply this equation to the sun, to calculate the C1 DP of the sun, which has a Life Span of 10 billion years & a mass of 10^27 tons, giving a C1 DP of [[10*{[LOG10(mass of the sun in # of tons)]^(1/2)]} + X], where X = LOG10(Life Span of the sun in # of years = 10^10) = 10 = X, giving a C1 DP of the sun @ [51.96 + 10] = 61.96 C1 DP or Default Psyche; the “average” acceleration of gravity of a planet = [((it C2 DP)/100)^2] in ft/sec^2, based on previous estimate of earth @ 567.8 C2 DP, but this doesn’t always apply for all objects, since gravity is based on radius of object, where larger the radius, smaller the gravity, and vice versa. You can use the shrinking equation to figure out the C1 DP of Vandal Savage of DC cartoon series Justice League, placing Vandal Savage @ 66 C1 DP, which @ COM @ 14, would allow him to travel in time, [10^[(his C1 DP)/(his COM)]] = [10^(66/14)] = 10^4.71 = total of +/- 51,794 years in time, but @ C2 PL in +/- # of years, into the past or future. Vandal Savage has a huge time machine that looks like a giant toilet without a lid, without most of its bottom under the floor, creating an appearance of a giant bowl which when turned on creates a black hole @ the center; when off, resembling effect of Einstein’s relativity on mass warping space like a bowling ball depressing surface area. Note that John Stewart, the current DC Green Lantern is @ 55 C1 DP; while, Superman is @ 33 or/and 55 C1 DP, assuming that Superman faked being kidnapped by Mongol, who would be @ 22 C1 DP, assuming Darkseid is @ 55 C1 DP, future alter ego of Superman, assuming Lobo is another alter ego of Superman, since how can Lobo who pretends to be @ 22 C1 DP travel a distance requiring 44 C1 DP which would explain his cloning power which rivals that of the X-Factor mutant Multiple Man & whose healing power rivals that of the MU X-Men Wolverine. This would place Superman or any one of his alter ego such as Darkseid @ 60 C1 DP that of Mxyzptlk @ 2x the C1 @ 30 that of the Dreamer, who creates a pink elephant to step on Superman, who fights himself or someone else claiming to be Superman, where Superman defeats the Dreamer @ end of the Rein of Supermen which is about as confusing as the MU Clone Saga of Spiderman, which is about as confusing as DC Zero Hour @ PL that of Dr Who. RULE # 342: Y = LOG10(% density of time lines shaped like a tree or a plant): all previous rules are off by [[[X^(1/2)] +/-1]^2], where X = original estimate. Also, % in density in the timelines = 10^[(NEW estimate)/(OLD estimate)], which is independent from the 2nd equation in RULE # 342, compared to 3rd equation, meaning, if MU Wolverine wants to change his steal claws & steal laced skeleton to adamentium, he needs a power boost from 36 to 49 C2 DP; though, he could briefly simulate adamentium by force fields @ 36 C2 DP, but would be weaker than Colossus, who is as powerful as Cyclops or Spiderman @ 49 C2 DP @ 7 AMBS. RULE # 341: In/for Babylon-5, “Psi” rating for telepaths, which @ low ratings such as between P6 to P9, meaning between 24.49 C2 DP to 30 C2 DP, proportional to [(P=n)d6] damage, where P6 = capable of inflicting or preventing 6d6 damage, while P9 = capable of inflicting or preventing 9d6 damage, who have 2x more points than the average adult male humans, for which while excluding children & old men, but for all other men between the age of 19 & 38 for %, % = [100 - 3*(C3 DP)], for anyone that is 3rd rate, the NON-Caucasian adult males, such as from a 3rd rate country: Latin Americans may fall into the 3rd or 2nd rate category; which % = [100 - 2*(C3 DP)], within adult human male population, for anyone that is 2nd rate, the NON-Caucasian adult males, such as from a 2nd rate country: some Caucasian adult males may fall in to the 2nd or 3rd rate category; while % = [100 – 1*(C3 DP)], for the Caucasian adult males, such as from a 1st rate country; which for the “average” is normal range for adult male humans, is proportional to PK Reading in (Real) Ghost Busters, meaning both Psi & PKR = [(C2 PL)/10]. So, Cyclops @ 7 AMBS, if he used his powers for telepathy would be @ Psi 12.5 to Psi 25 @ 125 C2 PL = PL of 1962 Godzilla. So, the MU Shocker @ 40 C2 DP be @ 8 or 16 Psi rating, depending on COM, higher the COM the lower the Psi rating by 1 or more points. Also, @ human level LS, the average Psi rating = [-1 + AMBS] @ PL rather than @ DP, which DP is normally used for AMBS, but for Psi rating, PL is used]; so, @ 36 C2 DP, @ 6 AMBS, he would have a Psi rating of 5 to 6 to 13 @ 50 C2 PL; but, if you place AMBS @ DP, which is what AMBS normally is @ that being @ DP, then “psi” rating = [2*(-1+AMBS)], which would place Cyclops @ “psi” rating of 14, since a psi rating of 12 would be given to a mutant like the MU Wolverine @ 36 C2 DP @ 6 AMBS. Note that when captain of a starship is @ C1, psi’s are @ C2. Also, the Techno-Mage is, also, @ 36 to 49 C2, when/while the captain of starship @ 36 to 49 C1 in 3rd series of the Babylon-5 series. But, captain of small starship that travel within a solar system is @ 25 C1 DP, proportional to a male captain of a NASA shuttle is @ 25 C2 DP. RULE # 340: Using the mutant equation to create a mutant, a normal guy @ 36 C3 DP having a mass of 216 lbs by his height equation of [6^3] = 216 lbs = 98.18 kg, where his height ft = [M+ C3^(1/2)], where M = {0 or 1: 1 for anyone that looks like a foreigner; while, 0 for anyone that doesn’t look like a foreigner} for the Modifier for the average adult American male, then his C0 as a mutant would be @ 36 C2 DP: note the increase in his normal human C3 DP by 1 level, making his new C0 @ C2. His new hidden mass = [(his normal mass in kg)*(10*his normal C3 PL when not a mutant)] = [(98.18*10*36)/1,000] = @ 35.57 metric tons tons @ 36 C2 DP, where 36 C2 DP = 6 Average Mind, Body, & Soul in BESM rpg. Though, 2nd method to calculate hidden mass = [(his 36 C2 DP)/10)^3] in # of tons which gives hidden mass of 46.66 tons. RULE # 339: 1st, the timeline(s) @ 10% density, where [LOG10(10%)]x = 1x, then once DP or PL is estimated for TL, which = [[C1 PL]/3], then to get the estimate of DP or PL used for mutant power(s): C0 for mutant power(s) = [[[(C0 for TL)^(1/2)] - 1]^2]; so, to simulate TL or/and generate mutant power(s) @ C0 TL, the NEW estimate of C0 = [([(OLD estimate of C0)^(1/2)] + 1)^2]: what this reflects is the density in the timelines, where multiple factor [X] increase in OLD estimate is @ X = LOG10(% density in the timelines). You can use this equation in/for movie to figure out how Maestro, Hulk’s father, who seem to have powers of Absorbing Man, created the mutant dogs in the HULK movie, assuming that Maestro with powers of Absorbing Man was @ 25 C1 DP, but his mutant powers @ C2 would be @ 72 C2 DP = 8.485 AMBS, by [[[[[25^LOG10(25)]= 90 C2 DP]^(1/2)]-1]^2] = 72, is how he created the mutant dogs by simply using this equation & combining rules for apply [nd6] to calculate the correct length of the mutant dogs, each of which would be @ 16 C1 DP = 28.178 C2 DP = 5.308 AMBS = 126.539 C3 DP, for which you take the cube root of this value to get a body armor of 5d6, which would give its body length @ [126.539/(5d6)] = 24.9 ft. with a skeletal material strength of @ nd6 @ square root of its C3 DP which gives a value of [11.15d6] skeletal material strength, but the mutant dogs were not that large; so, since the mutant dogs were @ 14 C1 DP = 20.59 C2 DP = 53.16 C3 DP with body armor of cube root of its C3 DP, giving a body armor of [3.76d6] for a body @ length of [53.16/(3.76d6)] = 14.14 ft, with a skeletal material strength @ square root of its C3 DP, giving a [7.29d6] material strength, they had an extra 2 C1 DP points for other powers, 1 C1 DP point for force field(s) & the other 1 C1 DP point for super smell, for the mutant dogs that were fighting the HULK, who is @ 22.5 C1 DP, while Spiderman is @ 20 C1 DP, giving him an IQ of 200, assuming his Life Span remains @ default @ 20 C1 & is NOT lowered: the purpose of lowering LS or Life Span is to increase PL or Power Level. So, MU Wolverine with the old estimate @ 36 C2 DP does NOT now require to be @ 49 C2 DP, since his Power Level is increased to [36*2], of which he can use his mutant power(s) to simulate TL upto [[[(72)^(1/2)]-1]^2] = 56 C2 PL, by lowering his Life Span to [36/2] = 18 C2: @ 10% density in the time lines, which is [LOG10(10%)]x of 36 C2 DP = 1x of 36 C2 DP = 1x36 = 36 C2 DP for Wolverine, but if you increase his DP to 49 to that of Cyclops, then this, assuming he appears to be not any more powerful than before, then this reflects a density in the timelines of @ % = [10^((NEW estimate) / (OLD estimate))] = 10^(49/36) = 10^1.36 = 22.97% in the density in the timelines for the storyline that he is in. So, the previous or OLD estimate of 1980 Godzilla @ 80 to 104 C2 DP would now be @ 99 to 125 C2 DP, @ density in timelines @ 17% to 16% in the density in the timelines, an increase of 1.24x to 1.2x in OLD estimate; @ 10%, X = LOG10(%) = LOG10(10%) = 1x increase in OLD estimate @ 10%. Also, note that to simulate TL or/and generate mutant power(s) @ C0 TL, then the NEW C0 = [(OLD C0)*(1 + ((-1+2^C0)/10))]. So, to simulate 20 C1 PL TL by mutant power(s) or/and generate mutant power(s) @ 20 C1 PL, requires him or his C1 PL to be @ [1.1*20] = 22 C1 PL = 63.4 C2 PL which is close to [[[(20 C1 PL @ C2 which = 49.28)^(1/2)]+1]^2] = [(7.02+1)^2] = 64.32 C2 PL which = to estimate required to simulate TL or/and generate mutant power(s) @ C0 TL. RULE # 338: Starting with the assumptions that the planet Jupiter is @ 50 C1 DP = 770 C2 DP by 50^LOG10(50) = 770; so, then, if planet Jupiter has a gravity of 2.5 greater than earth’s, then earth is @ [(C2 DP of planet Jupiter)/(1 + LOG10(2.5 = x times gravity of earth))] = [770/1.4] = 550.81 C2 DP or Default Psyche. But, the earth is @ 10^24 kg, which would place it @ [24^2] @ C2 DP = 576 C2 DP; then, Jupiter @ [576*1.4] = 805 C2 DP. This RULE # 338 contradicts with RULE # 336. RULE # 337: 1st a bit of prelude to TL, but the prelude is NOT rule # 337 but rather background leading up to, which for unknown reason(s) {or maybe it’s just a coincidence} seems to be proportional to military imperialism & feminism, which, the latter, feminism, may, also, be unrelated to military imperialism & be a parasite rather than being directly influencing it. The prelude to TL is: the # of [credits / semester] & get all A’s is your C2 DP, # of credits with A’s = (Y*(1+ # of years of full term college semesters)) @ C2 DP: 1st year = 6 C2 DP; 2nd year = 9 C2 DP; 3rd year = 12 C2 DP; & 4th year = 15 C2 DP: gpa in physics & math in 0.% = {1 – 1/{ COM = [(his C3 DP)/(pi+1)] }}; Y = accuracy % = {1- 1/(Y^2)}, where Y = 3, though it might be possible for 2 persons of vastly different COM to get same GPA as long as they are 1 level apart in their C0, meaning 20 C3 vs 20 C2, latter having superior COM @ C2 & needing more points. So, that {forget his name} (chief Iraqi) nuclear physicist a decade ago that ran away from Iraq {before start of Gulf War I} was @ 25 C2 DP, though he should be @ 25 C3 DP but since he was able to convince the French to give Iraq the parts to construct a nuclear bomb I’d give the guy 25 C2 DP rather than 25 C3 DP, but he should be @ 25 C3 DP since he was not only NOT brilliant enough to puts the parts - that the French gave - together, since the pieces were too complicated for him or his men under his direction to put together, as well as he was just an ambassador but ambassador has more points than average citizen, while Sadam would be @ 25 C2 DP. Sadam or any criminal IF successful THEN he or they could increase his C2 DP by 2x by Negative Energy or “The Dark Side” like in Star Wars & why Bush wants Iraqi oil so that Bush can give USA [currently USA is @ 30 C1 PL, while USSR was @ 25 C1 PL & as Russia is reduced to {23 +/- 1} C1 PL] extra Negative Energy, meaning it, USA, wants to rule the world, where the C1 PL of a country seems to be proportional to the variable for rape or lack of due to feminism, meaning by if Canada pushes its Anti-Rape Variable from 2.0 of @ year 1900 AD to 3.0 of @ year 2000 AD, it reflects feminist ambitions which is proportional to & reflect military ambitions, meaning Canada wants to be like USA, meaning the correct value for feminists or for the Anti-Rape Variable should be @ 3.0 if USA is @ 30 C1 PL; but, since, the Anti-Rape Variable in USA is @ 4.0: it is proportional to & reflects military ambitions of USA to rule the world, since USA is @ 30 C1 PL, but for to have an Anti-Rape Variable @ 4.0, it must be @ 40 C1 PL, but USA is NOT @ 40 C1 PL but rather @ 30 C1 PL, since 40 C1 PL would mean that USA already rules the world, but it doesn’t or does it (?), so the extra 1.0 off the equilibrium point @ 3.0 from what it should be @ 3.0 to what it seems to be @ 4.0 in USA & its influence outside USA reflect(s) the unrealistic ambitions of feminists & military ambitions of USA to rule the world: EXAMPLE, the Anti-Rape Variable for women in Russia/USSR is @ {2.3 +/- 0.1} /to 2.5, IF Russia/USSR is @ {23 +/-1} /to 25 C1 PL or Power Level or DP or Default Psyche ; so, for purpose of increasing Negative Energy, where SOMETIMES cowardice can reduce one’s points, meaning YOU OR/AND A COUNTRY OR/AND ITS LEADER HAVE TO KNOW WHEN TO RETREAT & WHEN TO FIGHT & WHAT TO DO TO AVOID HAVING TO FIGHT OR/AND WHAT TO DO TO AVOID HAVING TO RETREAT OR/AND WHAT TO DO IN A FIGHT TO WIN IF IN A FIGHT IF ONE HAS THE SKILLS OR/AND STRENGTH OR/AND COURAGE TO WIN, which sounds like a diatribe,, which North Korea is good @ & @ same time, with LESS $ than Iraq, NK or North Korea, its leader & its people is/are stronger than Iraq because North Korea is NOT coward like Iraq, meaning braver than Iraqis; so, Sadam [IF he was not defeated by Bush: but, since, Sadam lost, he has his points reduced from 36 to 25 C2 DP; and, the same with Gore, who has = # of points that of Sadam, so/meaning by Gore chickening out again from wanting to be President, Gore has his points reduced from 36 to 25 C2 DP] could increase his C2
from 25 to [2x25] = 50 C2 @ either PL or DP: 36 C2 DP @ 6 AMBS in BESM = status & life force that of Einstein. This same Negative Energy is/can also be used for time travel for those who know how to siphon it for time travel like in the movie “Frequency”, where both time travelers are evil, though the better looking one is portrayed good, where note that C2 is different from C1; 40 C2 DP = PL that of the MU Shocker, while 40 C1 DP = Thor of MU comics, not the Thor of the tv series Hercules, where: that Thor would get a 20 C1 DP; Loki @ 30 C1 DP; Ares, God of War, @ 30 C1 DP = same as that of Hera, Mystique, Nightcrawler, or Graviton; and, Hercules @ 40 C1 DP, though THOR in the tv series “Hercules” was @ 20 C1 DP, while Loki in the same tv series “Hercules’ was @ 30 C1 DP: oddly, Ares, seems to be as powerful as Hera, @ 30 C1 DP, while, Zeus seems to be @ 30 C2 DP, but elevated to 20 C1 DP by Hercules after defeating Hera, but why was Zeus so weak ? RULE # 336: gravitational force of the black hole @ the center of the galaxy = {(X = gravitation that of the sun)^[1+ (LOG10(SOLAR MASS OF THE BLACK HOLE))]}, the accuracy of which can be checked by measuring the orbital distance of earth from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, giving a workable estimate. This model works for earth to moon ratio, as well as sun to moon ratio, using earth’s moon or sun = X, which is in multiple increments of 10^9 tons of mass: 10^9, 10^18, 10^27, 10^36 tons of mass for its gravitation = X: fractional values similar to fractional charges for subatomic particles. This RULE # 336 contradicts with RULE # 338. RULE # 335: The distance in # of light-years that a black hole can exist away from earth without destroying earth = [# of solar mass of the black hole]. So, a black hole with solar mass of 31,622 is 31,622 light-years away. So, the # of solar mass of black hole = its distance from earth in # of light-years: ideal ratio. But, orbital mass is proportional to central mass similar to atomic model for solar system(s) & galaxies: a ratio of % (central mass):1(orbital mass), which then black hole is %x more massive than the # of stars in its galaxy. RULE # 334: From what I’ve read on/@ deja & google, < NOT sure how accurate this information is that I read >, about the white slave trade in Israel, ISRAEL IS @ “AVERAGE” {1 +/- 1} ARL; WHILE ISLAM (collective entity of Muslims: Islam) IS @ ARL OF 2, WHILE USSR & THE NEW RUSSIA IS @ ARL OF 2.3456789, less than marriage laws of CANADA in 1972 which seem to be @ ARL of 2.72, maybe potential for Canada as a country was @ 27.2 C1 PL or DP @ that time in 1972, WHILE USA IS @ ARL OF {3 +/- 1, between 1800 AD & 2000 AD, meaning 2.0 in 1800 AD, 3.0 in 1900 AD, 4.0 in year 2000 AD, and 4.04 in year 2004 AD: dangerous precedent created by feminists, Euro-Christians (descendants & immigrants now) living in USA, & by the military establishments}: this variable, ARL, Anti Rape Laws, are most strict in the United States of America, to the point that a man CAN’T even rape his own wife, and has to pay his ex-wife even when she stops being his wife: it’s most insane, but our corrupt Christian USA government use feminists & influence of Jewish men as an excuse to violate civil rights of others, mostly married men being divorced by their wives & foreign women raped by American soldiers in foreign lands since end of WW2. But, getting back to ARL values: variable ARL 3 = when a woman become a wife to a man in USA, where this/these same woman/women in USA after divorce gets an extra +1 point of ARL by our corrupt USA government & corrupt family court system, which is opposite that of in Islam & Muslim countries where a divorced woman would get a -1 ARL for/to the woman for getting a divorce, which is opposite in USA, where a woman for divorcing her man, the woman is indirectly but legally allowed by feminist divorce court judges, who force FEW women in USA (though most women think it’s their $ even though it’s NOT their money, since no or almost no women ever pay any alimony or/and child support to any boyfriend or/and ex-husband; and, women even commit prostitution on the job to get promotion, and they talk about wanting to be treated equally, such as equal pay for equal work) to accept alimony or/and child support even when she is NOT interested in wanting or/an collecting alimony or/and child support from ex-boyfriend or/and ex-husband, who are nothing more than pimps, who attempt to turn an ex-marriage into act of unpaid prostitution by the woman, reason behind the compensation of alimony & child support, which is, also, alimony by another name, and, now, that few men are getting married to prevent marriage fraud that some or many women commit, the feminists now have palimony, another name or/and form of prostitution, to send him to prison or killing him by stealing all his money & stealing all his children & stealing all his property, including herself, who is property of her husband, once married to him legally: USA is insane when it comes to divorce, unlike in Muslim religion, woman can never divorce her husband without his consent, and there is no payment to women by ex-husband after divorce in Muslim religion WHICH IS WHY FEMINISTS WISH TO DESTROY ISLAM WITH HELP FROM ISRAEL WHO HATE MUSLIMS BECAUSE ISRAEL THINK THEY ARE THE CHOSEN CHIDLREN OF GOD WHILE FEMINSTS WANT TO MEN TO GIVE THEM ALL THEIR MONEY WITHOUT WOMAN HAVING TO GIVE SEX IN RETURN WHICH IS WORSE THAN PROSTITUTION; ARL of 2.5 to 3.5 = girlfriend in USA; ARL of 4 = ex-wife in USA; ARL of 4.5 = either wife puts husband in jail for rape or ex-wife puts ex-husband in jail for not paying alimony or/and child support in USA or/and ex-husband kills ex-wife for having to pay alimony or/and child –support which is form of slavery to all men in USA; ARL of 2 = right to have 4 wives @ ARL = 2; ARL of 3 = right to have only 1 wife; ARL of 1.5 = right to have 8 wives in polygamous Mormon religion before it was outlawed [the part of having right to have more than 1 wife] by our corrupt USA government which doesn’t mind porn or a woman sleep around with god know how many men or women that commit prostitution by xx-rated films but will allow divorce rather than making divorce illegal & won’t let a man have more than 1 wife; ARL of 1= right to have 16 wives in polygamous Mormon religion, where most of the other wives exceeding one are women being forced into prostitution in Israel, where mostly forced into prostitution after being tricked into coming to Israel or being kidnapped women from Russia, so I wouldn’t call it marriage, but more like actual rape which seems to be legal & not legal meaning that it’s illegal on paper but not enforced by the police of Israel [NOT sure if it’s still true, but in the past, based on what I’ve read @ deja/google] making it legal to rape foreign women which is criminal in most countries unless you want to have law to make rape legal which I would NOT condone SINCE the women are not either their wives nor their girlfriends, such is complete opposite of USA, where in USA , man CAN’T even rape his own wife, to the other extreme in Israel, where men can, are allowed to, rape any foreign woman in Israel that is not married to a Jewish man, & is different from USA compared to in Israel, which is protected by USA; # forced prostitutes applies only in the 1st criminal equation by criminal Jewish pimps, use ARL @ Y = .79 @ X = 6, which is 1 greater than Afghanistan @ X = 5, though Israel @ ARL @ Y = 1.59; while, Muslims use ARL = 2, a grade of C- from a feminist point of view but a grade of “A-” from a male point of view, exception being the punishment for men for stealing, since rich often steal from the poor, so the poor may be unjustly punished by the rich, who become excessively rich by being excessively greedy, though some male may be feminist who are counted as feminist even though they may be male, but ARL @ Y = 2.3456789 seems to be the correct equilibrium value, that of Canadian marriage law of/in 1934, meaning making divorce illegal assuming it was originally legal, then divorce would be illegal @ ARL = 2.3456789, where a man may have maximum of 3 wives with consent of his 1st & 2nd, with 2nd with consent of his 1st, that society should be @ including Muslims, but @ ARL = 2.3456789 neither a Muslim nor a Jewish man could own any slave wom(a/e)n other than only their wife/wives or/and girlfriend(s), while [@ ARL @ Y = .79 WHICH IS A GRADE OF LESS THAN “D” from a feminist point of view, though I’m NOT a feminist] the Jewish men are excessively exceeding their rape quota in Israel of Russian women, while the same Jewish men for their Jewish women use an ARL = E = 2.72 @ X = 1.751 that of Canada in 1972, though Canada is now @ ARL = 3.03 in year 2003 due to feminist lobbying of the Canadian government, which now allow divorce of marriages, as you can see feminist hate marriages & feminists do everything to destroy marriages, which may have been @ ARL of 2.3456789 @ the end of the Cold War in the old USSR & in the new Russia < which in THEORY Canada in 1972 should not be as large as it is based on its ARL @ Y value, meaning its states should be separate countries, meaning each Canadian state should be a separate country based on its ARL value which is now @ 3.03 in 2003 but in 1972 was = 2.72 = E, which means that the man has right to have either1 wife and 1 mistress without fear of divorce or/and adultery from wife, since ARL value @ 2.5 = right for a man to have 2 wives simultaneously @ ARL @ 2.5, since ARL value @ 3 = right for a man to have only 1 wife @ a time @ ARL @ 3, which means that the man can have a 2nd or another chance @ marriage with 2nd wife if a man should unfortunately get divorced by his (first) 1st wife: (in theory, but it probably has more to do with politics being susceptible to corruption, bribe(s), & lobbies) feminists & feminism may be linked to USA being an imperialistic country without the feminists & feminism (do not) know(ing) that they are causing USA to be an imperialistic country: feminism enable Jews to control Christians, who in turn control other countries by colonialism: the slippery slope slippery argument >, which is clearly criminal discrimination & criminally discriminating against (IF it’s true about what I’ve read that) kidnapped Russian women forced by death threats & beatings & death penalty for any woman for almost succeeding to escape from forced prostitution & rape & into forced prostitution in Israel, but oddly USA protects this Israel, which is why Israel gets an ARL = 1,while oddly American women rape men financially & by marriage fraud in USA, which culturally has always had high ARL values for its own citizens, & why USA gets an ARL @ Y = 4.76, since why American soldiers rape women in foreign countries outside USA borders because of the high ARL value of Y = 4.76 for USA in their home country of USA, and oddly ARL @ Q = LOG10(C3 PL of a country) = E = 2.3456789 = ARL or a grade of “C” in the old USSR and the new Russia; the Q value is used to determine crime rate for a country; so, # of his female rape victims forced into prostitution in Israel from Russia, but the equation changes slightly based on its ARL value when used in USA = [(his C3 DP)^(1/{1+
})] per pimp which is lot more than Allah had for wives; while/where, # of willing prostitutes = [(his C3 DP)^(1/{2 +
})] per man, while/where # of girlfriends = [(his C3 DP)^(1/{3 +
})] per man, while/where # of wives = [(his C3 DP)^(1/{4 + ARL @ Y = 1.19 in South-East Asia})] per man, & while/where # super wives = [(his C3 DP)^(1/{5 +
})]] per man or per husband, where ARL @ Y = LOG10(% of Anti Rape Laws) = 4.76 for USA, where Z = % = 57,627% anti-rape laws in USA, an overkill in anti-rape laws by 5,762% (percent) for ARL @ Y @ 4.76 or a grade of A+ for anti-rape laws from a feminist point of view, but though these anti-rape laws are an overkill by 5,762% (percent), since having a Y = 3 of 19th century USA marriage laws should & would have been sufficient for Modern USA or/for American values should/could have stopped @ Y = 3, where USA could have stopped @ ARL = 3 @ of the 19th century, which where the USA was @ ARL = 2 @ of the 18th century USA, but @ ARL = 1.5 for the Mormon religious men, following @ ARL = 1.5, could marry up to a maximum of 8 wives, which the # of wives allowed in polygamous Mormon religion which is not outlawed by USA but when it was legal it @ ARL of 1 could allow a man to have p to a maximum of 16 wives @ ARL of 1, which was opposite that of Israel, where they allow raping foreign women by the general public not married to Jewish men would get an ARL of .75, where Israelis & foreigner worker under the protection of the Israelis to rape as many foreign women they like that are not married to Jewish men, which the opposite of the polygamous aspect of the original Mormon religion, was later banned & made illegal by the USA which exceeded the quote of # of wives maximum of 4 allowed by Muslims of Islam religion, but decision made by the USA government but for all the wrong reason(s) since the our USA government didn’t cite Muslim & Islam as the reason to make Mormon polygamy illegal & since the USA government in 1777 originally vowed to keep out of religious matters, you know the law of the separation of church & state, but the USA government decide to violate its own Constitution of separation of church & state, by banning polygamy in Mormon religion, the USA government violates its own Constitution of separation of church & state, but if it thought that it made the right decision, then it should be embracing Muslim religion, which does not allow more than 4 wives, unlike Mormon which allow as many women as wives that he can convince women to be his wives, which would have been sufficient ARL = 3 of 19th century USA in 1899, but feminists & the USA government in the 20th century up the anti & seduced by feminist the corrupt USA government had to overkill, moving the sex & marriage variable ARL up from 2 (18th century) to 3 (19th century) to: 4 in the 20th century, reason for the massive # of divorces taking place in USA & why men refuse to pay alimony & child support which is form of slavery & which violates the American USA Constitution, and the USA feminist are not sufficient to keep their feminist laws in USA but want to move these feminist laws to all countries, the side effect of USA imperialism, controlled by Jewish men & Israel, where feminism & equal % of capitalistic Jewish men & equal % of Christians that are easily brainwashed by feminists & equal % of Jewish males are it seems to be twin evils (reason for the trillion $ deficit for USA) like sides of a coin or a sphere, though most Jews are not evil, but complacency & hypocrisy seem to be rampant in for all ethnic groups, as complacency & hypocrisy seem to be rampant in for all ethnic groups, where complacency equal % that of feminists, and equal % of those Christians that are blinded by $ (money), which create an illusion that equal % of Jews are evil, an illusion created by equal % of Christians, who use Jews as an excuse to commit evil, and the same with equal % of feminists who ask for everything like a child(ren), though the Christians do not have to give in to the demands of feminists, but Christians use feminist as an excuse to commit evil against other men. Ideal marriage & religion is ARL @ 2.5, where they allow a maximum of 2 wives, simultaneously, where # of wives = [(his C3 DP)/(average C3 DP of ideal match of each wife, who if she be @ 2.41 COM, then her ideal match be @ 10 C3 DP based on the/my cloning equation)], which would then place Allah @ 30.525 C2 DP = 160 C3 DP, since he had 16 wives, each wife @ 2.41 COM, based on the/my cloning equation, but this rule is not applied in USA and because the our corrupt USA government is easily bribed & corrupted by the feminist lobby & lobbyists, as well as other lobbies, any lobby or lobbyist, just look @ Gulf War I & II to see how easily the USA government is easily corrupted by bribes & opportunity to steal taxpayer’s money, which is used to build prisons rather than educate its citizens, where a woman once married legally can not ever divorce her husband, nor can a man divorce his wife, unlike other religions, including Muslim, which allow divorce by consent of the husband which should be made illegal, as no marriage once performed legally can be undone @ Y = 2.3456789 @ Y: the motto should be “ask not what you can do for your government but ask what your government can do for you” opposite of the 1964 Kennedy speech by JFK which the 1964 Kennedy speech of 1964 is too selfish in that the government doesn’t want to take any responsibilities for the well being for its citizens other than steal taxpayer’s money by creating hysteria constantly too often; so, @ Y = 2.3456789 for a country that is @ 23.456789 C1 @ either PL or DP: where @ Y = 2.3456789, {IF conditionas are ideal THEN} no marriage can be annulled or/& divorced, once it is performed legally by the consent of both parties. But, oddly its is the battle hungry Americans, also hungry for sex, who do most of the raping outside its borders by its military for the past half a century since end of WW2 & Jews within Israel raping kidnapped Russian women for the past century, while % Y = [Z^(1/X)], militarily & in terms of feminist controlled country, X is = 2 for 2nd rate {in terms of magnitude of anti-rape laws within a [% feminist controlled] country & its ability & willingness to enforce it & not in terms of morals} countr(y/ies) such as those of Europe, then Y = [(57,627% that of USA in 1995)^(1/2)] = 240% for European countries @ Y = 2.38; when X = 3, then Y = [(57,627)^(1/3)] = 38.63% such as Israel @ Y = 1.59 for its level of morality, where Israel should get an ARL @ Y = 2.38 due to their better treatment to the woman they are married to @ European levels, but their treatment of women they are not married to is @ 0.79 about that of Afghanistan level, giving an average of [(0.79 + 2.38)/2] = 1.59 = Israeli Y for average Israeli Y for ARL in Israel, but its military artificially brought up to 2nd rate by USA but Israel would be 3rd rate BASED ON ITS LACK OF anti-rape laws; and, when X = 5, then Y = [(57,627)^(1/5)] = 8.96% @ Y = .95, for a 5th rate country like Afghanistan. RULE # 333: New rule to determine mating personalities of humans. I’m using a magnet as an analogy, where like a magnet, humans after puberty, have different saturation point consisting of mating bonds, where @ one end of these magnetic like mating bonds is the sex bond & @ the other end is the love bond [this might be humorous to some readers]. So, because women have less of these mating bonds, not only are they less obsessive about sex, those same women [heterosexual female feminists] are also less likely to be possessive about their husbands or/& boyfriends, and why women have tendency to initiate divorce or/& sleep around @ the slightest mistake a man makes due to his excessive sex drive which is no fault of his own IF his girlfriend or/and his wife isn’t faithful or/and obedient, or he may have excess sex drive that his girlfriend or/and wife isn’t fulfilling, though because of the lack of these mating bonds lack of which cause some men to have less sex drive, where the benefit of having less mating bonds within one’s system is that one is better able to concentrate on work & studies rather than thinking about sex constantly; and, why men should be allowed to have 2 wives or [1 wife & 1 girlfriend], extra girlfriend (2nd wife) if his 1st wife (1st girlfriend) isn’t in the mood to let him have sex with him, but he has to be married to his 2nd girlfriend in Muslim & Islam, where he takes a 3rd if his first two wives turn out to be feminists, (he) hoping the 3rd will act like a descent wife, and he takes a 4th if the first three turn out to be feminists, (he) hoping the 4th will act like a descent wife: this is Muslim & Islam, though Allah {figuratively speaking} probably used my cloning equation to figure out how many wives he can have, meaning, if a woman is @ 2.41 COM where her ideal man is @ 10 C3 DP then someone 1 rank less than Allah such as a Muslim general @ 20.112 C2 DP in Islam [IF not Caucasian & not black: both would get less wives by marrying a woman close to their own COM, higher than the average Middle Easterners, wh(o/m) very few have high COM close to blacks, where % for adult black males @ C3 DP = [100 - 2*(his C3 DP)] %], he @ 50 C3 DP would be able to have 5 wives, each @ 2.41 COM = 10 C3 DP for her or ideal match of each fo the ladies @ 2.41 COM, where her male ideal match would be @ 10 C3 DP, assuming the prophet Allah is @ 29.87 C2 DP = 150 C3 DP, allowing him 15 wives, each @ 2.41 COM; but, since he had 16 wives, then Allah probably was @ 31.755 C2 DP = 180 C3 DP, allowing him 18 wives, each @ 2.41 Com, but Allah seems or must have been @ 30.527 C2 DP = 160 C3 DP, allowing him 16 wives, assuming each of his wife was @ 2.41 COM = 10 C3 DP, by my cloning equation. What is 30.527 C2 DP ? It’s life force psyche about that of Al Gore, but since his wife is @ 14 COM, the # of wives that Al Gore could/would have is lot less than Allah, allowing Al Gore only about 3 wives in Islam, assuming each of the 3 women were @ 14 COM, then Al Gore could have 3 wives in Islam IF he was @ 31 C2 DP : this is assuming that Al Gore didn’t chicken out @ the last minute in the year 2000 election, but since he chickened out @ the last minute his psyche or life force points would be reduced to 28 C2 DP, allowing Al Gore only 2 wives in Islam, IF both of the 2 women were @ 14 COM each, since Al Gore is @ 28 C2 DP & NOT @ 31 C2 DP but @ 28 C2 DP, then Al Gore would/could be allowed 2 wives in Islam, IF each of the 2 women were @ 14 COM, where # of wives or/& girlfriends = [(his C3 DP based on his COM, wealth, status, political power, & other physical & mental attributes such as INT & fighting & agility skills) / (her ideal man’s C3 DP based on similar COM values)], where 28 C2 DP = 28^LOG10(28) = 124 C3 DP, and 31 C2 DP = 31^LOG10(31) = 167 C3 DP. And, note that for (adult) males, his COM = [(his C3 DP) / (pi + 1)], though his COM can be far less than his C3 DP, but the COM equation assumes that 90% to 99% of his C3 DP = for his COM. Look @ rule # 375. RULE # 332: Feminism, Pandora’s Box, is the result or side effect of giving away too much rights & powers to women by foolish men & corrupt politicians & western religious fanatics in USA & other Christian nations, with the worst offenders being USA & Israel, which has not only has a white (Russian women) slave trade but Israel may cause World War iii(3) by kidnapping & raping Russian women, and USA with their insane sodomy laws, where some states make it illegal to kiss your own wife or/and girlfriend, and from what I’ve read @ deja, but it’s ok for a USA soldiers to have sex with a forced prostitutes of foreign women in foreign lands, equal to rape, and as for within US, there are lot of cops that do not act like cops but more like pimps in USA, which makes USA government & its police, military, courts, lawyers, & the corrupt educational & legal system, insane [which is also similar to small parts in foreign countries which like USA have contradictory laws ] & [ @ this rate by slippery slope argument like (American) feminists (in USA) want to make ex-girlfriends as ex-wife so as to collect alimony for unregistered marriage(s) & what if next thing you know USA want to outlaw men holding their wife’s hand or their girlfriend’s hand, since definition of sodomy by extremists [ by religious fanatics & feminists; NOT by me, since I’m NOT a feminist, NOR am I of any 1 (one) religion, but more like of hybrid religious belief system < 20% of each religion >; and, I’m a man of science, as my (twin) god(s) is(/are) Doppler Effect & Resonance Theory, since everything seems to have its opposite, like Potential Energy vs. Kinetic Energy ] is anything that is sexual but that which doesn’t lead to procreation is extremist view, NOT my view, for which women must be compensated which is insane as I don’t see any women compensating any men for supporting them & their children, but getting back to the slippery slope of insane sodomy laws, so in effect holding her hand is sexual but doesn’t lead to procreation, so holding her hand is sodomy, whatever happened to separation of church < which is supposed to be freedom of worship, since when was USA a Christian nation > & state, since in few states oral sex is sodomy which is insane: can you go to jail for kissing your wife during the marriage ceremony or/and your girlfriend before marriage: USA government is insane !], but where feminists are destroying marriages; feminists are misguided or evil & have become corrupt with too much rights & powers granted to them by corrupt politicians & foolish men brainwashed by feminists, whose only goal is to destroy the marriage institution & to turn ex-wives into prostitutes & to (by) adulterate themselves by marriage fraud, divorce, financial(ly) rape, imprison, threaten, beat, or/& kill their husbands. But, Shakespeare’s plays, some (parts) of which predict feminism, which is due to men ignoring feminism; so, Shakespeare’s plays are accurate in terms of human behavior & have more accurate examples on women’s personality & mating behavior (which in turn affect men’s behavior) as the only true & accurate source on women’s mating behavior as the new dating equation; or, you can use the law of averages to figure out the personality of a species & a particular gender, resulting in a new conclusion that the truth is the average of truths, but this new rule doesn’t invalidate previous rules on dating that I’ve posted, since both human genders play mind games with the other, not revealing all their cards, to keep the other including within their own gender guessing, so as to reduce competition, sort of like as an analogy the more complicated a computer language, the more popular it is, so as to reduce competition, the same purpose behind requirement of a college education for a job, with college being the biggest con job on students to take them for all their money, with college requirement being to reduce competition, since all that is necessary is to measure IQ & motivation factor & personal interests & ability to get the job done. But, the IRONY being that everyone is competing with everyone else so noone really cares to protest the scam: the same reason that insurance companies get rich, when the job of insuring & providing insurance is that of the government , which don’t provide insurance for the purpose to stealing your tax money & spend it on weapons of mass destruction which they the our government don’t want any foreigners having any WMD NOT for the purpose of security but for the purpose of control: the same desire for control that keeps both genders from revealing all their cards for the purpose of maintaining control & reducing competition & to maximize $. So, 14 weeks for a class should be reduced to 12 days. And, if the professors can’t teach everything in 14 days, then he/she & the educators ought to lose their jobs. So, in theory a 4 year college education could be reduced to 1 year if the educator wanted to reduce wasting student’s time & $ which is sort of like the dating theme where women like to waste a man’s time & $, the trillion $ spent on college, is a total scam, in that professor expect the student to do most of the work, equivalent to buying & reading a book, while only thing that professors do is hand out assignments. RULE # 331: Like the MU SAGA is like Nobilis for AVERAGE psyche @ [CA - 10] = # in Nobilis rpg. So, similarly, THE RPG FATAL < few parts of which are @ C2 to C3, but most parts of FATAL are @ C3 to C4 similar to Synnibarr Rpg, but either
, or
IS LIKE THE RPG SYNNIBARR THAT BOTH rpgs ARE @ C4 for (FATAL: Life) (total) Points @ EITHER PL or DP but mostly @ PL for LP or Life Points or life force points or psyche @ point distribution @ C4; while, “Caster Level” = [C3 / 10]. And, also, by pure coincidence, FATAL RPG uses a similar (RULE # 3 & RULE # 45) mechanics to compute points & point distribution, such as, for example, a character @ “3 Caster Level” or 30 C3 DP wanting to lower PL or Power Level would: [30+11] = 41 C3 LS or Life Span = 399 C4 LS = 399 LP for LS @ 3.99d100 LP for LS or Life Span, with a [30-11] = 19 C3 PL or Power Level = 19^LOG10(19 C3) = 2.1d20 LP for PL or Power Level= 43 C4 or 43 LP or 43 Life Points for his PL or Power Level which this is by pure coincidence similar to FATAL RPG, just as it’s a pure coincidence that C3 = total points in GURPS, D&D, Dragonball-Z, HERO 5th, Dark Champions, though a few characters are between C2 &/to C3; as it’s also pure coincidence that Mecha Points in BESM = @ IQ; so, IF less than Colossus [200], the MU Wolverine should be @ 190 points in for the 250 Point Project; or, that C2 DP = [AMBS^2]; or, and, also pure coincidence that total points in 250 Point Project = @ IQ. SO, then, a 2 TEN SIDED DIE IS USED IN FATAL REPRESENTS A MAXIMUM POTENIAL OF 100 C4 @ EITHER PL OR DP @ 100 LP or 100 Life Points IN FATAL RPG = 6.26812 COM @ 25.96 C3 DP = 25.96 total points in D&D & GURPS. SO, AN ADULT MALE CHARACTER HAVING 700 C4 COM = 11.73751 COM BY [C3 / (PI+1)]. BUT, NOTE THAT 19.89512 C2 DP = 48.612 C3 DP @ [48.612 / 10] = 4.8612 “Caster Level” in FATAL RPG by the 1 equation: 19.89512^LOG10(19.89512 C2) = 48.612 C3 DP = 700 C4 DP, by 48.612^LOG10(48.612 C3) = 700 C4, GIVING HIM 7 GROUPS OF 2 TEN SIDED DIE TO REPRESENT HIS MAXIMUM POTENTIAL OF @ 700 C4 DP, GIVING HIM a 11.73751 COM WENCH. FATAL rpg is not difficult to understand. It’s equation for area in nd6 @ C4 is same, by PURE COINCIDENCE, as in my homebrew rpg HYBRID: it’s the ultimate meta-rpg. Also, by the way, the term “sub-ability” as used in other rpg is “1 Level less” in my rpg HYBRID, meaning “sub-ability” in FATAL is @ C4, based on C3 of GURPS, D&D, HERO 5th, Dark Champions, & Dragonball-Z. Note that for the ’86 MU TSR rpg, C3 is male human stats, C3 is for body armor & material strength, C2 as average mutant stats, C1 for genius or low magicians or low level gods. [CA - 10] in Nobilis & MU SAGA. So, “Caster 15” = 150 C3 = 150 LP for Life Points in FATAL RPG @ either PL or DP: DP if a master ninja & DP for low level mutant as a ninja; PL for tachyon projection like in Yu-Gi-Oh for a 150 point monster. For spells in FATAL rpg is more like prediction similar to that of the weather man predicting a storm, ELSE it would require (Y=2)*x = 2x that amount of “Caster Level” @ 50% weather control, where % = [1 – (1 / Y)], where [x] = original amount in “Caster Level” to predict weather: multiply by [Y] to cast spell for storm, which for LP Jupiter like storm can be @ for C3 PL which for an average storm on earth is reduced to a C4 PL which is lot less devastating than a C3 PL storm. RULE # 330: The One Law for Morality, has 1 drawback that being what if opposing sides think & believe their view of morality is correct, where, for example, you end up with gender wars or wars between religions or wars between ideology or wars between capitalism & communism, & what about USA soldiers that rape foreign women in foreign lands as they have been doing for the past half a century in all countries that they have military bases in, & many times the women do not know they are being raped & coerced into prostitution: how can a woman not know that she is being raped which is about as false or stupid as a woman or a wife that thinks that her husband is raping her, about as weird as French women wanting to be raped by English soldiers during rein of Henry V. But, not sure if placing a super computer in charge of morality of governments would make any difference to remove bias & corruption to remove politicians, most of whom are inept. In the November 2003 episode of the Justice League, the guys or the male members of the Justice League set Hawkwoman or Hawkgirl on a blind date with Solomon Grundy. RULE # 329: Most of the, if not all, of the male or guy mutants that chase after Lana Lang in the tv series “Smallvile” are @ 1 level higher than her ideal match, meaning if her ideal match is 36 C3 DP, then the male mutants that chase after her are @ 36 C2 DP, giving them a [6 AVERAGE Mind, Body, & Soul in BESM rpg]. But, note that Clark Kent is @ 2x this 36 C2 DP, placing Clark Kent @ 72 C2 DP @ [8.49 AMBS in BESM rpg]. Note that Lex Luther seems to be 1 level less than Clark Kent, placing Lex Luthor @ 72 C3 DP. But, IF the tornado storm that injured his father was not an accident but intentional by Lex, losing his cool, considering that he, Lex, lost (intentionally or unintentionally by Clark) both of his fiancés to Clark, who is like Loki, the god of mischief, where in DC comics is Mxyzptlk which I suspect to be Clark’s alter ego, then, Lex would be @ 36 C2 DP, where he can decrease his default 36 C2 Life Span to [36/2] = 18 C2 LS, giving him a PL or Power Level of [36*2] = 72 C2 PL to generate the # tornadoes which were decreased if his father countered that attack by decreasing the # of tornadoes down to a minimum, where I’m assuming that his, Lex’s, father is @ 6 or/to7 AMBS naturally @ 36 or/to 49 C2 DP, with(out) being mutated by the meteor rock like his son, Lex. The only exception to the above rule is the female shape shifter that chased after Lana Lang & that female kid, both @ 2x C2 DP of her male mutant counter parts: so, the male mutants are @ 36 C2 DP that chase after Lana Lange, while the female mutants are @ 72 C2 DP that chase after her: a ratio of 1:2 in terms of their C2 DP, including the 2 other female mutants that didn’t chase after her were also @ C2 DP of Clark, but since female mutants use up most of their points for COM, they are usually less powerful than Clark because he’s a guy. Also, note that the meteor rock(s) lower total points for most of the ladies that come I contact with them by reducing their coefficient from 20 to 10, then adding some constant C0 representative of her powers. I suspect that Lana Lang has her coefficient reduced to 15, making her a psuedo-mutant, allowing her to turn her mutant power(s) off, as well as change her powers, such as from telepathy to: [seduction + martial arts]. She must be one of those ladies that want to be raped, IF she has telepathic seduction power(s). This reminds me of all the countries that USA military bases are near, where many but not all but many women are so easily coersed into prostitution: so, is it rape or these women volunteering to be raped, and if they volunteer, then it’s not rape, then accuse these men of raping them: some women’s logic is complicated. RULE # 328: NOTE THE SIMILARITY BETWEEN THE 2 MOVIE VERSIONS OF DUNE & other MARTIAL ARTS MOVIES INVOLVING ANCIENT CHINA & JAPAN, former, DUNE example, more similar to Shakespeare. So, to rule, from a mayor to king, where [AFTER THE FALL OF THE Roman Empire IN 999 AD] a king in @ C1 DP is @ [century], where in year 1500.5 Europe, a king needs to be @ 15.005 C1 DP = 24.18 C2 DP = 82.07 C3 DP = TOTAL of 82.07 points in an average rpg such as in GURPS, D&D, D20, Dragonball-Z, & HERO, where previous example was for a king in the year 1345 Europe @ 13.45 C1 DP = 18.79 C2 DP = 42 C3 DP = TOTAL of 42 points in an average rpg such as in GURPS, D&D, D20, Dragonball-Z, & HERO to: President, radius or diameter in # of miles or kilometers = 10^[(C2 PL)/(his COM @ C2)]. So, a US Vice President would need a minimum of 25 C2 DP, while a US President would need a minimum of 30 C2 DP, where # of years = [(((C2 DP)/10)-1)^2]. So, a President would need to appear to be @ 20 C2 DP but actually need to have a 30 C2 DP to be a US President for 4 years. So, it appears that Clinton had C2 DP that of Gore, but Clinton would get +5 points for his 1st term, and another +5 points fore next term. So, he would get 25+5+5 = 35 C2 DP for a 2 term President. And, if Gore never becomes President, then Gore forever remains @ 25 C2 DP that of a Vice President during Clinton’s 2 terms. But, getting back to the example for Mr Clinton of the 1990s, [35*2] = 70 C2 PL, giving him a C2 L of [35/2] = 17.5 C2, but his COM @ C2 is @ 23.33 based on his daughter’s COM @ 18 COM by [23.33^LOG10(23.33)]/(pi+1) = 18 COM for his daughter, so her father also gets an 18 COM. Then, 70/23.33 = 3. So, radius or diameter of area of land or/of country that he’d rule = 10^3 = 10^(70/23.33) = 1,000 miles, but since USA is slightly larger than that, the difference in area of land would show or explain the lack of stability in his Presidency in terms of my RPG HYBRID. So, then, mayor of NYC would be @ 21 C2 DP. You’d increase his PL to [21+1] = 22 C2 PL, decreasing his LS to [21-1] = 20 C2, and assuming his COM = @ 7 @ 29 C3 DP = 16.2 C2 DP, then area of land that he’d be mayor of = 10^[22/16.2) = 10^1.36 = 22.8 miles or kilometer radius or diameter of his city. These “average” equations may need minor adjustment. RULE # 327: To create a(/n adult) female humanoid mutant: 1st) “her” AVERAGE C1 DP = [2*COM], approximately, = [(15 -/+(%*15))*(her COM +1)], where “@ -93%”, her gender becomes a “he”, and where + increases her LS & her PL, while – decreases her LS & her PL, but for latter, but by decreasing her COM, by that I do NOT mean surgically, but IF she has ability to reduce her COM points, she can increase her PL IF she is placed in latter situation; her regular C2 DP = [20*(her COM)]; but, if she is a clone, then her C2 DP = [(%^(1/2)*(her COM)]. So, if an adult female humanoid mutant is @ 100 C2 DP, her average COM = [100/14.79] = 6.76, but as a shape shifter, her maximum COM = 10 or 2x her average COM. So, her C2 DP = [((her COM)+pi -/+1)^2] or [[((her COM)+pi -/+1)^2]/2] = her C2 DP for which +1 @ low extreme & -1 high extreme to calculate her C2 DP. But, by RULE # 3 & RULE # 33, COM fluctuates by 50% for her & his COM, depending on how gotten, by that i mean, IF she is efficient, she can reduce required points by 50% to meet her COM goal for # COM, depending on C0 of her point distribution of her points, where 555 [by raising her C3 PL to the power of 4 & reducing her LS by power of (1/4): and, taking her LOG10 of new C3 PL for her COM value] compared to 1,111 C2 DP = 30 COM for her, meaning her C1 DP = [[10*[(her COM)^(1/2)]]-[(her COM)^(1/2)]], which has minor flaws @ the low end of the COM scale such as @ 2, where [ideal match for her] guy’s 100 C3 PL = [LOG10(100=her C3 PL)] COM for her = 2 COM for her = [[LN(her C3 PL)]/2], approximately, for her COM. RULE # 326: You can use advantages & limitations on characters that have powers to alter their mass, as well as mutants with the appearance & size & characteristics of an astrological body such as the MU Ego, The Living Planet. Figure out advantage 1st to compute new total for default psyche of object with the mutation, before/then limitation to figure out default psyche of the normal object without the mutation. Look @ RULE # 323. RULE # 325: As an analogy, this rule works sort of like the movie Atlantis, in that you already know the answer such as the map for the city, which in terms of the movie would be the existence of the fictional city, but finding it is another matter. Similarly, in terms of/for this rule would not be the value but the elusive force field equation for the value, which is a known variable, but the unknown variable is the elusive force field equation for that known value, where the equation is elusive because the exponent {d for (1/d)} changes for each different dimension for C0 & for different size & mass of the object that C0 is used on, where C0 is simply point distribution which is proportional to ability to figure out a complicated puzzle, such as in the movie Hell-Raiser: the puzzle could just as easily be a desire goal or wish (like in for the movie: Wish master) or a (physics) problem. So, trying to figure out the how you got or get the answer is more difficult than knowing the answer, as knowing the answer is easier than trying to figure out the equation that fits the answer: in another words, what this is is an attempt @ reverse engineering an equation that fits the answer. The average value of d = LOG10(X @ C0), where Y = [X^(1/d)], but, since it, this is only an average, you can’t really use this for any particular phenomenon in my rpg HYBRID, other than a rough estimate or idea of what the value should be, where the average value is inaccurate compared to the correct value, whatever the correct value might be, without further modification; 2nd estimate is that radius or diameter of the force field increase by a factor of 1000x every multiple increment of 10x in its C2 DP such as an asteroid be @ 10 C2 DP or an average bacteria @ 1 C2 DP compared to an insect @ 2 to 4 C2 DP < also, note that kg of mass of living tissue = 1 ton of mass of technological object, {meaning the robot Godzilla would be @ PL rather than @ DP, so each attack on the robot Godzilla would make it weaker, while the real Godzilla {in terms of the storyline: yea, I know that outside the storyline there is an actor in the rubber costume outside the storyline, but within the storyline, Godzilla} would be able to recuperate lost points from attacks since it (he) is @ DP & not @ PL, by that I mean his default = his PL, though technically he is @ PL, but not @ PL increased but @ PL @ default, and not PL artificially increased, which can only be applied to either technology or human size mutants or to a human size robot programmed to have mutant powers if created by a mutant disguised as a scientist, but as for PL, which is what the monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh are @ that being @ PL & not @ DP, which is why the monsters in the Yu-Gi-Oh are only just tachyon field(s) or/& projection(s)}, which on large scale = 1 ton of mass of object which on a small scale = 1000x its mass if TL @ C2 is reduced by 10x, where by gravity has less effect: also, note that 10^9 C3 DP @ 1,000 C2 DP for its mass = [1000*{(10^9)^3}] in kg = 10^27 tons for the mass of the sun @ 1,000 C2 DP, where 1000^LOG10(1,000 C2) = 10^9 C3 DP > which, the just mentioned, the latter 2nd method of approximation, is amazing like the velocity equation which eventually leads to the warp speed velocity equation, as well as proportional to the attraction equation for mating. So, to create a nuclear bomb @ the price of a beer can, use the Fibonacci series: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, etc., where 0! = 1, where n = dimension of the point distribution C0 = Cn = C#: = X = [{10^[(nth # of Fibonacci)/10]}^2], approximately or average nth Fibonacci # = [10^(n/5)]; so, the 20th average Fibonacci # = approximately [(10^({n=20}/10))^2] = X = [(10^2)^2] = 10,000 = d @ 20th d. The force field equation uses these Fibonacci series, which has a range of groups of 2, starting with C1 @ [1,1], C2 @ [2,3], C3 @ [5,8], C4 @ [13,21], which overlap with its neighbor, which as an analogy like overlapping of electron orbital shells, meaning C3 @ [3,5], C4 @ [8,13], C5 @ [13,21], for value of “d”, for exponent (1/d), to compute radius or diameter of force field effecting laws of physics such as to generate a nuclear blast & effecting an area or volume of space based on the intensity of the nuclear blast = 10^(C0^(1/d)), d = [-{(% accuracy)/100} + LOG10(C0-2), when C0 = or greater than C3, else leave out the/this 1st part of this 2 part equation if C0 = C1 or C2, meaning you’d be left with the 2nd part only, which is next]*[X*(Y = LOG10({C0-1} of size & mass of object))], where Y = 1 @ 10 C0 for human size object, while a Godzilla-like massive object would get a Y = 2 @ 100 C2 DP by LOG10(100), since we compute size & mass of object @ 1 level more = “-1”, where “-1” = more dense point distribution while “+1” = less for next C0, than the C0 of the force field generate by the object. So, if one is computing “d” @ 10,000 C3 DP, by 100^LOG10(100 C3) = 10,000 C3, where d = [{X=4}*{Y=2}] = 8, where X = 4 by [{10^.3}^2] = 2^2 = 4 @ C3 DP, where d = 8 for a 10,000 C3 DP Godzilla within a storyline range of year 1981, within a range of 81 & 100 C2 DP, where @ 81 C2 DP, d = [{X=4}*{Y=1.91}] = 7.63, similarly works for other magnitudes or values of C0, within that general range, but this equation may not hold @ extremely high dimensional values, as I’ve only tried up to the 5th dimension(al) only, referred to as C5, & between C1 & C5 for C0, in creating a nuclear bomb @ the price of a beer can, simulating its effect within my imagination, but the unit for this new resulting # still needs some adjustment to its unit. So, using this equation in the last cave episode in the 2nd series, the fictional character Clark Kent used his powers @ C1 but @ d = [[10^{(C0=1)/10}]^2] = [{10^.1}^2] = 1.26^2 = 1.58 = d, which works most very brilliantly, resulting in a combination of condensing matter, IMPLOSION OR REVERSE NUCLEAR EXPLOSION, to create an illusion that he can erase matter & he then used molecular control, UNLESS {like the 1980s Transformer episodes, where the 2 spaceships, 1 for the good robots & 1 for the bad robots, crash on earth in the tv series: if similar to that, then}, then, the cave wall (parts of the cave, UNLESS the cave opening is an opening into his space ship which is camouflaged as a cave within a cave) itself is a holographic image which he can erase parts of, creating illusion that he can erase matter, but the illusion that he’s more powerful is proportional to the # of mutants that he’s able to defeat, where the difference between {64 & 81 C2 DP} = {8 to 9 AMBS} represents a hundred episodes. Or, maybe, he also has power to create illusions, realistic holograms, like a false cave, in a form of (a) tachyon field(s), similar to the MU Mysterio @ +4.5 in Nobilis.. RULE # 324: Somewhere on this planet there is a woman with a 30 COM, rare as a giant pearl with a radius diameter of 30 to 300 millimeters, such rarity for the probability of her existence for her COM proportional to {(radius or diameter of a pearl in millimeters)^{2/3} = her COM; so, the probably of find such a woman with such a COM is rare, rare as finding a pearl with a radius or diameter of a pearl in millimeters = {(her COM)^1.5}, where the exponent “1.5” = [1 + .(LOG10(age of her species in terms of evolution, with 10^5 years for humans))] = {1 + .5}. RULE # 323: The anatomy of a galaxy with a central black hole @ its center is that its internal structure consists of internal rings of structures every 30 C1 DP points, with its central black hole, with dozens of solar mass @ its center, have a radius or diameter that of less than a moon @ radius or diameter of size of a moon-like asteroid @ 30 C1 DP, referring to an area or volume of space, though 70% of a galaxy’s C1 DP is within that area or volume of space, where % = [100 – (C1 DP of the black hole @ center of each galaxy)], where % = area or volume occupied by the black hole @ the center of the galaxy, next followed by clear space similar to our solar system but as chaotic as the red spot of Jupiter as the nearby mass gets sucked into its black hole with the extra 30 points for that area of space @ the center of the galaxy, where it’s like a solar system with no planets with a giant black hole @ its center, when you’ve got up to [30+30] = 60 C1 DP, next followed by the stars that you see, [60+30] = 90 C1 DP, followed by next set of 30 points representing either margin of error or empty clear space outside the galaxy to its nearest neighboring galaxy, [90+30] = 120 C1 DP, such that when C1 = DP: radius or diameter of (Milky Way} galaxy in # of miles = 10^{{(C1 DP)/10}*LOG10(C1 DP)}; and, when C1 = PL: radius or diameter of galaxy in # of miles or kilometers = 10^{(C1 PL)/10}. But, this is not the reason for the update, and, so, to get to the reason for this update for this RULE # 323. For the 1st equation for this rule in the previous update contained a 5% error in for the 1st equation for this rule, RULE # 323, which is now corrected in the middle of this paragraph, without the previous nagging error, that being I had left out the modifier “.103296”, which needed to be added to the multiplier “2” which I forgot to do in previous update, even if it was only a 5% error but when magnified it become a 66% to 88% error for life span of the sun by giving it 1 or 2 or 3 rather than 9 billion years, meaning in previous update, its LS or Life Span, was 66% to 88% less than it should be, which is huge amount from a 5% error in a multiplier for the equation, which is now perfect(ed) until I find some error in it @ a later time, but for now, this newly improved corrected equation < to digress for a moment, I don’t mean to sound like Hotspur {if only my math was stronger, then I would not need to make so many updates so often, as I notice small errors popping like mushrooms, which taste great on a slice of pizza, the favorite food of the Ninja Turtles, but personally I prefer pepperoni rather than mushrooms: and, speaking of pizza, my all time favorite is the cottage cheese & pineapple, but I hate too much regular cheese on a pizza, but getting back to my homebrew science fiction rpg HYBRID} in my attempt to subdue the errors within my rpg, though small they may be, but as Hotspur raced against time, as do I in correcting my errors within my rpg if any errors I’ve made within my rpg HYBRID, but the correction process is slow as I suck in math which is why I use ratios which are easier to use & manipulate > is now perfect(ed). But, as Bolingbroke would/might say, I must have my kingdom (equation (crown), corrected) if necessary. Bolingbroke might add or say, “(but) is it a necessity to (subdue the error(s)), (he asks in the Shakespeare play Richards II)”. But, what was the 5% error? The 5% error was that I forgot to add the modifier “.103296” to the multiplier “2”, giving a new multiplier: that new multiplier being “2.10396”, rather than 2, as “2” gives an incorrect answer which in the great scheme of things, the 5% error when magnified gives a 66% error in life span of the sun by giving it 1 or 2 or 3 rather than 9 billion years, meaning in previous update, off by 66% on linear scale, meaning it was 66% to 88% less than it should be, rather than just 5%, which is removed to 0% error with the adding of “.10396” to the earlier multiplier “2”, giving a new multiplier ”2.103296”, though there might have been other constant, but don’t recall @ the moment, but using the MU EGO as a template, one can generate other constant besides this “2.103296” to construct new types of astrological bodies, based on & using the MU EGO as a template, as well as using the sun as a template for non-sentient (astrological) objects. This new multiplier removes all previous errors, as well as helps to give me an idea on how to adjust this multiplier to create the MU character known as Ego, the Living Planet, by assigning it either an advantage or/and limitation to an object, such as a planet, @ C1 DP. So, if Mars was @ 40 C1 DP, and you wanted to convert it to earth with no intelligent life, add +5 points; another +5 for primitive life forms, like the earliest ancestors of humans, such as those like & similar to those of the Planet of the Apes; add +10 for humans; and, you’re done; unless, you want to siphon off the humans into a single entity such as the MU Ego, The Living Planet @ 50 C1 DP: +5 points more than the earth @ 45 C1 DP, unless the earth is already like the Ego, the Living Planet, where rather than focusing all its life force into 1 single entity, it separates itself like the vampires in the movie Blade II which would then put the life force of earth @ 50 C1 DP @ power level @ that of the MU Ego. You can check the accuracy of this by converting 50 C1 DP of a planet (earth) to 50 C2 DP for the master elite species that being humans, then using RULE # 3, which gives [50/2] = 25 C2 LS & [50*2] = 100 C2 PL in reference to humans & # of humans, where 10^((50*2, C2 PL)^(1/2)) = 10 billion humans that the planet would be able to support. But, this doesn’t take into account the existence of women, which would require you to give the planet a +5 to its previous total of 50, giving it a new total of 55 C1 DP, so the earth decide to evolve into a life sustaining planet (earth) rather than a star which latter that if it had decided to evolve into a star would have resulted in a binary star system rather than a solar system; so, this would be the new correct value for Ego, the Living Planet, as Ego, has power to create mutants, unlike earth which puts all its energy into quantity, which sometimes effects to improve quality but the earth goes about it a strange sort of way to improve quality that by Darwin’s Theory rather than a self will which is the path that the MU Ego has chose that being away from Darwin’s Theory of evolution to self evolution: to mostly evolve itself rather than its children, but not entirely true, since Ego does have followers but it’s more zombie like followers than self will which exist only accidentally or/and by mistake for the most part, unless, it wish to give itself the appearance of a living planet, and so it, Ego, allows some self will, but not too much, and since plants require almost no self will, Ego invest more into planet life rather than organic life, allowing it to save points for itself which has tendency to stifle self will. How did I get this new multiplier? I got this new multiplier by [dividing {56.789 C1 DP of the sun} by {LOG10 of mass of the sun in # of tons that @ 10^27 tons}]. But, getting back to the equation for non-sentient astrological object(s), including technological & biological objects: the mass of object in # of tons = 10^[(C1 DP)/2.103296], where (C1 DP) = [2.103296*{LOG10(mass of object in # of tons)}]: mass in # of kilograms = 10^[(C2 DP)^(1/2.103296)]. So, if a star, such as the sun has a mass of 10^27 tons, would have a Default Psyche of 56.789 @ C1 DP for the sun, with unknown % margin of error; but, strangely, earth is @ 567.89 C2 DP, with unknown % margin of error. What’s the big deal about that? You can then use this equation to create Godzilla like monsters or mass of a modern aircraft carrier, equation for which is mass in # of tons = [10^{(C1)/{(nd6 damage that the technological @ PL or biological @ DP if life span is @ “default” for object can inflict)^(1/2)}}], which is @ C1 but @ C2, mass in # of tons = [10^{(C2)/(nd6 damage that the technological @ PL or biological @ DP if life span is @ “default” for object can inflict)}], latter notice that you do not take the square root, and works for the sun as well but use only [nd6] = [37d6] damage = Z, where temperature of [nd6] damage by heat = 10^{(nd6)^(1/2)}, that the sun can inflict on a colliding object on contact with the sun to calculate the mass of the sun in # of tons by 10^[(1,000 C2 DP)/(Z)] = 10^27 tons, where you can not forget to [56.789-3] C1 PL to get [56.789+3] LS, while in the former equation, you do take the square root of the exponent, which works most perfectly for both in constructing any battleship as well as any Godzilla like monster, but refer to RULE # 313 for [nd6] damage for any other object such as the sun or mutants or by man made weapons, including accidents, as well as, figure out the default psyche of a neutron star based on its mass. So, if a super giant black hole < which decades ago was mistakenly called a super giant neutron star > @ center of the galaxy @ mass of 1 million solar mass would have a default psyche of 69.409 C1 DP. What’s the big deal about that? You can compare the power levels of various MU & DC characters to these astrological objects, as well, as compute the character’s hidden mass, as well see if I’ve made any computation errors in any of my past equations. This gives 3 new equations. 1st) the new time travel equation in # of seconds = 10^[(C1)^(1/2)], for which when frequency, # of such power stunts, is lacking, assign PL or Power Level to C1 else if frequency, # of such power stunts, is not lacking then assign DP or Default Psyche to C1, for latter such as the fictional DC character Clark Kent of the tv series “Smallville” who’d be @ in the {20s @ C1 DP}, between 20 & 29 C1 DP for the character Clark Kent of “Smallville”: this time travel equation can also be applied to dreams for both this fictional character as shown in 2 of the episodes, as well as probably to real characters by simply lower the C1 value to reasonable human levels, where the #s for time length for dreams comes out accurate, but data is limited; 2nd) by temporary lowering a mutant’s default life span to human levels, he can increase his power level & vice versa < basic principle behind my homebrew rpg >, he can then substitute his new C1 PL into the equation to compute how many seconds or years he can travel into the past or future. So, Clark Kent @ +5 in Nobilis could randomly travel 12 days into the past or future or some alternate timeline by 24.17 C1 DP resulting in [24.17/1.5] LS & [24.17*1.5] PL, resulting in 10^[{[24.17*1.5] PL}^(1/2)] = 10^[36.25^(1/2)] = 10^6.02 seconds for each time travel power stunt. This is the best time travel equation that I’ve had so far. 3rd) # of kg is to C2, # of seconds is to C1, mass of object in kg = [10^{{(C2 PL)^(1/2)} -/+ LOG10(C2 PL)]; and, # of seconds in time travel = [10^{(C1 PL)^(1/2)} -/+ LOG10(C1 PL)]. So, the sun is @ 56.789 C1 DP, as you have to take its life span into account: [56.789 - 3] C1 PL and [56.789+3] C1 life span of/for the sun, our star. RULE # 322: The shrinking equation works similar to warp velocity equation, except that the shrinking equation starts @ 20 C1 DP while warp velocity starts @ 30 C1 DP, meaning: shrinking (1/x), x = 10^{(((C1 DP)-10)/10)^2}, whereas warp # x = [pi*(y)], y = {(((C1 DP)-20)/10)^2}, where % travel through the solar system = {((C2 DP)/10)^2}, % travel through the galaxy = {((C1 DP)/10)^2}, % travel through the universe = {((CA DP)/10)^2}, where FTL = 2^(x-1) or [-1+2^x]. If this is performed only once, then replace (C1 DP) by (C1 PL), else if performed multiple times, then replaced (C1 PL) by (C1 DP). And, so, the equation for time travel, which can be implemented assuming the character has sufficient life force points to create a mechanical device or travel without a mechanical device sort of like being “time sensitive” as such are the Time lords by this: # of unit of time less than or = to year = x = [C2 PL] = 10^{(((C1 DP)-30)/10)^2}, assuming this power stunt is performed only once; otherwise, if this power stunt is performed multiple # of times, then x = 10^{(((CA DP)-30)/10)^2}: giving a range of {(19*pi) @ C1 DP} to {(17*pi) @ CA DP}, same ratio for the MU Soul Gems to Power Gems @ range {((18 +/- 1)*pi) @ C1 DP} to {((16 +/-1)*pi) @ CA DP} points, former both @ C1 DP for only 1 time travel power stunt, so the green or/& red crystal that the time traveler in the movie “Time Machine” was using could have been a Soul Gem or Kryptonite or some other alien substance, since his machine was inoperable @ the end of the movie, like a disposable Pilot Varsity fountain pen running out of ink, but I doubt that the time traveler can go to some local store to buy another Soul Gem or Kryptonite or some other alien substance to power his time machine, while the latter both @ CA DP for multiple such time travel power stunts. And, @ the other extreme, @ low power levels, where @ value of points for enhances senses comparable to that mimicked by technology @ C3, unless the intensity of his senses is so greater than it’s beyond that of human technology, then the value of those points is @ C2. But, in all the rules normal laws of physics is paramount, such as Doppler Effect, Resonance Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fractals, Quantum Computers, Cloning, etc. And, for points for TP, there are 2 ways to compute new total: 1st) is more costly as it takes into account protection from other people’s thoughts from screwing up your power(s), add the modifier to his base points @ C1 DP, with new total also @ C1 DP. So, if you have DC Lobo @ 40 C1 DP, and want him to have power to read minds of a thousand people, then add +10 to his 40, giving a new total of 50 C1 DP: this 1st method is used on a character like the Juggernaut to raise his points form 20 to 30 C1 DP; 2nd) if you don’t want your character to have this extra protection, then add modifier to his COM after converting his COM to C1 DP. The value of the modifier is same as the distance that an astronaut can travel in km, where for TP, you replace the unit km with # of people. But, the # of km that an astronaut can travel @ that modifier depends on the method of travel & time to reach his destination, as well as his personal attributes. By adding a modifier of +5 < most that would be allowed to an average mutant +10 modifier {these + modifier @ C1 DP are not the same as [[+]#] in Nobilis} to an above average mutant > to Spiderman’s 20 C1 DP = [20+5] = 25 C1 PL that of Captain Universe, though he could increase his PL slight more by [20*1.5] rather than [20+5], former 1st would reduce his LS to 13.33 C1 while the 2nd latter would reduce his LS to 15 C1, giving him sufficient PL to equivalent to raising his PL to 75% that of the Juggernaut: the same point range could be used by TP to contact Fear, who is @ 49 C1 DP, of the subatomic universe < notice that because the # of dots in Aberrant rpg fluctuate between C2 & C1, the average of the two be the square root of C1, since @ times, the Aberrant rpg for its dots as magnitude exceed even C1 for such things as time travel which best be done @ CA, so the dots fluctuate not only between C2 & C1 but also between C1 & CA, all the more reason to make the average be @ square root of C1 DP, which I had originally included in my review of different rpgs >: the purpose being is if Fear were to shrink him to the subatomic universe, it would seem like Spiderman had an extra unused modifier of +10 @ C1 DP; though, the clone saga started after the Captain Universe episode, so it’s just possible that Spiderman pushed his stats to excess beyond his limits @ instead of C2 but @ C1, necessary needed points, to shrink himself to the subatomic universe if Spiderman was that he can get away pretending to be Captain Universe by [20*1.5] = 30 C1 PL @ [20/1.5] = 13.3 C1 LS, though to travel to the subatomic universe of Fear & meet the imprisoned Captain Universe, he’d need to be @ 40 C1 DP @ power level that of Firelord < but, how he get +20 modifier to his EGO, which the new value would work as “default”, but skipping this step for a moment as to how he got this mysterious +20 modifier to his default EGO as his new default psyche > then by {[40*pi] = 125.66 C1 PL} & {[40/pi] = 12.73 C1 LS}, latter represent clone @ 12.73 C1 PL of Spiderman with no powers, & the former 125.66 C1 PL power to shrink himself to the subatomic universe of Fear, but notice I used the unit “DP” rather than “PL” to start off the character super Spiderman @ level that of Firelord, though Spiderman is usually @ 20 C1 DP, rarely @ 40 C1 DP, where 40 C1 PL is insufficient as such is only enough to shrink himself to level of a bacteria & not enough to shrink himself to the subatomic universe, since Spiderman would need 2x this amount, meaning he’d need to be @ 80 C1 PL, which is still insufficient, since 80 C1 PL is only enough to shrink him to atomic level, as he would need 3x the original estimate @ 3x40 = 120 C1 PL to shrink himself to subatomic level, and coincidently his powers as Captain Universe is @ 90 to 120 C2 PL + another +5.66 C2 PL to return him back to his previous self, giving a new total of 125.66 C2 PL as Captain Universe, and @ the other extreme he’d need to be @ 120 C1 PL to shrink himself to subatomic level, but to get to universe of Fear within the subatomic universe, he’d need an extra +3 C1 PL points, raising his needed estimate to 123 C1 PL, and another +2.66 C1 PL to return him back to his reality, giving a new total of 125.66 C1 PL as Spiderman before he would come across a previous Captain Universe, imprisoned by Fear. So, Spiderman would need to be @ power level that of Firelord to be able to pull these power stunts off within realm of possibility, as @ 22.32 C1 DP @ level that of Mysterio @ +4.5 in Nobilis rpg @ which he still has insufficient power but @ 40 C1 DP @ level that of Firelord @ 40 C1 DP, it’s possible, such that he had no powers left @ end of the adventure & decided to take on identity of being clone of Spiderman, if his enemies ever tracked him down, after his death meaning death of his clone, his soul would return back in time such that he would appear out of hiding until his other self died so that there not would be a 2nd Spiderman, sort of like “Back to the Future” is the best analogy for the clone sage of Spiderman, but rather than actual time travel, it would be him re-incarnating, where he would suffer little point loss due to him traveling close to his distance past, and as long as he didn’t create any time paradox by staying out of sight until his other self that pretending to be a clone would die, since his life force ran out after pushing his powers to beyond his limits to shrink himself or by shrinking himself to the subatomic universe of Fear, such that he needed some rest which he got that rest & pretending to be a clone. So, @ 2.41 COM = 10 C1 DP @ modifier of +10 to 2.41 COM = [10+10] = 20 C1 DP, assuming he is @ 20 C1 DP, he can fly a like Iron Man, but as an astronaut, he in a properly built spaceship could travel to the edge of the earth’s solar system @ [50+40] = 90 C2 PL, where distance in km or miles = 10^{(C2 PL)/10}, but @ C1 PL, the trip would be extremely unstable, sort of like the tv series Farscape, where he is unable to return back to earth. Similarly, this would apply for someone like the Red Ghost @ 25 C1 DP of MU Russia, where his mutation, if he was mutated by cosmic rays & if he wasn’t born with his increased life force, gives power similar to Shadow-cat, with his other points in @ PL used for his 3 apes, leaving him with human level Life Span, with 75 of his 300 C2 PL is used by him, with his remaining 300 points of C2 PL is divided amongst his 3 apes, each @ 75 points of C2 PL, enough to match FF. But, again, # of such adventures for the Red Ghost would be very limited to perhaps two @ most, before needing long time to recuperate to get his life force points back, similar to the Spiderman clone saga, where the clone of Spiderman represented Spiderman needing rest, in order to fully recuperate his life force points back to full recovery if he didn’t die which in that case his other self when both together could have been a clone with no powers or hologram similar to that by Mysterio @ +4 in Nobilis: +1 for less than elite; +2 for an elite adult male human; +3 minimum for Sabertooth, Wolverine, Jubilee, Gambit, & Nick Fury: in one page Peter Parker was having a soliloquy about his arch enemy now reformed Mysterio @ +4.5 in Nobilis, helping him, as he lived a life of recluse, pretending to be a, clone: complicated. RULE # 321: COM for guys = [((C1 DP)-10)^2] which only works for C0 greater than 12.3456789 for (C1 DP); COM for ladies = [({(CA DP)-10}/2)^2] = [{{# in Nobilis}/2}^2]. Look @ RULE # 327. RULE # 320: For time travel, # of years +/- = either [10^{((C1 DP)/COM)^X}], where X is less than 1: this equation can be performed multiple # of times @ % inverse of X, meaning if X is @ .9, then % [1-.9] = 10% chance for another time travel power stunt, for each time jump, sort of like the Tardis has to stop & rest before next time jump which biologically would be re-incarnation & death cycle; while, [10^{(C1 DP)/COM}] can be performed only once, sort of like the time traveling character in the storyline Time Machine @ X = .9; and, [10^{(C1 PL)/COM}] depends on if {PL >< default}. RULE # 319: Somewhere in my homebrew rpg HYBRID, mostly a tri-stat system, consisting of 6 stats, {Default Psyche or EGO (Actual or/& Perceived), Life Span, Power Level, COM, INT, & {unit for point distribution}}, I mistakenly placed the MU character THOR @ 76 C1 DP in/for the Ragnerrok MU rpg which @ 76 C1 DP is power level of Odin or Silver Surfer, the version when he is liked by Galactus, by which when SS is looking for a planet for Galactus to devour then SS is @ 76 else reduced to 50.66 when SS disobeys Galactus, and SS is reduced to 25.33 C1 DP when SS wants to quit being Herald of Galactus, the version of SS that is banished to earth for disobeying Galactus, but the reason that SS wants to be banished to earth is that SS is Xavier @ 45 C1 DP of an alternate timeline, meaning Xavier’s soul about @ 10^5 years later or square root of 1 billion AD, reason for which is that Xavier has half as many points as Kal El, with potential @ 90 C1 DP, which gets reduced to level that of the Juggernaut @ 90 C2 DP < not counting points for his 2 layered helmet(s) for protection from Xavier > as other than pre-crisis version of Superman’s potential, meaning not the pre-crisis version, after arriving in present DC timeline, so just because that Superman managed to shove the Juggernaut in the Amalgam issue, means that Superman @ 2x is stronger and more powerful than that Juggernaut @ 1x, whose power gets reduced if anyone other than the Juggernaut touches his Cyttorak Crystal, so the Juggernaut could have been weaker due to this, but it’s also possible that the Juggernaut use his other 1x points for protections from psionic attacks, so this would (maybe) prevent the Juggernaut from having powers similar to Superman, but getting back to what I was saying, in future moment their respective timeline, that Jor El has Kal El sent back in time to present DC timeline, in the future will attempt to travel back in time to an alternate MU timeline & take on the identity of Norinn Radd, @ end of life span of Apocalypse ends then, to Zen La, once Xaiver gets tired of the Shi’Ar Empire & their queen is then he’ll search for another woman of status, reason being that Xavier’s current Herald is Marvel Girl as Phoenix, who as Marvel Girl is only @ C2 DP power level but as Xavier’s Herald she is briefly @ C1 DP, so that Xavier can keep his innocent persona, but @ about the time that Jor El sends Kal El back in time to present DC timeline, Xavier travels an alternate MU timeline < but traveling back in time he’ll lose 60% of his points; so, he makes no net gain in points : same mistake by the DC Firestorm who decides to fuse soul of professor so that he wouldn’t have to use INT but use INT of the professor, with Firestorm hoping to save points for his other powers : similar foolish mistake in attempting to save points by Xavier, prevented by conservation of mass & energy > & takes on identity of Norinn Radd to get +30 C1 DP points which is just changing his C2 DP unit @ 50 to C1 DP @ 50, which is an increase in his unit by 1 Level, which is what Galactus does when he mutates someone into a Herald, as SS by becoming Herald of Galactus of in an alternate MU timeline, after he stops pretending to be paralyzed, latter to save points for his TP or/& TK or maybe play a weak character on purpose so that he can play the GM to the X-Men, NOT referring to Onslaught, but both alike in personality, which in that case SS gets {(1/3) of 76} or 25.33 C1 DP, assuming both Silver Surfer and Odin are supposed to have half as many points that of Mephisto, who is @ 2x76 = 152 C1 DP = 30 CA DP by 30^LOG10(30) = 152 C1 DP = +20 by [(CA DP) – 10] in Nobilis rpg for Mephisto; THOR is @ most @ 67 C1 DP @ PL that of pre-crisis Superman, since 76 C1 DP is @ Dr Doom level & +26 C1 DP points in excess of what THOR should have. The reason that I placed THOR @ 76 C1 DP was that IF THOR can time travel or to a dimension Hell that of Mephisto & if he can come back unharmed which THOR was NEVER able to do: best analogy for THOR might be Bruce Lee, where he often tried to & pushed himself beyond his limits to his detriment. So, THOR should be @ power level that of the HULK @ between 25 to 50 C1 DP, where 25 C1 DP would be @ level that of he or both can do physically @ +5.23456789 in Nobilis, but @ 50 C1 DP for some minor dimensional travel power stunts @ +10.123456789 in Nobilis, where 24.17 C1 DP is power level that of Clark Kent of the tv series “Smallville”. But, getting back to the writing this little paragraph besides to correct my one of my old typos, reason being that Mangog would be @ 67 C1 DP, for as it is said that Mangog is supposed to have power of 1 billion souls, each @ 123 C3 DP, @ power level that of Nightwing. So, then, to check the accuracy of this, use the cloning equation, but before you can use the cloning equation to check the accuracy of Mangog’s C1 DP, you 1st compute value by Mangog’s total points if he written in Dragonball-Z & divide his total points by 1 billion human male souls < not female but only male >, each @ 123 C3 DP, @ power level that of Nightwing. To calculate # of souls = [67^LOG10(67)]^LOG10[67^LOG10(67 C1)]/{123 C3} = [{2,60.47^LOG10(2,60.47)}/123] = [{1.32*10^11}/123] = [1.07*10^9] or 1.07 billion souls. ==== Here are some conversions from DC to my homebrew rpg HYBRID, but note that Hero & Villains points is like Real Point in HERO rpg, while Character Points is like Active Points in Hero rpg, from the looks of it, but it’s only @ a 1st glance, so my next update may have a slightly different interpretation, but I’ll keep a note to keep past interpretation in my next update if I should have a slight different interpretation @ a later time, but getting back to my conversions from DC to HYBRID, most of which is amazingly similar like between BESM & Aberrant, & the similarity between GURPS & HERO, or between Yu-Gi-Oh & Dragonball-Z, & now, the conversions to HYBRID: < HYPERLINK "http://www.aric-dacia.com/dcwriteups.htm" µhttp://www.aric-dacia.com/dcwriteups.htm§ > < from least powerful to most powerful > < note that C3 DP = C2^LOG10(C2) > < &, note that C2 DP = C1^LOG10(C1) > Minute Man : a) Body Points = 50 = 50 C3 DP; Batman of Earth 72: Richard Dick Grayson; a) Hero Points = 26 = 26 Real Points = 26 C2 DP; b) Character Points = 175 = 175 Active Points = 175 C3 DP; c) Body Points = 45 = 45 C3 DP; d) Acrobatics = 16D = 96 = 96 C3 DP; 3) Firestorm: the reason that maybe he fused the professor into his soul, temporarily, so he thought he could save points for his powers, so that he wouldn’t have to spend any points for INT, but he seems to be spending an = or more points in attempting to save points, assuming the professor isn’t a meta-human like Ron Raymond, who only needed & fused the professor into him so that Ron Raymond wouldn’t have to spend any point for INT, but Ron Raymond ended up spending more points for INT rather than saving points for his other powers; a) Hero Points = 18 = 18 Real Points = 18 C1 DP which is insufficient & should be greater else his Life Span will reduce to [18/2] = 9 C1 DP to increase his Power Level, since 18 C1 DP = 37.65 C2 DP which is only = to one of the 2 fused entities < Ron Raymond or/& Professor Martin Stein >: possible option might be to reduce his Life Span to 37.65 C3, allowing him to increase his Power Level to 37.65 C1 = 304 C2 PL by 37.65^LOG10(37.56 C1) = 304 C2; b) Character Points = 150 = 150 Active Points = 150 C2 DP which is probably his “average” power output or use rather than maximum, which would be # [18*2] C1 PL = 264.29 C2 PL for his Power Level: the missing points from HERO Points determine how many points would be need to fuse the 2 entities into one, sort of like the Marvel Ghost Rider; c) Body Points = 58, but for each = [58/2] = 29 C3; 4) Monstress: easier to just say that she’s an orange version of She-Hulk, as her Hero Points being only 2 doesn’t make any sense, unless her 21 Character Points @ C1 DP is supposed to be her Hero Points which would give her 56 Character Points @ C2 DP by 21^LOG10(21) = 56; a) Body Points of 28(136) doesn’t make sense, unless the 28 points is supposed to be her HERO or Real Points @ C1 DP; while, her 136 is supposed to be her Character or Active Points @ C2 DP, most of both used for her beauty in same manner as She-Hulk; 5) Lobo: Hero Points (2) + Villain Points(35) = 37 Real Points @ C1 DP; Character Points(85) = this is what he let others perceive him to be @ 85 C2 DP @ power level that of Clark Kent of the tv series “Smallville”; Body Points(195) @ either minimum C3 DP for his COM or for if his cloning power is focused into his STR then he can use the 195 C2 DP @ STR that of Superman, where STR = [(C2 DP)*{((C2 DP)/(COM @ C2))^(1/2}], but how you define his LS or Life Span determine his STR, since his STR depends on his PL, which is increase as you decrease his LS, so if you put Colossus @ 49 C2 DP or [7 AMBS in BESM], and decrease his LS to [49/2] & increase his PL to [49*2], but placing his COM @ 20 = 82.83 C3 =24.2654321 C2, giving an STR of = [49*(2^(1/2))] = 69.3 STR @ 49 C2 DP @ [7 AMBS in BESM], and if you want to make Colossus stronger, then just increase his psyche to that of the Omega-Red of Russia @ 64 C2 DP which is also proportional to Russia’s C2 PL @ 64, but since Omega-Red is @ DP, allowing him his tentacle power absorbing power sort of like Majin-Boo {Majin-Bu} of Dragonball-Z, but Majin-Bu @ 128 C2 DP or has 2x C2 DP that of Omega-Red @ 64 C2 DP, who can increase his PL beyond his “default” level or value, which is accurate based on Colossus fighting with the Juggernaut, who uses his point range from 30 to 40 C1 DP for dimensional travel, 1st 20 C1 DP of his points for STR, & remaining 20 to 30 C1 DP for protection from attacks, especially psionic that of his step-brother Xavier, and for personal sustenance in any environment: this equation is based on the MU mutant Colossus; and, Lobo is probably Superman of a different DC timeline
& somehow Lobo ended up in the main DC timeline; 6) Sinestro: been to the anti-matter universe of Qward; a) Villain Points = 37 = 37 Real Points = 37 C1 DP; b) Character Points = 203 = 203 Active Points = 203 C2 DP; c) Body Points = 32 = 32 C3 DP; Part i of RULE # 316 is most brilliant, but Part ii might be considered lame or weird in creating a female mutant. V 0.3: Comedy of Errors, or THE Greatest RPG: H*Y*B*R*I*D (the word is NOT an acronym; stars are there just to make it look pretty) This great rpg is 30% complete, but 4% of it consists of errors which is a DISCLAIMER: 2% of this/my rpg HYBRID is X-rated, RULE # 196 & 2 other rules, & another 2% is R-rated, which is meant to be only within the context of the imagination. Before I go on a rant, I’d like to quote the fictional character Dr Doom in one of the Doom 2099 or Marvel Spiderman comic that of Spiderman 2099, where Dr Doom says while he sees Spiderman 2099 in his monitor screen that there is no randomness in the universe & that all events are connected, no matter how trivial, all events are connected: he didn’t used these exact words, but I’m paraphrasing him, as I don’t recall his exact words, but this is the closest that I can paraphrase his quote. And, now I’m moving on to my rant. For this next disclaimer, my version or my personal interpretation in 1995 of the DC green Kryptonite is similar to the green Kryptonite in for the tv series “Smallville”. How can my version & the version the tv series be so similar ? 2nd similarity may or may not be or appear in the tv series of “Smallville” that being in HYBRID rpg, the DC planet Krypton is DC earth in future DC time line, with its decaying orbit crashing future DC earth into its/the red sun, the Kryptonians < and, I’m assuming that the clothing fashion of Kryptonians was that of the characters in the Shakespeare play “Macbeth” > should have just tried to increase the mass of planet earth by having the moon collide with earth @ low impact velocity with some kind of giant tractor beam like in Star Trek, giving the earth a larger orbital radius, preventing the earth from crashing into the sun due to either a decay in earth’s orbit or the larger size of the sun due to it turning red due to old age 1 billion years in the future, preventing the disaster by artificially giving the future earth an artificial larger orbital radius, after temporarily evacuating the planet as the moon collided with earth, before returning back to the surface of the planet earth, which it seems that the Kryptonians didn’t think of to save their earth in future DC timeline or that Jor El decided to use his technology to save his family but his wife wanted to stay behind rather than travel back in time with her/their/his son, Kal El, rather than the planet he was assigned to save that being his home planet earth of future DC timeline 1 billon years in the future, which had to be intentional on part of Jor El, who must have siphoned off the technology to save the planet for his personal goals that being to save his family rather than the entire planet, unless an alternate reason that send his son back in time was to improve the gene pool which would give the humans better chance to save the future earth from being destroyed by a decay in its orbit mixed with a larger (red) sun, recipe for disaster for, since Jor El either wanted to save his own family or send his son back in time to improve the gene pool or he sends his son back in time to point in time when technology is born, with purpose of taking over the planet to begin plans to save the earth from destruction, which would explain the alternate DC timeline that of Darkseid, where Superman become Darkseid in future DC timeline over time in a distant point in time as Superman as Darkseid attempts to save earth by attempting to move it from its orbit & to create an artificial new orbit, more distant from the (red) sun, which in that case Jor El went about saving earth a different sort of way, but @ a high price, with the New Gods being a different DC timeline of for DC earth, with Doomsday being either Superman from distant past or a clone of himself or some weapon to protect his planet from timeline of New Gods, assuming Superman later saw a need to create Doomsday, the same way that the Eradicator created Kal El after appearing on past DC earth, unless Superman was Doomsday before becoming Darkseid, since the power used to travel back in time could have been used to save the planet rather than just 1 individual, [talk about excess greed: Jor El must have been greedy beyond belief, to use his technology to save only 1 individual rather than an entire planet: Jor El is worse than a super villain, as not even a super villain would risk not saving a planet over 1 individual: or, just plain greedy ] with Kal El essentially traveling back in time to an earlier version of DC earth which serves to prove my theory of evolution at least in terms of context of science fiction with +/- # of years of evolution = either {10^((C2 DP) / 10)} or {for extreme points in time @ 10^((C1 DP) / 10)}, latter which when used as a time travel equation changes to #/- # of years of evolution = 10^((C2 DP) / 10), which in effect causes unit C1 to change to C2, when used as a time travel equation, as shown by the current tv series “Smallville”, assuming he traveled 1 billion years into the past by re-incarnating, causing his C1 unit to change to C2, so if Clark is @ 90 C2 DP, then he had to have been @ 90 C1 DP 1 billion years in the future in order to travel back in time 1 billion years by re-incarnating 1 billion years in the past for him to be @ 90 C2 DP, the same goes for the souls of the other mutants from their perspective timelines, who, also, traveled back in time by re-incarnating, causing their C1 unit to change to C2, so the next great war will be in the year 2345 AD, assuming I’m (not sure if choice exists or not, since I don’t believe in randomness) re-incarnated in the year 2316 AD, to maintain the conservation of mass & energy, mostly referring to preventing space-time turning into a paradox, sort of like killing a fetus for its stem cells, preventing its potential, NOT that I’m condoning it, but god may have a greater purpose, referring to Negative Energy, referring to maintaining conservation of mass & energy, considering that humans have been around for 9,876 to 56,789 years < IF later, where is Atlantis ? > with current maximum C2 DP for an adult male human genius or super rich likes of those like or similar to Einstein @ 36 C2 DP @ 6 AMBS to Bill Gates @ 49 C2 DP @ 7 AMBS, with science & technology being discovered & used being due to chaos theory < and, another premise behind the similarities between HYBRID & other rpgs & other science fiction rpg, assuming I’m not rationalizing the similarities, and assuming the similarities are not a coincidence which may e nothing more than pure coincidence, but if there is anything more complex to it than it being a pure coincidence, which if not, but its’ more likely chaos theory at @ work since I’m starting with the same basic premise as other rpg writers that of the point ratio between blacks to whites, and then taking it from there, but how can once explain the similarities between the incremental increase in technology of its year to C2 PL, maximum technology in 1943 was @ 43 to (43+C1) @ C2 = 43 to (43+19) @ C2 = 43 to 62.17 C2 PL, the same equation for Godzilla in all the Godzilla movies, one example being the 1990 version of Godzilla being @ 90 to (90 +C1) = 90 to (90+25) = 90 to 115 C2 DP, which is @ DP & not @ PL, due to it having a life span of 10,000 to 17,639 years @ 90 to 115 C2, but Gomorra gets (2/3) the # of points as Godzilla, giving Gomorra 7 to 8 AMBS @ 49 to 64 C2 DP, then the explanation would be answered with an analogy that of the mutant in the 2nd movie version of “Firestarter”, where one of the mutant could see into the future, but he was unable to alter the past for whatever reason, where he said that all objects & persons in the universe are different points in time interacting with each other like a different modules of a computer program, each affecting another part of the larger computer program, like those computer programs written by an object oriented computer language>: the idea that different alter egos of Superman may be existing in different points in time, figuratively & literally, but somehow, these different aspects of Superman in different points in time, in the DC time line, seem to be interacting with each other, converging to the so-called current or main DC time line, but I’m not sure how Parallax fits into this picture yet: I thought of this idea (regarding Superman’s planet Krypton, it being a future DC earth < why, several years later in the cartoon series of Superman, you have Bizarro trying to bad replica of Krypton in Metropolis, with Bizarro being extension of Superman, where Superman doesn’t (have to) get a bad rap for acts that Bizarro commits, so Bizarro could act as jerk, and Superman not get a bad rap for acting as jerk, and being overly flirtatious with Luis Lane in the cartoon tv series of Superman in approximately the year 2000, where the shy Clark Kent as Superman is constantly yanking Louis Lane by getting her into trouble & then rescuing her as Superman, but the idiot Superman or Clark Kent doesn’t just flatly ask her out on a date, guess he’s afraid of rejection like the rest of us guys, the effects of feminism, sort of like Juliet wanting Romeo to be a bird where Juliet would yank his chains in the “famous balcony scene”, sort of like the Marvel Spiderman that has others commit crimes by his TP then rescues the victims with his TK, sort of like the Marvel Xavier maintaining his X-Men by TP but creating his Danger Room by TK: I don’t believe it’s due to Shi’Ar technology > : it’s connection to current DC earth) a year late in 1996, when I came up with the name of “HYBRID”, for my role playing game which I wanted it my rpg to be the the ultimate & the reason to call it “hybrid” as biology being an extension of physics & as I would continually re-invent it in an attempt to remove randomness, as I don’t believe in randomness, and why dice is rarely ever used in my rpg, but rather everything is predetermined, with very little room for randomness, other than few minor choices, and the consequence or reward for making the right or wrong choice. I had worked on a personal interpretation of the DC green Kryptonite eight years ago in 1995: this, my, personal interpretation is very similar to the way green Kryptonite works in the tv series of “Smallville”. Is it a coincidence or/and parallel thinking, like different people, historically speaking, coming up with similar values of pi, in different parts of the world, not able to communicate their ideas with each other but having similar ideas for the value of pi, never the less. The reason that I point this out is that I keep seeing fragments of my ideas, “after I’ve thought of the idea”, in different science fiction literature. And, NO, it’s no alien crap, meaning it’s NOT like that weird alien movie mini series, where those the brainwashed people in the movie with the implants thought they were “taken”: NO, it’s NOT anything stupid like that. I don’t believe in aliens. But, I do believe in the possibility of time travel, at least in the form of radio waves like that movie “Frequency” that using Maxwell’s Equation for time travel, unless s he was a mutant & faking his time travel experience. But, getting back to my conservation of mass & energy model, 1st my personal opinion is that there probably isn’t any other planet with life forms else in this galaxy other than this planet, and if there was it would be created by Negative Energy, purpose being geared towards this planet. But, getting back to the similarity between the 2 versions of the DC green Kryptonite: my version in 1995 & the current version in the tv series of Smallville, though my version is still incomplete, since my rpg is still incomplete, so my interpretation of the DC green Kryptonite is sill incomplete. But, after seeing some time travel movies & reading up on (coming across) Maxwell’s Equation for time travel in the early 1990s, it got me thinking that (as a possibility) that the similarities or the fragments of my ideas popping up in different science fiction literature could be (maybe) due to someone in future sending my ideas after I’ve thought of them back in time but coming across paraphrased versions of my ideas in effect effecting my present ideas which effect my future ideas, like some weird chaos theory model, like in the movie “The 12 Monkeys” or “Back To the Future”, but that my be a bit of stretch, as the similarity could be nothing more than parallel thinking, but most role players don’t know that the point values in D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) is based on the discriminatory voting rights for blacks in the 19th century USA. It is this ratio that determines the point value in D&D: at least that’s my interpretation of D&D. And, it is this interpretation of ratio of worth between blacks & whites that determine points @ the low spectrum of power / status / beauty / income / etc. for his & her total points. But, it’s probably just parallel thinking, and it probably not due to Maxwell’s Equation for time travel, unless someone in the future is a fanatic about my rpg, maybe me in a different point in time, earliest possible year might be 9999, who else in the future could be fanatic about my rpg other than me, like the time travel movie “Back to the Future” or those time travel episodes in of “Dr Who” or Scarab in “Bionic Six”, sending sperms of my ideas back in time into different science fiction authors, whom I read about & I attempt to create a Grand Unified Theory on science fiction. Damn, I wish there was a way to prove my theories, but I suck in math, and so no way of proving this to be true. This reminds me of the character Highlander, who might not be an immortal, but rather being reincarnated, which if so how can one explain his memories of his past, unless the # of points needed to recall one’s past life would be equal to being immortal, so then 50% of his points are used to maintain his memories of his past live(s) after death & rebirth: this would explain his super agility in the final series of Highlander when he did not attempt to recall his past live(s), he was then able to use 50% his points that he used to recall his past live(s) for other powers such as super agility, though he could lower his life span & double his power level to simulate that he attempted to let go attempting to recall his past live(s),but assuming he stopped attempting to recall his past life(s), using those points for memories of his past life(s), but while he maintains those memories, his powers are reduced to level that of the MU Sabertooth or Jubilee @ 32 C2 DP { @ 5.66 AMBS in BESM @ level that of Einstein}, but if he were to let go of his memories, meaning not attempt to recall his past after death & after rebirth of his past life(s), his powers would increase to that of the MU Omega Red or Scarlet Witch @ 64 C2 DP { @ 8 AMBS in BESM @ level that of the MU Leader or Mysterio, though not sure if Machine Man & Toy Master are @ 7 or 8 AMBS, as I’ve only come across a 2 or 3 comic issues on them, so I don’t’ have sufficient information on them 2 characters }. His side kick has 3.54 to 5 AMBS: 12.5 to 25 C2 DP: 3.86 to 21.73 COM for his assistant, though his “perceived” COM is constant @ 3.86 COM @ 16 C3 @ 12.5 C2, but when his COM is @ 21.73 after killing an immortal, assuming he wasn’t already an immortal, assuming he wasn’t a son of some woman that Mc Laud slept with earlier. The difference between 21.73 & 3.86, gives him sufficient psyche to have higher senses, considering he’s still clumsy with the sword even @ 25 C2 DP, since, his sword skills are based on @ [[[(his C2 DP)^(1/2)] -1]^2] @ C2 Default Psyche which, coincidently, also, seems to be his COM level @ C2 DP of 25 But, for Mc Loud to have mutant powers @ 25 C2 DP, he needs to be @ 36 C2 DP; and, his assistant needs to be @ 25 C2 DP for him to have mutant powers @ 16 C2 DP, which, coincidently, also, seems to be his COM level @ C2 DP of 16. So, Mc Laud’s assistant will/should have normal human life span; while, that of Mc Laud, his life span is that of 1.23456789 centuries @ 36 C2 DP @ 14.58 COM for Mc Laud, but average # of centuries of life span = [(his C2 DP) /(2*COM)], which gives a life span of 3.6 centuries @ 36 C2 DP, which differs somewhat by the more accurate RULE # 3, IF HE WERE @ 6 AMBS @ 36 C2 DP & IF HE WERE TO REDUCE HIS POWERS BASED ON 5 AMBS @ 25 C2 THEN HIS LIFE SPAN @ 6.86 AMBS @ [(36-25) + 36] = 47 C2 WOULD BE @ life span of 1,250 YEARS by 2*[47^LOG10(47 C2)] = [2*(625 C3)] = 1,250, which differs from the 1st & 3rd equation: 3rd equation, where AVERAGE LIFE-SPAN IN # OF YEARS = [(HIS C2 DP)^1.5] in V .123456789, which, coincidently, when “C2” is replaced by “C1” was/gives total # of points in my original equation in V .0123456789 for my interpretation of the ’86 MU TSR rpg: these total points in V .0123456789 would later turn out to be = to IQ = Mecha points in BESM in V .23456789: this gives another equation: # of years of time travel over a period of time, which is Nth root of his life span = # of years of mutant powers, meaning, he can take 1,000 years to travel 1 million years into the future but then he has NO more mutant powers or he can take 10 years to travel 1 million years into the future by relativity in similar manner but then he has NO more mutant powers, sort of like, analogous to, AC & DC current, where, AC would be analogous to time travel, while DC current would be analogous to mutant powers: # of years of time travel = [(his C1 DP) / (his COM)]; so, the range that the time traveler in the movie, Time Machine, should be @ [(2d6)*(1d6)] C1 DP; while, the Morlock king should be @ [(2d6)*(1d6)] C2 DP = power level that of the MU Shadowcat or Mysterio or Scarlet Witch or Mole Man of Monster Island. < @ Font size 12, average of 1 page = 1 rule > HYPERLINK \l "TO" µ# of Pages§: 555 {+100 pages for every +2 font size} or {-100 pages for every -2 font size, but each CHAPTER or PART will be ~ 300 pages} # of Rules: 538 # of Equations: 538 # of Font Size: 14 Text Font Type: Courier New &,Logo/Trademark @ Font Type Courier New for my homebrew rpg HYBRID : &,, & based entirely on the single equation {{C0^LOG10(C0)} @ [C0+1]}, which where C0 is sometimes written as C_, where +1 level in magnitude for point distribution means a less dense point distribution for total points, by 1 level, from {A to 1} or {1 to 2} or {2 to 3} or {3 to 4}, etc. By less dense point distribution, I mean something like 1 kg = 1,000 grams; both are equal, but # 1,000 is less dense than # 1, numerically speaking, but also true in terms of magnitude, for 1 gram is less than 1 kg. But, initially, BEFORE THERE WAS HYBRID RPG, in 1995, 1 year before 1996, the start of my homebrew rpg HYBRID, in 1996, the 1st thing that I did understand about the ’86 MU TSR rpg is the rank of the stat FIGHTING less than or/and greater than likes of Dare Devil, but wondered if it was even possible to have a fighting attribute greater than Dare Devil. My only solution, which is very reasonable, to this problem has been to lower the race of the character to C3, meaning you 1st define the character’s fighting attributes on a human scale @ C3 before translating these fighting attributes to a mutant scale @ C2, meaning if he is not a mutant THEN BY SAYIING THAT HE HAS 49 C0 fighting attributes means he has a 49 C3 which then gets translated to a mutant scale @ C2 which = 20 C2 for his fighting attributes, but getting back to the example for Spiderman vs Dare Devil, both = in their own ways, then in constructing the Fighting attribute would 1st be @ C3, IF he was of an inferior race, allowing him to use his extra “difference” points for his Fighting attribute; but, strangely, Fighting is usually proportional to other Health attributes which are @ C2; so, C3 Fighting is then reduced to C2, where 100% fighting skills @ 100 C3, which is then reduced to C2, making it @ 26 C2 or 26 Fighting, where 26^LOG10(26 C2) = 100 C3. But, Dare Devil is @ 368% fighting skills @ 368 C3 which = 40 C2 by 40^LOG10(40) = 368, RESULTING in Fighting attribute(s) @ 40 for Dare Devil, while Spiderman is @ 152% fighting skills @ 152 C3 which = 30 C2 by 30^LOG10(30) = 152, RESULTING in Fighting attributes(s) @ 30 for Spiderman. But, if you place both of them @ = to each other in previous example, then, THIS WOULD partly EXPLAIN WHY SPIDERMAN HAS A LOW FIGHTING ATTRIBUTE BECAUSE SPIDERMAN’S FIGHTING IS @ C2, WHILE DARE DEVIL IS @ C3, WHICH IS WHY < if both are = to each other > DARE DEVIL HAS A HIGHER FIGHTING ATTRIBUTE THAN SPIDERMAN IN THE ’86 MU TSR RPG, THOUGH BOTH ARE =, in their own ways; and, don’t forget that Dare Devil is able to dreamscape in/to hell. Also, note the body armor of a speedster character is 1 level less than his unit for velocity; so, if the MU character Quicksilver has 49 C0 running speed = 49 C2, then his body armor is @ 49 C3 = 20 C2 = 20 C0, where C0 is a temporary storage variable until its proper unit can be determined, meaning you 1st assign the value for “Class” or “C” to C0, then after the proper unit is identified then you change the unit C0 to its proper unit, such as 49 C0 velocity for Quicksilver to 49 C2, and his 20 C0 body armor to 20 C2, where 20 C2 = 49 C3, and @ 49 C2 velocity, he’d have a 49 C3 body armor which = 20 C2 body armor = 20 C2 = 20 C0 body armor. So, a spaceship moving @ light speed @ 250 C2 would have a body armor of 250 C3 = 35 C2 body armor = that of reinforced concrete or steel alloy. Finally, the C2 light speed velocity depends on the size & mass & density of object which is converted from c3 to C2; so, a 364 C3 battleship moving @ light speed @ 364 C2 would need to be @ 364 C3 body armor = 40 C2 body armor that of iron. And, note that iron is @ 364 C0 body armor, meaning it should be @ 364 C0 rather than 40, but when it’s @ 40, it’s @ C2, otherwise when it’s @ 346 C0, it’s @ C3, meaning iron in the ’86 MU TSR rpg is @ 40 C = 40 C0 = 40 C2 = 364 C3, so, it should be @ 364 C, since adamantium is @ 1,000 C = 1,000 C0 = 1,000 C3 = 54 C2 = 54 C0 which is why the MU character Colossus is immune to Wolverine, because Wolverine is @ average 34.5 C2 DP but between 30 to 39 C2 DP, while Colossus is @ average of 44.5 C2 DP but between @ 40 to 49 C2 DP, while Sabertooth has an average of 30.5 C2 DP but between 25 to 36 C2 DP & why he can sometimes harm Wolverine. So, 5,000 C0 body armor would be @ 5,000 C3 = 83.806 C2 body armor by 83.806^LOG10(83.806) = 5,000 C3 body armor = 5,000 C0 = 5,000 C_. So, THOR’s hammer is @ 73 C2 body armor @ 2,964 C3 @ 2,964 C0 body armor for his Uru hammer: this, latter, is subjective, & so GM can alter its value. ========== So, what is HYBRID rpg ? 1st my rpg is NOT perfect & may have errors, the reason for the monthly updates, though each update is more like an accumulation of previous & new postings, both with corrections & further explanation with some extra detail if I can think of some detail to add, to my text document. It’s my homebrew rpg system. By pure coincidence, it, that being my homebrew rpg HYBRID, has elements from each & every rpg in existence, by either pure luck or/& Maxwell’s equation for time travel. But, what is HBYRID rpg, really ? Well, I’m not a poet, nor a professional writer; so, to put in words of another rpg writer(s) < list of which are on page 286 of BESM in regards to to the rpg BESM; but, for those writers, I’m NOT referring to my homebrew rpg HBYRID, but to those who contributed to writing the BESM rpg: AND, NO, this is NOT based on BESM rpg, but I (do) critique other rpgs & other science-fiction literature, movies, & tv show, as well as the MU & DC comics, as well as Image comics; but, getting back to the quote which better explain what my rpg is about better than I could explain it, where I’d say that all mutant powers are based on 2 fundamental powers that being TK & TP, both in its primal form would be (a) tachyon field(s), all 3 based on 2 aspects of reality that 1st being quantum physics & 2nd being {Doppler effect & resonance theory}, latter 2 or/& 3, including previous 2 or/& 3, are all manipulated using RULE #3, WHERE INCREASING LS OR LIFE SPAN DECREASES PL OR POWER LEVEL & VICE VERSA, BUT MOST PREFER TO HAVE A DECREASED LIFE SPAN @ THE BENEFIT OF AN INCREASED POWER LEVEL, WITH SOME EXCEPTION(S) TO SOME CHARACTERS & OBJECTS: that’s what I’d say, and I had in fact said this several(7) years ago in 1996, along with C1 = psyche, WHICH IS A stat from the ’86 mu TSR rpg, in which the Elders of the Marvel Universe would be @ 1 to 5 dots in Aberrant rpg @ C1 DP but not @ C2 DP, latter which is reserved for low powered mutants, and, as the starting premise for my C0^LOG10(C0) = C_^LOG10(C_) = (C_ + 1) = (C0 + 1), before starting discussion my homebrew rpg HYBRID, on the internet, where 1 aspect of my rpg HYBRID would be that imagination or /& dreams would = [0! = 1], which I was attempting to figure out what appropriate equation should I apply for time travel, and came with that traveling back in time @ square root of the equation for hyperspace travel = that of dimensional travel = traveling forward in time, for latter there are 2 aspects of traveling forward in time: 1st being hyperspace travel & 2nd being time travel; but, to paraphrase this in words of > in another rpg book that of Aberrant rpg on page 3: “…A nova’s (mutant’s or meta-human’s) abilities really are in your mind. You have to convince yourself that you can do something new, and you have to make it an expansion of something you can already do. We even got a crash course in quantum physics, so we would better understand what we were really doing…” But, don’t forget that in my homebrew rpg HYBRID, even the best case scenarios, dates within science-fiction literature is off by 100 years. So, BESM’s storyline starting in 1998 would take place in [1998+100] = in 2098, < sort of like the MU Spiderman 2099 storyline which in HYBRID rpg would take place in [2099+100] = in 2199 >; and, so, 10 years later in BESM rpg would equate to 2108 in my homebrew rpg HYBRID. So, the 1938 radio broadcast “War of the Worlds” would take place in [1938+100] = in year 2038 in my homebrew rpg HYBRID, & so on: 1st character creation example is on page 23. ====== RULE # 318: If character like the DC Firestorm is @ 18 C1 Default Psyche, decrease his Life Span by 1 Level by decreasing his “default” LS by 1 Level, resulting in LS of 18 C3, allowing you to increase his Power Level by 1 Level by increasing unit of his “default” PL by 1 Level, increasing his PL from 18 C1 to 18 CA = +8 in Nobilis; but, Clark Kent of “Smallville” appears to be @ +5 in Nobilis = 15 CA DP. Writers of Firestorm may be writing a subliminal message that a genius using his INT for other things other than INT could do as Firestorm, but Firestorm’s Life Span can only be decreased based on his difference between his Default Psyche & his default COM: the purpose of this is to prevent abuse from players trying to play god is prevented by Doppler Effect: if the player is not sure how much power he can increase his power(s) to, then maximum = average that of his team. There are many various forms, one of which is that Firestorm would need to subtract his COM from his PL to get an accurate estimate of his new increased PL. RULE # 317: The main character in most 20th century science fiction literature would have a C0 = [year - 1900] @ either C2 or @ C1 DP. So, for the 2 version of Buck Rogers, the 1st 1930S & 1940S COMIC version or the original series of the 1930s would get 30s C2 Default psyche for the *main character* Buck Rogers or/& Flash Gordon, while the 1940s version of the *main COMIC character* would get 40s C2 DP or 40% to 50% as many points as the 2nd version being the tv version of the COMIC series of the 1980s would get 80s C2 Default Psyche for the *main character* Buck Rogers. But, the time traveler in the recent movie The Time Machine would be @ 102 C1 DP. It takes lot more points to actually travel through time. So, you can use this rule to figure out how many points & what magnitude for point distribution that the female character or mother of Prince Adam in the original tv series of “The Masters of the Universe” should get @ in the 80s C1 DP, but how she ended up near a black hole is beyond me, but she got sucked in & came out the other side that being a white hole, at least that’s what theoretical physics say about black hole having an opposite white hole on the other side, in literature for theoretical physics of 1980s. My opinion is that she traveled 10^8 years into the future if she started with 80 C1 DP: this is represented by her son having 80 C2 DP as He-Man, but 50% of his points is spent to have the sorceress be his GM, so he, it appears, to have only 40 C2 DP rather than 80 C2 DP, with Prince Adam’s sword being a focus. But, note that both the king & queen are @ 40 C2 DP, with her other 40 C2 DP points spent on seduction to have the king find her & be married by him, leaving her with 40 C2 DP points; and, as I was saying, the act of time traveling reducing one’s unit by 1 level which for her would be from C1 to C2. So, she would give birth to a child with potential to be @ 80 C2 DP, which is later represented by her having one of her twins kidnapped, with Prince Adman’s sister growing up to become the sexy She-Ra, < ‘80s cartoon was the best >, and, thus, each of the 2 kids would end up with [(her 80)/(2 kids)] = 40 C2 DP as their potential, might explain why Skeletor never exceeds 40 C1 DP, as I’m assuming the character Skeletor represents a divorced man, having his Castle Graceskull & its magic removed by his ex-wife, the Sorceress, with Skeletor constantly trying to get his house back, but his ex-wife won’t let him have his house {Castle Grace-skull} back, < she then rather than either take care of her child [Tila] or give her < she may not even be his biologically as she has no magic powers unless her magic is her female gender > to Skeletor, her ex-husband, represented as the rich ugly guy but he’s not that ugly, she gives child [Tila] to Man-at-Arms, as the hidden subliminal feminist mantra < don’t’ give anything away to a man >, with the subliminal anti-feminist mantra being the symbol of the giant green tiger of Prince Adam being a man needs good looks & lot of money [the green for green cat, the cat being symbol for woman], & status to get a pretty woman, with 2nd anti-feminist mantra being that women [Tila] prefer an aggressive guy [He-Man] over (rather than) a shy guy [Prince Adam]: not bad as Superman, who’s constantly throwing Lou Lane into trouble, just so he can rescue her, hoping she fall in love with him which sounds almost like borderline rape: that’s’ something: Superman raping Louis Lane, and she doesn’t know about it: wonder IF they’re married now, I haven’t read DC in a long time > if Adam’s mother was reduced to 80 C2 DP < which is representative of her powers from the male perspective > after arriving to her new timeline. With the sorceress’s power level being a representative of what her powers be like if she was not reduced from C1 to C2, reduction in unit by 1 level is required for the act of time travel. Look @ RULE # 3. RULE # 316: For adult male humans, COM = [{LN(his C4)}^{LOG10(his C2)}]: this works brilliantly ! So, an average adult male European @ 20 C2 DP = 49.28 C3 DP with total points of 49.28 in GURPS = 733.1 C4 DP with total points of 733.1 in Synnibarr rpg @ either C4 PL or DP = @ COM = [{LN{733.1)}^{LOG10(20)} = [6.6^1.3] = 11.64 COM @ 20 C2 DP, where 11.64 COM = [(11.64)*(pi+1)] @ C3 = 48.21 ~ 49.28 C3 = 20 C2 by 20^LOG10(20) = 49.28, such as for a police officer or an elite US soldier. You can, now, use this equation to figure out COM for the DC LOBO, best looking fictional male character, who has (1/3) # of points for beauty as does Wonder Woman, but because of Lobo’s cloning power, Lobo gets more points than Wonder Woman, who is @ 30 C1 DP, while Lobo is @ 30, with his stats increased from 20 to 30, allowing him to travel @ high velocity in space, with minor cloning powers similar to that of Multiple Man of X-Factor, but Lobo having 2x # the # of points that of Multiple Man @ C2 DP, and with a super cloning power, he’d be @ 40 C1 DP, but each new clone his total # of points decreases similar to the vampire king & his son in movie Blade II, but if his clone(s) got killed, its/their life force would slowly return to him, like in the Jet Le movie “The One; but, getting back to the fictional DC character Lobo, half of those points goes for beauty for Lobo, giving Lobo a COM value of 144.79, which by [COM*(pi+1)]= his C3 for COM. Also, not that if a woman is not a mutant, meaning not having extra points beyond her beauty, but she wants to be mutant, then she can’t have any children, allowing her to siphon off power of her egg(s) for mutant power(s), if she had such/that genetic power(s), where she could absorb the life force(s) of her future child(ren) into & part of her soul, giving her more points, like Jet Le in the movie “The One”, but not sure if any woman has tried this, so this theory may not work. It would be disastrous if it worked, though might need some further genetic adjustment to make this work, but it/this may not work. RULE # 315: If object is a planet, its [planet’s actual C2 DP] = [1*(planet’s perceived C2 DP)]; else, if the object is a star, its [actual C2 DP] = [1.5*(star’s perceived C2 DP)]; else, if the object is a neutron star, its [actual C2 DP] = [2*(star’s perceived C2 DP)]; else, if the object is a black hole, it’s [actual C2 DP] = [2.5*(black hole’s perceived C2 DP)]: this Part is accurate for natural objects, but the mechanics for artificial objects is slightly different such as for the science fiction Death Star of Star Wars Universe [alternate earth timeline], the technological device, would be @ 100 C2 PL, giving it have a diameter of 10 kilometers with a mass of 1 billion metric tons by [100^.5 + LOG10(100] = mass of 10^12 kg. If metallic asteroid @ similar mass would be @ 100 C2 DP rather than @ unit PL for Power Level, since the unit PL is for technological devices or/& objects while the unit DP for Default Psyche is for natural astrological object. And, @ the other extreme, you start with the basic premise that a military ship @ 10 C3 PL @ length of 10 meters would have a mass of 14.53 metric tons. The, a not so modern US aircraft carrier @ 36 C2 PL would have a length of [C3 PL] in meters = length of 264.29 meters with mass of 36,000 metric tons; but, the current most modern US aircraft carrier is @ 40 C2 PL or @ 368.63 C3 PL by 40^LOG10(40) = 368.63 C3 PL @ length in unit meters @ [C3 PL], giving a length of 368.63 meters for the most modern US aircraft carrier, with mass of 10^7.93 kg = mass of 84,453.05 metric tons for the most modern US aircraft carrier, with planet earth @ mass of 10^24 kg @ 456 C2 DP or Default Psyche, with the sun @ 50 C1 DP = 770 C2 DP, as according to Version 0.17, but this value @ C2 DP was increased to 770*(1+V) = 1,031 C2 DP for the sun in for not V 0.339 but rather for V 0.3 @ {10*[{(V*100) or (V%)}^(1/2)]} @ C1 DP = 1,053.34 C2 DP for V 0.3 @ rpg 30% complete , with previous former value of the sun @ 50 C1 DP for V 0.17 update of/for July of 2001, no such update V 0.17 exists except theoretically, based on equation for mass of technological object in kg = 10^{(C2 PL)^(1/d)} + LOG10(C2 PL)], where d = 2 @ C2 PL, it gives exponent + LOG10(C2 PL) to exponent for technological object for base 10 for mass of object in unit kg, which is most accurate: This equation can easily be changed to give an appropriate value of/for radius or diameter of nuclear blast by adjusting value of d @ the bottom of this rule is equation for this rule, which is a slight variation on RULE # 7, for the denominator “d” for dimension for exponent for C0 doesn’t work for extreme values, but when I replace variable “d” with a new set of values that of Fibonacci, it gives the right result for large dimensional #s, for which the earlier set of values was d = [2*(C0 - 1)], which only works for humans & weak mutants, but for powerful mutants & gods, the old set of values need to be replaced by Fibonacci, for the force field equation, still doesn’t work @ all power levels, without some adjustment to the unit of the result, where # = Fibonacci for C# for C0 PL, though even @ Fibonacci, the unit needs some adjustment. So, @ C0 PL, d = 1 should give an incorrect answer since it’s unit-less unit; @ C1, d = 1 should give an incorrect answer since it, d, @ 1 for C1 PL, represents death & rebirth; next @ C2, d = 2 for unit millimeter, which this unit changes to unit meter when d = 3 @ C2 PL; next @ C3 PL, d = 3 @ unit micrometer, but @ d = 5 @ unit meter; next @ C4 PL, d = 5 to calculate the size of the universe, but not to generate a nuclear blast, which to generate a nuclear blast, d = {{LN[(current Fibonacci)*(next Fibonacci)]}^2}, this more accurately gives the correct answer without having to do tedious calculations for d @ {{LN(5*8)}^2} = 3.69^2 = 13.61 = d @ C4 PL in unit kilometers works most brilliantly in km; @ C5, d = {{LN(8*13}^2} = 4.64^2 = 21.57 in unit meter @ 20 C1 DP but @ unit millimeter if stat is for @ 20 C2 DP working for a larger group to make nuclear missile technology, else unit micrometer if @ 20 C2 DP. Look @ RULE # 9. RULE # 314: Total # of pages for Core Rules = [C0 - 1], meaning if # of pages = 368, then # of pages for Core Rules = 41, since 41^LOG10(41) = 399, where 41=[C0–1]: and, NO, 41 + 1 does NOT = C0; [C0 -1] is a notation. RULE # 313: For damage in [nd6], this equation below on next page for mutants, replace (C2 PL) by (C2 DP), since mutants use their power more than once; if a mutant uses his power only once, then replace (C2 DP) by (C2 PL), unless once uses a fraction of his (C2 PL) for his power(s), but then once needs to compute how often he can use his power(s) which is too tedious & prone to error(s); so, it is easier to follow the rule of thumb as said above as to how to use the equation below. This is a slight variation on RULE # 7, for which there are 3 parts, some of which is a review of much older rules, with 1st being from V 0.1, with 2nd being from V 0.2, and 3rd being from V 0.3: 1st) damage in [nd6] = [{(C2 PL)/10}^2]d6, where n = [{(C2 PL)/10}^2]: this is an extremely important rule for which most of the other rules depend upon; 2nd) radius or diameter in meters = 10^[(nd6)/10]: this is extremely accurate that it’s scary that it’s this accurate, meaning you can this the 2nd part of RULE # 313 to track the progress of Iran’s & North Korea’s progress for their nuclear program; 3rd) FOR WHICH THERE ARE 2 PARTS which for a star can be condensed into either a neutron star or a black hole, depending on their age, mass, & life cycle, this, also, can be used for mutants as in Marvel rpg or for meta-humans as in DC rpg or for novas as in Aberrant rpg: a) radius or diameter of a neutron star IN UNIT MILLIMETER = 10^[LOG10(C3 PL)] = [C3 PL] MILLIMETERS; and, b) radius or diameter of a black hole IN UNIT MICROMETERS = 10^[LOG10(C3 PL)] = [C3 PL] MICROMETERS, both a & b are so extremely accurate that it’s scary that’s it this accurate, which leads to changing C2 object to C1 for time travel, and (part a & b: can also be used as a an equation for molecular control), can also be used to figure out the power level of the fictional character Clark Kent in the tv series “Smallville”, where his powers seem to range from 20 to 30 C1 DP, when not near Kryptonite, assuming he’s not pretending to lose his powers when near green Kryptonite, which I assume to be a superstring of some sort, which is figuratively (in terms of an analogy, considering whatever he imagines comes into being like that movie “Supergirl”) represented by that worm like creature in the cave that temporarily infects 2 of his friends before he finds a way to remove it, forget how he removed them from their host bodies, otherwise his powers are reduced to 10 C1 DP, when near green Kryptonite. Then, convert his aver 25 C1 DP to: C3 DP; and, change the unit “DP” to “PL”, since he plans to keep his life span @ equilibrium & not increase greater than or/& decrease less than his “DEFAULT” = his average C2 DP. So, then 25 C1 DP, with life span maintained @ “default”, gives a C3 PL of {25^LOG10(25)}^{25^LOG10(25 C1)} = 90^LOG10(90 C2) = 6,592 C3 PL. So, his total points in GURPS or in Champions or in HERO 5th or Dragonball-Z or D&D or Yu-Gi-Oh for Clark Kent is @ 6,592 points for the character Clark Kent in the tv series “Smallville” @ power level that of 1990 version of Godzilla. But, getting back to part 3 of RULE # 313: RADIUS OR DIAMETER OF ARTIFICIAL NEUTRON STAR = 6,592 millimeters which for a black hole @ radius or diameter of 6,592 micrometers. Clark then uses 1st year calculus in estimating volume of space & combining it with his ability to generate a black hole with radius or diameter of 6.59 millimeters & combining it with his molecular control powers when in the cave. RULE # 312: The mechanics of the 1st & last paragraph under “Quantum” of page 146 of Aberrant rpg & the mechanics of the 2nd & 3rd paragraph of page 147 of Aberrant rpg is & works the same way as in my homebrew rpg HYBRID. I HAD THOUGHT OF THE SAME IDEA(s) ~ 2 decades AGO of using quantum for psyche IN 1987, 1 year after reading ’86 MU TSR rpg. RULE # 311: The Level Chart for Space Flight on page 142 of BESM is proportional to my C1 PL, with some small differences, that being Level # = [{{(C1 PL) - 20 } / 5} + 1]. So, Level 1 = 20 C1 PL; Level 2 = 25 C1 PL; Level 3 = 30 C1 PL; Level 4 = 35 C1 PL (light speed); Level 5 = 40 C1 PL; &, Level 6 = 45 C1 PL flight. By the way, his Life Span would determine his END or Endurance. Mph = [(C3 PL)^2]. RULE # 310: The way that the unit BP of BESM rpg & its chart is set up is sort of similar to the dots in Aberrant rpg, where it has the unit “x” which is like or similar to the variable “c” in introduction to calculus, in that it [both BESM & Aberrant] skip the initial first 10 points, meaning x = 10, because the dots in Aberrant skips the x value. The unit “BP” means Big Person on page 182 of BESM, but its subjective on the nature of the object, meaning a 6 BP, it can be a Godzilla-like monster @ 80 C2 PL @ maximum length of 640 feet or to something inferior like an aircraft carrier @ 40 C2 PL @ length of 364 meters, numerically half, but unit is different that being meters rather than feet: both @ 6 BP, but the former is also @ 80 C2 DP, while the latter is @ 40 C2 DP. But, its example of the “Titanic” @ 6 BP would reduce its DP, since the cruise liner sunk due to an accident with an iceberg but its life span would still be less than that of an aircraft carrier due to less armor, so because its Life Span is drastically shorter than an aircraft carrier, its overall DP is less. The way to calculate this is by the following : start the cruise line @ 20 C2 DP = 1 BP depending on race of the man < this doesn’t not apply to a woman if BP is more than 1 for a woman because applying 2 BP to a woman, whose total points would also depend on her race as well as her beauty, her total points would go right through the roof @ 2 BP, ASSUMING she is not ugly or fat, latter by which I mean excessively fat since all women possess fat to some degree but just isn’t shown since it’s not excessive on/in her >. But, getting back to the example of the cruise line, you decrease its Life Span to [20/2] = 10 C2: this then allow you to increase its Power Level to [20*2] = 40 C2 = mass that of an aircraft carrier, but its lower LS @ 10 C2 would give the cruise liner less armor, while the 40 C2 LS for an aircraft carrier would give the aircraft carrier more armor, much more. The problem with the unit “BP” is that its represents mass but not on the quality of the object: one of its manifestations is survival & why beauty represents greater potential for survival, and why both get more points, meaning a 2 BP elephant would have less points than a 1 BP man because a 1 BP man has a greater chance @ survival than a 2 BP elephant; as well as looking it from a purely aesthetic angle, a 1 BP man is better looking than a 2 BP elephant, so a 1 BP man would get more points than a 1 BP elephant, giving a ratio of 1:3 in terms of total points for both, where a 1 BP man be @ minimum of 48 c3 DP, while the elephant would get same # of points that of a lion @ 16 C3 DP because the lion is better looking than an elephant but the lion is smaller than an elephant, the lion would get the same # of points as the elephant, using the same equation used to create animals & monsters based on both their body armor, beauty, its killer instinct, its ability to kill & defend itself, other attributes if any such as ability to fly [why birds are smaller than animals], other attributes, & its powers if it has any. For normal adult male animals, its LENGTH in ft. = [(C3 PL) / X], where X = LOG10(its beauty in %). So, an adult male great white shark @ 48 C3 DP @ 100% beauty would have a length of [48/2] = 24 ft. length. Notice that I interchange PL with DP because its life span is @ default. But, a snake would be @ 10% beauty, so X = 1 for snakes. RULE # 309: For those guys who want FREE sex, assuming the guy already has a source or potential of income, this equation tells you the waiting time before she’ll give it to you for FREE: so, the # OF HOURS that a guy is made to wait for her before she’ll give him FREE sex (, which is equivalent to marriage, unless the guy is unfaithful her, then he most often is made to start all over again either for the same or/& different woman with the waiting time period for sex) waiting time period in # OF HOURS for a guy = 10^[(her LC or Level of Confidence which to a woman or to most women, this translates into either good looks or $ or income requirement for the man, so it’s not really free sex)/(his LC, also, measured in C#, where C# = C3, which is proportional to equation for prostitution in part I of RULE # 297, but not part ii of RULE # 297 which is not same as in part I, as part ii is rule for predicting criminal activities on a national scale but this part ii is not related to part I for the most part but you’d be using C0 from part I of RULE # 297 for C0 in equation in/for RULE # 309, and this C0 is also proportional the rape equation which does *NOT* apply to all women *since* NOT all women think alike, AND for most women exist in a spectrum from acceptable to unacceptable behavior from point of view of men, somewhere in rpg, as I had written the rule last year but I have forgotten the rule #, for the rape equation tells the guys how much she is willing to charge for sex, with anything less she’ll consider it either sexual harassment or rape, so the guys need to watch for what C0 unit she is using to charge for sex, and sometimes this also applies to married men also, especially with the current feminist environment where some women even charge their husband for sex, so it’s not really free sex for guys that are looking to get sex equation tells the guys how much she is willing to charge for sex else she' )]. Calculate C3 for both the male & female based on their COM, but for females, convert her COM to the male perspective, meaning the maximum or minimum or average level of COM she is willing to settle for in her man, whom you’d convert to C3 PL. Larger the dimensional # for C0, the more expensive. RULE # 308: My earlier version naming rule would have dictated that V 0.321 be ready in sometime in 2003. So, there is agreement in my different naming a version # rules for RULE # 0, but, using the previous version naming rule, the version V 0.3025 to coincide with the magnitude of the sun @ 55 C1 DP. So, the, V 0.321 would place the sun @ 56.66 C1 DP @ for V 0.321 by 10*[{100*V}^(1/2)] = 10*5.67 = 56.7 C1 DP = 1,185.48 C2 DP by 56.66^LOG10(56.66) = 1,185.48 C2 LS = PL @ 56.7 C1 which by using the force field equation gives the diameter of the sun. So, the new rule for defining Version # for my homebrew rpg, without breaking any of the previous rules for defining Version # for my homebrew rpg: the 1st digit “3”after the decimal point stands for the “sun” when you use the previous naming rule for Version # where .3025 = sun @ about 55 C1 DP, and the next or 2nd digit “3” stands for the year 2003, while the next or 3rd digit “9” stands for the season “autumn”. So, V .348 won’t be finished until end of summer 2004. So, then, my update In 2009 will be labeled as V 0.39 for 39% complete, since there is no way to make it 90% complete by 2009 which if I had called it .9 then it that being my homebrew rpg would imply that it was 90% complete, maybe by 2090, but even that is being optimistic. RULE # 307: Note that C0 = [(C_ PL or DP)^(1/2)], where C_ = C3 or C2, usually replace C_ with C3 for mutants & C2 for gods, and for humans, replace C_ with C3, when comparing Einstein @ 30 to 40 C2 DP with 7 to 2 COM, decreasing with age, where 30 C2 DP = IQ of 150, while 40 C2 DP = IQ of 175, by the way don’t assume or think that if you think that you have an IQ of 150 or 175 that you have an IQ of 150 or 175 as it’s more likely that you have an IQ of {117 or 142} but not {150 or 175}, as an unknown # of people’s IQ score is inflated by 33 points, but since good looks counts as IQ, and even if you happen to be exceptionally good looking guy, you still probably don’t have an IQ higher than 150, which is the highest IQ a guy can have based solely or entirely only on his good looks, so unless you happened to be super rich or super famous or if you getting a lot of sex from countless women as if you were a prince or a guy on a raping rampage of women by some {NOT all but some} American {USA} soldiers during times of war in foreign lands or/& countries, EVER SINCE THE EXCESS FEMINISM OF THE PAST 152 YEARS, so latter 40 C2 for someone like Havok, to explain the similarity in stats for these two types, both @ 40 C2 DP, to maintain a 3:4 between the latter two, giving Havok’s cosmic energy blasts @ listed in ’86 MU TSR rpg, after reducing Havok’s Life Span to [40/2] = 20 C2 LS, & increasing his Power Level to [40*2] = 80 C2 PL. You then 80^LOG10(80) @ C3 which you then take its square root for C0. While, Einstein @ 30 C2 DP would get a C2 PL of 60 by the same process that for Havok by reducing LS to [30/2] = 15 C2, a PL of [30*2] = 60 C2 PL, IQ TL of year 1960, @ 160 IQ. RULE # 306: For Aberrant RPG, page 134 is @ C3 PL or DP @ C3 = Mecha Points of BESM rpg “implies”
due to fluctuation between C3 & C2, the same pattern found in the HERO rpg’s 250 Point Project, where total points = IQ, which the total points are changed back to C3 PL or DP in HERO’s 5th, former where on page 134, 5 dots = 50 Mecha Points but only on page 134 of Aberrant, but most of the rest of Aberrant is @ C2 PL, where the use of dots is similar to “levels” in BESM, both @ {10*[1 + (# or dots or Level)]} or {10*[(# or dots or Level)]} @ C2 or C1 or CA PL < Power Level > or DP < Default Psyche >, but mostly @ C2 & rarely @ C1 or C3 or CA, rarely, and BESM is also rarely ever @ DP but mostly @ PL, for various powers, for which that being PL is also used to some degree by FUZION rpg, meaning if the Aberrant “nova” character or mutant is a male, then he’d be @ C2 PL, but if his attributes are MEGA, then he’d be @ C2 DP; and, the female character would be @ C1 PL, but if her attributes are @ MEGA, then she would be @ C1 DP. And, the total quantum pool for guys is @ [20 + (Quantum*X)], where X = 2 by LOG10(100%) = 2 for 100% inflation OR/AND ACCURACY = [1 – 1/{(X^2) or (X^X)}] in points @ C1 PL points if he is NOT @ MEGA else @ C1 DP, latter for only super special powers, mostly reality warping powers such as teleportation or time travel would be @ C1 DP, otherwise @ C1 PL for mostly all other powers. A Nova starting @ 30 nova points can be @ 30 C2 PL if NOT @ MEGA, else @ 30 C2 DP if he is @ MEGA, even if he is just a starting character. And/but, don’t forget about to look @ RULE # 3, which is extremely important rule for manipulation points, where RULE # 3 is like < in terms of an analogy > math is to science & engineering, meaning RULE # 3 is the math part of my homebrew rpg HYBRID. Also note that “20” in the Aberrant equation is @ 20 C0 in my homebrew rpg HYBRID, both coincidently equal & parallel to each other, and it is by pure coincidence that both Aberrant & my homebrew rpg HYBRID both use “20” @ almost the very same point of magnitude defined @ C0, which @ C2 DP as the upper limit for an average male adult, after which is super (attributes). For example, you can put Shakespeare @ 20 C2 DP; but, @ MEGA @ 20 C1 PL, but NOT @ C1 DP. Also, do NOT forget that C2 DP = [(AMBS)^(1/2)], in BESM rpg, 4 AMBS = 16 C2 DP for an average adult male human, where AMBS = Average Mind Body & Soul. And, total in GURPS or Dragonball-Z = [(AMBS^2)^LOG10(AMBS^2)] = total points in HERO 5th or Mecha Points when total is less than or equal to 90 Mecha Points in BESM rpg = a 90 point character in GURPS rpg, as well as in D&D. Another pure coincidence of almost complete similarity is the total points for various weapons on page 159 (page) in BESM which is referred to as “Mecha Points for Sub-Attributes” on page 124, but its chart seems not uniform in terms of Level to points but not referring to the 20 points increments for each increment in Level, which from 2 to 6 appear to be similar to BESM’s AMBS, regarding Level 2 through 6 on page 124, but this does NOT apply to other pages other than page 124, and the value for Level 1 @ 20 Mecha = 2 dots in Aberrant’s page 134, but its 4 dots = Level 2 or 40 Mecha of page 124 of BESM, which is vastly different from most other pages in Aberrant including page 135 which is less than MEGA but still considerably very high, except BESM does NOT give you magnitude for the Mecha Points but they – BESM - assume points to be for the average rpg which for those points in my rpg is @ C3 PL for individual weapons but @ C3 DP for a fleet of those weapons, and by “fleet”, I don’t mean ‘battleship(s)’, but rather mean “very extremely large quantity” for the term “fleet”, so there is no misunderstandings, as it is so easy to misunderstand these days; but, for the “really big attacks” category, the total points is @ C2 rather than @ C3, but the value of the points is kind of subjective, depending frequency that the power is used & delay factor between multiple uses of that power. So, it can be low as [POINTS /(2 or 3 or 4(if Russian, meaning largest))], where the lack of delay in % = [1 - {1/(2 or 3 or 4)^2}], meaning 150 points if @ C2 PL should be @ 50 points @ 50 C2 PL otherwise if @ C3 PL then it should be @ minimum of 300 or 300 C3 PL for an Israeli type mini nuclear war head which is equivalent to the largest non-nuclear USA warhead. These latter points for “really big attacks” category can also be applied to technology. For the same “really big attacks” category, if you changed the magnitude of the unit from C2 to C3 for point distribution, the delay between the multiple attacks would be so large that it would be 1 entire generation between each such attack that it would seem like a very slow storyline to the point of boredom, if you’re waiting for the WWIII, though, preceding events may not really be boring, assuming you’re NOT looking to end the world quickly in your scenario & you don’t want WWIII to take place anytime soon, THEN use unit C3 PL rather than C2 PL; but, if you want to end the world quickly in your campaign, then use C2 PL rather than C3 PL, & don’t divide POINTS by (3 or 4), if you want to fast forward to the end of the scene or/& to the last chapter in your campaign that being end of story. In fact, HERO 5th is a hybrid OF GURPS & previous HERO rulebooks: and, IF THE 250 POINT PROJECT’S TOTAL POINTS IS NOT EQUAL TO IQ, SINCE TOTAL POINTS FOR 250 POINT PROJECT = @ IQ, REGARDLESS OF THE INT SCORE, THEN THE RULES USERS OF HERO ARE makes the same mistake that BESM makes for total points that being shifting from C3 to C2 without giving the readers some kind of sign or direction that the magnitude for point distribution is changing from C3 to C2, where in BESM, which uses Mecha Points rather than just points, is @ C3 PL or DP up to 90 but then changes to C2 @ 150 which is not @ C3 PL or DP, though they claim it’s @ the same point distribution but it is not @ the same point distribution, and if the readers were to implement 150 points to create a nuclear bomb with impact of hydrogen bomb of WWII, its impact would be “much less than” that of the hydrogen bomb, though it will be able to sink a battleship but it would not be able to vaporize a battleship @ 150 Mecha points which is 150 C3 PL which @ MEGA IF it were @ 150 C3 “DP”, then its chief engineer would be able to create a more powerful weapon but its impact would still be less than the hydrogen bomb of WWII; and, if you were to use 150 points @ C2 PL which is less than C2 DP, then its impact would be much greater than nuclear bomb, and more powerful than any Russian nuclear bomb, capable of destroying an entire SURFACE OF THE PLANET @ 150 C2 PL, but BESM puts such destruction @ 300 Mecha Points which @ 300 C3 PL is NOT SUFFICIENT ENOUGH TO DESTROY THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF THE PLANET BUT ONLY THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF A BATTLSHIP @ 300 C3 PL OR AN MODERN AIRCRAFT CARRIER < BUT NOT VAPORIZING IT, BUT COMPLETELY WRECKING IT LIKE A CAR CRASH > IF THE 300 Mecha were @ C3 DP rather than C3 PL And, its Mecha points when less than or equal to 90 is @ C3 PL or DP, but when more than 90, regarding the “really big attacks” category for the point range of 150 to 300 in BESM rpg, which has an incorrect point distribution for the “really big attacks” category for the point range of 150 to 300, UNLESS the Mecha points represents IQ like in the 250 Point Project rather than [N*(C3)] PL or DP, where a character @ 200 points would be @ an IQ of 200, regardless of his INT score, for the 250 Point Project, then the BESM’s 150 to 300 points range s @ C2 PL or DP, just like in for the 250 Point Project for HERO rpg, as to the average reader, those points for the point range of 150 to 300 may be confusing, since its point distribution is unclear, since there is a dramatic shift in definition of destruction from 90 to 150, which is slightly rectified when used for IQ @ C3 PL < meaning @ C3 PL or DP, but used for IQ > or DP in constructing a nuclear bomb is different from having mental power to simulate effects of a nuclear bomb which require Yx, where Y = N in % of success in either @ {[1-1/N] @ PL} or @ {[1-1/{(N^2) or (N^N)}] @ DP} for the amount of points it claims for the same effect of technology. So, it’s 150 Mecha Points @ 150 C3 PL or DP for to simulate effects of nuclear bomb should be @ 300 C3 PL @ 50% probability of success for his psychic power but if he were @ 300 C3 DP, his % of success would increase to 75%, which is an extra %25 increase in % of success by simply changing from PL to DP for the same numerical #, assuming the GM wants to minimize destruction THEN THE GM should have the players’ point distribution be @ C3 rather than C2, which can also be used for technology, assuming he’s making the nuclear bomb all by himself, like some lone computer hacker, with the 300 estimate to destroy “surface of a” planet < though BESM doesn’t use the term “surface of a” which is critically important, since the attack is 2D on a universal scale & NOT 3d which if it were 3D it would destroy an entire planet, where the former for the destruction of the “surface of a” planet, its origin > should need to be @ 600 C3 PL or DP, where if it were @ DP, the process of destruction would be much faster than if it were @ PL or Power Level, which is much slower than DP or Default Psyche for the same number/numerical # that used for PL or Power Level @ that same number/numerical #, where the symbol “/” stands for “or” & NOT “divide” but rather “or”. So, if you put the moon @ 300 C2 PL, then you need a weapon @ HALF ITS C2 PL or 150 C2 PL to destroy it, being the moon @ 300 C2 DP which would then change to 300 C2 PL: definition of destruction for a planetary object is Change its unit from DP to PL, where once it s unit changes from DP to PL, then it the planetary object has been destroyed, so to speak. Also, the Level of destruction = [(C2 PL) / 5]; so, a 10 Level nuclear bomb on page 159 of BESM = 5*10 = 50 C2 PL nuclear bomb. The Mecha points on page 159 fluctuate between C3 & C2 which denote that Mecha points = IQ. So, a 35 C2 PL Israeli mini nuclear war head = @ [35 / 5 ] Level 7 mini nuclear war head. So, by pure coincidence, both BESM for its page 159 & my definition of destruction are equivalent by pure coincidence. RULE # 305: False rapes within marriage like relationship(s) are created by feminists, who [most but not all] are evil & want to create a matriarchy, which is also mostly evil, since feminist are just female pimps, as they are not really for equality but for inequality, as feminist see sex as power grab because feminists are using sex for power grab, thusly, feminists are as evil as pimps, who prostitute women, though sometimes women are too stupid to know that acting like a slut with anyone that is not their boyfriend or/and husband is wrong, so patriarchy should never be replaced by matriarchy other than remove those aspects of patriarch that pimps women into prostitution, as men should not have to pay for sex which is how feminists & governments [including the biggest offender being USA government, the same corrupt government that allow gay & homosexual marriages to take place which reduce the value & legitimacy of real marriages, as even now feminists are also even infecting Islam by calling prostitution marriage, since most/many women like to commit marriage fraud] that like to act as pimps like to see marriage as union for prostitution rather than union for love & respect between opposite genders, and often men accused of domestic violence are falsely accused & made up for a woman’s ego trip, where, in 20th & 21st century women are legally allowed to be more violent than men in marriages & non-marriage relationships because of the legal protection of the law that allow women to commit adultery & marriage fraud by divorce, made worse by police that enforce laws that violate common sense, since police are humans, & most humans are corruptible, & so most police are corruptible by blindly enforcing laws that violate common sense, since no police should blindly follow laws that violate common sense, but how do you define common sense, since common sense is corrupted by culture, which is created by those in power, & not all but some those in power are corrupt, since it only takes 1 bad apple or potato to ruin the whole basket full of apples or potatoes, but the problem with corrupt or/and evil humans is that you can’t see motive, which is also ignored by the science-fiction movie “Minority Report”, which, also, ignores, motive(s), where the 1 (one) law should apply that being rights of others should NOT be violated, sort of like if bank steal your money then people are brainwashed to think it’s ok but it’s not ok for a man to steal $ from a bank but it’s ok for bank to steal your money, similarly, of woman that tries to kill his wife that has an affair, where the feminist controlled government arrest the man that tries to enforce marriage, and the same feminist controlled government in real terms also doesn’t arrest a woman for trying to kill her husband if he sleeps around but feminists don’t see any problem with arresting a man for trying to kill his wife for adultery or sleeping around, women turn marriages into prostitution by divorce: this applies mostly in western thinking women, considering that before 1981, marriage rapes in Canada didn’t legally exist before 1981, especially those laws that concern marriages, which are becoming a tool to commit prostitution by some women, who divorce their husband & request for alimony & child-support, whereby these women marry to commit prostitution, and do not marry for love. So, as Prince Escalus said in Act 5 Scene 3 Line 305 of Romeo & Juliet, “all are punished”; the government rarely accuse & charge rape incidents foreign lands by USA soldiers but rather domestically charge to civilians who rape their wives: this oxymoron justice is due to feminism, as more & more women steal $ from more men. In some ways, USA IS AN OXYMORON, A FALSE PROPHET. LOOK @ RULE # 297. RULE # 304: % human warrior = % C3 DP; so, for the fictional male character dragon-slayer would be @ 2x his normal human stats that being if he were normally @ 24 C3 DP, then as dragon-slayer, he’d be @ 48 C3 DP @; but @ 3x, he’d be @ 72 C3 DP, or 72 points in GURPS, & in other rpgs. It’s this point difference that causes confusion as to what mark or template to put a 20 C2 DP character @ 20 C2 DP or @ 30 C2 DP in ZERG & in GURPS & others rpgs across the board, including the ’86 MU TSR rpg regarding Venom for the man in the bio-symbiotic costume, with it on & without out on, since Havok is @ 75 but should be @ 50 C2, but then Polaris would need a power reduction a well, from 51 to 34 C2, since mental STR is different from physical STR, as ’86 MU TSR rpg put or gave physical STR rather than mental STR for these 2 characters, for which the best analogy would be the 2 characters Prince Hal & Hotspur whose ages are altered to explain their status in Henry IV, pi, similarly, the human in the Venom costume would be @ 30 C2 DP but as Venom he’d be @ 45 C2 DP, which when 30 C2 DP is inflated as in ZERG the 45 C2 DP would be @ 30 C2 DP, but it’s difficult to tell if inflation is @ 50%, meaning 150% of original value, or if only an additional +10 C2 DP, from 20 to 30, which is @ 20 in ZERG, assuming they misinterpreted D&D references, but getting back to the former example, the former = 49.28 C3 DP & latter = 152 C3 DP: 50 to 150 points in Dragonbal-Z, where most of the seiyans are @ minimum of @ 250 to the current 350 points of HERO, [5th], excluding powerful powers which would boost it to 2,500 to 3,500, [5th]. RULE # 303: The best case dating scenario for the guy, if he is lucky, unless she wish to reverse the ratio on him, if he is desperate, but the average being 1:1, but the lucky guy is @ 1:2, is such that of a ratio of # for male gender to # for female gender for equivalent COM is @ 1:2, which does not literally translate into 1:2 ratio when converted to C0, for the two genders, which @ C1 is 1:2, which @ C2 is @ 2:3, which @ C3 is @ 1:3, but NOTE THAT the unit of/for magnitude for both genders are different, where the female are figuratively converted to male points, meaning her points are not literally converted to male points but only figuratively, but both genders are differentiated by density of their life force points, similar analogy to iron being more dense than carbon which is an analogy but similar to gender = density of life force points. And, NOTE THAT a 1:1 ratio would be like in the movie, “Bladerunner”, for regarding female clones who would get a :1, while real woman = @ :2, where “real” means “not a clone”, but almost real. RULE # 302: The personality & psychology of the fictional characters Clark Kent & Lex in the tv show Smallville seem to be that of the path of least resistance or mean or average of the two extremes of the two characters, Falstaff (all lies) & Hotspur (all truth), in Henry IV, but the Prince Hal is easily brainwashed, like for example, Poins convinces the Prince to play a trick on Falstaff, then later, the Prince receives a letter from Falstaff not to marry the sister of Poins, and then the Prince on the recommendation of his dying father to wage foreign wars, then on recommendation on part of the Chief Justice to get rid of Falstaff as his friend, & so on. ==== Also, reading “Macbeth” is a must to understanding the DC universe related to the characters Clark Kent/Superman, Lex Luthor, & 2 DC items: kryptonite, and cloth/dress fashion for Kryptonians which is later shown with Kal-Ell (Superman) as shown in DC comics is amazingly similar to some artist’s depiction for the one of the main characters in Macbeth in some book I picked up @ the library some years ago. The similarities are just too amazing to ignore or to overlook for any serious DC comic fan. ===== My current greatest equation yet is Part ii OF RULE # 297 which accurately predicts all forms of violence from the beginning of human history to the present, by both genders upon the other in sexual relationship(s), but this 2nd part is indirectly related to the 1st part & to some degree helps to predict cost of prostitution, and 1st being equation for prostitution @ its current market price, be it emotional, physical, or/and financial by both genders upon the other or/and opposite, in sexual relationships: read Part ii of RULE # 297 to use it in an rpg. But, the strange thing about the equation in Part ii of RULE # 297 is that it advocates a larger government & imperialism for equality in distant future but @ the same time this larger government & imperialism in the near future can lead to inequality, opposite of Marxist theory & opposite of communism but depending on how fair the laws are. And, I had earlier disparaged larger government earlier, not knowing about the effects of this equation based on a larger government, but strangely the government itself commit violence, so in effect it would undo it own good deeds. To put it simply, the modifier that determine level of violence increases as size of government increases which reduces violence, but to increase the size of the government you need to increase size of the country which causes violence which in the short term would undo its own good. ==== It was originally @ only 1 word being C1 = psyche. Then, V 0.01 was @ only 1 sentence being C1 = psyche = reason = INT, while the rest of the remaining 5 stats would be @ C2, while COM = @ C1: is ideal example is based on the MU character Spiderman’s 20 Reason & Intuition @ Amazing (50) @ C2 PL, where note that 20^LOG10(20) = 49.28 = APPROXIMATELY 50. He can increase his intuition from 50 to 75 by decreasing his life span from 50 C2 to 25 C2, with his life span being his recuperative powers. ======= CHARACTER CREATION < note that DP = default psyche: life force of soul > : 1st: for mutant(s) @ # C0 DP, NEW estimate = [((OLD estimate)^(1/2)) +1)^2]; then, EXAMPLE @ C3 DP, as well as, also, @ C2 DP, but first a little note that the GM decides how many dice each player starts with; & definition of those dices determine its magnitude: 20 dices for average attributes could be taken as the following depending on how you define maximum value for those 20 dice: @ 20 C2 DP = 49 C3 DP that of a Serb or Russian soldier, while [20x6] = 120 C3 DP that of Arnold Schwarzenegger, else maximum @ 20 C3 DP that of Jacky Chan without his martial arts, or that of the (dead) husbands of the wives, latter the Serb or Russian soldier rape after killing their (the Muslim women’s eastern Europe & south of Russia, their,) husbands; heroic @ 40 dice would be @ 40 C2 DP = 368 C3 DP @ level that of Pyro or Colossus of the movie X-Men, while @ [40*6] = 240 C3 DP that of Sabertooth or Wolverine, else 40 dice @ 40 C3 DP which is @ power level that of Jacky Chan with his martial arts or fame, if rolled dice all 6s; and, superhero or demigod @ 100 dice be @ 100 C2 DP = 10,000 C3 DP @ level that of Godzilla or the cartoon Iceman or Morf, while [100x6] = 600 C3 DP @ Cyclops. When you think of the X-Men, think of this basic power table: 33.33 C2 DP for Sabertooth, 36.66 C2 DP for Wolverine, 39.99 or 40 C2 DP for Colossus, latter assuming that Colossus’s mutant ability to metamorphasize into living osmium metal in a humanoid shape being a tachyon projection as a colored force field. But, giving him an a +1/4, raising his 40 to 50 C2 DP, would allow him a more realistic transformation, and reason that you keep his PL @ default is that he doesn’t need to eat or breath in his metal body after his metamorphosis. So, the latter @ 50 C2 DP or @ 49 C2 DP @ 7 Average Mind Body & Soul @ 7 AMBS would be @ level that of the Russian mutant Omega-Red, who @ times seem to be @ 8 AMBS: meaning, if he needs to store his tachyon reserve to artificially raise his AMBS to 8, then he’s really @ 7 & not @ 8, else he’s @ 8 if he doesn’t need to store his tachyon reserve to simulate his powers, and why you see Cyclops not being able to defeat Omega-Red in Danger Room in ‘90s cartoon series of X-Men. And, the same for Captain America on smaller scale what applies to Omega-Red. Note that Captain America should be @ (1/2) “of” 64 = 0.5*64 = 32 C2 DP, meaning that Captain America should be @ level that of Sabertooth @ 32.66 to 33.33. But, Captain America is leader of the Avengers which would put him @ 64 C2 DP, meaning whatever # you put Captain America @, for THOR: raise magnitude by 1, meaning if you put Captain America @ 64 C2 DP, then THOR is @ 64 C1 DP; and, if you put Captain America @ 32 C2 DP, then THOR is @ 32 C1 DP or default psyche. ======= RULE # 301: It’s difficult for most men to get a long term relationship going with a woman during college years, as most women either busy working towards their career rather than thinking about sex or they want a guy with $ rather than a college student with no real income. But, she has time to strip @ a go-go club to make some extra cash $ to pay for her personal expenses, is perverted rather than (be) look(ing) for a real relationship. Notice that “,” in the last sentence, Shakespeare likes to put a comma after a main clause that acts as subject, but the perverted editors of want to remove some of the “,” in the original text by him. RULE # 300: I have not quite yet figured this out yet, but I’ll try to figure it out later. The secret behind the fictional DC characters Superman/Clark Kent & Lex Luthor, latter in the tv series of “Smallville”, while the former in DC comics, as well as the Kryptonian clothing fashion worn by Jorell based on similarity between that of DC comics of Superman in Kryptonian clothing & the similarity to an artist depiction in the play Macbeth, as well as the mysterious kryptonite & its various different facsimiles in its various different colors, lies within the story/play of Shakespeare by the name of or know as Macbeth. Here are 3 quotes from Macbeth that are unique, but there may be other quotes from that play that may also be unique, but, here are 3 quotes from that play that are unique: 1) “no: this my Hand will rather [next line] The multitudinous Seas incarnardine, [next line] Making the Green one, Red; 2) I dare do all that may become a man, [next line] Who dares no more, is none; 3) floate vpon a wilde and violent Sea < referring to Lex Luthor in the previous episode, where he floating in the sea after his plane crash, but there happens to be an island nearby, in the 2nd series of the tv show “Smallville” > [next line] Each way, and moue,. The 1st two quotes refer to Clark Kent, and the latter to Lex Luthor. This is amazing. There is no equation in this rule, but there will be. Or, Clark could just be a brainwashed mutant, who thinks he’s from a different planet, as his parents were raised in time period of Roswell, meaning his parents could have fed him a false history, so that he never look for his real parents, and/but everything in the caves being a figment of his imagination, assuming he as a child was mutated during the meteor shower, where the alien rocks grants each a wish, where Clark could have wished that only the alien rocks could harm him & NOT by anything else: so, it was the nature of his wish that made him a Superman, where only the alien rocks could harm him being his wish. And, why he goes around killing other mutants, so that he’ dbe the only mutant left with powers, so that he could take over the world. And, maybe he’s even also faking his weaknesses as well, so that he could collect the other meteor rocks for himself, so that he could truly be a Superman & take over the world, so then he’s pretending to be nice & well behaved. And, the graffiti in the caves being his personal graffiti, like a doodle on a paper. LOOK @ RULE # 313. RULE # 299: To check for accuracy of my interpretation of the fictional MU character Eternity, whom I place @ 555.55 C1 DP, a lucky guess, after: checking ratio of C2 for volume of space which comes out to that of either = or slightly greater than a planet earth for sum of all life-forms in the universe that would occupy this volume of space & then increasing its magnitude by 1 level from C2 to C1, which @ 555 = all the mass in the universe; or, placing him @ 2x C1 DP that of Galactus. You, then, look up Eternity’s average power level in the MU Roster of the ’86 MU TSR rpg which placing Eternity @ Class 5,000 which is 5,000 C0, where C0 is a unitless unit, meaning a temporary storage variable until a correct magnitude can be determined. So, then, temporarily, place the 5,000 C0 @ 5,000 C1. Then, assign another temporary unit PL to the 5,000 C1, making it a 5,000 C1 PL: NO, THIS IS NOT THE PROOF, BUT SOMETHING TO COMPARE THE ABOVE WITH THE PROOF, WHICH IS COMING NOW AS FOLLOWS: by placing Eternity @ 555.55 C1 DP, you need to decrease his life to [555.55/9] = 61.73 C1 LS or Life Span = life span of 37.9 billion years by 2*{[61.73^LOG10(61.73)]^LOG10[61.73^LOG10(63.17)]} = 2*{1,606.49^LOG10(1,606.49)} = 2*{1.9*10^10} = 3.79*10^10 year life span = 37.9 billion year life span for Eternity @ 61.73 C1 LS, and this process increases power level to [555.55*9] = 4,999.95 C1 PL or Power Level which is approximately = to the original 5,000. So, I’ve just proved in a sentence that the estimated C1 DP or Default Psyche for Eternity @ 555.55 C1 DP is correct. But, note that Wolverine’s adamantium @ 1,000 is NOT @ C1 but @ C3 PL @ 1,000 C3 PL for adamantium, while Silver Surfer is @ 1,000 C2 PL, while Galactus is @ 1,000 C1 PL. RULE # 298: How to create a nuclear bomb or/and missile technology @ the price of beer can: based on earlier rules way @ the beginning of the game or my homebrew rpg HYBRID, you know that a 49 C2 PL nuclear technology can be read & understood by someone @ 49 C3 PL, assuming he has access to such information. So, you can determine value of such information if he can understand it & has access to such information, the value of such both when combined, both comprehension & access to such information, = 10^[(C3 PL)^(1/2)], $, but it cost 10^[(C2 PL)^(1/2)] in research to get that information, and C3 = C2^LOG10(C2). This is why Israel has nuclear technology because the average Israeli is @ 20 C2 PL, so Israel need a minimum population of 300,072 to be @ 50 C2 PL, but only 10% of that population or @ 29,657 Israeli working on nuclear technology to be @ 40 C2 PL @ level that of 1940 or 1850 USA, depending on source of their technology, latter if most of their technology is given FREE by USA, and former if they make it themselves, and this is why maybe Israel Prime Ministers are so desperate to increase its population, because by [LOG10(300,072)]^2 + 20 = 5.48^2 + 20 = 30 + 20 = 50 C2 PL, allowing them, Israel, could boost its country to 50 C2 PL that of a nuclear state, assuming all 300,072 of its citizens < genetically Israel > worked on nuclear technology & assuming it had the backing of USA, and why Palestine doesn’t it because most Palestinians are @ 20 C4 PL, which would imply that their maximum technology would be @ 20 C3 PL which is only 1177 year AD technology, since 11.77 C1 DP = 14.01 C2 DP = 20.64 C3 DP = 20.64 C3 PL @ 20.64 C3 Life, where year of technology year is computed by [100*C1], where C1 @ minimum needs to be @ PL & @ maximum needs to be @ DP, which when converted to PL has # greater than # for DP, since you need to reduce its PL or {PL of DP} to compensate for size of country, but both are equal to each other like 1,000 mm = 1 meter, which is only equal to those of average African descent who are @ 20 C3 genetically, which would imply Africa’s access to technology be @ 20 C2 PL which without the help from the World Bank, their technology level would be @ level that of 1400 AD Europe. Note: [C0 + 1] = C0^LOG10(C0): C4=C3^LOG10(C3); C3 = C2^LOG10(C2); C2 = C1^LOG10(C1); and, so on, but excluding C0, and moving on to CA to start a new pattern: C1=CA^LOG(CA). But, the “+” in [C0 + 1], means you decrease magnitude by 1 level. You can also apply these rules to Palestine, but they would need 1 million of its workers to create nuclear technology to catch up to Israel in weapons technology. RULE # 297: You can use C3 PL to calculate crimes on a national level, meaning [1 (in): (C0 = C3 PL)], which is 1 in 773 when either population or/& technology is @ 50 C2 PL, where C3 = C2^LOG10(C2), where (C0 = C3 PL) is the cost rate in terms of $ by women committing prostitution or the cost of love for some men, greater the dimension of C0, the more expensive or picky or just not interested is the woman for the man, assuming she is single & assuming she is not unfaithful to her boyfriend or/& husband, where “or/&” represent the same man, not meant to mean two different people, but rather the same individual, if his woman is NOT prostitute, else for her which @: [(C0 - 1)*COM] ~ [{C0 - 1} + 1] ~ [C0] ~ [X*COM], 1st is approximate, 2nd is more precise, 3rd is exact, and 4th is paraphrasing 3rd, where C0_ = [e^Q], where Q = sum of [{C0*(C0 + 1)} / 2], e = 2.72, and note that C_ is inflation rate or cost per hour for prostitution, COM is her beauty, multiplier X = [(cost per hour)/COM], for cost rate per hour for prostitution depends on the going rate set by the woman based on her looks, supply, and based on her personal greed as a prostitute, And, NEXT, 2nd) Here is simple trauma chart base on my research on google on adults, assuming the multiplier for violence is @ multiplier X = 1,000 with modifier @ Y = 3, giving average size of government & its country @ 1,000 C3 PL, where LOG10(1,000 C3 PL) = 3 = Y modifier creating a violence multiplier of X = 1,000, where larger the multiplier the less violence, assuming laws are fair for both genders, and smaller the multiplier the more violence by men against women, but this equation is misused by feminists to abuse men unfairly when a sexual relationship fails or ends, in form of alimony or/and child support, latter is, also, alimony, which is prostitution, which is illegal, starting with age of consent in one’s country, some abusing the opposite gender of both {women abusing men} & {men abusing women}, based on my research on google, 1% trauma inflicted @ modifier Y = 3, gives multiplier X = 10^Y = 1,000, be it emotional or/and physical or/and financial is 1 in 1,000 by both genders on the other (opposite); 10% trauma inflicted on mind, body, or/and soul, meaning emotional or/and physical or/and financial, by both genders on the opposite, is @ 1 in 10,000 for 10% trauma inflicted by both genders; 100% trauma inflicted is 1 in 100,000; .1% trauma inflicted is 1 in 100 by both genders on the opposite; 0.01% trauma inflicted is 1 in 10; 0.001% trauma inflicted is {1 in 1} or {1 out of 1}, emotional or/and physical by both genders on the other, inflicted @ 1 in 1, including bad diet or/and bad habits of whatever nature causing self inflicting wounds which may inadvertently harm the other by accident by unintentional means as a side effect by accident or without knowing or just plain bad luck or bad karma. First, % of trauma inflicted on the/a woman by the/a man & vice versa is 1 in %thousand or {1 in [%*X]}, where multiplier X = 1,000, where X=10^Y, where modifier Y = LOG10[C3 PL of government], where larger the C3 PL of government, the larger the country; &, smaller the C3 PL of government, the smaller the country, meaning you’d give USA a 10,000 C3 PL @ power level that of Godzilla, this equivalent power level giving USA a modifier of Y = 4, giving a multiplier of X = 10,000 @ = X, which would reduce probability of crime committed by men & women, be it emotional, physical, or/and financial abuse in sexual relationship(s), but, men only commit violence in a long term sexual relationship to keep his woman morally sound, meaning to prevent her from committing adultery or/and to prevent her from committing prostitution, but, now, this is now skewed in favor of feminists & soldiers & men that are jerks, and more feminists & soldiers & men that are jerks are allowed by government {which is bad} to commit violence in almost every form, emotional, physical, or/and financial, with impunity, meaning without having to pay for her crimes, which she now thinks that she is entitled to commit against men, so because of feminists: the violence committed by women is increasing against men, as well as some men that are worse than complete jerks, like soldiers, against women, without any punishment for the women, meaning if trauma inflicted on the woman by the man is 1%,then probability of such a woman being abused & traumatized by emotional & physical abuse is 1 in 1,000 for that %of trauma inflicted on her by her ex-man, , but getting back to the trauma equation: a .1% trauma is inflicted on women by men by 1 in 100 men are abusers of women & vice versa, latter being 1 in 100 women abuse men for .1% trauma inflicted on the/a man, which is only 1 in %thousands, where % is % of trauma inflicted on the woman by the man & vice versa by the woman on the man, meaning if trauma is 100% to the woman by the man, the probability of such a man committing such offense on the woman is 1 in 100,000 & the same percentage of for women, who are abusers of men, meaning 1 in 100 women are abusers of men inflict 0.1% trauma, emotional or/and physical or/and financial, to their man or ex-man, but of guys who inflict traumatic injury the ratio & % is same & % trauma is same for both genders on the opposite in terms of whatever form the trauma takes place, but by traumatic abuse I mean physical injury though adultery can be just as traumatic as a physical injury as except in small(er) doses or pieces over a lifetime, if it is allowed to exist, then 3), as Prince Escalus said in Act 5 Scene 3 Line 305 of Romeo & Juliet, “all are punished”, But, this parody is not to be taken literally. 1 of the equations is rape equation @ [1 in {C3 PL}]= [1 in 1,000 @ 50 C2 PL; or, @ 1 in 152 @ 30 C2 PL by 30^LOG10(30) = 152 C3 PL: the ratio of rape victims: smaller the country, the larger the # of rape victims; while, larger the country, the smaller the # of rape victims: the benefit of being a citizen of a larg(er) country & just cause for imperialism, but the reverse is true for smaller countries that are invaded by soldiers of the larger country who go on a raping rampage: true throughout history: the same equation applies that being [1 in C3 PL], where {C3 PL} is both rate & cost of prostitution by the women {at least in Europe per hour} that they charge the men, where anything less is either sexual harassment or/& rape; &, {C3 PL} also represents the size of government, population, or/& technology of a group or of a nation that {C3 PL} represents: meaning when population increases, # of rapes decreases, assuming ratio of men to women is equal, else it’d be like Yugoslavia with rape camps like that of Israel involved in white slave trade, kidnapped Russian women for men to rape in Israel, at least that’s what I’ve read, < NOT sure if it’s true, but that’s what I’ve read on @ deja on Israel >, which is similar to American USA soldiers raping foreign non-USA citizen women in foreign lands for the past half a century, but it seems to be illegal for a man, a USA citizen, to rape his wife or/& girlfriend, but NOT(?) illegal for a USA soldier to rape a woman that is neither his wife nor his girlfriend, because of the feminist lobby which don’t’ seem to protesting to have past & current USA soldiers that rape(d) women to be arrested or/& pay for their war crimes, including coerced & forced prostitution of women (near military bases) by any USA soldier(s), but don’t seem to mind about having the ex President of Yugoslavia arrested for the same war crimes that the USA government commit(s/ed): what a lot of hypocrisy; and, I doubt it has anything to do with power but rather everything to do with sex; and, no worries for American soldiers, with no cops {which today are legal pimps in normal heterosexual relationships, where women think they don’t have to give sex to their husband or/& boyfriend: women are allowed to commit bigamy, but men are not legally allowed: why is that, and where is the equality in that} around; and, like what nation is going to accuse USA of war crimes: maybe that’s why there is no weapons of mass destruction being found Iraq, some {NOT all but some} USA soldiers are too busy raping Iraqi women, but calling it (forced or coerced) prostitution; and, most foreign women that are forced into prostitution are too feeble minded to know that they are being raped, and most soldiers know this basic primitive instinct of some {NOT all but some} women that they get paid for sex else the women charge the men of rape: latter is 1 of 2 forms of what feminism, with 2nd being that women get paid, but don’t have to give sex: so, feminism wants to rape men financially which they, feminists, think it’s ok, but NOT ok if a man rapes his wife or/& girlfriend: feminism is not about equality but about power & control, the very thing they say are against: women love being ambiguous: their (feminist) mantra: keep all (many as you can) men guessing & away from the truth; sort of like the Bush doctrine, without the sexual drama of the Clinton Presidency, both partly, where for both feminism & the Bush preemptive doctrine , deceit & greed = power. LOOK @ RULE # 305. == < RULE # 7, the force field equation, for which the d has been modified from C# to [2*(C0 - 1)], with C# downgraded to the astronaut’s equation, the former can be morphed into [C0 /(10*(u, universal))], being the greatest military equation, has been updated to include other units @ C0, such C2, C3, C4, etc. but does not work @ C1 without some further modification such as changing the dimension d (divisor or the denominator) in exponent to 1.5 such as [1/1.5] exponent which corrects the irregularity, since 2*(1-1) = 2*0 = 0, and the equation can’t have an exponent of [1/0], unless you wish to apply the death & reincarnation equation which then you could use [1/0] in the equation to computer nuclear blast which wouldn’t be a nuclear blast but more like cold fusion, figuratively speaking, as @ exponent [1/0] the character dies but comes back to life later in the same or different body or is reborn like the fictional character HIGHLANDER(s) .> === Note that a 16th century genius of 1599, depending on one’s interpretation of the character could be @ either 16 C2 DP or @ 16 C1 DP: 16 C2 DP = 28.18 C3 DP, and where 16 C1 DP = 28.18 C2 DP, latter being too high, so it’s more likely that he was @ 16 C2 DP rather than @ 16 C1 DP, as I personally put Shakespeare @ greater intellect than Galileo, unless you include Galileo’s duplication of the telescope, which would then put him @ same intellect as that poet. And, speaking of inventions, a fountain pen that of the Pilot Varsity which when its ink runs out it, the pen, can only be used a dip pen which as a refillable can hold only 19% of its ink capacity, as my previous earlier estimate of 91% was incorrect, since more than 19% leaks. RULE # 296: To increase your reading speed, 1st mediate the ratio [1:1],; so, it is efficient to keep it within 9x & not go over nor under 9x, doing this will increase your reading speed, where @ 9x is the most optimum reading speed, sort of like using a .9 mm pen if there were a .9 mm pen; though, some like a 1.6 mm pen: proportional to 16x reading speed (sprint); while, .7 mm pen like or proportional to 7x reading speed. RULE # 295: My version (estimate) of the Free Energy Equation of Nicola Tesla depicted in 1 or 2 cartoon episodes of the 1980s version of GI JOE might having been using RULE # 290 @ C2 PL = 0, where a unit of space @ volume that of a single organic cell = 1 dozen or 12 kg of mass energy. By (2nd half of the paragraph of) RULE # 290, if you assign 0 C2 PL or Power Level to a unit volume of empty space that would otherwise occupy a single organic cell @ 1 C2 PL, then for that unit volume of empty space: you end up with, {based on ratio of mass to space of 1:2 @ C1}, 10^{(((C1 PL)/2) @ C2 PL)^(1/2)} = 10^1.11 = 12.85 kg of hidden mass which is what the Free Energy Equation of Nicola Tesla was used in about 1 or 2 cartoon episode(s) of GI Joe of the 1980s, and this same (basic) principle can be used to figure out the C2 PL of the sun to hidden mass of a human or even a mutant. RULE # 294: Sum of odd numbers = perfect squares. RULE # 293: 0/0 = DY/DX. RULE # 292: Life & marriage are two (of the) same things, meaning it’s a symbiotic relationship like such as for the MU Techno-Organic Virus, since most mutants are anti-science which is why the MU Techno-Organic Virus causes mutants’ powers to change from what magic (science) to science. An analogy would be illustrated by two of my great equations: RULE # 284 & (2nd half of paragraph of) RULE # 290; the velocity equation of RULE # 284 can, also, be used as a dating equation {but it would be easier if I just focused on my studies, but still hate the idea of paying some professor to teach me when I could just buy the book & read it: college is a damn waste of $: college is only for those who can afford to waste $: professor who won’t teach you any better than your book(s); so, you’re really just paying (for) someone to give you quizzes, labs, & exams for which they should either teach all 5 days of the week for each college class or they ought to have you show up only once a week, if the professor isn’t going to teach you anything more than the book itself is going to teach you, since al you need is the book(s), which don’t count, since by law, you have to pay someone to teach you, when all you need is the book(s) which you can read in whatever combination: but, colleges don’t work that way, unless you have to be taking a full 18 credits, but then, you have to spend time in classes for all those 18 credits, most of which time the professor won’t teach you any more than the book; so, the basic question remains, as to why we need colleges anyway, when al you need to do is to buy the book & read it which would save you a whole bundle of money, but the damn lobbyist that lobby for colleges in the corrupt government of all countries force you to pay inflated prices for which would ordinarily cost you only a fraction of the tuition cost if all you needed to do was just buy the book(s), but then colleges lose their profit, but no one seems to be able to figure out that is a corrupt system: THE FAULT LIES ENTIRELY WITH THE PEOPLE, LIKE THOSE WHO VOTES FOR THE TRILLION $ DEFICIT, the feel good politics: the self destruction politics like those who vote for the insurance companies to keep taking your money, and those same people [that let insurance companies profit in the billions, where a few criminal rule millions of people, since most of the millions of people are too afraid to protests against these thieving criminals or these mafias, including not all but some parts of the police which act as legal heavily armed but unconstitutional pimps, which seem to have the blessing of corrupt politicians] complain that they have no health insurance while the illegal immigrants [from Mexico because of lobbyists] get not only free health care, but also free driver license, which is now outlawed, but it’s strange that the police didn’t have the common sense to make it or kept it illegal until a new governor was elected, sort of like the insane sodemy laws which imprison a man for kissing his girlfriend or wife, due to insane laws created by religion fanatics, next thing you know these insane sex police with IQ or intelligence of a gorilla < few of these insane sex police & courts > will charge a man with sodomy for holding his wife’s or girlfriend’s hands, since by this slippery slope argument, holding a woman’s hand is sexual but holding a woman’s hand is not procreation, since sodomy is anything that isn’t procreation but sexual, such as oral sex, which is what happens when you lunatics in charge of the government & the police & the army don’t have the common sense, considering that some police are pimps & have sex with prostitutes, the same police that arrest men by entrapment < which is constitutionally illegal, but I don’t see anyone arresting the people that run Playboy magazine which is soft core prostitution: the # of hypocrites outnumber those with common sense by 1,000 to 1: the # of people that an evil person can control is proportional to either his % of evilness or the ratio of # of people that could care less or not care at all about the level of corruption around them for proportional to every 1 evil person: EXAMPLE, most people don’t need to go to college, but most people go to college out of fear, rather than protest the backwardness of the educational system, since IQ & luck doesn’t change over time, other than experience which allow one to better manipulate probability fields towards one’s advantage, but as one gets older, his resources shrink or dwindle, but his probability increases to his advantage slightly due to experience, but as one gets older, his resources shrink or dwindle, so his level of luck & IQ remains constant; so you don’t really need college, since al one needs to do is measure one’s IQ & particular interest & talents & motivation & ability, but everyone is forced to pay protection $ < total of little less than a trillion $: so much $ wasted on professors [white collar criminals ] & colleges, just to get a job > given the name of a college degree: this same level of stupidity of not protesting is rampant in all facets & levels of society in all societies in all countries, including the superpower of USA > for soliciting prostitutes, < some aspects such as the sex police & laws of USA which on paper is illegal even between consenting adults [ while they legalize adultery & divorce by married women : insane ! because USA government is controlled by lobbyists such as feminists & the super rich, capitalists & the mafia have their [USA] corrupt government that commit genocide in foreign countries: it is amazing how a few criminals can control millions of people by fear: ratio of 1 to 1,000] is insane as the Nazi>, as well as a free college education: MAKES ME WANT TO BE < figuratively speaking > A AN ILLEGAL IMIGRANT RATHER THAN A LEGAL CITIZEN, but I’m not an illegal immigrant so I can get any of those free goodies in California, not that I’m living in California, but if I wanted to, it still wouldn’t apply to me, since I’m not an illegal immigrant (from Mexico), as it {those 3 benefits which we law abiding US citizens having been begging our government to give us but rarely ever get unless you are rich but then it’s not free which illegal Mexican immigrants get which most USA citizens can’t get, these 3 basic essentials considered to be benefits to most USA citizens, but we can’t have those 3 benefits wince we are not illegal immigrants from Mexico, nor any lobby to support those 3 benefits for use Americans: LOUSY POLITICS, like politics of college tuition & paying for college, when all you need is to just buy the those books & read them, since I have not come across a single professor that would teach more than the book; sometimes, the professors would teach less than the book(s) which is worse} applies only to illegal immigrants from Mexico, sort of like some jobs going to foreigners with work visa living in US rather than jobs to those that are already citizens of this country LEGALLY: DAMN POLITICS, like politics of a(n) [EXPENSIVE] college education: and, now, back to my rpg, HYBRID:} to increase your chances or # of your women or how to get a more beautiful woman with greater odds or greater # of women by replacing the unit “x” for velocity with “#” for probability. RULE # 290 is the M-Theory for mass of all objects in the universe. But, RULE # 284 only works with sufficient life force points. Previously, I had forgotten to subtract 1 from the multiple increment before taking its square root = y, 10^y = x, where y = [(X - 1)^(1/2)], where X = multiple increment, +/-, meaning increase or decrease in previous value: velocity in mph, replaced by #. To double your odds or improve your odds by 2x or to get 2 women or to get a woman 2x as more beautiful as your previous, you needs to alter you PL such that it is 1.3x as much now than previous level. But, do not forget that polygamy is illegal in most countries. But, more $ or greater income a woman has, less sex she wants; and, the less income she has, the more sex she wants; so, sex to/for most women is like prostitution for most women. ====== My favorite tv shows: Dexture The Laboratory, Dr WHO, Star Trek, etc., just about any science-fiction rpgs. My writing format is somewhat similar to that of the MU Ultron’s brain pattern that being most recent rules & equations @ the top; &, the least recent rules & equations @ near the bottom of all this. The fictional cartoon character Dexture has his fictional inventions kept or filed the same way with his most recent stuff. NOTE: TL = [C1/3]; or, TL = [C1/n], where accuracy = [1 - {1/ (n^n)}], where n = 3. Originally, I had used n = 2 for 75% accuracy in V 0.01, but later changed it to n = 3, for 96% accuracy in V 0.10 & all later versions, used n = 3. Note that @ TL 7 @ n = 2, you get 7*2 = 14 C1 DP = 20.59 C2 DP of WWI, but when n = 3, you get 7*3 = 21 C1 DP = 56.01 C2 DP which needs to be changed to 21 C1 PL for 56.01 C2 PL, since the former {21 C1 DP = 56.01 C2 DP} is too much & needs to be decreased to {21 C1 PL for 56.01 C2 PL} for during the Cold War, since the former {21 C1 DP = 56.01 C2 DP} is for WWIII, which has NOT happened yet, but 21 C2 DP is reserved for the year 2100 AD or for Spiderman 2099 comics. The 1 paragraph + details = 1 PAGE version of HYBRID is on page 152, which originally was a 1 word rpg @ C1 = psyche, but later unit C2 as added for PL or Power Level, after which, very quickly followed by DP or Default Psyche, and modified the equation for C1 slightly to make it more stable to get to C2, else you’d have a super deadly weapon like the MU Ultimate Nullifier @ low values but such deadly weapons are supposed to exist only @ high values; but, something like it @ low values: the foolish American scientists & engineers are working on in the state of Texas with their super conducting super collider which if it produces significant amount of strange particles, it could mean the end of earth [ REALLY ! ], which such disaster is worse than the Cold War. Now my rpg. I forgot to mention how I modified the original equation to make it more stable, so that you don’t accidentally destroy a planet or the universe, by putting a little disclaimer not to use the original equation @ values less than 30 C1 DP, where the original equation was: C or Class = [C1*(C1^(1/2))], where C1 was meant to be @ DP, while C or Class was meant to be @ PL, but I had not mentioned what unit C or Class was @ to show you how dangerous it is or can be by having a unitless unit which in the ’86 MU TSR rpg was the unitless unit C or Class. When C1 is less than 30, change the PL from C1 to C2, to make whatever is it that you are making more stable, but rather having to over think this problem, later, I accidentally came about C2 = C1^LOG10(C1) to work on the MU Dark Phoenix, and use this same equation on other MU characters, and the results were just beautiful, meaning I didn’t have to change the stats in the ’86 MU TSR rpg roster other than change certain “C or Class” to C2, but knowing which “C or Class” to change to C2 was initially the problem. And, later, I modified this to include low level objects like adamentium by C3 = C2^LOG10(C2) which I originally thought was @ high value but was supposed to be @ low value meaning @ C3 rather than @ C2 based on Magneto. And, by applying the equation of adamentium [C3 = C2^LOG10(C2)] to humans, I was able to work on the MU SHIELD operatives in a campaign, as well as the characters like the Rhino, Scorpion, the Fly, etc. < 4% of this rpg still has errors, typos, & bad grammar & spelling. > < Toss a coin for success or failure for action resolution. > < To create a character, roll a 1d20, the # rolled will be your character’s C1 DP or Default Psyche. If you roll a 16, you can play Senator Kelly, who desperately wants to be a mutant; 17 is Sabertooth; 18 is Wolverine; 19 is Cyclops with Visor; & 20 is Cyclops without his visor. Note that rolling 1 would mean that your character is a microscopic on a scale to a bacteria or smaller, a 2 would or could be smallest insect or even a dust mite; while, a roll of 20 would be level to that of Spiderman or {Storm or Jean Grey or Colossus of the X-Men}, but for to play Nightcrawler or Iceman you’ll need to roll a 20 & 10 on a 1.5d20 that is a 20 on a 1d20 & a 10 on another 1d20, to get a 30 C1 DP for latter 2 mutants. 11 to 20 could act as 1 to 10 on the 2nd 1d20. Note: C2 DP = C1^LOG10(C1 DP); and, AMBS = [(C2 DP)^(1/2)]; and, most rpg games have total points in C3 DP = C2^LOG10(C2 DP). If you rolled a 20 & 20, you could play the GM @ 40 C1 DP @ power level that of evil Professor Xavier {while, Mystique can be played @ either level of Magneto or slightly more powerful @ level that of Xavier} (but Magneto is @ 2/3 or ¾ that of Xavier: if he was @ 2/3 in Part I, his plans would have failed if the X-Men interfered in his plans to create mutants out of UN members, and why he needed help from Rogue, but she changed her mind about helping him, but if Magneto is @ ¾ then he might have succeeded in at least doubling the stats of all UN members without help from Rogue, and if Rogue decided to help him, Magneto could have tripled the stats of the all UN members in Part I), who in the X-Men movie tried to kill all humans in Part II, but Magneto accidentally or intentionally ended up saving the humans, meaning Xavier was the super villain disguised as a super hero, while Magneto, who doesn’t use his powers in form of telepathy but rather as telekinetic, so Magneto can’t disguises his evil motives which aren’t as evil as that of Xavier, as Xavier wants to kill all humans in the movie, while Magneto wants to rule all humans, but Xavier is not sure if he wants to kill all humans, & he wants to take role as ruler if his other plan to kill humans don’t work out. Similar plot takes place in the Maestro storyline with Maestro vs Xavier in alternate future, or the Maestro manages to get a magic amulet from Dr Strange & clones himself, and Xavier plays the hero by trying to destroy Maestro, but if Xavier is villain, then Maestro may be trying to defend his empire, which Xavier wants. TOSS COIN FOR success or failure. > RULE # 291: The rpg Living Steel character is 6 or 7 AMBS in my homebrew rpg HYBRID, where 6 AMBS = Wolverine @ 6^2 = 36 C2 DP or Default Psyche, & a 7 AMBS = Colossus @ 7^2 = 49 C2 DP or Default Psyche, by converting his C3 DP to C2 DP which acts to increase unit of his C3 DP by 1 from C3 to C2, meaning male characters that would normally be @ C3 DP would need to be @ C2 DP @ the same # but different unit of magnitude, by different I mean a unit greater by 1 from C3 to C2. This is equivalent to giving him a +1 AMBS for a particular body type, another +1 AMBS for minor shape shifting, another +1 AMBS for major shape shifting giving him his living steel powers like that of the MU Colossus, that Russian mutant with osmium body: awesome & osmium, former is COM & latter is metal. So, that’s a +3 AMBS to a base of +4 AMBS = total of +7 AMBS = 49 C2 DP which in human form would look @ 49 C3 DP. RULE # 287 is on the movie Hellraiser; and, RULE # 286 on Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” in terms of a role playing game: RULE # 286 could be used by the DC character the HULK to travel to the microverse. This rpg was originally only 1 word: C1 = psyche was the original length of my rpg but has grown considerably over the years, after skimming through the ’86 MU TSR rpg. My RULE # 290 is based on its predecessor, RULE # 289, which is used to calculate a neutron star, and so RULE # 290 IS THE M-THEORY OF EVERYTHING, except how to make textiles, in terms of either its hidden or/and actual mass based on its life force points, and goes beyond E=mc^2 & is much better than anything else that I’ve written, & this RULE # 289 may finally settle the question of what C1 DP based on its C2 DP that the MU Eternity is @. This new RULE # 289, which I’ll talk about in more detail on page 5 & page 6 that it implies that if there was no need for to include the separation distance between galaxies as part of its hidden mass for its life force points @ C1 DP, assuming a galaxy is like a nucleus of a cell, and if you know the size of this cell, then you know its separation distance from its neighboring galaxies but if this little calculation or this phenomenon or this separation distance (if it) was not necessary, then the mass of the known universe may be @ {Y C1 DP} rather than @ {Z C1 DP}: the implication of this is vast & great, and may even help to figure out the riddle of dark matter, including in one of the MU Silver Surfer comic with Galactus-like entities composed of dark matter: what this means is that Galactus had an excess of Y C1 DP which he siphoned of those dark matter creatures that the Silver Surfer was fighting off {I forget which comic issue: I threw that issue of it, but read it almost a decade ago}: so, conservation of mass & energy is maintained. That Stan Lee is a genius, by putting Galactus @ between low Y & {high Y which @ PL becomes Z or higher} @ C1 DP but sum of his powers @ X (120) C1 DP, so his life energy between X (120) & low Y (240) would be his dark-matter counterpart(s) which Silver Surfer fought, thinking that/those entit(y/ies) destroyed Galactus, but those entities were more like but on cosmic level, the plot being similar to the clone saga of Spiderman but involving Galactus rather than Spiderman, while the excess of his life energy @ C1 DP of Galactus between low Y (240) & {high Y (360) which @ PL become Z or higher}, latter upper limit being a upper limit of Y @ C1 DP for Galactus, used to communicate with Eternity rather than the former between X & low Y which was Galactus’ dark matter counterpart(s) in a ‘90s SS comic a decade ago. From my earlier V 0.19: The Millennium Falcon @ 30 C1 PL be @ [(30-10)^LOG10(30-10)] = 49.28 ft diameter: meaning you need increase unit of velocity by 1 such as from C3 to C2 for light speed @ same object size & mass in “Star Wars”; and, decrease unit of size & mass by 1 such as from C3 to C4 to generate light speed velocity like for Dragonball-Z, but for starships or spaceships in “Star Wars”, you need to increase velocity unit from C3 to C2, due to the mass of the object, and why the Imperial Star Cruiser is much slower than the Millennium Falcon. < RULE # 7, the force field equation, for which the d has been modified from C_ to [2*(C_ - 1)], with C_ downgraded to the astronaut’s equation, the former can be morphed into [C_ /(10*(u, universal))], being the greatest military equation, has been updated to include other units @ C_, such C2, C3, C4, etc. but does not work @ C1 without some further modification such as changing the dimension d (divisor or the denominator) in exponent to 1.5 such as [1/1.5] exponent which corrects the irregularity, since 2*(1-1) = 2*0 = 0, and the equation can’t have an exponent of [1/0], unless you wish to apply the death & reincarnation equation which then you could use [1/0] in the equation to computer nuclear blast which wouldn’t be a nuclear blast but more like cold fusion, figuratively speaking, as @ exponent [1/0] the character dies but comes back to life later in the same or different body or is reborn like the fictional character HIGHLANDER(s) .> ====== THIS is MY homebrew RPG HYBRID is, also, by pure coincidence be @ V .39 in 2009 << which my previous version naming rule would have named the version in 2009, where the .9 part of .39 represents version # in 2009, for number of reason, including that I’m running out of ideas, so naturally the # should NOT increase so rapidly, since V .9 which is supposed to signify that the rpg is 90% complete which is nearly impossible to do with my lack of calculus skills: the best being @ 39% by 2009, resulting in .39 by 2009, but me running out of ideas & changing the naming rule to above method for RULE # 0, is proportional the 1st year of mutant for rpg Aberrant’s 1st mutant in 2008 which would be proportional to/for/by my naming rule to be @ V 0.38 for that 1st mutant in my homebrew rpg HYBRID in 2008 >> where V 0.38 signify 1st year of a mutant which @ V 0.38 @ in for Aberrant’s 2008 is very similar in properties, much by pure coincidenc, very similar to Aberrant’s year of 1st mutant in 2008, but my naming rule is based on value of the sun which gives probability of the 1st mutant, but you can always say something like what if Aberrant made the first mutant in 2080 instead of 2008, to that I could point out that several(7) years ago I had posted an article that the MU timeline was off by a minimum of 1 century, so an MU mutant in 1980 would be in 2080, SO THE MASSACRE OF THE MUTANTS BY THE MU Sentinels didn’t occur in the 21st century by in the 22nd century in the MU timeline, so then the 911 terrorist attack on the Twin Towers of 2001 in the MU timeline is really taking place in 2101, at least this is how my homebrew rpg HYBRID interprets some of the MU events & rpgs stats. SO, the primal CONSERVATION OF MASS & ENERGY < in my science- fiction homebrew rpg HYBRID: science-fiction that it[by pure coincidence] has elements that of Aberrant, Mage the Ascension, D&D, Dragonbal-Z, GURPS, hero, & so many other rpg such as MU SAGA, Nobilis, and the ’86 MU TSR rpg, as well as other rpgs elements such as ZERG & Digimon, which is sort of like the movie Tron ] > IS MAINTAINED BY MY DIFFERENT VERSION NAMING RULES, INCLUDING STARTING WITH THE MY # 0 VERSION NAMING RULE FOR THE STARTING YEAR FOR THE MU TIMELINE, WHERE RULE # 0 above is similar to # 0 quarto, figuratively speaking for the latter #0 quarto & comparing it to # 0 of my rule, but for my homebrew rpg HYBRID, it’s tri-stat system; and, its use of the life span equation & PL its ability to create powers if when a body or object’s COM is less than its psyche & other neat stuff, IS BASED ON THE ASSUMPTION OF AN OBJECT HAVE 2 SOULS: 1st the physical & 2nd the immortal soul. This IS A COINCIDENCE AS I HAD DEVELOPED for MY RPG SEVERAL (7) YEARS AGO BUT ONLY HEARD ABOUT THE Kabbalists ONLY just yesterday. My RPG having similar concepts BY PURE COINCIDENCE, BUT I JUST SAW THIS DOCUMENTARY YESTERDAY, WHEN SEEING A DOCUMENTARY ON THE HISTORY CHANNEL ON NEUROLGY WHICH ATTEMPTED TO separate ITSELF FROM THE IMMORTAL SOUL (FIGURATIVELY SPEAKING) BY created a 2ND soul that being the physical body, allowing 16th century neurologists TO PRACTICE MEDICINE WITHOUT INTERFERANCE FROM THE CHURCH. THE USE THIS CONCEPT IN MY RPG HYBRID is significant THAT BEING THAT OBJECTS HAVE 2 SOULS: 1ST THE PHYSICAL & 2ND THE IMMORTAL. I was pondering it when there was a difference of 5 to 15 points for planets & stars: unaccounted for @ its C1 DP level between what it should be & what it seems to be: corrected by RULE # 290. =================== For the following, its C2 PL = [(LOG10(its kg mass))^2]; so, some of the values in the chart may be off a bit by 34.5% off for earth in RULE # 290 but higher estimate below, as I was following a pattern that I noticed that being a +5 C1 DP for incrementally higher astrological bodies such as comparing earth’s moon to Mars, but I gave less points to earth’s moon because it doesn’t have any atmosphere, nor any volcanic activity, so it loses 10 points from 40 to 30, but it has great influence on the spin angle of earth, a +7 or total of +9, but for other influences like tidal waves, gave it total of a +2 for +n, where accuracy = [1 - {1/(n^2)}], for its estimate. Upper Limit of C1 PL or DP of a planet or a star = [2*LOG10(it mass in kg)]; while, Lower Limit of C1 PL or DP of a planet or a star = [2*LOG10(it mass in metric tons)]. Diameter of Jupiter is 7x that of its Red Spot. ==={these are approximate values & not accurate}=== PL:DP:LS 33:45:57 moon 40:49:58 Mars 44:51:58 earth 52:55:58 Jupiter 57:58:59 a star 64:62:60 neutron star @ 2.27x mass of the sun, AFTER SUPER NOVA? ======================= Radius or diameter in # of kilometers = [10^((C1 DP)/10)], upto 60 C1 DP; so, then, the Power Chart [( 35 +/- 35), @ C1 DP: which @ C2 DP is proportional to human female COM @ (30 +/- 30) @ C2 DP for each increment in her COM] & [is 5% off & is 5% less than what it should be for] Planets and Stars {LS or Life Span of/@ 57 for the moon, 58 @ C1 for planet, 59 for the sun, and 60 C1 Life Span for a neutron star @ 60 while a super neutron star or a small black hole @ 65 C1 DP while a super black hole @ 70 C1 DP: notice a 5 point increment in each stage which less than 60 C1 DP decreases the radius or diameter by factor of 5x, while above 60 C1 DP increment increases radius or diameter by factor of [5^2] = 25x; but, C1 DP for mass of object less than or equal to earth with no life is @ [50 + 10*{LOG10(mass of object in kg)/(mass of earth)}], which for the moon, equation mistakenly gives [50 + 10*LOG10(.01)] = 30.88 C1 DP, which although conflicts with next equation for mass, the wrong equation just mentioned above is based on what the ‘80s DC Superman thought that the moon was worth in the ‘80s cartoon of the Justice League, where the moon cracked open to release some dragon-like monster from planet Krypton which both was probably a figment of Superman’s imagination as was probably Mxyzptlk, where mass for an astrological object when correctly stated in equation format @ in # of metric tons is ~ = [10^Z], where Z = {LOG10(C2 DP)}^3, for mass in # of tons for object, which works nicely for WWI & WWII tanks, as well as helping to create nuclear technology with start of the A-bomb, which can be predicted with this equation if you know how to use it, but getting back to tanks, you need to replace DP if it were an astrological body with PL since it’s NOT an astrolocial body, since the tanks were/are NOT alive, but you need to give DP for astrological objects rather than @ PL, but for tanks, use 8 to 16 C2 PL, so the C2 PL doubled or increased by 2x by the end of WWII when compared with C2 PL by end of WWI for tanks, and this equation above works brilliantly HYPERLINK \l "L7" µfor Gulf War I and for Gulf War II§, which makes me wonder why no one on this planet has thought of this equation other than myself, but for our pretty earth, giving me the following C1 DP based on the MU Graviton, whose base1 is @ 20, which is [10 + X], where X = square root of %, & whose base2 is @ 10 = X, giving equation of [10 + 2*X], where @ 81%, Graviton be @ 124 C2 DP, by 28^LOG10(28), which @ 124 C2 DP be @ 124 points in Primal Order rpg, assuming those points in Primal Order rpg is @ DP rather than @ PL, if his maximum C2 DP = 152, giving the MU Graviton a maximum C1 DP of 30, for earth inhabited with human(oid) females, giving earth a C1 DP of = [base1 + base2] = [(base1=47) + base2=LOG10({(population of human(oid) females)^(1/2)}], 47 C1 DP for earth with no life, 46 C1 DP for mars, 45 C1 DP for the moon, which has the biggest fluctuation for its C1 DP depends on C1 DP of other objects, meaning moon’s C1 DP will decrease if threatened rather than remain the same which is unusual since DP is constant for almost all objects & NOT variable, except for the moon & moon-like objects, while C1 DP for earth increases over time [ ! ]. The equation above is based on # of stars needed to generate a black hole @ center of galaxy to hold that galaxy together is square root; you then use the Soul Equation, where you replace manpower to create nuclear technology with # of human(oid) females, excluding the ugly, to figure out the new C1 DP for earth, which is now slightly higher than original estimate @ 47 C1 DP which is for earth with no life: -------AVERAGE ESTIMATES, BUT NOT EXACT FOR ITS C1 DP--------- Object [PL @ C2 PL] @ C2 {PL @ C1} PL @ C1 DP Life Span Mass Moon 287 or 522.87 44.5 31/33 44/45 57 7.35*10^22 kg Mars 381 or 566.80 40 49 58 6.42*10^23 kg Earth 478 or 613.96 44 51 58 6*10^24 kg Jupiter 728 or 744.13 50 54 58 1.9*10^27 kg Sun 1030 or 918.15 53.789 53/57 56/58 59 2*10^30 kg Neutron Star 10^3 62 61 60 4.45*10^30 kg ====================== The following is a quote by the host about my rpg HYBRID which, the quote, is pertinent to understanding the basic premises behind my homebrew rpg, though I kind of stated LINE # 2 & LINE # 3 several(7) years ago, whether or not I used the same exact words as LINE # 2 & LINE # 3 seem like I had used those same exact words several(7) years, even in my early versions, but not sure where in my rpg I had made those 2 statements, but I’m pretty sure I said something to that effect somewhere. I’ll have to review my whole rpg to find that quote, as this quote is the KEY TO THE INSPIRATION OF WHY I decided to use Doppler Effect & Resonance Theory & other theoretical physics like quantum mechanics which I refer to as intuitive Q.M. as commons sense, but getting back to the eloquent quote: philippe tromeur (the host of this webpage in 03-30-03 says (somewhere else) about my rpg HYBRID, but I’m not the host, someone else is, not me; this quote by him is like the saying for the definition of/for different levels of/for the soul, sort of like the Azilut by Kabbalists ): “HYBRID is the first existentialist RPG. Everything is about choices, and beliefs. Everyone pits their psyche against the whole universe.” ======= << RULE # 7 has been updated with an extra feature @ C2 PL, which was previously only @ C3 PL. So, now, RULE # 7 can be used @ both [C2 PL (power level)] & [C3 PL (power level)], and having the same coefficient for a planet. << RULE # 138 is rule for advantages & limitations, with a small subtle difference between the way my rpg HYBRID does it & the way HERO or/and Champions does it. My rpg HYBRID has 2 extra features that HERO doesn’t have: 1st being my tri-stat system of distributing points {LS, DP, & PL}; &, 2nd being the use of Doppler Effect & Resonance Theory to figure out which points are consumed first & last with an extra – or + in front of the advantage (+) or limitation (-), where the extra – means that the most valuable points are consumed first; while, extra + = least valuable points consumed 1st in the + direction. RULE # 290: The following, below, 1st half of the paragraph or the top half of this paragraph is not the M-Theory, which is 2nd half of this paragraph & on next page & includes both hidden & actual mass @ bottom end of this paragraph on next page, but this is a prelude to it, but the following is much more accurate an estimate in the sense that it’s easier to visualize for hidden mass than my original estimate which was based on time in V 0.01, where I had given a ridiculously high hidden mass value as that of a mountain {I was referring to those mutant insects that were part of the MU mutant creature SWARM consisting of mutant bees or wasps which if each were @ 10 C2 DP @ Q = 0, then each would have a hidden mass [is whatever you want it to be as long as long as it conforms to C#, meaning the exponent is the 1st # in # @C#, while you need to define magnitude by saying what that # is for, meaning what C# that # is for, so reader know what that # is for what unit of magnitude, to give it meaning and structure] of @, for example, 10^(# = 10 @ C{#=3}) kg or 10 million metric tons of hidden mass for each of those mutant bees or wasps} in V 0.01; but, for @ fly @ 3 C2 DP, it would have a hidden mass of 1,000 kg in V 0.1. You start with the assumption that an insect has a hidden mass between {1,000 kg @ 3 C2 DP} & {hidden mass of 10 metric tons @ 4 C2 DP like for a queen ant or for a queen bee @ 4 C2 DP}, but gives an anomaly every 10x C2 DP by +/-1, where it has 2 separate values but both close to each other. You’ll notice 2 patterns for the equation for everything. The following may be the M-Theory of everything, except how to make textiles, but covers everything else: it could make Einstein jealous with envy: the M-Theory that he was looking for was hidden within LOG10 & the ’86 MU tsr rpg & MU plots run according to Stan Lee to reveal hidden puzzles like dark matter in relations to the MU character Galactus, meaning universe is meant to be simple, rather than going about it the most complicated way, while the solution seems to be nothing more than a simple math pattern, but he didn’t have the benefit of ’86 MU TSR rpg which was badly written with wrong units which I went about clarifying, otherwise it was almost perfect if it wasn’t for the erroneous or bad unit that being only 1 unit, when there should have been more than 1 unit like the metric system, where you have micro, milli, & kilo ,etc. You’ll notice a most brilliant but super easy math pattern in the next sequence of equations, where Q = LOG10(%efficiency of object or TL), where 1% efficiency for natural objects results in a Q = 0; @ 10% efficiency, Q = 1; @ 0.1% efficiency, Q = -1. I’ll be using Q = -1 for natural objects, Q = 0 for low level TL, and Q = 1 for high level TL such as nuclear technology. Higher the TL, more the hidden mass, and more the object seems to have a soul, sort of like in the android movie that Robin Williams played in, where the android wanted to give up immortality to have a soul. The pattern or the equation calculates mass, including for hidden or/and actual mass of/for an object in unit kg = 10^[((Q = 0)+0+ ((C2 DP)/1)] = {10^[C2 DP]} when C2 DP is between 1 & 10; hidden mass or/and actual mss of/for an object in kg = 10^[10 +((C2 DP)/10))], when C2 DP is between 10 & 100; mass kg = 10^[20+ ((C2 DP)/100)] when C2 DP is between 100 & 1,000 ; mass kg for 1 or more stars = 10^[30+ ((C2 DP)/1,000)], so a star @ 10^30 kg would be @ or have either 1,000 C2 DP or 1,100 C2 DP or Default Psyche; mass kg for 1 or more galaxies = 10^[40 + ((C2 DP)/10,000)]; next, where all of this is leading up to: mass kg of the universe = 10^[50 + ((C2 DP)/100,000)]. The Q variable is a fudge factor, sort of like the fudge factor that Einstein used in his last equation, but this Q variable is a little different from that but is necessary. The 2nd pattern being the 2nd # in the equation grows or shrinks by the following pattern, but first let X = 1st # = 10*LOG10(Z) & let Z = 2nd # in above equation, where (hidden) mass kg = 10^[(Q=0)+X + {(C2 DP)/Z}]: this is the M-Theory of/to my homebrew rpg HYBRID. Also, the intersection of the equations in RULE # 290 & RULE # 289 can cause a star to go super nova during its old age, and form a neutron star based on its mass, with maximum mass before the neutron star collapses into a black hole is @ C1 PL that of the C2 PL of light velocity @ in the 80s, and why average C2 DP for Godzilla is in the 80s, also. RULE # 289: Mass of a neutron star in proportion to the sun, if you give a value of 1,000 C2 DP or Default Psyche to the sun @ Q = 0; by RULE # 290, an object @ 1,000 C2 DP would have a mass of 10^30 kg @ Q = 0, then a neutron star @ [X]x that of the sun: [Y^Y], which may or may not be accurate, since it gives some strange results that being a super black hole for values greater than a galaxy which might explain the need for separation distance between galaxies, but where Y = [(C2 DP)/(1,000)]. So, an object with a mass which appears to be a star-like object @ 1,631.8 C2 DP @ 62 C1 PL or Default Psyche would have a mass of 2.22x that of the sun: 1.6318^1.6318 = 2.22 or 2.22x. Galaxies are proportional to its life span, giving it a value of 79-19 = 60 C1 LS which in turn would increase its PL or Power Level to 79+19 = 98 C1 PL for {9.23^9.23} stars = 7.98*10^8 stars for the Milky Way Galaxy. Next, you’ll need an equation to figure out the separation distance between galaxies. You first imagine that each galaxy is like a nuclear of a cell, so if you the size of the cell in relation to its nucleus, you know the separation distance between galaxies. But, I just add an arbitrary constant c to the 79 or some # smaller than or larger than 79, depending on size of the galaxy, though our galaxy Milky Way would get an 79 C1 DP @ without including the separation distance between its neighboring galaxies, but you need to add a constant c to 79 for the separation distance which must be included in the calculation, and it’s perhaps this which keeps the galaxies from collapsing into each other which either acts as negative energy or the so called dark matter or some sort of force to keep them apart. But, getting back to the constant c, which = 10*n, where n represents accuracy & efficiency = [1 - (1/(n^n))]. RULE # 288: To figure out C1 DP for a # of stars, you need to first figure out the original C1 DP for the sun. To figure out the latter, use the life span equation for humans on the sun, to figure out the original C1 DP which would still be an approximate, since I’m assuming it’s PL or Power Level = its LS or Life Span. Its current value is @ 1,000 C2 DP. 2nd way to figure out its original C1 DP value is by knowing the # of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. But, I’m assuming that the sun was originally @ 1,234.56789 C2 DP [it’s a big assumption, but I got to make some kind of assumption to check my next couple of assumptions, BUT THIS VALUE OF 1,234.5678 C2 DP is based on the deceased DC planet Krypton’s red sun to be @ 1,234.5678 C2 DP, one of them will be in RULE # 289, and the other will be in this rule in a moment in next sentence]. The value of the Milky Way Galaxy is reduced slightly from 120 to 104 to compensate for it’s separation value from other nearby neighboring galaxies, so I give it a value of 104 rather than 120, which is still less than what it should be which is @ 123 because of the live on this planet, you give it a +3, why +3, for starters you don’t want to overdo it, meaning +3 represents law of economics, but I’m combining it with both biology & astronomy, here. So, then, # of stars in Milky Way galaxy = {((104^LOG10(104))/1,234.5678)= [11,706.40/1,234.5678] = 9.48}^{9.48} = 1.83*10^9 stars = 1.83 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy: average. You can use this equation for time travel, forward in time, by replacing the unit “stars” with “years”. To calculate the # years back in time, square root the value of forward to calculate backward, # of years back in time. But, the amount of matter traveling forward or backward in time @ (((57+(pi/10))-10) @ C1 PL) @ C2 PL = 57.3142 – 10 = 47.3142 C1 PL = 639.1389 C3 PL of matter which is proportional to the material strength @ 639.1389 C0 of/for the spaceship of the fictional character Clark Kent in the tv series “Smallville”. C3 = C2^LOG10(C2). RULE # 287: The equation for the evil god or demon of the storyline of the movie “Hellraiser” in terms of how many souls & their bodies that he can devour & take to his personal dimension of hell would be @ # souls = 10^[-1 + (C2 PL)/100]. So, if he were @ 200 C2 PL, he’d be able to devour ten or 10 souls along with their bodies he could take to his personal dimension of hell, but his DP or Default Psyche would be less than 200, and his LS or Life Span would, also be less but less than his DP. So, his DP could [hypothetically] be @ 100 C2, while his LS or Life Span would be @ 50 C2 @ 2x that of the MU Wolverine @ 40 C2. But, his LS or Life Span would need to decrease further to [100/4] = 25 C2 which = maximum human life span of 152 years which would increase his PL or Power Level to [100*4] = 400 C2, allowing him to devour 10^3 souls & their bodies: 100 C2 DP is @ PL of Godzilla. RULE # 286: Someone had asked & was not clear about what some of the basic units {.., C1, C2, C3, C4, ..} were about. Most have read Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, or at least seen a movie version of it. Four of the basic units {there are others, meaning more than just four but all derived from each other} used in my homebrew rpg HBYRID can be easily explains with examples from this story of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, which can, also, be used with RULE # 6, MEANING by assigning our reality @ pi (3.14) dimension, then by traveling to dimension of [pi/2], you can increase your DP by factor of 2x by RULE # 6, AND BY RETURING TO NORMAL REALITY @ pi dimension @ pi, your increased stats @ 2x in a dream dimension {which can, also, be @ [pi*2] which would decrease your DP to [(1/2)x], meaning you’d be slightly shorter than normal height by 1 or 2 ft less than normal height: you can use this rule which is a variation of RULE # 6 to create characters for/in Digimon universe by simply reducing the character’s dimension from pi to [pi/3] which would increase his DP from 1x to 3x: note the reverse math operation from “divided by 3” on his new dimension to “multiplied by 3” for his new DP @ [pi/3] from previous dimension which we call normal reality @ [pi] dimension: once in the new dimension @ [pi/3], the microscopic character can increase his PL OR Power Level by reducing his LS or Life Span by RULE # 6, as his new DP is @ 3x @ microscopic scale @ dimension of [pi/3]} @ [pi/2] is reduced to 1x on his return back to his normal pi dimension of normal reality, due to the increase in your dimension to [2*(pi/2)] = [pi] dimension @ pi of normal reality, sort of like in the fairytale “Alice in Wonderland”, where Alice would shrink when traveling to a higher dimension greater than pi; (while/&), she would grow when traveling to a lower dimension less than pi, this when @ a lower dimension, a character would have shape shifting power, where the mortal male human characters, including Bottom (after being transformed in to a were-mule by Oberon), would all be @ C3 DP, though the character Bottom, as well as the boy’s soul that Oberon wish to possess, both are @ C2 PL, not that I use the unit PL rather than DP, here, because PL represents imagination (or mutant power, including female beauty but the unit has to converted from C2 PL to C3 PL to computer her COM) within the context of this story similar to the super characters in Yu-Gi-Oh would be @ C3 PL because they represent imagination, though with destructive substance, created by the psychic boys in Yu-Gi-Oh. But, getting back to the earlier example & the other units, the C2 DP would be for Oberon’s use of love juice from flower hit by Cupid’s arrow: not that I use the DP value here, allowing you to increase its value or potency to control any mortal male human. Then, lastly, the world of the supernatural: Oberon would be @ C1 DP if you take the literal interpretation that he is the king of the ferries but since he has little control over his wife Titania, Oberon would be @ C2 DP but his C2 DP would be @ Yx {accuracy % = [1-(1/Y^2)]} that of Robin’s C2 DP rather than @ C1 DP, but Titania remains @ C1 DP as she also represents both as queen of the ferries as wells as as Queen Mab in R&J, his wife & queen of the ferries, who later in the play, (Titania) has a monasua tua {3 some with help from one of her ferries} with Bottom: great play by Shakespeare, who had lot of wisdom on the going ons between the sexes & in the families, classes, & society, but put sex in his plays to juice it up for the audience} seems to have had an affair with another which Oberon is annoyed about which Titania doesn’t seem to care or understand, making Titania a feminist for thinking that a woman can do no wrong, but after Titania accuses Oberon of being paranoid, Oberon tests his wife’s love for him by having someone (Bottom after being transformed by Robin) seduce (with help from love juice that Oberon puts on Titania’s eyes while she sleeps) his wife – he, Oberon, tests - to see if her resolve (love for him, Oberon) is true or not, but getting back to the units & their explanation by example, Robin would be @ C2 DP, for his rank is 1 unit lower than that of Oberon’s C1 DP, making Robin a servant of Oberon, but Robin’s C2 DP unit is still more powerful than an adult male human’s C3 DP unit, and why Robin is such a prankster because he can get away with it, putting Robin @ the same power hierarchy as that of the love juice that effect Lysander & Demetrius, latter two being @ C3 DP. Note that the two ladies Hermia & Helena (this character in the movie version of it is played by that same female character in the tv series Allie McBeal) are not subjected to the love juice which may be a hidden message or a metaphor for those two character or ladies in general being @ C2 DP unit, or 1 unit higher than men, and why the love juice only effects the men in the story & not the woman, and why (and for other reasons) in my rpg HYBRID, women have more points for their beauty. And, I almost forgot about the unit C4 DP, which is given to the low class such as to the Rude Mechanicals, but excluding Bottom, who is @ C3 DP, and why as they, the Rude Mechanicals, realized that they were practicing the play in the woods on an open green grassed area with someone, Bottom, with a higher unit, 1 unit higher, than theirs, that they ran away in fear & terror because Bottom represented as a mule later is a metaphor for this that being a class distinction in the lower class by genetics, as some in low class were really low, while others were simply labeled but not being so, sort of like the movie Gattica, where 2 male persons are mistakenly misidentified @ birth, where the one with superior genes has an easier time overcoming obstacles after being identified as low member of society by accidentally being mislabeled with a lower unit, while the other with an inferior genes has a much more difficult time overcoming obstacles even though opportunities are given to him by law more frequently: his wife later leaves him for the one with the misidentified lower gene that was in fact indeed to be superior than the other; &, why women are opportunists. And, why Hermia was having 2nd thoughts about running away with Lysander by pushing away or having Lysander sleep not with her in the woods but some distance away. RULE # 285: Before reading this next equation which is on the next page @ middle of this paragraph, 1st note that when an adult version of Godzilla is @ (let’s say, for example) @ 25 C1 DP, a late 1980s version or early 1990s version, then by lower the unit by 1 to C2 DP, you get value of/for baby version of Godzilla @ 25 C2 DP = 90 C3 DP = 90 points in GURPS for baby Godzilla, with a slightly order version of it be @ 115 C3 DP = 115 points in GURPS, notice that by reducing the maximum adult stats of 115 C2 DP by 1 unit from C2 to C3: = 115 C3 DP for a baby Godzilla like in the movies but note 25 C1 DP = 90 C2 DP by 25^LOG10(25) = 90 C2 DP = 6,592.34 C3 DP, so a 1990 version of Godzilla in a 1990 movie of Godzilla would be @ average of @ 6,592.34 points in GURPS, D&D, Dragonball-Z, & Yu-Gi-Oh, @ maximum value of [90 C2 DP + (25 C1 DP @ C2 DP)] = 90+25 = 115 C2 D P = 17,639.07 C3 DP = 17,639.07 points in GURPS, D&D, Dragonball-Z, & Yu-Gi-Oh. The newest equation for super version of Godzilla: its C2 DP = X*LOG10(X), where X = [(year of the movie) – 1900], for superior version of Godzilla of movies. Its C2 DP = [X*(V %)] = [X*100*((V %)/100)], for Godzilla, where accuracy = [1 – (1/(X^2))], where X is less than 6. But, ITS ACTUAL LENGTH in ft = {(its potential length)/[{(its body armor in nd6)+(its nuclear breath in nd6)} or {(its ability to protect itself in nd6)+(its ability avoid harm or danger in nd6)+(its ability to inflict damage in nd6)}]}. ITS POTENTIAL LENGTH = [(C3 PL)], ft, with little or no powers, except ordinary animal power, and why you need to decrease its length to give it powers, also in Digimon. Calculate its C3 PL by C3 = C2^LOG10(C2); C2=[(AMBS)^2], LATTER C2 DP = [(AMBS)^2] only applies when LS or Life Span = PL or Power Level, else C2 is either smaller or greater than its default value which = its psyche DP. RULE # 284: For X multiple increments in his C2 PL, he can increase his velocity by 10^[(X - 1)^(1/2)]. So, if his C2 PL increase from 100 to 1,000 by a factor of 10x, then he can increase his velocity a maximum amount of 10^[(10 - 1)^(1/2)]x = 10^(9^.5) = 1,000x. And, this applies in reverse, as well, if his C2 PL were to decrease by a factor 10x, then his maximum velocity would decrease by a factor of 1,000x. So, velocity of objects or persons with increase in C2 PL of 10x multiple increments would increase from 1,000 mph @ 10 C2 PL to 1 million mph @ 100 C2 PL, to 1 billion mph @ 1,000 C2 PL to 1 trillion mph @ 10,000 C2 PL. RULE # 283: The next rule which is NOT constant but subjective & relative based on context of universe is based on the fictional character Dr Who @ 92.16 C1 DP based on the Doctor’s life span & how many years back in time he can travel based on the next rule on the next page, giving the Doctor having (1/2)) the # of life force points that of the 5 Keys to Time @ (1/2) the # of points as the White Guardian @ (1/2) = 184.32 C1 DP; so, his 92.16 C1 DP for the Doctor is while inside (the/his) Tardis, & @ (1/2) his points inside the/his Tardis @ (1/2) when he, the Doctor, is outside his Tardis, he is @ 46.08 C1 DP, then when the Doctor is outside his Tardis, he is @ 46.08 C1 DP; while the Master is @ 46.08 C1 DP in his Tardis, & @ 23.04 C1 DP outside his Tardis @ 23.04 C1 DP, same as Romana, another Timelord & assistant to the Doctor. So, if the White Guardian < if he had all 5 Keys to Time: each key to Time is worth about 36.86 C1 DP or about as powerful as the user of one of the MU Soul Gems, each @ 55.55 C1 DP for one of them, assuming the MU Eternity is limited access to realities, but has none, but since the White Guardian created the 5 keys to Time, he would get = # of points that of the 5 keys to Time, since the 5 Keys to Time is the White Guardian, himself, is the 5 Keys to Time, so having or not having the 5 Keys to Time would not alter or change his power level > would be @ 40 CA DP = 368.63 C1 DP which is as powerful as Galactus @ rating of [CA-10] = 30 in MU SAGA. 2 Keys to Time is @ [36.86*2] = 73.73 C1 DP @ power level that of the MU Silver Surfer, the version not limited to MU earth when the Silver Surfer was banished to the MU earth by Galactus: the Silver Surfer was reduced to 36.86 C1 DP, powerful level that of Magneto or Graviton. The Doctor has only 1 key that being this Tardis itself & he himself is as powerful as 1 Key of/to Time, so he is @ [36.86*2]] = 73.73 C1 DP, making the Doctor while inside the/his Tardis while inside it, the Doctor is about as powerful as the Silver Surfer, the version not limited to MU earth when the Silver Surfer was banished to the MU earth by Galactus: the Silver Surfer was reduced to 36.86 C1 DP, powerful level that of Magneto or Graviton. The Master’s Tardis is a more primitive model than the Doctor’s Tardis. What this next equation does is it helps you figure out how fast, faster than light, a space ship can travel without moving into a time shift but needing to make some adjustments to the space-time movement of your character’s spaceship (without time traveling, since when an object moves faster than light, time travel starts to take effect; and, so something is need to counter act that time travel effect, as you want to travel into space without traveling into time. So, the new time travel equation, but the only problem with this is that the three captains of Star Trek series would not be able to travel faster than Warp 1, any faster and time travel effect would start which their advanced machines attempt to reverse the time travel effect, sort of like in the Romulin spaceship < probably spelled it wrong >: the # of years that you can travel *back* in time = [(# of years you can travel *forward* in time)^(1/2)], and why in most science-fiction literature, movies, tv shows, & comics, such as the DC character Superman falsely created an image of him traveling back to the ice age when in fact all he (Superman during his delusions in “Time Time Again”) did was freeze the planet because Superman doesn’t have that kind of power level unless [THOERY:] Mxyzptlk is an alter ego of Superman, since Mxyzptlk is obsessed about being recognized by Superman, with plot ending with Superman putting Mxyzptlk back into his (Superman’s) subconscious or in the back of his memory somewhere in his (Superman’s) mind, it’s much more costly to travel back in time rather than moving forward. The above equation is based on the velocity equation (of/for) TL @ {10^[-1 + 3*LOG10(C2 PL)]}. So, a character @ 10 C2 PL could buy an airline ticket & fly (so to speak) @ 1,000 mph in the French Concord. But, @ higher velocities, like for Space Godzilla, @ 100 C2 DP, his or its maximum velocity would be @ 100,000 miles per hour. So, it, (Space Godzilla), in the storyline couldn’t be from a black hole, unless it ran out of steam by the time it got to earth. But, getting to what I was saying earlier that is the progression of increase in velocity of 1,453x for every 10x multiple increment or 1,000x increase in velocity for 9x multiple increment in its or his C2 PL velocity. So, if you place those time travelers @ 1,000 C2 PL < they can increase their PL from 100 to 1,000 due to their human level size, but their life span would decrease to 10 C2: so, both Godzilla & the time travelers are @ the same # of life force points @ 100 C2 DP if no time travel took place else if time travel took place then they would need to be @ 200 C2 DP, but on average, they were probably @ 30 C1 DP = 152 C2 DP., but 100 C2 DP would be sufficient for only 1 power stunt [either travel back in time or power to create Gidra; but, for 2 power stunts, but the time travelers die in the end of the story, so it would imply that they were @ 152 C2 DP] they would need to be @ 200 C2 DP for 2 power stunts, assuming they survive @ the end of the story, but since it’s an average of the two estimates, it’s best to give the time travelers a 30 C1 DP or 152 C2 DP, since they create a monster as well as time traveling > in a different Godzilla episode, their space ship @ 1,000 C2 PL < if they reduce their life span to 10 C2 > would be able to travel @ most @ maximum velocity of slightly less than a 1 billion miles per hour or 92% light speed which is close to Warp 1, allowing them very minimal & very little movement into either the past or future. So, by the time a character (let’s say Captain Kirk or Jameway) has reached a C2 PL of 10,000 << notice that I don’t use the term DP for default psyche which is greater than the unit PL if DP were to be increased to the increased PL >> which by the time a character reaches 10,000 C2 PL, his space ship should be able travel 1 trillion miles per hour or 1,000x speed of light. So, Jon Stewart (of the DC Justice League) @ 50 C1 DP could increase his PL to [2x50] = 100 C1 PL which this process f increasing his PL would decrease his LS or life span to [50/2] = 25 C1 which is still super human & about that of the MU character ROM @ life span of 13,184.67 years by 2*{[25^LOG10(25]^[25^LOG10(25)]} = 2*{90^LOG10(90)} = 13,184.67 years. But, getting back to the time travel equation, but before I do that, just a little bit more about Captain Kirk & Captain Jameway, but before I get to those 2 characters, a little bit about the character Q, who is @ 170 C1 DP by [10*(position of the letter Q in the alphabet)] = [10*17] @ C1 DP = 170 C1 DP. So, for either Kirk or Jameway or Picard to be having visions of a Q-like entity, they would need to be @ 170 C1 PL << notice that I don’t use the term “C1 DP” for these three captains, since I’m discussing the minimal amount of life force energy transferred to PL @ cost of reducing LS is about 170 C1 PL for these captains to be having visions of a Q-like entity. So, @ 170 C1 PL = 94,384.87 C2 PL by 170^LOG10(170) = 94,384.87 C2 PL. You take the LOG10(94,384.87) = 4.97, WHICH YOU MULITPLY BY 3, then subtract 1, according to the velocity equation for technology created by someone or a society or some group @ some C2 PL, giving you a value of 14.92 which you raise 10 to, giving you (the spaceship that is) a velocity of 10^{14.92-1} miles per hour = [(10^{14.92-1})/(10^8.83)] = 10^(14.92-8.83) = 10^5.9 light years distance, but keep in mind that light speed velocity = [(6.7*10) mph] or [(10^8.83) mph]. And, taking the [square root of 10^5.9] = 10^2.95 = 891 years which is 2x [50% to go back & 50% to move forward, which is backward if they don’t get stuck in a paradox] to the time travel episode in Star Trek the Movie << forget which part >>. But, the point being that if you know how many years back in time they went, you square that value to figure out how fast they could travel or how many years into the future they could travel which would explain the countless aliens throughout the galaxy were probably just the descendants of humans in future time line. But, that value of 170 C1 PL was high for them, as the narrator usually has some Q-like entity to move them to farther distance when the plot requires it; so, those 3 captains were probably or more likely @ 123 C1 PL << their C1 DP in terms of their # would be same as if they were ordinary humans @ C3 DP, so if as ordinary they were @ 49.28 C3 DP, then they as captains in the storyline would be @ 49.28 C1 DP = 20 CA DP = a rating of 10 in either Nobilis or MU SAGA for those 3 captains by [CA-10] = rating in Nobilis or MU SAGA >> which is more close to being accurate. But, notice the unit “C1 PL” is greater than “C2 PL”, even when compared to the most powerful version of Godzilla @ “C2 PL” << but, since its C2 PL = its LS = its DP because of its huge size, I just say it’s @ 123 C2 DP >> in either [Godzilla vs Space Godzilla] or [Godzilla vs Destroyah]. So, the three captains would be @ 123 C1 PL, while the most powerful version of Godzilla would be @ 123 C2 DP which is less powerful than 123 C1 PL = 23,318.65 C2 PL by 123^LOG10(123 C1 PL)= 23,318.65 C2 PL. LOOK @ RULE # 135. RULE # 282: This is similar to the empire building rule used on the DUNE characters which is described after some dozens of pages. It’s BEST to use C3 PL for its diameter or radius in miles or kilometers << you can even apply it to the fictional character Othello, meaning if you put Othello @ 20 C2 PL = 49.28 C3 PL, then his little empire would have a radius or diameter of 49.28 miles or kilometers, but not that I add 9.28 points to his 40 C3 PL to get [40 + 9.28] = 49.28 C3 PL which would reduce his life span to [40 – 9.28] = 30.72 C3, meaning he would bad luck of 9.28 C3 PL, resulting in his epileptic seizure which was just excess preoccupation with this jealousy to the point that he betrays himself, becoming an enemy to himself, sort of like USA constantly looking of enemies even when there are no enemies (to be found), so like Othello, USA creates enemies >> for Empire Building rule for its diameter but for a more cumbersome rule apply this (or @ radius if he used devious politics) in miles or kilometers < but, on human scale, and not on mutant scale, latter that being on mutant scale requires you to use the molecular control equation [which is not what this next equation is (not)] to figure out the diameter for empire building but for the former that being on human scale, apply this > = [10^((C2)^(1/(D = dimension = 2 or LOG10(C2 DP or PL))))], where C2 = either PL for Power Level or DP for Default Psyche. So, if a politician was @ 49 C2 PL & used D = 2, his area of control or/of influence = 10^3.5 miles or kilometers = diameter of 3,162.28 miles or km. But, if for a role playing campaign in Synnibarr rpg, it’s better to use 40 C1 PL = 40^LOG10(40) = 368.63 C2 PL: so, if a character was @ 30 C1 DP, you could increase his PL to [30+10] = 40 C1 PL which would decrease his LS or Life Span to [30-10] = 20 C1 Life Span of 2*{[20^LOG10(20)]^[20^LOG10(20)]} = 2*733 = 1,466.15 years life span @ 20 C1 LS or Life Span @ 49.28 C2 LS. And, yes the cost to technology still applies @ co$t or price = 10^[1+((C2 PL)^(1/2))]. So, a 25 C2 PL tank would cost the US government about $1 million. This 1950 tank could have been made in 1925 if circumstances were right. The cost would go up if you added extra goodies like the global positioning device, infrared detection, and uranium depleted shells: each set of goodies cost an extra $1 million for each set of goodies to the overall price tag to the tank. Modern Abraham tank cost $4*10^6. Look @ RULE # 50. RULE # 281: For hurricanes, category # = [(mph winds)/30]. So, the average black man in USA is like someone like actor Wesley Snipes @ 16.42 C2 DP = 4.05 Average Mind Body & Soul in BESM rpg would have the same # of life force points that of a category 1 hurricane @ category 1, since 16.42 C2 DP hurricane would be @ 30 C3 DP by 16.42^LOG10(16.42 C2 DP) = 30 C3 DP which would give it, the hurricane, winds of 30 miles per hour making it a category 1 hurricane for 438.53 minutes with a diameter or radius in unit ft of [10^AMBS] = 10^4.05 feet = 11,276.13 feet = 2.14 mile radius or diameter. In unit feet, equation for height of a tree is almost the same as that of / for a hurricane, as well as to construct a planet or a star, but getting back to the equation for height of a tree in unit feet, # = {[Y + 10^((C2 DP)^(1/X))]/2}, where X = 2 for 2 dimensional object on a planetary scale but is a 3 dimensional object on a human scale @ X = 2, and where Y = -1 if the tree bears fruits else Y = 0. So, the equation becomes height of a tree = {[Y + 10^((C2 DP)^(1/2))]/(r = 2 for radius else if it’s total length or diameter then r = 1)}. And, mph for hurricane winds = [C3 DP]; so, 20 C2 DP hurricane would have winds of 49.28 miles per hour by 20^LOG10(20) = 49.28 and would last for 1,000 minutes; AND, A 10 C2 DP hurricane would be @ 10 miles per hour by 10^LOG10(10) = 10 & would last for 100 minutes. THEN, hurricane on Jupiter @ 50 C2 DP would have winds of 770 miles per hour by 50^LOG10(50 C2) = 770 C3, since winds are @ C3 and it would last for 1 million minutes. And, # of minutes that the hurricane would last would be [10^(1+(C2 DP)/10)]. And, a 30 C2 DP hurricane would last for 10,000 minutes @ 152 miles per hour which is a category 5 hurricane. So, if you wanted to construct an equation for a hurricane, Y = 0, if it has unfavorable conditions else Y = 1 if it has favorable conditions, else Y = -1 if it is a tornado. Finally, if you wanted to construct a planet, its C2 DP = {[LOG10(its diameter in unit feet)]^3}, approximately, at least this was the equation used in V 0.27 for the sun @ value of 919 C2 DP or default psyche for the sun @ 52.654321 C1 DP or default psyche in V 0.27 of 2002. This value has been increased to 58.7367 C1 DP = 1,345.9874 C2 DP by 58.7367^LOG10(58.7367) = 1,345.9874 C2 in V 0.345 by {10*[[V %]^(1/2)]} = C1 DP for the sun in my rpg. RULE # 280: Time Travel Equation = [# of years = [10^(-(LOG10(% accuracy)) + ({C1 for a genius such as a mutant, meta-human, or/& a nova} DP/COM))]]. The *White Guardian* was @ C1 in the British science-fiction tv series of Dr Who, but the White Lighter in the tv series of Charmed, you’d give the White Lighter a [C2 PL] @ same # that of [C1 DP] of the White Guardian, so if you give the White Guardian a 2x C1 DP of the Doctor in terms of power hierarchy that of Mephisto @ 29 CA DP = 19 rating by [CA-10] = 19 in either Nobilis or MU SAGA, but in my homebrew rpg HYBRID, here, 29 CA = 137.6 C1 DP by 29^LOG10(29) = 137.6, then you’d give the White Lighter < most of his power is in form of telepathy > a 137.6 C2 DP, which is ~ to MU HULK or THOR of MU comics. And, since 20 C1 DP = light speed for engineers and 30 C1 DP = light speed for mutants, timelines are based on the magnitudes of dimension(s) which in turn determine rate of evolution, both can be simplified to dimensional units, such as the 4th (spatial: like in H. G. Wells’ story the Time Machine, which would require ~ energy of 60 C1 PL, which can be gotten by reducing default LS or Life span from 40 to 20 C1, by [40-20], and increasing PL from 40 to 60 C1, by [40+20], where either it or its creator would need to be @ {([2d6 = 10]*[1d6 = D]) @ C1}, which is assumed to be @ DP, but it can be @ PL, but it be more efficient to be @ DP than @ PL, especially if object is large, where D = 4 = dimension(s) that are manipulated. << So, if you place each of the time travel scientist in the story & movie of The 12 Monkeys, use 32 C1 DP, for +/- 100 years, @ most, but less than that is possible; so, if they were @ 36 C1 DP, their PL = 216 C1, where time travel of # of years = [10^{-1+{(C1 PL)/(C1 PL of time barrier = % = 66.6)}}], which, by doing so, his Life Span is reduced to [(C1 DP)^(1/2)] from 32 to 5.66 by 32^(1/2) = 5.66 C1 LS, but what you are actually doing is [32/5.66] = 5.66 C1 LS: # of seconds +/- = 10^{-1+{(C2 PL)/100}}. So, in theory, if technology grows @ the current rate, 368 C2 PL = 40 C1 PL should exist by 4,000 AD, where @ 368 C2 PL should be available – on a very small scale – to create something like but a small % fraction of the DC Phantom Zone. Although 20 C2 DP = 49.28 C3 DP, in terms of a timeline C3 is greater than C2; and, likewise, 20 C1 DP = 49.28 C2 DP, in terms of a timeline C2 is greater than C1: the unit in each case represents dimension, meaning a 20 C2 PL explosion would have an 2 dimensional (year 1920) destructive impact of a 3 dimensional 20 C1 PL (year 1949) nuclear explosion. From there, for timelines, we assume that 10 dimension realit(y/ies) = 3.16 dimension realit(y/ies), where # of dimensions(s) = square root of the # of dimension(s), so the 4th dimension can = the 2nd dimension & vice versa, while the 4th dimension can = 16th dimension & vice versa, but the 16th dimension doesn’t or/and does not = the 2nd dimension which this rule allows the existence of fractals & super computers in universe of HYBRID RPG (Role Playing Game), there are 2 types of timelines for individual characters. 1st type of timeline is [DP = DP/LOG10(10*n)], where n = # of alternate or/and parallel universes, or/and alien dimension(s). 2nd type of timeline is as follows based on their DP, which = [DP/LOG10(DP)], for alternate or/and parallel universe(s), or/and alien dimension(s). So, a character @ timeline 100 C2 DP would be @ 50 C2 DP by [100/LOG10(100)] = 100/2 = 50 C2 DP for character @ timeline of @ 100 C2 DP, latter = timeline. This equation of DP = [DP/LOG10(DP)] explains the existence of technology by/with/through Doppler Effect & Resonance Theory with the above equation: DP/LG10(DP), which [MAYBE] also explains the theory of evolution. This equation [MAYBE] (might) explain why the 3rd dimension = 9th dimension in relativity: this explains IQ equation. And, 3rd time of Life Equation for a timeline in my rpg, my homebrew HYBRID, is: DP = [(((DP)^(1/2)) – 1 – X)^2], where X = LOG10(+/- # OF years), & -1 for probabilities. And, you square it for reason that Godzilla in the movie in the year 2000 was or would be @ 100 to 126 C2 DP by [(C2 DP of creature) + (its C1 @ C2 @ DP)] = 100+26=126 since 26^LOG10(26) = 100.5, then LOG10(100) = 2 FOR EXPONENT “2”. RULE # 279: This is a new way to calculate LOG10 without a calculator & so is very useful but is limited in use: {(between 1 & 10) or [((C2 of next 10)^2)/2]} + [(C2 of next 10 between 1 & 10)^2] + [2*(C2 of next 10 between 1 & 10)^2] + [4*(C2 of next 10 between 1 & 10)^2] + etc. RULE # 278: More than a decade ago, I had assigned the value of 10 psyche from ’86 MU TSR rpg to 20 STR = 20 C2 DP when {COM = [(C3 DP)/(pi+1)], where for (a) guy(s) a 30 COM = 28 C2 DP by (28^LOG10(28))/(3.14+1) = 30 COM; this equation is different for girls & ladies which is her [LOG10(her C3 PL)], which is different if she is a clone which in that case she only gets only half as many points if she was not a clone, meaning you’d use the COM for a equation for a female clone for the power rating for the MU shape shifting female mutant Mystique << meaning if you put her @ X C2 DP then her maximum beauty would be @ C2 DP @ 2*X or 260, if you put Nightcrawler @ X C2 DP of about {30 C1 DP +/- 30 C2 DP = 152 C2 DP +/- 30 C2 DP = 120 to 180 C2 DP, depending on the writer of the MU character Nightcrawler, who is as powerful as the adult version of Iceman, not the teenage version in the movie X-Men but the cartoon version of the ‘80s series of Spiderfriends (with Firestar, Iceman, & Spiderman)}, and if you put her @ Y C2 DP then her maximum beauty @ C2 DP would be @ 2*Y or 520, & not to be confused for the above COM equation for guys} is high else when COM is low 20 C2 = 28.28 or almost 30 STR, using the STR equation which accurately portrayed STR of mutants of MU based on his C2 DP, where STR = [(C2 DP)*[(C2 DP)/10)^(1/2)]]. So, clone of Spiderman, Ben Riley, @ 40 C2 DP could mimic 80 STR with his webbing, meaning his webbing would require 80 STR to create. But, the main point or rule is not about STR, but about how to use RULE # 277 to check the accuracy of RULE # 278, MEANING hurricane with winds of 10 mph or km per hour would have a life force of 1d6 C2 DP = C0 @ PL of [((velocity winds of hurricane @ C3 PL or DP)/10] in ’86 MU TSR rpg. So, a wind entity of 49.28 mph or km per hour (would be) @ 2d6 C2 DP, and so on with a wind entity (hurricane) @ 3d6 C2 DP would be @ 152 km or miles per hour. So, a C0 hurricane = [((C2 DP of hurricane)/10)]. So, if the Red Spot of Jupiter @ [(1/2)*(C1 DP of Jupiter)] @ 25 C1 DP = 90 C2 DP, and its LS = [2xDP] @ C2, giving it a PL of 30 C1. But, Jupiter’s high wind velocity @ 50 C2 DP, while Jupiter @ 50 C1 DP which results in a new rule of changing unit by decreasing it by 1 level from C1 that of a planet to C2 that of maximum power rating for a planetary storm. RULE # 277: To calculate life force of hurricanes, you first measure its PL or Power Level, and then assign DP or Default Psyche, where its wind velocity is @ [C3 PL]. So, a hurricane with a life force of 28 C2 DP would have winds of 28^LOG10(28) = 124.24 miles or km per hour. One way to check accuracy of this is with this algorithm or formula of maximum DP of a storm by lowering unit by 1 or measuring it @ (1/15) and for sum of all [storms & natural disasters] is (1/10) the DP of the planet it, the storm, that it inhabits. So, if a maximum storm or sum of all storms & natural disasters is @ 55.5 C2 DP, then the planet’s DP is @ 10*55.5 = 555 C2 DP life force of earth. The equation can also be applied to Jupiter’s Red Spot. Coincidentally, the MU character Eternity is @ 555 C1 DP which if taken symbolically rather than literally but as a metaphor, then earth is almost the only planet with life (forms); but if not, then you’d have to increase C1 DP of total sum of all planets with life which is consistent with the algorithm, where you’d increase total sum to perhaps slightly more. But, make sure Not to mix up this algorithm with equation for persecution complex which uses mostly @ C2 or less, and rarely ever @ C1, which is complicated to use; but, when base is @ C1, then MAXIMUM outer boundary approaches the entire universe, as base # gets larger, including part of the dimension, which is known as time. The metaphor uses the above equation, where the solar system of earth would be @ (1/10) the DP of universe, in terms of its mass, which is 2x the LOG10(mass of earth’s solar system), while maximum size of planet is @ (2/3) the DP of sun @ C2, but volume capable of supporting life in universe = (1/15) the DP of universe which if universe is @ 555 C1 DP, then solar system of earth is @ 55.5 C1 DP = 1,102.96 C2 DP = value of sun. If you the equation of persecution complex to check accuracy of, you calculate the square root of the C2 DP of the universe which gives you value of a black hole which is the value of center of the Milky Way Galaxy of earth: [[555^LOG10(555 C1 DP)]^(1/2)]=5,828 C2 DP = super black hole. You can measure a black hole in a similar way that you’d estimate the time to get a PhD: it’s a doubling factor, meaning if your IQ @ age 18 is that of an 18 year old, then it’ll take you another 18 years to complete 18 Associate Degrees by age of 36, and so on. So, if a super black hole is @ 5,000 C2 DP, then a neutron star is @ 2,500 C2 DP, then the sun is @ 1,250 C2 DP, then the earth is @ 625 C2 DP, then the moon is @ 312.5 C2 DP. RULE # 276: Note that the Sentinels are about the only MU characters whose psyche is proportional to the C2 unit, other than also Judge Dread, whose psyche is also @ C2 unit, but most other MU characters are @ C1, assuming the characters’ psyche is accurately shown in the ’86 MU roster, meaning if it isn’t accurate such as for Rogue & the Juggernaut, it simply means that the value shown is how many points are left after her or his other points are used up for her or his other powers, but the low value for the latter 2 characters does not mean that they are about to faint but rather how little her or his points are left for other power stunts, though the remaining points acts as a catalyst for change or/and recovery. But, a character may exaggerate her power by implying that she is @ C1 when she is in fact not @ C1 but @ C2, like Jean Grey of the X-Men: Jean Grey needs Professor Xavier to either exaggerate or boost her powers to C1 levels as Phoenix, meaning like Ultron being @ C2: Jean Grey is @ 50 C2 DP when Xavier is @ 50 C1 DP, which we know this by placing DC Darkseid @ 60 C1 DP, since Darkseid is slightly more powerful than Xavier, with maximum C1 DP for Darkseid being @ 66 in the ‘80s MU-DC crossover, since we know that Forge of X-Factor is mistakenly put Xavier’s status @ 50 psyche in the ’86 MU TSR rpg roster which should put Forge @ Xavier’s status of 75 psyche, and the roster should say 50 psyche for Xavier but says 75 which is accurate only @ C2 & not @ C1 which should be @ 50 & not @ 75, which should be for Forge, whose 50 applies to his C2 rating for damage scale for his anti-mutant inventions when his devices were given to the Sentinels before Forge turned on & against the Sentinels, but his time travel power stunts would require him to be @ 75 C1 DP, where a minimum of 75 C1 PL is required to generate a minimum or average black hole @ 3,279.86 C2 PL, which is later increased to appropriate levels by reducing his LS or Life Span, depending on how far into the past or future he wants to travel to an alternate time line. But, quantum powers like that of DC Captain Atom begin @ 25 C1 DP = 90 C2 DP by 25^LOG10(25 C1 DP) = 90 C2 DP which = power rating that of 1990 Godzilla. And if you count Dark Phoenix being Xavier in disguise through a tachyon field(s) over Jean Grey doing Xavier’s bidding like Norinn Radd being Herald of Galactus, so similarly Jean Grey is in some way(s) as Dark Phoenix is herald of Xavier. But, there are multiple versions of the Dark Phoenix, depending on the destructive goal of Xavier. EXAMPLE: when she or Dark Phoenix was running away from Firelord, she was @ C2, but Xavier’s teleportation device which he said was from the Shi’Ar Empire, the device used to teleport her away from Firelord, was @ C1, the device of Xavier used to teleport her away from Firelord. And, to figure out a Sentinel’s [C2 DP], multiply his or its psyche by 10. So, if its or his << for latter “his”, if it’s mutant disguised as a Sentinel with a shape-shifting power, assuming that is what something similar is what Ultron is in my opinion >> is @ 6 psyche @ 6 C0, then its [C2 DP] is @ [6*10] = 60 C2 Default Psyche. For Ultron, you change THOR’s C1 unit to C2 without changing or/and converting C1 to C2, meaning if THOR is @ 60 C1 DP, then Ultron is @ 60 C2 DP, for a mutant to shape shift into a powerful robot as powerful as the Cyclops, who is @ 50 C2 DP in both the ‘80s cartoon series & MU timeline of Age of Apocalypse. Cyclops is usually shown to be @ 40 C2 DP like in the 1980 MU comics, but that may be due to the dampening effects of his red i-glasses created by Xavier. RULE # 275: In the MU Sphinx vs Galactus, what you’re comparing is 1 Soul Gem vs (half the C1 DP life force of Galactus, since Galactus’ other half of his life force is divided up into creating his Heralds & world ship Ta II: numerically its 62.5 vs 125 C1 DP, if Sphinx is able to use 100% of his Soul Gem, putting the Sphinx @ the same PL as that of the MU Living Monolith that fought Thor. RULE # 274: Coincidentally “Version #” for my homebrew rpg is proportional to the # used to designate the mass, volume, age, temperature, & life-span of astronomical object(s), usually the sun, coded as a Version #, after being hashed. So, Version .16 gave the sun a value of 40 C1 DP; Version 0.25 gave the sun a value of 50s C1 DP or Default Psyche life force, which is where this Version # is @; Version 0.30 based on the sun a value of 54.77 C1 DP, from the equation of [{(V #%)^(1/2)}*100], which represents some astronomical object. And, to compute C1 DP to C2: C1^LOG10(C1) = C2 DP or Default Psyche. RULE # 273: This rule is simply restating an earlier rule on velocity. For a 1,000 C0, which is for the unitless unit “C” or “Class” << which C0 in my rpg HYBRID is a temporary storage unit until accuracy can be more certain rather than a blind guess >> @ 1,000 for velocity in/for the ’86 MU TSR rpg. You change the C0 to C2 BECAUSE you need the unit C2 for macro objects, otherwise use a C3 for micro-scopic objects; and, why you can have faster than light communication in Star Trek stories BECAUSE OF THE C3 unit. But, getting back to C2, you convert C2 to C1 to figure out the mutant’s psyche. So, a mutant @ 55 psyche would be @ 1,068.72 C2 DP or default psyche, allowing him 1,068 C0 velocity @ C2 which is @ light speed, as well as mimic technology that uses velocity close to his levels. So, a character like the MU Silver Surfer, if you place him @ 83 psyche or 83 C1 DP, he’d have 4,817.93 C2 DP or/& maximum velocity @ 4,817.93 C0 @ C2. But, his LS or Life Span would also be @ 83 C1 if his PL or Power Level = his DP or Default Psyche. But, since his LS or Life Span can not exceed that of the universe, you want to limit his LS to 60 or that of a star, but you’d want to give the Silver Surfer a LS of slightly less than 60 & more @ that of 50 C1 DP that of Jupiter which would allow you to decrease his DP to about [[(83 – 50)/2]+50] = 16.5 + 50 = 66.5 C1. So, a 66.5 C1 DP would give him a LS or Life Span of [66.5-16.5] = 50 C1, giving him a PL or Power Level of [66.5+16.5]= 83 C1 PL = maximum velocity of 4,817.93 C0 @ C2 @ FTL. And, 50 C1 LS = life span of [2*(2.15*10^8)] = 4.29*10^8 years that of an MU Elder by the life-span equation:2*{[50^LOG10(50)]^[50^LOG10(50)]} = 2*{770.01^LOG10(770.01 C2)} = 2*{(2.15*10^8) C3} = 4.29*10^8 years of maximum life-span that of an MU Elder. RULE # 272: Starting age or time to either start PhD or to understand how to comprehend the inner workings of a complicated device = [150/((C3 PL)/10)], where IQ factor = [(C3 PL)/10], and where maximum human life span = 150. Note that a character @ 5 C2 DP or Default Psyche can increase his PL or Power Level from 5 C2 to [5 x 2] = 10 C2 by decreasing his LS or life span from 5 C2 to [5 / 2] = 2.5 C2, where 2.5 C2 = 1.44 C3 by 2.5^LOG10(2.5) = 1.44, and where 10 C2 = 10 C3 by 10^LOG10(10) = 10. So, a character @ 21 C2 DP can increase his PL to [21+1] = 22 C2 PL which would decrease his LS or Life Span to [21-1] = 20 C2; and, likewise, a character @ 25 C2 DP life force can increase his PL to [25+2] = 27 C2 PL which would decrease his LS or Life Span to [25-2] = 23 C2. Note that 27 C2 PL = 27^LOG10(27) = 111.89 C3 PL, where IQ factor = (111.89/10) = 11.189. So, age to complete PhD for person = [150/11.189] = in starting age = 13.41 years of age in 3rd Example. So, in/for 2nd Example, where C2 PL = 22, his C3 PL = 63.4 C3 PL, giving him his IQ factor of @ [63.4/10] = 6.34, giving him his starting age for his PhD = [150/6.34] = 23.66 years of age. And, in start of for 1st Example, starting age to comprehend differential equations = age of 50 years @ IQ factor of 1 @ IQ of 70, where his course # either [age*5] for undergraduate & [age*10] for graduate level course. And, his IQ multiplier = [(course #)/(starting age for his PhD)]. RULE # 271: The unit “meter” applies only to a jellyfish, mainly for its low body mass per volume of space that it occupies, but the unit would be larger for a more primitive animal such as a sponge or other primitive animals, more primitive than the average animal, though the jellyfish may have the worst poison. For all other animals, use the unit “feet”. So, then, to create a monster like Godzilla, use half the # of points for non-nuclear stats & other half for nuclear stats. So, a 1981 Godzilla @ 81 C2 DP @ 81% nuclear would use 81% of his [81/2] points for nuclear stats = 32.81 of his 81 C2 DP points for nuclear stats, giving him [81 – 32.81] = 48.19 points for non-nuclear stats, giving him a length of [(48.19^2)/10] = 232.23 feet. So, a monster @ 20 C2 DP would have a maximum length of [(20^2)/10] = 40 feet @ 20 C2 DP. And, by a length of 40 feet, I don’t mean a Godzilla type or like monster, like those miniature Destroyah scorpion like creature with power to create a black hole like image with zero gravity as its power: those little monsters would get in 20s C1 DP, about as powerful as Clark Kent of the tv series “Smallville”, less # of points as the adult version of itself, which the adult version of Destroyah to be @ 28 C1 DP, but got defeated, which would mean that Godzilla was @ 29 C1 DP, which = 137.6 C2 DP, by 29^LOG10(29 C1) = 137.6 C2, but a normal animal but with the reputation of being a monster like great white sharks, because of their beauty, their length is decreased by a factor of 2 to 24 feet, but whale shark would have length of 48 feet @ 20 C2 DP. RULE # 270: Velocity of nuclear blast = [10^d] in miles or kilometers per unit of time depending on dimension & volume of nuclear blast, where d = dimension, which = 3 or 4 for anti-matter, depending on efficiency of anti-matter converting to energy: d @ 4 = 75% efficiency. RULE # 269: Radius or diameter of nuclear blast in meters = [10^(C2 PL @ TL)^(1/(d = dimension = 2))]. So, a 25 C2 PL @ TL nuclear blast will have a radius or diameter of 100 meters. But, for a psychic nuclear blast, subtract 1 from exponent, giving a radius or diameter of 10 meters, equation = [10^[-1 + [(C2 PL @ TL)^(1/(d=2))]]]. RULE # 268: Ideal Maximum Temperature @ either surface or center of body = 10^[C2/(20*X)], where X = LOG10(radius or diameter in # of meters). If a planet is @ 360 C2 DP @ radius or diameter of 3,981 kilometers, its maximum temperature @ either its surface or its center = 10^[300/(20*6)] = 10^[360/120] = about 10^3 degrees. RULE # 267: # @ C = [#/N], where N = # of parallel or/and alternate universes neighboring each other, where C = C0. So, 200 C2 DP @ 1 N = 200 C2 DP, but 200 C2 DP @ 2 N = [200/2] = 100 C2 DP; and, 201 C2 DP @ 3 N = 67 C2 DP. But, this isn’t always the case, but only sometimes. RULE # 266: DC = Dimension of C (unit). So, C3 = C @ 3rd dimension; C4 = C @ 4th dimension; C5 = C @ 5th dimension: this is true & NOT true. RULE # 265: The following << not referring to the male human’s C3 DP algorithm of {(R*age) @ (C# = C3)}; but, for male humanoid mutants, change unit C3 to C2, where C# = C2; and, for super mutants, change C2 to C1, where C# = C1. But, for Clark Kent of/in tv series Smallville, his C# = (his age, in years)^(X = #), generates a curve similar to a tsunami, assuming his powers are linked to his belief system based on the Shakespeare play Macbeth, regarding Kryptonite & its colors. In the equation just mentioned for Clark Kent, his LS or Life span is assumed to be @ human levels or slightly more which he can reverse to PL or Power Level to gain immortality, but then his PL or Power Level is reduced to human levels or slightly more, based on Rule # 3 & # 6. For him @ age 17.33 years which @ 300.33 C3 DP = 37.5 C2 DP which if he kept his powers @ 37.5 C2 PL then he’d be able to sprint @ (2/3) the speed of sound for a minute. He’d have to decrease his life span to (1/2) of 37.5 C2 to (1/2)*(37.5) = 18.75 C2 human levels to increase or double his Power Level to 2*(37.5) = 56.25 C2 PL which is required for the high frequency use of his powers LIKE IN THE ABERRANT RPG WHERE FREQUENCY USE OF POWERS DETERMINE POWER RATING & REQUIRE MORE POINTS & which is sufficient for most(ly) (all) of his/the powers in all his episodes. And, so using the Salary Equation @ DP (Default Psyche) rather than @ PL (Power Level) & combining it with the meeting with the scientist Dr Swan (whom figuratively speaking may be symbolic of a time loop, figuratively speaking: if his Power Growth Rate is accelerated by 50% based on his aging, then incidents with the power growth rate of the fictional character Clark Kent in the Superman movies, the power growth rate of the of the fictional character Clark Kent in the tv show “Smallville” seem to be accelerated @ by 50%, based on his age, meaning his powers @ age 17.33 in the tv show should be @ age 26 rather than @ 17.33, where his powers are @ 67.6 C2 DP. RULE # 264: My, meaning my idea of but NOT literally “mine” but for the character(s), life-span equation = Schrödinger time travel equation in the tv show “Smallville”, where the fictional character Clark Kent is @ 81 C2 DP which when if another character @ the same life-force of 100 C2 DP would convert his 81 C2 PL to [81 x 9] = 729 C2 PL or Power Level, & reducing his life-span from 100 C2 to human levels of [81 / 9] = 9 C2 LS or Life Span, it would giving his a 729 C2 PL, enough for another character @ similar Power Level to send a message through time a/to 157 million years by [729^LOG10(729)] = time when life on earth was end of its Peak Level which what the “meteor shower” symbolically represents in the hit tv show “Smallville”, but details for which are confusing, since the tv show is a bit confusing like the average MU or DC or Image comic. RULE # 263: For male clothing, the following rule applies: ratio of 1 for shirts to 2 for his pants. So, a guy with [32,32] pants will wear shirts with size 16 who will, in turn, wear a ring @ size 1/2 his shirt size: 8. Or, size = [5 + (C3/10) ]. So, @ 20 C3 PL luck for woman or a young lady, her ring & shoe size be @ [5 + 2] = 7. RULE # 262: The Star Trek insignia when graphed on a 2 (two) dimensional x-y coordinate system, it represents ideal loving sexual relationship, where –x = either the male or the female & x = its (his or her) counterpart (opposite) gender, with the y = greed, which when it bends inward represents compromise, meaning the need to take a few or several or dozen steps back, which when the both of you reach this point, don’t ask for more, as this is the equilibrium point of perfect harmony & balance; similarly, this Star Trek insignia can be reduced to a heart shape, which just happens 2, also, represent love. RULE # 261: Shoe size & ring size are proportional to each other, at least in the English (American) system. So, someone wearing size 8 ring will wear size 8 shoes. RULE # 260: Cost for a one-way airline ticket = %*LOG10(distance in miles or kilometers); while, cost for a two-way airline ticket = 2*%*(distance in miles or kilometers), where % profit = 100, for the airline. RULE # 259: Before end of WWII, both Germany & Japan were working on a nuclear program of their own, but were too late, but more like sabotaged by their own scientists or by their citizens who strangely wanted their enemy USA to win: the power of the dollar bill. USA was able to enter WWII by taking itself off the gold standard, or did the USA already do that after WWI: take itself off the gold standard, probably not, considering that all the gold from Germany was being transferred to USA after end of WWI which resulted in Nazi government, as the Jews were taking all the German gold (as compensation) for war crimes during & before WWII by the Nazi government. But, there would not be any WWII, if Hitler was allowed to become an artist that he wanted to become but was failed by his Jewish professor & told the young man to become an architect instead, but most arts totally suck because it does not look like it’s architecture, where a modern art fan has to buy comics to look @ good art: museums are filled with garbage paintings unless the painting is realistic like portrait paintings. And, to rule is why the USA occupied both those countries for half a century rather than just several to dozen years. Also, possible that the USA wanted to use both those countries as economic buffer zones against Soviet Union. Like the Civil War which was about economics & empire building, so were all American wars, past & present, including WWI & WWII, where freedom was used as propaganda, something the other side didn’t see it coming, except now Iran, following example of North Korea that if you are weak then you will be crushed for opposing the USA like the Native Americans, ruthlessly. RULE # 258: 1 nuclear fuel rod = energy equivalent of 1 ton of TNT. 1,000 such rods = 1 megaton of TNT. So, NK would need 1,000 such rods to make 1 nuclear missile. RULE # 257: N for # of male mutants = [(C1 DP)/10)^2] = [{(C1 DP) @ C2 DP} / (C2 DP of an average male mutant) = N = a woman’s COM (beauty) or a girl’s COM. So, then, point distribution @ C3 = @ PD = 3 used for the value or/& the magnitude of the total points, total points = [123*(2^n)] for a character in HERO / CHAMPIONS rpg, the % of power level = [1/(2^(N = # of mutant(s)] % from each that your character mimics, copies, or/& duplicates from those selected character(s)’ powers or/& skills @ that % from each of the mutant(s) your character has selected to mimic, copy, or/and duplicate their powers or/& skills. If your character is neither a shape shifter, nor (a mutant) character with power or/& ability to mimic, copy, or/& duplicate powers or/& skills of other mutants or/& characters, then once you have decided on a 1 or mutants to mimic their powers or/& skills of, then keep those powers or/& skills fixed, meaning your character is then stuck with those powers or /& skills. Otherwise, your character can continue to use the equation above, up to his points available. RULE # 256: Total Points in HERO / CHAMPIONS rpg for a character = [333.333*Y], where Y = LOG10(% efficiency). So, a character with a total of 333 points in HERO rpg @ z = 38.757654321 @ C2 DP or default psyche by z^LOG10(z) = 333.333 = 18.209606 C1 DP = EGO @ 18.209606 EGO by EGO^LOG10(EGO) = z @ C2 DP = 333.333 total points (character) would need to be 1,000% efficient *to equal* a character with 500 HERO points who needs to be 100% efficient *to equal* a character with 999 HERO points who needs to be only 10% efficient. So, the average Total Points in HERO / Champions = X = [10*[(year that a Godzilla movie was released) – 1900]] for need to be 10% efficient; while, in 250 Point Project, total points = @ 5x rather than @ 10x: [5*[(year that a Godzilla movie was released) – 1900]] for need to be 100% efficient. And, [3.33*[(year that a Godzilla movie was released) – 1900]] for need to be 1,000% efficient. The multiplier 10 is used for 10% efficiency; the multiplier 5 is used for need to be 100% efficiency; and, use multiplier 3.33 for need to be 1,000% efficient. Equation is [X/Y], where Y = LOG10(% efficiency). So, THOR @ 5% = 1,430.68 total points: what this means is that he’s really (10^4.29)% efficient. But, then a mutant @ 100% efficient would be @ 666.67 total, a discrepancy of [666.67 – 500] = 166.67. RULE # 255: This is an old rule from years ago but very accurate & extremely helpful & very easy to use, but this rule when used for Yu-Gi-Oh, substitute “DP” with for “PL”, since in Yu-Gi-Oh, the monster(s) are tachyon projection(s), but I forgot to catalogue this very & most easy & brilliant equation: total points in HERO rpg = [((EGO)^Q)/Y], where [Q = [Z^LOG10(EGO)] - PC], but for use in the 250 point project: Y = 2 which represents squeezing the total points 100%, where Y = LOG10(100%) = 2 = Y in the 250 Point Project. So, for @ (for example) @ 20 EGO & compressing points 10% @ [Y = 1] by LOG10(10%) @ accuracy @ 95% would give a [PC = 1.98], for the total points would be squeezed 10%, giving [y = 1], [Q = 2.2], & would give a total points of 724 @ C3 or @ the 3rd point distribution @ Q = 2.2 for total points of about 724 (total points @ 20 EGO), where Z = 3 for point distribution @ C3, where PC = LOG10(% accuracy), where EGO is mostly @ C1, and where Y = how much the points are % compressed: this equation applies to the 250 Point Project, where Y = 2 by LOG10(100%). Normally, 10 psyche = 10 C2 DP, but if 10 psyche or 10 EGO = 20 C2 DP then 10 EGO = 50 points which also coincides with the ’86 MU TSR rpg where 10 psyche, where psyche = [(C2 DP) - 10], when (C2 is less than or equal to 20) or (psyche is less than or equal to 10), where when psyche is less than or equal to 10 in ’86 MU TSR rpg its value @ C2 PL = 2X @ C2 PL, where X = psyche, where 20 C2 DP = 49 C3 DP by 20^LOG10(20) = 49.228 C3 DP. So, the DC Robin (later Night-wing) @ 14 psyche would be @ 20 C2 DP by 14^LOG10(14) = 20.59 C2 DP. And, why & how 14 psyche = 28 C2 PL by [2*14], & why & how Night-wing can fly/glide. RULE # 254: New ultimate equation for money, sex, power, using the template of @ the very low end of the power scale of [$/COM], as well as how to figure out how many points of life force DC Lex Luthor has: minimum $ salary = 10^[[(your C3 DP or default psyche)/(COM of your temporary or permanent girlfriend)]^(1/2)] = maximum of @ C5, latter for sports athletes, but if used by CEO, he must have lot of Negative Energy = $ = 10^(C# – #d6), @ most, annually, where the unit of time varies, depending on reference point such as the situation & location & complexity of project or type of job, and the equation applies where assuming there is no artificial inflation or deflation in salary, but when # of C# unit in equation is much greater than the most optimum average, then decrease unit of C# by 1 level by increasing # of C#, meaning the # in C3 would be “3”, by 1 to C(3+1) = C4 (doing so mostly applies to mutants & the latter part is not needed for humans): this equation, also, takes your personality into account, where by being a selfish & uncaring person you get more or lot more points by being a selfish uncaring person < as for how much greed & selfishness, you get x*y, where X = # of C3 DP, # of points, & where y greed = either z in [1-1/z] or z^(1/2) in [1 – (1/(z^(1/2))] > : if you don’t believe me, just look @ our current USA President Bush as an example, with help of the British where he, current Bush, who was convinced by Sharon of Israel to fabricated false evidence (How? & WhY? Bush is a greedy for $ like Enron CEOs) against Iraq [including Gulf War I, where Iraq attacked Kuwait because Kuwait conspired against Iraq & Kuwait then lobbied for help from USA], (Iraq) falsely being connected to September 11 by current Bush, who may be puppet of Sharon of Israel, or both share similar interests, that both may politely hate Arabs & other foreigners of other countries that don’t share their views, but people like Sharon & Henry Kissinger, may really be controlling USA foreign policy, starting with Henry Kissinger, who directly & indirectly, like trolls, who helped create false evidence against Communist countries, & others like the entire Bush cabinet like a mafia who propagate such false evidence to convince the American people to support his war plans so that he could take over the world like every president since Thomas Jefferson, who stole French Louisiana territory by tricking the French into selling it to USA, so as not to look like USA stole it by giving false impression [by getting the British to leak false information] that the British were going to attack France which where by they, the French or Napoleon, would need extra money to raise an army, & such that USA been clandestinely been trying to do, as there was false reports fabricated [not sure which or what of] about the Nazis to support war against Germany during World War 2. USA government when it comes to foreign policy is an oxymoron because its foreign policy always violates the American Constitution & the intent most of the founding fathers because American foreign policy & sometimes even domestic policies are so *easily manipulated by lobbies*, currently the feminist lobby bent on controlling men by turning marriages & the marriage institution into prostitution by the feminist lobby & by feminists & by many out of control women in general, as wells as other lobbies such as the Jewish lobby for Israel, excluding the likes of Thomas Jefferson, who didn’t practice the intent not to meddle in foreign affairs, meaning US government is about a corrupt & evil as any other nation on the planet when it comes to USA foreign policy: as it or US always has billions of $ for weapons & war, but little or no $ for free college education for its citizens [& why people with H1B visa (where cost of college education is next to nothing compared to $ in these 2nd world countries) get American jobs away from Americans which to a small extent is sort of like the 5 million illegal Mexican immigrants in USA] & likewise little or $ for universal health care in USA & other domestic concerns, as even most Democratic Presidents, excluding Clinton & why he was attacked by Republicans because he was a nice guy & Republicans hate nice guys, but most USA Presidents act Republican, maybe out of fear of looking weak, always trying to build an empire. So, in theory, the British or USA were, also, responsible for World War I, if the past & current USA pattern fits. So, for Lex Luthor, change his C2 to C1: mutant equation. So, the conclusion being the American people are so gullible by its media & their President that its citizens *initially* believe anything that the media & their President tell them, and by the time the *truth* gets out, the damage is already done, like the 1.23456789 million dead in Iraq by constant American bombings since 1991, including targeting their water supply. And, if you go back to WWII, USA targeted civilians on nuclear scale on Japan, and then some of its American soldiers rape an entire city Okinawa [not sure if I got the city right], where thousands of American soldiers rape entire city; then, carpet bomb everything in sight in South East Asia. And, so, it’s difficult to tell if the American citizens are righteous if its soldiers in their country’s name commit global atrocities but remain clueless about it: like Clinton’s bombing of a pharmaceutical company in Sudan to divert attention away from his personal scandal, where similarly Bush bombs Iraq to divert attention away from the USA economy & for Iraq oil, as well as more territory for military bases. Another movie review: Terminator 3, this movie is somewhat similar to Part II & leaves you with the same implied conclusion as Part I & II that what you see is more real than what you’re told what you think you’re seeing, meaning there is no time travel but rather teleportation disguised as time travel in Part (I,) II, & III, where the limited teleportation is itself disguised by molecular control – time travel is a self inflicted delusion by the various main characters within the story, but with a twist of virgin birth, at least in Part II though I’m not sure if it applies to Part I, where she could have just had some 2 guys duke it out for her, winner gets her, it seems, but she has the weaker of the 2 guys win as which symbolically means she doesn’t like to be controlled by a man but wants a man, meaning if in Part I & II the main female protagonist is a mutant, then she creates the 2 men or those 2 are mutants themselves in Part I who try to hunt her down to mate with her, my interpretation of it, with one (the winner) of the two getting chance to impregnate her, giving her an illusion of persecution complex. Then, in Part II, as she gets a greater handle on her powers, she creates a more powerful male mates for herself, but because she doesn’t like to be controlled, she chooses the weaker of the two that being the cyborg, but because she is a feminist (symbolically), she has her cyborg mate killed @ end of Part II. She has her son believe that the world is coming to an end, but more like she’s just mutant with a limited ability to warp reality but @ maximum power she’s still limited to @ most but in a limited teleportation power stunt, but no time travel, but the limited teleportation is sufficient to create an illusion of time travel, especially when mixed with molecular control @ 24 C1 DP which is akin to power stunt that of MU Mystique @ 36 C1 DP, she needs slightly more points because she is organic while the female cyborg needs a slightly less points than MU Mystique because the female cyborg in Part III is not organic in the human sense, meaning in Part III the female cyborg is @ 24 C1 DP, similar to the male super cyborg in Part II. There seems to be a 1:2 or 1:3 ratio, meaning while the female cyborg in Part III is @ 80 C2 DP by 24^LOG10(24), the male cyborg is @ 1/2 of that = 40 C2 DP. And, while the good guy in Part I was @ 40 C3 DP, the bad guy was @ 80 C3 DP = 24 C2 DP, but if @ 1:3 ratio for in Part I, then the cyborg would be @ 27 C2 DP = 111.89 C3 DP which would mean they that the guy being chased is @ (1/3) @ 37.3 C3 DP @ 18 C2 DP by 18^LOG10(18) = 37.65. But, if @ 1:3 ratio, then the cyborg in Part II be @ 30 C2 DP, while the shape shifting one is @ 90 C2 DP. And, in Part III, the delusional mutant kid infects the world with a super virus & blames it on Sky-net which he probably created. And, as for the Sky-net in Part II, her mother probably hired someone to analyze the circuitry which she has someone find but then tries to destroy it with a multiple personality disorder. Her son inherits the same multiple personality disorder. The 1:2 or 1:3 ratio when represented sexually rather than how she manifest her mutant powers in Part I & II, through her multiple personality disorder, 1:2 or 1:3 ratio, also, implies based on guys she picks as her mate that she’s not picky if two guys in Part I were @ 40 to 80 C3 DP which changes to 40 to 80 C2 DP in Part II & III. RULE # 253: Another attempt to create a nuclear device @ the price of a beer can by another IQ equation to prove that college like a placebo pill, meaning college is nothing more than money making institution to take your money to temporarily digress from my brilliant equation to something off-topic: half the women & girls constantly advertise themselves is an oxymoron which because thinking about this paradox gives me a migraine headache. But, getting back to my brilliant equation to create a nuclear device @ the price of a beer can. So, here’s another one of my IQ equation [best yet] which is easy to understand if you have some background in my rpg HYBRID: [C3 PL] = credit level for your nth year college class @ course # @ (n*100) compared to 1st year 3 or 4 credit college courses = [(3 or 4 credits for your 1st year college class)^((course #)/100)]; so, a 3 credit 200 level course in differential equation = 3^(200/100) = 9 credits if in a 1st year calculus course, for a course # @ 200, but I’m not sure why I didn’t think of it years earlier. So, a 5 credit 2nd year organic chemistry class = 25 credits for regular 1st year chemistry class. And, since my IQ [that of the author of this rpg HYBRID’s author’s IQ] is low @ rate of 1 credit per month: it would take me 9 months to learn & pass 1 course in differential equations & 25 months in to learn & pass 1 course in organic chemistry; but, this 200 level class @ course # 200 shouldn’t be a problem for someone @ 3^(200/100) = 3^2 = 9 C3 PL, assuming the author is @ 3 C3 PL. So, then a 300 level physical chemistry class would require a 27 C3 PL or Power Level life force points to learn, pass, & ace the class. So, a 3 credit 400 level physics class @ course # 400 would be = 3^(400/100) = 3^4 = 81 credits compared to a 1st year physics class; so, the 3 credit 400 level physics class @ course # 400 requires someone @ 81 C3 PL Power Level life force points. And, increasing the complexity of the course to 500 level @ course # 500 would require a C3 PL of 243 by 3^(500/100) = 3^5 = 243, which would require me 243 months to pass this class which this person @ 243 C3 PL requires only 3 months; and, 3^6 = 729 C3 PL = Einstein. And, note that 729 C3 DP = 3^7 = 2187 C3 Power Level that of Dr. Destroyer’s assistant @ C3 PL @ PL of MU HULK. RULE # 252: The # of months it would take to complete # of advanced math courses = [X/Y], where X = professor’s C3 or C2 PL, and Y = your C3 or C2 PL or Power Level # of points of life force. So, maximum course # may = [10*C3] in physics. Another way of looking @ this whatever you want to call it is as follows @ C3 or C2, depending on the complexity of the class subject
: # of hours per week spent on (that/those) subject(s) or your total credits for that semester = [Z*X*(Y = # of credits per month)] = [X*C3] = [10*C3] for someone @ 3 C3, meaning you can squeeze in more time @ for a given time by having a higher C3 DP or PL than 3, where X determines your grade point average = RULE # 238, which explains why I added a multiplier Y of/for # of credits per month into the just mentioned equation:, and a multiplier Z for minimum unit of 3 C3 DP points, where X = 10 = combination of Part I & II of RULE # 238. So, these 2 above equations gives the following equations: [C3 PL] credits per semester for liberal arts class; & [C2 PL] credits per semester for the math & physics classes. And, if you want to re-invent the subject, then increase its level of difficulty for C_ from C3 to C2 or C2 to C1. Still another way of looking @ the above equations is as: [C3 PL] credits/semester for BS; [C2 PL] credits/semester for MS; & [C1 PL] credits/semester for PhD @ 5 GPA to make you wealthy @ $ = 10^(C2^(1/2)) per week or month. In theory, [C4 PL] credits/semester for an Associate degree = 1 degree/week @ 20 C2 DP points = RULE # 237. So, in theory, @ 20 C2 DP, one’s potential = 1 four-year degree/month; 1 Masters degree/year; & & 1 PhD/decade. RULE # 251: Sports athletes are making way too much $. The new subjective salary equation is as follows: MAXIMUM income $ = C5 = 10^[((maximum course # in science, math or engineering )/10)^(1/2)], most of it being access to hardware, rather than real money, as most of the money gets reinvested unless you consider property as wealth, like a Jewish scientist given a super computer to figure out if their bible (torah or something like it, not sure exactly), can predict the future. But, unit range: per year to per semester to per month. @ 10 C2 DP, math course # = 200 @ age 20 by course # = [age*(C2 PL)], if not @ C3 PL, but something like archeology be @ C3 PL, for course #. RULE # 250: How to be brilliant & a millionaire, but only works if you have sufficient # of life force points, assuming there is no bias or discrimination as often favoritism is shown towards female students, but this equation applies mostly to guys rather than females; also, this equation geared towards mostly *science* but with minor or 2nd major in Business: maximum college course # = either [100*((C2 PL)^(1/2))] or [20*(C2 PL)]; and, $ weekly salary = 10^((C2 PL)^(1/2)) or 10((2*(C2 PL))/10) = 10^((C2 PL)/5) in $ weekly: unit “weekly” could be monthly depending on the complexity of the project. You can use this equation to figure out IQ of Einstein, whom you’d want to put @ 36 C2 DP & not @ PL. RULE # 249: The IMF or the International Monetary Fund is 2x @ C_ PL or Power Level & relative (proportional) to that of the individual, state, or country; so, if Jamaica is @ 20 C2 PL, then the International Monetary Fund is @ 40 C2 PL or Power Level: the same would apply for Iraq. But, individually, if an average adult Jamaican male is @ 15 C2 PL @ x, then IMF would be @ 2x15 = 30 C2 PL, with height @ -1, meaning [(height-1)^2] = C3 DP which since DP = LS then DP = PL, lower than African American @ +0. RULE # 248: Female pre-emptive doctrine: shown in an episode of Dexter. To summarize, it’s basically a pyramid scheme & psychology: this was, also, implied in an episode of X-Men: the Evolution 2 or 3 months ago, where Kitty Pryde or Shadowcat buys & wears a pyramid shaped hat to relieve stress just before one of her exam or final for one of her high school classes: the significance of that hat was it was symbolic o her coming of age, and perhaps realizing to either become a prostitute or importance of her female body to the male human species: took it as a subliminal message (to the (male) audience) that psychology of females isn’t what it seems, meaning internally it’s opposite that shown/revealed, similar to Newton’s law of = & opposite: feminist gender wars causing an aberration where they get to legally rape men financially like soldiers raping women physically, where women feel traumatized when their secrets are revealed, without being compensated which is reverse of porn & prostitution, where they don’t feel traumatized due to compensation, where $ for them is like the date rape drug or pill, meaning it makes them forget why & how it’s bad: since women are easily brainwashed by $, where feminism is an extreme form of this where feminists wish to seek $ but seek to remove men from the equation, but their financial goal is long term rather than short term for most feminist minded women which leads them to prefer the wealthy or either jocks or the very educated, feminists in USA create very strong & numerous anti-relationship laws which seeks to punish men for women’s inability to make ethical & moral decisions, as they are very easily brainwashed, and why women prefer jocks which is equivalent to a heavily armed nerd raping a woman where she rationalizes & thinks she’s in love with the jock, as the jock removes competition almost like the law of the jungle in National Geographic, as are men just as easily brainwashed into becoming feminists by the feminists: the best analogy would be Uranium-235 & Plutonium in bombs. RULE # 247: I can use the 1st line of RULE # 246 to figure out that someone @ 10 C2 DP - but really @ 10 C2 PL since his LS or Life Span is @ 10 C2 - taking the maximum # of credits allowed per semester for/in a Business Major, based on he’s not taking any science, math or engineering classes which would cause him to lower the # of credits he’s taking for that semester. And, if he were @ 10 C2 PL & if his LS were @ 10 C2, then it’d come out to about 10 credits per year @ GPA of 1.0 in math, but if you can follow my next thought his new GPA will be @ 2.0 & this is how it’s done < but, note, that you multiply by 12x to compute # of liberal arts credits & divide total by X which then gets multiplied to his default PL to compute his new PL for his GPA by dividing by 10: for example, [10/2] = 5 credits in math which gets multiplied by 12 to compute # of liberal arts credits, but don’t forget that [10*2] = your new C2 PL which doesn’t really get increased unless your COM is less than your DP but this artificially increased C2 PL for yourself is more like a footnote than an actual increase in PL which gets divided by 10 to computer your GPA, where the original 10 was referring to his original 10 C2 PL which he artificially increased by lowering # of his math, science, & engineering credits > in science, math or engineering by which I mean advanced increments or progression towards ever increasing difficulty level. RULE # 246: It would take me 1 semester just to finish 1 liberal arts college course, but years for each advanced math class. So, 3 years for a 3 credit differential equation class, so, then, the equation for competition or academic work load in terms of time to catch up to competition, including to yourself, if you’re not meeting your full potential, = as follows, # of years: [10^(X-1)], where X = X in “Y/X” = Z, where Y = C2 PL of your competition’s C2 PL value, & Z is your PL value. So, if your competition (your professor) is @ 15 C2 = half that of an average genius @ 30 C2, & let’s say a foreign minority student is @ 10 C2, then it would take him about 3.162 years to have IQ of professor @ 15 C2, meaning to get that PhD you want, where X = 1.5 by (15/10) but use (X-1). You can use this equation to create a nuclear device the price of a bear can. If he’s @ 20 C2, then it would take him 10 years to reach IQ of someone already @ 40 C2 PL, which is not DP which if it was then it’d take him about 1,000 years to simulate IQ @ 80 C2 PL for someone @ 20 C2 PL which = DP if Life Span = 20 C2 PL. RULE # 245: The rate of human evolution from the most elite males to the least is as follows: years ago from the present = [10^#], where # is # in C#, where C# is a recursive function in this equation @ a #: what this means is that the further into the past you go, the # in C# increases to show a reverse in evolution, & what happened to evolve you. It is much simpler to understand evolution from perspective of C#, which takes into effect physics as well as biology to evolve you. We, the average male human, are @ C3, but during BC, they were @ C4. This rule can, also, be used for the fictional characters in movies, such as the movie Planet of the Apes, where you reduce the unit of rank by 1 level for the humanoid apes in its movies from C3 for human males to C4 DP for the humanoid apes, which is value of male humans during BC. And, NOTE that C4 = C3^LOG10(C3); &, C3 = C2^LOG10(C2). RULE # 244: Another equation for COM based on COM = [(C1 DP if she’s not a clone else she’s a clone if she’s @ PL)/10)^2] = (r*#), where # = between 1 & 10 for human females, and r = race, {these r values don’t always apply, but these are *average* estimates: range of 3 to 2 but mostly @ 3 = Caucasian (usually most beautiful); range of 2 to 1 but mostly @ 2=oriental or black (slightly less beautiful); & range of 1 to 2 but mostly @ 1 = south-Asian (least, but still very desirable)} , next equation is as follows: to figure out a woman’s C2, you convert her guy’s C3 to C4, which then gets the unit C2. So, if a guy is @ 30 C3, then convert that to C4, but assign the unit C2 @ 152 for her # of life force points if her man is @ 30 C3 DP. This works fairly well @ the low end of the power spectrum but deviates @ the high end of the power spectrum where the equation for COM changes to
[(d*COM) @ C2] = [(30*COM) @ C2], which = approximately to [C2 – (C2/10)^2] @ C1 for the ladies which in terms of COM = [(C1/10)^2] for her COM #. If she is infertile, then her COM changes to [(20*COM) @ C2], and/but if her appearance gets scared due to an injury or if she’s suicidal, then her COM is @ [(10*COM) @ C2]. But, for a female shape-shifting mutant like the MU Mystique, use d = 1.5 & multiply it by her maximum COM to get her C2 DP. RULE # 243: Change unit to per day or per nth day for nth (long-term) relationship [as you learn more about female psychology, the cheaper they get to have sex with them] such as if woman is married or is his girlfriend, use unit per nth day for nth (long-term) relationship, but else use unit of per hour for the world equation for prostitution is based on looks or COM rather than on exchange rate but since it comes out to about equal THEN THE EXCHANGE RATE FOR SOME IS BASED ON LOOKS, BUT THE RUBEL SHOULD BE AS HIGH AS THE DOLLAR; BUT, BECAUSE IT’S NOT HAS MORE TO DO WITH POLITICS, BOTH NATIONAL & LOCAL LEVEL, AS WELL AS THE CITIZENS’ LACK OF FAITH, or maybe the quality of the paper for its currency sucks like if it were worthless, but cost, $ = [(C4)/hour] in Nevada; [(C4/2)/hour] in Europe; [(C4/3)/hour] in Canada, and back to [(C4)/hour) everywhere else, including Cambodia, Eastern Europe, India, Mexico, and Canada. It’s only cheaper in Canada than Eastern Europe due to there being LESS variety of prostitutes in Canada than Europe, meaning less choice & less variety. So, cost, $, in Canada, = [(C4/3)/hour]. But, what is “C4”? You convert her COM from the male perspective to C2 which then gets converted to C3 which then gets converted to C4, which gets plugged in. C3 = [COM*(pi+1)]; C3 = C2^LOG10(C2). RULE # 242: This could be my 2 greatest equations yet in that with this equation you can get rid of the college institution, as it, this equation, accurately predicts success @ various different age levels when combined with his C2 or C3 @ either DP or PL, depending on the user. The 2 equations is as follows: # = [age*C2] or [age*C3], where age in years, and C2 is @ either PL or DP, where # = college course #, where some college employ [age*C2] for course #, while others employ [age*C3] for college course #. So, if a person is @ 10 C2 DP, then @ age 20, the course # that he should be taking: [(20,age)*(10,C2)] = 200 course # @ C2 which @ C3 the course # = 200, also, since C3 = C2^LOG10(C2). So, you can, eventually, use this easy equation to create a nuclear device @ the price of a beer can, and @ same time get rid of the college institution, as this equation accurately predicts optimum success @ various different academic difficulty levels. RULE # 241: The minimum equation for a genius = (2x(COM@C0)). So, a genius version of someone @ 18 or 3d6 C2 DP COM = COM of @ [C3/(pi+1)] = 37.65/(pi+1) = 9.09 COM, where 37.65 C3 by 18^LOG10(18) = 37.65 C3 = 9.09 COM, who isn’t a genius would be @ 2x18 = 36 or 6d6 C2 DP or default psyche, but nd6 in DC rpg is @ PL or Power Level rather than @ DP or Default Psyche, both are different manifestations of each other but for more detail LOOK @ RULE # 3 for meaning, but PL @ nd6 in DC rpg is either off by 2x or rounded off or given as an average estimate in DC rpg. The premise of (2x(COM@C0)) works well with most male humans, with few exceptions, when defining how many life force points @ C0 for a genius or someone considered to be smart or very smart. So, in the 3rd tv series Babylon 5, the captain of a star ship is @ 40 C1 DP, while a magician is @ 20 C1 DP, and the magic yellow chest box (“the oracle”) is @ 60 C1 DP: use RULE # 3 to alter stats (abilities). And, a ranger is @ 20 C1 DP, based on the equation for creating an astronaut like the one in the 1980s tv series Buck Rogers, who would be @ between 20 C1 DP or/to 40 C1 DP, latter in the 1st series & the former in the 2nd series, since the character Buck Rogers is less powerful in the 2nd tv series than in the 1st tv series due to him having access to a/the stargate in the 1st tv series which he didn’t have access to in the 2nd tv series, in my opinion, in this rpg. RULE # 240: The academic work load for students doubles ever 2 years of study or triples every 3 years of study, meaning @ rate of about x times every x years. So, if you start the count of magnitude of study from age of 10, by the time you reach the age of 30, the amount of academic work you’ll have to do will increase by a factor of 1,024x by the time you reach the age of 30, if you start the count starting @ age of 10, assuming the amount of academic work for the student *doubles* every 2 years. So, work load in terms of college credits for different levels changes from [(C3 PL)/year] when in high school to [(C3 PL)/semester] when in college, *increase of 3x*. But, 2nd year of college is 2x more difficult than previous year, and 3rd year of college is 4x more difficult than the 1st year of college. So, for a 3rd year college student, his 3 credit of differential equation is worth 6 credits by {[2x3] = 6} compared to previous 2nd year of calculus, and worth {[4x3] = 12} compared to 1st year, and 5 credits of organic chemistry is worth 10 credits by {[5x2] = 10} compared to 1st year of 4 credits of chemistry, in terms of work load. This rule is so that you can more properly focus & manage your study time efficiently. But, on another note, Chaucer is 2x more difficult than Shakespeare, which is 2x more difficult than 18 century which is 2x more difficult than drama, so Chaucer is 8x more difficult than drama: @ rate of x for every x hundred years for its date of origin, meaning if the literature dates back 200 years then it is 2x more difficult than modern, and likewise if you literature dates back 400 years, it is 4x more difficult. But, 1st year of college is 2x more difficult than the previous grade level, last academic year of high school. The HULK movie for the summer 2003: Near the start of the movie after the dramatic scene of gene slicing by his father of a starfish & other aquatic animals, including a jellyfish, you see Betty & Bruce discussing why they can’t get much sleep during the week that their research is up for review, where Bruce & Betty discussing the their dreams, where Betty tells Bruce of her 1st memory of a gamma bomb going off in a nearby town & then Bruce grabbing her face which may simply have sexual overtones that being Betty wanting to give a Bruce a huge blowjob the size of a nuclear explosion, and as for Bruce grabbing Betty’s face in her dream while she was a child, maybe another subliminal sexual message that Betty wants to be Bruce’s babe or girlfriend, and wanting Bruce to grab her head with his hands, a very intimate sexual imagery without using any sexual imagery. But, Bruce on the other hand, simply tells Betty of his lack of recollection of his youth that being how he lost his parents < which is sort of like Batman-Bruce Wayne, but rather that there is a fight scene between his parents: the mother trying to protect her child while father not sure whether to kill him or not, and if not then continue to help his son evolve genetically : a scene similar to one of Jet Lee movie’s where he’s not sure whether to take him on his journey or to kill him, his son, as he might be a burden to him, and lets his son live after picking the sword: similarly Banner junior’s father wants Banner junior to become a warrior when he grow up > rather than his dream that being his dream was that of his 2 personalities trying to gain dominant control of Bruce or David, as I can’t seem to recall Banner junior’s first name, not sure if it’s “David” or “Bruce”, maybe I’m getting Banner junior’s 1st name mixed up with that of his father’s. Both Betty & [Bruce or David, not sure which is the correct 1st name] generally growth up in the same neighborhood in the same state of Nevada. Toward the end of the movie, Bruce’s father who has powers that of the Absorbing Man grows to height of or that of (when he
tries to self electrocute himself
with help from General Ross, whose just itching to have a or any excuse to fry Bruce’s father, who makes a anti-social speech of wanting to get rid of all humans toward end of movie which sounds more close to personality that of Maestro than Bruce’s father in the non-cartoon series which also had a father-son conflict but on a milder scale than the movie version of the conflict which almost seemed mythological, almost akin to conflict between that of Kronos & Zeus, where Kronos feared that his son would take his mantle of power, reverse of the movie, where his father uses his son like ginny pig for an experiment almost like the movie Lawnmower Man, except that it seems to me that Bruce (similar to his father) is faking about being mutated by gamma radiation (he’s already a mutant, like his mother) which is an excuse, meaning it’s a money making gimmick, sort of like depositing a million bucks in a bank account & coming back 30 years to collect it with interest, meaning both are defrauding their audience, both within the story & outside, sort of like Captain America (in X-Men: the Evolution, cartoon series) where Captain America uses Wolverine, but I’m not sure if Wolverine is aware of Captain America’s clandestine plans of fake adamentium for, MAYBE, PERHAPS, for SHIELD, but a clue as to where Wolverine gets his idea to create adamentium claws that being from or similar to the adamentium shield of Captain America: it’s a money making scheme which Magneto wants a piece of, where Magneto fakes his being too old & needs the device which created Captain America to return himself (Magneto)
his youth: it’s a fraudulent money making scheme by Captain America, a similar scheme but rather than adamentium, gamma radiation is used rather than adamentium, as the new money making scheme, where Dr Banner would pretend to half insane as the HULK, though you’d have to be insane to be that greedy, but given a chance most humans would be equally that greedy, so not sure if HULK is any less human by being that greedy, other than having more ample opportunity to be greedy in excess & be able to get away with it, like his father: and, I’m not sure if his mother was as angelic as we’re (the audience) is lead to believe, as she, too, may be faking her good intentions, as she, too, may be faking it & may be part of a some plot, as why would she nuke a small town with a mutant energy blast, though it may have been an accident on her part, though the audience is lead to believe that it’s just coincidence that the small town gets nuked as she raises her hand like she’s about to project an energy blast as she seems to be dying from the accidental knife blow from her husband, who is trying to kill his son after realizing that he made a mistake to/in creat(e/ing) his son, genetically & psychologically, but his son’s mother, his wife, comes to his rescue: the incident is blocked from Bruce’s memory, or as General Ross puts it repressed memory of the tragic event of his childhood, and Bruce may be more messed up (genetically & psychologically) than he (Bruce) claims that he doesn’t recall the tragic event as to how he lost his parents, one of them, as his mother is supposed to have died, so his father after a long prison term of some sort, show up as a janitor 30 years later @ Bruce’s research building continuing his experiments where he left off, supposedly, unless it was finished 30 years ago, and the nanites served to activated the process which if so then Bruce may have more intimate knowledge of his past & his current circumstance (genetically speaking, though he hasn’t yet chosen a power for himself like his father until Talbot shows up trying to flirt with Betty, who shows an instant liking to Talbot, and if Bruce can read Betty’s mind as to her male fantasy figure which Bruce takes on, then Bruce may be in more control of Betty’s emotion when she dumps Talbot for Bruce, though once can never be sure if she made the choice of her free will or if she was coerced telepathically by Bruce] that he leads on to the audience], but getting back to height equation for Bruce’s father in electric form when he bites on a large bundle of electric wires which looks like a thick electrical cord with diameter that of a human fist but covered in a sheet of black plastic or rubber which Bruce’s father manage to peel off with his teeth but his height in electrical form is @ [(C1 DP) + 10] @ C2, in feet, but @ C2 DP height in feet in water form, only half that height in rock form, and half of that still for transforming into a substance with density greater than a rock such as, maybe, steel : the equation in terms of power & magnitude is proportional to tornadoes & hurricanes. In movie, he grows @ rate of in terms of *height* in feet @ [3*(C2 DP of his C2 DP that he uses)/10], as a clue as to how powerful he as is @ certain different heights @ different C2 DPs values of his C2 DP that he uses for his mutant transformation into a super Neanderthal, and Talbot says Bruce is in more control of the HULK than he leads on, though Talbot doesn’t survive to tell anyone about this little insight into our green enemy of mankind, but is less violent than his father, as Bruce as HULK decides to save a pilot as his plane almost hits the Godlen Gate Bridge. But, before all this, the mutant dogs are @ the same normal ratio of 1:2, both as mutant monsters & as normal dogs to Bruce the human & to HULK, meaning if a killer dog is @ 10 C2 DP than his owner is @ 20 C2 DP: this same ratio is given to the mutant dogs in the movie, where the dogs’ owner is @ same C2 DP that of HULK @ 62.5 C2 DP or maybe @ 66 C2 DP, so then the mutant dogs are @ 31.25 C2 to 33 C2 DP, though the mutant FRENCH POODLE (MUTANT – with a dose of Banner’s blood, a prelude to a She-Hulk movie if it ever comes out, though I’m not sure if his first name is “Bruce” or “David”: it’s possible that “David” is junior & “Bruce” is the senior, but I could have gotten them - Bruce or/and David – (these 2 names) mixed up through this analysis of the HULK movie) IS ONLY @ 20 C2 DP, the mutant French poodle that’s 1st growling @ Betty by her left window before being knocked away as one of the mutant dogs crashes into it @ high velocity as its tossed by the HULK, then shortly later the French poodle is on hood of her car before the HULK grabs it & tosses it away like a liter bottle or carton of milk, and/but THE MUTANT pit bull seems to be doing the most of the damage to the HULK when compared to the other 2 mutant dogs. It’s (history of HULK) not like either the ‘80s TV non-cartoon series, NOR like the ‘90s cartoon series, NOR like the ‘80s cartoon series, which the latter most was similar to the cartoon series that of THOR & Iron_Man, but, now, to get back to the story the movie of the HULK, who in his human form is known as Dr Bruce Banner, whose personality, like the rest of the story in the movie, deviates from the ‘80s & ‘90s version of Dr Banner, though the HULK lives up to his personality according to the history of the HULK, unlike his human personality which more closely resembles his HULK personality in the movie which is one of the some(4) ways that the story of HULK deviates form history of HULK that we know of. The other 3 aspects of the storyline that it deviates from is that the movie shows or reveals what his mother looks like when she was young, and she [in her youth] turns out to be better looking than Betty [Bruce’s girlfriend], who is slightly different from the official version, as that Betty is supposed to be afraid of the HULK initially in the cartoon & comic version, @ least initially, though she extremely calm about this HULK personality of Dr Bruce Banner. My take on this movie is that Dr Bruce Banner took on this HULK appearance to fulfill his girlfriend’s fantasy of the perfect male boyfriend. This would imply that Dr Bruce Banner was telepathic, or took the implied hints of her 2nd boyfriend Talbot
, but he’s supposed to be some rich multi-millionaire whom General Ross probably wanted his daughter to marry rather than the scientist Bruce Banner, though in the ‘80s & ‘90s cartoon series of the HULK, the competition of & for Betty came from a colonel which is another way that this storyline deviates, though I don’t recall what the competition was in the non-cartoon version, as she’s supposed to have been injured, missing or killed [if she wanted to escape this monster version of DrJekell/MrHyde, she could have faked her death; or, he allowed her to give her a piece of mind] this in the accident, where upon he blamed himself & fakes his death, in the non-cartoon version. But, in the movie, Dr Banner is supposed to be a mutant just like I theorized but was called a troll for it. In the movie, as Dr Banner’s father accidentally kills his wife if you’re referring to Banner’s father or his mother if you’re referring to Banner junior [the HULK]. But, what stands out is the Dr Banner’s father taking the job of a janitor after being released after 30 years of imprisonment for his unauthorized experiments, though in the non-cartoon series of the ‘80s, the janitor is not supposed to be his father but a janitor that accidentally comes across a similar experiment performed by another scientist & gains HULK-like powers, in the ‘80s non-cartoon version of the HULK. And, the janitor in the cartoon-series of the ‘80s HULK gets mutated into the Leader. But, the janitor in the movie turns out to be his father, a strange but interesting twist of plot. But, his father gains powers similar to that of the MU Absorbing Man. THIS IS ONE MIXED UP MOVIE IN TERMS OF GETTING THE HISTORY ACCURATE, but the plus about this version of the HULK is that it’s unique in its own way. And, speaking of “unique”, Bruce’s [Banner, NOT Bruce Wayne (Batman), but Dr Bruce Banner’s] father tells Betty that his son is unique. But, what’s interesting about this movie is the father-son conflict, with a reverse oedipal complex, meaning the father rather than trying to kill the son the father kills his wife which is later revealed to be an accident, but leaves a reverse feminist subliminal message that being ‘who needs women to procreate when you’re a mutant’, meaning you don’t need ‘em when the male is a mutant, as mutants males don’t need women to procreate which is option, with the additional option of using women as only sex objects rather than to procreate, the ‘subliminal message’ in movie which slightly borders on homosexuality, where the son & father are cross fertilizing each other’s like trees, except rather by tachyon fields, as the son gives his tachyon field of nanites to his father & his father gives his tachyon field of gamma radiation to his son. But, @ start of movie, it’s implied that his mother was a mutant as she is being accidentally killed by her husband she projects gamma blast with her hand as she’s dieing, so, she’s also, a mutant, but his father, [in terms of his personality] like Magneto but devious & long term like Xavier in terms of not deviating from goal, doesn’t seem to want humans & mutants to co-exist, unlike his wife, and her husband’s personality is similar to that of Maestro, personality-wise, in term of his anti-social ways, though the movie reveals that Bruce’s father distrust humans for their lack of cooperation with each other, with a theme similar to the upcoming movie Zombie [still not released yet, but is supposed to be sometime this year]. Another similarity between Bruce’s father & Maestro is that both have craving for beautiful women, except that Bruce’s father is worse than Maestro in that he rather see ‘em dead [as he sends his 3 mutant dogs
after Bruce’s girlfriend to tear her to pieces] if he can’t ‘em, though I’m NOT sure if a woman would consider being dead worse or equally worse than to be taken by someone who’s not either her boyfriend or her husband. Bruce’s father spends 30 years trying to figure out which kind of mutant powers that he would like to have, as it’s IMPLIED BY @ START OF MOVIE BY when his father can’t seem to make up his mind which animal DNA to infect his son with, as to the kind of subliminal message to infect his son with, though we later find out that his son decides to go with or take on the appearance of his girlfriend’s male fantasy figure of her perfect male partner: damn, she’s one nasty woman, referring to Bruce’s girlfriend, who may not know that Bruce is taking it to extreme levels & blaming it on his father. So, in a way, General Ross is right, though Betty says it that being that Bruce might follow in his father’s footsteps, though General Ross referred to it as being “damned”, which is an oxymoron, since General Ross objects to his daughter not following his wishes, where by she chooses her male partner that her father doesn’t approve of. But, it’s kind of stereotypical in that the woman tries to pick a man that is most manly, though a jerk, meaning of the 2 jerks - Bruce & Talbot - Betty picks the bigger jerk that being Bruce because he’s more manly than Talbot in that he can smash a city to pieces, but she’s secretive about her or these true desires, like most women are good @ hiding their true feeling, unless deeply analyzed for they really are which in it of itself is striking & symbolic that a woman could be as lethal as Maestro, who is DR Banner’s father disguised as a janitor. But, Bruce himself is evil like his girlfriend & his father except manifested differently. What’s really strange is that General Ross expected something like this to happen & tried to prepared for it before it happened, but he underestimated his foes: his daughter, his son-in-law (Bruce, whom General Ross wished or hoped it could have been Talbot rather than Bruce, out of fear that Bruce might turn out like his father, with serious anti-social personality), and his ex-favorite employee that being Bruce’s father, who later injects himself with nanites that Bruce created though I refer to the nanites as nothing more than a particular type of or form of tachyon field. RULE # 239: If an elite person were to take 20 credits per semester & get top grades, then for me to get the same top grades, I need to take the square root of 20 = 4.5 credits, based on RULE#3. So, if Cuba wanted to gain nuclear technology, it could use these last few rules on COM vs IQ to figure out how much resources to reallocate, since those with greater COM usually have more resources to solve problems, creating self confidence, as well as false image that better looking is smarter, and maybe that’s where [from this assumption] that the phrase “you look smart” meaning ‘you look good/handsome/or pretty]. RULE # 238: PART I: using X = [10*C3], which you can use to create a nuclear device @ the price of a beer can, though it might take you a very long time if you lack enough life force points or simply don’t have enough of them, life force points, which, also, determines your COM or beauty < this X is different from above in the bottom of the title, by the way as I was buying 2 science books that were on sale today, one on quantum computers [when I open the book, I come across a page on square root of “NOT” which I haven’t read yet but will do so later] & other on the science DNA from a layman’s perspective for the novice, I noticed a book on prostitution in Nevada, as I skimmed through the book, hoping to get a glimpse into the psychology or the thinking process of prostitutes [the other spectrum or the opposite of this book might be Hillary’s new book on how too much politics & NOT enough common sense can weaken government, or at least make it less credible to the public’s trust]: they fall into the usual categories, with guys that fall in love with them as sugar daddies, not sure why she didn’t refer to him as ex-boyfriend, considering she almost married him, though he changed his mind @ the last moment, as his money ran out & she lied about how many kids she had, but the real reason might have been that she got pregnant by another man while being claiming to want marry him, or it’s possible her 2nd boyfriend told her to break it off with this other boyfriend, some kind of love triangle, but getting back to what I was about to say > which if I didn’t have bad luck to deal with, but because of my bad luck which never seems to go away, putting me almost @ the bottom of the food chain, and if you’re wondering why I’m referred to as a troll, it’s because I lack the ability to properly state my ideas coherently in a way that the average person can understand, but the average person that’s read my material may be biased if they have no clue as to what’s I’m talking about, though it may be partly my fault, since I’ve changed, revised & modified my premises, but only slightly, not too great, that what I say is rendered meaningless, meaning if you’ve read everything I’ve written, then I should make sense. I’ve never been talented in math, but I love subject, and it’s been my dream to figure out a way to solve this riddle that being how to use my meager resources to understand math, but in the process I’ve discovered an interesting pattern about college grades, though they may be lacking in brilliance, they have a predictable pattern, if I include only that that I attempt with the initial intent to pass the classes. IQ of [C1*10], where @ C1 = 7, then IQ @ 1d6 INT = IQ of 70, where 7 C1 DP = 5.18 C2 DP life force points by 7^LOG10(7), and so: GPA for # of college courses taken decreases as follows for a particular semester, using my most recent IQ equation based not on C1 but on C3: (PART II), 1 course @ score of 90; 2 classes @ score of 80; 3 classes @ score of 70; 4 classes @ score of 60; 5 classes @ score of 50; and so on, for that or a semester, and why or how it leads to RULE # 239. And, you might think this is horrendous but this pattern has benefit which I explained in an earlier rule that being, the ability to predict outcome, making the use dice & probability less meaningful, if outcome has predictable pattern based on # of life force points. Based on this pattern @ a particular # of life force points, I can more easily take more difficult classes that I might not have considered taking @ an earlier time period. All this introspection kind of resembles the fictional character Dr Banner of the ‘80s tv series “The Incredible Hulk”, where you note the word “incredible”, which in the ’86 MU TSR rpg mean or = 40, and coincidentally the character is @ 40 C2 DP in the ‘80s tv series storyline, but the thing is that the same character in MU comics is @ 40 C1 DP, a huge difference, where 40 C1 DP = 368 C2 DP by C2 = C1^LOG10(C1) = 40^log10(40) = 368 in MU comics, but in the tv series he was @ 40 C2 DP = 368 C3 DP by C2 = C3^LOG10(C3). So, the ‘80s tv character of HULK in GURPS would be @ 368 points. LOOK @ RULE # 252. RULE # 237: No, this is not the rule, but an introduction to the rule which comes on page 7, 8, & 9: the 2 line math equation or algorithm of how to build a nuclear device @ the price of a beer can. First, GPA is subjective, since it depends on the grader, and what might be considered A grade might be C grade to another, and what if your professor can’t understand your writing or your opinion or if he doesn’t approve of it, and then you’re in deep water, and worse if he steels your ideas & publishes it as his own as in case of one British professor, but I’m sure there are other cases of professors plagiarizing, considering most professors hate questions that either give away too much information < as it seems @ times the professors aren’t interested in giving any information away, as he or she considered it – THE INFORMATION - his or her property – ALMOST LIKE GOING TO A RESTARUANT & THE WAITER EXPECTS A TIP; I’D SAY IF YOU WANT TO GIVE YOUR MONEY AWAY THEN GIVE IT AWAY TO THE POOR & THE HOMELESS RATHER THAN TO SOMEONE WHO SHOULD BE DOING HIS OR HER JOB SINCE THEY’RE ALREADY GETING PAID A SALARY, AS HIS OR HER BOSS SHOULD BE GIVIG HIM THE TIP & NOT THE CUSTOMERS - but they don’t seem to realize they’re getting paid to teach or give that valuable information in their head to their students & if they don’t want to give that information away THEN THEY SHOULDN’T BE TEACHING > or {SAME EFFECT WHEN IT} require the professor to think like a student WHICH THEY DON’T LIKE EITHER WHEN HE OR SHE is forced to think which sounds like an oxymoron, since the professor is TO teach his or her students to think in terms of originality, and grades have lot to do with access to resources & time so those with more resources & time will always get better grades, AND, I FREELY GIVE AWAY THE SECRET [on page 7, 8, & 9] OF IMPROVING YOUR COLLEGE GRADES WHICH I’VE JUST RECENTLY DISCOVERED JUST DAYS AGO THIS WEEK, THE DETAILS OF WHICH I WASN’T SURE UNTIL THIS WEEK, FOR PURPOSE OF evening out the odds for those whose odds are stacked against them or him or her, as life ISN’T ALWAYS FAIR, but nothing can be purely original, as we’re all steeling from nature or from each other or from our children or spouses for those on the verge or divorce or already divorced, else you could end up with a different dialect of words & symbols, sort of like if you were to compare Norwegian vs. German. And, GPA can in fact go down if you follow plagiarism rules too strictly or if you’re too concerned about inflation of grades. But, grades on pure originality which no one really follows are [C2/10], if purely original; if plagiarism not too strictly enforced then @ [C2/5]; and, if *not* enforced @ all then @ [C2/2.5]. NO, THIS IS NOT THE 2 LINE MATH EQUATION OR ALGORITHM OR ADVICE: IT’S in Rule # 7, 8, & 9 OF THIS RPG, AS TO HOW TO build a nuclear device @ the price of a beer can, here is a 2 line math equation {it’s in Rule # 7, 8, & 9 of this rpg, my homebrew rpg HYBRID} – more like an algorithm or wisdom - as to how any person {even a child} or country [depending on how many points of life force he has < no, this is not the 2 line math equation {it’s on page 7, 8, & 9} but MORE LIKE THE LIMIT(S) THAT YOU CAN PUSH YOUR IQ TO BUILD THAT NUCLEAR DEVICE WITHIN SOME A PERIOD OF TIME DEPENDING ON HOW MANY POINTS OF LIFE FORCE OR COM OR BEAUTY OR POINTS MORE THAN YOUR COM YOU HAVE: it’s in Rule # 7, 8, & 9 – [how to mimic someone brilliant or even a genius if you follow these very basic but simple steps] would be on page 5 & 6 if font size was smaller, but since the font size is larger : THE 2 LINE MATH EQUATION, on page 7, 8, & 9 CONSISTING OF PART I AND PART II IN 2 FORMS – 1ST FORM IN C2 & 2ND FORM IN C3] which @ the low end of the power spectrum depends on his COM or beauty, though @ the low end of the power spectrum for human males for those who are smart but NOT considered genius, he may only have few or several or dozen or more points beyond or above or more than his COM or good looks] can build a nuclear device @ the price of a beer can. But, somewhere in rpg, close to beginning I have a spelling typo, not sure where, I put “not” instead of “note”, but it’s not in this rule, but somewhere after the first dozen pages @ close to start of my homebrew rgp HYBRID. But, before I introduce you to my billion dollar equation, how to build a nuclear bomb @ the price of beer can, I’ll 1st show you how to manipulate points in my homebrew rpg HYBRID, @ end of which I’ll introduce you to the super simple billion dollar equation as to how to build a nuclear bomb @ the price of a beer can, though it might take a very long time in terms of years or decades or centuries depending on how many points you have or how many points a or your country has or have < but you might die of old age before you manage to build a nuclear device in your basement, where as to how long it would take you depends on how many points of life force you have or how beautiful you are or even better yet how many points extra you have above your COM or beauty, assuming you want to spend the time to learn how to build a nuclear device, and there is, also, the problem how to get the Uranium 235 or enough Plutonium > for those with very few points of life-force. So, as I was saying as to how to manipulate points in my homebrew rpg HYBRID, here’s an example for an MU character who is a member of the Avengers. For the MU Tony Stark, who is @ 40 psyche in the ’86 MU TSR rpg roster rounded off from 41.67 is NOT @ 40 C1 DP which is Dark Phoenix level or level that of Xavier in X-Men movie Part II [though Xavier seemed to be @ 30 C1 DP in Part I, as that is the level that Magneto is @ in Part I but seems to be reduced to 20 C1 DP = 49.28 C2 DP by 20^Log10(20) = 49.28 @ 7.02 Average Mind, Body & Soul @ 7.02 AMBS for Magneto in Part II of the X-Men movie – maybe Part I took too much out of Magneto & (Magneto) is recovering Part II, at least trying to, but either Magneto isn’t given a chance to recover due to Stryker or he’s now stuck @ 20 C1 DP by over exerting himself in Part I, trying to create mutants, but the beautiful Mystique helps her master by seducing her master’s security guard & injecting an iron compound liquid after knocking him out what seems to be that 2 date rape pills in his drink – maybe some kind of symbol for feminists that it’s time for women to rape men, at least financially – symbolically speaking regarding the 2 date rape pills that Mystique puts into the drink of the security guard after taking him to the rest room to make out with & take him to a cubicle where he’s eventually knocked out, and she gives it to him near his behind after removing a bit of his cloths: a very *steamy* scene; another *steamy* scene with Mystique is when she tries to rape Wolverine, before Wolverine figures out that it’s not Jean Grey his foe from Part I; though, the only stereotyped quality about Mystique is that she falls for Wolverine because Wolverine has beat her in Part I – the kind of the way most women work in terms of falling in love that being for the guy that can beat her, but the oxymoron part of it is that she later complains about it, but not referring to Mystique, as she takes on a masculine personality but with the sex appeal of a woman in both Part I & II] but Tony Stark @ 41.67 C2 DP @ (2/3) the DP that of the Leader, who is @ 62.5 C2 DP or Default Psyche < power level that of Shadowcat @ 62.5 C2 DP in X-Men movie Part II, but @ 83.34 C2 DP in the cartoon series X-Men the Evolution regarding the female mutant Shadowcat > which is power that of the movie version of the HULK (movie) coming this summer of 2003. But, IF he, Tony Stark, were to decrease his life-span to [41.67/2] = 20.84 C2 which is maximum average human life span & increase his PL or Power Level to [41.67*2] = 83.34 C2, his technology could capture a mutant @ or less than 80 C2 PL with the other remaining +3.34 C2 PL {though if you reduce damage capability of the Sentinel to 70 C2 PL then the body of the Sentinel gets [83.34-70] = 13.34 C2 PL for extra tricks like the robot in the movie Mars or Robo-Cop II but on a larger scale referring to the robot < which, the +3.34 C2 PL, is @ the end of the 83.34 C2 & NOT @ the beginning of the 83.34 C2, in terms of Doppler Effect & Resonance Theory to calculate damage or what’s needed to create such a damage which for the HULK would be his mutant gene combined with his personality, creating the HULK, but it’s gamma radiation as Dr Banner would have other believe, as it’s an excuse to blame technology so that he can do what he wants or whatever he wants as HULK & blame it on technology, rather than taking responsibility for his actions: no, I’m not referring to his lack of control as the HULK, as he’s faking it – the lack of control- as much as the MU Wolverine is faking his amnesia before coming across Xavier, as before Wolverine joined the X-Men, he was member of Alpha Flight & SHIELD, but NOT sure which order in terms of whether he joined SHIELD or Alpha Flight first & which 2nd > being for what encases the technology that being the Sentinel, as long as it’s less powerful than Shadowcat @ 83.34 C2 DP in the cartoon series of the X-Men the Evolution, but only @ 62.5 C2 DP <@ power level that of the MU Leader of MU comics> in Part II of the X-Men for Shadowcat. THERE SEEMS TO BE YOU CAN’T TOUCH ME THEME FOR OR BEHIND THE POWERS OF FEMALE MUTANTS OF THE X-MEN, INCLUDING NON-OFFOCIAL MEMBERS OF THE X-MEN IN OF PART I & II. That was just to show you how to manipulate points in my homebrew rpg HYBRID. But, this doesn’t work for humans, since they have no difference points, meaning their PL or Power Level isn’t greater than LS or life-span. But, a computer hacker @ 25 C2 DP with 20 C2 LS can increase his PL to [25+5] = 30 C2 PL since you’re decreasing his LS to [25-5] = 20 C2; but, if his LS = PL which can = COM @ low end of the power spectrum for human males or if his COM = his PL, then he’s stuck @ 25 C2 PL, though COM @ C2 PL of 25 = that of Arnold Swarznegar. And, with this NEXT equation any child should be able to build a nuclear bomb @ the price of a beer can: [C2 PL] college credits *per semester* @ [C2 PL]; and, [C3 PL] credits *per year* @ [C3 PL]. But, to figure out her or his C3 PL, use C3 = C2^LOG10(C2). So, if you’re @ 3d6 C2 DP which is slightly less than elite human male = 18 C2 DP for a NON-heroic campaign, as 4d6 C@ DP is considered elite with 5d6 C2 DP the start of a heroic campaign @ 152 C3 DP by (5d6)^LOG10(5d6) = 152, where 5d6 = 30, where 5d6 = five 6-sided dice used to figure out or calculate success, but you use C1 only for a heroic campaign @ the same #, but still be without any mutant(s) in your campaign from the GM’s perspective if you’re just dealing with a bunch computer hackers, or with very low powered mutants or use 3d6 C1 DP or 18 C1 DP for a ninja campaign like cartoon Gi Joe storyline of the ‘80s, you can take 37.65 college credits per year in any combination – assuming u still have time to sleep - by 18^LOG10(18) = 37.65 C3 DP or Default Psyche or 37.65 points for the character in D&D, GURPS, HERO [excluding the 250 Point Project which is @ IQ for total points], Yu-Gi-Oh, are all @ C3 DP for total points. And, so, the # of college credits you take per semester & be able to get all As or straight As in all your classes based on the # of credits you take per semester is your C2 PL which since it = your C2 LS or life-span, the C2 = your DP or default psyche for guys. For human females, they’ll have to use their COM from the male perspective < which I sort of like the mating equation which I posted somewhere in this rpg > to figure our her C2 PL & her C3 PL. This is a billion $ equation or algorithm or advice which I’m giving away for free: it, also, implies how the Soviet Union or Russia almost defeated the United States, because the IQ of its citizens closely matched their foes or each other. I’m *not* sure why I didn’t think of this equation years earlier, as this equation could have saved me a lot of time, this may be the most practical and most powerful equation for those @ the low end of the power scale for those with very few points for to figure out the # of college credits he can take per month & per year. The equation is [C2 PL] college credits *per semester* [Spring or Fall], while for summer you have the *option* to divide [C3 PL] by the # of summer sessions that you wish to take classes, so if you’re taking 2 summer session classes, divide your [C3 PL] by 2 to figure out how many credits you should or can take fore each of the 2 summer sessions to get & receive the optimum grade(s) for yourself; and, [C3 PL] college credits *per year*. With this equation, even an idiot can mimic the intelligence of a genius, given enough time, but the pace is so slow, so the idiot might die of old age before his genius is shown or revealed, regarding the grandfather of Yu-Gi-Oh @ 30 C2 PL @ age 152 what & how long it would take to be @. You can, also, figure out how many nuclear weapons a country has by common sense, using template of Pakistan’s TL @ 36 C2 PL, while TL of India being @ 49 C2 PL, meaning India is @ 10x. You can put North Korea @ 33 C2 PL, slightly behind Pakistan, which would put Iraq @ 20.3 C2 = to an American, European or Russian taking 20.3 credits in a subject per semester, brilliantly. So, 100% for USA of 2000 = 100 C2 PL, putting the old Soviet Union of 1981 @ 64 C2 PL, & now @ 81 C2. If US had not of attacked Iraq, Iraq would be @ (1/2) power level that of Israel, which @ 49. LOOK @ RULE # 252. Another great movie for summer of 2003 is Bruce Almighty, if one wants to know how god works his magic or the lack of it in the world, as it says in the movie that god can’t interfere with free will, which is an oxymoron since molecules don’t have free will, unless free will is in shades likes shades of color, like shades of numbers, just like there are shades of truth, and there was a 2nd rule but I forget what that was, but might have been that he or a substitute version of him can’t try to take over the world, but I could have gotten the 2nd rule wrong, as I just can’t seem to recall what the 2nd rule was. Maybe, I’ll have to re-see the movie. But, the closest interpretation was one that I posted on a chat channel a decade ago that maybe god, if you were to define it (god) as a process rather than as an entity, works similar to raster interrupt, which is a process of how images are created, but that’s not the meaning I’m looking for but rather more like close to everyone’s prayer eventually gets heard, but my take on it is that it (prayer) probably works more like close to Newton’s laws of *equal & opposite* reaction *in regard to sin*, meaning if a woman is unfaithful to a man, then that man will get lucky with another woman, and if the man has unfaithful thoughts then either she’s have unfaithful thoughts or/and desires or he’ll end up with a bit of bad luck, sort of like in the movie, Bruce Almighty, where’s he’s having sinful thoughts about a female anchor woman cause of his bad luck, since he’s already got a woman, and he doesn’t know why he’s getting so much bad luck. He thinks that that doing one good deed will erase his bad deeds, but god doesn’t work that way & punish him for his adulterous thoughts. A light version of Bruce Almighty is another movie Finding Nemo, the little junior clown-fish or gold fish, whose father’s lack of common sense [or
his wife’s lack of compliance to his trust < as he requests his wife to hide as the barracuda fish comes to steal their eggs, but she risks her life while he hides, but it might have been more prudent for her to have listed to his advice rather than assume that his advice didn’t have credible value, since the barracuda hadn’t yet spotted them, but she initiates the attack, sort of like in Bruce Almighty his girlfriend didn’t listen to his explanation when he found some girl kissing him but then that would ruin the plot, which was that Bruce Almighty was getting lot of bad luck due to his adulterous thoughts & he thought that one good deed would erase his other bad deeds which rarely works in real life that people don’t forgive else there would be no need for prisons> destroyed their marriage & almost their family, all except for 1 egg, which later becomes Nemo, the fish with 1 irregularly small fin on its right side with a normal size fin on its left side ] cost him his wife & almost his son’s – common in most dysfunctional families – but the movie covers up the dark tones with a bit comedy by calling the gold-fish clown-fish which maybe a metaphor for Nemo’s father being clown where his good deeds are messed up in an instant by his clowning or acting irresponsibly around his family, not that Nemo’s father was adulterous but rather his stupid ways which force him to make a long journey to save his son, sort of like the fable story of the rabbit & the turtle, where Nemo’s father is always playing catch up, and almost messes up his 2nd relationship with a 2nd female fish after the death of his wife which the 2nd female fish helps him find his son, where Nemo’s father is insensitive to the trauma suffered by this 2nd female fish in his life, sort of like Wolverine in X-Men Part II, where Wolverine rejects Rogue, Mystique, & Deathstrike, if he, Wolverine didn’t pump her full of adamentium which was not called for as she was pinned down & didn’t try to get up & attack @ end fo the fighting scene, where essentially she gave up but he killed her which was not only morally the wrong thin to do by Wolverine but he could have had a shot with this beautiful oriental mutant woman that was so much like Wolverine but the fool decided to kill his soul mate just because she put up a fight as he should have given her a 2nd chance & another & another, as she was definitely worth the wait, at least for this Wolverine character, and maybe that’s why Jean Grey turns off the plane, giving her alibi to leave & to turn it on after she leaves, as she senses the love triangle being formed with Wolverine which confuses her & probably needs some time off to think & uses the flood as an excuse to leave: just another theory. PART II or CHAPTER 2 OF MY RPG HYBRID: H Y B R I D: V 0.18 or/& V 0.24 {where only reality is my incomplete rpg, when it will be complete @ much later. THE DISCLAIMER: Anything you find offensive in my RPG is NOT directed @ anyone; tries to be accurate. And, also, any similarity in my RPG and in any other is by pure coincidence, such as 69 & 96 symbols. The following 2 links below should take you somewhere else in my RPG, which is (3/4) INCOMPLETE. And, do NOT OR try NOT to be offended by my diatribes, which are throughout my INCOMPLETE RPG HYBRID – THE MOST SIMPLE & BEST RPG, which I update whenever I can find a more efficient way of doing things that is theoretical, but without changing any of the original premises, which are assumed to be correct, although there is always the possibility that a tiny fraction of my rules are faulty or/and in need of correction, such as accidentally writing X-Y rather than Y-X. And, this FREE rpg of mine HYBRID contains 4% offensive material, which might be offensive to some people, but its ~ 96% descent. But, HYBRID is great & has potential to be the best rpg to ever exist!} {NOTE: I’m using Courier New font type @ size 14} In 1987, 1 year after I read my 1st rpg, the ’86 MU TSR rpg, I quickly noticed that the units for the stats were NOT the same, but @ first I thought that it was due to difference in COM which I later would discover would account for only a very small amount or tiny fraction of the male person’s stats which even that was @ only human level and nothing more above that which would later be referred to as ~ 20 C2 @ 11.9 COM for a guy, but at first, I thought maybe my intuition was wrong, why I at first I went along with the given Class unit which after 1 year {figuratively speaking} gave me an annoying migraine headache {figuratively speaking}, since I assumed it was a unit of magnitude, but it constantly seem to violate conservation of mass and energy, which I wasn’t willing to throw away, something as essential as conservation of mass & energy I’d hold on to, but I didn’t want to scrap the ’86 MU TRS rpg, since the #s seem to have patterns to it, but I wasn’t sure of the patterns until years later, during which time I’d try to come up with a proper set of unit to account for the strange patterns I’d see in the #s, but no way to explain the pattern until one day years later I’d come up with the magic equation X^LOG10(X) during the 1990s, although it was fragmented like a jigsaw puzzle in its original form & took years to connect all the jigsaw pieces together regarding its various forms, referring to C#, which was 1% complete in 1991, and NOT 100% complete until the year 2000, to account for all the patterns in MU rpg & other comic book rpgs, which accounted for most of the patterns in most of the rpgs, and I still haven’t used the even rarer equation of X^LN(X), which is like thinking outside the box, and in order to use the X^LN(X), one needs lot of background on the 1st CORE basic magic equation X^LOG10(X) in order to use properly the 2nd magic equation X^LN(X), both of which were 81% complete along with the my units of magnitude for point distribution @ C#, by 1999, all 4 concepts were 81% complete by then, by 1999, along with 2 more essential concepts that being how to manipulate points, where I assumed ENDURANCE was key, but I didn’t want to use ENDURANCE, since it didn’t take into account all (aspects) of reality, so I decided to use Life Span rather than Endurance, since Endurance seemed like a sub-category of Life Span, although Life Span might seem like a sub-category to Endurance, or maybe I just wanted to come up with a different stat name other than Endurance, so I had come up with Life Span, and the other 2nd extra idea being Power Level, since it seemed to me that Power Level was manifestation of Psyche, depending on how Psyche was used, so I kept Psyche constant, and made both Life Span and Power Level variables, meaning they could be altered, but each would effect the other, meaning when one increased then the other had to decrease, so to maintain conservation of mass & energy, so in a way there are only 6 CORE RULES TO MY RPG HYBRID which was 81% completed by 1999 IN TERMS OF THE 6 CORE RULES WHICH THE 6 CORE RULES WERE EXPANDABLE, MEANING THEY COULD BE EXPANDED INTO MORE RULES LIKE TURTLE GRAPHICS, WHICH WAS AN IDEA I HAD USED TO COME UP WITH SOMETHING BASIC BUT VERY EXPANDABLE, where the 6 core rules which could be reduced to 4 CORE rules would and could expand into countless more complex rules, but back in 1987, anyone with a minimum of a high level physics would know that the units all with the same name “Class” in the ’86 MU TSR rpg were NOT the same, but I continued to think that a reputable company like Marvel Comic would NOT leave something so very essential out of their rpg as units of magnitude, such as my C# series for units of magnitude for point distribution for its total, since in the ’86 MU TSR rpg everything was in the unitless unit “Class”, which I would discover to be a unitless unit 1 year later in 1987, and it was immediately obvious within 1 year by 1987 that the different powers and stats with same # were NOT @ same unit of magnitude, but it wasn’t until in 1987, I decided that it was obvious that the #s were NOT @ same unit of magnitude, ELSE you’d have throw law of conservation of mass and energy out the window, which I wasn’t willing to do, so I simply assumed {correctly} that they simply left out the units of magnitude for whatever reason to increase profit, so readers would have to buy more products to figure it out, similar to why inventers of computer language would invent more and more complex computer language, rather than use BASIC. So, in 1987, I noticed a mathematical pattern in the ’86 MU TSR rpg that being quantum as # increases or/and decreases, which I read about, which any high school level physics book would tell you, although it’s intuitive, since it isn’t something you might see in an equation, but I’d see an equation form of it in terms of wavelength a year later, which would be my 1st step to make order out the chaos that Marvel created by leaving out unit of magnitude, which any descent scientist would tell you that you need units of magnitude so that the readers know and understand what he is reading, but for whatever reason Marvel or the TSR game company decided to leave out units of magnitude, which lead me on a quest, which didn’t take long to figure out the units of magnitude, but the bigger question was how to link them together and how to convert one unit of magnitude to another. So, the jigsaw puzzle which I was trying to solve was incomplete during the 1990s, during that time I’d try out different equations to convert one unit to another, but my common sense would tell me that each of these equations were to some degree flawed or incomplete, meaning there was something missing, which got less as time passed, meaning it became more complete as time passed, since my early equations were NOT consistent, since they didn’t really connect the different units of magnitude together which in itself was a slow process which took years, that being discovering the magic equation of X^LOG10(X) & its many different manifestations, a secret that all game companies used, I assume, but initially back in 1987 when I started working on my rpg HYBRID I wasn’t sure what the magic equation was & all its units took years to discover, but after I bought other rpgs after reading the ’86 MU TSR rpg, where in D&D I came across hit points, after I already knew what a 20 C2 character was, and when a came across a 20 C2 character with 49 points, which was IMPLIED IN D&D. It was then, that I got the idea that maybe points are exponential in form base on black hole theory, use used the exponent LOG10(X), to base X, & came up with the magic equation, which looked like X^LOG10(X), and finally after a decade units lying dormant without being able to link them, was finally linked just like that, and I quickly took out the TWO EQUATIONS WHICH LEAD ME TO THIS MAGIC EQUATION: THE TWO EARLIER EQUATIONS WHICH LEAD ME TO THIS MAGIC EQUATION WERE: C0 = C#^(3/2), where C# = C0^(2/3), which was NOT entirely correct, but it was the closest to being correct that I could come up with during the 1990s, and it wasn’t until year 1999, when the equation X^LOG10(X) was 81% complete, since I knew that I’d have take into account total points, why and where the 2 equation above for C0 didn’t take into account total points, why I got the idea to use exponent of LOG10(X), since I knew that I needed to use exponent of 2 whenever C# was @ 100, and I need to use 3 exponent when C# was 1,000, and exponent of 1 when base for C# was @ 10, and the NEW equation also explained why adamentium was @ 1,000 but it was NOT @ C0 but @ C3, since @ C0 is meaningless without a unit, where C0 is a unitless unit. But the C#, itself, I came up with 1987. But, I had NO clue as to how to link them, being C#, together, until the year 2000, when C# was 100% complete, while being 1% complete in 1991, the unit of magnitude C# was ~ 1% complete. But, the 2 equations C0 = C#^(3/2) and C# = C0^(2/2) was all I had @ the time during that decade but the 2 exponent (2/3) and (3/2) did NOT work in all situation, where sometimes LOG10(C0) would be needed but @ the time I had little idea how to apply LOG10(C0), other than manually, whenever exceptions came up which was often, since there are countless different characters in the Marvel Universe, until I decided to throw away the 2 equations that I just mentioned and replace exponent with LOG10(C0), which quickly accounted for most of the countless different exponent that I’d tried on the base X to create a magic equation to link the various different units, which lead me to the magic equation: X^LOG10(X), which is commonly used, and the uncommonly rare equation is X^LN(X), which is rarely used. But, I started with assumption that Einstein is @ 6 AVERAGE Mind Body Soul which is 36 C2 DP, to compute his scientific abilities, where you must take note of the word “AVERAGE”, for these #s; and, another assumption that there was something special about the year 1900, as technology increased exponentially. I later discovered a mathematically pattern of/for technology as well for the greatest scientific inventers being @ C1 PL, such as Einstein when put into a scientific collective {like the Borg} would be @ 20 C1 PL based on him being in 20th century, but his psyche would be either (1/2) or (2/3) the C2 for his PL, depending on how much contribution he made to military projects, where (1/2) of C2 PL IF NOT much contribution was made by him, else (2/3) C2 PL by that I mean # for his psyche, but his COM is @ (2/3) if he is @ (1/2) else @ (1/2) if fraction for C2 PL is set @ (2/3), which when computed @ C2 PL is proportional to for greatest & most power technology being @ C1 PL proportional to century, exception being for Nostradamas being @ CA, and average things being @ C2 PL, and less than average being @ C3 PL, and worse than average being @ C4 PL for them.}{Using C2 PL for greatest technology proportional to year, I discovered that the MU character’s MU adamentium claws was @ C3 PL, NOT the C2 PL, since it gives so called Class, which is a unitless unit to other power stunts @ Class 1,000, which are C2, and other times @ C1, but for Wolverine his claws are @ C3, but a human elite would be @ C4 that is 1,000 C4, which was later confirmed when I read in the MU that adamentium is NOT so indestructible as it claims, as it is prone to heat and magnetic attacks, so resulting in a downgrade in its magnitude from C2 to C3, since C2 would put it @ power level of a star, and adamnentium is NOT @ power level of a star, certainly NOT, so it must be @ C3, which is power level of an A-bomb, which is more accurate for it, meaning it would require a 1,000 C3 PL technology for it. My source for assigning C2 value for objects was combination of common sense {meaning intuition} and history, by that I mean assign C2 PL or Power Level for the most powerful and greatest technology for that year, such as the A-bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 would/should be @ 45 C2 PL, but according to my force field equation that C2 PL that I was getting was slightly larger value, perhaps to to some tiny error or some variables that I was NOT taking into considerations, as the error was tiny & small @ 1d6 or/to 2d6 C2 PL more than 45 C2 PL, giving me @ 50 to 55 C2 PL, based on diameter of nuclear blast @ C3 meters, which doesn’t match up to my later estimate of higher nuclear TL @ higher C2 PL, which also according to my force field equation was proportional for Russian nuclear TL @ C2 PL is slightly exponential, based on my force field equation, which I I had set @ C3 meters for WWII nuclear technology for reason that this equation intersect @ C3 meters, but this is NOT the case for all nuclear technology for all C2 PL #s.} Below is DISCLAIMER for any similarity in my rpg HYBRID with that of HERO rpg, with a couple of examples explaining BODY, similarity, and how it’s possible for someone with many points to get idea from another, without evening knowing it, similar to the Green Goblin’s schizophrenia is really a time travel power stunt by TK and TP, similar to Spiderman’s Spider Sense. It can be explained mathematically by my force field equation(s), which is what and how I base how nuclear technology is constructed. And, you’ll NOTE that the C# is NOT anywhere in HERO rpg, which is why when I looked @ the BODY chart in HERO rpg, when “it peaked my interest”, an interesting phrase used by Lana & Cloi, when I noticed some more similarities between HERO/Champions & my rpg HYBRID, since I defined BODY for 2 types of technology based on its mass that for a tank & battleship, which was originally set @ C2, which I put an aircraft carrier @ 40 C2, while I put a tank @ 20 C2, which is correct, based on a nuclear missile @ 50 C2 being able to destroy an aircraft carrier, but #s for these objects would later show up when I’d read the HERO rpg, which is excessively & unnecessarily complex, which could be reduced to a 1 page rpg, similar to my made up rpg HYBRID, based on the C# series. The following example of something in my rpg HYBRID being similar to another rpg but being a complete and pure coincidence is the example of BODY stat in HERO rpg, where I had defined BODY based on a military tank being @ [(C3) tons], while a battleship being @ [{(C3)^2} tons], which is similar to the chart shown on page 304 of HERO rpg, when someone told me to look @ the chart, although I had looked at a similar BODY in an earlier edition, when I was working on definition of BODY, but hadn’t paid much attention to it, since I only looked @ the # that matched with my earlier notion of BODY based on my earlier reading of the ’86 MU TSR rpg, which even that I hadn’t paid much attention to anything that violate my notion of what something should be @, meaning I always assumed there should be a pattern to the #s, and luckily I was correct, and I’m assuming that I’m correct, why I had come up with my made up units of and for magnitude, the C# series, based on the equation X^LOG10(X), which SEEMS TO BE USED {I assume, as it’s IMPLIED everywhere AND NOT directed stated, but IMPLIED}, why it was easy for me to come up with C#, which C# reached 81% completion by the year 1999, and C# was 100% completed in year 2000, when I came across hit points for D&D & Dragonball-Z, when I came up with C3, where C3 = C2^LOG10(C2), and a or two later I came across Synnibarr rpg which was using my C4 unit of magnitude, meaning my C4 in my rpg was there if I wanted to compute the unit C4 = C3^LOG10(C3), but hadn’t as there was NO need for it, until I came across Synnibarr rpg, which heavily use C4, but some of its power rating is @ C3, but mostly @ C4.}{DISCLAIMER: Any similarity in my rpg HYBRID to that of any other rpg is complete and pure coincidence, but it happens so often, that I often asked myself how or/and why, and it can be explained away {theoretically itself} by multiple ways: MAYBE {wishful thinking, sort of like in the movie, “Wishmaster”, but NOT likely, but if time travel is possible, why NOT stealing or/and taking anyone’s ideas, but they seem to be similar to my ideas, which coincidently seem to pop up everywhere in most rpgs as if unpublished inventions (my ideas) from the future were (WHAT IF: WHAT IF) telepathically stolen, like a WHAT IF, since it’s mathematically possible, according to Maxwell’s (math) equation of time travel, using theoretical physics, since in theory it’s possible, but still generally speaking, average science hasn’t got that far or ahead that much, or it’s a well kept secret from the public, or it could simply be a series of coincidences, but if the coincidences is based on a fractal, what then, such as using the fraction (2/3) in the US constitution as voting ratio between whites and blacks in the 19th century, as attractors, a term they use in fractals to generate a fractal, which in this case would be to generate an rpg, such as D&D, where use hit points, which is probably based on that (2/3) fraction, to some degree, I assume, and it’s my THEORY that it is used, as I have NO real prove, other than assuming it’s used, why I say it’s IMPLIED} [but, wouldn’t be great if their original rpg source or/and inspiration of their ideas was me, considering if Nostradamas can mind scan the future with high # of points over a range of thousands of years, then why not mind scan the future within a century with fewer points than Nostradamas, since some of my equations seem to show that a person with enough points could perform a telepathic time travel stunt to get ideas from future, similar to in manner to Green Goblin’s schizophrenia, but NOT always in that form, since the person could perform it in such a way so that he could be musical or/and scientific genius [excluding Steven Hawking, who might have been smart {but being smart doesn’t qualify one as a genius, as there are lots of smart people, but they aren’t or wouldn’t be considered a genius, once but he doesn’t seem smart, considering my theories seem better than his, and I’m NOT considered smart], or/and be expert in all forms of martial arts or/and (also) intuitively know how to defend himself against all forms of attacks, but it’s probably more like me looking for and finding a secret pattern to their #s that they either give directly or is implied by their #s to objects, events, or/& power stunts] all the great science fiction writers are may unknowingly be performing telepathic time travel power stunt telepathically, which theoretically is possible if he does it in manner similar to the MU (Osborn) Green Goblin, who in terms of his odd behavior, where I’m assuming that the Green Goblin’s schizophrenia is really a time travel power stunt telepathically, similar to Spiderman’s Spider Sense which I’ve explained somewhere in my rpg HYBRID} and using my ideas or they are or seem to be thinking along SAME weird wavelength, in terms of personality, that is/seems similar to mine, why else would I get same numbers as them, since I came up with the #s on my own and only THEN looked @ theirs, when I notice(s) the similarities, which peaked my interest, to read it, towards M-theory: to connect everything to 1 (one) theory, which is X^LOG10(X), also for rpgs, and my 2nd equations X^LN(X), which is rarely ever used. //////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////// RULE # 236: The rule is on after couple of pages, as this is just an analogy to the rule for the next couple of pages. Magneto is more trustworthy because there is little or NO contradiction about him but mostly little, as there is still one contradiction about Magneto, unlike Xavier, who *appears* benevolent < if you don’t take the time to analyze him, the character of Xavier > but has a dark past & has darker motives for his future plans that are about as dark as that of, like, Spiderman, & the HULK, who are expert @ deception with words, meaning Magneto’s motives are as he says, for the most part, though Magneto seems to be subordinate to Xavier < revealed in Part I & II > in both the cartoon series of the X-Men the Evolution & the movies Part I & II. So, within the fictional context of the MU storyline, the PREFACE TO ANALYSING THE MU FICTIONAL CHARCTERS: I, THE AUTHOR OF THIS RPG HYBRID, has RARELY - within the fictional context of the MU storyline - ever trusted these so called super heroes, including their motives, especially (utopian seeking) Xavier & (photogenic) Spiderman/Peter Parker & HULK/Dr Banner, whose motives I don’t trust, since there is no one to corroborate their motives other than their word, sort of like Bush II, where you have only have his word that he’s doing the good thing, but I like to see proof of good deeds, rather than just taking their word for it, including, most especially & most importantly their motives which is sometimes more important than the outcome, if the person isn’t a fool like that OGRE character in that Disney film where he steal someone else’s wife, where I wouldn’t approve of teaching children that to steal is good thing which seems like an oxymoron, where you don’t practice what you preach, sort of like Christian marriage vows, where what’s the point of getting married if either you’re not going to keep your vows or if the marriage contract isn’t enforced, meaning the government should never ever grant divorce any circumstance(s), no matter how bad the marriage turns out, where if you get rid of alimony & child-support, you take away the profit motive or incentive to get divorce, considering many women get married for financial gain or reasons, so it’s common sense they would get divorce for equally likely reason(s), so if one wanted to reduce divorce within society, all you need to do is either take away the profit motive behind divorce or simply make all divorces illegal, where once married, you’re [man & woman, as husband & wife] are stuck with each other forever, and maybe Jean Grey is having 2nd thoughts about her marriage with Cyclops, else why would she need time off to think, which does by turning off the plane to stop the blood, giving her chance to leave both Cyclops & Wolverine. And, Cyclops is stupid enough to trust a guy who’s been faking his amnesia, but Cyclops is also stupid enough to trust some Professor that’s trying to kill on global scale because he feels like it which if that isn’t a reason to distrust him, then what. And, I don’t recall half my past teachers’ name which doesn’t mean that I have amnesia regarding Wolverine’s foolish nonsense about amnesia. For starters, if you know a little about Wolverine, you’d know that he worked for SHIELD; so, he doesn’t have any amnesia, meaning he’s faking it, maybe under orders from Nick Fury to find out what this Professor Xavier is up to, considering he has enough mutant kids with enough power to take over the entire USA which if that isn’t a reason for concern, then I don’t what is. And, now for the movie X-Men Part II, the scenes around Rogue & Colossus were great & my favorite scenes – but Mystique was pretty hot, too, besides Rogue, but, then there is, also, Lady Deathstrike, who is as deadly as she is beautiful & fights almost as good as Mystique but not as good as Mystique (in Part I & II, but there is less fighting scenes for Mystiqe in Part II compared to her fighting scenes in part I, but I’m not sure how Mystique was able to slide under the door like as if the ground was made of ice but the surface of ground was rough & not smooth so I’m not sure how she pulled off the sliding stunt) of X-Men movie. And, now, for next couple of pages, my personal interpretation of the movie X-Men (Part II) is as follows: there seems to be an oxymoron or/and contradictory characteristic to the US military scientist Stryker, who both attempts to free mutant kids from Xavier’s { who seem to possess some freaky powers in Part II like in the character in the hit tv series DEADAZONE like stop
time & teleport, latter is supposed to be only for Nightcrawler but Xavier @ beginning of story in Part II before they find Nightcrawler are able to teleport away from the Museum where Pyro & Iceman create a scene after 2 human male teenagers [and, speaking of human teenagers, there’s another scene of Iceman’s brother getting jealous of all the attention that his brother is getting & decides to call the police of mutants holding his family hostage, but getting back to what I was saying] try to get fresh with Rogue, and Pyro & then Iceman come to Rogue’s rescue, but all the humans are staring @ Pyro & Iceman, but it’s not shown or talked about how “The Professor” stops
time or teleports them away} brainwashing or indoctrination, as Xavier in Stryker’s view is it seems that Xavier is collecting mutants besides (implied) abusing his (Stryker’s son) son sexually (implied) 15 years prior to him & his goons attacking Xavier’s mansion as compensation for not being able to do anything about it 15 years prior [sort of like if Nemos’s father in movie Finding Nemo (young clown-fish’s father) were to take revenge on the barracuda for taking his wife away & all her eggs except one
which is a *similar theme* revolving around Xavier vs. Stryker in Part II of X-Men movie like being robbed @ gunpoint like give in me your money or die, figuratively speaking, and for Stryker not being able to do anything about it for 15 years, where the pain of the loss of his wife by Xavier growth to such proportions over the years that he probably ask his son to volunteer for some freaky experiments to get revenge on Xavier for destroying his life, for his (Xavier’s) own *secret* personal agenda which seems to be the destruction of the human race, similar to the plot in Part I, where Magneto is really trying to kill the UN members (but Rogue changes her mind in Part I) & NOT turn them into mutants which was just an alibi as Rogue was secretly instructed to kill the UN members rather than change them to mutants but she changes her mind NOR does she change them to mutants as being doing would be costly and she wasn’t willing to pay such a high cost like most feminists not wanting to sacrifice for any male cause, but Xavier’s wanting to save humans was an alibi for Xavier in Part II, where it appears that Xavier is *(IMPLIED)* to be a pedophile, where to prove accuracy of this assumption you use the prostitution equation of (in) Cambodia to figure out the little girl’s age if she wasn’t pretty which would double or triple her age, so if she were ugly then her age would be tripled @ 3x but 2x if she were black or oriental girl
with same COM points, she’d be 3x older if she were ugly but 2x older if she were black, so Xavier’s evil little assistant if she were ugly would be @ (1/2) Xavier’s age, but (1/3) of Xavier’s age if she were black or oriental woman,
vs IQ in terms of calculating GPA @ X, regarding some mutant kid’s [kid being Yu-Gi-Oh’s] grandfather being *taken away to the spirit world* < sort of like the DC Phantom Zone > by the one wearing the Millennium Item, the ‘Millennium Eye’, the wearer of it, The Millennium Eye, is @ 90 C2 DP < = average power level that of {yes, I’m about to go off-topic from RULE # 231, *going off-topic*, *again*, here I go} Rogue @ 90 C2 DP {@ that of the Juggernaut @ 90 C2 DP, not sure if his magic helmet really protects him or if the Juggernaut just think it does, as he seems to be always losing it, as it clipped on, and Nightcrawler & Wolverine combo seem to be able to unclip it, though the clip or stabled helmet is supposed to have hard dried cement or concrete level strength to the clip or staple, but Nightcrawler & Wolverine combo is able to remove it} of the X-Men > or Default Psyche, just [123-90] = 33 C2 points shy that of Dr. Destroyer @ 123 C2 DP of HERO rpg. In another words, a human trying to mimic the IQ of a mutant would have to wait the following # of years: @ C3 PL, meaning @ the time that his grandfather was taken away, Yu-Gi-Oh was @ 30 C2 PL = to IQ of a human @ age of 152 by 30^LOG10(30), before getting a Millennium Item of his own which seemed to have *doubled* his C2 PL < if it’s to be assumed that he was originally @ 30 C2 PL before getting the Millennium Item, the one that looks like pyramid that he wears around his neck like a necklace which would imply his foe was originally @ 45 C2 PL {= a millionaire} before having his life-force *increased* to 90 C2 DP {= a trillionaire, but in the tv show, he’s only a billionaire @ 90 C2 DP, as he wastes or spends a lot of his points in duels}, whereas 45 C2 DP = a billionaire > from his original 30 to his new 2*30 = 60 C2, *and changed his* PL to DP, giving him 60 C2 DP or Default Psyche which is *more than or greater than* 60 C2 PL or Power Level. And, for a moment, I forgot I could change the unit of C2 in the equation for allocating time as a resource. By changing C2 to C3, you get 3 terms which is more correct @ 20 C1 PL = 49.28 C2 PL rather than 2 which is less correct. Also, NOT [#-1], *which comes later on next page*, but the # of terms = [(((C1 PL)/27)+1)^2] @ C3 PL, where # of terms = LOG10(C3 PL), < the idea is to get 2 terms @ 100 C3 PL which by LOG10(100 c3 pl) = 2 terms, divident of (1+MT) raised to itself [#-1]x, where earlier @ 54 C1 PL, # of terms = 9 @ C3 PL; and @ 27 C1 PL the # of terms = 4. The solution below is that I’m defining the problem @ C2 collectively, while C1 individually. The # of terms in the equation on next page range between +/- 1 that of maximum # of terms. The time factor equation for an engineering class comes out to about [[difference in C3 PL]*X], meaning [X @ 1] = 152 days @ 30 C2 PL = 152 C3 PL by 30^LOG10(30) = 152, giving a range of 1 credit per month to 1 credit per year for advanced college math classes < like df.eq. > for someone with an IQ of 70, where for me I can take a maximum of 1 credit per week when I was a freshman in college, but since I ain’t too brilliant, I’d use X = [(course #)/100] *root of* total (hours / week) spent studying to compute my grade which, the tremendous time I use just to solve 1 problem, looks awful, meaning I can’t handle more than 9 credits per semester, meaning only *HALF* OF MAXIMUM allowed, per semester, at least for me that is, but on average of 1 credit per month, at least for me/myself, but the latter doesn’t apply to everyone, as I wouldn’t be able to handle more than 12 credits of engineering per year, but someone else might be able to handle 52 credits of engineering per year, and why I said some might be able to take an average of 1 credit/week ; difference being who you’re competing with or the difficulty level of the problem in proportion < not necessarily a fraction > to your life force points; and, X being the equation below on next page: used to get # of dividends (1+MT) raised to itself. So, for college students, you start with # of college credits per year = C3 PL, but/and # of college credits per semester = C2 PL which conflict @ my IQ of 5.18 C2 PL @ IQ of 70, author’s IQ *in terms of* access to resources. This is a resource(s) (by resource(s), I’m, also, including time spent < time-wise based on # of life force points that you have from the male perspective, where female(s) players playing HYBRID rpg have to change their COM to C2 PL which then to: C3 which you assign to X {*if* you’re limiting yourself to 10 (US) college credits / semester} by the mating equation to figure out their maximum X value, meaning if her COM is 12 then don’t use your C1 but rather a guy’s C2 PL = DP for most human males or for the average male in terms of his C2 PL to figure out C3 PL which you then assign to *maximum X value* which you use the equation in/on the next page which will give you 20.065 C2 = 49.7 C3 DP or Default Psyche by 20.065^LOG10(20.065) = 49.7 or COM*(pi+1) = C3 > to solve (a/(set of)) problem(s)/subject(s)) {resource(s)} allocation equation meant as a tool to solve any problem, including cure for SARS in terms of a role playing game for my rpg HYBRID. What about to present here is a super simple algorithm for the cure of SARS [Serious Acute Repertory Syndrome] or any other problem imaginable, assuming you have enough life force points to play with to solve the problem or if society wish to allocate an equivalent amount of life-force points to solver the problem, the latter method I’ll go into later, but for the former, use the *divident* in [1 – {(1+MT)^(1+MT)}/(X+(ML)], [top part of the fraction in the grade equation] @ [1+MT] raised to itself a [#-1] of times for a 20 C1 PL problem, and end up resembling a hypercube, meaning a problem @ 30 C1 PL would require a {(1+MT)^(1+MT)^(1+MT)}, where [#-1] = [((C1 PL)/10)-1]: the [#-1] of times that you raise [1+MT] to itself = the [#] root you need to use to get to my IQ that of 5.18 C2 DP = IQ of 70 {author’s IQ of 70 *in terms of* access to resources} by [10*C1], where 7 C1 = 5.18 C2 by (7 C1)^LOG10(7 C1) = 5.18 @ C2 @ DP, but I’m giving myself an extra (1/2) point for figuring out this equation, but equation is so damn simple, I’m only giving myself an extra (1/2), as even a high school graduate can figure out the cure of/for SARS, *IF* HE HAS ENOUGH LIFE FORCE POINTS TO USE IN THE EQUATION that being the divisor [1+MT]. So, if you were to use IQ of 30 C2 PL = TL that of 1960 NON-nuclear & NON-satellite US technology by [(year – 1900) / 2] = [C2 PL] for NON-nuclear & NON-satellite US technology, use divident of [1+MT]^[1+MT], since you use the 2nd root or square root of 30 C2 PL to get to my IQ of 5.48 C2 DP. NOTE that DP = PL @ low values. If you wanted to use IQ that of HERO‘s Dr. Destroyer @ 125 C2 PL @ 125 C2 LS or Life-Span, then use the *divident* of {[1+MT]^[1+MT]^[1+MT]} because you used a 3rd root or cube root of Dr Destroyer’s 125 C2 PL, if where his LS = his DP, else if his LS = [125/6] @ C2 then his PL = [125*6] @ C2 = about 50 C1 PL or Power Level: {(1+MT)^(1+MT)^(1+MT)^(1+MT)^(1+MT)}, where should be 5 terms of (1+MT), but for 3 terms we assume LS = 125 C2 {= DP that of Godzilla in movie Godzilla 2002} to get to my IQ of 5 C2 DP = 5 C2 PL = [125^(1/3)] = 5 C2 = IQ of 70. But, note that if a guy is @ 25 C2 DP & his life-span is @ [25-5] = 20 C2 DP, then his IQ is @ [25+5] = 30 C2 PL = 30 credits / semester which is an overload schedule: NOTE that you +5 in PL & -5 in LS, though you can, also, do a vice versa, but then your life-span would be slightly greater than average human, so you want to keep maximum life-span @ 20 C2 to have maximum but average maximum human life-span. Where is this going? I’m about to introduce the equation on how to improve your college Grade Point Average, for those who badly need it like myself, who seems to be stuck @ differential equations. This algorithm should help me get out of the limits imposed by reality, by simply reducing credit load to just 1 advanced college math class every other semester by taking the square root of 9 you get 3 but 9 divided by 2 = 4.5 credits of organic chemistry or physics which you can round off to [5 credits / semester] of physics or chemistry @ 5 C2 DP = only 3.08 life-force points @ 3.08 C3 DP or Default Psyche which is a level 1 {MT: or, 2 if you count from 1 to 5 or 4 if you count from 5 to 1} difficulty @ physics or chemistry of 1 class / semester – YES THAT’S LOW CREDIT LOAD BUT I GOT COSMIC LEVEL BAD LUCK TO & WHY I’M TAKING SUCH A LOW CREDIT LOAD NEXT YEAR; SO, THIS = 1 MATH CLAS EVERY OTHER SEMESTER, meaning every 2 semesters I should be able to handle 1 math class @ 3 credits but I’ll have to try it next year as I just ran out of $ (I have to get job after Christmas for that $) – yes, I’m trying to figure out the differential equation for the rocket fuel equation, but how to do it if you suck in math, so I had to come up with an algorithm that being simply reduce my credit load to a point where taking that differential equation class isn’t so much of a burden. But, since, I just ran out of $ for college, I’ll have to try this equation next year. But, for those who still have $ left for college, if you want to get college grades that of more brilliant or more affluent or of better looking students or of those with/of no dysfunctional families, assuming fate has already determined your class grades before you even walk into a college classroom, this equation might help to even the odds for the average male, < females can compute their life-force points by temporarily using COM from the male perspective, where the # of points should be proportional to the mating equation {MEANING a guy @ 12 COM would have [12*(pi+1)] = 49.7 life force points @ C3 DP = 20.065 C2 DP = 20.065 college credits / semesters in engineering, but NOTE that total of [credits*10] = [X*credits], allowing you to alter both your X {which is used to compute your grade for your class} & your credits: this should work for everyone, including cheaters } which I later use for my time travel equation >, where the equation is: # of college credits / semester a student can take = his [C2]. So, a student @ 20 C2 DP would be able to take 20 credits / semesters; and a student @ 10 C2 DP would be able to take 10 credits / semester. Another way of looking @ it is by helping you compute # credits you should take for a particular subject or major based on your life force points which varies slightly differently from his COM if your talents which when for guys the life force points exceeds COM, but getting back to the probability equation of/for grade(s) in decimal form such as .8 being a score of 80, where equation is: [1- {(1+MT)}/{X+(ML)}] for liberal arts < if you’re competing with yourself or competing @ the low end of the IQ scale> but quickly changes to [1-{(1+MT)^(1+MT)}/(X+(ML)] for engineering or if you wish to take advanced college classes or *classes beyond your limits*, where MT (Top Modifier) = between 0 & 2 or @ [0,2], which is difficulty level of college class or an honors class if it’s a high school class, < 0 for English, Economics, Foreign Languages, or/and Computer Science, though if you’re taking a math intensive OPTION for Computer Science, use Modifier 1, which is normally used for Chemistry, Physics, & Music Theory @ Top Modifier @ 1; use Top Modifier of 2 for Math to compute # of credits you can take during that semester>& ML (Lower Modifier) = between 0 & 2 or @ [0,2] which
, but you can’t have both MT & ML @ same time, meaning when using MT, don’t use ML, and when you use ML, then don’t use MT, and where X = [(10*(his C3 PL or Power Level))/semester] = [X*(# of credits / semester)]. But, the 2 summer semesters count as 1 semester if one is pre-occupied else it counts as 2 semesters. So, a student @ 20 C2 DP = 49.28 C3 DP by 20^LOG10(20). Get his credits by [X*(credits)/semester] = [10*(his C3 PL)] = 10*49.28 = 492.8, since his LS or life-span = @ same value that of his DP, then his PL = same as his DP or Default Psyche. The best aspect of this rpg, though there are many or countless best aspects, excluding probability equation for my dating equation which needs some serious update which I’ll do @ a later time, but for now I wanted to discuss a new rule that being RULE # 231 FOR HYPERCUBE: use the # in the C0 unit such as “2” in the C2 for the 2nd dimension, but this only works for objects less than 10 C0, where for objects greater than 10 C0, I’ll discuss @ a later time for objects greater than 10 C0, but for now for objects less than 10 C0, just use the # in C0 to figure out its dimensions, if for example, you wanted to construct a hypercube [ an object, or even a person] @ 5th dimension, use 10 C5: what this does is *shrink* the object to [C0^LOG10(C0) which eventually = 1 = 0! = 1], or proportionally to the decrease in level of point distribution such as for example from C3 @ 3rd dimension to C4 @ 4th dimension to C5 @ 5th, the increase in # of C0 is really a decrease & NOT a increase in level of point distribution @ #, which the # would be magnitude, when combined with a point distribution of C# such as C2 DP. Here are a few clips from V 0.05 for aesthetic reasons which I wanted to save into V 0.2, since they weren’t in the V 0.123456789, and because I wasn’t able to rethink the my original entire thought process for the original HULK example, so I went back to my V 0.05, & cut & paste into this, my V 0.123456789: My thanks to Philippe.tromeur in helping to create a web-page & my thanks to Ken St-Cyr & Steve Miller for the pdf version of (V 0.05) Hybrid rpg. It really looks great. Strength Example: I like to add an *STR example* using the HULK & Galactus & how the Class 1,000 strength varies for both, meaning they are NOT @ the same STR, even though the ‘86 MU TSR rpg says so, UNLESS the “Class” for both are 2 different units of magnitude for their point distribution, since HULK can life a mountain, while Galactus can eat a planet. So, I have multiple different STR equations: 2 of the equations refers one of them to a mutant & other to a demi-god & the 3rd equation in lbs to figure out what each of the first 2 equations really mean in terms of their respective evolutionary scale. A mutant like Dr. Banner or HULK's maximum @ Class 1,000 Strength in the '86 MU TSR rpg means that it's @ a mutant scale: Class = [C2*[(C2/10)^(1/2)]]. Galactus ' Class 1,000 strength would be on a demi-god scale which was posted earlier @ approximately: [C1*[C1^(1/2)]]. So, you convert HULK's Class 1,000 strength to C2 which is then plugged into the lbs. of strength equation: C2^[2+LOG10(C2)] lbs. of strength. Once you derive C1 from Class of some demi-god, you then convert C1 to C2, by C2 = C1^LOG10(C1), which this (C2) is then plugged into : C2^[2+LOG10(C2)] lbs. of strength. Class, mutant scale, = [C2*[(C2/10)^(1/2)]]. Class, demi-god scale, = [C1*(C1^(1/2)] (doesn't apply to Wolverine's adamentium claws which are NOT rated on either mutant or demi-god scale but [human scale, C3], meaning it's entirely possible to construct those things @ sufficient IQ of @ or greater than than of 200) . Class(mt)^2 = (C2^2)*(C2/10); 10*(C(mt)^2) = [(C2^2)*C2]; 10*[C(mt)^2] = C2^3; [10*C(mt)^2]^(1/3) = C2, using Class STR for a mutant. [Class(g)]^2 = (C1^2)*C1; [C(g)]^2 = (C1^3); [C(g)^2]^(1/3) = C1. So, STR = [3.97 * 10^38 lbs.] @ 200 C1, STR of [10^99 lbs.] @ 1,000 C1 for Galactus, latter is used for power stunts like communicating with the Living Tribunal. Using C2(m) = [10*C(m)^2]^(1/3) @ maximum Class 1,000 STR for HULK , his C2 = 215.44 which if you plug in [C2*[(C2/10)^(1/2)]] gives a value of [215.44*(21.54^(1/2))] = [215.44*4.64] = 999.98 = Class 1,000 STR for HULK on a mutant scale. 215.44 C2 = STR of 215.44^[2+LOG10(215.44)] = 1.27 * 10^10 lbs. which seems about accurate if you use this Class 1,000 STR for HULK during the '80s Secret Wars, as well as his berserk STR. HYPERLINK \l "L5" µ3 Page RPG§ = 1.69 Page RPG + details; 3^LOG10(3) = 1.69. 1st, before you even read any rules, start with the symbol 69 in the tv Series Smallville @ 69 C2 @ PL or/and DP: combine it with Rule # 3. Then, 2nd, read RULE # 323, 313, # 7, # 6, & # 3, & then begin rpg. The following is better used with some experience, meaning @ low values when extremely low, such as Example 3 below, it’s for either a super deadly weapon(s) or/and technology; while, for average or/and high values, it can be just about anything, including super deadly weapon(s) or/and technology. In other words, when C1 DP is less than 30, change PL from C1 to C2 to make it more stable because if you don’t change the PL from C1 to C2, you’ll end up with a super deadly weapon like the Ultimate Nullifier which is supposed to exist only @ high values & not @ low values. But, the more stable equations are @ end of this paragraph. Top flight velocity in mph = [(C3 PL)^2]; < The next 4 equation is NOT always the case, but starting point, to figure out a more fundamental equation that can be derived from these 4 flawed equation. > C1 DP = [(C or Class PL @ C1)^2]^(1/3)]; C2 DP = [(C or Class PL @ C2)^2]^(1/3)]; C or Class PL @ C2 = [(C2 DP)*({C2 DP}^(1/2))]; C or Class PL @ C1 = [(C1 DP)*({C1 DP}^(1/2))], but for stability: better to change C1 to C2 for C or Class when C1 DP is less than 30. Example 1: when C or Class PL @ C1 = 5,000, then C1 DP = 292.40; when C or Class PL @ C1 = 500, then C1 DP = 63; and, for Example 3: when C or Class PL @ C1 = 99, then C1 DP = 21.40 which only makes sense @ C2 PL, so you change C1 for 99 to C2, based on common sense, where it’s more stable to C2 PL rather than C1 PL. Height for hybrid or non-elite male humans in ft. = [C3^(1/2)]; so, for the MU character HULK in movie of HULK this summer of 2003, if you [by the height equation] – to create a HULK like character like in the coming movie of the HULK this summer of 2003, to create such a character, follow the following simple algorithm, but don’t forget to change his C3 to C2 after you’ve finished with constructing his C3 DP body - give a very tall black African American adult male body @ slightly more than 2 meters @ height of 7.56 feet & adding a modifier of 1 for his HULK-like appearance to create a HULK-like appearance @ C3 *without* any his powers, he’d have about 71.5 C3 DP by his height of 2 meters for a HULK like body then add modifier +2 in height equation, which then looks like [((6.56+1)+1)^2] = [(7.56+1)^2] = 73.27 C3 DP which you round off to 71.5 C3 DP
for that unique shape or appearance of that of body or/and dimensions of the HULK, length/width/height, but for sake of argument for this HULK character in terms of his body (appearance) with *NO* powers, but as a black man, but then you’d change his C3 to C2, *causing* him to transform into a mutant, meaning HULK gets [2x C2 DP] that of Dr. Banner, at least the version of Dr. Banner that Dr. Banner wants the world to see that particular version of Dr. Banner @ [(1/2) C2 DP] that of the HULK in the movie of the HULK this summer of 2003, and juxtapose this character with that of Dr. Banner, & u got the HULK @ 62.5 C2 DP: that’s the mutant equation: C3 to C2, where C3 is human & C2 is mutant for most minority human males, but for Caucasians, you’d change their C2 to C1 to transform human to mutant, by increasing C# by 1 level or unit, meaning from C3 to C2 DP. COM for ladies (human(s)) = LOG10(C3 PL). To be exact, mph = [10^{{C0}/Y}], where Y = X^2, where X = LOG10(length of object in millimeters); using this, one gets an approximate equation of or for a spaceship size of a satellite, use HYPERLINK \l "L1" µWarp #§ = (C2/111) for @ length of 10 ft or meters; you can even construct this entire rpg from year(s) that the various Godzilla movies were released by giving that Godzilla in that storyline a C2 DP of about [(year – 1900) @ C2 (minor) + C1 (*optional*, C1, which depends on the interpretation of the audience if whether or not to add C1), which is sort of like the “+C” in basic Calculus] @ C2 (major) DP, where C1 = # after you get C2 (minor) by C1^LOG10(C1) which gives you the foundation for HYBRID rpg in terms of laws of physics without math; Warp # = (C2/222) for spaceship length size @ 100 ft or meters which since it’s less than that of Thanos, his spaceship would slowed down somewhat; and, for (C2/333) which is for length of 1,000 ft or meters, where you convert his C2 DP to ft to calculate length of his spaceship @ in unit ft or meters, depending on the dimensions (shape) of his spaceship: L = C2 DP @ ft; and, speaking of LENGTHs of spaceship, USING WWII BATTLESHIPS AS A TEMPLATE @ C3 PL @ 20 C2 PL, IF A MODERN AIRCRAT CARRIER IS @ 39 C2 PL @ 340 METERS by 39^LOG10(39) = 340, meaning you’d have to increase unit of velocity by 1 from C3 to C2 to generate light speed in “Star Wars”, else you’d have to decrease unit of volume by 1 which implies lowering mass & size of object to generate light speed like in Dragonball-Z from C3 to C4, you’d [(C1 PL +/- 10) @ C2] @ ft or meters for those in the storyline of STAR WARS, where the Empyreal Star Cruiser @ 40 C1 PL would be @ [(40+10)^LOG10(40+10)] = 770 meters, but it’s *not* really @ 40 C1 PL based on the Death Star being able to capture it which I didn’t take into account in my earlier V 0.09 to though it’s IMPLIED to be @ that by escaping from the Imperial Battle-cruiser as it’s (the Millennium Falcon) really @ 30 C1 PL [THE IMPLIED OR/& SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE] BEING THAT THE MILLENNIUM FALCON‘S POWER LEVEL IS @ SAME AS THAT OF THE EMPYREAL STAR CRUISER’S 30 C1 PL which is sub-light speed velocity; AND, SINCE THE DEATH STAR WAS ABLE TO CAPTURE THE MILLENNIUM FALCON, THE DEATH STAR’S POWER LEVEL IS @ 40 C1] but the Millennium Falcon @ 30 C1 PL be @ (30-10)^LOG10(30-10) = 49.28 ft diameter. So, Han Solo should be @ 25 C1 DP, rather than 30 C1 DP, unless you want to give his spaceship a much greater FTL. So, then, warp # for large entities like Galactus = (C2/369) @ length of his spaceship @ 10,000 ft or meters; and, so on to: Warp # even larger objects like Eternity = (C2/(999) for an object size slightly larger than a star @ length 10 million kilometers, which @ meters: C2/777. And, Yamato @ 250 C#. xlight speed = -1 + 2^z, where z = Warp # Life-span = [X*C3], where X = 2 when C2> = 20 else X> 2 C4 = C3^LOG10(C3), used in World of Synnibarr rpg: which uses PL for {weapons & objects @ PL} & DP for characters. C4 = C3^LOG10(C3): the more stable equation. C3 = C2^LOG10(C2): the more stable equation. C2 = C1^LOG10(C1): the more stable equation. C1 = CA^LOG10(CA): the more stable equation. TL = [C1/3]; or, TL = [C1/n], where accuracy = [1 - {1/ (n^n)}], where n = 3. C1 = [TL*3] if default Psyche = y @ some 'unit', with life-span @ [y/n], then power level = [y*n] if life-span @ [y-n], then power level = [y+n]. And, vice-versa : if life-span @ [y*n], then power level = [y/n] if life-span @ [y+n], then power level = [y-n], @ some particular 'unit' which generically is C_. COM for guys @ 'unit' C2 COM for ladies @ C1 once you know her C3 'unit' COM for Galactus @ 'unit' C1 but @ Y. COM for Eternity @ 'unit' CA my force-field equation for its diameter in millimeters = 10^[C3^(1/4)], which in 'unit' meters = 10^[-3 + (C3^(1/4))] = 10^[-3 + (C3^0.25)], which in kilometers = 10^[-6 + (C3^(1/4))] humans (males) @ <20 C2, X> 2, due to decrease in TL and, TL for cold fusion increases with size of object, assuming cold fusion for humans @ TL 8 = [3*8] = 24 C1 = 80.35 C2 by 24^LOG10(24) = 80.35. END OF THE 1 PAGE RPG. AND, NOW, EXAMPLES: Combat: HERO rpg’s combat rules that being it’s dice system of (some # less than 18 but close to 18) or less is C2, C3, or C4 for animals, [like referring to the point distribution rather than COMBAT, but NOT exactly like the above explanation, but in the card game MAGIC THE GATHERING, it’s points system is [#/10] but it’s point distribution seems to be all mixed up like ’86 MU TSR rpg, but I could be mistaken. In my rpg HYBRID, the unit of magnitude of C3 is for male minority humans & C2 for elite humans, C1 for low ranking mutants, & CA for magicians. But, most role players of HERO rpg don’t see this fine about the subtleties of this (some # less than 18 but close to 18) or less is just some # @ magnitude @ some C# point distribution such as C4, C3, C2, C1, or CA, which the latter unit CA (point distribution which @ # is magnitude) is used (implied) in both Nobilis & MU SAGA. TELEPORTATION: (Range is proportional to C2 DP of a radius or diameter of planet or star, meaning 100 C2 PL @ range of 10 meters or miles, while 1,000 C2 PL @ range of 10 million km or miles, where the sun is @ radius or diameter of 1 million miles @ 1,000 C2 DP) So, do I really have a brilliant equation for this ? Where for # of meters, range of teleportation = 10^[C2/100], which for # of kilometers or miles (in the cartoon X-Men: The Evolution) = 10^[-3 + (C2/100)], where C2 = default Psyche, [ ASSUMING that he wants his {Power Level} to EQUAL his {Default Psyche} by keeping his Life-Span @ the same level as that of his Default Psyche ] ELSE [ C2 = Power Level, WHERE in this example, Life-Span is DECREASED to allow an increase in Power Level; but, 'Default Psyche' always remains the same FOR that particular life-form or object, ASSUMING the life-form or object is NOT seriously injured ]. THEN, # of meters of teleportation = 10^[(C2^(1/2))/10], which for # of kilometers = 10^[-3 + (C2^(1/2)/10)]. So, Nightcrawler would be @ Life-Span of 20.2 C1 if his Power Level is @ 42.72 C1, when he's starting with a Default Psyche of 30 C1. 30 C1 = 152 C2. [152/3] = 50.67 C2 = 20.2 C1 which would be his Life-Span rating 'IF" his Power Level is increased by a factor of 3 which would increase his Power Level to [152*3] = 456 C2 = 42.72 C1. But, his Default Psyche would remain @ 152 C2 or 30 C1, as long as he's NOT seriously injured. NOTICE that 30 C1 = 152 C2 & 40 C1 = 368.63 C2. You can increase Nightcrawler's power level by a factor of 5 but it would decrease his life-span by a factor of 5. So, by putting Nightcrawler @ 300 C2 default Psyche, he'd be able to teleport a distance of between 1 & 300 kilometer or miles, depending which of the two equation you use, former giving him a teleportation distance of 1 kilometer or mile @ default life-span & power level @ 300 C2 but a distance of 300 kilometers or miles by decreasing his life-span by a factor of 10 & increasing his power level by a factor of 10. You can use C3 as # of points for a Syan character in the rpg Dragonball_Z, where 10^9 points in Dragonball_Z = 10^9 C3 default Psyche = 9 COM for a lady (human) with NO power(s) EXCEPT attraction & procreation(s) = 1,000 C2 default Psyche = 53.96 C1 default Psyche. So, my values & equations "seem" to be on the right track & matches very closely "BY COINCIDENCE" that of other rpgs. They can increase their, including mutants females like the MU Rogue, power level by some factor but @ cost of decreasing their life-span by the same factor # : but, ladies have to use MALE com TO figure out their power level & life-span, rather than through their own COM. NOTICE that 100 C2 = 10,000 C3. Velocity for a Syan in Dragonball_Z is proportional to their total points in/of power level or that of the unit 'C3' in my (free) Hybrid rpg. So, a Syan @ 10,000 C3 default Psyche would have a maximum velocity of 10,000 MPH OR KPH @ 10,000 C3 power level, giving him a 10,000 C3 life-span. If he alters his power level & life-span frequently, his life-span is @ X = 1; so, @ 10,000 C3 default Psyche, his life-span is @ 10,000 years. If he increases his power level by a factor of 10, it would decrease his life-span by a factor of 10, giving him a 100,000 C3 power level but 1,000 C3 life-span. HYPERLINK \l "L6" µNow going back to V 0.3 of HYBRID rpg§: RULE # 230: On a 1d6, this ONLY WORKS @ LEVEL 3 DIFFICULTY: @ economics or English or computer science or @ any foreign language. I’ll provide an outline overview of this rule @ the end of this rule which takes 4 (four) different manifestations, but the following is the 1st of 4 manifestations, with the IQ equation of RULE # 8 being the 5th manifestation. I should be putting this equation @ the very end, but because this new equation seem so exiting, for it accurately predicts Grade Point Average based o any one of the following – COM, age, life force points, luck, or access to resources – that I decided to put it @ the very beginning to give the readers a glimpse into my HYBRID role playing game using the point distribution C3 for total points which is similar [ but NOT exact, meaning approximate] to the point distribution that of GURPS, D&D, & Dragonball-Z. This equation [hypothetically] – but more like an algorithm – on grdes of a dozen different college students, but more like personal observations that I’ve made where their IQ for many of them matches their COM, exception being when a student is gifted THEN you have to go by his life force points rather than his COM {for a female case that, like COM, you’d temporarily apply the male perspective, as majority of power stunts in this role playing game is done from the point of view of the male perspective; by that I don’t mean point of view but conservation of mass & energy, where luck or probability fields is, also, based on his life force points which are examined for analysis from the male perspective. And, my personal observations of for the sample of a dozen college students for whom I have NO idea who they are except for half of them (6 of 12: the other 6, I’ve had NO verbal contact with them what so ever other than noting (observing [from a distance] that) their combination of their personality & COM & other attributes {since COM doesn’t always accurately predict GPA especially if the individual is gifted by that I mean talented where in that case his or her points from the male perspective would deviate from their COM in relation with} their GPA or how smart they are which sometimes simply boils down to, again, access to resources which artificially creates a mirage of intelligence like for example if I were to paraphrase a quote from a book it would stand out as plagiarism because of my lousy grammar but if someone else with superior grammar skills were to paraphrase a quote from a book it would seem like a brilliant insight and that student would get an A grade, and the plagiarized quote would go unnoticed because of his or her superior grammar skills – this is the benefit of having increased access to resources where the whole concept of plagiarism is a tool or method to keep the status quo: a tool to maintain an artificial monopoly on power, as even the very famous Nostradamas paraphrased the bible with his quatrains which in that case Nostradamas isn’t @ 15 CA DP but @ 15 C1 DP = 24.17 C2 DP = 4.92 AMBS, and Shakespeare simply paraphrased Chaucer which puts him @ 15 C1 DP = 24.17 C2 DP = 4.92 AMBS, latter in BESM rpg, but because of Shakespeare’s superior grammar skills, Shakespeare is considered a genius in literature) being mostly only acquaintances. But, I noticed a pattern develop, as I was trying to figure out luck which simply turns out to be access to resources. But, the sample is not that large [since it’s (the sample) only based on a dozen past acquaintances: DISCLAIMER] but it’s (the prediction of accurate GPA) good enough (accuracy). You college GPA will be 1 letter grade less than your high school GPA. The value X = your C3 PL OR Power Level which when = life-span then your C3 PL = DP OR default psyche. Now, next step is to take the (1/Y) root of X. And, finally subtract “1” from the result, though I’m not sure if subtracting “1” is necessary in the last step of/for this algorithm but it seems to give accurate results by doing so, sort of like, well, I was going to use marriage as an example of how marriage documents changes meaning of love, but for some marriage document is a meaningless as a pair of shoes & no longer enforced by the government other than turning ex-husbands sex-clients with ex-wives as nothing more than sex-providers is the modern definition of marriage by the perverted family laws of the most powerful country in the world, US, though Russia had several – maybe a dozen - chances to become # 1, but Russia’s clueless population (sort of like Iraq’s, where its people distrust its leader, sort of like USA, Borg-like or Matrix-like, attempting to assimilate the rest of the human population in the world of all the nations, but USA is considered civilized, even though not a single Iraqi was involved in 911, but USA attacks Iraq (Middle East) to show who is boss like towards end of WWII by dropping couple of atom bombs on Japan before they could surrender to show rest of the world who was boss, makes you wonder if the Holocaust took only 10% of the lives that it claims it did, with other 90% fleeing, as it’s my THEORY THAT Nazi TOOK/DESTROYED 600,000 RATHER THAN 6 MILLION (Jews), but, it’s just a theory, as I’m not fluent in German to check the war records, but does anyone check the war records to see if USA is telling the truth, or does everything just accept it as truth, considering that USA has never told the truth in its entire history other than in regarding the European holocaust of Europe & during its American Civil War, the only 2 times USA has told the truth, latter is debated by some, not me (I don’t’ argue it nor debate it) but by others, even though they (Europe), too had the so-called ethnic cleansing as did the USA for centuries, where the USA government, essentially had the same foreign policy of deceit & deception to gain power, where militarily North Korea is more like USA than any other nation, Russia could learn from North Korea, if rest of the world weren’t so crazy about the dollar bill, so is rest of the world like the character “Falstaff” in Henry IV, but didn’t Falstaff say something like “banish me, and banish the world”, but, then, the Prince & later as king, both times, attempts to banish Falstaff, sort of like the current & previous Bush, whose only universe is Israel, but if I recall correctly Bolingbroke wanted to go to Jerusalem, as they have today since the time of its or their 2nd President that of Thomas Jefferson
(clueless [in terms of politics] Russian citizens distrusting of their government) voted for US (to be # 1 militarily which also [sometimes] means economically & vice versa) rather than their own country, but getting back to what I was saying in regards to my algorithm for calculating how many college classes per semester you can get a particular grade based on your life force points which for most can easily be computed based on their COM, though for some it’s different from their COM, but the last step in my earlier just-mentioned algorithm, there is still some uncertainty as to whether or not to perform the last step, since it’s such a fine detail {the latter part about subtracting “1” from the final result for # of courses you can take (achieve) @ that GPA: the idea being if you can accurately predict his success or intelligence or the lack of based on what reasons then you can get rid of college & simply hand him or her the diploma of her interest without having to pay – figuratively speaking – an arm & a leg for college expenses, but sometimes resources have nothing to do with expenses but rather the environment that he or she is put into which includes the way his or her parents treat him or her with some particular level of trust by that I mean benefits & bias, assuming 2 siblings are treated oppositely in every way from birth – you’re obviously going to get different results which reminds me of a psychology course I’d had taken in the past but decided to drop for personal reasons as I have intense dislike of memorizing facts without understanding why such facts exist the why they do: THE REASON WHY I WANTED TO STUDY MATH, but the professor always skipped so many steps that if I was that fictional character ‘Bruce Almighty’, I’d fire half my college professors, and why due to my lack points
I mostly use theoretical physics for my role playing game HYBRID which is mostly a science-FICTION role playing game in an attempt to figure out how many college classes could the fictional MARVEL character Reed Richards take & get all A’s which comes out to his age in # of WEEKS by [[[123^LOG10(123) @ C3 where 123 = C2 DP]^(1/2)]-1] per semester where each semester = 4 months with summer consisting of 2 but HALF two-month semesters with the latter’s sum would be {(1/2)+(1/2) = 1 summer semester}, if he’s < the MU Reed Richards > level that of DR DESTROYER of HERO rpg @ 123 C2 DP which is @ level that of the cartoon version of the MU HULK, though the MU comic version of Dr Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four seems to be @ between 61.5 C1 DP & 123 C1 DP, where Dr. Destroyer’s 123 C2 DP only = about 27.91 C1 DP which would be written as 27.91 psyche or 27.91 reason in the ’86 MU TSR rpg but if you define Intuition in terms of that of MU Spiderman @ C2
Genesis part of the Bible has or says that man was created first, FIGURATIVELY SPEAKING, but illustrated in example 2 in latter part or on after the next page but the following is example 1: {if you take the square of C1 DP
of {FOR PURPOSE OF AN UPPLER LIMIT WHICH WOULD EXPLAIN THE EXPANSION THEORY OF SPACE-TIME AFTER THE BIG BANG in my rpg HYBRID, where, for example} most beautiful Caucasian woman @ 30 COM to calculate the size of the universe, though I’ve never come across a woman higher than 24 COM unless you want to include Anne Nicole whom I’d put @ 27 COM, THEN you can get for her @ 30 COM, the size of space to create earth-like planet for her existence @ C1 DP comes out to about, [[[(maximum female COM)^(1/2)]*10]^2] = [[30^(1/2)]*10]^2 = [(54.77 C1 DP)^2] = 3,000 C1 DP = the C1 DP of *dimension 3.48* or that of the 3rd dimension of space with a fragment or bit of the 4th dimension but *not* the entirety of the 4th dimension, but if you define her space
, you’d take the SQUARE of his C2 DP = [(1,053.25)^2] = 1,109,332.5 C2 DP which = a very small cluster of galaxies within which would inhabit an earth-like planet for her existence @ 54.77 C1 DP @ 30 COM, where her area of space for that very small cluster of galaxies @ C1 DP [NOT @ C2 DP], {referring NOT to her body, but within what range of space would allow for an existence for an earth-like planet} = about 285 C1 DP @ slightly more than @ Y, where the population of the very small cluster of galaxies in terms of # of galaxies = 23.71 by [10^((285/120)-1)] = 10^(2.38-1) = 10^1.38 = 23.71 galaxies, where its dimension @ 285 C1 DP = *2.45* dimension by taking the LOG10 of 285 = LOG10(285) = 2.45 dimension of space in terms of her C2 DP, where in previous example I defined her larger space (sort of like a fish in an ocean @ C1 compared to a fish in a lake @ C2 compared to a fish in a pond @ C3 after which you SQUARE for each version of her universe to figure out her C2 & C1 after taking the SQUARE of her reference point which in the 2 previous examples I used the reference point of C1 {DP, which if the DP was replaced by PL or Power Level, THEN her reference would be unstable like in one of Jean Claude Van Damn’s movies ABOUT TIME TRAVEL, where 2 bodies from different time-space reference points when touched with each other became extremely unstable is a good example of what would happen if you replace DP with PL for a time travel power stunt, meaning if you look for a *cheap way* to time travel to an alternate time line} in the 1st example & C2 {DP} for in the 2nd example) in terms of C1 DP: so, the range of dimension which would create her earth-like planet for her = range of between 2.45 & 3.458 > necessary to create earth–like planet in terms of C2 DP but getting back to the male human model}, BECAUSE TAKING THE *SQUARE ROOT* OF EARTH’S C2 DP YOU GET C2 DP OF AN AVERAGE CAUCASIAN ADULT MALE BUT IN HIS YOUTH, ASSUMING YOU PUT THE ADULT CAUCASIAN MALE @ 20 C2 DP & YOU PUT THE EARTH @ 400 C2 DP which proves that the earth’s mass & volume has been expanding & growing & increasing {more initially & less later on} for or/and over the past billions of years @ almost in proportion to the coming of man or something equally sentient by the above equation, BUT YOU CAN JUST AS EASILY PUT EARTH @ (1/2) THAT OF THE SUN, GIVING [(1/2)*(1,000)] = 500 C2 DP IF YOU PUT THE SUN @ 1,000 C2 DP, BUT IF YOU PUT THE EARTH @ 400 C2 DP THEN THE SUN IS @ 800 C2 DP, DEPENDING ON YOUR POINT OF VIEW, THEN THE AVERAGE ADULT CACAUSINA MALE WOULD BE @ 22.36 C2 DP BY [500^(1/2)] = 22.36, and since according to Einstein & relativity that time is related to mass of object, you can use hidden mass (mating equation) for time travel. You can, also, use Doppler to figure out rate of inflation which, also, applies to creating monsters. For Example, equation behind Mojo-Jojo of the Power Puff Girls is same equation as that for the humanoid apes of the Planet of the Apes, also, same equation used in MU, where to convert human to mutant, change his C3 to C2. In the movie of the Power Puff Girls, the mutated monkeys represent the cloning equation to = life force of Mojo. Finally, Gambit, a weak mutant initially @ level of Sabertooth, where Gambit’s C2 DP = his age in years, but his C2 DP doesn’t exceed that of Wolverine’s that of 40. DISCLAIMER : WARNING: RULE # 196 is X-rated in that to calculate L, use X = [(C2/10)^2], and RULE # 193 which is NOT meant to be read by kids, since RULE # 187 EXPLAINS homosexuality mathematically, using modifier G @ 11. Movies: Matrix: The contrast or the dichotomy between the agents & Neo is similar to the contrast or the dichotomy between Blade and/vs the vampires & vampire lords in movie Blade, where the Agent uses the cloning equation in similar manner as the vampire lords which made them weak just like the multiple-agent-man in Part II, but in Part I of movie Matrix, Neo, initially, in middle of Part I fights inside Matrix @ level outside that Matrix in Part II, meaning @ 37.5 C2 DP, but towards the end of Part I, he’s fighting @ 50 C2 DP inside the Matrix < which would imply based on Part II that he’s @ 25 C2 DP {MAXIMUM AVERAGE MALE HUMAN PHYSICAL STATS @ 5 MIND, 5 BODY & 5 SOUL OR @ 5 AMBS} outside the matrix in Part I but towards the end of Part I, but, *initially*, the audience is left to belief that he’s @ 18.75 C2 DP outside the Matrix @ beginning of Part I @ 18.75 C2 DP @ level that of Jacky Chan, meaning Neo’s good looks compensates for his bad coordination opposite of Jacky Chan’s good coordination which make up for his bad looks, where in Part I, where Neo @ start of I, when he’s kidnapped, seemed to be @ probably 18.75 C2 DP, close to his real life stats outside of acting as well that being @ 18.75 C2 DP which was my initial OR 1st guess in earlier update version of my rpg HYBRID > which isn’t his full potential. The subliminal message of Part II is that all your stats, including psyche, are doubled in dream state, meaning the heroine’s (Trinity, the female character I the movie - her) stats are @ 18.75 C2 DP outside the Matrix but @ 37.5 C1 DP = 300 C2 DP by 37.5^LOG10(37.5) = 300 @ C2 DP for Morphious in Part I, which is still only 10% power level if total radius or diameter is 10 kilometers of molecular control power that shown by Morphious in Part I while in the Matrix, but I’m assuming I overestimated his power in Part while in the Matrix for Morphious, meaning IF Morphious molecular control power was @ radius or diameter of 1 kilometer rather than 10 kilometers, THEN HE SHOULD BE @ 300 C2 DP IN PART I OF THE MOVIE MATRIX WHERE HIS RADIUS OR DIMATER OF INLFUENCE SEEMS TO BE @ 1 KILOMETER, ASSUMING I HAVEN’T UNDERESTIMATED HIS INFLUENCE BY 90% INSIDE THE MATRIX, but in Part II he, Morphious, seems to be @ 300 C3 DP both in & outside the Matrix in Part II, while the Oracle which I’m not sure if it’s or he’s or she’s not pretending to be @300 C2 DP but seems to be @ power level that of the 2 ghouls in the white suit
in Part II. So, the SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE is brilliantly plotted. But, what I said about Morphious in my earlier update version still applies, meaning Morphious’ C3 DP (if he didn’t have any super powers which as his real self outside the storyline would be @ 37.5 C3 DP) is changed to 37.5 C1 DP while inside the Matrix, meaning his C2 DP outside the Matrix = 150 < since 150 rounds off to 152 C2 DP = 30 C1 DP for Morphious {which if you convert 2 LEVELS DOWN TO: 30 C3 DP = HIS STATUS AS THE CHARACTER “OTHELO” IN THE SHAKESPEAR MOVIE “OTHELO”, where you, also, have the option of giving him or placing him @ 37.5 C3 DP, FOR HIS STATUS AS MAYOR OR CITY KING IN 17TH CENTURY ITALY, IN A OR @ STATUS SIMILAR TO THE 2 FUEDING FAMILIES IN THE STORY “ROMEO& JULIET”, WHERE EACH HEAD OF THE FAMILY WOULD ALSO BE @ ABOUT 37.5 C3 DP, BUT GETTING BACK TO THE CHARACTER “OTHELLO”, WHO’D GET A SLIGHTLY HIGHER STATUS FROM 30 C3 DP TO: 37.5 C3 DP, IF YOU DISCOUNT HIS EPILIPTIC SEISURES ENDUCED BY JEALOSY WHICH REDUCED HIS C3 DP FROM 37.5 TO 30, BUT DISCOUNTING HIS EPILOPSY (ENDUCED BY JEALOSY) WOULD GIVE HIM AN EXTRA +7.5 C3 DP, REQUIRED TO BE MAYOR OR CITY KING IN 17TH CENTURY ITALY, WHERE HIS EPILOPSY GAVE HIM A -7.5 C3 DP WHICH IF IT BEARS ANY RESEMBLANCE TO GURPS RPG WHERE IN GURPS RPG A 40 POINT DISADVANTAGE WOULD BE -40 C3 DP, WHERE THEN HIS TOTAL WOULD PLACE HIM @ [30+40] OR 70 POINTS IN GURPS: 30 C3 DP + 7.5 POINTS OF DISADVANTAGE FOR EPILOPSY ENDUCED BY JEALOSY + {(40-7.5) = 32.5 OTHER DISADVANTAGES POINTS IF YOU WANTED TO MOVE THE STORY FROM 17TH CENTURY TO 19TH CENTURY THAT OF “STEAM-PUNK”, LATE VICTORIAN SCEINCE-FICTION} in the movies Part I & II = timeline of 3,000 AD; so, the storyline of Matrix takes place in the year 3,000 AD, since 20 C1 DP psyche would mean that the genius or the mutant would be in 2,000 AD, assuming evolution is @ 10 C1 DP increments for the “anomaly” every 1,000 years, but it could just as well be every 10,000 years which, THEN, would mean that the storyline is @ 30,000 AD; so, the storyline is taking place between 3,000 AD & 30,000 AD > which is enough to rule the planet earth: so, it’s Morpheous that’s responsible for the creation of the robots which he’s trying to destroy [THE SAME PRINCIPLE (HIDDEN) PLOT BEHIND THE DC SUPERMAN STORYLINE WHERE SUPERMAN ATTEMPTS TO SAVE THE VERY PLANET (DC EARTH) THAT’S TRYING TO RULE BY ALMOST DESTROYING IT IN THE PROCESS. In Part II, while outside the Matrix, Neo seemed to be @ 37.5 C2 DP or (1/2) that of himself while inside the Matrix. The character Morphious is not to be trusted, as he seems to have a hidden agenda which is hidden in Part I but revealed only slightly in Part II. Morphious, while inside the Matrix, is @ 4x that of Neo, in terms of C2 DP, is @ 75 C2 DP inside the Matrix in Part II but @ 50 C2 DP in Part I, similar but opposite that of the Power Puff Girls, who’re @ 75 C2 DP in the movie (meaning Part I) but @ 50 C2 DP in the regular episodes (Part II). In Part II of the Matrix, it looks like to me that Neo is plotting against Morphious, whom Neo still doesn’t trust. Neo attempts to trick Morphious into giving up his prophecy by having a woman (the one with dark glasses) take the fall & die towards the end of the movie, but he decides to change his plans of getting rid of her. It’s, also, possible that Morphious may be using tactical strategy similar to the science-FICTION TV show Stargate, where a group of American soldiers go about vandalizing alien property, hoping the aliens would attack earth, which would help them create an image that the aliens are dangerous creatures not to be trusted, allowing them to maintain their authority of power in manner similar to the Cold War, where the US government use scare tactic to create a trillion $ military budget which could have been used to create utopia but that rather is used to create weapons & an empire, meaning Newton’s law of equal & opposite reaction is maintained, sort of like Enron fiasco, where temporary good times are replaced with bad. ROLE PLAYING GAMES: Yu-Gi-Oh: @ C3 & played @ level that of Godzilla or Gamara. FATAL: is mostly @ C3 for Life Points or @ C2, which is {10*(Level)} for everything, but few parts are @ C4: the C# is mostly @ DP or is meant to be played @ DP, but can be played @ PL, which is given to either spell or/and technology, while the caster or creator is @ DP. But, like most rpgs, excluding ’86 MU TSR rpg & also excluding DC & Dragonball-Z which can be played @ high power levels, FATAL is meant to be played @ low power level. But, note that for DC rpg, [nd6] = @ C1 for super mutant, C2 for average mutant, & C3 for below average mutant such as Batman & for male humans, @ either Default Psyche or Power Level. DC rpg & the ’86 MU TSR rpg are similar in that both use a unitless unit, which in HYBRID rpg is denoted by C0: DC rpg use [nd6], while, the ’86 MU TSR rpg use “Class”, where its body armor is @ C3 but actually C2 which means is that Class 770 body armor is @ C0 770 is @ 770 C3 or @ 50 C2, meaning steal @ 40 should be @ 40 C3 in terms of TL or Technology Level; so, adamantium is @ 940 C should be @ 940 C3 or @ 53 C2 by 53^LOG10(53) = 940: this in one rpg < for which I forget its name > is denoted by 5@3 super body armor; in this rpg < for which I forget its name > X@Y is @ C2 @ either PL or DP, where 2@0 is titanium, since 20 C2 = 49.28 C3: 49.83 C0 = titanium in ’86 MU TSR rpg. HERO: for total points, all stuff written under control of/by/superviced by Steve Long, written @ C3; while, for 250 Point Project, @ IQ = Mecha Points in BESM rpg, though some parts of the 250 Point Projects is @ C3 such as Wolveirne to C2 such as the Juggernaut; so, Wolverine between 40 C2 DP & 50 C2 DP, latter @ 2x C3 of former, < # of points of C3 doubles or triples for every increase in C2 by 10 > , would be @ 368 to 770 C3, so his total points is @ 368 to 770 points; while, the Juggernaut @ average [36 +/- 12] C1 DP has total points 250 Pnt Prjct. But, note that the Juggernaut’s STR is @ 20s C1, between 20 & 29 C1, while, the rest between 36 and 48 C1 DP is used for minor dimensional or time travel or teleportation, & 24 to 36 C1 DP protection from TP attack from Xavier. Also, note that the Juggernaut of 1970s X-Men comics no longer has or/and uses his globular energy blast power(s) which worked like that of the MU Shocker. Also, note that both the Juggernaut & Xavier are equally powerful, but both use their powers differently: also, both their fathers fought over the same woman. Also, note that Xavier as Onslaught “seemed” more powerful than Juggernaut because Xavier was using his powers for TK, and it was part of ploy by Xavier after a truce between the two to get the X-Men to accept the Juggernaut by defeating the Juggernaut as Onslaught, but since Onslaught kidnapped Franklin Junior, Onslaught was thought to be evil for challenging the Avengers & F.F. Fuzion: some parts of which are @ C3, while other parts of which are @ C2, but in different combinations that of HERO. Fuzion sometimes adds or subtractions from base 20, which is for average mutant @ 100% power level, but NOT referring to a super mutant, who’d be @ CA DP rather than C1 DP. So, the base of 20 is @ 20 C1 DP for a mutant, but this is NOT the same when used in equations, when base of 10 is required, for different types of mutants, ranging from human to an average mutant. So, a -2 or 3d6 refers to a mutant @ 18 C1 DP. Synnibarr: mostly @ C3 to C4, while few parts are @ C2 to C3 FATAL rpg: is mostly @ C2 to C3, in terms of point distribution {(C2, higher, to C3, lower) or (C3, higher, to C4, lower or/and less)} & is meant to be played @ low power level like most rpgs, other than ’86 MU TSR rpg & also excluding DC & Dragonball-Z, both of which are high powered gaming, unrealistic, UNLESS YOU USE PROPER UNITS OF MAGNITUDE FOR TOTAL. BESM: AMBS = square root of C2 DP; while, Mecha Points = IQ. GURPS: @ C3. Dungeons & Dragons (D&D): @ C3; Dragonball-Z: @ C3; ZERGs: @ {[C2-10] @ C3}, meaning add an extra +10 C2 DP; Nobilis : @ [CA-10], meaning 20 CA DP = 10 in Nobilis. MU SAGA: @ [CA-10], meaning 10 = 20 CA DP = 49.28 C1 DP. HERO & GURPS, both can be summed up in about 1 equation for every 10 to 100 pages from each their gaming books. CHARACTERS: Real life characters: Anna Nicole @ 27 COM or a 27 on a scale of 1 to 30. (and, now, for fictional characters . . .): MARVEL characters: MU HULK: comic version @ 250 C2 DP = 35.35 C1 DP: @ 1,000 C2 PL when @ 62.5 C2 Life-Span; the cartoon version of HULK @ 125 C2 DP @ power level that of Dr. Destroyer, while the movie version of the HULK @ 62.5 C2 DP @ 125% that of movie version of Spiderman [50 C2 DP], @ 20% less than the movie version of the HULK @ Ultron power level. Spiderman: photogenic supervillain & pretending to be a superhero by fighting crimes which he create, including the thugs that chase Mary Jane, whom, MJ, he rescue(s/d), including (in the movie version) the abuse of Mary Jane by her father probably caused by Peter Parker’s TP, which he later changes to TK for his mutant powers, ex webbing. Galactus: 250 C1 DP = 35.35 CA DP, but if @ 40 CA DP then he (Galactus @ 1,000 C1 PL when @ 62.5 C1 Life-Span when @ 25.35 in MU SAGA) would get 40-10 = 30 in MU SAGA rpg; Tony Stark: 35.35 C2 DP; shape-shift into 12.5 year old; Magneto: if @ 80 C2 DP, shape-shift into a 64 year old, but he’s @ 30 C1 DP in movie, but @ 40 C1 DP in comics. Xavier is @ 40 C1 DP = 368 C2 DP by 40^LOG10(40) in movie, while 50 C1 DP = 770 C2 DP by 50^LOG10(50) in MU comics. Dark Phoenix: 40 C1 DP, while powers of Phoenix is @ 30 C1 DP, while powers of Jean Grey is @ 20 C1 DP. It seems MU tried to boost her powers ~ to her COM, which is ~ to her powers, but neither is linked to the other, since difference determines mutant powers, that being difference between COM and total points, so coincidence is intentional, but there is NO special relationship between the 2, other than MU trying to show how close the 2 are. Sabertooth: 30 C2 DP, but thinks he’s @ 36 C2 DP, reprogrammed genetically by Magneto, in a somewhat similar manner that of (teenage) Nightcrawler’s (of X-Men: the Evolution) halographic watch which create a human appearance for Nightcrawler; in similar way, Magneto has reprogrammed Sabertooth on genetic level. Wolverine: 40 C2 DP; Nightcrawler: 30 C1 DP = 152 C2 DP by 30^LOG10(30). Mystique: 2.34x C2 DP total points that of Nightcrawlwer. DC characters: Wonder Woman: between 20 to 25 C1 DP; Catwoman: powers @ [36 C2 DP] = 6 ABMS from the male perspective; Cheetah(tara): 36 C2 DP; Jon Stewart: 50 C1 DP, but he thinks he’s @ 75 C1 DP. Steve Trevor: @ 25 C2 DP. Clark Kent (Superman): in movies, comics, & tv show is pretending to be good; real goal: to rule DC earth, just as I predicted several(7) years ago, when HYBRID started. Vandal Savage: [(10*(1d6)] @ C1 DP, allowing him to time travel. And, NOTE that Wonder Woman is @ [(5*(1d6)] @ C1 DP = that of Firestorm. HERO characters: Dr. Destroyer was @ 500 points in 1st Champions rpg be @ 44 C2 DP, but in the HERO 5th is @ total of 10,000 points, then @ 100 C2 DP, though to simulate TL or/& generate mutant powers, the effectiveness would be reduced to 81 C2 DP which = 4,388 points by 81^LOG10(81) = 4,388 C3 DP; but, if he used his DP only for TL, he can boost the effectiveness of his DP from 81 to 100 C2 DP: but, the problem with using TL rather than mutant powers, is that for TL to work, you need team work, or group cooperation, and if character is anti-social, then team work may not be his best option, unless he’s willing to work with other mutants. And, note that 25.955 C1 DP = 100 C2 DP; so, by placing Dr Destroyer @ 25.955 C1 DP, his TL is @ level that of AD 2595 technology, assuming you keep his Life Span @ default @ 25.955 C1 which by decreasing, increases his PL which reflect his IQ,; so, by increasing his PL by decreasing his LS, you can increase his IQ. Power Puff Girls: their powers, for each @ 66 to 75 C2 DP, if @ 75 then then their mutant powers @ 58.67 C2 DP by [[[75^(1/2)] -1]^2] = [[8.66-1]^2] = [7.66^2] = 58.67 C2 Default Psyche; while, Mojo is also @ 66 to 75 C2 DP = 2,045 to 3,279 C3 DP in Yu-Gi-Oh, by C3 = C2^LOG10(C2) = C3; and, C4 = C3^LOG10(C3) in FATAL rpg for LP or Life Points ~ to points in Synnibarr rpg. And, now DETAILS ABOUT my rpg HYBRID : #-wise @ his weakest, Galactus @ 123 C1 DP which would give him a PL or Power Level of [123*2 = 246] C1 PL @ Y C0, by reducing his Life Span to [123/2 = 61.5] C1; while, for the HULK by reducing the HULK’s 61.5 C2 Life Span, since he is @ 61.5 C2 DP, at least in the movie version, by [61.5/2 = 30.75] C2 LS, giving him a PL of [61.5*2 = 123] C2 PL or Power Level = STR of 123*{(123/10)^(1/2)} = STR 431: notice the difference of 1 level in the units for those 2 characters. But, Galactus of ’86 MU TSR rpg & in MU SAGA is equally powerful but more powerful than the comic version – so it seems, since the comic version tries to equate #-wise to the HULK, who is @ C2 & NOT C1 - MU SAGA puts Galactus @ average psyche @ 30 rating = 40 CA DP = 368.63 C1 DP which would need to have its LS reduced to [368.63/6 = 61.44] C1 LS: this would increase PL of Galactus to [368.63*6 = 2211.81] C1 PL. So, the 2,000 C0 that you see in the ’86 MU TSR rpg for Galactus is this, while, the 123 C0 you see for the HULK in the ’86 MU TSR rpg is this. NOTE that Dr Dom is @ 61.5 C1 DP, while the HULK is @ 61.5 C2 DP. But, strangely the Beyonder is weaker in the rpg version than in comics. RULE # 227: When you use DP rather than PL for time travel power stunt, if both are @ same #, then your character can or may repeat the time travel power stunt as many times as he likes after recharging until he dies of old age within his life span, but the way time travel power stunt works depends on how you set up the equation for your character, since by altering the equation, you alter his power, since you need to maintain conservation of mass & energy, all you can do is paraphrase the algebraic time travel equation differently, but if he has time travel power stunt only @ PL while LS is low or extremely low, then it can NOT be repeated, why technology @ # is given to PL, exception being for likes of Autobots and Decepticons which are similar to Species in terms of their C2 DP @ 75 ~ to when the tv show vs movie came out for average character, while some characters like the Quintessence exceed this average value, while living organism are given a DP. So, then, below, for the time travel equation, LS is @ default, where to understand this equation start @ 30 C1 DP for the character, and when C1 @ DP is decreased by 2 levels rather than 1 from C1 to C3 rather than from C1 to C2 then # of years +/- = greater @ [10^(((C1 DP)/10)/M)], where modifier M is similar to the equation used for the characters of DUNE where M = LOG10(Y), where Y = radius or diameter of empire in miles or kilometers, for the DC character ‘Vandal Savage’ @ [10*(1d6)] C1 DP, which in/the equation, also, has striking similarity to the fictional character in the (British) tv series “Dr Who”, where you’d want to put the Doctor @ max is @ [2*(average=50)] = 100 C1 DP if the Master is @ 40 C1 DP, but the Master @ max is @ 2*40=80 C1 DP. Anyway, on today’s episode of the “Justice League”, there was a time travel episode that closely followed one of my time travel equations. It, the similarities between my time travel equation & that episode, had striking similarities but it could have been just another coincidence. But, there are multiple different time travel equations, and that episode seem to close match 3 of my time travel equations: 1st) C1 changes to C2, decrease in 1 level after the time travel power stunt shown by Jon Stewart (Green Lantern) has his power ring run out of juice or energy; 2nd) # of years +/- = 10^((C1 DP)/30) which @ 50 C1 DP = - 46.42 years, meaning back to 1945, which would imply or mean that their present time line would be in approximately 1991 but the tv episode take place in 2003 (that’s strange: (maybe) another mystery to be figured out later); 3rd) next time travel equations for # of years +/- = 10^((C1 PL)/100), where if Jon Steward (Green Lantern) is @ 50 C1 DP, then he has to reduce his LS or life-span to human levels (just like in today’s episode) to about [50/3.34] = 14.97 C1 LS, giving him a PL or Power Level of [50*3.34] = 167 C1 PL which when plugged into the 3rd equation < just listed couple of lines above >, you’d get a [– 10^1.67] = - 46.77 years to 1945. And, by the way, 12 Average Mind Body & Soul (the only aspect of the rating system of BESM that’s useful & used here without their permission SINCE MY UNIT C2 DP @ 144 < which I came up with (C2 DP) way before (years before) even coming across BESM rpg; so, it’s a PURE coincidence that they are similar to some extent, with that extent being that AMBS of BESM = square root of my unit C2 DP (by pure coincidence) = < by “pure coincidence” SQUARE OF THIS AMBS & is, this C2 DP by 4 AMBS = 16 C2 DP, where 16 C2 DP or 4 AMBS or 28.18 C3 DP by 16^LOG10(16) = 28.18 = rating for an average guy with that average having (by pure coincidence & coincidentally) about 28.18 points in GURPS & Dungeons and Dragons & Dragonball-Z for someone @ 4 AMBS and why that (comic relief ) human martial artist in Dragonbal-Z would be @ 5 to 5.5 AMBS = 25 C2 DP to 30.25 C2 DP but his stupidity sometimes puts him @ 4 AMBS or 16 C2 DP as he seems to be the weakest character in all the episodes (if you exclude the humans of earth which rarely ever exceed his p.l.) which is used as template for the rest of AMBS which you compare to teenage version (Majin) Buu of Dragonball-Z to measure accuracy of both my unit C2 DP or default psyche & BESM’s AMBS, both being very proportionally (by proportional, I mean that one that being AMBS being square root of my unit C2 DP, based on these 2 templates that Ijust described above & below) similar to each other, also, similar to few(3) or some(4) other rpgs, again by “pure coincidence”, but note that my unit C3 DP < which comes from C2 by C3 = C2^LOG10(C2) > is similar to GURPS & Dragonball-Z rpg & similar as well as well to the rating system of D&D, as well as ZERGS, though ZERGS intentionally or unintentionally is off by 10, meaning their 10 should = 20 & their 20 should = 30 & so on where their 30 should = 40 C2 DP or default pscye which it’s later explained that you can even use my unit C2 DP to calculate rating system of other rpgs such as MU SAGA ) for Dr. Richards of Fantastic Four who is as powerful as (kid version of) Majin Buu of Dragonball-Z, where you’d give them both about 144 C2 DP = 12 AMBS = 12 average Mind Body & Soul = 45,554.22 C3 DP by 144^LOG10(144). So, those 2 characters would get about 45,554 points in Dragonball-Z rpg, as well as 45,554 points in GURPS & HERO 5th as used in HERO UNIVERSE (book (for version 5)). But, note that Reed Richards written under BESM rpg is @ p.l. or @ power level {different in meaning than the term Power Level, as I’m referring to p.l. in terms of power hierarchy} @ about (1/1: the very late ‘90s or the recent version which coincides with the very early version: origin of F.F.) to/or (1/2: during the Secret Wars, Part II, Battle World) to/or (1/3: during the end of the Soul Gem(-/)Silver Surfer storyline ending in F.F. traveling to dimension of Master Order & Lord Chaos, with R.R. having similar p.l. (that’s “power level” not P1, and anyway no such unit ‘P1’ exist in my rpg HYBRID anyway, but I thought I just point it out anyway so there is less confusion about the units used in this rpg) of 88.38 @ 3x or 3x29.46 C1 DP < which is different from 29.46 3xC1 which = 29.46 C1 but has # of points that of 29.46x3 & why 29.46x3 is different from: 29.46 3xC1 DP > = 88.38 C1 DP (@ p.l. that of Forge @ 88.38 C1 DP of X-Factor where Forge’s p.l. grows @ rate of [10*Y], where Y = Z^(1/2), where Z = his age; so, technically Forge during the episode where he battles Apocalypse was taking place in a future timeline, just as this equation predicts which makes this equation very accurate which would then put the timeline of Forge battling Apocalypse @ when Forge is @ age of 78.11 which puts that episode @ about end of the age of Sentinels @ about shortly after when they all about commit suicide, referring to the Sentinels, when the only threat left is Apocalypse (cartoon version) @ 123 C1 DP, who’s @ p.l. or power level (power hierarchy, where p.l. is different from P.L. or Power Level) @ about (1/2) or/to (1/3) that of Stranger (who like Galactus has p.l. range of between X & Y C1 DP: Z C1 DP being for Mistress Death & Eternity, as it’s later explained why & how it’s (the 5,000 mark of ’86 MU TSR rpg roster should put those 2 @ 4,000 rather than @ 5,000 by: {(500*8) by RULE # 3 = 4,000 C1 P.L. or Power Level} & {(500/8) by RULE # 3 = 62.5 C1 L.S. or Life-Span) {’86 MU TSR rpg} is *misleading* (due to having only 1 unit which is expressed in multiple units like using (as an analogy) “dollar” to mean multiple different units such as: ‘dollar’, ‘cents’, ‘quarters’, ‘dimes’, etc. which can be confusing IF YOU USE ONE UNIT FOR DIFFERENT MULTIPLE UNITS AS THE ’86 MU TSR RPG DOES AND WHY I CAME UP WITH MULTIPLE DIFFERENT UNITS LIKE: CA unit for magic, and C1 unit for science-fiction but can be used for humans (females) but not that 10 C1 DP = 10 C2 DP by 10^LOG10(10) = 10^1 = 10 which (C2 DP for the female characters & C3 DP for the male characters) can be used for the characters in the ‘80s tv series “The Littles”, C2 for science & mutants though C2 can be used for humans (guys), C3 for humans which can sometimes be used to classify mutants since C3 = C2^LOG(C2) as such when calculating total points for GURPS characters, and my next unit being C4 for animals (which can be used for the characters in the movie “Planet of the Apes” where a human @ 20 C2 DP STR would get a 20 C3 DP STR *IF* he were a male humanoid ape in the storyline of the movie “Planet of the Apes”) but can sometimes be applied humans since C4 = C3^LOG10(C3) sort of like $1 = 2 half dollars, as an analogy, and even the C0 as temporary unit which the most latter unit C0 to equate to the original value(s) of the ’86 MU TSR rpg which though the ’86 MU TSR rpg is mostly accurate is often *misleading* if one isn’t careful when reading it that being the #s & its 1 unit system being “Class” which is very *misleading*)) but with personality combination of both the Stranger & Galactus, making personality of Apocalypse unpredictable) during the Secret Wars, Part II, Beyonder vs. Infinity) that of the MU (Marvel Universe) comics, since 144 C2 DP = 29.46 C1 default psyche by 29.46^LOG10(29.46) = 144.09. But, getting back to what was it that I originally wanted to say was that I should be putting RULE # 226 @ the end of the game, but maybe the readers might be interested where & in what direction this role playing game HYBRID is headed, though what’s in RULE # 226 might be just a coincidence or something larger, as in when in one Spiderman_2099 issue – Dr. Doom says that everything in the universe is connected somehow no matter how disconnected 2 or more events or objects may be (something to that effect, as I don’t recall the exact words that the comic book character used but it was pretty profound which was, also, about that time that my rpg HYBRID [my interpretation of science-FICTION & RPGS – since it was so different – someone suggested or said that it seemed like a new game & others seems to think it, my set of rules, was an entirely new game, and so I decided to come up with a name for my new game & came up with “HYBRID”, since I wanted a role playing game with the best features & went about it, and coincidently lot of features in this rpg HBYRID is similar to other rpg, but that’s just PURE COINCIDENCE, as I came up with it entirely on my own, for the most part, though other science-FICTION stuff has had some influence on the direction where this rpg may be headed, but I wanted a game where a single # could tell everything about an object or event like the chemical periodic table which to a chemist can tell lot about the various elements & complex compounds, and I wanted an rpg in the same spirit, where a single rpg table – so to speak - would attempt to encompass all the rules), so I’ll make an exception, this once, maybe, and put this “new” RULE # 226 @ start of the game, before the introduction & way before RULE # 225 which is, also, very interesting in it own way. But, what’s interesting about RULE # 226 (which I’m about to discuss) is that you can use the distance between a (either a worm hole or black hole) and earth in science-FICTION literature [as I’ve just noticed another pattern which I can put into an simple equation, to be more exact into format that of a LOG10] to calculate how (the most) powerful the character is in his universe. I was pondering the distance of the worm hole from earth in the science-FICTION tv series “FARSCAPE” & noticed lot of similarities right away, just now, with almost a dozen other science-FICTION stories ranging from the ‘80s tv cartoon series “Masters of the Universe” to the movie sequel “Planet of the Apes”, even including the Digimon universe of the cartoon series of the 21st century. The is new equation works nicely with RULE # 3 [one of the most important rule] which is used to construct powers, skills, talents, resources, appearance, COM, gender, nature & size of his universe, etc. What RULE # 226 does is that it uses distance of a worm hole or black hole from earth that the science-FICTION enters to travel to an alternate universe, by taking the LOG10 of the distance in # of light-years & multiplying it, the LOG10 of the distance in # of light-years, by 10, the result gives a rough estimate to the power level of the most powerful character(s), WITH 1 EXCEPTION (like everything in life having 1 or more exception(s)) that being for the science-FICTION movie, Black Hole (not the original, but another movie by that same name, though not sure if this 2nd movie was by that same name, but this 2nd movie had some scientist create an artificial miniature black hole @ 30 C1 PL (assuming the singularity was faked): this movie is an exception to RULE # 226 which if # is positive then the character is on a macroscopic scale else if # is negative then the character is microscopic or atomic or even on subatomic scale like (for the latter case) for the kids in the cartoon series Digimon: this rule can, also, be used to dreamscape, where the appropriate negative # gives size of the portal (sort of like in the tv series “Sliders”) through which the soul enters just before entering dream state or some alternate or parallel universe, in manner sort of like in manner similar to the tv series “Quantum Leap”. Think of the portal as either a wormhole or a black hole with [>0] g. DISCLAIMER, continued, but NOTE that 2% of this rpg HYBRID is 2% X-rated & other 2% is R-rated, so be warned that it’s 4% dirty: 4% of this rpg NOT suitable for kids. Although few(3), maybe more, of my rules in my rpg may be incorrect and although couple(2) of my probability rules may be infested with errors & typos, this game is playable for the most part, as I’ll correct the typos & errors @ a later time when I figure out how to better correct those few(3) errors, though there might be more than a few errors & typos, especially which I hope you excuse & forgive my horrendously bad & atrocious bad grammar which (@ a later time ) I’ll improve upon, my grammar, @ a later time, when I have more time to spare, as I just don’t have a lot of time now to improve upon this rpg, but with what little extra time I have to improve upon this rpg, I’ll certainly make the effort to make whatever improvements that I can to make this rpg HYBRID more readable & playable & enjoyable. THANKS. And, now the rpg HYBRID, but before I begin this beautiful rpg HYBRID of mine which you may either take as a ‘Comedy of Errors’ or as ‘The Greatest Rpg’, though this greatest rpg HYBRID still has many errors & typos which needs to be taken out & replaced with more error-free & typo-free rules, though most of the rules, maybe about around 90% of the rules are ok, for the most part. But, before I begin the rpg HYBRID, you might want to take down some notes, so I recommend my favorite writing utensil: the Pilot Varsity is a great writer for a $2.5 fountain pen that can, also, be used as a very excellent dip pen. DISCLAIMER: This rpg of mine, HYBRID (rpg), is simply my interpretation of MU & DC comics, and rpgs in general @ about 1 dozen rpgs in general, such as the ’86 MU TSR rpg, and other science-fictional literature, movies, and cartoons, such as the ‘80s “Star-Blazers”, using a super simple set of a dozen CORE RULES (which like trying to pinpoint which part of the body contains the soul, similarly is sometimes difficult which dozen rules is the CORE RULES, since the rule have a symbiotic relationship amongst each other like between the MU character Peter Parker & his mid ‘80s to late ‘80s Venom costume, so it’s really difficult to just say these 12 rules are the CORE RULES, as almost any 12 rules could be considered CORE RULES, but regardless which 12 rules you pick as the CORE RULES, 6 of these 12 rules would have to include RULE # 3 (RULE # 3 IS USED TO ASSIGN POINTS WHEN CONSTRUCTING CHARACTERS & OBJECTS, AS LATER RULE # 3 is used to either reinforce or create the rule of advantages & limitations which these 2 latter concepts are simply Doppler & resonance theory to each of the limitations & advantages, which are sort of like the north & south pole within a magnet, where the north & south pole is everywhere through the magnet, regardless of where you cut up the magnetic, the same similarly exist with(in) the concept of advantages & limitations in my home brew rpg HBYRID in regard to Doppler & Resonance Theory which are used as building blocks for my rpg & its rules ) & RULE # 7 (THE FORCE FIELD EQUATION) WHICH ARE USED AS BUILDING BLOCKS FOR OTHER RULES – though these dozen or so (as the # of rules for my HYBRID RPG increase @ rate of either biweekly or monthly increment of 1 rule) rules used to create these basic dozen CORE rules is all theoretical & subjective using my particular bias of science that being you can use science to rewrite the rules of science (meaning science is only set of codes like using another analogy like a particular code for a color in HTML, where just like HTML is a language, so, then, so is science, just another language which can be altered if one knows how (I don’t because I don’t have enough points (my IQ in terms of *intuition* is only that of Kepler, the guy who thinks stellar objects have a vote in the way human destiny is played out: I don’t put too much credence into that astronomy mumbo-jumbo to the extent that Kepler did, though there might be a *sliver* of truth to it else why would some scientist attempt to program computers to figure out Kepler’s & Nostradamos’ reasoning of how one could predict the future: how is shown in another rule of mine using simple +, -, /, & *, where you apply reverse math operation on PL (power level) that is used on LS (life-span) and vice-versa, the same rule used by that fictional character in the tv series “Dead Zone” where in my rpg HYBRID he would decrease his life-span to human level allowing him to increase his PL or power level, sufficient enough to calculate probabilities like a super computer & create a holographic (so to speak) version of future or past based on various telepathic inputs): another rule in my rpg HYBRID) that consists of using theoretical physics (mostly consisting of Doppler effect & resonance theory which, figuratively speaking, create paradigms like either DNA helix or graph theory such as TK & TP being source of *all* mutant powers (on a conscious level in terms of how that power is being used, though most aspects of the construction process may be on a subconscious level like using an analogy a low level computer language vs a high level computer language which using this analogy which is represented by a particular tachyon field which represents a particular power stunt, including on *subconscious level* like in the movie ‘Lawnmower Man’ physical attributes, skills, talents, wisdom, looks, personality, destiny, etc.) to create a set of science-FICTION rules for my rpg, HYBRID, where these set of rules can be used to rewrite science within a science-FICTION context, such as shown in movie Matrix. This, *to some degree (extent)*, as there are **other rules** besides those used in storyline that of the movie Matrix being somewhat similar to that of my rpg HYBRID, which consists of *other rules besides those few mentioned* is how HYBRID rpg works or at least how it started to gain form & substance. Many many years ago the 1st science-fiction movie that I saw was Superman (Part I). This 1st movie that I saw was followed by Star Wars (Part I), not sure about the exact order as to which movie I saw 1st as it was such a long time ago, but both movies had 1 basic theme, but that basic was so well camouflaged that I don’t know of anyone that seemed to have picked up on the subliminal message that being the so-called distance planet was none other than earth in the distant future which was the hidden theme but IMPLIED, meaning *NOT* directly stated BUT *implied*, meaning before the movie Star Wars (Part I) starts, you, the audience, is given an introduction with “…… a planet far far away in galaxy far far way”: that planet was “supposed to be” earth in the distant future (*not* the one that Luke was on which was supposed to be Mars, but the so-called human populated planet in Part IV was “supposed to be” earth in the distant future: this is *IMPLIED*, not directly stated anywhere & you won’t find this stated anywhere either other than being implied. But, getting back to the movie Superman (Part I), the so-called planet Krypton explodes or is destroyed by the red star in the movie, though (in ‘90s DC comics), it’s destroyed by the ‘Eradicator’, one of Kal-El’s (son of Jorel: the last son of Kryton) alter ego being the ‘Eradicator’ in ‘90s DC comics. But, that so-called planet Krypton is “supposed to be” earth in the DC universe in the far far future, at least that’s how I interpreted the movie, and the so-called last son of Krypton or Kal-El (is like a Jinn, a supped up version of Batman, where Superman like to give the false impression that Mxyzptlk is a supped up version of Superman) is put in a time-machine by Jorel, Kal-El’s father, who programs the spaceship to take his son to the primitive past of 20th century, plus(+) or minus(-) 1 century, but in the tv series “Smallville”, it’s possible that his father or parents had an extra time-machine(s) which they used to get back to their son but appeared too far back into the past by a few extra centuries (reason behind the drawings in the caves) & when they attempted to reset their coordinates to that of their son’s space-time coordinates, maybe their spaceship ran out of fuel or whatever or maybe they just got lost somewhere in an alternate universes, sort of like the tv series “The Sliders”, where they attempt to get to their earth but are unsuccessful. So, these few Kryptonians (similar to the tv series Roswell) that managed to escape the red giant star years before it engulfs the planet earth, their DP would have to have been @ 83.33 C1 DP to initiate a time-jump but an extra factor of 3x or 250 C1 DP @ Y if on arrival their C1 DP is reduced by a factor of 3x or (1/3) that of 83.33, since time travel reduces the point distribution by 1 level, from C1 to C2. So, if they were @ Y or 250 C1 DP, their new DP would be @ 250 C2 DP which is about between (1/3) to (1/2) of 83.33 C1 DP, but, assuming they traveled billions of years into the past using the time travel portal equation which I just made up but goes like this (but I got idea for this from an episode of STNG regarding the fictional character Chakotay travels through a time portal; after thinking about it, I figured out (in terms of science-fiction using science-fiction rules) how large a portal would be & @ what power level which increases or decreases by factor of 1000x every +1 or -1 level, meaning 1000x more when DP goes from C2 to C1 and 1000x less when DP goes from C1 to C2: I got this ratio using an article I read on relativity where Einstein makes a comment on the size of the time portal @ a particular power level that someone wrote about in some article that I read a decade ago which I would later use (years later: this little tidbit of science to construct the various effects @ different PLs) that being today to figure out the how large or small the time portal would be based on the unit of point distribution. An example of this is given in another STNG, where the chief engineer send a message through time using a particular PL which matches (maybe) the estimates made by Einstein: the same power level that of one of the members of the fictional DC Justice League, that Martian guy with shape-shifting (power), telepathic (power), and power to phase through objects like the MU Shadowcat, where Shadowcat is about 80% power level that of the DC Martian guy (I forget his name; I’ll look it up later). So, in recent episode of Justice League where that Martian guy talks about his planet being taken over by aliens is lot of baloney & hogwash, meaning he ain’t telling the (whole) truth, the parts that make him look bad, since most so-called cartoon or otherwise super-heroes of comics have some kind of persecution complex like the MU HULK where they pretend to be persecuted to gain sympathy where in fact they have ulterior motives Some of you may of no interest in my rpg, HYBRID, as parts of it consist of my interpretation of MU & DC comics, such as members of the Justice League being a bunch of crazy mutants pretending to be super-heroes: lesbian female mutant Wonder Woman, business tycoon, Bruce Wayne as Batman, who wants take over all big corporations & companies in Gotham, a mutant pretending to be a Martian, another mutant thinking that he’s from different planet other than DC earth, still another mutant, Flash, think he’s from the 24th century, with basic premise of most super-heroes are super-villains pretending to be heroes, while super-villains are super-villains *NOT* pretending to be heroes but honestly goes as super-villains & why I give them credit for being honest, as most so-called fictional super-heroes are, also, super-villains, but just better disguised & lot more deceitful: cynicism, something Lex’s father has plenty of & trying to impart on his ungrateful son, who seems to have an oedipal complex as in recent episode he tried to marry his father’s ex-girlfriend, who goes after Lex (meaning to try to get him to marry her) as his father thinks women are capable of deceit & mischief like, for example, as said in the an article in a recent magazine of ‘Business Week’ that more calculating women are taking away higher paying white collar jobs away from the clueless men, leaving only lower paying blue collar jobs for the clueless men, (if not controlled) more so than men, unlike his trusting son when it comes to the opposite gender, but like that quote his father uses on that wanna-be reporter,”You’re in the real world, now. You have to give something to get something”, a somewhat similar principle Lex Junior uses to get the vile of blood that his girlfriend was keeping from him, where she preaches to him that honesty (but she *doesn’t* practice honesty as she’s sleeping with *both* the father & son) should be important in any serious relationship, but after finding about Lex’s interest in Clark, she continues to keep the file of blood of Clark a secret for her future husband, causing the soon announced engagement to be broken just days or weeks {time is so relative in fiction) after their announced engagement in the tv series “Smallville”. So, *CYNICISM* is used as the basic rule of HYBRID rpg & that earth is the *only* planet with life in this Milky Way galaxy, and anyone either fictional or non-fictional character claiming otherwise is either crazy or creating a complex illusion or marriage, or may simply be in a different space-time coordinate, allowing him to create an illusion of being on a different planet, as the planet earth rotates on an angle & its moon causes vast changes on earth’s surface over millions of years, as well as IF humans were to colonize different habitable planets, over time it might appear to someone @ or from ancient space-time coordinates that there are other planets with life-forms, an illusion created in the Star Trek storyline, where they leave out that traveling faster than light they’re traveling into the future, where humans colonize other planets as well as the evolution of humans & perhaps genetic engineering, all of which create an illusion of galaxy will with life-forms which is not true in Star Trek if you look @ it from a linear point of view. So, my role playing game, HYBRID, starts with the following analogy or/& template or/& as example as how you can use simple reasoning to figure out complex issues which require lot of complex math which most of us, including myself have little background in that being I know very little & almost no complex math beyond the 1st year level of physics, calculus, and chemistry, but my rpg does NOT get any more complicated than high school level math, and not even that complicated, since most of the stuff that my rpg is based on is theoretical, with very little number crunching, and the process is made exponentially simple by my device of creating the units {etc, CC, CB, CA, C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, etc.}, where one can figure out complicated theoretical stuff with *NO* advanced math, allowing one to figure out science-FICTION on science-FICTION level, such as H.G. Well’s Time Machine for which I wrote a rule somewhere in my huge list of rules but I forget what # I gave it which is an approximate estimate but not exact. ==== So, where is this going ? Well, similarly, you can use 6 of the MU characters to create a simple power chart to construct other characters & rules how mutant powers work. The super simple power chart is as follows: the editor in chief of the Daily Bugle @ 10 to 20 C2 DP, depending on several factors, Tombstone & Sabertooth (both) @ 30 C2 DP, Wolverine @ 40 C2 DP, Colossus @ 50 C2 DP, Omega-Red @ 60 C2 DP, and Shadowcat {Kitty Pryde (I think she’s called)} @ 70 C2 DP. But, getting back to my newest equation which when you reverse my newest rule which I’ll explain in a minute & look @ the exponent, you realize something really neat that the exponent represents dimension, meaning the squaring would be like using “2” for the 2nd dimension on a universal scale & so on in both directions +1 & -1 which where ‘exponent’ 1 represents 1st dimension which I used on the fictional characters the ZERGS to figure out their level of technology, and when use the ‘exponent’ 3 {sometimes similar to my earlier hypercube equation of using # @ C such as C2 @ 2nd dimension & C3 @ 3rd dimension < but C2 being greater than C3, meaning you’d need lot more C3 to equate to C2 > to calculate dimensions of a hypercube} you can figure out how the fictional technology of the BORG work which Captain Jameway is trying to capture or/and destroy if she can’t use it herself, latter meaning making it her own, but wouldn’t that be plagiarism on her part, on part of Captain Jameway to make BORG technology her own - a little humor, a joke on my part to simply point out the fallacies of plagiarism where to do so by the weak is illegal but to do it by someone of influence is ok, where a person with very little resources, committing plagiarism is a crime, but if someone of vast resources were to do it then it’s completely legal (EXAMPLE: a professor tells students not to use cliff notes, but then uses it for the lectures): that’s the hypocrisy of plagiarism: it’s a modern tool to keep the status quo, meaning to keep the poor in their proper place, figuratively speaking; a form of social & sometimes intellectual discrimination – some of which I just posted as my new RULE # 224 (using one of the newer dating equation < of taking the square root of her C2 DP to calculate his C2 DP as her ideal match : it works out so nicely that I’m not sure why I didn’t think of it last year, (maybe good things come slowly), anyway, as I was saying, the same principle is applied for time travel, where you calculate the square root of the C2 (@ either PL or @ DP, but for best results use @ DP, unless it’s technology which in that case you’d want to use PL, such as in the case for the MU Sentinels created by Dr. Trask, though in the ’86 MU TSR rpg several other scientists made contributions for the creations of the (anti-mutant (unknown to the others)) Sentinels, such as Tony Stark, Professor Xavier, Reed Richards, {not sure if Dr. Pym made any research or contributions as I had read it 16 years ago, & I don’t recall all the details}, as well as Black King of the Inner Circle (you know the gang that Jean Grey as Dark Phoenix tried to join under the advice & guidance of the White Queen, until Cyclops with help of Professor Xavier convinced her to return back to the X-Men, at least that’s how it was told in the MU comics, far as I recall, though my interpretations of events in MU comics is sometimes different from official MU history, where I assume that because most of the mutants joining these mutant teams were young & impressionable, they didn’t have all the facts about the nature of the teams that their leaders were keeping from their mutants members & students, or simply went or joined whatever group wherever that the wind carried them, so to speak, in terms of which both the personality of Cyclops & Jean Grey are similar) and few others, names unknown, but the chest laser canon of the Sentinels was designed by Tony Stark, far as I know it) of the universe to figure out the necessary C2 DP that he would need to time travel, but the same principle can be applied to other units such as C3 & C1, but the effects are different than from C2 for some unknown reasons, as I haven’t yet figured out why the effects are different when C1 & C3 unit is applied, but the ideal unit for time travel is the C2 unit, the same unit used to calculate male & female ideal matches for each other > & COM equation to figure out PL or power level required for time travel (IT WORKS @ ANY SCALE ON ANY OBJECT: it’s totally awesome & so simple, but my {DISCLAIMER:} (that) 2 of my equations for calculating probabilities on chance of success for a guy to score with a woman (the equation(s)) are somewhat flawed as there seems to be more than 1 type of psychology (1 or more of 6 types: housewife, working mom, feminist, prostitute, lesbian, or/and criminal, some of whom, some of these ladies, commit marriage fraud) in the thought process in women, meaning they don’t all think alike which complicates my equation(s), rendering my 2 of my equations meaningless but these 2 equations have little to do with RULE # 224 which is lot more accurate, since I leave out probabilities, which my rpg always has a tough time figuring out & why I never took to using dice in role playing games & prefer to use simple equations to figure out outcome such as the C2 to C1 ratio used on Jean Grey in the cartoon series “X-Men -the Evolution” in regards to the 2 main guys (boyfriends) in her life (where the ratio of C2 (human, since he’s in his 20s C2 DP) to C1 (while Scott Summers is in his 20s C1 DP {default psyche})
is used on her by the narrator, as well as in this rpg for years, but just now used by narrator behind the cartoon series (so, I must be on the right track in terms of my rules *if* all, at least most **seem to**, science-fiction media **seem to be, or it could be just coincidence or/and parallel thinking along the same line of thought**, most using a similar set of rules, similar to my set of rules (for example, like even, H G Well before I was even born): the rule is so simple that I’m not sure why I didn’t think of the rule last year in 2002, but I don’t know what would happen if I change the exponent from “2” to something else: its works for “2” {exponent) but I don’t know why, since the rule is based on my intuition or intuitive quantum mechanics, meaning “common sense”, meaning there is *NO* real science proof other than my word that it *might* work, since my calculus totally sucks, as I still can’t get past the Calculus-3 which his 1st college text book for Calculus, meaning anything more complicated than basic calculus is beyond me and why I use only high school level math BECAUSE MY MATH SUCKS SO I’LL BE CHANGING EVERYTHING COMPLICATED TO SIMPLE ALGEBRA: ALL OF WHICH IS SCIENCE-FICTION: note the “FICTION” IN ‘SCIENCE-FICTION’, THOUGH ALMOST **ALL** SCIENCE-FICTION AUTHORS USE MOST OF MY RULES SINCE THE 1ST SCIENCE-FICTION BOOK THAT OF H G WELL’S TIME MACHINE uses similar (**implied**) theories as I’ll be discussing later) which (RULE # 224) is NOT X-rated, but for a sample of an X-rated rule (below is sample of X-rated material) for this rpg HYBRID is for ages 19 or above for 10% of the content is X-rated, though remaining 90% of content is for all age. The following is one of the rules as a sample of the X-rated stuff. So, if you’re a minor, read @ your own risk, as I’ve included a rule that proves mathematically that homosexuality is *NOT* genetic but psychological in nature, meaning gay men are *NOT* maximizing their profit & pleasure but rather minimizing their profit & pleasure by avoiding women, while it’s the opposite for women, where any lesbian woman would be a feminist & attempting to maximize profit & pleasure @ expense of men,(not referring to his wallet), meaning a strait heterosexual woman should attempt to minimize profit & pleasure by *NOT* avoiding men, mathematically speaking: at least that’s how the math works out in my rpg, the economics behind physics (acceleration or attraction) of sex. WHY ? *IF* I were a woman (which I’m NOT), I’d rather date women as they’re OBVIOUSLY better looking than guys, but it’s duty of every strait woman to minimize profit & pleasure & NOT avoid men, assuming she isn’t married or taken (so to speak, though that doesn’t seem to stop the women on Howard Stern, if though some of them are married & still take off their cloths for strangers for money or fame which is prostitution, as well as adultery as few of those women are married or engaged, about as bad as the “Man’s Show”, which is just a porn tv show & auto to be criminalized if females wanted to be treated as equals. Porn is definitely worse than reading an X-rated novel, in moral terms. ABOUT THE COMING UPDATE: “New” rule on dating & COM used to figure out PL or power level required for time travel. This new rule doesn’t give probabilities for chance of success for a guy to score with a woman: the 2 previous equations to calculate probabilities may be incorrect, but best case scenario is 1: 2 ratio of his to her COM. ABOUT ME, THE AUTHOR OF THIS INCREDIBLE RPG, HYBRID: Well, for starters, I have tendency to write in such a way or structure or format THAT resembles the laboratory of THAT fictional cartoon character “Dexter” in ‘Dexter’s Laboratory’, where he, ‘Dexter’ had his oldest inventions @ the very bottom of his multi-story basement & his newest inventions @ the very top of his multi-story basement: my natural tendency when writing is similar in format & style that is to write in a similar structure or style or format, meaning my natural writing style has a tendency that of putting the conclusion 1st & the introduction last, in reverse order of how everyone else writes (AND, NO I DO NOT HAVE DELEXY, where those see/read letters backward): I prefer to write new ideas on top of old ideas; but, what’s considered normal way of writing, you’re supposed to put new ideas after old ideas, giving the reader window on how the ideas are developed (as the normal way of writing). BUT, IF I WERE TO DO THAT, ALL OF MY MOST interesting ideas would be @ the end & be left unread, as most have tendency to give up understanding my rpg HYBRID after the first few pages, when the most interesting stuff is @ the end, at least that’s how it’s supposed to be (if I were to write in a normal manner) that being the most developed rules would be @ the end, if I were to follow the rules of proper rules of grammar, but maybe I’ll more proper grammar in my next update, maybe next year in my 2004 update, by which time, hopefully, my grammar will have improved somewhat. But, since the rest of the human race puts the introduction 1st & the conclusion @ the end, well, I decided adjust or evolve (not that I believe “fully” or “completely” in Darwin’s Evolution, since the choices life-forms make plays a part in how the kaleidoscope of different evolutionary paths, “but that’s getting beside myself” (I think that latter part or the quote is from a professor @ CIT or California Institute of Technology where he took part in PBS series “The Mechanical Universe” (my 2nd favorite television series, right after ‘Dr Who’, though the 1st tv program that I really enjoyed as a child was, well, (I forget the name), it was sponsored by ‘Mutual of Omaha’ on the animal kingdom, as I’m a great fan of National Geographic, but not much of an outdoor person, as I’m not much of a rugged person, but, again, “I’m getting besides myself”, again. And, getting back to parts of my past that has influenced this current role playing game that I’m still working on, HYBRID, which is still INCOMPLETE & may be (only) between 16.5% to 33% complete, and still another 67% to 83.5% to go, before it’s publishable, as it is currently, it’s makes interesting reading & may even be playable for those who “think” like me; but, for those that don’t, the rules are far from complete, for those who prefer to memorize the rules, rather than understanding them which reminds me of a person I was communicating with who said to me that the EGO stat in HERO rpg equates to ‘willpower’ rather than as a measurement for mental powers, but I recall reading somewhere (not sure where, unless I imagined it), where it said that EGO was used for mental powers which IF SO then all attributes (including physical are result of EGO, which = “Psyche”, in ’86 MU TSR rpg, IF physical attributes are manifestations of EGO on a subconscious level, in manner sort of like the movie, “Lawnmower Man”. And, this game, this rpg, HYBRID, was created by me but influenced by many other sources which I’ve given credit later on (pages down) before the rules begin, I’ve created the rules, where laws of physics in my rpg, HYBRID, match or closely resemble laws of human psychology & economics, where for example, “love” is simply attraction to hidden mass which influences the subconscious by lines of force with constant acceleration or “attraction” similar to gravity or opposite charges but proportional to beauty or COM, sort of like you dropping an apple anywhere on the planet where that apple would have the same acceleration, similarly is how define “beauty”, where all men would be attracted to some particular woman @ the same rate acceleration but resistance creates an illusion of different in beauty, whereby you can illogical human constructs like beauty contests, where all the guys already know which woman is most beautiful (and, maybe even the women, themselves), but why everyone participate in such a farce when everyone already knows the conclusion or the end result is beyond me for the moment, as it’s sort of like rolling a dice (how most rpg players determine chance of success) when you already know what your odds are based on the information, but the only person allowed to have that information in most rpgs played by most is that only the GM is allowed to have all the information, but if players were to use some common sense, one could easily predict the outcome; but, *(it seems or doesn’t seem)* that the way I see as role playing, most others wouldn’t. So, what is role playing ? I see rpgs as another form of science-FICTION, but the way others see rpgs it’s just to have a good time without caring about the substance of the rules, sort of like using a ritual without caring about its significance (I could give examples, but then I’d be making a political speech rather than discussing my rpg, so I’ll try to refrain myself from giving a or any political speech, though @ times I do slip & make a speech. And, when that happens, you can skip my little speech & move on to my next paragraph, if the paragraph happens to have an ending, as I have tendency to write a run-on paragraphs. Why ? I like to write that way). And ? Well, when years ago, when I said that the average Caucasian woman is 2x (depending on how define linear scale) more beautiful than an average black or oriental woman who are 4x to 8x more beautiful than rest of the women, but this isn’t always the case since you have to take few other factors into considerations such as height, age, weight, general appearance, muscle tone too much of which (muscle tone) on a woman can make her look less beautiful than if she never got involved in weight lifting which such activity reduces her beauty by making her more masculine which is less beautiful, but lack of proper well good muscle tone [but NOT too much of it] it can also make her look ugly [if she’s scrawny looking] as she needs to maintain that perfect balance between too little & too much muscle tone, though some women have the right balance {NOT referring to those anorexic looking super models who needs to add or put on some more weight} with little or no or without (any) exercis(e/ing), while exercising for some other women doesn’t increase her beauty other than lowering her cholesterol level & lowering her chance of getting a heart attack: I was called a racist for saying saying that the average Caucasian woman is 1x or 2x more beautiful than the average black woman, and in the extremely rare occasion 3x, but very extremely rare for a woman to be @ 3x, with average being @ either 1x to 2x. And, contrary popular opinion, beauty can be defined mathematically. But, if you’re going to give me an extreme example such as comparing the two fictional MU characters ‘Aunt May’ & ‘Storm’, obviously ‘Storm’ is better looking than Spiderman’s aunt (not referring to the on ein the graave but when she was alive in the comics before her death in those same comics: she probably prettier when she was younger in a couple of issue of Spiderman in the clone saga). But, if you compare Jean Grey of ‘X-Men: the Evolution’ (NOT the ‘90s comic version (though the one that was the best drawn version of Jean Grey was the one depicting her in a cartoon like format or style [it was the APOCALYSE SERIES, the one where Wolverine’s adamentium is change to concrete, though the official version is that it was bone, but my opinion is that it was concrete: BECAUSE Wolverine @ 40 C2 DP has power to either have tachyon claws with characteristic of any substance, such as adamantium, steel, titanium, concrete, even aluminum if he wanted to BUT THEN WOLVERINE WOULD BLAME IT ON MAGNETO FOR MAKING HIS CLAWS WEAK (an alibi): DISCLAIMER: my version or interpretation of Marvel Universe is different from the official version, since I interpret MU stories differently, as I rarely trust either the narrator to be truthful in telling a non-slanted story, nor do I trust the characters to be truthful, as I take everything that being information with skepticism, meaning everyone within the story & characters of MU have some sort of hidden agenda, most notable the way mutant powers work which in my rpg HYBRID would be based on TK & TP which in turn create a tachyon field(s) which in turn create the power, where TK & TP would be the 0s & 1s or binary code of mutant power (and tachyon field(s) being the code itself such as 0011 being = to “3”, meaning each mutant power has a code. And, that code is created by TK & TP which in turn creates that code, which is represented by a particular (set of) tachyon field(s), an analogy such as Hydrogen & Oxygen are different but H20 is different from either Hydrogen or Oxygen, meaning that new code H20 gives it its own unique characteristics & properties, similarly each code for a mutant power created by various combination(s) of TK & TP creates a code: that code being a particular set of tachyon field(s) which create or generate a particular power, physical or mental attribute(s), or/and skills, including experience, IF LATTER is a power stunt as such as in the tv series “The Dead Zone”, regarding creating an experience for either pleasure or/and information] of Jean Grey, where the comic version of her makes her look ugly), then that version of Jean Grey of “X-Men: the Evolution” is a version that’s obviously better looking than Storm, because she’s Caucasian. But, if you compare the teenage version of “Shadowcat” or Kitty to Storm (adult version), then both are equally beautiful, since both have 12 COM & equally beautiful. So, when a black woman that’s equally beautiful as a white woman, the black woman will be taller while the white woman will be shorter: the law of conservation of mass & energy, the same equations used to construct planets & stars can be used to calculate COM or beauty. And, so, when a shorter black or oriental woman that’s equally beautiful as a taller Middle Eastern or South-Asian woman, the same set of rules applies as above, the one just mentioned a sentence above this. But, it seems that women of Native Americans are equally beautiful as those of Middle East or South Asia @ pi COM which may seem low but isn’t considering the #s given for COM for female characters in HERO rpg is sometimes incorrect as they (writers of HERO rpg) don’t like to be politically incorrect, and sometimes give lower COM than that what should be a higher value; and, @ other times give a higher COM that what should be a lower value, meaning a human guy @ 19.32 COM would be @ 80 C3 DP by [19.32*(pi+1)] = 80 C3 DP, but if he’s a mutant he’s likely to be (but not necessarily) @ 80 C2 DP. But, the DC Lobo is 11.5 C1 higher than Wolverine if Wolverine is @ 18.5 C1 DP if DC Lobo is @ [11.5 + 18.5] = 30 C1 DP, then take his COM @ C2 rather than C1, since his C1 is used for mutant powers while his C2 is used for calculating his COM as if his C2 were his C3 if he were human, meaning his or DC Lobo’s COM would be @ 36.70 by [152.02 / (pi + 1)] = 36.70 COM, where 30^LOG10(30) = 152.02 C2 DP = 30 C1 default psyche @ 30 C1 life-span, assuming his power level is @ 30 C1 THEN his LS = 30 C1. But, writers of HERO rpg would “on average” depict COM for DC Lobo @ 18.35 which seem to be off by about 2x, BECAUSE DC Lobo is the best looking DC comic character followed by Bizarro & Solomon Grundy because they’re all white: and, {NO}, I’m NOT being racist. In my rpg, this is how rules for beauty work out. And, *{NO}* the MU Silver Surfer would not be as good looking as DC Lobo, since his “whiteness” is like an exo-skeleton similar to that of Venom being an outer tachyon coating on Peter Parker which only *temporarily* gives the wearer a slightly increased COM by an extra 33%, *temporarily*. ON A SIDE NOTE: HYBRID rpg is really great. So, if you want to take down some notes on this rpg which that being my HYBRID rpg is always infested with errors & typos due to probability errors such as in previous version I had used the unit “ft.” to figure out length of aircraft carrier @ certain C2 PL but it turns out that {based on some of my other equations} that this unit “ft” should have been “meter”, allowing you to create the same aircraft carrier with less workers, less TL, less energy, and less violation of conservation of mass & energy, but @ PL @ that of WWII Yamato or the Bismarck for the same PL for a US aircraft carrier for the same WWII time period, but my initial guess of for the unit “ft” was a good start, since I was basing it on a Shi’Ar battle-cruiser which being @ high TL would give some errors in terms of length when the high TL is removed, but for the most part my rpg HYBRID is correct, though the concept of “correct” is subjective. Like the real world, my rpg, occasionally, also, has pot-holes, when I come across a complicated plot such as in the recent cartoon episode of the Justice League revolving around the DC characters “Faust” & “Wonder Woman”: this PLOT is going to take some time unraveling, meaning to figure out, since the so-called super heroes always have some DECEPTIVE angle which both the audience & the public within their fictional universe isn’t aware of, SUCH AS the female characters are ignorant participants of a complicated ruse by the male characters, though @ times the male characters do them, the female characters, favors hoping to “score”, such as in previous episode where a sister {not literally} of Wonder Woman, her sister {not literally} releases a (tachyon {bio-}) plague {through microscopic tachyon globules} to {her desire} to infect & kill all men {brainwashed by WW’s mother: which might explain part of the episode behind the character “Faust”} {but, this is a ruse created by the male characters, meaning it’s the male characters that create the plague for her to infect men, BUT THE DISEASE HAD AN ANTIDOTE THAT BEING THE GREEN LANTERN & HIS POWER RING, where upon the male characters {Batman, Flash, Superman, Martian-Man, and Green Lantern < “the black dude” > {with their ruse, similar to Superman setting a building on fire with his heat vision & then flying in to save some guy or woman or some girl is what I mean by ruse, a tactic somewhat similar to the Trojan Horse < not referring to the condom, which figuratively could, also, be called a ruse, deceptive way of getting what you want >} gets to “score” with her: where she gets a fulfill a sick fantasy to destroy all men, somewhat similar in fantasies being temporarily fulfilled by the characters in the fictional tv series “Fantasy Island”. HOW & WHY? The math of my rpg HYBRID dictates this to be the “correct” PLOT based on the various power levels of various characters but most especially the most powerful member being the Green Lantern < “the black dude”, I forget his name, where he once tried to sabotage his so-called best friends’ career hoping to get him fired so that he {the Green Lantern –{Jon Stewart} could “score” with his woman, where she is ignorant of the ruse created by Green Lantern, who inadvertently helps to create ‘Metemorpho’, but he’s only @ 25 C1 DP while Green Lantern is @ 50 to 75 C1 DP which is traveling distance of 100 light-years @ 50 C1 DP TO 31,622 light-years @ 75 C1 DP which the latter of 75 C1 DP explains many of the Voyager episodes in reference to Captain Jameway, depending on how you interpret the various episodes if they’re taking place within earth’s solar system or @ much greater distance in reference to alien episodes, including the one wher the JL travel to a parallel universe which may in fact be the same DC earth but altered by GL where {the city where} the main fight takes place}. But, for taking notes, I prefer to use the cheapest fountain pen in the world is the Pilot Varsity, which makes an excellent dip pen. DISCLAIMER: Don’t take my rule & my equations too seriously: it’s just a RPG for the imagination. The previous recipe for HYBRID CAKE is overly complicated & does NOT work. So, it’s better to just follow the instructions on the back of the box. But, IF you use/mix 2 different cakes, follow instructions of both for the cake batter, before baking, which should be (1/2) the time that is specified in the back of the box, meaning RATHER THAN baking the cake batter for 32 minutes which is too much since you do NOT want to burn it, bake it for ONLY 16 minutes @ same temperature as specified on back of the box, is the only discrepancy or difference between my recipe & that on the back of the box. When finished, cover it with a sheet of aluminum foil to keep it moist, let it cool for 1 hour before eating piece of it, but don’t forget to wrap it: it should remain fresh for days, but 1 week @ most, and not more *PRELUDE ( SAMPLE ): The following equation from RULE # 212, is the equation to the universe of DUNE, this equation you can use to create or/and destroy an empire, ranging from both real to unreal, including science-fiction universe, like DUNE, where the equation is as follows, but based on DP or default psyche @ C2 PL or power level < LUCK > of emperor, king, President, or Prime-Minister : radius or diameter of empire IN # OF MILES OR KILOMETERS = [10^{((C2 DP)^(1/2))/LOG10(C2 DP)}]. So, if Modip < not sure if I spelled it correctly > is @ 64 C2 DP, he’d have control over a planet @ radius or dimeter of [10^((64^(1/2))/2)] = 10^(8/2) = 10^4 km or miles. This equation is partly barrowed from the tv series THE DEAD ZONE. And, you can use this same equation to figure out why Israel is an ally of USA, and you can, also, use this equation, to figure out nuclear program of N. Korea. And, now, . . . DISCLAIMER ( other disclaimers ): My thanks to the host, Philippe Tromeur philippe.tromeur[at]wanadoo.fr, for the FREE hosting of my FREE rpg, HYBRID. But, 4% of this rpg is NOT suitable (not) for 4% of children that may read it: as well, as 4% of this rpg may NOT be suitable for some 4% of adults, if they take or find some my rules & equations too seriously or offensive(ly), as this science-fiction rpg is only for the imagination. And, any similarity/ies between my rpg & that of any other role playing game is purely (by) coincidence or / and a coincidental. This is a science-FICTION rpg: it’s mostly FICTION. Also, there is NO intention to offend any race or gender: it’s mostly FICTION. And, there is NO intention to offend any race or/and gender or/and working(s) of science or/and technology, most of my rpg is (science)-FICTION. Again, this role playing game is FREE, and I attempt to make monthly updates to keep it as accurate as possible by which I mean to weed out typos & any errors in my equations, but 4% of this rpg is NOT suitable for children. But, I may NOT be able to make too many updates in future, if the host decides to retire, but for the moment he is willing to allow me to make monthly updates, and so the rules continue to expand as I think of more rules, equations, & explanations to add to my slowly growing rpg. A considerable amount characters & small amount material
on these pages are trademark and/or copyright of their respective owners, & I do not have their permission to use name of their characters used their respective rpgs, as these characters are used for only comparison & contrast for game mechanics of their respective rpg vs. my homebrew rpg system HYBRID. The use of their characters is NOT for personal profit, & is made FREE in format, including this reading of this webpage, in any format that uses their (copyrighted) characters such as those of MU, DC, & HERO, as long as I’ve not requested their permission to use their characters, any format of my rpg that uses their characters without their permission will remain FREE, including reading of this webpage, assuming the host hosting my FREE rpg doesn’t start charging people to read it, not that anyone would be interested in reading my rpg HYBRID for a small price, which might NOT be in my best interest to either charge NOR collect any $ on it, @ least NOT until grammar of this rpg HYBRID improves, which is unpopular due to it being mostly diceless, as there is only 1 rule regarding use of dice that being to get (2/3) or greater for failer or success, depending on character’s points @ C#, particular unit of magnitude for DP for character creation & for success of {LS or/& PL} for conflict resolution. I wanted to publish a hard copy of this rpg in 2005 or in 2010 & calling it my 1st edition of my rpg V 0.1 with increments of .1 for every other edition that gets published, but I’m NOT sure if it’s feasible to publish my rpg, as there doesn’t seem to be any real demand for it, except a passing interest, as I’m NOT sure if people would pay $ for copy of my rpg HYBRID CORE RULES. If I could improve grammar of this rpg, then I’d have to take out all the MU examples, but without the examples, it would require more work on my part to explain to the readers to have them understand it, without the examples, without using names of MU & other fictional characters: referring to his (host) website, as this rpg in its current version & format is FREE, but I was just thinking about a publishable hard copy of it, without any reference to any copyrighted characters or/and comparison & contrast with any other gaming materials, as I might need their permission if I wanted to publish a hard copy of something that talked about gaming mechanics & characters of other rpgs that I wanted to compare with my homebrew rpg HYBRID. But, not sure if the other gaming companies would ever give me permission to discuss their characters under title of my rpg, and considering that my rpg is a derivative < my rpg MOST PROBABLY IS *NOT* A DERIVATIVE OR MAYBE IT IS, NOT SURE, AS IT COULD BE JUST A COINCIDENCE THAT MY RPG IS SIMILAR IN MANY RESPECTS TO OTHER RPGS, NOT SURE, OR MAYBE I JUST HAVE A LOT OF GOOD IDEAS THAT’S {some of the *similar* mechanics & rules & power charts is by pure coincidence, for the most part, but is} SIMILAR TO THOSE USED BY other AUTHORS OF other RPGS > of other rpgs, even though it uses only 1 (one) major equation & its countless different manifestations in equation format, NOT sure if that’s original or derivative, NOT sure if it’s possible to copyright something that might or maybe be a derivative work of others, though I’m NOT sure if my homebrew rpg HYBRID is a derivate work or an original, as there are many similarities with other rpgs, maybe by pure coincidence, maybe I just got a lot of good ideas that’s also used by other authors, maybe, but 1 thing is sure that my rpg HYBRID is based on 1 equation X^LOG10(X) for total points @ various different point distributions denoted by the C-series unit, where X is point distribution & magnitude, & NOT to be confused with the variable X in RULE # 196, which is an X-rated rule, but X in point distribution & magnitude for point total is a variable, X, that’s used differently than in RULE # 196 than the founding equation for HYBRID that being X^LOG10(X) which his mainly used for point distribution & magnitude for total points. So, IF I don’t get permission or consent to use characters of their respective owners, I probably won’t ever have chance to publish this in hardcopy format, or charge people for reading it, and people won’t be able to buy my rpg, then it’ll have to remain forever FREE, not that it’s a bad idea to keep it free, but it would be nice to make a living out of publishing an rpg. But, what gaming company would actually publish my rpg ? This webpage for my free HYBRID rpg is relatively NEW: my rpg will remain FREE < maybe forever > until I feel the rules are complete, but it will take unknown # of years to complete all the rules, so it will remain FREE a quite a # of years. But, anything posted about my rpg by me on or @ this webpage hosted for FREE by the host of this webpage will remain FREE for all times < forever (FREE) for this webpage @ this URL, assuming the host hosting my FREE rpg for FREE doesn’t @ a later time charging people to read it, though I doubt very much that anyone would pay to read HYBRID which seems to be unpopular, since most people do not like non-random rpgs, since my FREE rpg is mostly diceless, which is NOT popular in gaming where most (seem to) prefer to use dice to determine conflict resolution, and although it’s an easy way to cheat, but there is positive side or aspect to using dices, and the only reason that I haven’t included much rules (other than just 2 rules on using dice < RULE # 17 & # 188 > & why is that I haven’t yet mastered the art of using dices because of my lack of skills in probability & statistics, or my lack of belief in the discipline of chance, and I’m just not that very good when it comes to probability & statistics, since I have tendency to believe in the same concept stated by Einstein that ‘God does NOT play dice with the universe’, but I could be mistaken, since my math skills doesn’t reach very far beyond basic calculus, so I could be wrong in my basic assumptions, but it’s possible that I could be correct or right about my basic assumption(s), even that my math skills doesn’t reach beyond basic calculus, as it’s always better to keep things simple, as the current discovery that human DNA may use something similar to fractals after 1d6 years, and the so-called “junk DNA” may NOT be ‘junk DNA’, since it’s beginning to show that the so-called ‘junk DNA’ may have some purpose, but that we just don’t know about it yet, considering we just recently mapped the human DNA: a similar analogy could be used with determinism vs. probability >, EXCEPT for any hard copy I may @ some future time wish to publish my core rules, @ which time I will remove & delete out & edit out any copyright characters & any other material that is more than just comparison & contrast, but most all copyrighted material on this webpage is used for comparison & contrast with my FREE rpg HYBRID, but is posted here for purpose of comparison & contrast between my rpg & other rpgs. They are used here, without permission, for personal game use only and are not for profit, as I’ll state it again that my rpg is FREE, for the next unknown # of years which is how long it will take to complete most of my rules for my rpg, at which time, any hard copy of my core rules that’s published by me if I ever attempt to publish it & if it ever gets published will take out & remove & delete any copyrighted characters such as the DC & MU characters used as examples. But, there is NO intention, NOR any intentional attempt, to violate anyone’s copyright(s). This rpg is mostly played with only 1 stat that being Psyche, & its various manifestations. But, my goal is to have a publishable hard copy of 20% the CORE RULES sometime in/by 2020, and if it ever gets published, which I doubt, then I’d call the 1st edition of these CORE RULES, Version V 0.1 should be ready by 2010. Then, each future updates of V 0.1 would grow in increments of 0.05 every 5 years or 0.1 every 10 years to my 1st edition of these CORE RULES < updated version of V 0.1 > would be called Version V 0.2, in 2020, referring to update of the publishable hard copy of the CORE RULES {V .1}, 5, 10, or 15 years from now, if {after improving its grammar, then maybe} some gaming company wants to publish a revised version of my CORE RULES, in hard copy format, with me getting possible royalties, then great, but I was thinking of publishing my 1st edition (?) followed by an update every 5, 10, or 15 years, but don’t be surprised if this rpg never gets beyond this webpage, in its FREE format, especially if my rpg gets trolled, it might not get published, but there is only 1% chance of this rpg getting published. But, before I begin my FREE homebrew rpg system HYBRID, there is 1 (one) more DISCLAIMER that being “C” does NOT stand for “Channeling” as it’s referred to as in Fuzion, but its purpose is same as “Channeling”, but in C# unit the variable “C” comes from the ’86 ASS, which was insufficient; so, I came with many different units. For example, Dr. Doom in the ’86 MU TSR rpg has 50 Reason, Intuition, & Psyche in the ’86 MU TSR rpg roster, but this 50 actually means 100 C1 DP by [100/LOG10(100)] = 100/2 = 50 Reason, Intuition, & Psyche; or, you can separate the “20” & “99” in the character Doom_2099 to get 20 C1 DP for Doom Bot, & 99 C1 DP for Dr. Doom < but this is applied to Doom Bot & Dr Doom {classic version} >, NOT referring to Doom_2099, who’d be @ PR {power rating} that of Dr. Destroyer @ 120 C2 DP @ X [120] C2 DP, Dr. Destroyer of HERO rpg, but X in HYBRID is @ 120, < while X in ’86 MU TSR rpg is @ 150 >, but this {above psyche equation} is 1 of several different psyche equation < RULE # 5 > that can be derived from the ’86 MU TSR rpg crossed & mixed with 1st with D20 & then GURPS, but I wouldn’t call it mixed but rather skimmed through their material & noticed a pattern develop between the point distribution of various different rpgs, giving me 1 (one) universal equation that being X^LOG10(X), where X is some # @ some unit of magnitude & point distribution, and its various & countless manifestations < haven’t yet found use for LN form of this equation, maybe later >, but the weird thing is that this pattern of quantum mechanics is similar to that of Pattern of Amber Diceless rpg, where The Pattern is similar to the Doctor Who storyline of being “Time-Sensitive” < for the concept of a quantum barrier that would be referred to as Pattern in Amber Diceless rpg > which is where I got the idea {from Dr. Who storyline regarding episodes for Timelords being “time-sensitive”, for a concept similar to < but NOT from > The Pattern of Amber Diceless Rpg, but my 2nd sources was the “quantum barrier” concept from DC rpg & its character Captain_Atom, who has access to the quantum barrier, but doesn’t every mutant (?), but the whole idea being HYBRID rpg began with my reading of DC Darkseid’ futile attempt @ coming up with the Anti-Life Equation was it seemed to me was staring @ me in the face that being it was so simple, NOT sure why Darkseid with his genius couldn’t come up with the Anti-Life Equation, R#220, range of diameter = [10^[((C2 PL)^(1/d))]] meters to/& [10^[(C3 PL)^(1/4)]] millimeters < @ 16 to 25 C2 for martial arts >, the equation which @ its core was simply a force field equation < used by Dr. Who in one of the episodes against his greatest nemesis, the guy stuck in(side) a singularity but later managed to escape, but couldn’t exist in normal space for too long or for too extended period of time {like a fish out of water} as his body was composed of anti-matter, NOT referring to Devros {creator of the Daleks} > which could be applied to just about anything, including anti-matter, which is what DC, later, referred the Anti-Life Equation to as, Darkseid was having trouble coming up with the Anti-Life Equation, so I assumed DC gave an easier form of the Anti-Life Equation to Darkseid, that being anti-matter, rather than its more elementary form that being the force field equation which can be used to generate anti-matter, with my universal equation is compatible with the ’86 MU TSR rpg, & CORE concept compatible with RIFTS < regarding lines of force : an interesting concept that I myself have been working on to implement in & for my rpg, before I ever heard anything about RIFTS rpg >, which leads to similarities between my rpg HYBRID < because it resembles fragments of so many different rpg like the Time Keys that of Dr Who series, but these similarities are *purely* coincidental: this kind of coincidence is like a freak of nature *like either* crop circles *or* Schrödinger (electro-magnetic) time travel equation > because of my interest in {genetics & physics on theoretical level}, & creating an rpg system that would attempt to use basic laws of physics but for a sci-FICTION setting & stretch those laws of physics to its limits & beyond, to put those common sense laws into a hybrid system, like a bowl of soup, AND BECAUSE OF THE similarities, NOT because I took ideas from other rpg, as I didn’t take any ideas from anyone, but attempt to come up with a truly universal rpg, & ONLY used something that was found to be common among all rpgs that being various manifestations of X^LOG10(X) for total points, and as I already had such idea(s) brewing in my mind @ the time that I picked up the various different rpgs & read them > & so that the mechanics is a little similar to fragments of other rpgs, where the similarities of these fragments of or/and from different rpgs is *purely coincidental*, as its based on parallel thought, or *maybe* [just *maybe*, but it sounds too far fetched, but *maybe*] they got their ideas from me using Schrödinger’s time travel equation that being you can thought wave or electromagnetic wave through time like in the movie FREQUENCY which is easier than sending an actual body through time & also supported by Einstein as he, too, concluded the same principal in an article that I had read a decade ago on theoretical aspects of time travel from point of view of Einstein & his relativity which was nicely paraphrased [in laymen terms] in the article that I had read a decade ago, but I think that’s one that being Schrödinger’s time travel equation, assuming I’m not mistaken since my recollection is a little fuzzy but if I’m mistaken then I apologize] which is the cheapest way to time travel *without actually* time traveling, such as Fuzion, that “claims” it’s using the “C” in ”C0” variable for “Channeling” & “0” in “C0” for “unitless”, but Fuzion’s total points varies between C2 & C3, while total points for HERO varies between IQ & C3, where IQ is based on [10*C1] & [100*LOG10(C3)], where both @ default. But, MU Tony Stark @ 40 Reason would NOT have or be @ C1, but @ 80 C2, by [C2/2] = psyche, or [80/2] = 40 Reason. This rpg HYBRID is based on 1 stat, psyche, with 2 main manifestations that being LS < life-span > & PL < Power Level > : these 2 CORE manifestations of psyche, help create the CORE RULES OF & FOR OTHER CORE RULES. Also, HYBRID rpg, also, uses mechanics similar to that of RIFTS rpb, based NONE of HYBRID rules is based on RIFTS rpg, but there are similarities, but based on my equation for force field(s) by RULE # 7, which is NOT completely accurate but seems to be mostly accurate in terms of a science-FICTION storyline or rpg campaign, but gets the job done that being to help create rules, including reinforce the IQ equation of RULE # 8. Final DISCLAIMER is that in the ’86 MU TSR rpg, light speed velocity is @ Class 1,000 for spaceship(s), but doesn’t indicate @ what size & mass of spaceship, which would be comparable to 1,000 C2 PL for {681.472 PL for velocity + 318.528 C2 PL for size & mass} by RULE # 155, so because of this light speed velocity for spaceship is close to @ Z C2 PL or @ 520 C2 PL @ Z C2 PL in my homebrew rpg system HYBRID, where C1 PL can be reduced to minimum of 36.63 C1 PL for light speed velocity @ 279 C2 PL by 36.63^LOG10(36.63) = 279 C2 PL which is close to @ Y (250) C2 PL for a small spaceship : these # are very compatible with the Star Wars universe : so, the point being, my rpg is similar but not exactly the same, and the similarities are a COMPLETE COINCIDENCE, SORT OF LIKE PARALLEL THINKING, as my homebrew rpg system is based on rate of evolution of modern technology between 1900 & 2000 AD, where maximum C2 PL for technology by 2000 AD would be @ 100 C2 PL, though maximum C2 PL even for US military is @ (2/3) this amount @ 66.66 C2 PL. The major evolution or difference between ’86 MU TSR rpg & HYBRID is the 5 major units [CA, C1, C2, C3, & C4] of magnitude of & for point distribution which makes HYBRID the best & the easiest & most compatible rpg in the word, but way better & more specific than the ’86 MU TSR rpg. These #s for minimum C2 PL for light speed velocity can further be reduced to X(120) C2 PL, or to be more exact @ 139 C2 PL. Now, HYBRID, the greatest rpg in existence, below, next line. Version V 0.26 < 26 % complete >, 2% of this rpg is X-rated, RULE # 196 & 2 other rules, & another 2% of my homebrew rpg HYBRID is R-rated, but only 2% in my opinion, but about 96% is ok, but 4% of this rpg is still infested with errors, so about 96% of this rpg is accurate in context of a role playing game. And, my comments are just comments, some may seem objectionable, which is meant to be only within the context of the imagination. But, 4% of this rpg consists of errors. It’s a science fiction rpg based on IQ equation & nd6 damage. < @ Font size 12, average of 1 page = 1 rule > 1st: read RULE # 339 which states that @ 1st place the timeline(s) @ 10% density, where [LOG10(10%)]x = 1x, then once DP or PL is estimated for TL, which = [[C1 PL]/3], then to get the estimate of DP or PL used for mutant power(s): C0 for mutant power(s) = [[[(C0 for TL)^(1/2)] - 1]^2]. You can use this equation to figure out how Maestro, Hulk’s father, who seem to have powers of Absorbing Man, created the mutant dogs in the HULK movie, assuming that Maestro with powers of Absorbing Man was @ 25 C1 DP, but his mutant powers @ C2 would be @ 72 C2 DP = 8.485 AMBS, by [[[[[25^LOG10(25)]= 90 C2 DP]^(1/2)]-1]^2] = 72, is how he created the mutant dogs by simply using this equation & combining rules for apply [nd6] to calculate the correct length of the mutant dogs, each of which would be @ 16 C1 DP = 28.178 C2 DP = 5.308 AMBS = 126.539 C3 DP, for which you take the cube root of this value to get a body armor of 5d6, which would give its body length @ [126.539/(5d6)] = 24.9 ft. with a skeletal material strength of @ nd6 @ square root of its C3 DP which gives a value of [11.15d6] skeletal material strength, but the mutant dogs were not that large; so, since the mutant dogs were @ 14 C1 DP = 20.59 C2 DP = 53.16 C3 DP with body armor of cube root of its C3 DP, giving a body armor of [3.76d6] for a body @ length of [53.16/(3.76d6)] = 14.14 ft, with a skeletal material strength @ square root of its C3 DP, giving a [7.29d6] material strength, they had an extra 2 C1 DP points for other powers, 1 C1 DP point for force field(s) & the other 1 C1 DP point for super smell, for the mutant dogs that were fighting the HULK, who is @ 22.5 C1 DP, while Spiderman is @ 20 C1 DP, giving him IQ of 200, assuming his Life Span remains @ default @ 20 C1 & is NOT lowered: the purpose of lowering LS or Life Span is to increase PL or Power Level. NOTE: RULE # 312: The mechanics of the 1st & last paragraph under “Quantum” of page 146 of Aberrant rpg & the mechanics of the 2nd & 3rd paragraph of page 147 of Aberrant rpg is & works the same way as in my homebrew rpg HYBRID. AND, NO, I’M NOT stealing anyone’s ideas, AS I HAD THOUGHT OF THE SAME IDEA(s) almost ~ 2 decades ago IN 1987, as well as the effects of the green Kryptonite before seeing it in the tv series “Smallville”, by pure coincidence, my ideas or/and version of the green Kryptonite is used in the tv series, maybe it’s Maxwell’s equation for time travel or PURCE COINCIDENCE that it’s similar to my idea, referring to the green Kryptonite in the tv series is different from DC comics & the movie version of Superman, but it’s similar to my idea in 1991. It’s most probably just a coincidence, considering my original interpretation of D&D & its point values is that D&D points are based on ratio of blacks to whites in 19th century voting rights as the bases for the point values in D&D, and taking these points values to its final extreme forms, mixing a bit of chaos theory, you end up with HYBRID rpg, with a bit of flavor of the science fiction movie “The 12 Monkeys” @ 30 C1 @ either DP or PL for which < DP for more than 1 time travel power stunt, and PL for only 1 time travel power stunt [ by creating a worm hole NOT larger than largest single cell organism, meaning where worm hole is NOT larger than 1 radius of millimeter, after shrinking to such size for time travel power stunt @ 30 C1: size either increase 172x with every increase in 5 C1 OR decreases 172x for every decrease in 5 C1 OR {increase of 1,453x for every increase in 10 C1 and vice versa with decrease in 1,453x for every decrease in 10 C1 by 10^[X^(1/2)], where X = either 5 or 10, or some other #, but usually either 5 or 10}: allowing a person @ 35 C1 DP to teleport self to different timeline by creating a worm hole with radius of 1 meter, if its creator is @ 35 C1 DP, sort of like in the sci-fi tv series “Sliders”, who, the ‘sliders’ range from 36 to 49 C1 DP, with their time travel machine being a “focus”, sort of like a ‘magic one’ or a broomstick in the movie Harry Potter for flight or flying power stunt for which a broomstick is used as focus @ C3 and NOT @ [C2] unless power stunt requires a C1 unit such as for the time travel power stunt in Part II of Harry Potter movie by the young female witch (student), where the term “focus” is from HERO / Champions rpg, regarding the term “focus”, which I’m using as example to illustrate example ] > & “Frequency” @ 20 C2 DP if either waiting for worm hole to show up or finding a worm hole [ but, NOT able to create a worm hole larger than the largest single atom @ 20 C2 DP ] or simply having excess and realistic imagination [ also applicable to storyline of/in movie “13th Floor”] by that I mean time travel within time line within one’s soul < within one’s miniture pocket dimension, sort of like dreaming > else @ 25 C2 DP if able to time travel by astral projection to alternate time line [ by creating a worm hole NOT larger than the largest single molecule @ 25 C2 DP ], for the time travel using Maxwell’s time travel equation for radio waves; but, how you can use radio waves to send a message back in time, I have no idea how you can do this, as I suck in math, so I rely heavily on my intuition. But, Nicola Tesla also worked on similar equation for time travel that of Maxell’s equation for time travel: the purpose to figure out why the similarities between my rpg & fragments of which appear through science fiction literature, unless my rpg a thousand or a million years from now will the greatest thing, since man discovered the fire, with the next great discovery being women. And, don’t’ forget that in HYBRID rpg, the DC planet Krypton is DC earth in future time line, with Kal El essentially traveling back in time to an earlier version of DC earth, from 10^(6+/-3) in the future DC earth, one of many alternates: THEORY. My RPG HYBRID in 1990 was originally @ only 1 word being C1 = psyche, but by 1991, my rpg was 1% complete for C#, but my rpg itself was 10% complete by 1991, depending on how you define complete: so, by 1991, my rpg Version # was @ V 0.1, by {(year-1990)^(1/gpa)} to get V 0.25 by 2005 @ gpa of 3 for my rpg or V 0.387 by 2005 @ gpa of 2. Then, in 1990, Version 0.0 was @ only 1 sentence being C1 = psyche = reason = INT, while the rest of the remaining 5 stats would be @ C2, while COM = @ C1: is ideal example is based on the MU character Spiderman’s 20 Reason & Amazing (50) Intuition @ C2 PL, where note that 20^LOG10(20) = 49.28 = APPROXIMATELY 50. He can increase his intuition from 50 to 75 by decreasing his life span from 50 C2 to 25 C2, with his life span being his recuperative powers. But, initially, BEFORE THERE WAS HYBRID RPG in 1995, 1 year before 1996, the start of my homebrew rpg HYBRID, the 1st thing that I did understand about the ’86 MU TSR rpg is the rank of the stat FIGHTING less than or/and greater than likes of Dare Devil, but wondered if it was even possible to have a fighting attribute greater than Dare Devil. My only solution, which is very reasonable, to this problem has been to lower the race of the character to C3, meaning you 1st define the character’s fighting attributes on a human scale @ C3 before translating these fighting attributes to a mutant scale @ C2, meaning if he is not a mutant THEN BY SAYIING THAT HE HAS 49 C0 fighting attributes means he has a 49 C3 which then gets translated to a mutant scale @ C2 which = 20 C2 for his fighting attributes, but getting back to the example for Spiderman vs Dare Devil, both = in their own ways, then in constructing the Fighting attribute would 1st be @ C3, IF he was of an inferior race, allowing him to use his extra “difference” points for his Fighting attribute; but, strangely, Fighting is usually proportional to other Health attributes which are @ C2; so, C3 Fighting is then reduced to C2, where 100% fighting skills @ 100 C3, which is then reduced to C2, making it @ 26 C2 or 26 Fighting, where 26^LOG10(26 C2) = 100 C3. But, Dare Devil is @ 368% fighting skills @ 368 C3 which = 40 C2 by 40^LOG10(40) = 368, RESULTING in Fighting attribute(s) @ 40 for Dare Devil, while Spiderman is @ 152% fighting skills @ 152 C3 which = 30 C2 by 30^LOG10(30) = 152, RESULTING in Fighting attributes(s) @ 30 for Spiderman. But, if you place both of them @ = to each other in previous example, then, THIS WOULD partly EXPLAIN WHY SPIDERMAN HAS A LOW FIGHTING ATTRIBUTE BECAUSE SPIDERMAN’S FIGHTING IS @ C2, WHILE DARE DEVIL IS @ C3, WHICH IS WHY < if both are = to each other > DARE DEVIL HAS A HIGHER FIGHTING ATTRIBUTE THAN SPIDERMAN IN THE ’86 MU TSR RPG, THOUGH BOTH ARE =, in their own ways; and, don’t forget that Dare Devil is able to dreamscape in/to hell. Also, note the body armor of a speedster character is 1 level less than his unit for velocity; so, if the MU character Quicksilver has 49 C0 running speed = 49 C2, then his body armor is @ 49 C3 = 20 C2 = 20 C0, where C0 is a temporary storage variable until its proper unit can be determined, meaning you 1st assign the value for “Class” or “C” to C0, which is a “unitless unit” when @ C0, which is in my rpg Hybrid the unit C0 is sometimes used for material strength, THEN after the proper unit is identified then you change the unit C0 to its proper unit, such as 49 C0 velocity for Quicksilver to 49 C2, and his 20 C0 body armor to 20 C2, where 20 C2 = 49 C3, and @ 49 C2 velocity, he’d have a 49 C3 body armor which = 20 C2 body armor = 20 C2 = 20 C0 body armor. So, a spaceship moving @ light speed @ 250 C2 would have a body armor of 250 C3 = 35 C2 body armor = that of reinforced concrete or steel alloy. Finally, the C2 light speed velocity depends on the size & mass & density of object which is converted from c3 to C2; so, a 364 C3 battleship moving @ light speed @ 364 C2 would need to be @ 364 C3 body armor = 40 C2 body armor that of iron. And, note that iron is @ 364 C0 body armor, meaning it should be @ 364 C0 rather than 40, but when it’s @ 40, it’s @ C2, otherwise when it’s @ 346 C0, it’s @ C3, meaning iron in the ’86 MU TSR rpg is @ 40 C = 40 C0 = 40 C2 = 364 C3, so, it should be @ 364 C, since adamantium is @ 1,000 C = 1,000 C0 = 1,000 C3 = 54 C2 = 54 C0 which is why the MU character Colossus is immune to Wolverine, because Wolverine is @ average 34.5 C2 DP but between 30 to 39 C2 DP, while Colossus is @ average of 44.5 C2 DP but between @ 40 to 49 C2 DP, while Sabertooth has an average of 30.5 C2 DP but between 25 to 36 C2 DP & why he can sometimes harm Wolverine. So, 5,000 C0 body armor would be @ 5,000 C3 = 83.806 C2 body armor by 83.806^LOG10(83.806) = 5,000 C3 body armor = 5,000 C0 = 5,000 C#. So, THOR’s hammer is @ 73 C2 body armor @ 2,964 C3 @ 2,964 C0 body armor for his Uru hammer: this, latter, is subjective, & so GM can alter its value. Use RULE # 316 to calculate male COM. < @ Font size 12, average of 1 page = 1 rule > HYPERLINK \l "TOO" µ# of Pages§: 555, {+100 pages for every +2 font size} or {-100 pages for every -2 font size, but each CHAPTER or PART will be ~ 300 pages} # of Rules: 538 # of Equations: 538 Font Size: 14 Text Font Type: Courier New &,:Logo/Trademark @ Font Type Courier New for my homebrew rpg HYBRID : &,, & based entirely on the single equation {{C0^LOG10(C0)} @ or = [C0+1]}, for which where C0 is sometimes written as C#, where +1 level in magnitude for point distribution means a less dense point distribution for total points, by 1 level, as from {A to 1} or {1 to 2} or {2 to 3}, etc. In other words, jist of HYBRID is a quote from Aberrant rpg on page 3: “…A nova’s (mutant’s or meta-human’s) abilities really are in your mind. You have to convince yourself that you can do something new, and you have to make it an expansion of something you can already do. We even got a crash course in quantum physics, so we would better understand what we were really doing…” Comedy of Errors, or THE Greatest RPG: HYBRID? ===== The previously flawed dating equation, based on cloning equation, meaning when COM for both are 1:1, each side can only have 1 partner & applies to both women & men, but when the guy is lucky [& assuming she is also faithful besides having a greater COM than her boyfriend], then ratio will be 1:2, meaning the woman’s COM is 2x his, but when woman is lucky [& assuming he is faithful besides having a greater COM than his girlfriend], the guy’s COM is 2x hers, both results are proportional to the velocity equation @ C0, in which, previously, I forgot to subtract 1, that is add a -1; the equation is now rectified & is proportional to the velocity equation, but is based on the cartoon version of Lex Luthor of the Justice League where all you need to do is change his normal human C3 DP if he wasn’t a genius to C2 DP making him a genius, within human context. But, he’s supposed to be 2x smart as this, but this is getting off track that being your chances improves by 2x by RULE # 284 & RULE # 292 for every multiple increment of 1.3x, where x = his (previous) C0, by 10^[(1.3 - 1)^(1/2)] = 10^.3 = 2 or 2x of your C2 or C3 DP greater than 1.3, depending on the average COM of the female population within your location (figuratively speaking) in your life force point in getting it, depending on the COM of the lady that you are seeking. But, IFF literally speaking, your chances doesn’t or don’t improve that much, but rather less in proportion to the velocity for TL, meaning for your C2 or C3 COM @ X, where X is initially @ C0, your chances improves by = 10^[{({X, where X @ C0 represents type of woman man is looking for}/10) – {1 LOG10(% of sex)}} – {COM/10} – {M1 modifier for personal inhibitions = LOG10(%)} – {M2 modifier for personal persecution = LOG10(%)}^(1/{gpa = level of commitment})], equation for polygamy, where the worse your level of commitment the better your chances in natural law, but feminists have altered natural law with court law(s), where variable gpa = level of commitment, where X = C0: equation can, also, be used for fictional characters like, for example, DC Lex Luther; but, unfortunately, there are laws against polygamy, and why the earlier equation (though it’s only figurative) works because there are laws against polygamy, sort of like no one needs college, but it’s the law that you get a degree in order to get a job, so everyone goes to it. Example, it cost $1,000 for a course: with $1,000, I could buy 10 books & study myself, but it’s the law you pay someone else to teach you rather than you teach yourself, leaving you, the consumer, with less money to buy that those, assuming each one cost $100, unless you’ve a photographic memory; or, I could focus more: alternative solution & more realistic. RULE # 253 best summarizes brilliantly my rpg HYBRID. But, RULE # 281 could make an astronomer’s mouth water with envy, as you can calculate the Red Spot @ 64 C2 DP @ 8 AMBS for the Red Spot of Jupiter with RULE # 281, which is really sexy equation from a math perspective using only high school level math but with great insights in the workings of inorganic matter. You can, also, use RULE # 281 to create a planet or a star by using exponent (1/3), but it gets a bit tricky after or when C2 DP exceeds 800, *assuming* Jupiter @ 770 C2; 800 is a transitional value: properties of both a planet & a star. [Intuition (in the ’86 MU TSr rpg) can take on many different forms, depending on interpretation, {@ C2, or @ ((C1)^2)/2, or @ 2*C1}; F@C2, A@C2, S@C2, E@C2, R@C1, I@2*C1 @ C2 (but not always, as this (and, Spiderman’s 40 psyche is @ 40 C2 & NOT @ 40 C1, unless you include the entire history of the character that of MU comics, but 3*C1 but @ C2 for Spiderman’s Intuition which is @ C2 & not @ C1 but @ C2 & not @ C1 but @ C2 IF # FOR “intuition” is large else @ C1 if # is small then @ C1 else @ C2 if # is large else @ C1 if # is small < note that when there is a # in front of a unit, you’re multiplying the value of C1 @ multiple of 2 without making any conversions & then applying the unit C2 to the new multiple of C1, meaning you’re using a some percentage, %, of your psyche for Intuition > @ C2 only applies to Spiderman, but if his psyche is @ 30 C1 then his Intuition @ maximum value is @ [(C1 @ C2)/2] @ C2, & P(syche)@C1, but for Spiderman he likes to cheat, so he create an illusion that his psyche is @ C2 rather than @ C1, and why you end up with the clone saga, as it was an effort to explain to readers how Spiderman uses his powers but the readers took the story too literally rather than symbolically, which was the real intent of the story, based on my interpretation of the personality & thinking process of Stan Lee & his MU comic characters, and how you get weird stories like him battling or taking on the Living Monolith & survive to tell about it: this rpg seems to be doubling in length every 15 months. The stat I, intuition, can be tricky, as you still need to keep the basic principle of Doppler Effect & Resonance to figure out the appropriate # @ C2 to give to intuition, because it largely varies based on psyche, which is @ C1, where you need to keep a note that 10 C1 = 10 C2 because by (10 C1)^LOG10(10 C1) = 10 C2. But, a mutant can have a large intuition if he, also, as a significant C1, but numerically C1 can be less than C2, because magnitude of C1 is greater than C2, where, for example, the female mutant Destiny @ 30 C1 or 30 psyche @ 76 Intuition means that her Intuition of 76 is @ C2, though her average Intuition is @ 2x30 = 60 C2 = 21.55 C1 by 21.55^LOG10(21.55) = 60 which is less than 152 C2 by (30 C1)^LOG10(30 C1) = 152 C2 PL, but her psyche is @ default, meaning it remains constant & only (multiple) death(s) can decrease it, not to be confused with the fictional tv Highlander characters, where they fight @ C2 but their powers (immortality) are @ C1 in terms of C2, sort of like the fictional tv character Six Million Dollar Man @ 33 C2 DP @ 9% cyborg @ 17.09 C1 DP by 17.09^LOG10(17.09) = 33, where for future version of this type of technology you’d replace macro technology with nono-technology, which you can further replace nano-technology for organic technology that being your default body, with option to replace with another male organic body but in that case you’d be shape shifting AND LOSE YOUR OTHER POWERS SUCH AS SUPER STRENGTH WOULD BE LOST OR BE REDUCED TO NORMAL, where you can assume that he’s already a mutant pretending to be human & purposely get into an accident so that he can turn himself into a cyborg < or, you can have his creator (the scientist or his boss) pretend to be human & endue their life-force into him in manner similar to Galactus creating a herald, but on a much much smaller scale where either the scientist that create him or his boss would have his or their PL or Power Level decrease which would increase PL that of the injured test pilot, sort of like where in the early ‘90s DC comic, the one with Olympus almost colliding into DC earth, the (DC) Amazons (of Paradise Island) combine their psyche to contact the gods, but getting back to the female character Destiny, where so she can increase her Intuition to almost cosmic level @ 152*7 = 1,064 WHICH YOU ROUND OFF TO [1,000 C0 @ C2], which is immortality that of Olympians, which is not to be confused with [1,000 C0 @ C3], which is for adamentium, as long as she decreases her life-span to mortal human levels to [152/7] = 21.71 WHICH YOU ROUND OFF TO [20 C0 @ C2], mortal human level, life-span by RULE # 3, where the extra 16 C2 is extra points used for Intuition. But, you still need to keep in mind that she can increase her Intuition as high as 4x30 = 120 C2, @ multiples of 30x, as long as the new multiple is less than 30 C1 @ C2, where 30 C1 = 152 C2. But, increasing her Intuition as high as 4x30 @ C2 would leave her open to attack from Sentinel(s). So, her best bet is to not increase her Intuition more than a multiple of 3x30 = 90 C2, optimum, = that of Spiderman’s Spider Sense, since he, too, can increase his Intuition (Spider Sense) to 90 C2 but @ a higher cost than Destiny, since Spiderman’s psyche is usually assumed to be @ 20 C1, and he’d need to decrease his life-span to C2 from C1, so that he can increase his PL from 20 C1 to that of 123 C2 that of Dr Destroyer of HERO rpg, but Dr. Destroyer’ psyche is @ default & not power level, meaning Dr Destroyer can increase his PL beyond 123 C2, as long as he decrease his LS or Life-Span in same direction [R # 3] that of Spiderman that being towards mortal human levels. RULE # 242: This could be my 2 greatest equations yet in that with this equation you can get rid of the college institution, as it, this equation, accurately predicts success @ various different age levels when combined with his C2 or C3 @ either DP or PL, depending on the user. The 2 equations is as follows: # = [age*C2] or [age*C3], where age in years, and C2 is @ either PL or DP, where # = college course #, where some college employ [age*C2] for course #, while others employ [age*C3] for college course #. So, if a person is @ 10 C2 DP, then @ age 20, the course # that he should be taking: [(20,age)*(10,C2)] = 200 course # @ C2 which @ C3 the course # = 200, also, since C3 = C2^LOG10(C2). So, you can, eventually, use this easy equation to create a nuclear device @ the price of a beer can, and @ same time get rid of the college institution, as this equation accurately predicts optimum success @ various different academic difficulty levels. The most recent interesting rule(s) is/are that of RULE # 224 & RULE # 225, using the mating equation to figure out how much energy is needed for time travel, using similar proportions & ratios, by simply taking the square root of C2 DP of the object (size of alternate universe) you want or like to travel to, assuming the time travel power stunt is 2 or 2nd dimensional for small spaceships such that of in the storyline of H.G. Well’s “Time Machine”, meaning you’d use exponent (1/3) for the both the BORG spaceships & and for the hypercube(s) in the storyline in the movie Hypercube, Part I & Part II, where the so-called 4th dimension = simply 40 C1 DP, and why the 5th dimensional DC Mxyzptlk is @ 50 C1 default psyche, and why half the members of the Justice League have their powers fluctuate between 25 C1 DP & 50 C1 DP, meaning John Stewart, the Green Lantern, in the cartoon series of the Justice League, is @ 50 C1 DP, but @ times he appears to be @ 25 C1 DP in terms of taking physical injuries & sometimes even lower than that @ low @ 25 C2 DP @ an average of 5 Mind, Body & Soul in BESM which in my rpg HYBRID is @ 5 AMBS @ 25 C2 DP @ square that of 5 = [5^2] = 25 C2 DP or default psyche = 90 C3 DP or 90 total points in GURPS by 25^LOG10(25) = 90 which, also, = 90 total GURPS points for that human character in Dragonball-Z, though @ times his luck puts him @ 1.23x that in terms of C2 DP @ 30.75 C2 DP when he was fighting version of “kid Bu (kid version of Majin Bu)”, though 25 C2 DP is maximum human levels for guys before slowly making the transition to mutant levels, though mutants can disguise themselves as either genius scientists or as Sentinel robots, assuming it’s not a robot, but it could be a robot, then it’s not a mutant, where you assume that 25 C1 DP is power level that of the MU character Mysterio, where 25 C1 DP = 90 C2 DP which = power level that of the Juggernaut in & of the MU cartoon series of the “X-Men: the Evolution” of Marvel. And, as for the Scarlet Witch in “X-Men: the Evolution”, she’s @ 75 C2 DP which is power level that of Shadowcat, while Quick-Silver is @ 50 C2 DP @ p.l. that of Cyclops. So, p.l. of Scarlet Witch = 50% that of the Nightcrawler. Most Unpredictable Equation: Equation for Assassin, RULE # 213. But, the equation to solve Rubik’s Cube is R# 218. Most interesting equation: RULE # 214, most efficient way of figuring out whether or not Captain Jameway of Voyager is lost or just pretending to be lost in space. Current Ultimate Equation: RULE # 212, to figure out WHAT IT TAKES TO CREATE OR/AND DESTROY AN EMPIRE OR/& AN ALLY. And, RULE # 219, GIVES MOST ACCURATE ESTIMATE TO FIGURE TO FIGURE OUT # OF STARS IN GALAXY INCREASES BY 10X EVERY 1,000 C2 DP, STARTING WITH 1 SINGLE STAR @ 1,000 C2 DP. DISCLAIMER: WARNING: RULE # 196 is X-rated in that to calculate L, use X = either [(C2/10)^2] or [(C3/10)], which is for mature audience only @ or above age of 19, but most 96% of this rpg is for all ages, though maybe NOT RULE # 193, which is NOT meant to be read by kids: RULE # 187 EXPLAINS homosexuality easily & mathematically, using modifier G @ 11. NOTE: The previous V 0.3 was really V 0.15 @ 15 % complete, < currently > for the web-page version. Look @ RULE # 0 : Version V 0.1 for 2001; V 0.2 for 2002; V 0.3 for 2003; so, Version V 0.3 in 2002 was really @ V 0.15 @ 15%; V 0.4 for 2004; and, so on. REQUIRED TOOL : A calculator with (LOG10) function. EXAMPLE 1 : For negative energy generated by laws of Nicola Tesla, including free energy, such as cold fusion, look @ RULE # 191, which is a combination of RULE # 7
& RULE # 8
. EXAMPLE 2: For space travel, check out RULE # 7 (newly modified to include more units @ C#), # 10, # 30, # 95, # 135, # 155, # 178, # 190, & # 192. For RULE # 135, modifier M = r. And, for RULE # 190, modifier M = [r/3]. Use minimum cost of X C2 PL for warp or/and hyper space travel; use minimum cost of Y C2 PL to see into or/and communicate to another in an alternate dimension; and use Z C2 PL to travel to or into an alternate dimension. Mutants should replace PL with DP, since PL @ X C2, or Y C2, or/and Z C2 is for nano-technology for & @ minimum cost. By nano-technology, I mean TL objects such as spaceship or space satellite to have length, diameter, or radius of LESS THAN 1 meter @ minimum cost for teleportation @ X (120) C2 PL, ELSE C2 COST INCREASES. EXAMPLE 3: For the TWO (2) greatest military equations for both military & non-military applications, use EITHER OR BOTH RULE # 7 OR/AND # 212. EXAMPLE 4: For combat in any & including low level campaign(s), use RULE # 188, which is more specific than RULE # 17, but RULE # 188 & # 17 contradict each other. EXAMPLE 5 : The Comet Empire @ 20 CA DP or/to 21 CA DP = 49.28 C1 DP or/to 56.01 C1 DP by {20^LOG10(20) = 49.28} & {21^LOG10(21) = 56.01} = 10 or/to 11 AVERAGE psyche in the rpg MU SAGA by ((20 or/to 21) – 10) = 10 or/to 11 AVERAGE psyche in MU SAGA: Look @ total distance equation @ start of RULE # 186 < which best summarizes my homebrew rpg system HYBRID, with the basic fundamental universal ratio of Star Trek universe >. And, NOTE that the MU Dr. Strange is @ {30 +/- 10} CA DP or default psyche, or in MU SAGA rpg: @ {20 +/- 10}, for AVERAGE psyche MU SAGA, but I’m sure Dr. Strange would prefer RULE # 187, to find or/and to create a perfect woman: the same RULE # 187, using the modifier G @ 11, it can be used to explain homosexuality mathematically. This & RULE # 193 & # 196 are the reasons why this rpg is 10% not suitable or UNSUTIABLE for children, because of the 10% sexual content makes 10% of this or my rpg UNSUITABLE for children < for mature audience only ! for RULE # 187, RULE # 193, & RULE # 196 > & some adults may find it objectionable, that there might & maybe be an equation for human nature in mathematical terms for sexuality. EXAMPLE 6: Iraqi nuclear war program FOR WHICH USE C3 FOR WEAKEST COUNTRY AND USE C2 FOR MOST POWERFUL COUNTRY TO CALCULATE TIME TO COMPLETE NUCLEAR PROGRAM which for Iraq is only @ 20 C2 PL < allowing it to complete or start its nuclear program by or in 49 years by or in either [1950 + 49 ] = 1999 @ that level that of US by 1920 which after Gulf War I caused a 49 year delay to [2000 + 49] = 2049 @ 20 C2 PL that of US in 1920 which after Gulf War II caused another 49 year delay for its nuclear program for Iraq which is now delayed to [2050 + 49] = 2099 by when Iraqi nuclear war program is either restarted or/and completed @ 20 C2 Power Level that of US in 1920 > compared to USA nuclear war program of [1920+20] = 1940 @ 40 C2 PL: the Manhattan Project is @ 2x C2 PL that of Iraqi nuclear war program. But, USA nuclear war program by 1944 grows to 44 C2 PL. So, current Iraqi nuclear war program is @ levels that of 1920 in USA @ 20 C2 PL of 1920 for its nuclear war program. So, Iraqi nuclear war program was @ 19 C2 PL in 1990, and seems to be growing @ rate of 1 C2 PL point every 1 (one) decade or every 10 years in Iraq. Look @ RULE # 198, & # 203. Now, my super easy homebrew 1 sentence or paragraph or 1 page rpg system HYBRID, where everything in my rpg HYBRID, where everything in my revolves around the central equation : X^LOG10(X), where X is some # @ some unit of magnitude & point distribution : THE equation used by HYBRID rpg, and it seems to be used by many other rpgs, such as GURPS, D20, HERO, Dragonball-Z, Yu-Gi-Oh, D&D, & the ’86 & ’99 MARVEL rpg, but the physics (science-FICTION) of this rpg is more close to that of Aberrant, Mage-the Ascension, & RIFTS (which I’ve read a review of it, but I haven’t yet looked @ the book). All of the 5 major units in HYBRID revolves around 1 stat Psyche, but has 2 manifestations: LS for life-span & PL for power level, making HYBRID a tri-stat rpg system. But, this tri-stat nature of HYBRID gives it a similar uniqueness as most subatomic particles are composed of 3 subunits. To understand HYBRID, you start with the height equation, RULE # 4, and go from there to all sorts of directions like on a graph paper (figuratively speaking), depending on what units you want to use, where each of the 5 major units (CA, C1, C2, C3, & C4) represent point distributions. But, start with RULE # 182, before going to RULE # 4, for the easiest & fastest route to understanding this super easy rpg. COINCIDENTALY, it’s the last rule which seems to best explain my homebrew RPG system, in a similar manner that page 257 of GURPS Basic Set does the best job of explaining GURPS RPG, though this RULE #182, may not remain the last rule for long. NOTE: To understand this rpg HYBRID, start with my review of HERO rpg which is NOT all negative, as the description of Atlantis was accurate, for the most part, but its dating I’m skeptical of & about & NOT sure if the dates are correct, but I’ll get back to that in my NEXT UPDATE NEXT TIME on & about HERO’s description of & about Atlantis, but the picture of Atlantis they have in the HERO book CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE on pg. 89 looks a lot like Eternia in the ‘80s cartoon series He-Man, who in his civilian identity as Prince Adam, whose mother originally came from earth in a spaceship could have done 1 of 3 things : 1st) traveled ten(s) (of) thousand(s) of light-years from earth into a parallel universe after going through a black hole {which takes her to a different universe containing Castle Graceskull which has a PL @ between planet Jupiter & out entire solar system including the sun & the earth’s solar system @ [55+/-5] C 1 DP = HALF C1 DP OF THE GALAXY IT IS IN & proportional to distance from earth, meaning the further away the black hole or wormhole is from earth that she travels to the more powerful this Castle Greyskull is: meaning, IF it’s [the worm hole or black hole] is 100 light years [the closest possible distance but most probably much further away but in terms of a best case scenario @ distance of 100 light years & not any closer than 100 light-years if that or this black hole has a 100 solar mass for the black hole for the one that she entered through one side & came out the other like a dimensional gateway for the mother of the future Prince Adam, whose mother before he is born is found by the his future father, whom marries this female astronaut from earth, in 1980s tv series He-Man & the Masters of the Universe, but could be much further away perhaps near the center of the Milky Way Galaxy @ distance of 57,627.76 light-years away from earth giving the black hole a 57,627 solar mass for the black hole @ the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, where the gravitational force & attraction of the black hole @ the center of the galaxy = {(gravitation that of the sun)^[1+ (LOG10(SOLAR MASS OF THE BLACK HOLE))]}, which in that case THEN CASTLE GRACSKULL [located in alternate future earth, sort of like DC planet Krypton [future DC earth] & current DC earth] WOULD BE @ 47.61+10 or 57.61 C1 DP IF SHE TRAVELED A DISTANCE OF 57,627.67 LIGHT-YEARS TO GET TO THAT/A/THE BLACK WHOLE OR WORM HOLE THAT TAKE HER TO A DIFFERENT/PARALLEL/OR ALTERNATE UNIVERSE OR SIMPLY DIFFERENT SPACE-TIME COORDINATES IN FUTURE TIME PERIOD OF THE SAME EARTH’S SAME MILKY WAY GALAXY OR TO A DIFFERENT PLANET IN THE SAME GALAXY IN DIFFERENT SPACE TIME COORDINATES] away then CG is @ 20+10 or 30 C1 DP if worm hole is @ distance of 100 light-years away from earth; if 10 light-years away, then its @ 10+10 or 20 C1 DP; if worm hole or the black hole is 1,000 light-years away from earth, then CG is @ 30+10 or 40 C1 DP, and if the worm hole or black hole that she travels into is 10,000 light-years away from earth, then CG is @ 40+10 or 50 C1 DP; and, so on, infinitum} & after arriving @ the other end of the black hole < commonly referred to as a white hole > she’d < the future mother of Prince Adam > would appear or end up in an alternate timeline, where rather than science, magic is dominant aspects of the physics of that universe < sort of like the ‘80s cartoon series BLACKSTAR, with his one of 2 twin magical swords & his 2 sidekicks, one of them looking like & having powers similar to the MU character Iceman but being a watered down version of Iceman, and his other sidekick being a woman, she looking a bit like the female sidekick in the ‘80s cartoon series THUNDARR THE BARBARIAN, where equation for human evolution is in 2 types of evolution for human males – type (1) [10^{(C3 DP)/10} years] & type (2), which is square root where exponent = [1/{X=2}] of type (1) for increment in C1 of 10 points for every those # of years: for value of X in ratio, roll a 1d6, then use that # for X, and if that X = 6, then ratio is of 1 in every (1/6) root of human males population giving a 6x points to Thundarr if Thundarr’s C3 DP is @ 6x the average C3 DP of rest of human male population in which he is @ PL that of Thundarr @ 3d6 C1 DP which is @ C3 is 6x someone that is NON-mutant human male of his COM @ 50 C3 < which in FUZION rpg is just 50 points for someone @ 20 C2 DP [perhaps the 3 extra stats [since there are total of 10 in FUZION {which sometimes use C2, but by “use” I mean “imply or implied” to use C2} which the # of stats for an object vary in Hybrid rpg and the # of stats for an object is not fixed in Hybrid, based on type of object] account for taking disadvantages, but the total points] which is further divided into 10 stats, each worth 5 points, where each of these stats are @ square root of C3, so it may appear to be @ 25 C3 which *creates* a *contradiction*, as to how a character starting @ 50 C3 by 5*10 = 50 could end up @ 25 C3 by 5^2 = 25: the only remedy is @ @ 49 C3 DP, he has 7 stats, and so by doing this 7*7 = 49, {C3 or @ C3}, and 7^2 = 49, {C3 or @ C3} [law of conservation of mass and energy is maintained: NOTE that an object can appear to have less than or more than the recommended # of stats based on other variables] rather than 10, which # of stats fluctuate depending on DP or Default Psyche of object which I had stated in V 0.01 back in 2001. And, this Version should be V 0.05, but it is less than V 0.333 and rather V 0.05, since I’m still working on some of older rules to make them more efficient and less error prone, in attempt to remove any possible errors that might still exist in some of my old equation is why the Version # is still @ V .05 rather than V .333; and, as I was saying > then @ 6X is 6x50 or total of 300 C3 or total of 300 points in GURPS, HERO by Steve Long, Dungeons and Dragons, Dragonball-Z, Yu-Gi-Oh, latter uses PL, since tachyon projections such as the Digimons are power stunts and not life forms, where X is “X” in exponent (1/{X=2}), creating a mutant society, proportion to his Power Level or PL, where in the story a large asteroid hits the earth’s moon in 2000 AD & then 2,000 to 20,000 years later in the year 4,000 or 22,000 AD; but, storyline is supposed to take place in 4,000 AD, with bits of 20th century technology, where evolution is increasing potential for humans in terms of manipulating energy & matter @ rate of 10 C1 DP increment(s) every 1,000 to 10,000 years which is about when the story or the show begins about 10,000 years into the future @ which time maximum human male potential would be @ 30 C1 DP based on its C2 DP, where if after [pi*(100,000)] years of evolution, maximum male human potential being @ 55 C2 DP, then it’s 55 C1 DP for a woman, meaning somewhere on this planet there is a woman with a 33 COM, rare as a giant pearl with a diameter of 300 millimeters is about difficult as finding a 24.77 COM woman (human), her COM proportional to {10*LOG10(radius or diameter of a pearl in millimeters)} or {(radius or diameter in millimeters)/10}, creating a discrepancy, which you can base it on the uncertainty principle, since I don’t know how large it is possible to make an artificial pearl, based on the movie “Black Pearl” < where a giant Manta Ray ended up fighting a giant octopus guarding a giant black pearl, which gets stolen by some boy, who is being chased by some giant manta ray for some unknown reason, or maybe the boy is its waters, as some animals are territorial > extremely rare, and no, I didn’t ask her out, as I have a tough time even getting a date with a woman @ 6 COM, as I’ve seen only once such a 33 COM woman, which is almost but not completely impossible statistically for her to exist @ 33 COM, she wasn’t real but was on tv, and no I’m NOT referring to Anaa Nicole Smith, who should get only 27 COM, extremely rare to ever come across a woman like her, about as rare as finding a giant pearl the size of a bowling ball, though I’ve never thought there would be a woman greater than 27 COM, which is also extremely rare, about as rare as finding a giant pearl the size of a baseball < as shown by the level of magic used in the series : there was even a time travel episode < but, because the most she would have been able to travel back in time would be 10 years by astral projection, she didn’t really do the power stunt on her own : what she did was use a device created by another wizard who was @ 40 C1 DP or 2x the C1 DP that of the female sorceress, who is @ 20 C1 DP, from the male perspective, coincidently her COM was also @ 20 C1 DP, similar tactic used by MU comics regarding female mutants who have power ~ to their COM, such as Rogue, Storm, and Jean Grey, [the wizard made a time device that look like a high-tech elliptical mirror < but more circular than elliptical > {after finding the wizard’s device, she, the sorceress, side-kick of THUNDARR, was able to mind-link with the device, though it was shown that she got sucked in, but that could have been her astral form that got sucked in : the purpose being to find her 2 friends that had accidentally turned the device on & got them transported back in time : I’m assuming that their actual bodies were teleported to another location, while their astral form took over body of their past lives, sort of like that psychic guy in the tv series DEADZONE, or opposite that of in Xena, Warrior Princess, where Xena is @ LESS power rating that of THUNDAR, but like THUNDARR’ side-kick who is @ 30 C1 DP, @ PR that of Xena’s side-kick’s daughter, whose mother mated with Ares @ 36 C1 DP {for Ares}: if his teleportation was invisibility power(s), then you’d want to give his teleportation 23 C1 DP = 71.5 C2 DP which is PR or power rating that of the MU character, The Invisible Woman of F.F.. This 71.5 C2 DP PR, power rating, is 2x C2 DP {which does NOT mean the same as 2xC2 DP : NOTE that {2x C2 DP} is different from {2xC2 DP} : both notations mean 2 different things, where 2xC2 DP mean that 35.75 C2 DP = 71.5 2xC2 DP, while 2x 35.75 C2 DP = 71.5 C2 DP = 2,744.42 C3 DP by 71.5^LOG10(71.5) = 2.744.42 C3 DP which is vastly greater than 258.62 C3 DP by 35.75^LOG10(35.75) = 258.62 C3 DP & belong to 35.75 C2 DP which you round off to 36 C2 DP = 6 AMBS for Xena} that of Xena’s 35.75 C2 DP = about 36 C2 DP @ 6 AMBS, but the genuine article would be @ 30 C1 DP, if similar to that of the MU Nightcrawler < NOT referring to the character in the sci-FI series “Forever Night”, where that ‘Nightcrawler’ would be @ 36 C2 DP @ 6 AMBS in the sci-FI series “Forever Night”>, Ares, God of War, mating with Xen’s side-kick, to give birth to a female daughter, who grows up to have powers @ 30 C1 DP, though her mother’s powers seem to be @ only 10 C1 DP, but with help from goddess of beauty, her powers, were temporarily increased to 20 C1 DP, 10 C2 DP more PR than that of Xena @ 36 C2 DP < if you put Ares @ 36 C1 DP, NOTE that Ares was able to create pocket dimension with magic artifact which Hercules attempted to prevent Ares from finding & using, you should put Xena @ 36 C2 DP : # is same, but unit of magnitude is different & difference of one, or @ 1 unit of magnitude less than that of Ares >, but Xena’s side-kick’s power were different that whatever she wrote on her scroll became true, but according to the cloning equation her powers seem to be @ 30 C1 DP, her TK & TP for cloning herself, when she cloned herself, but if those clones of herself were only holographic projections of herself, then her powers were @ 20 C1 DP = 49.28 C2 DP = 733.1 C3 DP, but NOTE that the MU Mysterio by RULE # 3 is @ 25 C1 DP = 90 C2 DP = 6,592.34 C3 DP, which PR that of Juggernaut without his magic helmet, but Juggernaut with magic helmet is @ 30 C1 DP = 152 C2 DP = 57,627.76 C3 DP, but when she was able to tell others what to do, she was @ 20 C1 DP, her telepathic powers, until the female side-kick relinquished her powers, with Xena becoming jealous with her side-kick’s growing independence with her new powers, not needing to depend on Xena so much [ you almost get that feeling that the 2 female characters, symbols of feminism or feminist characters seem to be in love with each other in some spiritual way or something, as there was no actual physical sexual contact with those 2 characters. But, Ares’ dimensional travel power(s) seem to be @ 36 C1 DP, but his power to simulate illusion of time travel seem to be @ THE SAME 36 C1 DP = 264.29 C2 DP by 36^LOG10(36) = 264.29. Xena in the series wanted to kill her side-kick’s daughter out of anger @ her side-kick for mating with Ares, who was Xena’s lover, though Ares, god of war, seem to have multiple female sexual partners, other than Xena; so, I’m not sure why Xena wanted revenge on her female friend & on her daughter by killing her female friend’s daughter; but, it was implied later in the series Xena was a control freak in that she thought of herself as her female friend’s lover in some spiritual sort of way or something, and maybe became jealous for being with a man, but Xena seem to sleep with any guy or woman that seem to have a great warrior spirit, including Hercules, whose dimensional & time travel power(s) seem to be @ 45 C1 DP, PLUS LN(# of episodes for Hercules), which would raise Hercules’ C1 DP to: 49.28 = 20 CA DP = 10 in MU SAGA for Hercules’ AVERAGE (default) psyche, where you’d want to put the Ice & Fire Titans @ 30 C1 DP @ height of 240 ft., by RULE # 4, according to the height equation for AVERAGE guy @ height of 6 ft. would be @ 36 C3 DP : this equation works similar to the way it works for Godzilla & Gamera, meaning quantum mechanics is built into the height equation, where no math for quantum mechanics is needed, but rather simple algebra of taking the square root of C3 DP to get height in ft., & calculate mass in lbs. on earth take the cube of height, meaning @ height of 6 weight, an adult male athlete would have mass & weight of 216 lbs by [6^3] = 216 lbs. @ minimum or average or kg @ maximum, where unit lbs is used for non-super power being, but use unit kg for likes of THOR, who is close to cosmic level, or for a character really powerful, but lbs for a character @ low end of the power spectrum, such as Batman, where the # 6 is height of 6 ft., which, this super simple height & mass equation I came up with, more than a decade ago, is BY 100% PURE COINCIDENCE is THE SAME equation IMPLIED in & that is used in HERO 5th Edition on p. 118 & works opposite of my shrinking equation, which is by pure coincidence similar, but not exactly similar, but similar to one IMPLIED on p. 141 in HERO 5th, where the 60 points would be 60 C2 DP, similar to the equation IMPLIED by the MU Power Pack @ 40 C2 DP, where @ 20 for 20 C2 DP you’d use the cloning equation to get the shrinking equation, hell, even the Mega-Scale on p. 170 is similar to my Astronaut’s Equation, which is similar to Mega-Scale, but works differently based on what unit is being used, from one unit to the next unit, depending on whether it’s C2 or C1, where premise : @ C2 10x every 10 C2 DP for space travel in # of miles though normal space, but this CONTRADICTS with the total distance look @ RULE # 186, which is more accurate, leads to more strange result(s) & analysis that storyline might take place in 3535 AD @ 35.35 C1 DP for master genius, but this contradicts RULE # 186, which is more accurate, so previous premise < @ C2 10x every 10 C2 DP for space travel in # of miles though normal space > must flawed < by that I mean inaccurate AVERAGE, but depending on how its interpreted @ the high end of the power scale > in some way and depending on type space that travel is made through, through normal space or through warp or hyper space, which is more expensive to travel through than normal space, DAMM – SO MANY SIMILARITIES between my rpg & HERO 5th & OTHER RPGS, BY 100% PURE COINCIDENCE & CHANCE, MAYBE PARALLEL THINKING ALONG THE SAME IDEA, that it makes you think twice about Maxwell’s Equation of & in the storyline of the movie “Frequency”, as I didn’t get the or any of my equations from HERO 5th, as I’ve been using this height & mass equation for years before I even came across any HERO rpg products, but the average Titan @ 25 C1 DP @ height of 81 ft. using the height equation for average guy, but that jolly giant Titan @ 20 C1 DP, because he was fat, he’d lose 5 C1 DP points, lowering his status to 20 C1 DP, putting him PR @ height of someone @ 27 ft., someone who wasn’t fat but well built & broad & lean & athletic @ height @ 27 ft., though @ height of 27 ft., would be a pretty short Titan by standards of mythology, the guy’s wife whom Hercules killed, simply because she didn’t look human, but wouldn’t that make Hercules a villain, but then, again, audience doesn’t care < far as I know >, where the strong or the winner is good, and the side that loses is bad, sort of like the old capitalism & communism debate, as to which was the good side & which was the bad side, considering under capitalism, 10% of population control 90% of resources, which communism wanted to correct, but were put of commission, due to internal corruption, corrupt politicians, but that’s something that’s not new in any country, including Russia, but getting back to what I was saying, including with his side-kick Aeolus, not to mention & including with Joxter, who seem to be @ 15 C2 DP but his COM is @ 20 C2 DP, but his fighting skills were increased to 15 C1 DP = 24.17 C2 DP by 15^LOG10(15) = 24.17, in 1 or 2 episodes with a power boost with help of goddess of beauty, another side-kick, who seem to be end up with both the girls, strangely : that was one show, the series of both Xena & Hercules
, about as bad & sleazy as some music videos, both series had LOT OF PRE-MARITAL SEX,
, including for payments for services no longer required by the wife which would make it something like getting paid for work not performed, regarding alimony, where a woman gets paid for NO services to her ex-husband {has anyone heard of women paying alimony to guys ?? I haven’t.}{enforced by insane & corrupt divorce law(s)} to get paid $10,000/year for each guy she divorces which would come out to $50,000/year if she was or were to get divorced 5 times: THAT’S LOT OF FREE MONEY FOR DIVORCED WOMEN: I thought the Civil War abolished slavery but to be reinvented by feminists IF SOME GUY WAS UNLUCKY TO HAVE TO HAVE HIS WOMAN DIVORCE HIM: PERSONALLY FEEL SORRY FOR ALL DIVORCED MEN, THOUGH I’M NOT DIVORVCED MYSELF, BUT THE PROSPECTS OF DIVORCE IS FRIGHTENING TO ANY MAN: he can have his wages garnished or go to jail if he refuse to pay alimony, which is slave labor from men: and, if you’re going to make prostitution illegal, then LOGIC DICTATES THAT ONE SHOULD MAKE DIVORCE ILLEGAL, but humans are more prone to corruption or/& passion (rather) than common sense > with only 2 episodes of marriages, one with Hercules’s mother falling for Jason, and the other Xena < or was it her side-kick, one of them > applying for a matrimonial ad, when Xena was pregnant with some guy’s kid, as it was never shown who the father of Xena’s child was, but was implied, but Xena quickly later changing her mind about getting married, as she didn’t like the idea of being a housewife, but wanted to run around beating guys up, NOT sure if that’s a good role model for girls & for women, but then again, neither is the E-series “The Anne Nicole Show”, which, the tv show, make her look like a soft-core prostitute, which seem strange considering she inherited, by becoming a super rich widow, tens or hundreds or more millions of $, which makes you want to think twice if women commit prostitution for $, or as a career, like secretarial work] seem to be @ 30 C1 DP, also, but getting back to the story}] that allowed him, the wizard, to see into the past < NOT sure if it allowed him to see into the future, but he claimed he could use the device to see into the future, as how he got his technology from but sounded like a contradiction, since he needed to be a genius to make such a device & wouldn’t need to steal technology : so, the device couldn’t really see into the future, but he was mainly boasting to create a persecution complex, by that I mean to show that he wasn’t all powerful][LOOK @ RULE # 170 : the most efficient time travel rule ever devised {but only works as mind link, sort of like astral projection, NOT actual time travel by the physical body but by astral projection, as it’s more costly to transport actual body back in time, easier to do with & by astral projection, sort of like in the tv series THE DEAD ZONE, where the protagonist is the same actor that played in the biography movie Bill Gates}; this equation is most commonly used, but it took me years to come up with this darn little equation, after coming up with 80 pages of rules : actually, I came across by accident when I was thinking about how she would be able to travel 10,000 years back in time by astral projection or/and mind link (with technology)][the only character far as I know who was @ that power level, as most wizards are @ 20 C1 DP about the same power rating that of THUNDARR, the guy with sun-sword which sort of like & similar to that of a Jedi of Star Wars, except the sun sword is psyionic in nature [in my opinion], but in the show it or the sun sword is supposed to be of magical nature, meaning it only works by THUNDARR], but it cost the sorceress, his female side-kick, major points as it was THE MOST EXPENSIVE POWER STUNT SHE PULLED OFF, THOUGH ANOTHER EQUALLY COSTLY WAS GAINING BACK HER YOUTH AFTER SOME WITCH TRIED TO STEAL IT WITH A SPELL WHICH WORKED SIMILAR TO MY RULE # 3, LOWERING LS TO INCREASE PL & VICE-VERSA > after the giant asteroid pulled the moon out of its orbit : you see the moon of a planet has special properties unique in the universe that it gives balance to the spin of the planet, the moon keeps the planet from wobbling too much & keeps its axis of spin @ a relative position, but the axis of spin has a tendency to wobble itself like a pendulum, where the spin of the planet is similar to the spin of subatomic particles < but I’m NOT sure if the axis of spin wobbles like a planet or not for subatomic particles > : it’s the distortion of this spin of the planet < but, the moon was cracked like in the recent movie The Time Machine, so the earth in the series was able to maintain some reasonable & somewhat stable spin : and, an asteroid did come close to the moon but missed just years ago; so, maybe the story was based on that fact as well, as to a possible what if scenario, but even if that asteroid did hit the moon, it wouldn’t have caused as much damage as it did in the series MOSTLY DUE TO THE RELATIVELY SMALL SIZE OF THE ASTEROID THAT DID MISS THE EARTH’S MOON JUST YEARS AGO > & the rate of evolution is what the show was about >;
2nd) traveled ten(s) (of) thousand(s) of years into the past; 3rd) traveled ten(s) (of) thousand(s) of years into the future. In fact, < STRANGELY > the nearest black hole is supposed to be ten(s) (of) thousand(s) light-years from earth in real life < assuming I got my facts correct >. So, the He-Man series could have been based on this fact, as I recall during the ‘80s there were a few sci-fi movies & shows where the narrator had someone travel to some parallel universe < or backward or forward into time to an alternate timeline, but then the question is or was, did she have enough fuel to travel another distance of < ten(s) (of) thousand(s) of light-years > 10,000 or more light-years after coming out of the other side of the black hole [this question was never answered in the tv series of He-Man]> by traveling through black hole, BUT THE SCEPTICS WOULD SAY WOULD THE G’S FROM THE ACCELERATION FROM THE GRAVITY OF A BLACK HOLE KILLS THE PERSON(S), but that’s why they call it sci-fi. But, what these shows were about was the hidden message that evolution MIGHT < MIGHT > evolve @ rate of increments of 10 C1 DP every 1,000 years for a master genius, using 2000 AD @ 20 C1 DP for maximum human genius as a template. This SAME THEME was altered a bit, where the increment was set @ every 100 years for every 10 C1 DP for master genius, where the master genius or the character < Buck Rogers > would siphon off his IQ to ACCESS A STAR GATE < located @ some distant location in earth’s solar system but @ distance where it was reachable with hi-tech fuel & technology from a spaceship leaving earth >. I won’t get into the physics of it, as I’m not an expert in physics. Some aspects of HERO seem correct but only if a person looks @ it from a certain perspective, such as STR damage every 5 points is only true @ 40 C2 DP = 80 STR doing a 16D6 damage @ every 5 points of STR. But, in HYBRID, for every STR Nd6 = (STR/ damage), such (80/16) = every 5 STR for every 1D6. COM is basically described & used @ the low end of the power spectrum, with no examples for extremes in HERO, other than stating that a god-like good looks might get 90 to 100, but that doesn’t really tell me anything as there’s no unit next to the #. But, if they mean someone like the DC character LOBO, then this 90 to 100 COM might be @ 40 C2 DP by C3 DP = [COM*(pi +1)], where 40 C2 DP = 368.635 C3 DP = [368 / (pi +1)] @ COM = 89 COM < IN MY HOMEBREW RPG HYBRID > for good looks, but not counting, NOR including his powers as part of this 90 to 100 C2 DP. But, in HYBRID, this decreases, as you increase his C2 DP, but not sure if this correct, as I haven’t fully analyzed this that being STR to Nd6 damage in my own homebrew rpg HYBRID. But, regarding my analysis of HERO, there’s Mechanon, a knock off of the MU character Ultron, who’s @ *66 C2 DP*, where you notice the similarity between Ultron & Thor being the # 66 but the units are different as Thor is @ C1 while Ultron is @ C2 BECAUSE for Thor to travel to different dimension or to have power of dimensional travel his unit has to be @ C1 rather than @ C2, though in the ‘80s non-cartoon & non-animated tv version of Thor in the non-cartoon tv series of HULK there in that 2 or 3 part part episode, Thor was @ C2 & not @ C1, as the young lad was creating a tachyon projection of his imaginary idol that being Thor, similar to the alien spaceship of Clark in the tv series of “Smallville”, the alien spaceship was probably Clark’s science-project taken to way too extreme levels, meaning he was either probably just a mutant & not from the so-called planet Krypton or else he was from future timeline of the earth, where the planet Kyrpton was earth in future timeline where he as a child travels back into time, where the PLOT might be considered as a subliminal message of regression if Freud was analyzing the PLOT, assuming Ultron is either a sentient super-robot created by Dr Pym or a mutant son of Dr. Pym with power to change into a robot by shape-shifting power in a somewhat manner cross between Warlock of X-Factor & Mystique of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and Dr. Destroyer a knock off of Doom_2099. But, the characters’ TCP in < current > CHAMPIONS seem to be @ C3 DP in HYBRID, such as the total points for the Stalwart armor is @ C3 PL: a tactic used by FUZION for its Gargoyles, where its TCP is @ C3 PL, assuming it’s a focus, otherwise @ C3 DP. DISCLAIMER : My analysis of HERO rpg may be flawed as I’m NOT yet fluent in HERO rpg, but I notice some similarities between HERO & my homebrew HYBRID rpg enough of a similarit(y/ies) to know that Active Points for all power stunts are not equal in magnitude for the same # of points, such as dimensional travel would be @ C1 & not C3, but HERO has NO unit measurement(s) for magnitudes, as it just gives points & adds these points as if they all have the same magnitudes, but they don’t, giving an inaccurate total : sort of like adding 5 ounces & 5 tons & getting a total of 10 as an analogy in HERO. But, before I get into analysis or/and criticism of HERO rpg, I’ll to say that HERO rpg uses something similar to C1, C2, C3, & maybe even CA, but it’s NOT called by this, but rather Active & Real Points, where the units of magnitudes are all mixed up. For example, the [20 + 20] or 40 Active Points on pg. 132 of < current > CHAMPIONS would be @ 40 C2 DP, assuming the power is consistent & not temporary which in that case if it’s temporary then it can be simulated @ 30 C2 DP or by TL by decreasing LS & increasing PL, for a 16D6 energy blast : this is similar to the D20 rpg Mutants & Masterminds, where it or they, also, have a 16D6 energy blast power for a mutant @ 16 PL which is = to 40 C2 DP in my homebrew rpg system. And, if you go to pg. 87 of the same < current > CHAMPIONS, you’ll see for the ‘Grasshopper Set’ @ {30, 20, 16, 15, & 19}, the sum of which would be @ C3. But, what I’m trying to say is that by adding Active or/and Real Points together of different magnitudes, you can an inaccurate picture of Total Points : the SAME MISTAKE the ’86 MU TSR rpg made THAT BEING SAME UNIT FOR DIFFERENT MAGNITUDES, & my attempt to come up with a correct set of units to show the correct magnitude for powers, skills, attributes, & talents rather than a single unit such as “CLASS” which is replaced by Active (similar to but not exactly C3 (since # for Active Points is usually numerically greater but same in terms of magnitude < similar to $1 = sum of 2 half dollars but “2” in 2 half dollars is larger than “1” in $1 but otherwise both are of equal quantity similarly after computations both C2 & C3 are equal before limitations & advantages & sometimes even after limitations & advantages as depends on how the #s are interpreted by the players, similar to “99” in 1999 is similar to “99” in 1899 but technology in 1899 was ON AVERAGE LESS THAN in 1999, assuming you leave out the outliners such as Thomas Edison & Nicola Tesla & others like them who were ahead of their times in terms of the *average* person of his time in 1899 > than # for Real Points in HERO rpg) in my rpg HYBRID) or/and Real (similar to but not exactly C2 in my rpg HYBRID, where C3 = C2^LOG10(C2), meaning 20 Real Points (C2) in my rpg HYBRID would = *approximately* < without taking advantages & limitations which are Doppler effect & resonance theory in my rpg HYBRID {where, depending on point of view, Real Points can be either Doppler or/and resonance: the same with Active Points} into account > 49.28 Active Points by 20^LOG10(20) = 49.28 or 49.28 C3 ) Points by HERO. But, the positive side is that most characters or/and books written or/and controlled by S. Long seem to have CONSISTANT points distribution as though the point distribution seem to be similar to that of GURPS’ total points which is similar to my C3 unit for magnitude & point distribution. And, 2nd, total points for the old HERO system is @ 4th, 3rd, 2nd, & 1st, but total points for current HERO 5th is greatly different from the old system, EXCEPT FOR DARK CHAMPIONS, which is compatible with the current HERO 5th, CHAMPIONS, & < current > CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE, in which characters’ Total Points is almost exactly like or similar to GURPS’ Total Points. But, I’m NOT sure if HERO 5th is a hybrid OF GURPS & previous HERO rulebooks, but it’s possible & why < my THEORY > S. Long added 100 extra points to characters @ the low end of the power spectrum, where total points is/are dramatically different from The 250 Point Project for high powered characters, where under the NEW Hero system, total points are similar or/and = to total points close to that of as if written in GURPS for total points for their HERO characters. Look or/and read S. Long’s DARK CHAMPIONS, where total points is @ C3 PL, similar point distribution that of Gargoyles in Fuzion rpg. If you don’t believe me, compare point totals Gargoyles written in Fuzion & compare it to point totals for characters in Dark Champions, where point totals & point distribution is @ C3 PL, similar to Yu-Gi-Oh rpg, but slightly different compared total points in that book to that of GURPS, where C3 DP is used, then look at the NEW CHAMPIONS & CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE, the total points matches exactly to that of GURPS, or to my C3 unit, which is similar to that of D20. In another words, total points in HERO 5th < nor referring to core rules which may or may not be similar to total points that of GURPS > world books is NOT equal IQ for total points, as it did [IMPLIED] in the previous editions & the 250 Point Project: this deviation for total points in 5th edition to generate total points which is a LOT closer to GURPS than HERO 4th or 3rd. So, the character Teleios in CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE is @ power rating that of the MU character Mysterio
who/which is about power rating that of Spiderman. And, as for Dr. Destroyer, he’s @ 119 C2 DP power rating that of Destroyah or Godzilla in ‘Godzilla vs. Destroyah’, or @ power rating that of Doom_2099, a watered down version of the MU Dr. Doom. So, don’t be fooled by Dr. Destroyer’s 20,318 points : it’s his IQ as it would have been under 4th edition of HERO, but @ 20,318 hit points under D20 or 20,318 total points under GURPS or in my homebrew rpg system @ 20,318 C3 DP = 119 C2 DP = 27.59 C1 DP. So, Dr. Destroyer’s IQ & total points under the old HERO system or under something similar to the ‘250 Point Project’ should have a total range of between 275.9 & 430.88, which is the 2nd IQ estimate by taking [100*LOG10(20,318)] = 430.88 IQ @ 119.060 C2 DP, with a margin of error @ [430.88 – 275.9] = 154.98 points of margin of error for both IQ & total points for Dr. Destroyer if he was written under the old system, such as the ‘250 Point Project’, where his total & IQ should range between 275.9 & 430.88, but NOT @ 20,318 as in/under CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE, which is & works lot like S. Long’s DARK CHAMPIONS. Long time ago S. Long worked for GURPS on few articles for GURPS before years later he would work for HERO & later own it, it seems, & publish ‘HERO 5th’, written by S. Long, in reference to Hero 5th game books. This is just my THEORY that S. Long starting with his DARK CHAMPIONS wanting total points for HERO characters to be @ or have the same total points as if they were written in GURPS or D20, and attempting to do same with HERO 5th & the current HERO 5th game products such as the current CHAMPIONS & the current CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE & its characters, whose TCP similar to GURPS. DISCLAIMER : The above comments is my interpretation & MY THEORY < with little proof to back this/my claim [THEOR(Y/IES] EXCEPT the similarities in total points between GURPS & HERO books written or/and writing controlled by S. Long > of & about HERO rpg (the old system & its current 5th ) & its game products. So, a character @ 20.1 C1 DP or 49.925 C2 DP would have been given an IQ & total points of 201 to 288, under the old HERO 3rd & 4th system, but under the new HERO 5th, total points would be @ 766 for the HERO character Teleios, would be @ 766 C3 DP, @ total 766 in GURPS, or 766 in Yu-Gi-Oh, except that in Yu-Gi-Oh, the characters created would be @ 766 C3 PL by psychic kids, who are @ C3 DP. HYBRID ( BROWNIE ) CAKE HYPERLINK \l "recipe" µRECIPE§ { the secret is 1d6 flour to 1 part sugar for type of pastry, when making brownie @ gpa of 2 for cake; to create perfect cake, use (1/5) of ingredients, except for cake flour which is used @ 100% }: this is proportional to equation for perfect religion is @ 1/5 of Islam @ 5 gpa vs. 1/3 of Islam @ 3 gpa, while 1/1 gets a gpa of D grade, same as cake recipe, where 1/1 is a D grade }. But, do not forget that amount of baking powder is (gpa)x that of 1 packet of yeast in flour: use 1 box of cake flour ~ 1 similar volume of flour for bread, but for cake use only 1/2 of flour. The amount of butter and cooking oil is proportional to each other; and, 2x of each for 2 boxes of flour: for each box, you should use half a bar of butter or 1 bar for 2 boxes; and, do NOT forget to add baking powder, which is slightly more than yeast, which if used, below. And, note that baking soda and baking powder are different, where baking soda will give a soap taste; so, make sure NOT to use baking soda in the recipe, below. And, the previous [not referring to above but in earlier Version, which is simplified with simple arithmetic equation] (previous in previous V #) recipe was or/and is overly complicated & does NOT work without too many calculations, which are reduced and simplified in update. So, it’s better to just follow the instructions on the back of the box, but @ grade of 2 GPA, add only (HALF of each ingredient {but, @ grade of 3 GPA, add only (THIRD: 1/3 of each ingredient, except the cake flour which you use all of it that being the cake flour, but all the other ingredients you reduce based on quality that you want the end product, such as half the recommended butter for a gpa of 2 for your brownie when it is finished, but use only (1/5) the recommended butter for perfect brownie with gpa of 5:: same rule, when grading Islam, meaning for gpa of 5 for Islam, keep only (1/5) of rules of Islam & (remove / alter) the other 4/5 of the rules):: same with the cake recipe}, which in understandable terms is (1d6) proportion of all purpose flour for 1 part sugar, where # rolled will determine type of pastry to make and bake, to make the cake or/and bread flour/batter, use also minimum of 1 egg but may use 2 or more, depending on total volume of various types of flour; (1/8) bar of butter rather than (1/4), if you don’t want it moist, else use more butter; equivalent amount of oil that is ~ portional to butter that directions on back of box say to add should be ~ to amount of butter, which should be portional to oil added, and vice versa, for I don’t recall what the instructions recommend to add, but whatever it says, add only half the amount of the oil, as you don’t want it, the cake, too greasy; and, also, whatever amount of water it says to add, for that also, add only half of what it says, as you don’t want the batter to have too much water or oil, reason for the excess time to bake for 32 minutes which you want to reduce to 16 minutes but to reduce bake time to 16 minutes you need to reduce the ingredients to flour by 50%, so by decreasing the amount of water & oil by 50% in batter, you, also, decrease bake time, proportionally) But, IF you use/mix 2 different cakes, follow instructions of both for the cake batter, before baking, which should be (1/2) the time that is specified in the back of the box, meaning RATHER THAN baking the cake batter for 32 minutes which is too much since you do NOT want to burn it, bake it for ONLY 16 minutes @ same temperature as specified on back of the box, is the only discrepancy or difference between my recipe & that on the back of the box. When finished, cover it with a sheet of aluminum foil to keep it moist, let it cool for 1 hour before eating piece of it, but don’t forget to wrap it: it should remain fresh for days, but 1 week @ most, and not more. THEN, you can either cut it into LARGE squares, or serve it & you can begin to eat it. If you don’t wish to eat it right away, put a plate over it or wrap it up, and eat it later. Yum ? And by the way, cakes have lot of sugar, so if you don’t want sugar in your diet then skip this recipe, since cakes aren’t healthy. Healthy? Nope. No, it’s NOT healthy. It’s junk food. But, if you want to make moist but not too moist hybrid brownies, rather than regular brownies, then use (1/2) dough flour from brownie & other (1/2) flour from another type of cake flour such as from chocolate or blueberry cake box, to give it a different taste. NOW, returning back to my super easy homebrew 1 paragraph or 1 page rpg system HYBRID, where everything in my rpg revolves around THE central equation X^LOG10(X), where X is some # @ some unit of magnitude used by HYBRID rpg, and it seems to be used by many other rpgs, such as GURPS, D20, HERO, Dragonball-Z, Yu-Gi-Oh, D&D, Synnibarr, & MARVEL. And, physics similar to that of Aberrant, RIFTS, & Mage-the Ascension. And, the mechanics similar to Synnibarr @ C4, HERO @ IQ or C3, GURPS’ total @ C3, & Fuzion’ @ C2 or C3. In terms of dots, Aberrant is like BESM rpg. And, 0 to 30 in Action is @ C2 in Hybrid rpg. PREFACE: The 1st rpg that I read was the ’86 MU TSR rpg. I have tendency to adopt rules that make sense to, and what made sense about the ’86 MU TSR rpg was that it was already compatible with an rpg I was already working on but @ that time I only 1 equation that being # of points [10^D], where D = # of dimension(s). I later changed this 1st starting equation to [C0^D] for total # of points, where a basic starting character would have 10 points. But, there was a problem with units, as not all powers @ C0 unit equal each other in magnitude in the ’86 MU TSR rpg. But, since the dimensions were already built into the C variable, the dimensions could be left out, but having just C0 variable still brought me back to square one that being some powers or/and aspects of the game or/and stats were not of equal magnitude, for unequal powers @ same #. So, I attempted to resolve this, 1st, by changing TCP or total character points to IQ. But, that still left me with the same problem when I simply used C0, that being unequal powers, and the need for different or NEW units to show the different magnitudes. Look @ RULE # 163. This EVOLVING premise was compatible with the ’86 MU TSR rpg & adopted new rules that didn’t contradict this premise & threw out anything that contradicted with this basic starting premise. But, lot of the data in the ’86 MU TSR rpg “SEEMED TO HAVE” ONLY 1 UNIT FOR MAGNITUDE, WHEN THE RPG NEEDED 5 DIFFERENT UNITS OF MAGNITUDES, SO I ATTEMPTED TO COME UP WITH A NEW SET OF UNITS. This was the starting point of my what would one day be called the HYBRID rpg. During those years, was a cartoon series called “Voltron” that I loved & watched, and found the “Hagar”
the most fascinating character, as she
able to create giant humanoid & sometimes non-humanoid Godzilla-like or Gamera-like monsters. It was this tv show when combined with total points for characters in GURPS, that you get the height equations that being height in ft. for average man being @ [(his C3 DP)^(1/2)]; so, an average man @ 36 C3 DP would have a height of 6 ft. In that tv episode it was implied that her PL or power level was that of a largest planet or the smallest star. So, you’d want to put her [HAGAR] @ between 40 & 50 C1 DP: @ 2X # OF C0 POINTS THAT OF HER MONSTER(S). And, GM would need to be @ 30 C1 DP for a Godzilla-like or Gamera-like campaign, so this similarity between 2 different set of science-FICTION storylines inspired me to see if there were similarities in other science-FICTION literature, movies, & science-FICTION tv shows. I was dissatisfied with the many errors in the psyche stat & classification of adamentium, which the ’86 MU TSR rpg put @ CLASS 1,000 <{later} when I discovered that if I put Wolverine @ 54 C2 PL by [43 + 10.83] = 54 C2 PL if his DP is @ 19 C1 DP = 43.17 C2 DP, giving him a LS or life-span @ [43.17 – 10.83] = 32.34 C2 LS or life-span which is @ [2*190.25] = 380.49 years before he dies of old age, where he can replace his adamentium with healing factor & why whenever he’s severly hurt his adamentium claws disappear BECAUSE he’s replacing his adamentium with healing factor & or when used in combination, both are less, but getting back to what I was saying that his LS is determined by [2*(his C3 LS)], since a person @ 20 C2 DP has a LS of 98.56 years by [2*49.28], where 49.28 = his C3 DP, he’d have 1,002 C3 PL by 54^LOG10(54) which was very accurate, since I would later put Godzilla in the 1st Godzilla movie @ 60 C2 DP & the last version of Godzilla in 1999 Godzilla movie @ MINIMUM OF @ 99 TO 126 C2 DP @ [C2 + (C1 @ C2)], BUT SOME PARTS OF THE MOVIES ARE INCONSISTANT, MEANING FEW PARTS OF THE MOVIES ARE @ [2*[C2 + (C1 @ C2)]], WHICH FOR 1999 VERSION FOR FEW PARTS OF THE MOVIES FOR THOSE PARTS WHICH ARE INCONSISTANT WITH MOST PARTS OF EACH SUCH MOVIE VERSION WOULD BE @ MAXIMUM OF BETWEEN [2*99] TO [2*[126]] = @ BETWEEN X [198] TO Y [252] C2; BUT, MOST PARTS OF MOST OF THE GODZILLA & GAMERA MOVIES ARE @ [C2 + (C1 @ C2)], which when where taking square root of C2 DP = AMBS for “average” adulte male character @ 16 C2 DP pedestrian running away from a 256 C2 DP SUPER GODZILLA in the time travel version of the movie, as I would find out after reading BESM where they give 4 mind, 4 body & 4 soul for an average adult human male, which was COINCIDENTALLY similar to my estimates as I had put the average man @ 16 C2 DP, where by taking square root of 16 gave me 4, and ended up with a new equation that being AMBS = square root of {C2 DP}, which I would later find out, also, COINCIDENTALLY matches nd6 damage as depicted in rpg Mutants & Masterminds, where PL in Mutants & Masterminds matches same amount of damage that mutants can inflict in my rpg, where nd6 damage that a mutant can inflict = [((his C2 D)/10)^2]d6, though it doesn’t say this in M&M rpg but it’s IMPLIED based on PL assigned to 2 sample mutants I came across while surfing the web & the PL rating was extremely accurate, exactly as accurate as in my very own homebrew rpg : AMAZING COINCIDENCE ! So, if you were to put Jubilee of X-Men or Time-Bomb of X-Factor @ 36 C2 DP or AMBS of 6 which is power rating that of the Green Goblin, then the maximum amount of damage that these 2 mutant girls can inflict is 12.96d6 by [(36/10)^2] = 12.96d6 maximum damage, since they are mutants : nd6 damage would be more if they used their psyche for chemical or/& nuclear technology or TL> & all powers, including time travel & teleportation, given the same magnitude of “CLASS”, since many powers in the ’86 MU TSR rpg were clearly NOT equal in magnitude for the same numerical Class value, although sometimes it might seems to < but NOT really but falsely appear to be =, due to inaccurate interpretation & reference point / context > such as heat resistance @ 1,000 can range from resistance to nuclear blast to resistance from center of a star, latter @ C2 & former @ C3, where C3 is magnitude for material strength, same as HEALTH was not equal to KARMA, as STR was lot less than Reason. And, only way to remove the inconsistencies was the unit “CLASS” was to come up with a NEW set of units. I, first, came up with “C1” to represent Reason, which was later used to represent “psyche”. But, many mutants that were not geniuses were @ a unit LESS THAN C1. So, I came up with a 2nd unit, and called it C2. This 2nd unit was called C2 to designate classification for the average mutant in the Marvel Universe. I was pretty much satisfied with 2 units: C1 & C2. But, there was still a problem: most magical entities or those with access to magic such as Dr. Strange’s psyche was @ unit higher than C1, and human guys in MU were @ a unit less than C2. So, I had to come with a 2 more units: the CA, which was mostly used for magic, and the C3 used for humans. But, it wouldn’t make sense to give both men & women the same C3 unit, since
women were better looking than guys, so I had to give them, or women, a unit higher than C3. So, temporarily, I put women @ C2; but, there was still a problem. Putting women @ C2 would only give them a status of a clone such in sci-fi movie, meaning I had to put them @ a still higher unit. So, I ended up putting women @ C1 unit, since status of cloned women are between that of men & non-cloned women. DISCLAIMER : all of this is just my personal interpretation of the ’86 MU TSR rpg & to weed out errors in the original game, but I ended up with a set of rules for my rpg that ended up being compatible with 1 or/to 2 dozen rpgs which I’ll explain in a moment. THEN, the critical moment came when I came across HERO rpg, where they gave away 10 free points, as @ that time, I, myself, was thinking of doing something similar, but wasn’t sure if it will unify my rules, as @ that time, there was no single equation to unify all my theories into a SINGLE EQUATION, which I came across by accident when I punched in the following equation or set of #s in the following pattern : 10^LOG10(10) = 10, followed by 20^LOG10(20) = 49.28. And, there it was ! This is the same exact value that Dungeons & Dragons, Yu-Gi-Oh, GURPS, & Dragonball-Z gave someone @ 20 C2 DP that being a 49.28 C3 DP or a total character points or TCP of 49.28. < NOTE: TCP in HERO = IQ> THIS WAS THE SINGLE EQUATION I NEEDED TO UNIFY ALL RPGS INTO 1 EQUATION WHICH I COULD NOW DO WITH MY NEW SET OF UNITS: CA, C1, C2, & C3. But, I was wondering about what’s I do with some of the statistics & data that was already available for the ’86 MU TSR rpg, as it was quite useful & I didn’t want to discard it. So, I came with a new unit: a unitless unit which I would refer to as C0, which would be a temporary storage unit, until I could properly figure out what correct unit to give it, as the original ’86 MU TSR rpg used the same unit “CLASS” for everything which often gave me a headache, as I had waste time trying to assign proper magnitudes for different powers, since many powers @ same # were clearly NOT equal in magnitude with each other. For example, Ty(6) teleportation – which is [20+6] C1 DP, while Gd(10) teleportation is [20+10] C1 DP for Nightcrawler - was NOT equal to Ty(6) STR, where 6 STR was LOT LESS THAN 6 teleportation. So, after countless different equation, I finally came up with 1 that fit to get 6 teleportation. The secret being I used the MU character Quasar to figure out what the heck 6 Teleportation mean for Nightcrawler. But, 6 seemed low value, UNLESS you use the power stunt as shown in the movie “X-Men”, then & only then it would be accurate, as 6 was too low. Quasar’s teleportation is between 1,000 & 5,000 but would only make sense @ unit C1, as C2 would be insufficient PL to generate such a massive power stunt, and it would violate mostly all laws of physics @ C2, UNLESS he reduced the range from infinite to finite. So, the teleportation equation @ C0 comes to : [[(C1 PL) / 10]^2]. Notice that I used the stat “PL” rather than DP, as Quasar is NOT as powerful as Eternity but more @ power scale that of Silver Surfer. So, if you were to give Quasar a 5,000 C0, his C1 PL = [[(C0)^(1/2)]/10]. So, [[(5,000)^(1/2)]/10] = 707.11 C1 PL which seemed accurate. So, how to get correct amount for Nightcrawler, since the original designation as designed by roster in the ’86 MU TSR rpg was clearly wrong, though it wasn’t clear @ first if it was wrong or right, but only after countless calculations, it became clear that 6 was too low an amount, if one was to used Quasar as a template for teleportation, since Quasar is the most powerful teleporter in the MU for an entity LESS THAN a god. I had later put Nightcrawler @ X [120] C2 DP which by [120 / 6.42] = 18.72 C2 LS or life-span would increase his PL or power level to [120*6.42] = 770.01 C2 PL = 50 C1 PL which for C0 teleportation = [(50/10)^2] = 5^2 = 25 C0 teleportation. So, Nightcrawler would get a teleportation of 25 C0, rather than @ 6 as it was originally given to him by the ’86 MU TSR rpg roster. Realistically, Doom’s rating for time travel should be same as his dimensional travel, but < I could be mistaken or wrong > the ’86 MU TSR rpg put time travel @ same rating as teleportation, but dimensional travel @ same rating as magic, but both dimensional travel & time travel requires similar amount of psyche life-force points or similar level of technology. This makes interpreting sister of Colossus difficult, as to whether Magus teleported her to limbo or she did it herself, since she seems to be C1 DP, while her brother is @ C1 PL, which would be pushing his powers to his limits, using RULE # 3, which ~ to rating @ 6 +/-1 in Nobilis, if her rating is ~ in {16 +/- 1 CA DP} ~ {(15, 16, or 17 CA DP):(24.17, 28.18, or 32.66 C1 DP): (81.89, 126.54, or 195.98 C2 DP)}, where her mutant PL or Power Level is ~ either {(2*%) or (100 + %)} @ C2 DP, which is a 2nd self, when it comes to creating humanoid female mutant characters, which are created differently than from male characters, who can be created using 1st integration, but to create a female humanoid mutant character requires a 2nd integration, which is a figure of speech & NOT the literal definition as it is used in a intro to calculus, but the process is similar when creating characters in my rpg HYBRID, where her PL, which acts as a 2nd {her 1st DP being her COM, with here 2nd DP being her mutant PL) DP @ CA ~ to her teenage appearance which her ideal mating match ~ 16 +/- 1 C2 DP, since her powers manifested in her teenage years, and if it is supposed to be a hidden message of some sort in rpg terms as to her power levels; while, her brother is @ C1 DP @ ~ 21 +/- 1: @ -1, NOT referring to limitation but -1 + 21 = 20 C1 DP for Colossus if his power stunt is combination of force field and holograms, rather than shape shifting, which require a +1, which I’m NOT referring to advantage, but to +1 + 21 = 22 C1 DP, with 21 C1 DP for Colossus would be combination of both options. If she used her psyche for TK rather than magic, she could cook the moon like it were a marshmallow on a campfire. It’s not funny. That’s a lot of power that girl has ! My next project was to assign a # for the time traveler, Dr. Doom, who @ first seem to be @ PL that of the Doctor of TARDIS, both @ {10*(1d6)} C1 DP, which is what Doom ended up with with each final encounter with the Beyonder, meaning what he started out with, {so, one can assume that the reader confused Doom’s C1 PL unit for his C1 DP unit, causing the reader to think Doom was all powerful on Battleworld during the ‘80s Secret Wars: Doom’s power boost was caused by the readers mistaking the PL unit for DP, which doubled the Psyche that of Doom from 60 to 120, creating the power boost needed to match the power of a dieing Galactus, assuming Galactus was dieing of old age or perhaps due to Galactus overextending his powers, for which a good analogy would be that of the dieing Roman Empire in [{100*(1d6)} {AD or/and BC}], which is ~ to law of refraction used in optics, where Rome was almost defeated by barbarians, such as Attila the Hun and his army, which should have been no match for the Roman army, which was greatly weakened to due to lack of leadership, moral, and its weakness that of the Roman Empire could have been a ruse that being that the Roman Empire was dieing since its leadership that of Emperor was replaced by Pope for the next 1 millennium, since they {the Doctor and his TARDIS} have a symbiotic relationship, sort of like Peter Parker and his Venom costume from Battleworld of ‘80s Secret Wars. I applied this same logic & equation as used for teleportation on time travel, and SEEM TO < I can’t emphasize these words enough that being: “SEEM TO”, since {some say} authors of MU comics can’t seem to remain consistent as to what PL to give Doom, making creating an accurate character description & power ratings difficult to put in exact #s, since PL of Doom varies from author to author, and so I say, again, “SEEM TO”> give a similarly accurate picture or/& predictions. But, in the ‘80s was a series of MU comics called the “SECRET WARS”, where the narrator said that Doom managed, somehow, to get power of Galactus, which did NOT make sense to me as by doing so would violate conservation of mass & energy, & so I simply didn’t believe it : for more on this LOOK @ RULE # 151, as how to Doom could create such a picture of being omni-potent : the only logical explanation is to put Galactus @ (1.5)x C2 DP that of Doom, if you were to put Dr Doom @ 120 C1 DP, putting Galactus @ 180 C1 DP, but by doing so, since Galactus was already almost 20 billion years old
, Galactus should be dieing of old age by now; so, Galactus should be @ power rating @ C2 rather than @ C1, making Galactus weak due to being simply TOO OLD, allowing Narrator to create a false impression to readers that Doom was able to steal Galactus’ power, since both are equivalent in power, if Galactus was on verge of death, like an old man (human) having a NON-lethal stroke but/and surviving it, analogy, which MIGHT STILL BE POSSIBLE SINCE & IF GALACTUS WAS DIEING OF OLD AGE
THEN YES, DOOM WAS ABLE TO steal power Galactus, but it could just as well be said that Doom was simply @ a higher power rating if Galactus was dieing of old age. But, Galactus has 2x the C1 DP that of Dr Doom, if Doom is @ 120 C1 DP, else if Doom is @ 60 C1 DP, then Galactus is @ 4x that of Doom, but Doom of 2099 MU issue was @ 20s C1 DP, between 20 & 29 C1 DP, which is ~ to the MU Gravitaon and his 2 Quantum friends or/and allies. The only real way to be sure of any of this is IF THE NARRATOR SIMPLY SPELLED IT OUT FOR THE READERS RATHER THAN THEM WORK IT OUT LIKE A HOMEWORK PROBLEM. So, I just assumed that Dr. Doom deluded himself into thinking that, UNLESS he had help from the Beyonder, but the Beyonder (who is similar to a Cosmic Cube which is sort of like a super version of the hypercube like in the movies Hypercube 1 & 2, where the Beyonder would be @ CA while the hypercube would be @ C1, where a 50 CA Cosmic Cube (the Beyonder) would be @ 770 C1 DP, while a 50 C1 hypercube that in Part II of movie Hypercube would be @ most 770 C2 DP but the movie version of hypercube was probably @ 30 C1 DP = 152 C2 DP for Part 1 & 40 C1 DP = 368 C2 DP for Part 2, where you’ll notice that a 40 C2 DP {notice the unit C2 is being used for the mutant example rather than C1} mutant like the MU Wolverine, the total points *in terms of C3 DP* = 368 C3 DP or simply a total of 368 points for the MU Wolverine, with similar # of total points in GURPS, D&D, Yugioh, Dragonball-Z, and in Steve Long’s “Dark Champions”, as well as in “Champions Universe” for 5th Edition using Dr Destroyer as template, where total points for characters = @ C3 DP in HERO, *assuming* the characters are NOT magic-based, since magic takes up more & way too many extra points, because magic is more expensive than science-FICTION technology that of Dr Destroyer & magic is more expensive than normal mutant powers) always puts in a loopholes in all his wishes that he grants that being he can take it back whenever the Beyonder wishes to reverse the effects, so that the effect(s) is/are not permanent. So, in effect, Dr. Doom’s psyche WAS NEVER AUGMENTED by either the device that Dr. Doom made, nor by any power(s) that the Beyonder granted him, as I simply assumed that Dr. Doom simply used whatever power he had to teleport the Avengers to his castle & out/away from his caster after Dr. Doom was finished telling them of his superior life-force which was still less than Galactus, but 2x or/to 3x that of an average Avenger, sufficient enough to create an illusion of omni-potence. Why did I make these assumptions ? Well, Mr. Fantastic of FF seemed cool headed as always, and didn’t seem too worried, but the Thing or Ben, almost, worshipped Dr. Doom as a god, not knowing that Doom was simply changing the way he used his powers by siphoning off his psyche for raw TK & TP rather than for TL, which, also,
was a different manifestation of his TK & TP, along with access to minor amounts of magic. So, there you have it ! The starting premise to my FREE homebrew science-fiction rpg consists of a set of equations & formulas that are compatible with 2 dozen popular rpgs, but my rpg HYBRID uses only a few stats, when compared to other rpgs, but my rpg system is basically a tri-stat system, meaning it has 3 main components : LS or life-span, DP or default psyche, & PL or power level. The mechanics of my rpg which I refer to as the M-Theory of rpgs. This M-Theory of rpgs that I just mentioned & will be talking about is the HYBRID role playing game which is compatible with 2 dozen popular rpgs, but NOT based on them, with any similarities with my rpg, HYBRID, & that of any other rpg(s) is PURE(LY) COINCIDENC(E/TAL), and, so, if any similarit(y/ies) exists, then these similarit(y/ies) is/are by pure coincidence, sort of like ancient astronomers or engineers figuring out value of pi = (22 / 7) = (3.142) discovered independently of each other. The coincidental compatibility of my mostly diceless rpg HYBRID make it easy to learn, understand, & use. It will remain FREE as long as its incomplete, as it will take many years, if not decades, to complete it. WHY ? My math sucks, and so I have to rely on luck & intuition & time to come up with new equations & any leaps in NEW insights into more new equations for my science-FICTION mostly diceless rpg. NOTE: Keep the following in mind: @ 1,000 C0 PL @ C1, MAGNITUDE = SIZE OR MASS OF KNOWN UNIVERSE, which is about PL or power level that of MU Galactus. In other words, 100 C1 DP = 2 dimensional plane on a universal scale. Next, for LOBO’s C1 DP is (1/2) that of Nova, meaning if you put Nova @ 66 C1 DP, then LOBO be @ 33 C1 DP. But, if you put LOBO @ 33 C1 DP, then you need to put MU Wolverine @ minimum of @ 18 C1 DP, normally @ 19 C1 DP, but his highest rating ever was @ 20 C1 DP, but his power rating decreased over the years, since he first joined the X-Men, when he was @ 20 C1 DP in MU comics, but a rating of 33 C2 DP is that for Sabertooth & 66 C2 DP minimum rating for the MU Juggernaut @ MINIMUM. The Juggernaut see to have gotten his powers @ age, which is ~ to his C1 DP; so, if he got his powers @ age 22 years, then his C1 DP is @ 22 C1 DP = 63.4 C2 DP; while, the DC Clark Kent is @ [(1d6)*{(his age) @ C1 DP} @ C2 DP], which @ age 17 years be @ [(1d6)*{17^LOG10(17 C1)} @ C2 DP] = [(1d6)*(32.66) @ C2 DP], in the tv series Smallville. And, RULE # 107 explains it in XDY system, where X = # of dice & Y = # sides for each similar dice, though I suppose you can use different combination of dice to play a or any rpg including HYBRID, for D6, D10, & D20 system, where the 1st # rolled = his C1 DP or default psyche as most common way to create characters, where rolling a 20 on a 1d20 = 20 C1 DP or magnitude for his/her/its soul. INTRODUCTION TO MY ROLE PLAYING GAME BY THE NAME OF HYBRID RPG: For example, IF you want to improve you grade point average, [ this applies mostly to guys, but can be converted for ladies with the COM equation for ladies : RULE # 32 ], you use the following template to figure out GPA that being a person @ 36 C3 DP can get a GPA of 3.0 @ 12 credits / semester: his GPA = [(PL @ C3) / (# of credits per semester or average # of credits per year)]. So, for an adult African American male @ height of 6 ft, assuming he’s physically fit, would be @ 13.09 C1 DP = 17.68 C2 DP = 36 C3 DP, and 36^(1/2) = height of 6 ft., giving him an IQ of [10*C1] = IQ of 130.9 @ 36 C3 DP. So, he’d get a GPA of 2 to 4 in his college courses taking 18 credits / semester, since [2*18] = 36 C3 DP, which is magnitude of his soul. For how to manipulate points & to get the desired C3 PL, look @ RULE # 3 & # 8. CHARACTER GLOSSARY : HINT: For those who like to create Digi-Mon like monsters, look @ rule # 111 & # 113. HINT: For how to create character in Primal Order, use Rule # 444, where you use my C2 unit for total points. HINT: For how to construct Godzilla-like monsters, look @ rule # 140. HINT: To create the greatest paradise or the worst & deadliest prison, look @ rule # 450. HINT: For those who like to create cyborg(s), like the “6 Million $ Man”, look @ rule # 114. HINT: For how to destroy a Death Star of & in Star Wars Universe, look @ rule # 116. HINT: For how to convert numeric notation for power into letter notation, look @ rule # 55. HINT: For how to create a (US) President, look @ rule # 119. HINT: For how to understand characters in the movie “Ninja Scrolls”, look @ rule # 123. HINT: For how to figure average psyche for DC Lobo in Marvel SAGA, look @ rule # 125. HINT: For how to figure how life-span of empire in Vampire-Hunter-D, look @ rule # 127. HINT: For how to clone DC Lobo, look @ rule # 128. HINT: For how to create an illusion of time travel by cloning equation, look @ rule # 129. HINT: For how to figure out the “Caretaker” episode of Voyager, look @ rule # 130. HINT: For how to create the DC character Firestorm, look @ rule # 134. HINT: For how to use fractions {+ & - }, look @ rule # 138, where (-) = disadvantage, and (+) = advantage, both work from opposite directions, meaning (-) in the (-) direction, and (+) in the (+) direction is way to do it. HINT: For how to create the Decepticons & Autobots of ‘80s Transformers cartoon series, look @ RULE # 166. HINT : For how to create Jean Grey, Phoenix, Dark Phoenix, Phoenix II, look @ RULE # 201, which 1st compares them to either Juggernaut or to variable e, which is NOT related to Juggernaut, but coincidentally both e & Juggernaut are similar, but NOT sure why. HINT: To figure out whether or not Captain Jameway of Voyager is lost or just pretending to be lost in space in the Delta Quadrant or whatever, look @ RULE # 214. REVIEW OF OTHER RPGS : Yu-Gi-Oh : It seem to have mutants pretending to be human using duel cards as focus < a HERO term > to duel @ < what seems to be high-tech > duel stadiums : this process of dueling is similar to Pokemon & Digimon, but mostly similar to Pokemon, as it’s a little harder to picture the similarit(y/ies) with Digimon, unless you’ve seem many episodes of Digimon to know that Digimon is < in some ways > similar to Pokemon, but most of Digimon episodes take place on a microscopic scale, until these psionic kids are tempted to use their powers on the macro universe which then come into conflict with other psi that use their powers to mimic technology sort of like the Sentinel technology in & of the Marvel Universe. It’s the best current cartoon show on tv, about as good as the ‘80s Voltron, except it tells you what power rating the various monsters are @ but NOT as powerful as those created by witch Hagar in Voltron. But, those who want to figure out or convert HYBRID to D20, then it’s best to use Yu-Gi-Oh, where the # of points it gives to its monsters or guardians are @ C3 PL, notice that I use “PL” rather than “DP”, is because for 2 reasons: 1st) they appear by their master instantaneously, and 2nd) are NOT permanent but temporary, by that they created & work similar to monsters created in Pokemon & Digimon. So, if each monster by witch Hagar in Voltron is @ 25 C1 DP, then Hagar needs to be @ 35 C1 DP, but she’s created dozens of monsters, so she’d be @ minimum of @ 40 C1 DP = rating of Magneto. My < theory > about that show is that the alien planet is @ edge of solar system of earth in story. And, I’ve noticed that most aliens in sci-fi are depicted as reptilian, and when I was very young while reading a book on dinosaurs, there was one in the library where the author indicate(s/d) that some person had found a humanoid skeleton but reptilian in nature : < loved the next tv show > DO YOU ANY RECALL THE ‘80S SHOW KROFT SUPER-STARS WITH THE HUMANOID REPTILIANS TRYING TO TAKE OVER EARTH, BUT THE 3 HUMANS WHO TRAVEL BACK IN TIME < BY ACCIDENT > ATTEMPT TO STOP FROM TAKING OVER !? If such humanoid creatures lived tens of millions of years ago, just before the dinosaurs, became extinct, it could be possible that they evolved to such levels that they left earth a million years ago, but it would NOT explain the Face Of Mars : reminds me of movie Planet of the Apes. I wonder why no one has ever talked about the humanoid reptilian skeleton: maybe a government conspiracy?? I’ve to try to find that book again. But, the other extreme of Yu-Gi-Oh is that of the MU Sentinels might or maybe < MIGHT OR MAYBE > be mutants disguised as robots, while most may be a combination of tachyon field(s) & hard science for creating, running, & maintaining the MU Sentinels : just a personal THEORY, since I consider anything that sci-FICTION as based on psyche, which can manifest as IQ, etc. D&D or Dungeons & Dragons : Its # of hit points = my C3 DP rating for characters, also, similar to total points for characters in Yu-Gi-Oh, GURPS, D&D, & Dragonball-Z rpg. ZERG of Starcraft: Assume that a Zerg is similar to Alien in the Alien movie series, as well as Alien vs Predator. ZERG rates the total points for the alien species as if they were human, but making this assumption is a mistake, as it will give you the wrong total for the ZERGs for the various members of the ZERG empire, as the total that Starcraft gives to its ZERGs is off by [10 + X] or 12 C2 DP. And, the Zerg Queen is off by a multiple factor of X, where X = 2, which is NOT to be confused with C2, as C2 & # 2 are different, 1st being a point distribution and magnitude, and latter being just a #, 2, meaning rather than putting her @ 30 C2 DP, she should be @ X*30 = 60 C2 DP, where X = 2. And, the ZERG @ 49.28 hit points which is @ C3, should really be @ 184 hit points which is @ C3, since the 20 C2 DP = 49.28 C3 DP & 32 C2 DP = 184 C3 DP. And, since the ZERG are off by 12 C2 DP, you add 12 to the estimate given by Starcraft to get the CORRECT total which should be @ [20 + (10 + X)] = 32 C2 DP = 184 C3 DP = 184 hit points for a Zerg @ 30 C2 DP, where X = 2, but X = 1 to 9 for accuracy = [1 – {1 / {(X^2) or (X^X)}}]. So, when Starcraft says that a Zerg is @ 20 C2 DP, it’s really @ 32 C2 DP, as these ZERGs are not human, and what I mean by that is that the ZERGs do NOT use technology but rather simulate effects of technology which is WHY YOU NEED TO ADD 12 C2 DP to its psyche. But, for a ZERG campaign where the ZERGs can fly into space, giving them an extra +5 or +10 C2 DP, depending on the rage or distance into space from planet that they can fly. But, NOTE that distance from surface of planet that ZERG can travel to = 10^[-1 + ((its C2 DP)/(20 C2))], use the [5, 10, 15, & 20: ratio for technology, where 20 C2 = 49% technology @ C3 or 20% @ C2], which similar to but different from the astronaut’s equation, which is listed in the middle of the rpg, @ 10^[{X = usually @ 1 but @ most 2, and if extremely lucky then X = 3}*((his C2 DP)/10)], where X is reverse of above, where larger the value of X, the more unlikely, because they don’t use technology but simulate its effect: this very similar to Mega-Scale in HERO in 5th Edition, where +1 advantage = 10^3 km distance which is very similar to my equation for calculating maximum distance that an astronaut can travel based upon method of travel. What this also means is that to be a consistent long range astronaut & travel a distance of (1/2) million miles or km., he’d need to be @ 28.5 C2 DP @ X = 2, without worrying about bone loss, where 28.5 C2 DP = 1.85 advantage, if starting point for @ > 10 C2 DP is for template for space travel, since technology is and works as a collective. Look @ R # 148. The World of Synnibarr: For starters this book uses something called LIFE POINTS, which < for SOME power stuff : power stunts, skills, attributes, & talents > < pg. 115 of W. of. S. > is (ALMOST) EXACLTY SIMILAR to my C4 stat @ PL in my HYBRID rpg, but for other stuff, it’s @ C3 DP [example : pg. 263 for molecular disrupter < a power stunt similar to that of Galactus in the ’86 MU TSR rpg roster > & for night lightening : both @ C3 DP > And, NO I didn’t get my C4 stat from Synnibarr rpg: I got my C4 stat for my rpg HYBRID on my own by simply C4 = C3^LOG10(C3) = C4, which appears to be used IMPLIED in Synnibarr rpg. But, psi spell(s) @ 1d100 seem to be @ C2 PL or/and/to DP, while psi spell(s) @ 1d20 roll seem to be @ 20 C1 PL or/and/to DP, meaning < on pg. 275, Eternal Sustenance @ 25 psionic points would be @ 25 C1 PL, NOT @ 25 C1 DP : in my super easy homebrew rpg system HYBRID, to know or to figure out whether something requires a PL or DP or C1, C2, or C3 requires some common sense & ONLY basic understanding of science @ minimum of high school level science or 1st of year of college science > I came up with my C4, C3, C2, & C1 stats & PL, DP, & LS stats years before I even came across the rpg World of Synnibarr, but by PURE COINCIDENCE(S), there seems to be similarities between my rpg HBYRID & Synnibarr uses my C4, C3, C2, & C1 stats @ LIFE POINTS, but mostly @ C4 & C3, as psionic points seem to be @ C2 & C1. For a good explanation of what LIFE-POINTS is/are, look @ p. 115 & p. 262, the armor chart on p. 114 seems to be by 50%. And, most of this book is great reading & some really great stuff in it. I got the rpg based on a review that I read which I found very intriguing, as the amount of IQ needed to turns Mars into a giant spaceship was very similar to the amount of IQ I assumed would be needed, and since my idea & idea that of Synnibarr was very similar on this theme, I decided to get the rpg, but if you’re looking to find equations, then you’ll be a little disappointed, as Synnibarr has almost NO equations in it, except for few charts & tables, used by most rpgs, rather than giving equations, which take up 1% to 5% of GURPS. POKEMON: Its very similar to Digimon, and in some ways similar to the Godzilla & Gamera storyline. I assume that the kids who own Pokemons are psychic, and the Pokemons are figments of their imagination, sort of like the super-characters in Yu-Gi-Oh series, or sort of like in the current tv series “TAKEN”, where the alien spaceship(s) or/and alien(s) are a figment of their (collective {imagination}, sort of like the Uni-Matrix of the BORG : MAYBE : SINCE they could be pretending to be part of the collective) imagination, but the spaceship is given substance, as since FEW of them are psionics with psychic power(s) with ability to generate images, but the spaceship is still only a tacyion projection, a power stunt shown in one of the episodes of Dr. Who (from Britain). You can think of the Poke-balls as storage unit for tacyion residue, sort of like the psychic storage unit of Xavier in the movie X-Men which Mystique < or was it that kid, that would later become Iceman ? He had sufficient power to shape shift into Mystique which is why the movie was confusing because both Mystique & Iceman are @ the same power level & default psyche > attempted to steal it after shape-shifting into the kid, that would later become Iceman. DIGIMON: Its very similar to Pokemon, except that the Digimons are mostly in the microverse or the subatomic universe, or in some microscopic universe, most of the time. D20 Modern: The only chapter I liked about it was Chapter 5, but only liked page 129 of it. What was on page 129 ? It had a chart on modifiers for various animals from blue whale to a housecat. The modifiers & the values that the modifiers were connected to was similar to my equation on creating animals based on a particular psyche value. Toward the end of the book on D20 Modern were a dozen examples on various different characters, including the terrifying character “IT”. But, what brought my attention to these examples was the EX notation which maybe or probably meant “excellent” & IF it did mean “excellent” & not something else, then wouldn’t this notation EX be from the ’86 MU TSR rpg ? GURPS: It uses 5 stats, 4 of which are DEX, IQ, STR, & Health, & most the powers < people say > is @ combination of { DEX & IQ } which by PURE COINCIDENCE is similar to my own homebrew rpg system HBYRID, as you’ll notice that most of my rules is or uses a combination of { DEX & IQ }, but worded differently. The 5th stat being total points is similar to my C3 PL & DP. It’s definition of IQ matched that of my own definition, and it’s estimate of 49.28 points for a guy @ a guy slightly above average I found intriguing as it matched my own computation of 20^LOG10(20) = 49.28 C3 DP @ 20 C2 DP life-force magnitude for a soul. But, the great thing about my rpg, HYBRID, when compared to Steve Jackson’s GURPS, is that my homebrew rpg, HYBRID, is lot easier : for example, if you wanted to create a Highlander @ 40 C2 DP @ 6.32 AMBS, he’d simply have a total C3 DP of 368.63 C3 DP which is (ALMOST) exactly the SAME total of 368.63 points for a character in GUPRS, except that creating a character using my rules is lot easier. I don’t know what process GURPS or D20 uses to come with the its various different total points, but their units for magnitudes seem off many times, as most rpgs use only 1 unit for magnitude, but by PURE COINCIDENCE if I were to add the correct or my unit(s) of/for magnitude(s), the # seem to match almost perfectly by PURE COINCIDENCE, for most of the data, though sometimes there are point distributions outside the 4 major units that I use, so I’ve come up with a rule to create new point distributions, so as to make good use of the data already out there for various different rpgs, but keeping & maintaining my units, but using the template of {20 C2 DP = 49.28 C3 DP} & {20 C2 PL = 49.28 C3 PL}, which by PURE COINCIDENCE seem to match that of D&D < Dungeons & Dragons > for a starting character @ 49.28 points : the same with GURPS by chance. Nobilis: It’s very similar to MU SAGA, except that based on the review of Nobilis that read, it seem to be easier to use than MU SAGA, as Nobilis directly got to the meat of the game, rather than playing mind games with its players, as most rpgs like to do, but the definition for average psychic rating for both = to each other, except that MU SAGA is slightly more cumbersome than Nobilis, since MU SAGA doesn’t deal with average which is annoying, as you don’t have an exact rating for characters in MU SAGA, unless you make some computations based on character description, and the rating you get, may, SOMETIMES, conflict with the data that the MU SAGA present to its players, similar annoyance found in the original ’86 MU TSR rpg where it gives Rogue & Juggernaut [2 exceptions to the rule] @ only human levels, but their powers being the definition of what it means to be a mutant, so, whenever I see an abnormally low psychic rating in the ’86 MU TSR rpg, I simply assume that what’s character’s got left after she or he has used of most of their psyche to generate their powers, skills, attributes, etc., rather than as their default psyche. It seems to be a combination of MU SAGA and BESM, with its miracle points being manifestation of my PL unit & my Rule # 3, but keep in mind to change PL to CA and then subtracting 10 to compute miracle points for that PL @ that CA, when one wish to increase power greater than default, which can be done by decreasing his default life span, which is NOT mentioned, the side effect, in Nobilis, which may have have it as side effect, but I’ve NOT read such side effect in Nobilis, which is similar to HYBRID, which has [ by pure coincidence ] the best features of all or many or most rpgs, why HYBRID is best. MU SAGA: It’s very similar to Nobilis rpg. But, NOTE that the stat or terminology of “CA DP” is from my homebrew rpg, HYBRID. But, the average psyche rating in MU SAGA = [(CA DP) – 10]. So, if you put Xavier @ 20 CA DP = 49.28 C1 DP, then you’d give Xavier an average psyche rating of [20 – 10] = 10 in MU SAGA, and, also, 10 rating in Nobilis rpg, which in its own way is just as great as MU SAGA. ’86 MU TSR rpg: Once in a while, but NOT often, it’s definition for Psyche changes from C1 to C2, but definition of psyche is usually implied to be @ C1, which is a unit of magnitude, and (psyche is) not (usually) defined @ C2, which is rare to find a character whose psyche is defined @ C2 rather than @ C1, but it is NOT impossible. And, other times, psyche is defined is @ what the shown in one of the episodes of Dr. Who (from Britain). You can think of the Poke-balls as storage unit for tacyion residue, sort of like the psychic storage unit of Xavier in the movie X-Men which Mystique < or was it that kid, that would later become Iceman ? He had sufficient power to shape shift into Mystique which is why the movie was confusing because both Mystique & Iceman are @ the same power level & default psyche > attempted to steal it after shape-shifting into the kid, that would later become Iceman. DIGIMON: Its very similar to Pokemon, except that the Digimons are mostly in the microverse or the subatomic universe, or in some microscopic universe, most of the time. D20 Modern: The only chapter I liked about it was Chapter 5, but only liked page 129 of it. What was on page 129 ? It had a chart on modifiers for various animals from blue whale to a housecat. The modifiers & the values that the modifiers were connected to was similar to my equation on creating animals based on a particular psyche value. Toward the end of the book on D20 Modern were a dozen examples on various different characters, including the terrifying character “IT”. But, what brought my attention to these examples was the EX notation which maybe or probably meant “excellent” & IF it did mean “excellent” & not something else, then wouldn’t this notation EX be from the ’86 MU TSR rpg ? GURPS: It uses 5 stats, 4 of which are DEX, IQ, STR, & Health, & most the powers < people say > is @ combination of { DEX & IQ } which by PURE COINCIDENCE is similar to my own homebrew rpg system HBYRID, as you’ll notice that most of my rules is or uses a combination of { DEX & IQ }, but worded differently. The 5th stat being total points is similar to my C3 PL & DP. It’s definition of IQ matched that of my own definition, and it’s estimate of 49.28 points for a guy @ a guy slightly above average I found intriguing as it matched my own computation of 20^LOG10(20) = 49.28 C3 DP @ 20 C2 DP life-force magnitude for a soul. But, the great thing about my rpg, HYBRID, when compared to Steve Jackson’s GURPS, is that my homebrew rpg, HYBRID, is lot easier : for example, if you wanted to create a Highlander @ 40 C2 DP @ 6.32 AMBS, he’d simply have a total C3 DP of 368.63 C3 DP which is (ALMOST) exactly the SAME total of 368.63 points for a character in GUPRS, except that creating a character using my rules is lot easier. I don’t know what process GURPS or D20 uses to come with the its various different total points, but their units for magnitudes seem off many times, as most rpgs use only 1 unit for magnitude, but by PURE COINCIDENCE if I were to add the correct or my unit(s) of/for magnitude(s), the # seem to match almost perfectly by PURE COINCIDENCE, for most of the data, though sometimes there are point distributions outside the 4 major units that I use, so I’ve come up with a rule to create new point distributions, so as to make good use of the data already out there for various different rpgs, but keeping & maintaining my units, but using the template of {20 C2 DP = 49.28 C3 DP} & {20 C2 PL = 49.28 C3 PL}, which by PURE COINCIDENCE seem to match that of D&D < Dungeons & Dragons > for a starting character @ 49.28 points : the same with GURPS by chance. Nobilis: It’s very similar to MU SAGA, except that based on the review of Nobilis that read, it seem to be easier to use than MU SAGA, as Nobilis directly got to the meat of the game, rather than playing mind games with its players, as most rpgs like to do, but the definition for average psychic rating for both = to each other, except that MU SAGA is slightly more cumbersome than Nobilis, since MU SAGA doesn’t deal with average which is annoying, as you don’t have an exact rating for characters in MU SAGA, unless you make some computations based on character description, and the rating you get, may, SOMETIMES, conflict with the data that the MU SAGA present to its players, similar annoyance found in the original ’86 MU TSR rpg where it gives Rogue & Juggernaut [2 exceptions to the rule] @ only human levels, but their powers being the definition of what it means to be a mutant, so, whenever I see an abnormally low psychic rating in the ’86 MU TSR rpg, I simply assume that what’s character’s got left after she or he has used of most of their psyche to generate their powers, skills, attributes, etc., rather than as their default psyche. It seems to be a combination of MU SAGA and BESM, with its miracle points being manifestation of my PL unit & my Rule # 3, but keep in mind to change PL to CA and then subtracting 10 to compute miracle points for that PL @ that CA, when one wish to increase power greater than default, which can be done by decreasing his default life span, which is NOT mentioned, the side effect, in Nobilis, which may have have it as side effect, but I’ve NOT read such side effect in Nobilis, which is similar to HYBRID, which has [ by pure coincidence ] the best features of all or many or most rpgs, why HYBRID is best. MU SAGA: It’s very similar to Nobilis rpg. But, NOTE that the stat or terminology of “CA DP” is from my homebrew rpg, HYBRID. But, the average psyche rating in MU SAGA = [(CA DP) – 10]. So, if you put Xavier @ 20 CA DP = 49.28 C1 DP, then you’d give Xavier an average psyche rating of [20 – 10] = 10 in MU SAGA, and, also, 10 rating in Nobilis rpg, which in its own way is just as great as MU SAGA. ’86 MU TSR rpg: Stats are usually @ C2 for mutants, except human technology is @ C3 unit, such as adamentium. Both the Ty(6) flight & teleportation are added to base, but flight is @ C2, while teleportation is @ C1, meaning you add 6 to 10 base to compute C2 flight if source of flight is technology if technology is made by collective else add 6 to base 20 if character makes it himself, but for someone like DC Nightwing for flight which is really gliding you’d want to add it to base 30, why the cartoon version of Robin in Teen Titans seem to be @ 6 AMBS {Average Mind Body Soul} @ level that of Aqua-lad, who is @ 36 C2 DP, meaning Robin should NOT get more than 25 C2 DP which is 5 AMBS, while you add 6 to base 20 to compute to get 100 C2 for teleportation, which if it is @ PL then it’s difficult to perform it more than once but source can be either technology or mutant power, but if C2 is @ DP, referring to 100 C2 by 26^LOG10(26 C1) = 100 C2 for teleportation, then that power stunt can be performed multiple times such as is done by the MU Nightcrawler. And, once in a while, but NOT often, it’s definition for Psyche changes from C1 to C2, but definition of psyche is usually implied to be @ C1, which is a unit of magnitude, and (psyche is) not (usually) defined @ C2, which is rare to find a character whose psyche is defined @ C2 rather than @ C1, but it is NOT impossible. And, other times, psyche is defined is @ what the character is left with after using up most of his psyche for his power, abilities, and skills, so his psyche in that case does not represent total points but how points he is left with is, also, rare, but not impossible to find character defined as such as for example a character like Rogue falls into the 3rd catetory. Its definition of IQ matched my own definition, which was very similar to GURPS, though the ’86 MU TSR rpg NEVER DIRECTLY SAID OR STATED THAT 50 Reason = IQ of 500, as it was always IMPLIED
should need to be @ 600 C3 PL or DP, where if it were @ DP, the process of destruction would be much faster than if it were @ PL or Power Level, which is much slower than DP or Default Psyche for the same number/numerical # that used for PL or Power Level @ that same number/numerical #, where the symbol “/” stands for “or” & NOT “divide”. HERO: DISCLAIMER : My analysis of HERO rpg may be flawed as I’m not yet fluent in HERO rpg, but I notice some similarities between HERO & my homebrew rpg enough of a similarit(y/ies) to know that Active Points for all power stunts are not equal in magnitude for the same # of points, such as dimensional travel would be @ 60 C1 {pg. 86 of < current > CHAMPIONS} is NOT = 60 C3 or 60% of the ‘Grasshopper Set’, LOOK @ PG. 110 of < current > CHAMPIONS to better understand what I’m trying to say about the inconsistencies of different magnitudes being added together as if they were all equal in magnitude {55 for Team Teleporter @ 1st didn’t make much sense because there was no unit next to it & took some time to figure out that MAYBE they meant 55 C2 DP < assuming you were teleporting to surface of planet from a planet’s orbit, sort of like in Star Trek : but, to teleport to a nearby solar system, that 55 would need to be @ 55 C1 PL, for a distant solar system but within 10^3.5 light-years, the 55 would be @ 55 C1 DP : so having units next to # is very important which MOST RPGS OVERLOOK THAT BEING UNITS NEXT TO THE #S THEY GIVE OUT : THE SAME MISTAKE BY ’86 MU TSR RPG, AND MY ATTEMPT TO COME UP UNITS FOR THE #S IN THAT & IN OTHER RPGS, such as 49.28 starting points for a starting character in GURPS would be a slightly above average person @ 20 C2 DP, where @ that level in HYBRID @ 20 C2 DP you can make the character involved in a low level campaign for the PCs < playing characters >, but if the players are put @ 49.28 C3 DP, the their PC or Persecution Complex that being their GM < Game Master > would be @ [(49.28)^2] = 2,428.518 C3 DP which is about that of a state government. So, in HYBRID, you can have the “20” or 20 C2 DP be Israeli agents looking for terrorists, while the 2,428.5 could be their government sanctioning the actions of the secret agents looking for terrorists>; but, the next feature of the space based is the 48 for Exterior Defensive Blaster : this 48 would be @ 48 C2 PL @ +1/3 by [36*(1+ 1/3)] because it’s part of a space base, meaning Exterior Defensive Blaster for a ground base would be @ 36 C2 PL @ -1/3 by [48/(1+ 1/3)], while 55 would be @ 55 C1 PL : so, there’s NO way you can, NOR should, add 48 to 55 together, sum would be 103, but it would be an INACCURATE sum, SINCE both are of different units}, but HERO has NO unit measurement(s) for magnitudes, as it just add 60 for dimensional travel with 60 points of martial arts, as it just gives points & adds these points of unequal magnitudes together as if they all have the same magnitudes, but they don’t, giving an inaccurate total : sort of like adding 5 ounces & 5 tons & getting a total of 10 as an analogy of the odd & strange math < in HERO > where laws of basic arithmetic is violated in HERO. It giving away 10 free points was a great starting point, meaning because of this 1st similarity between HERO & my homebrew rpg system HYBRID, where I started basic character @ 10 points : it was this similarity that got me to read HERO & noticed some similarities between HERO’s DARK CHAMPIONS & GURPS for its total points. TCP or total character points for characters in ‘The 250 Point Project’ [SEEM TO BE @ ] = IQ was also great, [but mostly IMPLIED], though most readers of HERO might disagree with me on whether or not total points for character in ‘The 250 Point Project’ matches their IQ, but my definition of IQ is slightly different than used by most players of rpgs, as I base IQ of multiple different & overlapping themes, from hard core science to PSUEDO-science, to simply amount of access to resource, which include(s) how many women a guy can get, which may sound sexist & distasteful; the next good thing about HERO was it’s use of advantages & limitations, which COINCIDENTALY was extremely similar to my own use of fractions
, including the signs {-} & {+} to give them, as the {-} fractions consumed points from right to left in the negative {-} direction & {+} fractions consumed points from left to right in the positive direction. I was thinking, “ok, I have something like this in my rpg but just don’t have a name for it, except it being a math computation for point manipulation for the character or/and power or/and weapon creation process!” I came up with idea of using fractions as an easier form of point manipulation based on Doppler Effect & Resonance Theory
only applies to sound, but in reality can be applied to all forms of energy & phenomena of waves, which is why I adopted the 2 concepts of advantages & limitations of/from HERO, though not sure if I’d call it adopted, as I was already working on something similar, but I didn’t have a term for the math I was doing on the manipulations of points to generate various skills, powers, talents, attributes, gender, or/and dimensions for the character(s) or/and weapons @ the time. But, before I get into analysis or/and criticism of HERO rpg, I’ll to say that HERO rpg uses something similar to C1, C2, C3, & maybe even CA, but it’s NOT called by this, but rather Active & Real Points, where the units of magnitudes are all mixed up. For example, the [20 + 20] or 40 Active Points on pg. 132 of < current > CHAMPIONS would be @ 40 C2 DP, assuming the power is consistent & not temporary which in that case if it’s temporary then it can be simulated @ 30 C2 DP or by TL by decreasing LS & increasing PL, for a 16D6 energy blast : this is similar to the D20 rpg Mutants & Masterminds, where it or they, also, have a 16D6 energy blast power for a mutant @ 16 PL which is = to 40 C2 DP in my homebrew rpg system. And, if you go to pg. 87 of the same < current > CHAMPIONS, you’ll see for the ‘Grasshopper Set’ @ {30, 20, 16, 15, & 19 : total of 100 which in HYBRID would be 100 C3 DP or 26 C2 DP @ power rating that of Jet Li or Chuck Norris}, the sum of which would be @ C3 DP. But, what I’m trying to say is that by adding Active or/and Real Points together of different magnitudes, you can an inaccurate picture of Total Points : the SAME MISTAKE the ’86 MU TSR rpg made THAT BEING SAME UNIT FOR DIFFERENT MAGNITUDES, & my attempt to come up with a correct set of units to show the correct magnitude for powers, skills, attributes, & talents rather than a single unit such as “CLASS” which is replaced by Active or/and Real Points by HERO. But, the positive side is that most characters or/and books written or/and controlled by S. Long seem to have CONSISTANT points distribution, though the point distribution seem to be similar to that of GURPS. So, total points for HERO 5th may NOT be the same as in old system of/@ 4th, 3rd, 2nd, & 1st: BECAUSE total points in current game books of HERO 5th are almost exactly like or similar to total points in/of GURPS. The only past HERO game book that is compatible with current 5th is DARK CHAMPIONS by S. Long. In fact, HERO 5th is a hybrid OF GURPS & previous HERO rulebooks: and, IF THE 250 POINT PROJECT’S TOTAL POINTS IS NOT EQUAL TO IQ, SINCE TOTAL POINTS FOR 250 POINT PROJECT = @ IQ, THEN THE RULES USERS OF HERO ARE makes the same mistake that BESM makes for total points that being shifting from C3 to C2 without giving the readers some kind of sign or direction that the magnitude for point distribution is changing from C3 to C2, where in BESM, which uses Mecha Points rather than just points, is @ C3 PL or DP up to 90 but then changes to C2 @ 150 which is not @ C3 PL or DP, though they claim it’s @ the same point distribution but it is not @ the same point distribution, and if the readers were to implement 150 points to create a nuclear bomb with impact of hydrogen bomb of WWII, its impact would be “much less than” that of the hydrogen bomb, though it will be able to sink a battleship but it would not be able to vaporize a battleship @ 150 Mecha points which is 150 C3 PL which @ MEGA if it were @ 150 C3 DP, then its chief engineer would be able to create a more powerful weapon but its impact would still be less than the hydrogen bomb of WWII; and, if you were to use 150 points @ C2 PL which is less than C2 DP, then its impact would be much greater than nuclear bomb, and more powerful than any Russian nuclear bomb, capable of destroying an entire SURFACE OF THE PLANET @ 150 C2 PL, but BESM puts such destruction @ 300 Mecha Points which @ 300 C3 PL is NOT SUFFICIENT ENOUGH TO DESTROY THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF THE PLANET BUT ONLY THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF A BATTLSHIP @ 300 C3 PL OR AN MODERN AIRCRAFT CARRIER < BUT NOT VAPORIZING IT, BUT COMPLETELY WRECKING IT LIKE A CAR CRASH > IF THE 300 Mecha were @ C3 DP rather than C3 PL. Look or/and read S. Long’s DARK CHAMPIONS if you don’t believe me & compare total points in that book to that of GURPS, then look at the NEW CHAMPIONS & CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE, the total points matches exactly to that of GURPS, or to my C3 unit, which is similar to that of D20. In another words, total points in HERO 5th does NOT equal IQ as it did in the previous edition & the 250 Point Project : total deviation in 5th edition to generate total points which is a LOT closer to GURPS than HERO 4th or 3rd. So, the character Teleios in CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE is @ power rating that of the MU character Mysterio < where it’s not clear if Mysterio is @ 90 C2 DP or @ 90 C2 PL > who / which is about power rating that of Spiderman. And, as for Dr. Destroyer, he’s @ 119 C2 DP power rating that of Destroyah or Godzilla in ‘Godzilla vs. Destroyah’, or @ power rating that of Doom_2099, a watered down version of the MU Dr. Doom. So, don’t be fooled by Dr. Destroyer’s 20,318 points : it’s his IQ as it would have been under 4th edition of HERO, but @ 20,318 hit points under D20 or 20,318 total points under GURPS or in my homebrew rpg system @ 20,318 C3 DP = 119 C2 DP = 27.59 C1 DP. So, Dr. Destroyer’s IQ & total points under the old HERO system or under something similar to the ‘250 Point Project’ should have a total range of between 275.9 & 430.88, which is the 2nd IQ estimate by taking [100*LOG10(20,318)] = 430.88 @ 119.060 C2 DP, with a margin of error @ [430.88 – 275.9] = 154.98 points of margin of error for both IQ & total points for Dr. Destroyer if he was written under the old system, such as the ‘250 Point Project’, where his total & IQ should range between 275.9 & 430.88, but should NOT be @ 20,318 as in/under CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE, which is & works lot, also, like S. Long’s DARK CHAMPIONS. Long time ago S. Long worked for GURPS on few articles for GURPS before years later he would work for HERO & later own it, it seems, & publish ‘HERO 5th’, written by S. Long, in reference to ‘Hero 5th’. My THEORY is that < but I could be totally mistaken about my THEORY > the hidden agenda of S. Long, starting with DARK CHAMPIONS, is to convert total points of HERO from IQ [for the old system, 4th] to that of GURPS or/and D20 < but it’s just a THEORY > [for the new system, 5th : but, S. Long’s DARK CHAMPIONS is compatible with current HERO games & the 5th, whose total is that of GURPS], where its or their total points is that of/@ my unit stat @ C3 = C2^LOG10(C2), where C3 is @ or may be @ default, LS for life-span, or/& @ PL. This is why there’s NO TCP for Istvatha V’han, because if you used GURPS or D20 point distribution for her, her TCP would be @ minimum of 1 million, average of 1 billion, & maximum of 1 trillion @ C3 DP. LOOK @ RULE # 306. Mutants & Masterminds: Do NOT confuse PL of HYBRID rpg to that of PL of rpg Mutants & Masterminds, where PL is @ [((C2 DP) / 10)^2] in M&M: its PL is different from PL that of my rpg system HYBRID. So, a martial arts expert like Jackie Chan @ 3d6 C2 DP be @ 3 PL in M&M, but a super-martial arts expert like Jet Li @ 4d6 C2 DP @ 5 ABMS be @ 6.25 PL in M&M. And, a mutant like Wolverine @ 3d6 C1 DP be @ 37.65 C2 DP = 14 PL in rpg M&M @ ABMS of 6.14; while, Colossus is @ 7 or/to 8 ABMS. FATAL: @ C3 @ usually PL rather than DP for his LP or Life Points, while [“Caster Level” + 2d6] = C1 DP: the C# unit used in Synnibarr rpg is different, which for point distribution @ C4, which very few parts of FATAL is @ C4 but is mostly @ C2 & C3. And, Level = [(C2 DP)/10]. It is possible that I previously thought FATAL was @ C4, when, accidentally taking 1 power stunt out of context that being for creating weather power for predicting the weather, the former would require lot more points than the latter, which requires 100 C3, which I previously mistook as {1d6 to 2d6} Caster Points, be C1 DP = [2d6 + (1d6 or 2d6)], which would give an entirely different C3 DP value. This is why I had previously mistakenly thought FATAL was @ C4, based on misinterpretation of 1 power, although I’m still missing some parts of FATAL rpg as reference. I’m missing 2 files as reference, which FATAL rpg removed. PRIMAL ORDER (rpg): For total, it uses my C2 unit of magnitude. You compute C2 by C2 = C1^LOG10(C1). The C1 unit is usually the Psyche unit of ’86 MU TSR rpg, assuming the mutant is NOT faking / pretending NOT to have high Psyche value for his / her Psyche unit, where 2 characters the Juggernaut and Rogue either pretend to how have low value for their Psyche unit or those 2 list what they have left after almost using up their Psyche unit for that value, which is @ C1, which is NOT same as giving CA for Psyche, such as for powerful magicians, such as Dr Strange, who is NOT @ C1, but @ CA, which is @ 20 or/to 30, but as human he tries to portray himself @ 10, which @ 10 is 10^LOG10(10) = 10. It is similar to my rpg HYBRID, that Primal Order rpg is similar to or bases its total points on my C2 unit, is magnitude for its point distribution for its total points. So, a 100 point god in Primal Order is @ 100 C2 DP or Default Psyche; although a 50 point mutant can fake being a 100 point god @ C2 PL {NOTE that I use unit PL rather than DP in example, for there is reason for this}, when default Life Span is decreased to slightly more than maximum human limit of 20 C2, meaning to 25 C2, which would increase PL from 50 to [50x2] = 100, when Life Span is decreased from 50 to [50/2] = 25, which is also @ C2; but, now, PL is increased to 100. But, his DP or Default Psyche of 50 remains unchanged. This latter part {after units are changed to CA and 10 points subtracted after the increase in PL} is explained as miracle points in Nobilis, which is similar to HYBRID. But, this latter part is NOT part of Primal Order rpg; but, to know how to use this latter part, read Rule # 3, to learn how to manipulate points. MOVIES REVIEW(S): I-bot: it’s supposed to be symbolic of fall of Adam, which is supposed to be the sentient i-bot, who gets tricked by the black dude, who is supposed to be satan, who kills the creator, played by the white scientist, who has his woman stolen @ end of movie by the black dude, who is supposed to be satan, symbolically, deceives & almost wrecks the city. As for the creator’s woman, which is supposed to be either his wife or his daughter or symbolically Virgin Marry, which I doubt she was a virgin, but mischievous and ended up getting seduced by satan. MATRIX: I think they had the white dude be the Matrix, so as not to offend the white audience, but the black dude was really the Matrix, with a persecution complex. So, the white dude should have his C3 DP moved to his NEW C2 DP. And, the black dude should have his C3 DP moved to his NEW C1 DP, making the white dude somewhat delusional, or maybe he just went along, maybe that process itself might have been some kind hidden messages that white people like to conform < but I could be looking too much into the movie : DISCLAIMER >. So, if GM or you put the black dude @ 36 C1 DP by moving his 36 C3 DP to 36 C1 DP, he’d be @ 264 C2 DP. And, if GM or you put the white dude @ 49 C2 DP by moving his 49 C3 DP to 49 C2 DP, then he’d have 719 C3 DP or 719 total GURPS points ~ Dragonball-Z rpg. BLADE II: It is almost same as Blade I, except the power stunts are moved up a notch by 1 ABMS, from 6 ABMS in Blade I, to 7 ABMS in Blade II. In another words, you convert Wesly Snipes 25 C3 DP to 36 C3 DP, then convert 36 C3 DP to 36 C2 DP = 6 ABMS for Blade for/in movie Blade I, then add 1 ABMS to 6 ABMS for Blade in Blade II to get 7 ABMS which = 49 C2 DP. The same for the vampire leaders : they’d be put @ same power rating as that of Blade, to show audience that creating followers, once can increase the amount of damage, sort of like U-235, which individually the atoms are harmless the general population, but when united in #, concentration of the U-235 is as BAD as the character Blade. GODZILLA : Its C2 DP = [(year the movie was released – 1900) + Y], where Y = where X is # @ 1 unit up, but without the higher unit, meaning if movie was released in 1990, then Godzilla’s C2 DP = 90 + (12.5 to 25) = between 102.5 & 115 C2 DP. But, Y was previously @ C1. The same rule is applied to GAMERA movies, as well. 25 C1 DP = 90 C2 DP. X = 25, but @ C2 DP, NOT @ C1 DP. PART II of my rpg HYBRID: CORE RULES (# OF CORE RULES = SQUARE ROOT OF TOTAL # OF RULES): RULE # 0: 1st version # naming rule: Rules or/and equations grow @ rate of 1 per month; but, Version # = [((year) – 2000) / 10], Version V, for the web-page version. So, in 2002, the Version # is @ V 0.2 by [(2002 – 2000) / 10] = 2/10 = Version V 0.2. So, % complete = (100*V), where % @ V 0.2 = 20% complete, < currently > for the web-page version. Then, in 1999, V = -.1. Then, 2nd version # naming rule: based on the value of the sun, where V 0.3025 would place the sun @ 55 C1 DP or Default Psyche. And, the 3rd version # naming rule: combination of the 1st & 2nd version # naming rule, where by the 1st digit “3” in 0.3 such as in 0.3025 after the decimal point would signify the sun @ 55 C1 DP, the 2nd digit “3” in 0.33 for the year 2033, and the last digit or 4th digit such as in such as “in 0.339, the month of the year, such as in start of autumn of 2033. But, V.34 should be done in 2034. My 1st version # naming rule @ V 0.08 is proportional to the appearance of the 1st mutant(s) in Aberrant rpg in 2008, since my version # partially coincides with the value & magnitude of the sun, which signify the appearance of the 1st mutant, sort of like in DC Universe for the future earth timeline where future DC earth is called planet Krypton, which is DC earth in a future DC timeline, AT LEAST THAT IS HOW I INTERPRET THE DC UNIVERSE SUPERMAN BEING FROM THE FUTURE, < notice the red sun > , where Kal EL travels back in time in a time machine is how I interpret it. So, by giving a larger value for the sun or the earth in the present timeline, you increase the probability of mutants on earth being born. You might ask how ? The Answer is: Conservation of Mass & Energy which would be (increase in) Negative Energy (which is also used for time travel) resulting IF you artificially increase the value of the sun or the earth or that of any large heavy object near earth, where this Negative Energy would be transferred to some organic body in manner similar to that of creating the MU Cosmic Cube, & in similar manner that used by the DC Jor El to created the Eradicator, later reborn as Kal El. In the 1st cartoon series of Superman in the 21st century, Superman uses this Negative Energy to create Brainiac, in Superman’s attempt to take over DC earth, but in different way from the Martian-Man of DC Mars, IF he’s from Mars, though he could just be a mutant from DC earth pretending to be from Mars. All members of the Justice League are super villains, including Aquaman, except that they have better PR than the Legion of Doom: they are all super villains trying to take over DC earth, including the current Clark Kent of the tv series “Smallville”, where he pretends to be a good guy, but he’s constantly scheming evil plots. Even, Wonder Woman is evil as well as a lier, by that I don’t mean her sexy outfit. I’ve been preaching, if you want to call it that, this that these so-called super heroes are super villains in disguise for the past several(7) years, ever since I discovered the subliminal PLOT(s) in DC & MU comics & cartons of DC & MU in 1996, after years of research consisting of running various alternate scenarios, all of them leading up to the same conclusion that they are all super villains. HUMANS ARE SO GULLIBLE THAT THEY BELIEVE ANY AUTHORITY FIGURE, JUST LOOK @ GULF War I & ii, both times USA lied to its public, 1st (it was) Kuwait was stealing Iraqi oil, which was never told to the USA public even now it’s hidden unless you do research but not difficult to find if you go to deja news, then there was Gulf War II about weapons of mass destruction for which none were found (Bush only wanted Iraqi oil, but such actions are considered war crimes, but did any USA citizen care if USA committed war crimes; answer: no; what the hell, USA (INCLUDIGN ITS SOLDIERS) has been committing war crimes for the past 2 hundred years: EITHER EVERY REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT OR ALL EXCEPT GEORGE WASHINGTON, BUT EXCLUDING Bill Clinton, AS THOUGH HE WASN’T GREAT RATHER OK {he committed less war crimes than the current President Bush} KIND OF PRESIDENT OR/& SUFFICIENTLY GOOD ENOUGH {FIGURATIVELY SPEAKING} KIND OF GOOD ENOUGH TO PASS MUSTARD PRESIDENT; but, the Democrats in House & Senate acted cowardly during both Persian Gulf War I & II ): Bush even lied about the uranium purchase [his father lied about Iraqi killing babies] to justify preemptive attack on Iraq, and even if Iraq had purchased uranium, it as a nation has right to protect itself from outside invaders, just like USA has right to protect itself, but when you start acting like an imperialist THEN YOU ARE NO LONGER ACTING DEFINSIVELY BUT OFFENSIVELY preemptive WHICH IS IMPERIALISIC & violation of international laws, not that USA cares about international laws unless it the USA is making those international laws with its puppet UN: THIS SAME TRICK, deception with a good PR, IS PERFORMED BY ALL MEMBERS OF THE DC Justice LEAGUE, but the readers are blind to it for some unknown reason(s), maybe they like to root for the winner so not to suffer any trauma or maybe everyone is evil in the sense that they are selfish deep down inside, sort of like a rape victim rationalizing that she likes being raped, or maybe all single women like being raped but hide that fact so as not to lower their market value, for we all know that most women love $ more than sex, and why it’s easier for women to focus on work than men because men are always thinking about sex, while women always thinking about $. USA GOVERNMENT < THOUGH NOT YET USA > EVEN LIED ABOUT NOT LIKING TAXES WHEN IT FOUGHT THE BRITISH, then it taxed its citizens. USA lied about how it got the Louisiana Purchase from the French, it, was stolen by the USA government, which has always lied to its people, and wasting tax $ by feeding wrong history education to our children. But, the USA government don’t care about your tax $, because its FREE $ to them, the corrupt politicians, who can’t believe that its citizens could be so gullible to believe outright lies as truth, but unfortunately most USA citizens are gullible, and now Americans are brainwashed to into thinking & believing that a man raping his wife or/& girlfriend is raping her which not true, as there is NO difference between a girlfriend & a wife, except for a piece of paper saying otherwise, so there is no rape if a man rapes his girlfriend, since before feminism, men were allowed to rape his wife, since most women are frigid or have mood swings, as long as she is his girlfriend during the time that he rape his woman, the same if she his wife, since the only difference between a girlfriend & a wife, is a piece of paper, a marriage license, which is consent by woman to allow her husband to rape her, which feminism don’t’ recognize anymore, so then there is no marriage, if there is no consent to rape one’s wife, then there is no difference between a girlfriend & a wife, so then marriage does not exist any longer, and if marriage does not exist, then what is the point of getting married, oh, the woman say to prove that you love me, but it is now excuse to collect alimony & child support, latter is also alimony or payment for sex which is prostitution which illegal in USA, and most men are NOT looking to marry a prostitute when HE/THEY get married. So, you see, American will believe any lies told by its government, so this, that the American public is gullible & will believe anything that any authority figure will tell them, is what the DC & MU have been trying to tell its readers for the past half a century, but this hidden message does not get across to its readers for some unknown reason, maybe lack of concern, or lack of a moral IQ, or desire NOT to appear not part of the group, or pass the buck onto some other person for the blame for anything that goes on, and not take any responsibility, which would make men feminists, since feminists don’t take responsibility for their actions which is an oxymoron since most men are not feminists or are they feminists, or how else can you explain this odd behavior on part of men, which would imply that men & women are very much similar to each other, both capable of love & destruction, each in their own way. But, the corrupt USA government has grown too big for anyone to criticize or fight. RULE # 1: In the short term, binary logic < order > [soul equation] is far superior (?) than fuzzy logic < chaos > [cloning equation]. Most of the universe seems to be working in or using binary logic, with a constant state of war being waged against fuzzy logic by binary logic & vice versa. A perfect example might be Iraq-Iran-N.K. paradigm. You don’t have to look too far for examples. Look @ RULE # 34, # 78, # 80, & # 83. RULE # 2: MAG or Martial Arts Grade of @ [1 – 1/((his C2 DP)^(1/2))] = % success in combat. Rule for a demi-god or a mutant that looks like a demon, look @ RULE # 59, Look at RULE(S) # 3, # 45, & # 46. Mutants or a genius are > 30 C2 DP, while a super mutant is > 30 C1 DP, such as Graviton, Quantum, Mystique, Juggernaut, Gladiator, Nightcrawler, but Rogue would be @ 25 C1 DP = 90 C2 DP, as because her DP is between Colossus & the Juggernaut. *RULE # 3*: The (my) role playing game HYBRID relies on this RULE # 3, with conjunction of RULE # 6. The following rule, along with RULE # 7, which is used to create (a) weapon(s), and, then, RULE # 45 & # 46, is/are *most important rule(s)*, in order of precedence, in that it helps the player figure out how to distribute & manipulate points to his advantage, limitations, or disadvantage ( which, sometimes, may serve as an advantage, depending on the situation ). Whatever arithmetic or math operation you perform on LS or life-span to either decrease or increase his, its, or her LS, you need to perform the exact opposite arithmetic or math operation on his, its, or her PL or power level. So, if you apply a [LS + x], then apply a [PL – x], which is used for the Elders of MU ; if you apply a [LS – x], then apply a [PL + x], which is used by most mutants of MU; if you apply a [LS / x], then apply a [PL*x], which is used by Galactus of MU, including his Ultimate Nullifier; if you apply a [LS * x], then apply a [PL / x ], which is applied by Highlander Duncan McLoud. So, if you use [LS^(1/2)], then you’d need to use or apply [PL^2]. And, if you used LN(LS), you’d need to apply LN^-1(PL), to balance out both sides of the LS_PL equation, where default psyche remains same, but < you need RULE # 3 to actually play the rpg HYBRID, so you should really memorize this little paragraph, but you’ll need 1 other rule besides RULE # 3 that being one on converting from one unit to another such as C3 = C2^LOG10(C2), for LS, PL, & DP >. Look @ RULE # 45, # 46, 165, # 202, # 317, and # 369, which, this # 369 can be used to create full employment @ almost 0 waste in resource(s), with almost 0 corruption, allowing one to live in utopia, by using the best aspects of Capitalism & best aspects of Communism. Look @ RULE # 14, where body armor & height can be manipulatd similar to rule # 3, which is used on DP. RULE # 4: The following equation does NOT always depict reality for height for male humans, since this is an ideal equation, meaning average, based on race & built. But, one has to start somewhere; so, height in ft. for an average (adult) male (height in ft.) = [{(C3)^(1/2)} +/– (M^2)] or [{(C3) / (M^2)}^(1/2))], where C3 is @ PL or power level, NOT DP, but for mutants such as Dr. Pym of the Avengers, you’d want to use DP or default psyche rather than PL for growth & shrinking, and where modifier M = LOG10(Y), but +M for beauty & -M for ugly, where Y = % of beauty or ugliness. For a guy that’s mixed breed, leaving out the modifier M, but only for a super tall guy such as for a Titan, in sci-FI tv series Hercules, when calculating either his height based on his assumed C3 DP. This equation when applied to different races needs a modifier. Using height in ft., for an average Frenchman, during the Renaissance @ M = 1.41 @ +26%, but currently @ M = 1, for some parts of France, but NOT sure how prevalent is the distribution @ M = 1, strangely, but value of M probably varies geographically & (time) periods of wars & emigration, C3 DP = [(M^2)*{(his height)^2)}], for European descent, which in height in ft. = [{(his C3 DP) / (M^2)}^(1/2)], where M = +1.41 for +26% EXTRA beauty; but, an Israeli male < @ or greater than 10% of population, {not sure of exact %} 10x% of Orientals & other races > can fall into either one of these 2 equations, depending on appearance; but, for most other races, C3 DP = [{(M^2) + (his height)}^2], for non-European descent, such as for a Middle-Easterner or South-Asian, his C3 DP = [{(-(-1 or -1.41)^2) + (his height)}^2]; for an average black man or for an average African American @ M = 0, his C3 DP = [(height)^2], but rarely @ [(+1 + (height))^2] @ C3 DP; & for an average Italian male @ M = +1 @ +10%, C3 DP =[{+1 + (his height)}^2] @ M = +1. For an oriental male, use same equation as used for an average South-Asian @ M = -1 @ -10%. Equation useable for DC Lobo @ M = +3 for +1,000% EXTRA beauty. The only difference between the height equation in RULE # 4 & equation used in RULE # 11 to compute annual salary is that the height equation uses C3, while equation to compute wealth uses C2. Look @ RULE # 8, # 11, # 14, # 15, # 60, # 142, & # 182. RULE # 5: The 1st rule for STR is useful for the MU character Starfox, cousin of Thanos, who is @ C1 DP, while Starfox is @ C2 DP. STR is @ C#, which part of 1st rule is @ [(C3)^(1/2)] for humans, as well as mutants, & gods; C2 for mutants, but also for human technology; and the unit C1 for gods @ C0. But, sometimes, C0 for mutants, humans, or/and their weapon(s) is @ [C1*(C1^(1/1))] = [C1^2], since PL is greater than LS or Life Span, but damage inflicted or/and prevented by weapon(s) created by human(s) would be more correct if written @ [((C#=C1)/2)^2] = C0, which can be modified due to variety of many different interpretations, where, for brick character(s), C0 = STR = C2 PL, in terms of # ~ to C2 PL, so a mutant @ 40 C2 PL would have an energy blast in terms of STR @ 40 STR for that energy blast, but for energy blast by technology such as nuclear blast, which would be @ 80 STR, by 40*2, which is by 40*{(40/10)^(1/2)}, but NOT C2 PL itself which is reserved for TL, based on his INT being @ 40 C2, which is NOT the same as being @ 40 INT which is @ 369 C2 INT, but NOT C2 PL itself for STR which is reserved for TL, which is also for energy blast @ C2 PL, but in terms of TL for (super) nuclear blast, the STR = [(his C2 DP)*((C2 DP)/10)^(1/2))], to check for accuracy. The next scale, level, or status of C0 @ demi-god scale @ [C1*(C1^(1/2))], where, C1 = (C2=(C0)^2)^(1/[Y=3]), then LS or Life Span = C1/[Y = 3]. The C0 can be used to figure out the life-span of a mutant @ C0 DP default psyche @ {demi-god scale}, where life-span in years = about 10^[3*LOG10(C0)], where C0 = C1 LS Look @ RULE # 66. STR @ C0 godly scale = [C1*((C1 DP)^(1/3))]. NOTE the increase in the exponent’s denominator by 1 for each increasing scale or notation for status. So, a god-like entity @ 569 C1 DP would be @ [569*(569^(1/3))] C0 = 4,715 C0 @ DP on a godly scale, which if applied to a lesser godly entity would get a [(569/3)*((569/3)^(1/3))] = 1,089 C0. There are 4 more equations for psyche that you should know; they are: 1) C0 psyche = [(C1 DP)/LOG10(C1 DP)], such as for Dr. Doom; 2) C0 psyche = [(C1 DP)/1] = [C1 DP], such as for some of the gods worshipped by humans of MU earth; 3) C0 psyche = [(C2 DP)/2], such as for the MU Tony Stark & Jean Grey; & 4) C0 psyche = [(C3 DP)/3], such as for giant insects. But, NOTE that 4,998.82 C0 psyche for a Celestial is @ 83.8 C1 DP by 83.8^LOG10(83.8) = 4,998.82 C2 DP. NOTE that 83.8 C1 DP = 43.57 C0 Psyche for Dr. Doom @ 43.57 C0 by [83.8/LOG10(83.8)] = [83.8/1.92] = 43.57 C0 Psyche, a slightly LESS powerful version that the one during the ‘80s Secret Wars. And, NOTE that if you put a Celestial @ 1,000 C0 psyche, then let that C0 psyche = 1,000 C2 DP, which = PR or power rating that of HULK < if you include power to dimensional travel, when the HULK was trapped in the alien dimension by Dr. Strange, when the HULK came across his arch-enemies the U-Foes trapped in one of the dimensions within the Crossroads of Dimensions, the same place, that the future alter-ego of HULK, known by the name of Maestro ended up & wrecked havoc upon the Crossroads of Dimensions, though NOT sure if the HULK’s access to the CD was natural or due to his alliance with Dr. Strange : IF access was due to HULK’s alliance with Dr. Strange, you’d want to put the HULK @ 25 C1 DP = 90 C2 DP by 25^LOG10(25) = 90, but I’m NOT sure if it cost Dr. Banner any points to create & maintain the alliance, as if it cost him points to create & maintain his alliance with Dr. Strange, or if Dr. Banner as HULK had power to dimensional travel, then double his C1 DP to [2x25] = 50 C1 DP, putting HULK @ same PR as that of THOR @ 50 C1 DP or (1/2) that of Mephisto, who is 1.5x or/to 3x PR that of Silver Surfer, @ PR between 35 & 70 C1 DP for SS >, with PR of THOR & Phoenix based on 2 of the ‘80s MU comics { Thor vs. Celestial : this was during the High Evolutionary storyline } & { Phoenix vs. Celestial : this was when the X-Men were in the Kree Empire < but, NOT sure exactly > } < NOT the actual title, but PLOT for each of the 2 series >. Look @ RULE # 67, # 75, & # 76. RULE # 6: This is 2nd most important rule, with Rule # 3 being 1st most important rule. Life-span = [X*C3], where X > 2 when C2 < 20, else X = 2 when C2 LS greater than or = 20. Also, X = [20 - C2 + 2 ]. But, NOTE that LS or @ C2 = [C0 / 5] for immortality. So, a human @ 19 C2 DP, would have X = [20 – 19 + 2] = 3; but, note that his PL is, also, @ 19 C2. And, when/if his COM is @ 19 C2, his no mutant power(s), because he has no difference or difference of 0 by [19 PL - (COM @ 19 C2)] = 0 difference. For Galactus, use 60 C1 LS to generate a LS of 19.87 billion years for Galactus, meaning you’d reduced his default LS to 60 C1, & increase his PL with arithmetic operation opposite to that used to decrease his LS. So, if either a {-} or a {/} was used to reduce LS, then use {+} or {*} to increase PL. Look @ RULE # 5, # 26, # 31, # 202, # 286, & # 445, which is next step. *RULE # 7*: # of people it would take to make a nuclear bomb = 10^[(Y-X)^(1/2)], where X = average C2 PL of the worker & Y = C2 PL of the nuclear missile or/and bomb technology. So, a South-Asian worker @ 10 C2 PL with a nuclear technology @ 50 C2 PL would need a total work force of 10^[(50-10)^(1/2)] = 2 million workers working on nuclear technology. This was just a prelude to RULE # 7 & the former rule @ the start was NOT & (i) repeat was NOT rule # 7. But, getting back to the crust of the RULE # 7: note that, [beginning of RULE # 7], dimension d = [2*(C0 - 1)] for (a) nuclear blast(s); dimension d = [2*(C0 - 1)] for (a) nuclear blast(s); while, for the astronaut’s equation, dimension d = [C0]. So, NASA beginning in 1964 would get a 64/2 = 32 C2 PL, based on flight velocity in mph = [(C3)^2], so then Dr Destroyer @ 10,000 C3 DP be @ 100 C2 DP. You start with the assumption that a 45 C2 PL nuclear blast is based on technology of 1945. And, note that many equations have a “-n” @ n = 1 which represents efficiency of technology @ n = LOG10(% efficiency). Just about every nuclear nation or nuclear wanna-be nation uses the following equation << though they don’t know that they’re using it: it was, also, used in Gulf War I & Gulf War II, using depleted half life uranium shell(s) in tanks by the Americans against Iraq, where the American tanks would be @ 25 C2 PL, allowing them to completely destroy a tank @ length of 10 meters (on a 2 dimensional scale area grid, where “d” = # of dimension(s) of nuclear blast on a planetary or galactic scale, where “d” = 2 for modern day nuclear blasts by modern technology of 20th century ) by radius or diameter in # of millimeters = [10^[-1 + (25^(1/d))] based on an earlier equation with exponent of (1/3) @ C3 PL which is later replaced by (1/2) @ C2 PL, where “d” in (1/d) is @ C0 unit for low level nuclear reactions {which @ C4 PL would have an exponent @ (1/4)} which for above @ C2, diameter in # of millimeters = 10^(5-1) millimeters = radius or diameter of 10 meter radius or diameter complete destruction, where d = 2 for 2nd dimension or @ C2 PL in above equation for nuclear blast with d = 2 on a planetary scale. And, since this technology is @ 25 C2 PL which you might want to change it to 36 C2 PL for its night vision & the global positioning device, this technology could have been made theoretically in 1925 without the night vision & the global positioning device, else (theoretically) by 1936 with latter 2 extra goodies (attributes) to the modern American tanks >> of/for FORCE FIELD(S) < greatest military equation for both military & non-military applications > for ARTIFICIAL phenomenon(s), such as a nuclear blast, comes in 3 forms: 1st) radius or diameter in # of millimeters = [10^X], where X = [Z – Y], where Z = [(C# PL)^(1/n)], where n = 2 @ {C# @ C2}, but this n changes to 3 @ C# @ C3 & to 4 @ C# @ C4 by [2*(3-1)] = n = 4, but @ n = 2 @ C2, where Z = Q = [(C2 PL)^(1/2)] = AMBS << except the AMBS, here, is @ PL (power level) rather than @ DP (default psyche), since it’s power stunt rather than a character, similar to using PL for power stunt(s) in Yu-Gi-Oh, where DP is for characters >>, and Y = LOG10(% efficiency of nuclear blast), where % is usually @ 10% efficiency ; 2nd) where C3 = @ DP for TL, for CORE OF NUCLEAR BLAST its diameter in millimeters = 10^[{C3^(1/4)} - 1] = 10^[{C3^(1/r)} - 1], r = n, where the just mentioned equation can be used to calculate the CORE temperature of nuclear reaction(s), where you can use the Soul Equation to figure out the number of workers needed for a project like the Manhattan Project, but use the exponent of (1/4) for matter-antimatter reaction(s) on @ C3 @ DP or default psyche, and (1/5) if C3 @ PL. But, on universal scale, diameter in millimeters = 10^[(C2 PL)/(u*10)], where u = universal scale for dimension(s). So, a 100 C2 PL nuclear blast would be @ 1 dimension on a universal scale, giving a 10^[100/(1*10)] = 10^10 millimeter diameter = 10^7 meter diameter = 10^4 kilometer diameter nuclear blast. So, the sun @ 1,200 C2 DP would be @ a diameter of 10^[1,200/(2*10)] = 10^[1,200/100] = 10^12, since the sun would be @ dimension 2 @ a universal scale, giving its diameter of 10^12 millimeters = diameter of 10^9 meters = diameter of 10^6 kilometers. And, so, now, then, finally, part 3 of this rule: the variable K or exponent for the natural force field equation = [5 + L], where L = (C2 / 400), where L = e = [(C2 DP) / 100)^(1/2)], where @ 400 C2 DP, e = 2, and where C2 = DP or default psyche, where r = [ K / m ] = 3 if K = 6 & m = 2 for ARTIFICIAL phenomenon(s). But, the force field for NATURAL phenomenon(s) @ m = 1 for its diameter in millimeters = 10^[C3^(1/K)] = 10^[C3^(1/6)] for Mars, where C3 = DP or default psyche : you can apply this latter equation for the planetoid equation to figure out it’s diameter ; using the former equation for an artificial phenomenon, you have to artificially boost it’s life-span by decreasing its PL or power level, which you can apply to appropriately. Use RULE # 47 to check for accuracy. These 2 force-field equations hold & give shape to most of the rules in my (this) rpg HYBRID. You can, also, figure out Nd6 damage by a nuclear blast or attack. If C3 = PL rather than DP, then add the modifier +1 to the denominator of the exponent, meaning the exponent (1/3) should be change to (1/4) if C3 is @ PL or Power Level: < greatest military equation : can be used to create all sorts of missiles, from bullets to nuclear warheads >. Look @ RULE # 8, # 48, # 110, # 210, # 212, & # 315. RULE # 8 : IQ = original point total in HERO which is later changed to C3; but, IQ = Mecha Points in BESM = [10*C1] ; C1 = [TL*3] ; TL = [C1/(n=3)], where accuracy = [1-(1/(n^n))], where accuracy = 96% @ n=3, where C1 is based on PL, but PL can be increased or decreased from its default value, but appear to be lower if wrong laws of physics are forced to work by brute force of will then C2 PL is lowered or appear to be lower than it actually is, where it is assumed that C1 is @ default; but, for special effect(s) or power stunt(s), IQ is based on PL or power level, as is COM, based on PL; so, for an average African American adult male, you need to put him @ 12.54321 C1 DP = 28.55 C3 DP = 16 C2 DP, where Average Body, Mind, & Soul = AMBS = [(his C2 DP)^(1/2)], giving him a 4 ABMS for someone such as Wesley Snipes would have an IQ of 125.4321; so, he would get a TOTAL CHARACTER POINTS of 125.4321 by [10*(his C1 DP)] = his TCP, but he may, also, have a TOTAL CHARACTER POINTS of [100*LOG10(his C3 DP)] = 145.56 TCP, with an uncertainty of [145.56 – 125.4321] = 20 points of uncertainty for his TCP. But, when C1 is moved away from default value, then there are 3 separate & distinct IQ equations. But, NOTE that the % of points consumed by COM for both genders are mostly = each of its opposite gender, but COST is greater for the female gender than for the male gender. Look @ RULE # 7, # 9, # 10, # 49, & # 122. RULE # 9: % of light speed @ C2 PL = [(2*(C2/100))^2]. So, @ 350 C2 PL, depending on size & mass of spaceship, percentage = 49% of light speed velocity, where C2 PL = C0 for velocity less than light speed = [X*[C2*C3]] @ C3 PL, which means between {[23^LOG10(23)]^2} @ C3 PL = (71.5^2) = 5,112 C3 PL & upper lower limit of 20,448 C3 PL, but 139 C2 PL = 39,130 C3 PL by 139^LOG10(139) = 39,130 C3 PL, where X = LOG10(Y), where Y = % of light speed, both @ PL, where C3 = material strength. For optimum, you’d want to use 70.71 C2 velocity & 70.71 C3. Here, 70.71 C2 velocity
= between @ (10^4.15) mph by RULE # 155 & @ (10^5.814) mph by RULE # 178. And, 70.71 C3 = properties of titanium & iron. But, note that 60 C2 material strength IN NOTATION OF MULTIVERSER RPG = 5@10 {(5*10+10 = 50+10), @ C2 PL} material strength if it has a material strength @ 1,451 by 60^LOG10(60), WHERE MATERIAL STRENGTH < X@Y > IN MULTIVERSER RPG & THAT MY RPG HYBRID ARE COINCIDENTALLY SIMILAR WITH SIMILAR ERROR ESTIMATES, BUT < IN MY OPINION > MULTIVERSER MIXES UP THE POINT DISTRIBUTION OF C3 & C2, JUST AS MOST OTHER RPGS, ALSO, MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE, INCLUDING HERO & ’86 MU TSR RPG. But, note that the UNCERTAINTY of iron @ 4@9 = 49.28 C3 PL which = 20 C2 material strength which tells that the material strength x@y or @ [10*x + y] is NOT uniform for MS, as well as average stat of 1@6 or [10*1+6] for adult human males which depends on many factors such as race & country of origin, since what may be average in one country may not be average in another country for set of humans. At extreme values, the notation x@y or [10*x + y] is @ C2, but @ human levels x@y is at C3. So, the time traveling spaceship & its male captain < trying to trick time into bringing his wife back from the dead which reminded me of the MU Elders challenging Mistress Death, but getting back to the captain > that challenged Jameway & her starship Voyager would be @ (2/3) C1 DP that of Jameway, or @ same power rating as the BORG Queen @ (2/3) C1 DP that of Jameway, putting her 90 to 93 DP by [(1.5)*(60 or 62)]. Look @ RULE # 10, # 30, & # 315. RULE # 10 : Warp # = [C2/Y], where Y = 100*(1+LOG10(L)), where L = length of spaceship in meters, where in # of tons = 10^[(C2)/(M*C3 PL)], where C3 PL is size & mass of vehicle, and where the modifier M = LOG10(%), where % of it being compact & dense, where M = 2 for an aircraft carrier, but the equation contradicts laws of aerodynamics of wind resistance would
tear a plane apart @ M = 1. But, anyway, for FTL, you need or it’s assumed that the DP of character(s) is @ greater than 30 C1, where FTL in x light speed = [C2], meaning a TL @ [152*6.58] = 1,000 C2 PL @ LS = [152/6.58] = 23.1 C2 would have ability to travel {2^(7.5 - 1)}x or {(-1 + 2^7.5)}x light speed = [10^{{(C1 DP)/10} – M}]x light speed, where M = LOG10(L), where L = length of spaceship in meters @ length of 10 meters such as of Star Wars @ maximum X to Y = 90x to 180x light speed @ C1 DP [30]; and, anything @ greater than 40 C1 DP, the laws of relativity breaks down considerably more in favor of the genius, mutant, robot, or demon where TO TURN a planet into a giant spaceship, the minimum needed or required C1 DP = 40, where if his C1 for both his LS & PL are = to each other, then his IQ or TCP (in HERO4 : 250 Point Project) = 400 to 658 TCP @ 40 C1 DP = 3,867,373 TCP OR
in Hero 5th & why TCP for the female character with dimension travel isn’t listed in the
CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE . But, minimum cost for hyper or/and warp space is @ about X (120) C2 PL. MC = X (123) C2 PL. Warp # = [C2/Y], where Y = [120*(1+LOG10(L))], where L = length of spaceship in meters. Warp # = [C2/Y], where Y = [123*(M+LOG10(L))], where modifier M = LOG10(%), where % = percentage of uncertainty for minimum cost for quantum barrier, where L = length of spaceship in meters. Use MC = @ Y (250) C2 PL to look into an alternate dimension without traveling into it; and, use MC = @ Z (520) for to travel to an alternate dimension. Look @ RULE # 8, # 9, # 16, # 30, # 95, # 132, # 156, # 159, & # 189. RULE # 11: The only difference between the height equation in RULE # 4 & equation used in RULE # 11 to compute annual salary is that the height equation uses C3, while equation to compute wealth (annual salary) uses C2. In a world with only a handful of mutants, use [C2 PL] for humans to compute wealth or/and luck advantage in GURPS, but in a world where mutants are common & appear as common lightening & other natural disasters, use [C2 DP] for mutants to compute wealth or/and luck advantage in GURPS, but the 2 competing systems, sometimes, overlap, such as @ 144 C2 DP, though one way to remedy the problem would be to use [C2 PL] @ the low end of the power spectrum & to use [C2 DP] @ the high end of the power spectrum to compute salary, but for characters over 144 C2 DP, it starts to get silly if you use the same equation, and play super characters like MU Dr. Doom & have this equation work is to for NOT to have Dr. Doom share his technology with the general public, meaning keep it for himself > : it’s made worse with the introduction of more powerful characters such as in & of MU, and why maybe in HERO, wealth & luck advantage is similar to that of GURPS < in my opinion >, such as in the < current > CHAMPIONS & CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE. Now, getting back to my homebrew rpg system HYBRID, all players start with DP, though the status [C3, C2, C1, or CA] is determined by the GM & the type of campaign. 4 AMBS = 16 C2 DP, but depending on geographic location, the average guy may be @ 9 C@ DP or high as 25 C2 DP, such as in the middle of the ring with members of a WWF, World Wrestling Federation; or, in some parts of 3rd world countries, low as 5 C2 DP for an average guy. To compute [C2 PL], which COINCIDENTALY = to wealth or/and luck advantage in GURPS rpg, use RULE # 3 to compute [C2 PL]. The following is COINCIDENTALLY SIMILAR to GURPS, where [C2 PL] = # of points of wealth or/and luck advantage in GURPS. Annual Salary, $ @ = 10^[{X^(1/2)} + (M^2)], where X = [C2 PL] for in normal world close to the real world, ELSE either use [C2 DP] for mutants or for in a world of mutants, $, annual income for in of year 2002. But, Y = wealth advantage = [C2 PL], but @ 144 C2 DP, X = [C2 DP]; Y = 216 @ 144 C2 DP @ 216 C2 PL @ 72 C2 LS = 216 ¥ = as # of points of (wealth) advantage in GURPS =, {try it for a profession athlete @ 25 C2 DP @ Y = 30, or for a movie star, but due to unequal distribution of income, this equation doesn’t work for all people, since some people are paid more than they should get or earn, while others get or earn less than they should earn or get, where Y, which is COINCIDENTALY SIMILAR (by PURE COINCIDENCE) to my homebrew rpg system, regarding the value of the variable Y, where M = modifier = LOG10(%), WHERE % = either luck or how corrupt a person is : MOST humans are 10% corrupt < by corrupt I mean by wanting to maximize personal gain; but, for (true) trolls, NOT some person victim of some campaign of misinformation or propaganda, for these (true) trolls, their % corruptness or level of nastiness would be @ M = +1.41 = 26 % ; violent criminals would get or be @ between M of 1.73 & 2 for 54% to 100%, as their % of corruptness, though it’s possible that this % is used as a level of self-defense [(collateral damage vs. terrorism) debate] > = M = 1}; so, @ M = 0, his annual income = $ 1 trillion @ 144 C2 DP ! So, a 6 TL A-bomb @ 36 C2 PL would cost $ 1 million, because it’s made collectively @ 36 C2 DP, going back to starting equation in RULE # 11. For female characters, she’d have to use her mating equation to figure out her PL, or simply convert her COM to C2 PL which is an oversimplification of the mating equation. The only difference between the height equation in RULE # 4 & equation used in RULE # 11 to compute annual salary is that the height equation uses C3, while equation to compute wealth (annual salary) uses C2. Look @ RULE # 11, # 145, # 182, & # 184. RULE # 12 : For FREEZING, C2 = 10*LOG10(T), where T = absolute value of negative but uniform temperature within line of sight, where he’d need between 24 & 26 C2 to turn a tiny object to -273 *C or -406 * F. If you apply Bose-Einstein Condensation for freezing power, he’d need C2 PL between 24 & 26 C1 to freeze everything within line of sight. =================================================== RULE # 13 : For HEAT, C2 = 10*LOG10(T), where T = temperature of uniform distributed heat within line of sight, but its central CORE TEMPERATURE would = 10^(C2^(1/2)) GIVING A CORE TEMPERATURE OF 10 million @ 49 C2 PL, with average temperature being @ 10^[(C2 PL) / 10 ], where @ 50 C2 PL, temperature = 100,000 F. or C by nuke blast. Look @ RULE # 180. =================================================== RULE # 14 : Height, length, or wing-span of ANIMAL = [C3 / n ], where n = ( N / e ), where e = # of environments that it can live & survive in, where N is in [Nd6] {1 time maximum} damage, where N = [-1 + C3^(1/Z)], where @ Z = 2 for 2nd dimension for surface damage on a 2 dimensional scale such as on surface of a planet, moon, or a star, N = [-1 + C3^(1/2)], where @ 49 C3 = access to TL capable of doing a { (maybe)1 time maximum} damage of 6d6 surface damage on a 2 dimensional scale. So, Godzilla wanting to create a nuclear ray from his mouth, use Z = 3, for a 3D damage, where N = [-1 + C3^(1/3)]. In other words, after determining its C2 DP based on its size, give it an extra 1 ABMS, increasing its ABMS by 1, meaning if its size is @ 9 ABMS = 81 C2 DP, but it has monstrous power(s), then give it an extra 1 to its ABMS, giving it a NEW total of 10 to its ABMS, where a 10 ABMS = 100 C2 DP. A whale being able to do a 1d6 damage would get an n = 1 ; but, a GREAT WHITE SHARK being able to do a 2d6 damage would get n = 2, giving it a C3 DP of 25, where the body armor @ n or 2 C3 PL, while for a NON good looking young male adult human be @ height @ [X*average], where X = inverse of ratio in decrease of his COM in proportion to average COM of his race for a good looking man @ C0, so instead of being @ height of 6 ft or 2 meters, he’ll be < if X = 1.5, meaning if his COM is decreased by a factor of 1.5x, for example, then > @ height of 9 ft or 3 meters in proportion to his C0, which for NON-white human adult males is @ 36 C4 to C3, where if X = 1.5: when equation is used for animals, the law of conservation of mass and energy is maintained: for example, @ but @ 24.5 C3 DP it would be a young great white shark & not yet an adult version of itself; while, an adult version of a great white shark @ 24.5 ft length allowed to reach its full potential and length then it would be @ 49 C3 DP; while, its gentle giant cousin the whale shark be @ 49 C3 DP since it has NO teeth causes an increase in its size by 2x; while, a whale be @ 49 C3 DP since it has to breath air / has no gills / has NO teeth causes an increase in its size by 2x. So, similarly, C0 @ 20 C2 DP but rarely exceed more than 19 C2 DP = 43 C3 DP @ height of 2 meters @ 19 C2 DP @ 43 C3 DP for a young adult black man is, also, usually the maximum potential in terms of his genetics & adult physique, where a most perfect looking black man would get a 20 C2 DP for his looks & athletic abilities, but use n = .5 for average jellyfish & n = 1 for a snakes & most animals, except humans, who have a high n & e value. But, for a human example, multiply his race value by his body armor @ C3 and square that value to calculate material strength of his skeleton @ C3. So, if his body armor is @ 2.08 C3 and if his race is @ 2.08, which is average, then his body armor is increased to 4.31 C3 @ about that of animal hide, the material strength of his skeleton is @ 18.56 C3 @ 10% of the time, including his knowledge @ his 18.56 C3 PL. So, if he is @ 10% @ 1% of the time, then his C3 PL @ 1% @ 1% of the time would give him a +1 modifier, giving him a = 28.18 C3, which appears to be a slight increase but is only @ 1% of the time which is average for an average adult male human @ height of 5.31 ft. @ 4 AMBS in BESM in reference to his ABMS stat in BESM. But, if you decreae his body armor by (1/2) from 4.33 to 2.17, by reducing his race to from 2.08 to 1.04, then you can increase his height by factor of 2, from 5.31 ft to 10.62 ft, which is not stated in rule # 3, but works in a similar way. And, for a scientist or magician or mutant to create a character of his own, his charcter has points that are X =(1/#) that of its or his creator = Y, who is @ [Y] C#. So, if Dr Frankenstein is @ 264 C3, then his creation is @ 88 C3 by [264/3] = 88 C3 DP. And, if Dr Frankenstein is @ 36 C2 DP, then his creation is @ 18 C2 DP by [36/2], where each increase in #, the cost increases by a factor of 2x. Now, look @ RULE # 3, # 20, # 73, # 74, # 111, # 113, # 140, & # 167. =================================================== RULE # 15: Height in ft. for a mutant = [C2/(N^(1/2))], where N = N in [Nd6] {1 time maximum} damage, where N = [-1 + C3^(1/2)]. So, if he’s @ 900 C2 & able to do a [[23,107]d6] damage, his height = 5.92 ft. : you’d want to use this for a super-mutant. [(23,108)^(1/2)] = 152 ; Height = (900 / 152) = 5.921 ft. So, the most advanced 1980 US tank would be @ 40 C2 PL. But, note that 1 kg of flesh = 1 metric ton of TL mass which when used for mass kg = [M*(height ^3)], height is in ft, to calculate mass of the sun @ 10^27 tons, where the multiplier M = “1,000” for the sun is mostly plasma & not very dense, meaning like planet Jupiter. Note that C0 mass of TL is changed to X = [[C0+1] @ C0] or [C0 @ [C0-1]] if story is taken literally else if story is taken like the tv series Yu-Gi-Oh THEN [X / pi] when same mass is converted to a Godzilla like monster. Look @ RULE # 138. RULE # 16 : For FLIGHT, C2 TL sometimes = (10*ff)*[LOG10(mass, tons) + d*LOG10(velocity, mph)], where d = # of dimensions of or/and to flight, where you’d want to use d = 1 for a battleship or a ground vehicle such as a tank & d = 2 for a plane & d = 3 for space travel, & where ff = fudge factor for resistance to medium that the object is traveling in or through, where ff = 3 @ 30 C0 material strength object as through solid granite : ff = [C3 / 10 ], where C3 = material strength of object. So, ff @ 8.83 would have a C3 = 88.3 C0 material strength object that the object is tunneling through. You can use "ff" for ice-breaker technology as used in WWII by American made ice-breakers by the Russians, as well as by the Americans for safe passage of ice infested seas near & around Greenland. But, for ME(sserschmitt) 262 @ 17.662 C2 material strength based on WWII TL will be @ flight velocity of 262 C4, based on mph for plane = [(C3 PL)^2]. The ZU_23 (23 millimeter anti-aircraft gun) be @ 23 C4 TL, since an adult male person human @ 12 C1 DP @ 12 C1 LS @ 12 C1 PL = 14.61 C2 DP = 22.72 C3 DP. Give G-force battle plane a 111 C2 PL. But, the most simple flight equation is velocity = [10^((C2 PL – COM)^(1/Y))], km/hr or mi/hr, where Y = (1 + Z), where Z = # of dimension. Use Y = 2 for radio waves, and use Y = 3 for velocity for spaceship or/and aircraft, where friction of air is replaced by relativity in/of space. Look @ R # 23, # 63, # 97, # 155, & # 189. RULE # 17: (Optional) # of dice used in the game = [#/6] @ C#something. Use a 3d6 @ C1 for 18 C1, or 4d6 @ C2 for 24 C2. For a [251.19] ft. long male monster @ 24 C1 = 80.35 C2 DP = 4d6 @ C1. Look @ RULE # 188, which contradicts RULE # 188, which is a more specific combat rule as to when rolling a dice, but works on the same principle as # 17. RULE # 18 : # of clones = [-1 + ((creator’s C3 DP) / (clone’s C3 DP))] : fuzzy logic ; @ 12 COM & 100 C3 DP, he’d be able to make 1 clone of himself @ (1/2)x100 = 50 C3 DP, assuming his COM is @ 50 C3 DP or default psyche @ COM between 10 & 12. Look @ RULE # 19 & # 84. RULE # 19: C0 for shrinking = C2. But, to figure out how much the object can be shrunk to is 1/ [1+ (# of clones)]. Another shrinking equation @ PL or power level [C1] @ (1/y) of original height, where y = 10^[(C1/10) - 1], which @ DP or default psyche [C1] the equation changes to y = 10^[[(C1/10) - 1]^2] for a humanoid mutant or meta-human @ normal height of between 1 & 2 meters. If he were @ 30 C1 DP or default psyche, he’d be able to shrink to a cellular level height of (1/(10^4)) of his original height, with cost to his ENDurance for both shrinking & returning back to his normal height between 1 meter ( 9 year old ) & 2 meters ( 16 years or older). So, if he were @ 40 C1 DP, he’d be able to shrink to an atomic level height of (1/(10^9)) of his original height. THEN, @ 50 C1 DP, he’d be able to shrink to a sub-atomic level height of (1/(10^16)) of his original height which would be size of atomic particles. So, if a male teenage mutant or meta-human were @ 20 C1 = 49.281 C2 DP or default psyche, he’d be able to shrink to a height of (1/(10^1)) = (1/10) of his original height. But, if he were to shrink to a super sub-atomic level height of @ (1/(10^25)) of his original human level height, he’d need a C1 default psyche of 60. Look @ RULE # 18 & # 109. RULE # 20: Use length unit as ft. to give giant monster power(s), else give length unit as meter, if for latter extra points are used to increase its length from unit ft. to unit meter. You can use Rule # 3 on this following rule, where C3 C0 = [(material strength @ C3 of its skeleton) x (length of its body in either ft or meters, depending on body type) x (modifier for body type, such as .5 for a snake and .1 for a jellyfish)], where C3 for its skeleton is numerically = to its C2 PL if its body size is @ C2 PL, along with its life span @ C2 PL; so, material strength of Godzilla @ 100 C2 would have a skeleton with material strength that of 100 C3 & NOT @ 100 C2, unless it shrunk to size of 1 ft to 1 meter: 1 ft if it has its other powers else to size of 1 meter]. Then, to create giant monster(s), use height = [C3 / n], where n = [C3^(1/3)] for monsters, where n = ( N / e ), where e = # of environments that the monster can survive in & N is in [Nd6] {1 time maximum} damage the monster can inflict, prevent, or siphon-off. N = [-1 + C3^(1/2)] = [-1 + C3^.5]. Another equation for height, wing-span, or length in ft. for monster(s) = [10*C2]. Still another equation for length in unit ‘ft.’ of monster(s) = [10*((C2/10)^2)] ; so, then, a giant flying fire-breathing turtle would be @ 50 C2 DP or default psyche. The variable “n” consists of 2 parts, where sum of % [lethal or benefit] & % [beauty], where n @ 1 = 50% (lethal if dangerous or benefit) & 50% beauty for (an) animal(s), where [0.5 + 0.5] = 1.0 for n. Or, as a rule, the master genius needs to be @ +10 C# greater than C# of object, meaning if Godzilla is @ 25 C1 DP, then master genius [the alien(s)] would need to be @ [25 + 10] = 35 C1 DP: the same applies to Galactus, meaning if you put Silver Surfer @ 25 CA DP, then Galactus needs to be @ [25 + 10 ] = 35 CA DP. But, Galactus has multiple heralds, so ADD + 1 for each (extra) herald of Galactus, so ADD + 5 to 35, giving Galactus [35 + 5] = 40 CA DP. If you equation to get average psyche in MU SAG, it’s comes to [(his DP) – 10] = [40 – 10] = 30 average psyche in MU SAGA for Galactus, so the estimate(s) & conversions is/are accurate. You can, also, use this for cloning equation @ low values, such that if an animal is @ 10 C2 DP, the master genius needs to be @ [10 + 10] = 20 C2 DP. Unit “meter” is giving to jellyfish, while unit “feet” is given to most large animals larger than cat or a dog. Length in ft = [10*(((C2 DP)/10)^2)]. Look @ RULE # 14, # 111, # 113, # 137, & # 140. RULE # 21 : A mutant @ MS = STR, where material strength, m.s. or MS, is @ C3 PL, or written as C3 C0 which would require TL @ appropriate C3 ; so, a 1,000 C0 material strength would be @ 1,000 C3 PL & an IQ of 207 @ 20.7 C1 DP to manufacture @ 1,000 C0 material strength object such as adamentium = 5@4 ms @ 54 C2 PL. But, these estimates may not be accurate @ their C3 PL, as the following material strength chart is probably more accurate : for example, hard wood @ 10 C3 PL, cement @ 40 C3 PL, concrete @ 90 C3 PL, reinforced concrete @ 125 C3 PL or @ 125 C0 m.s.., steel @ 160 C3 PL, iron or/and titanium @ 250 C3 PL or @ 250 C0. Look @ RULE # 9, & # 139. RULE # 22: For time travel, ALWAYS add 10 & increase magnitude of unit by 1 if object if object is time tunneling, whether or not the object is organic, since the object will automatically have a larger C2 value if it’s inorganic. By a combination of my equation(s) or rule(s) # 22 & # 23, meaning that a World War II battleship Yamato would be @ 56 [ C2 ] PL which is changed to 56 C1 DP, where you give the Yamato ONLY 56 C1 PL or power level, then it would have only the Energy Canon technology & capability, but very little hyper or warp space technology & capability for which [ the latter ] you need to give the Yamato a NEW TOTAL OF 56 C1 DP or default psyche. So, you’d want to add 10 points to 56 C1, giving it a NEW TOTAL OF 66 C1 DP. If a ham-radio operator @ 20 C2 DP wants to alter history by sending messages through time, he’d need [20+10] C1 DP = 30 C1 DP, where C1 is a unit in magnitude more than C2. 30 C1 DP = IQ of 300 to 476 @ 152 C2 DP. But, an object such an air-craft carrier @ 63.40 C2 would need [10+63.40] = 73.40 C1 PL or power level to travel to alternate time-line, by my estimate, assuming the population of crew is small, according to the cloning equation, where their SUM C2 cannot exceed that of the aircraft carrier’s @ 63.40 C2 PL. So, you get the following time travel equation in # of years = 10^(((C1 DP)/10)-1), +/-. Look @ RULE # 41. RULE # 23: When you change time travel equation to distance in light years over one’s life time to distance teleported instantaneously, the final derivative, using pseudo science, you get teleportation = 10^[(((his C2 DP)^(1/d))/d^2], distance in # of meters, where d = 2 for teleportation (warp or hyper) space; d = 3 to appear simultaneously at different locations; d = 3 for time bubble for time travel; and d = 1 for to send & receive radio messages by a ZERG. This equation used when # of generations
approaches INFINITE, THEN the unit “meter” changes to “light-years”, where C2 = power level or PL. If life-span (LS) is @ power level (PL) THEN power level (PL) is @ default, and life-span (LS) is @ default. Flight near a planet is @ [C0 / 5] @ C2, but/& when speeding up for teleportation, it’s @ C2 PL for flight. Note that to convert a human to a super-mutant, change his C3 DP to C1 DP. Look @ RULE # 16. =================================================== RULE # 24: An average galaxy is @ 100 C1 DP, but our (galaxy + earth) is @ X or 120 C1 DP or default psyche = diameter of 120,000 or [(C1 DP)*(1,000)] light-years with one billion stars, but diameter of Milky Way galaxy is @ or has diameter of 100,000 light years due to maybe (?) because (?) earth being richly inhabited by a rich variety of life forms, but if this is not the case, just give the Milky Way Galaxy a 100 C1 DP @ diameter of 100 thousand light-years . So, the # of stars in a star-space = 10^[(C1 – 50) / 5.55], where the sun would get between 50 & 60 C1 DP, and where C1 is @ DP, where C1 DP for a galaxy = 120. But, when C1 = PL, the just mentioned equation to compute # of stars in a galaxy changes to the following: # = 10^[(C1 – 50) / (Z*Y)], where Y = 5.55, where Z = 2 or 3, where Z determines % of chance of their being earth-like planet somewhere in the galaxy @ % = [1 – (1 / Z)]. So, @ Z = 2, % chance of their being an earth-like planet in the galaxy is @ 50%, and if Z = 3, then % chance of their being an earth-like planet isn the galaxy is @ 66%. But, NOTE that @ MUTANT @ 30 C1 DP = 152 C2 DP can simulate power level that of a star by increasing his PL to [152x5] = 760 C2 PL or power level but @ cost of decreasing his life-span to [152/5] = 30.4 C2 LS or life-span, allowing him his nova like power(s) for a moment in time by NATURAL force field equation, where exponent (1/5) is used @ 272 C2 DP gives a reasonable mass of 10^[[272^LOG10(272)]^(1/5)] = 10^[[845523.63 C3 PL]^(1/5)] = mass of 10^(15.33) tons for a moon-like planet; but, the mass is in reference to a moment in space-time, meaning you’ll need a larger C2 DP value to have a realistic star. NOTE that 52.35 C1 DP object or star-space = 1 star like the sun @ 900.9 C2 DP, but a 1 neutron star would be @ 55 C1 DP = 1,068.716 C2 DP, while a black hole would be @ 60 C1 DP = 1,451.516 C2 DP; &, a 66.53 C1 DP 2,105.68 C2 star-space = 10 stars : 10X every {11.1 to 16.65} C1 DP increments. THEN, # of stars in a galaxy @ life-span @ [120-60] = 60 C1& PL [120+60] = 180 C1 PL = 1 billion stars if galaxy has an earth-like planet ; else, if galaxy has NO earth-like planet, that’s singular & NOT plural, then maximum # of stars that it can hold is a 1 trillion stars ! But, since mass, also, consists of space-time, the above equation changes to the following: # of stars galaxies = 10^(((C1 DP)-100)/100), where we’re replacing 120 with 100. So, Z or 500 C1 DP = 10^4 galaxies. Look @ RULE # 75. Look @ RULE # 219. ================================================== RULE # 25: C2 DP of interstellar object is @ (1.59*(100*X)), where X = LOG10(Z), where Z = its diameter in miles or kilometers. So, a planet @ diameter @ 10,000 miles would be @ 636 C2 DP. Then, the moon would be @ 477 C2 DP @ diameter of 1,000 miles. But, DC = [(C2 DP) / LOG10(C2 DP)], where @ 60 C2 DP, DC = 33.743. So, you start with the equation for mass of stellar object which gives an estimate @ = [(C2 DP)^(1/2)], in # of tons, but this doesn’t fully take LS into account, but in terms of averages, gives a new planetoid equation, where diameter & velocity = [10^(C2 / S)], where S = IQ of interstellar object = 10*LOG10(X), where X = its life span in # of years. So, for an unstable planet with a very short LS of 31,622,777 years, S = 75, which, also, = its IQ of 75 @ LS of 31,622,777 years. But, for brevity, use PL for COM of a planet or star to computer its size & its DP & LS. But, the sun should be @ [(49.5 + 56.5) / 2] @ C1 DP = 53 C1 DP = 940 C2 DP, where 49.5 C1 DP = 744 C2 DP, & 56.5 C1 DP = 1,174 C2 DP. But, a black hole is @ 60 C1 DP or @ 50% C1 DP of galaxy of stars. So, not mass, but volume plays a big role in determining its C1 DP for interstellar object(s). So, the earth @ 540.893 C2 DP would be @ 45 C1 DP. But, use S = 150 for most interstellar objects @ 150 IQ. RULE # 26 : # of galaxies = 10^[((C1 - X) / X)] = 10^[((C1 / X) - 1 ], where [X] = [120] & where C1 = PL or power level; but, IF C1 = DP or default psyche, THEN # of galaxies = 10^[((C1 - G) / G)^1.59], where value of G = 120 for galaxy @ diameter of 120,000 light-years = 120 C1 DP : what this does is that it puts mass of all (of) the matter in the universe @ 600 C1 DP for 10^9 billion galaxies. If we put the MU character Eternity @ 569 C1 DP, then his mass is @ 12.2% of all mass in the universe. One galaxy = (2.65 * 10^22 ) C3 PL character points. 240 C1 PL (default psyche) star-space = 10 galaxies ; @ 1,200 C1 PL, # of galaxies in its cluster = [10^9] or 1 billion galaxies by [(1200 – 120) / 120] = 9 exponent e, which you use on 10^e to calculate # of galaxies in a space @ 1200 C1 PL. But, most of these galaxies are not in a space of 1, 200 C1 DP, but @ space of 480 C1 PL, with the remaining space OUTSIDE & BORDERING THE CENTRAL CLUSTER OF GALAXIES WHICH WE PERCEIVE AS THE UNIVERSE, this outer space, excluding space within the central cluster of galaxies, being empty & used to generate the mass @ its center & keep it in equilibrium which we perceive as galaxies or the universe, remnants of the Big Bang, assuming that the universe works like a giant oyster, where the Big Bang would be like its pearl. This oyster like universe generate this pearl ( Big Bang ) every now & then but in terms of billions of years, where like an oyster pearl is generated every 12 months +/- (1 to 9) months, and likewise a or the Big Bang might takes place every 12 billion years +/- (1 to 9) billion years. So, the actual space that the universe that is perceived by us, without theoretical abstraction(s), is @ 600 C1 DP, giving an exponent e of 9 by [((600 - 100) / 100 )^1.59] = 12.923; for e = 3.01 to 4.569, you’d use a 360 C1 DP for space occupying about 9,862 galaxies. You can use this equation to figure out the most likely maximum distance that the Elders of MU have traveled to & what galaxy that they’re likely to be @; since, each is @ 56.9 C1 DP, they’re most likely to be within this or a nearby galaxy; but, in order to collect the other Soul Gems, they would need a minimum of 2 Soul Gems to collect the others, assuming that each of the 10 Soul Gems is in an adjacent galaxy, with exception of 2 being in the same galaxy. This same equation when used in DP or default psyche format rather than PL or power level format, it gives a 90 C1 DP for 1 galaxy & increasing every 60 C1, giving the following equation : 10^e, where e = [((C1 - 90) / 60)], where C1 is @ DP, but you’d need a C1 DP of 630 to get e = 9. NOTE that 60 C1 life-span of between (9.93 * 10^9) & (1.99 * 10^10) years, discrepancy due to uncertainty of X being between 1 & 2 in the life-span equation. So, @ 90 C1 DP, the galaxy has a life-span @ [90-30] = 60 C1 & power level or COM @ [90+30] =120 or X C1 PL for 1 galaxy. Look @ RULE # 5, # 54, & # 74. RULE # 27: PK = ((C2 DP) / 10) = C0 # = # PK (reading). So, a C0 5 ghost(s) will be @ 50 C2 DP default psyche or DP, where you can get a "C0 # ghost(s)", "C0 # reading", or "C0 # entity". Use the cloning equation to figure out how many ghosts you can capture & contain in master containment unit. So, SLIMER @ “C0 5” would be @ 50 C2 DP. Since, the storyline of Ghostbusters starts in 2010, Egon would be @ 110 C2 DP, & why the master containment unit isn’t able to hold (ghost) entities @ too high a C0. The # of ghosts that the master containment unit is able to hold is = [e^X], where X = [[100 – (average psyche of ghosts in the master containment unit)]^(1/2)] @ C2 DP, with the difference of [110 – 100] = 10 points
being used to capture the ghost(s). Look @ RULE # 72. RULE # 28: There will be some discrepancies in the output when using these equations, just like in the real world between competing theories to explain what’s perceived as fact or facts. Look @ RULE # 0. RULE # 29: Tachyon (force-) field(s), residue, crystal(s), liquid, globule(s), or resonance have properties of science or / and magic. Tachyons are used for or / & by science-fiction TL object(s) or / & effect(s), including magical effect(s) or / & magical object(s). RULE # 30: FTL or faster than light velocity = either [-1 + 2^Z] or [2^(-1 +Z)] x light speed velocity. Z = Warp #, where Z = [C2/Y]. At MC or minimum cost of quantum barrier @ 100 C2 PL @ 10% uncertainty in cost, where LOG10(10%)= 1, Y = [100*(1+LOG10(L))], where L = length of space-ship in meters. You’ll want to use Y = 300 for a 100 meter long starship. As a rule of thumb, a small spaceship can move NEAR @ light speed @ 30 C1 PL @ 10^7.42 MPH by [10^(LN(C2 PL)*LOG10(C1 PL))], where 30 C1 PL = 152 C2 PL, like in the movie Planet of the Apes or Triton in tv series Farscape; but, @ 40 C1 PL, that same small spaceship would move @ FTL; but, a large spaceship would need a 40 C1 PL to move @ light speed. You can use Fibonacci series for FTL @ every 5 to 10 C1 DP, depending on what value you use as base that you’re raising it to what Fibonacci # for # LY. You can check accuracy of this by [(C1 DP) / 10]^[(C1 DP) / 10] = # of LY distance traveled. But, when using this on Jameway @ 92 C1 DP, for purpose of plot, the equation changes to the following: [(C1 DP)/20]^[(C1 DP)/10] for her, but Caretaker < IMHO : figment of her imagination> teleports her by the following equation : [(C1 DP) / 15 ]^[((C1 DP) / 15], # LY. What the caretaker
represents is that the story begins millenniums into the future, where each millennium = 1,000 years, with story beginning @ 7,000 AD in the future, but that would put Jameway @ 70 C1 DP, @ about power rating that of Ensign Kim of Voyager. But, since Jameway @ 92 C1 DP, the story really is taking place @ 9,200 AD, not 70,000 AD. It’s possible that
Jameway is collecting different species from different timelines as members of her starship, but unable to assimilate the Borg Queen @ (2/3) her C1 DP, as Borg Queen chooses death rather than be assimilated by Jameway: a person of contradiction. Look @ RULE # 9, # 10, # 95, # 159, # 189, # 388. RULE # 31: C0 Immortality
is in C2, but is really @ [C2*5] = C0,
, but works quite well for Galactus, and even entities ranging from humans to Elders of MU, as well as gods of MU, where C2 needs to be converted to either C3 or C1 to figure out life-span in years. 1,000 C2 DP = 1 billion C3 character points by 1,000^LOG10^(1,000) = 10^9. So, 500 C0 immortality for an Asgardian = @ 100 C2 immortality, while 200 C2 immortality for Olympian = 1,000 C0 immortality. The reason that we assign immortality to C2 is that 1,000 C2 life-span = life-span of 2 billion years by RULE # 6. C0 for immortality = [((C1 DP)^2)/10], which is proportional to the length equation for monsters @ C2 DP, but this 2nd immortality equation slightly contradicts 1st equation of # 31, but is or may be slightly more accurate than the 1st equation if used for demi-gods, such as Galactus, but 2nd equation is inaccurate if used on LESS-THAN demi-gods, such as THOR. Odin’s PR or power rating @ Hercules. RULE # 32: Material Strength is measured in C3. So, Power Level can be measured in material strength, as well as for COM or beauty BY taking her LOG10(C3 PL). In Synnibarr rpg, material strength is @ C4 PL rather than @ C3 PL. This rule for COM is most often applied more to human female characters than to guys, unless he has growth power or ability to increase his body density. Look @ RULE # 187. RULE # 33: COM, for fertile human females, = [(C1/10)^2] = LOG10(C3), where C3 = Power Level ; COM, for guys that are NOT mutants & less than 100 C2 DP, = [3*(C2/10)^2] ; COM, for guys that are mutants & less than 100 C2 DP, = [(C2/10)^2]. COM, for human female clone(s), = (C2/10). COM, for super-mutants, = [(C1/10)^2]. COM, for infertile human females, = [((C1+(C1/10))/10)^2]. Look @ RULE # 84 & # 104. Depending on how COM is derived using RULE # 3, the # of points needed for her COM may vary as much as 50% @ high COM values when converted to her C2 DP, but @ low values, the first 10 points of C2 don’t count, since the first 10 points of C2 are used to create a male like body which @ 20 C2 DP = 1 COM for her body. Look @ RULE # 3 to derive (C3 PL) for RULE # 33, where if you raise C3 PL by power of 4, you lower LS by power of (1/4). Her COM = [[LN(her C3 PL)]/2], which may be the best formula yet to calculate her COM @ her C3 PL. RULE # 34: For the Soul Equation, which works similar to relativity or/and pressure or/and resistance to pressure, in computing STR of NEW (compressed) soul in terms of # of souls; but, first, note that Palestinians, who would get C3, which is a unit that is 1 less than that of the Israelis, who would get C2. So, if an average Israeli would get a 10 to 20 C2, {C3 for the aged}, then an average Palestinian would get a 5 to 20 {C3 to C4}, C3 for the elite such as elite soldiers & scientists & engineers, and C4 for non-elite (lower class: C4 to C5 for the aged). Note that C3 = C2^LOG10(C2) = C3. So, then, the for # of workers needed to make a nuclear bomb: (Human) soul vs. (another human) soul: Z^[-X + (((C2, larger value) - (C2, smaller value))^(1/{D=2}))] @ DP, where D = dimension, such as D = 2 for parts of surface area of a planet, which the above equation would have effect on, which changes to D = 3 for parts of entire planet on a 3 dimensional scale for a planet rather than its surface area, where D = 2, and where base = Z = # of stats = 10 represents Binary Logic of TL, while base = 2.72 represents Fuzzy Logic of mutant power(s), in computing STR of NEW (compressed) soul in terms of # of souls, and where X = 1 = LOG10(Y), where Y = 10% uncertainty. This equation should only be used @ C2 DP; if it’s used @ C1 DP, this equation changes to cloning equation; and, if it’s used @ C3 DP, it becomes a death-reincarnation equation. This equation is meant be used only @ C2 DP to measure # of lesser souls occupying a greater soul, manifesting as a body, sort of like in the movie series, “Nightmare on Elm Street”. A male Israeli @ 20.5878 C2 = 14 C1 DP & a Palestinian @ 14.6094 C2 = 12 C1 DP, the male Israeli’s soul would be @ 10^[-1 + 2.445] =10^1.445 = 27.8x that of his foe’s soul, sort of like [similar to relativity, such where gravity being +/-[5^2]x more for every 5 C1 increment or/and decrement WHEN C1 = OR GREATER THAN 60, while +/-[5]x for every 5 C1 increment or/and decrement WHEN C1 LESS THAN 60], using binary logic. On C1 scale, it’s 10^[-1 + (((C1, larger value) - (C1, smaller value))^(1/2))] @ DP = 10^[-1 + 1.414] = 2.6x that of his foe’s soul for the average male Israeli. You can use this equation to figure out # of men or persons needed to construct an A-bomb, assuming they are @ uniform skill(s). You can, also, use it for the fictional character GLOVE in the ‘80s cartoon series “Bionic Six”, where you’d put GLOVE @ 16 to 25 C1 DP, while, Glove’s boss & leader, Scarab is @ 25 to 36 C1 DP, where Scarab would be @ 18 CA DP = 37.65 C1 DP = 304 C2 DP; each member of the Bionic Six would be @ between 36 C2 DP < 6 AMBS > & 49 C2 DP < 7 AMBS >; while, the Professor would be @ = 25 C1 DP = 90 C2 DP = 6,592 C3 DP. But, there seems to be some discrepancies by or according to RULE # 28. Look @ RULE # 69, # 97, # 174, # 203, & # 350. ======== RULE # 35: Either flip a coin or roll [66% or more] for success in combat & skills. 18 C2 = elite male human ; but, a 18 C1 is a low level male mutant or a low level genius today or someone of master caliber in 18th century: both would get a 3d6 or a 3 six-sided dice, where you'd roll @ [66% or more] for success. 18 C2 = 37.645 C3; while, 18 C1 = 37.645 C2 by 18^log10(18). Look @ RULE # 17. RULE # 36: To figure out # of men of manpower to get some job done, use the soul equation for worst case scenario & the cloning equation for best case scenario. You can, also, use this rule to figure out # of men needed to construct TL, if the average man in the group is @ # C0 something. Nuclear technology is @ TL 7 @ 21 C1 = 56 C2 = most advanced 1956 TL. If each person is @ 20 C2 PL & if his PL = his DP, then # = 10^[(56-20)^(1/2))] = 10^6 = 1 million persons each @ 20 C2 to construct a 56 C2 PL nuclear bomb or/and missile per year, where # of such nuclear bombs or/and missiles = [10^((C2-x)/10)], where x = 56 C2 PL. A simpler equation to calculate manpower is simply assigning PL to [(year it was made) – 1900] @ C2 PL, convert it to C3 PL by C2^LOG10(C2), and making the following calculation : manpower = [[C3 PL]^2]. So, if Pakistan wanted to make a nuclear bomb @ 40 C2 PL, you’d convert 40 C2 PL to C3 PL = 368.635 & square it to get manpower needed to make a nuke. You get [[368.635]^2] = 135,891.54 manpower to make a nuclear bomb @ 1940 US technology. If you wanted to make a nuclear bomb using 1975 Russian technology, use 75 C2 PL, since both Russian & US technology are @ same levels, sort of like matter & anti-matter, anyway, you’d convert 75 C2 PL to C3 PL = 3,279.856, which you square to get [[3,279.856]^2] = manpower of 10,757,454 or 10.757 million to create a 75 C2 PL nuclear bomb @ 40 DC. Look @ RULE # 34. RULE # 37: Height / C3 = Height / C3. Add multiplier of (desired / desired) on the left side. Add multiplier of (standard / standard) on the right side. This is an example of using the expression “star crossed lovers” to figure out the missing unit. You, THEN, solve for the missing unit. (Desired height)*(standard C3) = (standard height)*(desired C3). Desired height = [(standard height)*(desired C3)] / (standard C3). RULE # 38: Using C3 DP -> C2 DP for shape-shifting equation being same & = to creating a mutant. So, for shape-shifting, C2 DP = [X*Y], where X = LOG10(%) & where Y = C2 DP without mutant powers, where 10^3 % to 10^4 % = female gender. He’d need X = 3 or more to shape-shift into a woman according to the cloning equation to clone a woman. X = 2 @ 100 %. To shape-shift into a bionic man, you'd need X = 2 @ +1 @ COM of 18 C2 DP, giving a NEW C2 DP of 18*(1+1) = 36 C2 DP. What "+1" stands for is that the last 50% of his points is used for shape-shifting into a bionic man by RULE # 54. RULE # 39: Running @ velocity requires C2 (DP or PL)= [10*(1+LOG10(running velocity, mph))] ; so, he’d need 40 C2 (DP or PL) to be able to run @ maximum velocity of 1,000 mph. DP will allow character more times to use his power(s) during the campaign. The reason behind the DC character’s vibration powers, meaning he’s thinking in terms of 2 dimensions rather than 3. Look @ RULE # 63. RULE # 40: The 1st part of this is how mutants create a ruse to trick the media into false thinking. This is why Tony Stark try to create a ruse to make media believe that he created a teleportation device, which Tony Stark would have Peter Parker sabotage it with help of Venom, whom Peter Parker would fight, which is his clone, meaning himself, creating false impression to the media, that Tony Stark never got chance to demonstrate his teleportation device, since it got attacked by Venom, when in fact, Tony Stark never had enough points to make it NOR make it work, since to make it work, Tony Stark would need # of points that of Dr Banner which Tony doesn’t have. So, for Iron-Man vs the HULK, keep in mind that Tony Stark has only HALF the DP that of Dr Banner. So, if Tony Stark is @ 6 AMBS @ 36 C2 DP, then Dr Banner is @ 72 C2 DP. And, although, the Thing may seem like he’s weaker than the HULK, the Thing has = # of points that of Dr Banner, except that because the Thing is member of the Fantastic Four, a fraction of the Things # of points are used up being a member of the Fantastic Four, leaving him with less points for himself, so that the Thing may seem weaker than the HULK, who may seem more powerful or/and stronger: this is called using or/and having Negative Energy, in reference to the Thing, or/and lack of, in reference to the HULK, except when he changes from Dr Banner to the HULK, he is changing his Negative Energy to Positive (+). Then, use multiplier [{LOG10(C#=C2)}^(#=2)] = M, for both LS & PL, where LS would be reduced, and PL increased, or vice versa, where LS would be increase and PL decreased, proportionately, each with reverse math operation that of the other, based on RULE # 3 & RULE # 6 AND RULE # 5. THEN, STR ~ C0, but STR for Low Level Mutant = LLM C0 = [C2*((C2/10)^(1/2))], where n = # of powers, and where C2 = [(n = 10)*(C0^2)]^(1/3), where STR in lbs. = [C0^((M = 2)+LOG10(C0)], where let C0 = 25.95 C2 DP for someone that has a grade of C3, in an advanced subject matter, by C3 = C2^LOG10(C2) = 99.95 C3 DP, giving him a grade of 99.95, in an NON-original research matter, meaning if allowed to use the library for research subject for a grade. But, for power(s) @ super-mutant scale, C0 = C2, since those powers are lot more expensive. So, a brick character with a 40 C2 DP, would have an 80 L.L.M. STR which is also enough IF he were an engineer to design a WWII battleship or destroyer @ ideal mass of [10^{(C2)/10}] tons. By technology, 100 C2 PL is enough to lift 10 billion tons @ vertical lift of 1 mph by the flight equation. Another STR equation in # of lbs. or kgs. of mass = 2^[(C2/(1+LOG10(C2))] = [(C1)!] lbs., though sometimes STR in # of lbs. = 2^[(C2) / (LOG10(C2))]: @ extreme C2, equation changes to STR of the outer fringes of the universe, space, or / and time, such as in RULE # 50, where CONTACT = outermost boundary of either the hunter or the hunted. Look @ RULE # 65 for error margin. Look @ RULE # 81. RULE # 41: % of / for time travel @ the C0 something organic or inorganic level = [(# C0 something/10)^2], where C0 = C1 for man made objects & CA for astrological object, % varies between DP & PL. He’ll need (10+46) = 56 CA to teleport the sun @ 46 C1 DP if it were @ 46 C1 DP = 581.8 C2 DP sun to a different time line & location, but another competing equation in terms of C2 puts the sun @ 2x this amount @ C2 DP @ 2x581.8 = 1,163.6 C2 DP. But, if former & earliest rule for computing C2 DP for the sun, though RULE # 7 predates this rule, if it is correct, then PL for time travel @ 56 CA, % time travel for {an object like a black hole with 10 solar mass @ 56 C1 DP} after raising its unit by 1 level to CA, its % time travel = [(56/10)^2] = 31.36 % @ 56 CA @ the inorganic level. But, @ C1 inorganic level, % time travel = [(1,138/10)^2] = 12,950 % @ the C1 inorganic level. VOLUME of organic object(s) will usually & most often be less than inorganic object(s) @ same C1 DP. C1 = CA^LOG10(CA) = 56^LOG10(56) = 1,138 C1. But, it’s be cheaper to use [10+581.8] C1 = 591.9 C1. Look @ RULE # 22, # 75, & # 78. RULE # 42: C2 TL Power Level = ((Year, AD > 1900 & < 1981) -1900). So, a 1920 tank would be @ 20 C2 technology level power level or TL PL. TL default psyche (DP) = [TL PL for 20th century / (1 or 2)], @ between human & LLM: genius. 80 C2 TL be @ most advanced technology or research paper done in 1980, since maximum current TL @ 8 = 24 C1 = 80.349 C2. Another way of looking @ this is by C1 = ((Year, AD > 1000 & less than 3,000) / 100) @ C1. So, most advanced TL @ Year 2000 AD be @ 20 C1 = 49.28 C2 that of 1949.28, approximately: close enough but not very exact. But, most advanced modern US tank is @ 40.5 C2 PL. RULE # 43: (Super) body density = (C2/10) ; a mutant ogre @ 40 C2 DP would have a body density of 4. Assuming we're using height for a mutant, where he'd have a height of (40/(368^0.25)) = 9.133 ft.; 40 C2 = 368 C3, ogre's mass = [((9.133^4) lbs.) / 2.2] = [(6,957.5 / 2.2) kg.] = 3,162 kg. = 3.163 tons. This ogre @ 40 C2 DP would have an STR of 80 C0 by STR C0 = (40*((40/10)^(1/2))) = (40*2) = 80 STR or 80 C0 STR by (C2*((C2/10)^(1/2))), where C2 @ DP. RULE # 44: Let D = body density. Mass in kg for object = (((height, ft.)^D) / 2.2 ), assuming we're using height for a mutant. Look @ RULE # 43. RULE # 45: C1 = CA^LOG10(CA); C2 = C1^LOG10(C1) ; C3 = C2^LOG10(C2), and C4 = C3^LOG10(C3). What is C3 DP ? It’s your potential default psyche, your life force status when your character reaches adulthood. C3 is similar total points in GURPS & D20; both are @ C3. But, C3 PL is used for characters in the tv show or/and rpg cartoon series “Yu-Gi-Oh”, meaning the duelists or super-characters’ creators would be @ C3 DP, but his or her creation would be @ C3 PL, meaning the effects or creation is temporary, & NOT permanent. If you wanted the effect < NOTE the singular rather than the plural > to be permanent, then change the creator’s C2 DP to C3 DP, meaning if creator is @ 75 C2 DP, then after making the effect permanent, change his or powers to 75 C3 DP, but he or she has option to return back to his or her former power status, once the effects ware off on its own by natural processes : this, also, works for the movie “Dead(ly/ful) Melody”. There are other units, but these are the most important & most often used in HYBRID role playing game. Look @ RULE # 46. RULE # 46: The other units: 49.28 C3 = 98.562 [2xC3] = 98.562 @ [2xC3] = 20 C2 = 40 [2xC2] = 40 @ [2xC2] = 368.635 [C2x2] = 368.635 @ [C2x2] by (20*2)^LOG10(20*2) = 40^LOG10(40) = 368.635. This rule is used to explain point system of other role playing game in terms of point distribution(s) depicted according to rules in & of HYBRID role playing game. Someone was wondering what C3 is. C3 is # of average total points a character or/and a weapon would get in the following rpgs : GURPS, Yu-Gi-Oh, D&D, Dragonball-Z, & D20. So, if you wanted to convert HYBRID to D20, you’d use C3 rating to figure out # of points, though a simplified definition of D20 is simply that most powerful character in a D20 rpg is @ 20 C1 DP = 49.28 C2 DP that of Spiderman by reducing his LS & increasing his PL by 2x. RULE # 47: Character write-ups for humanoids will be written up as {name ; age} @ [((his or her) # COM @ C#) + (remaining # C# for his or her power(s))]; this is not yet official, as I have not yet made up mind about it; it’s temporary until I can think of something better to write up a character on paper. RULE # 48: Ideal mass of TL object by the force-field equation for artificial phenomenon(s) = 10^[C3^(1/a)] tons, where “a” = [((TL)/2) + ( b or {b} )], where [ b or {b} ] = LOG10(C2). WWI battleship @ 40 C2 PL = 368.63 C3 PL or power level @ b = 1.6 @ 7 TL {a} = 5.1, giving it a mass of 1,534.83 tons ! WWII battleship @ 22 C1 PL = 63.4 C2 PL @ 7 TL & [ b or {b} ] = 1.8 & {a} = 5.3 by {a} = [3.5 + 1.8] = 5.3, giving it a mass of 12,511.63 tons ! THEN, to construct 2.40 [b] @ 7 TL @ {a} = 5.9 for a TL size & mass of a moon @ [2.7 * 10^9] tons, it would need a [y] or [Y] C2 PL of 250 capable of doing or inflicting a {1 time maximum} damage of 750d6. If you try 60 C1 PL, you'd get 6.66 {a} by [3.5 + 3.16] = 6.66, with 3.16 by LOG10(1,451.52) = 3.16, which when applied to [(9.93 * 10^9)^(1/6.66)] = 31.70 exponent in mass of 10^31.70 tons. 60 C1 PL for height by RULE # 59 gives a height of height of [e^19.05] = (1.88 * 10^8) ft. = 35,514.73 miles. @ the low end of the power spectrum, RULE # 81 can be applied or used to get mass of TL object. Look @ RULE # 59, # 72, & # 81. RULE # 49: Average Body, Mind, & Soul { ABMS } = (C2^(1/2)), where C2 is @ DP; so, @ 64 C2 DP or default psyche, he has an ABMS @ 8, assuming an average guy @ 4 Body, Mind, & Soul or @ 4 ABMS is @ 16 C2 default psyche. So, Klaw @ 64 C2 DP = @ 8 ABMS, Average Body Mind Soul would have a total of 1,829 points in GURPS or HERO 5th. RULE # 50: PC or persecution-complex of the hunted @ g = [((#Y @ C2 or C3)^(1/2))] @ C0 of something hunted. You can use this rule to figure the (next) mostly likely victim to be @ 307 C2 DP if Q is @ 170 C1 default psyche. In other words, if Dr. Banner is @ 1,000 C3 DP, then HULK would be @ [1,000]^2 = 1 million C3 DP. Look @ RULE # 39, # 57, & # 76. So, NEMISIS
@ 90 C1 DP would have it’s average victim @ 81.195 C2 DP by {(her C2 DP)^(1/2)} : 81.1915 C2 DP = that of Chokotay of Voyager. Another example,
, if an average black man is @ 30 C3 DP = 16.42 C2 DP, then the Confederate States be @ 900 C3 DP, but there is no PC @ [[16.42]^2] @ C2 DP, so equation doesn’t work for all values for all people. But, note that the PC for persecution complex is NOT to be confused with PC for playing characters, though this equation could be used for GM vs. players, where players’ GM be @ players’ Persecution Complex, PC, meaning if players @ are Huck Finn & Jim
@ 14 C2 DP = 20.588 C3 DP, then PC
= 20.588^2 = 423 C3 DP [law: Game Master @ 423 ]. Look @ RULE # 90, & # 154. RULE # 51: For VAMPIRES, using the shape-shifting equation @ RULE # 37, % cinematic vampire = [1 – 1 / ((his C2 DP)/(20))], where @ 60 C2 DP, % = 66.66. But, should put vampire king in “Night-Stalkers” @ 76 C2 DP, based on him having HALF the points of the MU Graviton. RULE # 52: Comitting future (copyright or/and patent) crimes (although definition of crime is subjective): using time-travel TL ( or power ) by Maxwell’s time travel equation to violate copyright laws or to alter history. In another words, the character can use TP & TK to scan into a future timeline by 1st boosting his PL. This RULE # 52 works similar to the sci-fi tv show/story, “The Dead Zone”, where he starts off @ 49.28 C2 DP while the sheriff is @ 49.28 C3 DP, but he in the last few episodes seemed to be @ 102 C2 DP. RULE # 53: Phasing is the power to pass through (a) given obstacle(s). % phasing = cloaking % = (sum of X) = [(X*(X+1)) / 2], where X = (total / base), where base is normally @ 10 C2. If he has total of 100 C2, then X = (100 / 10) = 10. THEN, % phasing or % cloaking = [(10*11) / 2 ] = 55 % phasing or % cloaking @ 100 C2 with base @ 10 C2 @ X = 10 by [C2 / base ] = 10. But, for dimensional travel, % = [[C2]^(1/2)], but % is subjective; so, % could just as well, also, be = {[C1 PL]^[C1 PL]} = 12%. RULE # 54: There are 2d6 ways of manipulating points, but this rule shows only 1d6 ways of manipulating points, are as follows: (-/+), (-/+):[(starting starting or ending point in form of direction of -/+), and (limitation/advantage]: modifier in the form of a fraction or a decimal or floating point, used on either LS or PL, where LS is Life Span and PL is Power Level. So, it comes in the following forms: -M, +M, which first two are your limitation and advantage as it is normally written, where points are shrunk [denoted by -] or expanded [denoted by +], and THEN you have an extra sign, to account for more detail of point consumption: --M, ++M, -+M, +-M. THEN you need to add another modifier on PL to compute % of mutant power(s). Look @ R#138. RULE # 55: Letter {A..Z or a..z} OR [A..Z or a..z] power rating(s) uses 3 multipliers : 5, 10 or 20, depending on the position of the letter in the alphabet used to designate power-level / life-span / or default-psyche. Meaning: ADD +1 to the position of the letter in the alphabet & determine if it's divsible by 3: if it's divisible by 3, then (it gets) multiplier (is) 20. If by adding a +1, it becomes even, then (it gets) multiplier (is) 10 ; but, if by adding a +1 the new # is not divisible by 3, then (it gets) multiplier (is) 5, which then you multiply to the position of the letter in the alphabet to gets its value, where the letter "a" = (1*10) = 10. The letter “Z” or "z", being the 26th letter in the alphabet, would get a value of [26*20] = 520. The letter “Y” or "y" would get (25*10) = 250 : this 250 is @ C_something which, for example, could be written @ [Y], {Y}, Y, [y], {y}, or y C2. NOTE especially the most useful letter X, [X], {X}, x, [x], or {x} which = 120, since "x" is the 24th letter & the sum of [24+1] = 25 is an odd #, giving the 24th letter a multiplier of 5, giving it a value of [5*24] = 120. So, an elite human @ 30 C2 = [C] C2 or [C] @ C2 because "c" is the 3rd letter & (3+1) = 4 is an even #, "c" gets multiplier 10, resulting in : (3*10) = 30. Look @ RULE # 25, # 47, # 116. RULE # 56: Use RULE # 7 (the force-field equations) to figure out space-time for astrological object(s) like stars, where exponent e is @ (1/4) for PL @ C3, which can also be used to calculate mass of insignificantly small objects like rocks. RULE # 57: There are 3 types of people or/and personalities, with 2 variations of/for each of the 3 basic types, different combination of the 3 basic types may overlap with each other for different segments of the population, giving a total of 6 types of people, where one these types is troll(s), whose only purpose is to limit # of souls that inhabit reality by creating troubles & problems, in doing so, trolls act as gatekeepers to reality. RULE # 58: Y = position of the letter in the alphabet. Then, Q-like entity/ies @ C1 default psyche or DP = [10*(Y)]. The letter “Q” is the 17th letter in the alphabet; so, then, the fictional Q entity gets a (10*17) C1 = 170 C1 default psyche or written as Q ; while, a low ranking mutant but a genius @ an IQ of 300 = 30 C1 & (30/10) = 3rd letter of the alphabet “c” or “C”. So, a mutant @ 30 C1 DP or default psyche would be written as “C” or C. This rule differs from RULE # 54, where the letter for the “#” can be assigned to any C_something ‘unlike’ RULE # 57, where the letter for the # is assigned specifically to DP C1. RULE # 59: To figure out height for a woman, use the ratio: (COM / height) = (COM / height), where you'd use the multiplier (old / old) on the left side & the multiplier (new / new) on the right side. The equation, now, looks like: (old COM)/(old height) = (new COM)/(new height) ; new height = ((old height)*(new COM))/(old COM). So, a woman @ height of 6 ft @ 12 COM would have a new height @ 24 COM of 12 ft. RULE # 60 : C1 DP for a tall guy with height in ft. = [10*([2*LN(height)]^(1/2))] ; height in ft. for a guy = [e^(((C1/10)^2)/2)]. So, a mutant @ 20 C1 COM would have a height of 7.389 ft. NOTE that 20 C1 DP COM = 49.28 C2 DP = 24.286 COM for a low level male mutant @ 20 C1 DP ; so, [20 C1 COM] doesn't exactly equal 20 COM @ DP = 44.721 C2 power level @ DP, even less so if COM is @ power level. THEN, a powerful sentient (energy-based) robot @ height of 1 million miles would get a 67 C1 default psyche or 67 C1 DP. Or, height = e^[(C2^(1/2)) / 2], ft. tall for a guy @ [# C2] : the powerful sentient robot @ 67 C1 DP with this latter equation would have a height of 2,347,290 or 2.3 million miles. NOTE that C2 = C1^LOG10(C1). Look @ RULE # 74, # 75, & # 76. RULE # 61 : To figure out the perfect match ((affordable) woman) that the man can MOST afford based on his C3 DP rating : FEMALE COM (woman) = [(C3 of guy) / 4], {increment of 1 COM in a woman every 4 C3 DP for a guy} THEN, if a man is @ 48 C3 DP rating, then the maximum female COM (beauty) that he can afford is @ (48/4) = 12 COM (beauty) woman, assuming that the man wants to maximize getting the most beautiful woman. So, then the maximum MALE COM that a woman can get is: [4*(her COM)] @ C3, where [# C3 DP] @ COM for a man that a woman can afford to get, assuming that she wants to maximize. If you apply this rule with the cloning equation, you can figure out how many wives a man can have, legally or illegally. But, there is 1 exception to this rule that being, sometimes, for a very best case scenario for the guy, the needed C3 DP by guy = [(C3 DP)^(1/2)], where he person could be lucky of his perfect {match or girl or woman}, though he may want to maximize @ 1:2 ratio, meaning he could attract a woman 2x his COM for a best case scenario, but it can work the other way around as well, where a woman may want a guy 2x her COM, rather than a 1:1 ratio, if one of the two are or get greedy. Look @ rule # 71. RULE # 62: For telepathic powers, the required [# @ C#something] is: ADD 10 to # of TK power & ALWAYS increase its unit by 1. It works the same way as the time-travel equation. So, if a TK (telekinesis) power stunt that requires a 10 C3, then the required [# C#something] for the same power stunt by TP (telepathy) is [10 + (# for TK)] = [10+10] @ [C#something +1] = 20 C2. NOTE that in this example, C2 is 1 unit more than or greater than C3. RULE # 63: # C2 TL PL = 10*[1 + LOG10(velocity, mph)], where velocity is less than light speed. So, a post-WWII war-plane @ flight 1,000 mph is @ 40 C2 PL or power level. But, for FTL or faster than light (velocity TL (technology level)), use RULE # 30. RULE # 64: Mutant or meta-human @ # of C3 is able to move @ [# mph]: (10^8) C3 DP would be able to move @ maximum of (10^8) mph, assuming his LS or Life Span was @ default @ 10^8 C3: perhaps such as the MU Runner, an Elder; # of character points = [# C3]. This is very similar to how total points are computed in Dragonball-Z. RULE # 65: Maximum distance that an astronaut can travel in miles = 10^[3*((C2/10) + or - modifier )] = 10^[3*Y], where Y = [((C2 DP)/10) + or - modifier ], where the modifier ranges between -1 & 1 for half the male population. If starting point is 10 C2 DP, then Y is also referred to as ADVANTAGE, which uses the unit ‘kilometers’ & its table of values for various distances @ various advantages is different than my table, as my table is based on above equation rather ad hoc guesses or approximations. So, an astronaut @ 20 C2 DP can move to a maximum distance of 1,000 miles. Let Y = distance in miles ; C2 DP = [10*(1 + [LOG10(Y)] / 3)], assuming he has NO other mutant power(s) ELSE “Y” decreases proportion to C2 consumed for other (mutant) power(s) @ excess ‘y’, RULE # 49 , # 29, & latter part of RULE # 40. You can use this equation for Norinn Radd before he transformed by Galactus & became the Silver Surfer. RULE # 66 : By RULE # 40, for a mutant @ 1,000 C0 STR, his {C2 DP, PL or power level, & LS or life-span} = 215.44 C2 by C2 = [(n=10)*{(C0)^2}]^(1/3) = {(n=10)*(1000^2)}^(1/3) = 215.44 (C2) = STR of C2^(2+LOG10(C2)) lbs. of STR = (1.29 * 10^10) lbs. of STR = 10^6.81 tons of STR @ 215.44 C2 DP, PL, & LS. But, @ demi-god scale @ 1,000 C0 STR, his {C1 DP, PL, & LS or life-span = 100} @ 10,000 C2 by [(100^2)^(1/3)] = 1,000 C0 = 10^24 lbs. of STR = (5 * 10^20) tons @ 100 C1 LS (or life-span). THEN, @ 80 C0 STR, {C2 DP, PL, & LS} = [[10*(80^2)]^(1/3)] = 40 C2 DP. NOTE: C0 STR is approximately @ C2. Look @ RULE # 5. RULE # 67: For size {by size I mean mass} of universe @ square of the value {mass} of the existing total mass in the space-time of the universe using the equation of persecution complex leads to a contradiction without the constant of light speed which reduces the overall value of the equation of persecution complex to calculate value of universe based on total mass in that universe from exponent 2 to exponent 1.456789 which represents that the universe {its space-time, including the dimension of dreams} is 28.63% complete, MINIMUM # dimension allowed to be manipulated by a mutant on a macro or universal scale = [LOG10(C1)], where C1 = DP or default psyche. So, @ 1,000 C1 DP, he has almost infinite teleportation range in the 3rd dimension. But, 1 time-stream = (10^4) C1 PL. Look @ RULE # 25 & # 74. For MAXIMUM # of dimension allowed to be manipulated by a mutant on a micro scale = LOG10(C2), where C2 = DP or default psyche, where 1,000 C2 DP, depending on reference(s) used for object, = 3rd dimension, meaning within a radius of 10^3 light-years, but the relationship < through technology > between C2 DP & # of light-years is @ [1:1], @ MAXIMUM. This C2 DP to # of light-years relationship is shown in Star Trek & Voyager series. This might explain the strange relationship between when the stories are supposed to take place & when they say it takes place that being century vs. stardate, meaning a story claiming to take place in 2442 would by my THEORY Klingons being off-shoots of humans eons into the future sort of like in the movie Time Machine: 2442 be really be taking place @ (2 + 4.42)*(base cycle 100 or 1000) = 642 or 6420; 100*(6.42)^{2=LOG10(base cycle)} = 4122 AD @ stardate 4122, which @ base 1000 is ~ 1000*{(6.42)^(3=LOG10(base cycle = 1,000 years)} = 264,609 AD or Klingons stardate 264,609. You can modify the equation for stardate by adding a modifier to either the front or the back of the equation. Look @ R# 22 & 85, detailed explanation. RULE # 68: For invisibility %, use RULE # 48 & # 53. RULE # 69 : Elite male human population pattern @ # = [10^(p)] @ # C1 : [0p] @ 10 C1; [2p] @ 20 C1; [3p] @ 30 C1; [5p] @ 40 C1; [6p] @ 50 C1; [8p] @ 60 C1; [9p] @ 70 C1, [11p] @ 80 C1, [12p] @ 90 C1; [14p] @ 100 C1; [15p] @ 110 C1; & etc., giving the following elite male human population pattern : @ 0p, 2p, 3p, 5p, 6p, 8p, 9p, 11p, 12p, 14p, 15p, & etc. THEN, @ 53.9575 C1 = 1,000 C2 = (10^9) C3 DP for cyborg queen, allowing her control over 1 million cyborg drones by or with the cloning equation, if each cyborg is @ 1,000 C3 DP. If cyborg queen is @ [# C1], then a male cyborg’s DP or a female cyborg’s PL is @ [# C2], giving each drone or cyborg servant @ 53.9575 C2 [DP for the male] & [PL for the female] cyborg servant(s) or drone(s). The cyborg queen’s NEMISIS would be @ 2x @ 107.915 @ C1 DP. According to RULE # 49, the average victim of NEMISIS is @ 116 C2 DP for a male cyborg drone or @ 116 C2 PL or power level for a female cyborg drone. So, by the soul or binary equation for NEMISIS vs. the cyborg queen, the soul of NEMISIS is [n*x] greater than the cyborg queen by : 10^[(107.915 - 53.9575)^(1/2)] @ C1 DP = 10^7.3456 = 22.1615 million x greater soul than the cyborg queen for NEMISIS. Look @ RULE # 34 & # 77. RULE # 70: A male student @ 61 C3 = or be @ 61^LOG10(61) C4 = 1,539 C4 or score of 1,539 C4 = score of 1,539 on the SAT, but this rule only works for high scores, and doesn’t work well for low scores, unless for low scores SAT is inflated. RULE # 71 : For POLAGAMY or to figure out # of wives a man can have, use the CLONING equation, which is your DP divided by her COM in male DP, WHERE # of male clones the male can create or manufacture PLUS +1 would represent # of women he could have for wives. But, the minimum would be [(his C2 DP) / 10 ]. And, IF you DILUTE this equation to # of girlfriends
, # increases, AND IF YOU DILUTE this further to get women with little or no morals, # increases in form of prostitution as well, as the penthouse < brothel for rich & famous > of Playboy. In US about the time of prohibition, it was voted to make it
illegal, though before/during prohibition, it was legal in New York City. Anyway, getting back to what I was saying about equation for polygamy : If 2 ladies are @ 10 COM = a guy @ 20 C2 DP = 49.28 C3 DP, each, where he’ll need to be @ 50 C3 or 20 C2 DP to have 1 wife @ 10 COM; THEN, he’ll need to have or be @ 26 C2 DP or default psyche = 100.5 C3 DP for him to have 2 wives, each wife@ 10 COM beauty. If his C2 DP is in greatly in EXCESS & he’s not married to his women, and assuming there are only few other mutants like him, then # of girlfriends he can have = [(C2/10)^(C2/10)]. So, if you put Conan @ 25 C2 DP = 90 C3, then he can have [2.5^2.5] = 6.25 girlfriends. Look @ RULE # 61 & # 105. RULE # 72: If base is @ 10 C2 DP, then % ghost = [(C2/10)^2] = [(PK)^2] % ghost ; but, if base is @ 10 C1 DP @ super-mutant campaign, then % ghost = [(C1/10)^2]. So, a ghost @ 5 PK is 25 % ghost. Normally, 100% ghost is @ 100 C2 DP by [(100/10)^2] = [10^2] = 100 % ghost @ 100 C2 DP. THEN, a 49 % ghost = 7 PK. Look @ RULE # 27. RULE # 73: [[-1 + (C3)^(1/2)]d6] = {1 time maximum} damage. THEN, a 49 C3 PL TL is capable of inflicting a {1 time maximum} damage of [6d6] ; 64 C2 PL (power level) TL could inflict a [(-1 + 42.77)d6] = [41.77d6] {1 time maximum} damage. RULE # 74 : Another height or length equation for monsters : LENGTH or height in ft. = [10^(C1/10)], where @ 30 C1 DP, a super Godzilla would have a length of 1,000 feet, and @ 60 C1, it’ll have a length of 1 million ft. = 189.39 mile length. Checking this with average height equation for a human male gives a height of 18 miles or 99,668.69 ft. by [C3 @ (9.39 * 10^9)] = [(9.39 * 10^9) C3] = [(9.39 * 10^9) @ C3] = 1451.52^LOG10(1451.52) ]^(1/2), where 1,451.52 = 60^LOG10(60), where 1,451.52 @ C2 for 60 C1 DP. Or, to simplify, for body armor, nd6 or Nd6, use either n or N = [C3^(1/3)] for Godzilla, where C3 = its DP or default psyche. 1st is partly based on evolution, you assume that n = either [{LOG10(+/- years)}/3] or [(C2)/10] for most current species has a range of between 0.1 & 2.9, though for extinct dangerous predatory animals would have an n = 3 for such as for the giant extinct versions of the current great white shark, latter due to COM. Look @ R# 14 & 111. RULE # 75: Diameter of a galaxy = [(C1 DP)*(1,000)] light-years. So, for a cosmic giant, his height = e^[(C2^(1/2))/2] = e^50 ft. = 5.18 * 10^21 ft. = ( 9.82 * 10^17 ) miles = [(( 9.82 * 10^17 ) / ( 6 trillion miles ))] = diameter of 163,658.63 light-years. And, # of galaxies created & their distribution is similar to creation & distribution of cells in an organism. Look @ RULE # 5, # 24, & # 26. RULE # 76 : Based on the force field equation of RULE # 7, the planet Mars is @ 400 C2 DP @ mass of 10^20 tons, giving you size of an EARTH-like planet @ Z or 520 C2 DP by RULE # 26 & # 55, my calculator is only able to calculate up to @ 203 C1 DP by RULE # 59. It’ll have a life-span @ (203/4) = 50.75 C1 LS & power level or COM @ (203x4) = 812 C1 PL by RULE # 3, # 5 & # 26. The trick is to change C2 PL for size of object to C2 DP; but, for objects in Synnibarr rpg, size of an object is @ C4 PL non-living object(s) & @ C4 DP for living object(s), such as for the gremlin @ 30 C2 DP = 152 C3 DP = 57,602 C4 DP or default psyche. RULE # 77: Population of bureaucracy of cyborg population = [(10^p)^(1/2)] = [10^(p*(1/2))] = [10^(p/2)], where p = population exponent. So, if population is @ 1 million cyborg drones, then population of its bureaucracy = 1,000 cyborg drones. Look @ RULE # 68. If cyborg queen is @ 53.9575 C1 DP, then her general is @ (1/2)x or 26.9788 C1 = 111.6412 C2 DP. If NEMISIS is @ 107.9150 C1 DP, then her general is @ 107.9150 C2 DP. Look @ RULE # 69. RULE # 78: STR for C1 = [((C1) / LOG10(C1)) ! factorial], lbs., where C1 is @ DP or default psyche : you can use this rule to figure out [C1 DP] for teleportation & time travel. You can, also, use this equation to compute the mass of any galaxy or stellar object. If you compute 4! = 24 lbs, meaning an animal @ 4 C1 DP @ weight of 24 lbs.: this rule holds true depending on what assumptions you make about the cost of its attributes. Look @ RULE # 1 & # 82. RULE # 79: This (RATIO) is what I used for an ideal character or object, after reading the ’86 MU TSR rpg, based on Spiderman, who later becomes Captain Universe, if you should would want to maintain a similar 4:8:12 ratio for your character in terms of his [karma:powers:health], including Blade, whose focus is his sword, where (next 2 sometimes overlap with each other) health is physical attributes, karma or EGO is mental attributes, & powers is can be based on difference but doesn’t have to, such as COM, which can take on either of latter 2 traits. And, it seems that a good many players – too many players - in HERO rpg confuse what EGO is with “willpower”, which AS LONG AS IT’S NOT DEFINED IN PSYCHOLOGICAL TERMS, THEN EGO *IMPLIES* psyche, and they are confused as they make the *same mistake* as made by players of the ’86 MU TSR rpg that being difference of 10 & 20 psyche is only 10, but that 10 points makes a huge difference, as if you apply psyche = EGO, then by my equation, 10 psyche = 10 EGO, and 20 psyche = 20 EGO, but that 20 psyche = 20^LOG10(20 C1) = 49.28 C2 psyche, sort of like $1 = 4 quarters. So, someone @ 10 C2 COM = COM of [C3/(pi+1)], where 10 C2 = 10 C3, COM = 2.41, assuming his psyche is @ 20 C2, he can reduce his life-span to 10 C2 by [20/2]= 10 which would increase his power level to [20*2]= 40 C2 PL = STR of [C2*((C2/10)^(1/2))] = 80 STR. RULE # 80 : The following rule may or may not be accurate ( DISCLAIMER ), "What Everyone Should Know about Feminist Issues : The Male-Positive Perspective" @ http://www.backlash.com/book/killers.html; http://www.backlash.com/book/killers.html§ : 1st article; "Prostitution" @ http://www.backlash.com/book/killers.html; http://www.backlash.com/book/killers.html : 2nd; & 3rd @ : "Killers @ http://www.backlash.com/book/killers.html ; http://www.backlash.com/book/killers.html , about women’s logic. RULE # 81: In Hybrid rpg, quantum mechanics on a 1 dimensional scale = 0 ! = 1. You can, also, use this rule to create electronics & robots. RULE # 82: STR in lbs. = 2^[W / (1+LOG10(W))], where W = STR in C2 : [(C1)!] in lbs., depending upon assumptions made on cost for various physical & mental attributes, though sometimes STR in lbs. = 2^[W / (LOG10(W))]. Look @ RULE # 40 & 48. RULE # 83: Another cloning equation but just for ladies is COM = (C2/10), where C2 = her default psyche or DP = DP that of her creator, which is usually a him, but if [ female clone's ] creator is a her or a she rather than a he or a him THEN this C2 is her PL or power level, rather than her default psyche. For a 12 COM cloned woman = (X or 120) C2 default psyche. If the cloned woman's COM is @ 25, then her DP is @ (Y or 250) C2, where Y gets the multiplier 10 to compute value of Y, since 'Y' is the 25 letter, where if the sum of [the position of the letter PLUS +1] is even THEN the position of the letter gets a multiplier "10", giving the value of [10*25] = 250 in (Y C2 DP). This rule only applies to human female clones. If she were not a clone & if she were @ 25 COM, then her DP = [10*((COM)^(1/2))] @ C1 = [10*(25^(1/2))] = 50. Look @ RULE # 18 & # 33. RULE # 84 : IF you combine the difference equation from RULE # 82 & the cloning equation from RULE # 17 : you get the SHAPE-SHIFTING equation for a [ guy ] that’s a mutant, meta-human, or a low level WARLOCK : COM of a woman that he can shape-shift into temporarily is @ # = (C2 / 20), where C2 = his DP. So, he’d need a minimum of 120 C2 default psyche to shape-shift into a woman with @ 6 COM beauty which is about COM for Cole’s girlfriend & wife. RULE # 85: New rule for shrinking into sub-atomic or micro universe & for growth in macro universe : IF object want to grow to size of a 21 C1 PL = 210 IQ { by [10*C1] IF IQ @ 21 C1 PL } = 56 C2 PL World War II battleship Yamato @ mass of 29,484 tons @ 41 C2 PL for mass & 15 C2 PL for 31.6 mph on the open seas or oceans, where [41+ 15] = 56 C2 PL. NOTE that [ .8 * 560 ] C2 PL = height of 3270.6 ft. = 1 kilometer. He’d need to have a [ 10 * # ] @ C0 something = [10*56] = 560 C2 PL or power level. IF he want to have that SIZE in the subatomic universe, he’d, also, need the same: 560 C2 PL. So, IF space has a 1,000 C1 PL SIZE, then he’d need a [10*C1] { same as IQ equation, but ONLY here } = PL [10*1,000] = 10,000 C1 PL = 1 time-line of the 4th dimension. IF you want to turn the Yamato into a super futuristic battleship capable of traversing across to the other side of the Milky Way Galaxy, you need to put NEW futuristic Yamato @ minimum of 560 C2 DP or default psyche & have for its STAR-DRIVE @ 4,000 C2 PL which you can get by [560 * 7.1429] = 4,000 PL. @ 4,000 PL @ length of battleship @ 1,000 meters, Warp # = [4,000 / Y ] = 13.333, where Y = [100*LOG10(1,000)]. NOTE that V = [2^13.333 - 1] x light speed. 10,320 x light speed @ 4,000 C2 PL star-drive, it would take 10 years to travel a distance of 103,320 light-years. But, the life-span of this Yamato battleship would be reduced to [56/10] = 5.6 C2 life-span. The difference between [5,000 - 4,000] = 1,000 C2 PL would be used for the Energy Canon: super weapon capable of destroying a planet, leaving Yamato 600 C2 PL or power level for misc. items. [ summary of my rpg ] RULE # 86: For this rule to work & as well as how it works & how fast, depends on the personality of the woman that is if her state of mind is @ C2 or C3, while an extreme female feminist would be @ C1, while a woman with a state of mind @ C4 would either get married easily or in its extreme form end up as a prostitute, but not that @ 10 C0 COM, all units are equal, whether @ 10 C6 or 10 C5, since 10^LOG10(10) = 1; but, the following may not be entirely accurate, so this is just a guess: Guy’s chances with a woman, = [1 / ((X+1)^(difference between his COM & the woman’s COM))], where X = LOG10(Y), where Y = population, and COM = [(his C3 DP or PL) / ( pi + 1)], {both DP & PL are different units [which these 2 units tell how the characters’ points are used] but both related to each other} but this equation doesn’t always work if her ideal guy isn’t there & she doesn’t wait for him to show up. So, if you tried this equation on/for Giligan’s Island, use population @ 6 + (4 for the natives or intruders) = 10, giving Y = 10, X = 1, with base @ 2, and % @ 1/(2^(difference in COM between the 2 genders, between the 3 guys & the 3 ladies on island). Look @ RULE # 202. And, now, Part II, feminists which now SEEM TO control most aspects of the marriage institution which they’re trying to wreck can be undone by guys taking back control of their marriage by taking back control of their finance which the feminists are trying to take control of that being men’s wallets & trying to turn men into 2nd class citizens: essentially, feminists are trying to have women take control of society by their sexuality, since men depend on it so much, where feminists are trying to turn marriage into prostitution, where the police are the NEW LEGAL PIMPS trying to enforce child-support & alimony which is nothing more than paying for sex to ex-wife or to ex-girlfriend, if she were to become pregnant, where the woman isn’t held responsible for the pregnancy, even though it took her as well as her male partner for her to get pregnant, but he, then, has to pay for the child for the next 18 years, while she *isn’t* held accountable financially, and now, worse, lot of white collar jobs are going to women, and … so on .. (you know the rest, including), feminists are teaching women to screw guys financially. RULE # 87 : For DEATH & RE-INCARNATION, which is entirely accurate since it depends on which dimension you exist, meaning less points is required to exist in microverse, such as in movie TRON, for which you can replace RULE # 87 with rule for shrinking by cloning equation which is similar to the shrinking power chart for the DC rpg but slight different from the shrinking chart of the DC rpg, where master programmer’s C2 DP was change to [10*(his DP)] or @ C1(?), relative to his new micro dimension, similar to storyline of Digimon, but you use the death & re-incarnation equation, where time that your soul needs to wait ( before reincarnation to a NEW physical body ) in # of years Y = [(C3)^2], and C3 = [Y^(1/2)] = [Y^0.5], which is applied to most male life forms in this role playing game. This equation gets a bit complicated when applied to objects are not male, meaning either female or (neutral & non-living objects such as rocks). So, if you have a fictional character like ‘BUCK ROGERS, he’d have a 49.28 C3 DP in the normal sense if he remained in 20th century, but I’m assuming that the author of the story assumed that maximum human potential was evolving at rate of increments of 10 C1 every 100 years after 2000 A.D. rather than every 1,000 years after 0 A.D. which may or may NOT to be the case currently in the real world, but NOTE the word “may”, so this pattern for rate of human evolution that I seem to have noticed may be a coincidence or due to other factors or the pattern may be incorrect or an anomaly on a larger but more complex graph curve for rate of human evolution. But, the 500 years could have represented a combination of astronomer’s distance equation & teleportation equation, putting BUCK ROGERS @ 500 C2 DP. To paraphrase what I just said is that you’d need to convert his # C3 DP to # C1 DP for the 1st series, and his # C3 DP to # C2 DP for the 2nd series, where the 2nd series involves him being in charge of security on board a tour spaceship, during which time he, also, meets the alien birdman [ not referring to the character in ‘Kroft Superstars’, which is another ‘80s tv series for kids or young adults ] or hawkman [ not referring to the DC comic character ]. RULE # 88: This rule applies to CHROMOSOMES {which is partly manifestation of his/her DNA} for humans & {mutants, meta-humans, & novas} ONLY within the context of the rpg HYBRID, but as of yet I haven’t figured out yet how to apply it to animals, though I have a rough idea but not clear enough idea to write an equation for it yet. But, if you want to read an article on DNA for cats, you can read the following, though I’m NOT sure how I’d apply it using my current set of rules { I’ll might figure it out later, NOT sure }. Now, getting back humans, which is what RULE # 87 is for. Normally, DNA in terms of chromosomes in /for a woman would have a XX; &, for a guy would have a XY, though there are other combinations to human DNA, in terms of chromosomes, which may/probably represent magnitudes of points, including an extra either X or Y, or even a lower case x or y, as substitute for the upper case X or Y. Although, DNA notation in Hybrid rpg is probably is NOT accurate in real world terms, but I’ll use it anyway in context of a or my role playing game, HYBRID. The Y is worth 10 C2 DP; y = 5 C2 DP; X = 10 C1 DP; and x = 5 C1 DP. This does NOT contradict the XYY for super-male as in the case of or for the 2nd leader of the resistance in television series ‘Earth: Final Conflict’ by Gene Roddenberry. NOTE that 10 C1 = 10 C2 by 10^LOG10(10) = 10. And, therefore, that XYY would = [(10 C1 = 10 C2 ) + 10 C2 + 10 C2 ] = 30 C2 DP, very accurate based on his power level such as higher IQ, ability to generate force field or energy blast, & infrared vision. So, then a woman having an XXX would have a 30 C1 DP by (10 C1 + 10 C1 + 10 C1) = 30 C1 DP = 9 COM. But, NOTE that this probably is NOT accurate & probably does NOT accurate portray DNA in the real world for humans, except in context of a role playing game, such as in my FREE rpg. NOTE that professional football players have an average C3 DP that is between 18 & 24 C2 DP. Other DNA combinations might be Xyy = 20 C2 DP; XyY = 25 C2 DP; XXx = 25 C1 DP; or, Xxx = 20 C1 DP. But, then a 16 COM adult human female would have a quadruple X or XXXX; or, for a guy with a XYYY would have a 40 C2 DP = IQ of 184.5, which is pretty amazing, where all you do is add an extra X, x, Y, or Y to the basic DNA before he or she is born to get a more productive, athletic or a more attractive human male or female. This reminds me of a movie that I saw on a sci-FI channel, where the movie was titled “Iceman”, where they found a frozen man carbon-dated to approximately 54,371.732 years old [ in the movie or fictional story ]. Now, by use the death & re-incarnation equation, similar to the using it on the fictional character ‘Buck Rogers’, you’d want to square root [54,371.732] to get a C3 DP value for this alien frozen human that looks like a modern day human. He would get 233.177 C3 DP = 34.57 C2 DP = 17.4 C1 DP = IQ of 174 for him. In another words, by either being dead, the soul evolves. But, being placed in suspended animation, does the object evolves ? Maybe, but I’m NOT sure; but, I’m assuming that the bio- physics behind it is similar to creating a Cosmic Cube of Marvel comics : the process is similar to an ancient mosquito after having sucked some dinosaur blood gets trapped in amber & later discovered by scientists in 21st century who bring the mosquito back to life by cloning it & perhaps even the dinosaur of the blood that the mosquito sucked but didn’t fully digest before getting itself trapped in amber, similar to the movie, “Jurassic Park”. But, the scientist(s) would need an IQ of 200 to pull this trick off, even on a fraction of a small scale to that of the movie, “Jurassic Park”. So, it’s NOT easy to do this kind of complicated fictional bio-physics! RULE # 89 : For example, IF you want to improve you grade point average, You use the following template to figure this out, a 6 ft. tall average adult male, such as for example an African American male @ 13.09 C1 DP = 17.683 C2 DP = has 36 C3 DP, where by the average male height equation by (6^2) = 36 C3 DP or 36 C3 default psyche which is given to an average adult male which would give this average adult male an IQ of 130.9 by my IQ equation according to RULE # 8. So, if he were to increase his PL in academic terms to (6*4) = 24 C3 PL, then his personal level of gratification = (6/4) = 1.5 C3 PL [ the latter would normally be life-force but in this case it’s delayed gratification used to increase his grade point average ]. His GPA = [(PL)/(# of credits per semester or average # of credits per year)]. If his PL = @ 24 C3 DP. So, if he’s taking 8 college credits, {1 computer science class @ 4 credits, 1 science class @ 3 credits, & 1 laboratory class @ 1 credit : [ 4 + 3 + 1 = 8 credits ]}, then his grade point average = (24 / 8) = 3.0, which is a grade of ‘B’s in all 3 subjects or grades in such a combination that it’s average comes out to a 3.0, such as; or, for example, getting a ‘A’ in the 4 credit computer science class & a grade of ‘C’s in the 2 other classes by : ( (2*(3+1) + (4*4)) / 8 ) = [ ( 8 + 16 ) / 8 ] = 24 / 8 = 3. So, IF he’s NOT using delayed gratification to increase his academic PL, THEN the # of college credits he can take & still get ALL letter grade ‘A’s is (72 / 4 ) = 18 credits per semester, but counting all the summer sessions as 1 semester, and assuming that the letter grade ‘A’ @ 4.0 is equal to an [A-] or a score of 90, where for the NON-EXISTANT OR RARE grade of 5.0 for score of 100, you’d want to make the following computation : ( 72 / 5 ) = 14.4 credits per semester for your classes per semester if you’re @ 72 C3 DP. LOOK @ RULE # 3 & # 8. RULE # 90: Part I. If you wanted to travel 3.5 billion miles or kilometers to planet Pluto from earth & then back to earth for or @ a total distance of 9 billion miles or kilometers, and assuming that it’s a personal project or travel plans & NOT state sponsored, then the required C2 DP = 97. Notice that I don’t use the unit PL for power level but rather DP for default psyche, and there is reason for this. That reason is that for personal travel plans, the unit needs to be @ DP or default psyche, unless the travel plans is state sponsored which then in that case the unit would be @ PL or @ power level. When you use teleportation rather than normal mode of transport through normal space but into warp or hyper space, CHANGE unit from kilometers to meters. But, distance an astronomer can travel, but EXCLUDING TELEPORTATION, and assuming that the travel is state sponsored & NOT personal travel plans, then distance in miles or kilometers = 10^[(C2 PL)^(1/2)], ELSE
then equation is: 10^[(C2 DP)^(1/2)], in unit ‘miles’, where, if his initial C2 DP = 10, so ADVANTAGE @ +4, he’d be @ 50 C2 because [10*(1+4)] = 50 C2 DP, which @ reduced LS @ human levels of [50 / 2.5] = 20 C2, gives an increased C2 PL of [50 * 2.5] = 125 C2 PL = distance of 10^11.18 miles using this “astronomer’s equation”, which is just a complicated way of saying that if you’re going to give Jameway of Voyager a 92 C1 DP, then give Chocotay a 92 C2 DP, where 50 C2 PL nuclear bomber = @ 770 C3 = 770 mph, but otherwise velocity = 10^[(C2 PL)^(1/3)] @ 50 C2 PL = 10^3.684 = 4,830 mph using 1950 US technology which is what 50 C2 PL is that being US technology @ [(year it was made) – 1900] @ C2 PL, so a 40 C2 PL nuclear bomb that the North Koreans & the Pakistanis were working on would < for each > require manpower of [[40 C2 PL @ C3 PL]^2] = [368.635^2] = manpower of 135,891.54 < for each > working on a similar Manhattan Project; but getting back to example for advantage, @ +3 advantage @ 10 C1 = [10*( 1 + 3 )] = 40 C1 is teleportation to anywhere on the planet @ diameter of 10,000 miles, where {{ 30 C1 PL @ + 2 } = 30 / (1 + 2) = base 10 C1 PL }, which does NOT means same as {{ +2 @ 30 C1 } = 30*(1 + 2) = 90 C1 PL; the +2 should come after 30 C2 PL when or to show the computation of advantage is finished, BUT NOT BEFORE ELSE it means something different that being TO compute the NEW C2 PL @ the + advantage}, where 30 C1 PL is teleportation anywhere within a city, and 20 C1 @ + 1 because [10*( 1 + 1 )] = 20 C1 is teleportation anywhere within a large man-made object such as battleship. So, magnitude of ADVANTAGE depends on C2 or C1 that the (+) is @, but distance is different for teleportation, which is greater than movement by technology through normal space, and distance for dimensional or/and time travel is almost square root that of or to teleportation. So, if the moon is @ distance of 250,000 miles & another 250,000 miles for return trip or a total of distance of 500,000 miles, you’d want to use ADVANTAGE of +1.60 @ 10 C2 DP = 10*(1 + 1.6) = 26 C2 DP, where by reducing his LS or life-span to [26 – 6] = 20 C2 PL & by reverse operation on PL, allowing him to increase his PL to [26 + 6] = 32 C2 PL for the long journey & back, but note that my equation uses the unit ‘kilometers’ or in “miles”, doesn’t really matter if it’s in unit kilometers or miles, due to the UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLES, due to lot of other factors, which can be used here under certain circumstances, but the reverse of ADVANTAGE is LIMITATIONS, where limitation(s) computes the previous base from end towards the beginning or in direction of 1st base, while ADVANTGE starts from 1st based & moves towards the last base, so ADVANTAGE, in terms of moving from base to base works sort of like baseball in that it progresses from 1st to 2nd, but it’s different that the distance between the bases may be different if ADVATAGE of a different magnitude is given for start of NEW base, in that it’s not like baseball, since the distance between the bases ALWAYS remains the same in baseball, unlike, for this rpg HBYRID, during the character or/and weapon creation process, if points are consumed from left to right in the positive (+) direction, REVERSE OF LIMITION(S), where points are consumed from left to right in the negative (-) direction, basically how Doppler effect & Resonance theory works in my homebrew rpg HYBRID. So, @ +1.60 ADVANTAGE = 26 C2 DP @ 10 C2 DP, he’s be able to travel a total distance of 10^[(32 C2 PL)^(1/2)] = 10^5.657 = 453,789.30 miles with outside help, meaning by or with help of / from technology created by someone else or some group of people. Look @ RULE # 55. So, for teleportation, change unit ‘C2’ to ‘C1’ to figure out distance for teleportation. To figure out time travel in # of years, replace unit ‘miles’ to ‘years’, and replace unit ‘C1’ to ‘CA’. And, NOTE that C1 = CA^LOG10(CA); so, 20 CA = 49.28 C1 = 733.10 C2 = (1.62 * 10^8) C3 or (1.62 * 10^*) @ C3, where C3 is point distribution of magnitude [C3]. And, IF you want to use the term ACTIVE POINTS, THEN the ACTIVE POINTS would be @ C3, in HYBRID, while the REAL POINTS OR REAL COST, would be @ C2, in HYBRID, for weapons, humans, & mutants, and etc. But, NOTE that C3 does NOT always equal Active Points if power stunt extremely expensive which in that case AP is @ C2 & Real Points or RP is @ C1, latter (for C1 as RP) in some rare places, though using common sense seems allows one to be pretty accurate in many places. Part II: this equation for time travel is THEN SIMPLIFIED TO : 10^[-m + {(C1/[10*%])/X}], where % = % size of pocket universe or alternate time line or (alternate) parallel universe, where X = LOG10(# of days before next time jump), where the m = -1 for physical time jump else if time jump is astral projection then m = 0, and where the C1 is @ DP to get # of years that he can travel either backward or forward in time to an alternate timeline. But, NOTE that 40 C3 does NOT equal 40 C2 which does NOT equal 40 C1 which does NOT equal 40 CA, as all 3 magnitudes are different. The 40 C3 is referred to as ACTIVE COST OR ACTIVE POINTS IN this rpg, and where 40 C2 is referred to as REAL COST OR REAL POINTS IN HERO rpg, but only for low powered mutants, as when mutants use magic or sci-fi TL, then AC is @ C2, & RP is @ C1, so unit of magnitude or point distribution depends of the type of power(s) the character(s) or/and technology has & for how long, & also depending on his LS or life-span. So, THEN, if you want to figure out C3, then NOTE that C3 = C2^LOG10(C2), and NOTE that C2 = C1^LOG10(C1). And, there’s ALSO the life-span & power level you need to keep track of when manipulating points, as according to RULE # 2. Anyway, getting back to the time-travel which is what this rule is mainly about, as well as this RULE # 89 is about distance that an astronomer using technology created by a genius can travel a maximum distance of, THEN Peter Parker or Spiderman would be able to travel a time distance of 10^[-1 + (20/20/1)] = 10^0 = +/- 1 year, backward or forward, in time to an alternate time-line : you can use this equation for the main character in the tv series, “Dead Zone”, @ 30, which if he is a fraud, then @ C2, else @ C1. NOTE that IF you want to reduce height of a giant such as a Titan, then just refer to RULE # 4 & RULE # 130, @ a lower C2. Look @ RULE # 162. RULE # 91 : The next step to RULE # 22 is RULE # 90 for time travel, leading to the following equation for time travel : # of days, either backward or forward in time to an alternate time-line, = [10^{(C1/Y)/m}], where m = LOG10(# of days that a character stays in alternate or parallel timeline or pocket dimension), where Y stands for size of pocket dimension, but for simplicity you make Y = 10, C1 = his DP or default psyche, for time travel, where Y = [10*%]: % is % of universe within timeline. RULE # 92: Height of building in feet = [10*(his C3 DP)], where # of stories to for the building built by an average worker @ # C3 DP = that # of his C3 DP or that of his C3 PL = # of stories. RULE # 93: # OF HORSEPOWER @ C4 PL = [X*(MASS OF TL IN # OF TONS)], WHERE X = 10 FOR SEA, 100 ON ROAD(S), 1,000 ON SAND/MUD, 10^4 FOR AIR, 10^5 FOR SPACE, & 10^9 @ NEAR LIGHT-SPEED IN SPACE. X SEEMS TO BE PROPORTIONAL TO [Y*MPH], WHERE WHEN Y = 2, IT’S 50% EFFICIENT, & IF Y = 3, THEN IT’S 66% EFFICIENT. SO, A 1 TON CAR @ 200 HORSEPOWER CAN DRIVE @ 100 MPH, BUT IF A 1 TON CAR HAS 300 HORSEPOWER, THEN ITS EFFICIENCY IS @ 66%. Look @ RULE # 102. THIS C4 PL, unfortunately, also, = my estimated time in years to figure out complicated math or anything else; and, C4 PL in years is a very long time, implying I’d get a PHD @ age 765 years of age is long after I’m already dead which would make me look like an idiot, but reverse of the movie “Robot Man” starring Robin Williams; I could have gotten the name of the movie wrong, as I’m not sure about the name of the movie. RULE # 94: Radius or diameter of or/and for size of time portal for time travel = 10^[C1/30], in # of meters or ft., @ X
C1 DP, where C1 = his DP or default psyche. But, unit = [1 meter / ((# of portals)*(# of people in each portal))], where to get unit mm, # of portals = 31.623 =, also, # of people in # portal, with unit ‘ft.’ being for @ 3.281 time portals for 1 person. You can use this equation to figure out the C1 DP for the 2 characters: Dr. Who & the Master, where the Doctor would get (2x C1) DP that of the Master. I suspect the Master to be @ 40 to 80 C1 DP, while the Doctor to be @ 50 to 100 C1 DP. Look @ RULE 135. RULE # 95 : DISTANCE IN # OF LIGHT YEARS that the character or his spaceship can travel @ x light speed = either [-1+2^((C2 PL)/ X)] or [2^(-1 +((C2 PL)/X))], where X = [100*(M + Y)], where Z = [M+Y], where M = LOG10(%), where % = percentage of certainty, where @ 10%, M = 1, where Y = LOG10(L), where L = length of spaceship in unit meters, & where C2 = PL or power level, assuming that the size of spaceship is large that of 2.78 miles by ((10^((400-100)/100))/1000)*0.62) = length of 2.78 miles @ 400 C2 PL for size of the spaceship, giving X = 15 @ 91 C1 PL. This gives the following: total distance = [2^(-1+((C1 DP)/Z))], or [-1+2^((C1 DP)/Z)], to teleport a starship a # of light-years @ C1 default psyche, giving DP = 70 C1: PL = [70*2] = 140 C1, and LS = [70/2] = 35.5 C1, to make contact with Q; otherwise: [70-21] = 49 C1 LS or life-span, & PL = [70+21] = 91 C1 PL or power level @ 70 C1 DP, to get lost somewhere in the galaxy. But, for all Voyager episodes: PL = [70*3] = 210 C1, and a LS of [70/3] = 23.33 C1, but Jameway @ 90 or/to 93 C1 DP still has +20 or/to 23 extra C1 DP points, allowing Jameway to clone herself, and to create an illusion of time travel. Look @ RULE # 10, # 30, # 135, & # 155. RULE # 96: To figure out how long it will take to write a novel or work of non-fiction @ C3 or C2 DP, you can use the soul equation for serious depth, else cloning equation. But, a much easier alternative would be or might be RULE # 3. But, for this stunt, a still more oversimplification of this might be [[(his C3 DP) / (your C3 DP)]*(time it took him to write his book)]. So, if he’s @ 50 C3 DP & it took him 5 years to write his book, and if you’re @ 10 C3 DP, then it should take you 5x this amount, meaning it should take you 25 years to write a similar book @ similar depth to that written by someone @ 50 C3 DP; but, this latter method or equation contradicts the soul equation, but doesn’t contradict the cloning equation, as predicted by RULE # 28. Look @ RULE # 1, # 18, #28, & # 34 for soul equation vs. cloning equation, else RULE # 3. RULE # 97: This equation can be used to create the BORG vessel or ship, or the cybernetic planet CYBERTRON in the ‘80s cartoon series Transformers, diameter or length in # of millimeters = 10^[(C2 DP) / (C2 DP of individual units)]. To create Death Star of Star Wars, use C2 PL, rather than C2 DP, and by doing so, you can figure out how the rebels were able to destroy the Death-Star, which is @ PL, not @ DP. You can use this equation to figure out C2 PL of an aircraft carrier, and in turn C2 PL of nuclear technology, and in turn manpower needed to construct technology using the Soul Equation, RULE # 34. RULE # 98 : Using RULE # 7, # 16, & # 97, and depending on the complexity & TL for the nuclear bomb created & used, you get, for every radius of 1 meter or 1 yard for a nuclear bomb, a radius of explosion of 1 kilometer or 1 mile, giving you an approximate [ratio of 1:1,000] for {meter vs. kilometer} or {yard vs. mile}, with radius for device in # of centimeters for a nuclear bomb of a radius = 10^[(C2 / 25)], where C2 @ PL or power level. So, a nuclear bomb @ 75 C2 PL would have a radius of 10 meters which the Russians once tried to build during the Cold War, but the project was cancelled, due to lack of funding, & for not wanting to anger the US government. I can’t say the same for the North Koreans who doesn’t seem to be scared of the Americans, thought C2 PL of their nuclear weapons program is much LESS, maybe @ 37.50 C2 PL, with destructive power with radius of 316.25 meters < this is just a guess, approximate value >. RULE # 99: Based on the length of a cruise liner, for length in # of feet or meters for a tank or a battleship, use L = 10^((C2/10)-(X+Y)), where X = 0.5 is modifier for extra armor & weapons systems, where modifier Y = 0.5 is average armor for such as for a battleship, where C2 @ PL. You’d want to put an aircraft carrier @ 40 C2 PL @ length of 368 meters. Before you use C2, if C2 is in DP, convert C2 to PL, by lowering life span of its master engineer to appropriate human level. Look @ R 3&6. RULE # 100: A new dating equation to figure out how many girlfriends, wives, concubines, or mistress a man can have = {(C#)^(1/#)} +/- LOG10(his % evil), where you have to assume that man is 10% evil, which is just an average: 10 % for evil, but other factors can alter this ideal equation, where one of these other factors is feminism, a chaotic factor. RULE # 101: Length of battleship or aircraft carrier in # of meters or feet = C3 = 10^[C2/(14 +/-1)] by RULE # 97, where C2 = PL or power level. So, if a modern US aircraft carrier @ length of 340 meters or (1/3) kilometer is @ [39] C2 PL; and, IF Adolf Hitler had won WWII, then maybe his plan to create such might have taken place, if not @ 54 C2 PL, THEN @ least @ in the 48 C2 PL @ (2/3) km length, then it would need a 40 C1 PL to time travel to a distance of + or – 27.4 years by # of days + or – in time = [10^{{(C1 PL)/10}/m}], where m = LOG10(# of *days* that character stays in an alternate or parallel timeline or pocket dimension before making another time jump or time slide), where m = 1, if air craft carrier @ 40 C1 DP left 1967 to back in time to 1940, is, also, equation to the fictional storyline Quantum Leap: use this equation for astral projection, such as dreaming, travel to the dimension of dreams, or to travel to an alternate or parallel timeline. But, for the storyline that of Captain Jameway, you want to use modifier m @ 2 *which acts like modifier m @ 1*, since her starship does all kinds of weird stuff and goes to all kinds of weird places and meets all kinds of weird people, whom if you include the Q entity, then you need to change her 85 C1 PL to 85 C1 DP, if you want to give her: Q-like powers @ 85 C1 DP which is greater than 85 C1 PL, although Q has 2x her C1 DP that of 170 C1 DP. Look @ R # 91. RULE # 102: The maximum C2 PL for a civilian car or/and truck is [10 + {(year – 1900)/10}] @ C2 PL, where NOTE that I use the unit PL rather than DP, since it’s NOT alive, so I use the unit PL for Power Level rather than DP for Default Psyche. Then, the # of horsepower for a vehicle = or @ C4, where the C2 = PL or power level. Look @ RULE # 93. So, then, the mass of a 20th century battleship in # of tons = 10^(C2/10), where C2 = PL or Power Level; &, C2, also, = [(Year, A.D.) - (1900)]. This equation seems to work on many & most WWI tanks & WWII battleships. So, maximum weight for a 1943 battleship would have a weight of 19,952 tons. And, also, NOTE assumption is 100 ton WWII tank moving @ 10 MPH IS @ 20 C2 PL. SO, A 10 ton WWI tank moving @ 10 MPH IS @ 10 C2 PL. Then, Look @ RULE # 93. RULE # 103 : The following seem to work for most women but non-mutant since if you attempt to use this algorithm on a mutant female then math gets a little complicated since the math is a little more complicated when creating mutant female character but both requiring use of Doppler Effect & Resonance. But for the more simple human female model(s), but I suggest you start with @ 4 COM @ 20 C1 DP @ 100 C2 PL, and then work your way up to (other) higher values. So, another COM equation for women & ladies for & in HYBRID role playing game is as follows : 1) determine the average COM for a woman of her race or species ; 2) assign this value to an arbitrary variable such as W ; 3) take the square root of this value ; 4) multiply by 10 ; 5) assign this new value to another arbitrary variable such as X ; 6) this X value is then used to multiply her COM to figure out her C2 PL or DP ; { NOTE the +1 in the next step } ; 7) COM @ C2 PL = ((COM + 1)*(X, @ C1 DP)) = [(COM+1)*(10*[(average COM for a woman of her race)^(1/2)])] @ C2, which is @ PL or power level ( but it or her # value can be @ DP or default psyche in some situations, depending on the or/and type of female character(s) ). So, if a South-Asian woman has a maximum COM value of or @ 4 or COM @ 4, ( though in a few rare occasions she may have a COM value high as 5 but that’s rare ), then @ 4 COM, her X = (10*(4^(1/2))) = 20, giving a [(4+1)*20] = 100 C2 PL or power level. NOTE that her COM = LOG10(Z), where Z = her C3 PL or power level, where if she had 30 COM then her C2 PL = 10^30. But, also, NOTE that COM = [((her C1 DP) / 10 )^2)], where if she had a 20 C1 DP or default psyche, she would have a COM = 4. And, also, NOTE that if you take LOG10( 100 C2 PL @ C3 PL ), it gives a 4 COM which is exactly equal to the original value of her COM = 4, giving her a 4 COM @ 20 C1 DP or default psyche. She @ 20 C1 DP would have a 49.28 C2 DP, which if you divide 49.28 by 2.03 it gives a value of [49.28 / 2.03] = 24.29 C2 for her maximum life-span, giving her PL or power level of or @ [49.28 * 2.03 ] = 100 C2 PL or power level. Her maximum life-span @ 24.29 C2 would give her a life-span @ (2*(24.29 C2 @ C3)) = 2*83.06 = 166.13 years. Look @ RULE # 6. RULE # 104: You could try or use the following equation to calculate her C2 DP for an adult human female for women & ladies: (100*[(COM)^(1/2)]), which gives her an AVERAGE VALUE. Look @ RULE # 33 which gives slightly different values. And, look @ RULE # 106 to see why RULE # 33 doesn't give same values as RULE # 104. RULE # 105: For polygamy, for # of wives, use cloning equation, # = (his C3 DP)/[X], where X = [(her COM)*(pi + 1)], so @ COM 1, X = (pi + 1), where her COM = [(his C3 DP) / (pi + 1)]. So, if he’s @ 48 C3 DP & her COM is @ 4.8, then # = 10. You can use the same arithmetic operation as in RULE # 3, EXCEPT math IN REVERSE to get #. If you dilute her morality by square root, then # increases to square for & @ each level. This works for Howard Stern. Or, you can use RULE # 292 gives a similar result but slightly less. RULE # 106: COM for a woman = [LOG10(X)], where X = her C3 PL or Power Level, where unit PL different from p.l., power level, which is power hierarchy for p.l., while PL is amount of energy used for a power stunt. RULE # 107: D20 version of HYBRID rpg may work as follows, but I’m not too familiar with the D20 system. Actually, D20’s total points is similar to my homebrew rpg HYBRID’s C3 DP. So, 10 C0 STR to 30 C0 STR @ 20 C2 DP, depending on race < by that I mean LESS COM = more STR : this same principal can be used to create interstellar object(s) > which @ 20 C2 DP = 49.281 C3 DP by 20^LOG10(20). So, here it goes < basic character creation process > : the # rolled on a D20 = # @ C1 : this would imply that the characters are at low level mutants that of the MU character Wolverine or Spiderman as maximum or highest power levels for a character in a D20 system, where 20 C1 = 49.28 C2 DP, giving a [49.28 / 2 ] = 24.64 C2 life-span & a [49.28 * 2 ] = 98.56 PL @ Unearthly or UN, a MU term for power level when it’s between 81 & 121. This is assuming that you rolled a “20” on a 1D20, during the character creation process, where maximum PL for a character being @ that of Wolverine or Spiderman for 1D20 character creation process in this HYBRID rpg. So, you’d need a 12D20 to create MU Galactus in XD20 or XDY, where X = # of dice used & Y = # of sides for each dice used to figure out DP of character during the character creation process. You could use a 3d6, where if you rolled a 6, 6, & a 6, then it would add up to [ 6 + 6 + 6 ] = 18 C1 DP = PL or power level that of the Green Goblin ( enemy of Spiderman ) or Sabertooth (enemy of Wolverine ). NOTE that 18 C1 = 37.65 C2 DP or default psyche. You’d need to use a 2d10 or a 1d20 for Spiderman & Wolverine, or for or/and to create any equally powerful character. But, the MU Cyclops would fall between 3d6 & 4d6, which is between 18 & 24 C1 DP for this character or for any similar equally powerful character(s), during the initial first few steps for your rpg. A mutant’s STR @ C2 PL or Power Level = [(his C2 DP)*(((his C2 DP) / 10)^(1/2))]: @ 40 C2 DP, STR = 80 for Colossus @ 80 C2 PL and 20 C2 Life Span. Wolverine gets LOG10(% of Negative Energy) LESS, AMBS, then his actual AMBS, allowing him to save Negative Energy, which he used in an issue, where in the Shi-Ar Empire, he got himself a magic stone with powers. So, you’d initially put both Colossus & Wolverine @ 19 C1 DP = 43.173 C2 DP or for their AMBS @ 6.571 @ 19 C1 DP for their magnitude for their soul or/& life-force, both are different, in that life force is similar to END, except that it is initially @ its Soul’s C# @ DP. RULE # 108: This is one of few(3) equations for mass of super large or super dense object(s) @ # C2 DP = or would have a 10^{[(C2 PL)^(1/2)] +/- LOG10(C2 PL)} in # of kg of mass for the super large or super dense object. So, Mars would be @ 45 C1 DP. Then, a star @ a mass of 10^30 kg would have a 900 C2 DP; and, a super large asteroid @ a mass of 10^(10 +/-2) kg would have a 100 C2 DP or default psyche would get a 10@0 rating, power level, or magnitude for its soul which would give it an average 10 Mind, Body, and Soul @ 100 C2 DP = ABMS of 10 for a super large asteroid. But, mass, in # of tons, for a technological device = 10^[(C1/TL) + LOG10(C2)], with an aircraft carrier being @ 6 TL. So, the # of tons that the MU Graviton can lift = 10^{(C2 PL)/30)}, referring to his Sky City, similar Sky City of the cartoon series Dragonfly, similar to the MU version in the cartoon Dragonfly series, where Sky-City look(s/ed) like a miniature version of Asgard, the pocket alien dimension between the MU earth & its moon. RULE 109: Besides using the cloning equation as a shrinking equation, there are 2 other equations for shrinking an object. 1st equation is the ultimate shrinking equation, but it’s a one way ticket, without being able to return back to normal height, so a character is not to use equation if he’s either planning to return back to normal height or if he does not have an outside source, such as a friend with similar power, to return him or her back to normal height, such as in the case of the MU Avenger Wasp, who’d need Dr. Pym to return her back to normal height, if she were to use the ultimate shrinking equation : NEW height = Y*10^[-Z], where Y = original height or longest dimension of object, and where Z = [LOG10((C1/10)^(C1/10))], Y = LOG10(C1), and where C1 is @ DP or default psyche. The 2nd equation for Z = LOG10[((his actual C2) / (his COM @ C2))^2], where C2 can be @ <, >, or @ default. For growth, if you’re planning to return back to normal height, use the 2nd equation for Z, NOT the Z value from the ultimate shrinking equation, change “-“ in Z to “+” : Y*10^[Z]. If you use the Z value from the ultimate shrinking equation for growth, you’ll be stuck @ the NEW height & won’t be able to return back to normal height, but in both cases for growth, you need to change the “-“ in Z to “+”. You can use RULE # 109 to figure out C1 DP for Eternity, Mistress Death, Master Order, and Lord Chaos, where their C1 DP comes out to 569. So, this estimate for Galactus is or seems to be accurate, if you consider that Galactus has access to his Ultimate Nullifier, which may not be as powerful as people seem to think IF Galactus is @189.667 C1 DP, then the Ultimate Nullifier’s PL is @7.883 galaxies. And, you, then apply 189.667 C1 DP to the Stranger & the In-Betweener, both getting the same C1 DP. You, then, to calculate C1 DP for each of the 10 Soul Gems, you divide 569 C1 DP of Eternity by 10 to get [569/10] = 56.9 C1 DP for each of the 10 Soul Gems, where their TOTAL C1 DP = [56.9*10] = 569 C1 default psyche. So, then C1 DP for the Supreme Intelligence of the Kree Empire would be @ 56.9 C1 DP, after getting & using its 1 Soul Gem and before losing this 1 Soul Gem to the Silver Surfer. You’d, also, want to put Thanos @56.9 C1 DP, while he has 1 Soul Gem. And, as for Dr. Strange, his power(s) & rating(s) fluctuate too much to give an accurate estimate of his life-force. And, for the Supreme Intelligence, the amount of C2 DP that he would need to have complete control of his home planet would be [2 x 56.9] = 113.8 but @ C2 DP, not @ C1 DP which would be size of a galaxy @ C1 DP. Look @ RULE # 19. RULE # 110: Surface radius or diameter = 10^[(C2 PL)/10 - X], of or for a nuclear blast = in # of meters, where C2 is @ DP, where X = LOG10(Y), where Y = % efficiency of nuclear blast, then you need to use the force field equation with exponent (1/4). Look @ RULE # 7. RULE # 111: Length or the longest dimension of a monster = [(C2^2)/10], which for animals is normally @ ft, but for jellyfish is @ unit meters, based on @ 10 C2 DP, where C2 is @ DP or default psyche, but it can be @ PL or power level, but if @ PL and if PL is greater (>) than DP, then LS or life-span would be decreased, according to R # 3. Use R # 20 to check for accuracy for R # 111. Look @ R # 25 (to compare with PL of a planet) & R # 74. RULE # 112 : Cosmic (Level) Hunger in # of lbs. of matter over a life-time = 10^Z, where Z = [(C1 / y ) !] , where the symbol (!) is a factorial, and where y = [LOG10(C1)]^[LOG10(C1)], where C1 @ PL, which, PL, is <, >, or = to default, depending on what level character keeps his or its LS or life-span. This equation works nicely for entities like Galactus, including the extinct dinosaurs. RULE # 113: 1st take the [square root of 20 C2 DP @ C3 DP] = X for its body armor in C3, then take [C3/X] = Y for its length in ft., then find Z such that [X/Z] for a decrease in its body armor will increase its length to [Y*Z] = 40 ft, where Z = 5.71. Note that you take the (#-1)root when using C#, to calculate its body armor in C3 in proportion or ratio to material strength of its skeleton @ C3 @ 1% of the time. Then, for animals, n = [C3 / ((C2^2)/10)], where if a 40 foot long T-rex is @ 20 C2 PL, but because it’s LS is, also, @ 20 C2, it would have a DP of 20 C2, then its n = [49.28 / 40 ] = 1.232 C3 for material strength of its body armor. Note that L or length of an animal in unit ft. = [(C2^2)/10]. So, n = [C3 / L]. So, by substituting DP into PL to figuring out its size, you can easily create super-monsters like Godzilla & Gamera, as well as Pokemon(s) & Digimon(s), & also for the cosmic spider in the ‘80s cartoon series of / in the “Transformers” tv series. Look @ RULE # 20. RULE # 114: Use this chart to generate the next equation: @ 16 C2 DP or 4 AMBS @ 0.1% cybernetics; @ 25 C2 DP @ 5 AMBS @ 1% cybernetics; @ 36 C2 DP @ 6 AMBS @ 10% cybernetics; @ 49 C2 DP @ 7 AMBS @ 100% cybernetics, which is what the MU Colossus is in the 21st century version of the X-Men cartoon, The X-Men, The Evolution. But, in MU comics, Colossus is @ 50s, from 50 to 59 C2 DP, as is/was his brother, who was leader of the Morlocks for a while, temporarily, then Callisto, then Storm; while, the Juggernaut is @ from 8 +/1 AMBS, which is from 7 AMBS to 9 AMBS which is @ 49 to 81 C2 DP; but, the Juggernaut would need 2x these C2 DP points for dimensional or/and time travel. But, to create a cyborg like the ‘80s sci-fi character “The 6 Million $ Man”, his C2 DP = [[[LOG10(COST, $)] – 1 ]^2] = [(6.778 – 1)^2] = 5.778^2 = 33.387. It’s that simple ! So, his C2 DP of “The 6 Million $ Man” would be @ 33.387 C2 DP = 209.551 C3 DP by 33.387^LOG10(33.387) = 209.551. This is such a brilliant equation ! If you reduce COST to $1 million to create a cyborg, his C2 DP = 25 = 90 C3 DP by 25^LOG10(25) = 90 C3 DP life-force level @ Conan played by Arnold Swarznegor in the movie, “Conan”. And, when COST is reduced to $100 K or $100,000 to create a cyborg, his C2 DP = 16 = 28.178 C3 DP by 16^LOG10(16) = 28.178 or default psyche or life-force which is about that of Wesley Snipes @ 16 C2 DP. You can apply this equation to the MU character ‘Death’s Head’, assuming it cost $100 million to create the cyborg mutant, Death’s Head, giving it a C2 DP of 49 by this : [(8-1)^2], where its controlling scientists & engineers that control it would be put @ 49 C1 default psyche = 719 C2 DP by 49^LOG10(49) = 719, meaning the 49 C2 to 49 C1 ratio = same as in FF, meaning if ‘Death’s Head’ is @ a 49 C2 DP which would give it an STR of 108.466 by [49*((49/10)^(1/2))] = [49*2.214] = 108.466 STR @ 49 C2 default psyche, then the guys or/and gals moving him to a different timeline would be @ 64 C1 DP, which is same ration as if the Human Torch were @ 49 C2 DP, before he had nova power(s), then Reed Richards of F.F. would be @ 49 C1 DP. But, after the Human Torch got his nova power(s), boosting his C2 DP to 64, then Reed Richards C1 DP would be @ 64, which is what Mr. Fantastic would need a minimum of 64 C1 DP for to time or/and dimensional travel @ [(64/10)^2] % = 40.96 % accuracy for human-size object(s). But, I doubt that its boss(es) are @ that high a DP level, and more like a multiple factor of its 49 C2 DP by some factor @ 2 or more. But, it’s, also, possible that ‘Death’s Head’ is NOT really time or/and dimension(ally) traveling, but teleporting, with help of its boss(es), and not really teleporting but simulating teleportation by converting it to energy form, sort of like the character ‘White Lighter’ @ 98 @ C2 DP in tv series “Charmed”, about the 3 witches battling the ‘Source’ @ 147 C2 DP, and moving ‘Death’s Head’ to different location on a future MU earth, rather than to a different timeline or/and dimension, and reconstructing the body back to matter, where then its controlling scientists & engineers would get a 2x C2 DP that of ‘Death’s Head’, meaning if COST for to create the mutant cyborg, ‘Death’s Head’, was @ 100 million $, then ‘Death’s Head’ would be @ [(8-1)^2] = 49 C2 DP, and its controlling scientists & engineers would be @ (2x 49) C2 DP = 98 C2 DP or default psyche for the guys controlling it. But, assuming the frequency of this is often, the its scientists & engineers would get a (3x 49) C2 DP = 147 C2 DP @ X = 49,804 C3 default psyche or DP by 147^LOG10(147) = 49,804. But, % that movement is closer to teleportation, increases according to the following equation : [1 – 1/(X)], where X = factor of 2 or more, where if you use X = 2 to get a 50% accuracy & magnitude that it’s teleportation for ‘Death’s Head’ by its boss(es) @ hidden secret control center, where they or its boss(es) would be @ 2x (49) = 98 C2 DP @ X = 2 for 50% accuracy for teleportation, sort of like in the sci-fi Star Trek, where they beam down to the surface of the planet & beam back on board their spaceship. RULE # 115: When C2 DP < 400, then Y = (X/2), where X = [C2/400]; and, when C2 > 400, then Y = (X*2); but, when C2 = 400, Y = 1, where X = [C2/400]. Diameter in # of miles = 10^[4 + LN(Y)]; & , velocity = of planet or star in mph = [10^[4+ LN(Y)]] = diameter of planet, using the premise that the sun is either @ 729 C2 DP or @ 1357 C2 DP; but, if the sun @ 729 C2 DP, then an object @ 1357 C2 DP would be a neutron star. The VARIABLE(S) x & y that I used here are NOT the same as in RULE # 55. NOTE that a 20 C2 DP non-TL object asteroid would be @ a diameter of 2 miles ! Diameter of a planet in # of miles, also, = [(C2 DP)/10]^[((C2 DP)/100)^(1/2)]. So, earth is @ 515 C2 Default Psyche. RULE # 116: If an incomplete Death Star is @ {X} or 120 C2 PL, then completed version of it @ diameter of 5 or 25 miles would be @ {Y} or 250 C2 PL, the one that got blown away & destroyed by the rebels; but, if it were @ {Z} or 520 C2 PL, it would not have been so easily destroyed. Notice that Luke Skywalker can increase his PL to [50*2.5] = 125 C2, by decreasing his life-span to [50/2.5] = 20 C2. Look @ RULE # 55. To check for accuracy use RULE # 115, but because you’re using PL for a TL object, you need to convert PL to DP before you can use RULE # 115. But, AFTER & once you’ve converted PL to DP, you can use RULE # 115. So, a Death Star @ 500 C2 PL with a life-span of 20 C2 would need to be @ 100 C2 DP. So, a character or characters collectively like the revels acting collectively would need to be @30 C1 DP = 152 C2 DP to attack & destroy a Death Star. NOTE that [100/5] = 20 C2 LS or life-span & a [100*5] = 500 C2 PL or power level, which gives the Death Star its size, powers,& ability to project fear. The size of a Death Star @ 100 C2 DP, 500 C2 PL, and 20 C2 LS would have a diameter of 10^[LN[[((100 C2 DP)/400) which gets divided by 2 by RULE # 115 since DP is < 400]] + 4]], GIVING the Death Star a diameter of 83.283 miles ! Look @ RULE # 55, # 118, # 138, # 155, & # 169. RULE # 117: To simulate powers of the DC Green Lantern’s ring, where he has to recharge every 24 hours, not sure, but realistically, I don’t know every how many hours, EITHER C1 or CA @ DP is applied to the character or/and the ring, depending on magnitude of life-force of character(s) & on @ what # of hours that he or his ring needs (to) recharg(e/ing). In another words, if he needs to recharge every 24 hours, he can be @ either 24 C1 DP = 80.349 C2 DP or @ 24 CA DP = 80.349 C1 DP, where 80.349 C2 DP would give him an IQ of 240 while 80.349 C1 DP would give him an IQ of 803.49 = [80.349/3] = 26.783 TL, and since time or/and dimensional travel, the DC character Hal Jordan when he was both Green Lantern & Parrallax, he’d get a 80.349 C1 DP, but the current DC earth’s Green Lantern junior would get only 80.349 C2 DP, assuming junior is @ [24/3] = 8 TL. In another words, the entity known as the Time Trapper was never killed or harmed in any way by Parrallax, other than some clone @ 80.349 C2 DP that was killed or harmed by Parrallax, meaning the death-like entity that was serving him was @ 80.349 C2 DP : the same logic or lack of it was used by Thanos, where you sometimes see Death @ side of Thanos as his mistress, but I doubt it was her & more likely a clone of her created by Thanos, unless those gems were not Soul Gems but Power Gems that of the Infinity Gaunlet, then it’s possible that it was Death, maybe. RULE # 118: Damage Class or DC = [(C2 PL) / (LOG10(C2 PL))]. So, @ 100 C2 PL, DC = 50 = DIAMETER OF 10^(2) KM, depending on its chemical composition & density & location & context if it’s a part of something larger. But, there multiple different equations in my homebrew rpg sytem HYBRID for computing damage. Radius or diameter of damage by a (nuclear) explosion in # of meters = 10^[(DC) / 10]. Look @ RULE # 15 & # 20, where damage in nd6 is either [((C3 PL)^(1/2)]d6 or [-1+((C3 PL)^(1/2))]d6, where radius or diameter of damage = 10^[(nd6) / 10]. And, note that DC, also, = (C2 DP), but note the term {DP} next to C2 which, sometimes or often, is or can be different from C2 PL from the top-most equation in RULE # 118. So, DC is close to being similar to the regular nd6 measurement for damage. Look @ RULE # 116. RULE # 119 : # of years of Presidency for the or a or any (US) President (under the best case scenario(s)) = [((his C2 DP)/X)^2], where X = C2 PL of the average voter should get an average C2 PL of 15 but by reducing X = 10, its easier to get the votes in your favor, implying that they are easier to fool or being more gullible, which their gullibility decreases with an increase in their C2 PL, assuming their sense of patriotism doesn’t blind them to the truth, like when its soldiers kill for its citizens, leaving the hands of the/its citizens blood-free or stain free, and thus little or no accountability: propaganda works best that way. So, a man is @ 28.28 C2 DP wanting to be President can have the Presidency for [((28.28) / 10)^2] = (2.828^2) = 8 years; 1 term = 20 C2 DP. Then, if President be @ 24.495 C2 DP, where 6 of his 8 year Presidency would be scandal-free, and his remaining 2 years would be filled inefficiency or/and with scandal(s). If his daughter is @ 18.217 COM, her father would @ C3 DP = [COM*(pi +1)] = 23.456789 C2 DP or dp. If you put a politician @ IQ of 110 which would be @ 11 C1 DP = 12.148 C2 DP = 15 C3 DP
, and if he were elected President, his Presidency would last for only 1.44 year. RULE # 120: The following to create a humanoid monster(s) or/and humanoid animal(s) with no female gender & that can reproduce asexually, but having a normal human life-span, would have height in # of meters according to the following : [(X^X)^(1/LOG10(C1 DP))], where X = [(C2 DP) / (10*[[LOG10(his C2 DP)] !])], where [[LOG10(100 C2 DP)]!] = 2! = 2: a height of (5^5)^(1/LOG10(25.96)), where 25.96 C1 DP = 100 C2 DP, giving a height in # of meters of (3,125)^(1/1.414) = height of 295.851 meters = (295.851*3.281) feet = height of 970.64 feet, like in the sci-fi movie “Reptilian”, where if you put him @ 100 C2 DP. And, you end up with an equation for a Godzilla-like monster(s). Note that 13.85 C1 DP = 20.087 C2 DP by 13.85^LOG10(13.85) = 20.087, for a monster @ 20 C2 DP or default psyche. Look @ RULE # 14, # 15, & # 20. RULE # 121: C1 PL = [30*N], where N = # of dimensions that a male mutant has access to. So, for time travel, N = 4, giving him an N = 4 & a C1 DP of [30*4] = 120 C1 dp. But, # of days for time travel = his C2 PL or power level. So, the guy in the tv series, “Dead Zone” would have be @ 100 C2 DP to be able to travel 500 days into the past or future, assuming his life-span is reduced to [100/5] = 20 C2, with his PL @ [100*5] = 500 C2. This equation & method works nicely for MU Dr. Doom. But, an average or maximum # of years, whichever is greater, that he can travel into the past or future = 10^[(C1 PL) / 100], where @ 10 C1 PL would be an illusion of time travel, and why you need to add a modifier of “-1” , giving you a new equation of 10^[-1 + ((C1 PL) / 100)], giving you 1 year @ 100 C1 PL, giving discrepancies between these different equations. But, note that 44 C1 DP = 502.269 C2 DP which you can use for the main guy in “Dead Zone”, giving him several months, + or / and -, into time. RULE # 122: TOTAL POINTS for a or any character in HERO or Champions rpg = his IQ. So, a character with an IQ of 189 would have TOTAL POINTS of 189; &, with an IQ of 987, he would have a TOTAL POINTS of 987 in HERO, like such as the MU Dr. Doom. NOTE that IQ = [10*C1]. But, it’s more correct to say that TOTAL POINTS = [10*(his C1 DP)]. For example, Galactus @ 250 C1 DP would have a TCP or TOTAL CHARACTER POINTS of 2,500. But, a martial arts human female < before having or getting any power(s)> in terms of her powers & skills in real world terms be @ C3 DP, but in her fictional universe or/and storyline would be @ C2 DP for the same # that she would be @ C3 DP for her powers & skills in real worlds terms, outside her fictional universe or/and storyline. In another words, THE REASON that you put or increase her C3 DP status to C2 DP BECAUSE OF her access to the gods or/and immortality. But, you need to include margin of error, and with the margin of error, they would have a the NEW TCP or TOTAL CHARACTER POINTS of [100*(LOG10(his C3 DP))]. So, a time traveler @ 100 C1 DP would have a total between 1,000 & 1,600, giving a margin of error @ [1,600 – 1,000] = margin of error of 600 points for his TC POINTS. Look @ RULE # 8, # 138. RULE # 123: To calculate C2 DP for the mutant ninja characters, their lower limit is @ 25 C2 DP = AVERAGE of 5 Body, Mind, & Soul that of a low powered mutant, & their upper limit is @ 36 C2 DP = AVERAGE of 6 Body, Mind, & Soul that of an average powered mutant; but, they, also, seem to once in a while have an extra +1 luck for their ABMS, on rare occasions, which is rarer than them having 6 ABMS. In another words, their AVERAGE limit is @ 3d6 or @ 18 C1 DP, while their upper limit is @ 2d10 or @ 20 C1 DP or default psyche. NOTE that ABMS of 8 is @ magnitude of body, mind, & (life-force or/& soul), is that of the fictional character Godzilla (of 1964) @ 20% mutant power is @ 64 C2 DP in a 1964 Godzilla film & storyline, but for it to have an extra episodes or movie storyline, it needs extra points more than @ multiplier of LOG10(C2 DP), which is NOT used as exponent, but as a multiplier to base 64 for year 1964 @ 64 C2 DP, without the multiplier of LOG10(64). Total C3 DP points @ (ABMS^2)^LOG10(ABMS^2) = (C2 DP)^LOG10(C2 DP) = his or its C3 DP; while, his father is @ 3d6 or @ 18 C1 DP : the same father vs. son conflict as in Part II, but from point of view of Jubei. So, for the samurai character Jubei
, he would be @ 19 C1 DP = 43.173 C2 DP. But,
Jubei @ 17 C1 DP, & his father @ 16 C1 DP. So, in another words, you start your character @ 9 C2 DP, give him a +1/1 ADVANTAGE = +1 ADVANATAGE, putting his new total points @ 9*(1+1) = 18 C2 DP, for one of the following: martial arts, increased height, or agility. The rule of thumb when creating a low powered mutant(s) by ADVANTAGE is that to add a +1 to the denominator for each new advantage for each new skill, power, talent, attribute, or/and dimension to the character, though a gender & race of/for human females would be considered the last & final advantage, before considering the character complete. Now, getting back to our constructing our male demon for/in the movie “Ninja Scroll”, for his next skill, power, talent, or attribute, give him a +1/2 ADVANTAGE, putting his new total @ 18*(1+1/2) = 27 C2 DP or default psyche, for any one of the following: increased height, martial arts, agility, minor force field, or minor resistance to toxins. Next, give him a +1/3 ADVANTAGE, giving him a new total of 27*(1+1/3) = 36 C2 DP, for any one of the following : force field, camouflage, minor shape-shifting, minor healing factor, minor ability to project energy blast(s), or minor telepathy to control insects. If you had given him another extra advantage of +1/4, you would have increase his C2 DP to 36*(1+1/4) = 45 C2 DP, putting his ABMS @ 6.71, allowing him shape-shifting power(s). RULE # 124: COM for guys = [(his C3 DP) / (pi + 1)], assuming he has no super powers except for his COM, where a guy @ 49.28 C3 DP would have a COM of [49.281 / (3.142 + 1)] = 11.899 COM, meaning he can have a woman @ 11.899 COM, but this woman @11.899 COM would be @ C1 DP or default psyche of [10*((11.899)^(1/2))] = 10*3.449 = 34.495 C1 DP, whereas the guy would be @ 20 C2 DP = 49.281 C3 DP @ total of 49.281 points in GURPS, Dragonball-Z rpg, Yu-Gi-Oh, and in D&D rpg @ total points of 49.281. So, you can, now, use this rule to figure out total points for DC Lobo in GURPS, but by attempting to do so leads to a contradiction for GURPS rpg for total points for powerful characters. You give DC Lobo 82 COM = [82*(3.142 + 1)] = 339.61 C3 DP which in C2 DP = 39, or total points of 340 in GURPS for DC Lobo if he had no other super power(s) besides his super good look(s), but he has other super power(s), a total of 6 other major super powers : ability to breathe in space, resistance to aging, any lost blood during a battle could clone itself into Lobo < but I assume this power is very limited & is NOT infinite but much greater than Multiple_Man of X-Factor whose maximum # of temporary clones is LESS THAN 9 >, FTL which is only slightly more than light speed, his super-strength, his healing factor similar to the MU Wolverine, & < on a limited scale > dimensional travel, but each of those 6 powers is really worth 2 powers for each of Lobo’s power package(s), giving Lobo a total of 12 powers, rather than 6. So, you multiply (12 x 39) @ C2 DP, where 39 C2 DP = 340 C3 DP, giving him a 468 C2 DP which = about 43.09 C1 DP = 469 C2 DP. But, 2 GURPS players gave Green Lantern
@ 500 to 10,000 points for his ring in GURPS which would imply (to use) C2 DP (to calculate total points for Green Lantern) {except that GURPS is usually C3, as is HERO}, both would seem to imply that Lobo would get only 340 points in GURPS, but that can NOT be right, since the character Duncan McLoud, the Highlander, being @ 46.5 C2 DP = 603 C3 DP would imply that he, Duncan Mc Loud, would be @ 603 total points in GURPS. But, Lobo is more powerful than Duncan Mc Loud, where Lobo’s 43.09 C1 DP = { 469 C2 DP } = 13,650,997 C3 DP: C1 is super mutant scale, while C2 is mutant scale, while C3 is male human scale. So, Lobo should get 13,650,997 total points in GURPS, mostly because of his cloning power and his ability to ride his motorcycle @ light speed; but, then, Lobo would have more points than Green Lantern
, but giving Lobo more points than the original Green Lantern would NOT make sense, as Hal Jordan as GL is @ minimum of 1,234 C2 DP & @ maximum of 12,345 C2 DP as Parrallax. This leads to a contradiction in figuring out total points for powerful GURPS characters. In another words, give Lobo 43 C1 DP, if you give MU Wolverine a 43 C2 DP = 19 C1 DP, then put Lobo @ 19 CA DP which for Lobo for his average psyche in Marvel SAGA = [(his CA DP) – 10], giving Lobo an average psyche of 9 in MU SAGA, by 19–10 = 9 in MU SAGA. RULE # 125: To figure out average psyche for characters in Marvel SAGA, all you do is subtract 10 points from my “CA DP” unit for the male character(s), giving you the equation of [(CA DP) – 10] for average # for psyche in MU SAGA. But, the “CA DP” unit is a unit that I invented & it, the unit, “CA DP” does NOT exist in any form in the late ‘90s Marvel SAGA. And, it’s by pure coincidence that such a pattern exists between my homebrew rpg system HYBRID & that of Marvel SAGA, where 19 CA DP = 43 C1 DP for DC Lobo. So, you’d subtract 10 points from his 19 CA DP, giving Lobo a [19 – 10] = 9 average psyche in Marvel SAGA, which is different from the classic ’86 MU TSR rpg. But, note that Lobo @ 43 C1 DP would have an AMBS of 21.56 by taking the square root of his C2 DP @ 465, where [(465)^(1/2)]= 21.56. But, NOTE that to calculate C1 from CA: C1 = CA^LOG10(CA), while C2 = C1^LOG10(C1). And, also, NOTE that RULE # 20 for average psyche in Marvel SAGA or in Nobilis rpg = [CA – 10] = life force magnitude of/for soul of character(s) or object(s) would be that of 3 Soul Gems, where # 20 for average psyche in Marvel SAGA
. So, by the top-most equation in RULE # 125 to compute average psyche in Marvel SAGA, you can figure out that 3 Soul Gems @ 20 in Marvel SAGA would be @ [20 + 10] CA DP = 30 CA DP = 152.015 C1 DP. And, Galactus @ 30 in Marvel SAGA would be @ [30 + 10] CA DP = 40 CA DP = 368.635 C1 DP. But, NOTE that 40 C1 DP is power to simulate the effects of the sun, putting Dark Phoenix @ 40 C1 DP = 368.635 C2 DP = ABMS of 19.2, where as Galactus would get ABMS of 1,966. And, NOTE that each Soul Gem gives an increment of 50 C1 DP temporary life-force. But, Galactus in probably @ 25 psyche in Marvel SAGA = @ 35 CA DP; 1 Soul Gem in MU SAGA would be @ 10 = 20 CA Default Psyche. But, Synnibarr rpg @ C4, mostly @ PL & not @ DP. RULE # 126: A guys’ C3 DP = his [COM * (pi + 1)], where his good looks in COM = [(his C3 DP) / (pi + 1)], where pi = 3.14159. So, an elite soldier @ 15 C3 DP in a South-Asian army would have a COM of 3.622, so he’d be able to attract a woman @ maximum of COM of 3.622, in a statistical & probability average. RULE # 127: If one is a king or emperor, to figure out # of years of his rule = [(his C3 DP) / 10 ]. If king is @ 10 C3 DP, then his maximum rule is @ length of 1 year, but @ 50 C3 DP, then his rule is @ length of 5 years. So, in the movie, “Vampire_Hunter_D”, king of vampires @ 64 C2 DP = 1,829 C3 DP, then his rule is @ length of 182.9 years, where the vampire hunter is @ 49 C2 DP. RULE # 128: For how to clone DC Lobo, the best looking male fictional humanoid character with a fraction of Superman’s powers, except the DC Lobo better looking than Superman, you use the following equation, where # of clones = [-1 + 10^[((his C1 DP) – (his clone(s)’ C1 DP)) / 10]]. So, if you put DC Lobo @ 43 C1 DP & his clone @19 C1, then maximum # of clones that Lobo can create from himself is @ [-1 + 10^[(43 - 19) / 10]] = [-1 + 10^[24 / 10]] = [-1 + 10^2.4] = -1 + 251 = 250 clones of himself, but his C1 DP would decrease for every increase in # of clones of himself, assuming the original Lobo is cloning himself & assuming he’s not being cloned by an outside source or a different character, where a clone Lobo would be considered a different character, but with same appearance, COM, & personality as the original, but the clone(s)’ power(s) being greatly limited, when compared to the original, or source of the other clones. This can be restated as # = [- 1 + ((his C3 DP) / (his clone’s C3 DP))^(1/2)], which only give (2/3) the # of clones as the top-most equation, but for Multiple_Man, replace “DP” with the unit “PL” for power level IN EITHER OF THE 2 EQUATIONS in RULE # 128 TO GET # OF CLONES. The reason that you use PL rather than DP for Multiple_Man is that clones are temporary & NOT permanent, sort of like Mysterio’s halograms, which are, also, temporary. The 2nd equation is restated into a 3rd : # = [-1 + [(his C2 DP) / (his clone’s C2 DP)]], which is used by the DC character Superman, when cloning himself, where if Superman is @ 1,234 C2 DP, then each of his clone is @ 123.4 C2 DP; but, if Superman is @ 12,345 C2 DP, same as Parrallax, then each clone of Superman would be @ 1,234.5 C2 DP. This 3rd equation was used in “Rein of Supermen”. Look @ (latter part of) RULE # 134. RULE # 129: For how to create an ILLUSION of time travel, you can use the 2nd cloning equation. By using the 2nd cloning equation(s) above, as it’s used by Multiple_Man of X-Factor, you OR THE CHARACTER(S) can create an illusion of time travel, IF assuming you have sufficient amount of C2 PL, if illusion of time travel is on planetary scale, else sufficient C1 PL, if illusion of time travel is on galactic scale, else sufficient CA PL if illusion of time travel is on universal scale. When this is done on a planetary scale, it leads to the following equation, where C2 is @ PL: # of years of time travel = 10^[{{(C1 PL)/33]: this equation Superman uses to create an illusion of time travel, before Specter had confronted him about it. The 2nd equation in this RULE # 129 can be restated as # of years of time travel = 10^[(C1 DP)/COM]. So, in the recent movie “The Time Machine, if the time traveling engineer was put @ 60 C1 DP, so that he can have {[60/3] LS} & {[60*3] PL}, where # of years of time travel = 10^{(C1 PL)/30], so his C1 DP = [{LOG10(%accuracy)}*60], where @ 10% accuracy, he has 60 C1 DP, but needs to be @ 120 C1 DP for 100% accuracy for time travel. Look @ RULE # 133. RULE # 130: The ultimate warp velocity & MAXIMUM DISTANCE for warp drive equation is as follows, where distance in # of light-years = [[((his C1 DP) / 10 )^(1/2)]^W], where W @ = 10 for Warp # 10. So, @ Warp # 10 @ 90 C1 DP, maximum # of light-years that Captain Jameway of Voyagers would be able to travel to/is = ((90/10)^(1/2))^10 = 3^10 = 59,049 light-years. This equations SEEMS TO WORK @ ALL VALUES OF/AT @ C1 DP, but @ less than optimum because of her gender, such as like as the “Caretaker” episode predicted, in terms of maximum distance in # of light-years ! But, human genius @ IQ of {200 to 286} would be @ 20 C1 DP by my IQ equation, allowing maximum distance in # of light-years to = (2^(1/2))^10 = (1.41)^10 = 32 light-years @ Warp # 10. But, for (1/2) or (1/3) of the members of the MU AVENGERS & for the Dark Phoenix of Xavier of the X-Men @ 40 C1 DP, they would be able to travel to a maximum distance of (4^(1/2))^10 = 2^10 = 1,024 light-years. So, the MU Kree, Skrull, & Shi-Ar Empires must be a distance of 1,024 light-years from MU Earth [ THEORTICALLY !! in MU ] ! But, the average South-Asian male @ only 10 C1 DP would be able to travel a maximum distance of (1^(1/2))^10 = 1^10 = 1 light-year ! But, note that @ 90 C1 DP which is what Captain Jameway of Voyagers is @ would be @ an IQ of slightly less than 900 by my IQ equation, if you put her life-span @ 90 C1, as according to one of the episodes for which I forget the exact title, where the planet & its citizens that the Voyager starship was orbiting was evolving while the Voyager starship was stuck in a time loop of some sort, where the crew were frozen in time for an unknown # of centuries, which I suspect to be either # of millenniums or eons, where the natural rate of evolution would be square of the # of years that the episode would be claim that the starship Voyager was stuck in its time loop, but had the power to evolve its citizens @ rate of square root of its natural rate of evolution, leading to # of centuries, rather than in # of millenniums or eons. RULE # 131: For the movie, “Jurassic Park”, the following cloning equation could be used for/(to create) similar storyline : # of monsters = [(average PL of monster)^(1/2)]^[-1 + [(his C2 PL) / (average PL of monsters)]. So, if you give the main head bio-scientist/bio-engineer a 20 C1 DP @ normal human LS or life-span @ [50 / 2.5] = 20 C2, then his PL would be @ [50 * 2.5] = 125 C2 PL. So, then # = (30^(1/2))^[ -1 + (125 / 30 )] = 5.48^3.17 = 218, or which if rounded off would give a # of monsters = 5^3 = 125. But, notice that I use PL rather than DP for the monsters in the same similar manner like that of the super-giant monster in the movie, “Reptilian”, which was shown in America
slightly after the 1st Godzilla movie came out, with a similar theme. But, note that I use a 30 C2 PL for a 30 C2 DP monster for a length of 90 ft. while a T-rex @ 40 ft. length would be @ 20 C2 DP. The cloning equation is or/and works similar to the warp drive equation, but NOT the same warp drive equation as in RULE # 129, which is a paraphrase of RULE # 131 which is a paraphrase of one of my earlier warp drive equation. Look @ RULE # 131. RULE # 132 : Let X(1) = increment(s) which can be @ object’s size @ C2 PL; X(2) = object’s size @ C2 PL; X(1) = X(2); and, Y = object’s engine’s C2 PL; velocity in m.p.h. = [(X(1))^(1/2)]^[-1 + [Y / (X(2))]]. This equation works really great for the Yamato series, as well as most sci-FI. So, if you want to have a “base” of @ 2, then need to increment @ every 4 C2 PL. But, if you want a “base” of @ 10, then you need to increment @ every 100 C2 PL. So, for a sci-FI battleship with warp-engine for/of Yamato @ 733.099 C2 PL but @ size of 49.281 C2 PL, its velocity = [49.281^(1/2)]^[-1+(733.099/49.281] = 7.02^13.876 = 5.543 * 10^11 mph : this equation comes close to being the ultimate equation. So, though the following might be unrelated, a 1940 warplane can move @ top velocity of 512 mph & a 1916 tank moving @ 16 mph. When u have base of 2 & increment @ 4 C2 from @ 100 C2 PL, giving a maximum velocity for (a) super-bullet(s) [lazer] is @ [4^(1/2)]^[-1+(100/4)] = 2^24 = 16,777, 216 (miles/hour). Use this equation to get the equation in RULE # 130. This rule, also, works @ C3 PL, but only collectively, such as by the North Koreans. Look @ RULE # 10, # 130, & # 177. RULE # 133: As the # of generations approaches
, the maximum distance equation of RULE # 130 changes to the following: # of light-years = 10^((maximum C1 DP for male population) / 10). This equation, eventually, leads to the equation of DISCWORLD. You can, also, by paraphrasing RULE # 133, you can use it for the movie, “Planet of the Apes”, where you’d want to give the time-traveler a 90 C1 DP; and, use the same equation, as well as, in the movie, “Jurassic Park”, where you’d want to use 20 C1 DP for the main bio-engineer. And, for the recent time-travel movie, “The Time Machine”, you’d want to give the protagonist a 60 C1 DP for the plot. RULE # 134: The size & volume of object that a mutant with molecular control power can change is @ C3 PL, where its # is same as his #, but his # applies to his C2 PL. In another words, if you put a physics professor @ 100.5 C3 DP & the DC character Firestorm @ 100.5 C2 DP, then by reducing Firestorm’s LS to [100.5 / 5] = 20.1 C2 : this would increase his PL to [100.5 * 5] = 502.5 C2 :: what this implies is that the size & volume of object that Firestorm can change by molecular control is or would be @ 502.5 C3 PL which is about the size, volume, and chemical makeup of a WWI battleship. Another way of looking @ the DC character Firestorm is that his C2 DP is @ (2x C2) DP that of 2 mutants, each @ 50.25 @ IQ of 200 by [10*(his C1 DP)] = IQ. Look @ latter part of RULE # 128. *RULE # 135 : If # of years + or – in time = # of light-years that he can travel, meaning if he can travel a 10,000 light-years @ 41 C1 DP, then he can travel 100 years + or – in time, and if the guy in the sci-fi tv show “The Dead Zone” is @ 30 C1 DP: +/- 10 to 100 years, implying an IQ of 300, with ability to travel # of years in time + or – 10, by {10^[-M + ((his C1 DP)/ 10)]} = both # of light-years as maximum distance & # of years in time, where M = 1 or 2 = [r], where r = LOG10(D), where D = radius or diameter of object in # of meters, but in RULE # 135, M = 2 = r, whereby you can use this equation to compute the magnitude of a black hole @ center of galaxy @ 60 C1 DP with 999 solar mass which such a black hole is (1/2) C1 DP of a galaxy @ 120 C1 DP, sort of like ratio & analogy of a fire-ant or killer-bee compared to a small animal, THEN the so-called time traveler in the recent movie “The Time Machine”, if he’s @ 49.28 C1 didn’t travel into the past because of RULE # 283, which doesn’t prevent the time traveler but simply makes the past more expensive than the future, for reasons unknown, but his traveling 800,00 years into the future could be him altering the planet to create an elaborate illusion, like the DC character Superman freezing the planet earth to create an illusion that he traveled back in time to the ice age, but the narrator the comic shows that NYC is frozen in ice, the only time the narrator directly tells the audience that the character is being untruthful, though, he could have IF he drastically reduced his life-span to [49.28 / 5 ] = 9.86 C1, and thus increasing his PL to [ 49.28 * 5 ] = 246.40 C1. He’d need to be @ 80 C DP to be @ minimum of 79 C1 DP to be able to travel 800, 000 years into the future of an alternate time-line: BUT, MY GUESS IS THAT HE CREATED AN ILLUSION OF TIME TRAVEL BY ALTERING THE GALAXY HE LIVES IN, CREATING A POCKET DIMENSION OR UNIVERSE BASED ON HIS FEARS, DESIRES, THEORIES, GUESSES, & FANTASIES. And, if you use RULE # 94, then you get 10^[(246.40 / 60 ) - 1] = 1,000 years, which is still less than the 800,000 years that his machine shows that he traveled into the future in the movie. But, one way to get around this problem is to use the C2 variable to make the time jump or time-travel jump, rather than using C1. THEN, # of years + or - = 10^[(C2 / (r^2)) - 1], where [ (r^2) = 60 ], r = LOG10(R), where R = radius of pocket universe in unit ‘miles’, and where C2 = PL. And, # of years + or - = 10^[(C2 / (r^2)) - 1], where if r = (120^(1/2)) when C2 = PL or power level, THEN r = 100 billion miles for the pocket universe. THEN, TO CREATE AN ILLUSION OF TRAVELING 2 MILLION YEARS INTO THE FUTURE @ 60 C1 DP, if you use a C2 variable, where C2 = his DP or default psyche, # of years + or - = [e^(C2/100)] , where {e} = 2.718. And, if you use PL or power level for his C2, the above equation is simplified to then # of years + or - = [C2], where C2 is @ PL, but only when C1 DP = or greater than 30, for pocket universe with radius or diameter in unit miles = and proportional to the # of years + or - traveled. So, with this, THEN, if he traveled 800,000 years into the future, then the radius or diameter of the pocket universe = 800,000 miles only ? But, there might be # of dozen different explanations as to why orbit of the moon decayed in the movie, though, personally, I’m not sure as to why. But, this new radius or diameter of pocket universe matches size of universe based on DP of white guardian in the Doctor Who television series in which I’d give the White Guardian a 360 C1 DP, where I’d want to give size of known universe @ 480 C1 DP which would make the size of known universe @ radius or diameter @ = 10^[(C1/10)] miles which contradicts with the planetoid equation of RULE # 25, but only because of RULE # 136. Look @ RULE # 95, # 136, # 155, # 177, # 190, & # 323. RULE # 136: Laws of relativity of Einstein existing for objects & mutants is relative, but @ 30 C1 DP, his IQ = 300. IQ, also, = TOTAL CHARACTER POINTS in some parts of HERO, especially the 250 Point Project, while TCP = C3 DP in Hero 5th & Dark Champions. Look @ RULE # 8 & # 159. RULE # 137: Godzilla storyline probably does NOT take place in present timeline, within context of the story, but in future time-line, meaning a Godzilla in 1963 Godzilla movie would take place in year 2200 AD, but by that I do NOT mean in real time, but in within the context of the story. So, Godzilla in a 1980 Godzilla movie, the storyline would take place in year 2400 AD, since 24^LOG10(24) = 80.35 C2 DP represents a 1980 film or/and movie; and, Godzilla in a movie ‘Godzilla 2000’ would take place in 2596 AD. So, YEAR AD = [2000 + {(its {C1 DP} – 20)*100}]. Its C2 DP = [(year that the movie was released) – 1900], as long as the movie(s) is/are made (+) or (-) 50 years. Look @ RULE # 20, & # 190. *RULE # 138: [(+/-:2nd position/sign), (+/-:1st position/sign)]. The extra sign is an extra feature NOT in HERO rpg rules, while the 1st sign uses the tri-stat system, {LS, DP, & PL}, of my rpg HYBID. 1st position, which when it is denoted by (+), point increase is computed by [Y*(1+X)], referred to as advantage, which when it is replaced by a limitation, THEN decrease in points is denoted by (-) and computed by [Y/(1+X)], used for manipulating points (a) powers stunt(s), after performed on the 2 main stats: LS for Life Span & PL for Power Level. The 2nd position sign is for the direction that the points are consumed: + for in the positive direction from the least valuable to the most valuable, while the – for the negative direction that the points are consumed from most valuable points to the least valuable points. You can have ++X, -+X, --X, & +-X: the first two {++X & -+X} being advantage(s) & the latter two {--X & +-X} being limitation(s). The extra sign – for consuming the most valuable points first as points are consumed in the negative direction; &, + for consuming the least valuable points first, so a -+1 would be advantage of 1, but consuming the most valuable points first from your new pool of points, while a -–1/2 would be a limitation of ½ but consuming the most valuable points first from your new pool of points, and, the 2nd part being my tri-stat system method, meaning PL or power level can only be increased @ expense of LS or life span which would have to decrease in order to increase PL. So, a character @ 20 C2 DP with COM @ 10 C2 = COM of (10/(pi+1)) = 2.41 COM would allow him to decrease his LS from 20 to 10 by [20-10] = 10 LS, the new LS value from the original 20, so the new value for his LS which would now allow him to increase his PL from 20 to [20+10] = 30 PL, with {reverse math operation that of [-], but using the same # 10 on the 2nd stat PL or Power Level that was used on the 1st stat LS or Life Span} = [+], giving him a +1/2 advantage on his PL which was originally @ 20 C2 by [(20 C2 PL)*(1 + (X = 1/2))] = 20*1.5 = 20*(3/2) = 30 C2 PL, but his life span is now decreased to 10 C2, giving him a limitation of -1 on his life span, where the sign “-“ indicates the direction of DEFAULT points, meaning – for decrease & + or increase in the DEFAULT points: [(20 C2 LS)/(1 +(X = 1))] = 20/2 = 10. Note that [(-/+)+X] advantage is almost the same as in HERO or/and Champions rpg, except for the extra sign (-/+), as the # of points would increase by [Y*(1+X)], where Y = original # of points. Likewise, a [-X] disadvantage is, also, almost the same as in HERO or/and Champions rpg, as the # of points would decrease by [Y/(1+X)], where Y = new # after the [+X]. Another way of looking @ this is that [+X] advantage consume points in the positive direction or # of points increase; while, [(-/+)-X] disadvantage consume points in the negative direction, consuming points, which THEN decrease. But, there is a small subtle difference between the way my rpg HYBRID does this & the way HERO rpg does it, there is a small subtle difference, that’s hard to put into words. First, keep in mind that negative (-) fraction(s)
, used mostly to calculate DP, but can be used on PL & LS,
[ (-) shows you the previous starting position, while (+) shows you the next starting position for & by (+), but it can work in reverse if final position of & by a (+) or previous position of & by a (-) : THIS SOUNDS CONFUSING @ FIRST, but after a few (example) computations it’s fairly easy to understand] {-} have greater magnitude than positive (+) fraction(s) { an example using (+) fraction notation for ADVANTAGE is shown in RULE # 123 } when showing magnitude & what points are consumed for power(s), skill(s), attribute(s), dimension(s), or/and talent(s), where 2nd extra negative (-) consume points from right to left in the negative (-) direction, meaning the most valuable points are consumed first, while positive 2nd extra (+)
consume point(s) from left to right in the positive (+) direction, meaning the least valuable points are consumed first : this is very important to “advantage(s) {(+) fraction(s)} & limitation(s) {(-) fraction(s)} ! Now, on how to destroy interstellar object(s), in another words, use RULE # 116 to figure out size of Death Star @ C2 PL, then use the same C2 except @ DP
to figure out the needed PL from the NEW C2 DP by RULE # 15 to compute the damage scale in [Nd6] to compute or figure out the needed PL to protect a spaceship from the sun’s heat IF it
wanted to fly through the sun. But, in brevity, the MAXIMUM C2 PL is [X^2] for MAXIMUM damage. Look @ RULE # 54. RULE # 139: @ 22.855 C1 PL = 54.994 C2 PL = 1,068.312 C3 PL, where square root of C3 PL = 32.685d6, to get average DEF & BOD @ STR @ C2 PL for a brick character, where X = (STR @ C2 PL), average DEF & BOD = [[X^LOG10(X)]^(1/2)] to compute Nd6 damage = 32.69d6 maximum damage : this equation & the next may sound contradictory but they’re not if consider that units for the ’86 MU TSR rpg is screw up, by that I mean that adamentium is @ C3 PL, while the other substances are @ C2 PL, with DEF & BOD chart in HERO being a fraction multiple of the chart of/from ’86 MU TSR rpg which sounds contradictory since Champions 1st came out in ’81; but, anyway, the equation above gives following equation for an object’s average DEF & BOD of [(damage)/2]^2] for a maximum of a 1 time maximum damage to DEF & BOD of [(damage)/2]^2] = 16.345^2 = 267.18 C3 PL, for both size & material strength, else if looking to seek an average damage or/and access to average DEF & BOD of [[[(damage)/2]^2]/2] = [267.159 / 2] = 133.59 C3 PL, for both SIZE & material strength of damaged object such as a corporate building. RULE # 140: The starting premise is that COM is a function of PL, same as IQ is a function of PL. But, keep in mind that these Godzilla-like monsters could be just giant Pokemons, similar to the Digimons, meaning created by some master genius, sort of like in/for the movie “Jurassic Park”. So, to construct Godzilla-like monsters, you need to consider or take into account 2 factors: size of creature or monster & size of energy blast. But, since Destroyah’s COM is @ maximum of 90 C2 DP, you’d want to add 1 to AMBS of its maximum COM, giving it a NEW C2 DP to previous estimate to a NEW estimate of [((90^(1/2)) + 1)^2] = 109.974 = 110 C2 DP. So, if a creature is @ 1,000 ft. long & has ability to project energy blast(s) @ 1.73 dimensions @ diameter of 1,000 ft. @ 1.73 dimensions for energy blast(s), then it’s C2 DP = [d^2]*(30d6 @ 1 dimension), {this contradicts slightly with the starting premise}, but getting back to equation # 2, where a nuclear detonation or explosion using 1930 technology @ diameter of 1,000 ft. is @ 30d6, giving a C2 DP of [3*30] = 90 C2 DP for a Godzilla-like monster in a 1990 Godzilla movie @ same PL that of Destroyah @ length & wingspan of 246.89 meters, but because of it’s teleportation power(s), you’d want to give it an extra 10 C2 DP for its total making it a 100 C2 DP, but it could just as easily well be @ 123 C2 DP, assuming it should get an extra 33 C2 DP rather than an extra 10 C2 DP, placing it @ same PL that of about that of Space-Godzilla. But, NOTE that Gamera is @ 60s C2 DP. And, baby Godzilla {maybe} @ 30 C2 DP. So, if you use this equation on Pyron of/for Japanese Manga “Night-Stalker(s)”, PYRON would be @ {Y, 250} C2 DP, a lot. And, using the equation on the hunter of ‘Night-Stalkers’, he’d be @ {X, 120} C2 DP. Actually, all the Night-Stalkers are fighting each other in an attempt to be # 1 ruler of humans, though some of them disguise their motive(s) as protecting humans, or earth, or evolution, but
they’re all savages, pretending to be idealistic : they have demonic power(s) but act out on emotion as no human law(s) can stop the ‘Night Stalker(s)’: even the robots that hunt them are tachyon projection(s) of a ‘Night-Stalker’, pretending to protect earth, almost killing countless humans, just to show off it’s tough. Look @ RULE # 13, # 14, # 20, & # 143. RULE # 141: Assuming PL or Power Level is NOT @ default, then {-,+} is used, for which the term “advantage” is a term that of HERO rpg use to show what +1 is in my rpg HYBRID, which is similar to HERO rpg BY COINCIDENCE LIKE THE VALUE OF PI: the sign {-,+} show in which direction PL is either expanded @ [+] by Rule # 3 or contracted @ [-] by Rule # 3; but, @ default it is between {0 and 1}, and then the value represents something else entirely that being (which) points within default range are being used, where 0.1 represents the first 10%, while 0.9 represents the last 10%, while, 0.99 represents the last 1% of his PL being used for (a) power stunt(s) or/and physical or/and mental attribute(s) or/and skill(s) or/and luck, if PL or Power Level is @ default. The minimum # of ADVANTAGE (needed / that you need) to create super character is only +1 (one) which is sort of like adding an extra +1 AMBS to an object’s COM, latter can be used to create a planet, and works well with the force field equation(s). The method used to determine his minimum advantage @ = +[1 / ((his COM @ C2 DP) / 10)]. So, if his COM is @ 10 C2 DP COM, then his minimum advantage should be @ +1/ 1 = +1: this would raise his C2 DP to 10*(1+1) = 20 C2 DP, if either @ originally @ 10 C2 DP or/and his COM @ C2 DP = 10, making him a minimum martial arts expert, but not much. And, if you got Destroyah’s COM is @ 90 C2 DP, then, ADVANTAGE = +1/ 9 : this would raise his C2 DP from 90 C2 DP to 90*(1 + 1/ 9) = 100 C2 DP is close. But, for the character ‘White Lighter’ of “Charmed”, since you’re giving him a minimum of 49.28 C2 DP by changing his human 49.28 C3 DP { = COM of [49.28 / (pi + 1)] = 11.899 COM @ 20 C2 DP by 20^LOG10(20 = 49.28 } to mutant levels(s) @ 49.28 C2 DP, you’d want to give him a starting 1st advantage of +1.464, what this does is increase his 20 C2 DP < 49.28 C3 DP > to : 20*(1+1.464) = 49.281 C2 DP : this will allow him to turn to or convert to energy form after he converts his DP to PL by reducing his LS to [49.281 / 2] = 24.640 C2, giving him a PL of [49.281*2] = 98.562 C2. But, since he, ALSO, has power to heal witches & human(s), you’d want to give his new DP of 49.28 C2 a 2nd advantage of +1, giving him a new total C2 DP of 49.28*(1+1) = 98.562 C2 DP which is different from 98.562 C2 PL, meaning a 98.562 C2 DP would / will allow him minimum dimensional travel, but I emphasize the word “minimum”, by / to [98.562*4] = 394.248 C2 PL, but only @ cost of reducing his LS or life-span to [98.562 / 4] = 24.640 C2 = maximum human levels { when LS is > or = 20 C2 }: his LS @ [2*(C3 PL)] = 172.86 years. Look @ R 138. RULE # 142: For humans @ height in ft., mass = [(height)^3] in lbs. which for mass in kg. = [((height, ft.)^3) / 2.2], but NOTE that this equation is for an ideal & perfectly looking adult male human with no flaws, and average to above average body density with little body fat. But, 1 meter = 3.28 ft., and where 1 kg. = 2.2 lbs. So, this equation gives the following mass chart @ various different height(s): @ height of 1 meter, mass = 282.30 lbs. or 128.32 kg.; @ height of 4 meters, mass = 2,258.40 lbs. or 1,026.55 kg.; @ 9 meters, mass = 25,724.63 lbs. or 11,693.01 kg.; @ 16 meters, mass = 144,537.81 lbs. or 65,699.01 kg. Look @ RULE # 4, where height = [(C3)^(1/2)], for 33% of adult male HUMAN population, but whether C3 = PL or @ default or both, depends on value of LS or life-span, which is originally @ default, but if DP is > than his COM, he can alter his LS to < (less than), = (equal to), or > (greater than) his pre-set ( or average ) default value. RULE # 143: You can create Godzilla the same way that you can create a planet, star, or, galaxy, though for a galaxy, you start with the starting premise that a galaxy @ X {120} C1 DP would have a diameter of 120*10^3 light-years. The secret being that both COM & IQ are a function of PL, same as any power(s). With that, it leads you to rule(s) to creating Pokemon(s) & Digimon(s): the same rule(s) used to create Godzilla-like monsters & Gamera-like monsters for this rpg. But, you need to use RULE # 3, so look @ RULE # 3. So, an alien @ 30 C1 DP could create a Godzilla @ 25 C1 DP = 90 C2 DP. Digimons range from 20 to 29 C1 DP, but it is the psion that gets the points, not his/her Digimon, which is just a tachyon projection. Look @ RULE # 140. RULE # 144: Here AP is NOT Active Points that of HERO rpg, but different. The conversion rule for NOBILIS rpg for Average Psyche which is his Default Psyche or DP is same of MU SAGA, where rating in Nobilis for his AP or DP = [(his CA DP) – 10]. But, note that to convert planet Mars into a giant spaceship in SYNNIBARR rpg, the master genius would need a minimum of 40 C1 DP which @ default = IQ of 400 to 658, similar to one of the episodes of Dr. Who. Conversion rule for MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS rpg to my rpg HYBRID FOR AVERAGE PSYCHE, X = Y, where X = PL or power level in Mutants & Masterminds, while Y = [((his C2 DP) / 10)^2]. So, a guy @ 4 PL in M & M would have a 20 C2 DP in my homebrew rpg system HYBRID; a guy @ 9 PL in M & M would have a 30 C 2DP; and, a guy @ 16 PL in M & M would have a 40 C2 DP in my homebrew rpg system HYBRID. So, like weight being a function of gravity & mass, IQ is a function of PL, magnitude of which depends on LS, which is initially @ default. So, greater that he increases his IQ, the less LS he has. But, if IQ = TCP, then IQ is a function of C1 DP or default psyche. Look @ RULE # 8. RULE # 145: In some instances, C2 PL = [(TL)^2], so, a modern US aircraft carrier @ 40 2 PL is @ 6.32 TL, @ the low end of the TL spectrum, the 1st half of the TL chart, which leads to a or some contradiction to / in RULE # 8, so a 5 TL can be @ 25 C2 PL or power level. But, TL, also, = [((C2 PL)^(1/2)) / 2], which is a contradiction to previous equation. But, only time not a contradiction is a 6 TL A-bomb @ 36 C2 PL. RULE # 146 : Damage in Nd6 = [((his C2 DP)/10)^2]d6, for this & my homebrew rpg system HYBRID, where PL in the rpg Mutants & Masterminds = [((his C2 DP) / 10)^2] & can be substituted into the equation to compute an Nd6 damage that a mutant @ C2 DP can inflict : 1d6 @ 10 C2 DP, 4d6 @ 20 C2 DP, 9d6 @ 30 C2 DP, 16d6 @ 40 C2 DP, 25d6 @ 50 C2 DP, & so on. RULE # 147 : Advantages & Limitations remain(s), similar to HERO/Champions rpg, in {my rpg HYBRID} are the same for the most part, regardless of the object size, mass, dimension(s), or/and gender of the object, making this rule the ultimate for laws of physics, as it considerably reduces the math, when making computation(s) for powers, skills, talents, attributes, gender, etc. And, you can take advantages & limitations more than once, meaning you can take them multiple times, such as is needed to do to create complex & powerful characters, but @ most only a few advantages & limitations are needed for object. RULE # 148 : C2 for ZERG land-trooper of Starcraft rpg is off by [10+X] C2 DP, meaning they should be @ 25 C2 DP rather than @ 15 C2 DP = 24.17 hit points or 24.17 C3 DP = 15 C2 DP < to make it look unique, but as soon as you add 10 points : you immediately figure out that Starcraft rpg is using D&D’s D20 or/and GURPS {THEORY} FOR ITS POINT DISTRIBUTION & TOTAL POINTS & REDUCED TOTAL FOR ZERG QUEEN BY FACTOR OF X=n=2, MEANING GIVING ZERG QUEEN (1/n) = (1/2) ITS ACTUAL TOTAL TO CREATE AN ILLUSION THAT ITS GAMING MECHANICS IS UNIQUE, BUT IT’S MORE A CROSS BETWEEN MY HOMEBREW RPG SYSTEM HYBRID & MAKING SOME INTENTIONAL ERRORS on part of Starcraft for its ZERG rpg for its total points for its ZERGs {my THEORY} < SO AS TO LOOK UNIQUE IN TERMS OF THE MECHANICS OF THE STARCRAFT’S ZERG RPG {my theory} for as I said total is off by 10 C2 DP for ZERG soldiers & ZERG queen seem to be rated @ that of an average ZERG soldier rather than @ 2x which would double its point total for each of the ZERG queen, assuming each can lay maximum of 1 (one) dozen eggs > THIS USED TO COMPUTE TOTAL TO MAKE IT LOOK DIFFERENT FROM D20 & GURPS, both seem to be @ C3 DP = C2^LOG10(C2), meaning land-troopers should be @ 20 C2 DP, while ZERG air-trooper should be @ 30 C2 DP or (1/n) = (1/2) that of a ZERG queen is off by factor of n=2, meaning she should get [nx] or 2x C2 DP of what’s she put @, meaning she should be put @ 60 C2 DP for ZERG queen, rather than @ 30 C2 DP = 152 hit points which is NOT enough for a ZERG queen: using an {ant queen} as both an analogy & a template to figure out margin of error for total points or total hit points @ C3 for ZERG queen. So, an average male ZERG @ 90 hit points in Starcraft rpg, should be @ 35.35 C2 DP or @ 249.75 hit points = 249.75 C3 DP = 35.35 C2 DP by 35^LOG10(35) = 242.18, and 35.35^LOG10(35.35) = 249.75, since its correct C2 DP is @ [25+10] = 35 rather than @ 25, using both flight & cloning equations. But, cloning equation would give you multiple ZERG queens, assuming each ZERG queen can lay a 1 (one) dozen eggs which is almost same as that of a human adult female being able to give birth to a maximum of 1 (one) dozen babies. So, an egg @ 25 hit points or 25 C3 DP should be @ 90 hit points or 90 C3 DP = 25 C2 DP by [(15+10)^LOG10(15+10)], but initially may be @ 24.17 hp or hit points by 15^LOG10(15) = 24.17 C3 DP. In other words, Starcraft defines total hit points as if ZERGs & it TL were human. But, the Zerg don’t use their psyche for technology to simulate technology. So, if you put a Zerg @ 35 C2 DP, you’d have to decrease its LS to [35 - 15] = 20 C2 : this would increase its PL or power level to [35 + 15] = 50 C2, allowing it to fly @ maximum velocity of speed of sound, allowing to fly @ the very border & edge of a planet’s atmosphere, and slightly beyond. It could increase its body armor by decreasing its velocity : their power(s) working similar to the MU character Cannonball, though official MU view is that Cannonball’s armor increases with his velocity, since they’re basing it or this assumption on laws of relativity, but I disagree with both these assumptions, and assume that body armor decreases with velocity, but the contradiction is that body armor increases, because in order to increase velocity of flight, resistance has to decrease, and resistance can only decrease with increase in body armor : this explanation or paradox is like a mobius strip, where true = false : don’t think too much of it, about how the MU character Cannonball’s powers work that being his flight & force field & ability to inflict damage, as it seems to defy common sense, but the best way to solve the paradox is to use the MU Iron_Man as a template for his C3 DP. RULE # 149: Body or size of a vehicle is @ C2 PL, such as for the Shi’Ar battle cruiser, but body or size of an object is @ C3 PL in ( World of ) Synnibarr rpg, with most other stats @ C4 in Synnibarr rpg. I originally put length of aircraft carrier in unit ‘feet’ @ C3 PL which @ length of 1,000 ft. would give the aircraft carrier a 54 C2 PL by 54^LOG10(54) = 1,002.74 which is too powerful @ 54 C2 PL, since 54 C2 PL = 1 million tons TNT which is too much, meaning the unit ‘feet’ should be unit ‘meters’ @ C3 PL, which would reduce the C2 PL to 39 since 39^LOG10(39) = 340 meters or about (1/3) of kilometer for length of aircraft carrier. But, this 2nd NEW unit of ‘meters’ rather than ‘feet’ is more correct since it gives a mass of 115,604.08 tons of TNT which @ 115,604.08 tons is, also, mass of US aircraft carrier @ length @ 340 meters. So, the 54 C2 PL would be more applicable to aircraft carrier @ length of 1 kilometer @mass of 1 million tons. This gives RULE # 221. RULE # 150: Speed or velocity is @ C2 PL, such as for both human & Shi’Ar battle cruiser. Mph is [C3^2], where C3 is @ PL for technology, but @ DP for engineers. RULE # 151: MAGIC is @ CA or C1 PL, so if a character if @ 50 CA PL Magic = 770 C1 PL. But, what’s annoying about the ’86 MU TSR rp is that it, then puts Colossus’s sister @ (1/2) Magic that of Forge, along with her psyche, but Forge SEEM TO
SEEM TO BE @ 2x psyche that of what’s depicted in the ’86 MU TSR rpg roster. So, if Forge is @ X or 120 C1 DP, RATHER THAN @ 60
then he’d have to reduce his LS or life-span from [120/6.42] = 18.70 C1 = 41.46 C2 = 827.47 years, before dieing of old age, allowing him to comfortably live in multiple realities or/and timelines, and appear to have die of normal human age. But, getting back to what I was saying that being reducing his LS, would allow him to increase his PL or power level from X or 120 C1 to [120 * 6.42] = 770 C1 PL = 50 CA PL Magic. In a MU comic < maybe Hulk, Avengers, or Dr. Strange, <
> >, as well as in an X-Men comic, Mephisto had a tough time staying in this main MU timeline, and had to be content @ remaining in his home dimension, not sure if it was intentional or due to his low psyche level for claiming to be a god, but being @ power rating that of a powerful mutant. So, if Dr. Doom, whose psyche rating unpredictable, due to the author writing him up, it’s hard to predict what’s his true powers are @ what power ranking, but he maybe @ the same psyche rating that of Forge, or at least the Narrator IMPLIED this during the ’80 Secret Wars, putting Doom’s PL that of Galactus @ 770 C1 PL. But, the odd thing is that lot of the MU earth’s most powerful mutants are about as powerful as MU gods, if you include Warlock of the Infinity Watch, was born within the solar system of MU earth : makes u want to scream if you think too much about it that being how can a mutant be powerful as a god ? RULE # 152 : Molecular Control is @ C2 PL can effect objects @ C3 PL, meaning if Phoenix II has 1,000 C0 molecular control, then her molecular control power would be @ 1,000 C2 PL, but the DC character Firestorm’s molecular control power @ Z(520) C2 PL, but can effect objects @ Z C3 PL. RULE # 153 : The MU character Klaw is @ about 75 C2 DP, and the so-called Vibranium element @ 3,279.856 C3 PL is able to weaken Klaw, sort of like Kryptonite is able to against the character Clark Kent in the tv series “Smallville”. Since, 75 C2 DP = 3,279.856 C3 DP, and if the vibranium is just a focus < a term from HERO rpg>, then it might explain the material strength of adamantium being @ 1,000 C0 or 1,000 C3 PL, since Wolverine was reduced from 20 C1 DP to 19 C1 DP, though the last I read of the character
, Wolverine seemed to be reduced to 16 C1 DP, which is still the highest ranking a human can have < though he’s not human > in area of martial arts or/and TL of 1928 @ 28.178 C2 PL. The best way to understand the MU character Klaw is look @ the character @ the same C2 DP as the Purple Man, where if Purple Man is @ 75 C2 DP, then Doom is @ 75 C1 DP. And, if Doom is @ 81 C2 DP, then put Klaw @ 81 C2 DP, explains why Klaw & the Invisible Woman are @ same power ranking of 64 to 81 C2 DP. RULE # 154: @ height of 2 meters & heavily built, but lean, his C3 DP or default psyche = 43. So, if healthy young adult African American male was < for those > @ height of 2 meters & heavily built, but lean, be @ 43 C3 DP. But, in Tom Sawyer’s book, Jim is much shorter < I’m assuming > so Jim @ age 24 be @ 24 C3 default psyche, but then Huck [ this analogy can, also, be applied to the coming HULK movie where you’re essentially changing C3 of Dr Banner to C2 of HULK] be @ 15 C2 DP, where NOTICE THAT : 15 C2 DP = 24 C3 DP < very important >, where Huck @ age 15 be @ 15 C2 DP, but there is NOT ALWAYS < this > correlation between age & # of points, but sometimes it happens. DISCLAIMER: This is NOT by design but by nature, < what I’ve observed by skimming through the book: but, my interpretations may be wrong or/and inaccurate of the status relationship between Jim & Huck > so don’t be screaming or cursing @ me, < just my interpretation of the book > as I didn’t create its reality, I’m just an observer or/and a messenger of data that I’ve observed. DISCLAIMER: And, besides, I didn’t write the characters Jim & Huck, but Tom Sawyer wrote them. But, thinking about those 2 characters made me realize a C2 to C3 relationship. DISCLAIMER: C2 DP does NOT continue to increase with age, after reaching a certain point, NOR C3 DP continue increase with age after reaching a certain point. The relationship between C2 & C3 between a white boy & a black man is simply in the context of the stories of Tom Sawyer, and NOT to be taken out of context outside of the stories of Tom Sawyer : SO MANY DISCLAIMERS (1, 2, 3, & 4) ! So, in the stories written by Tom Sawyer, what C2 DP represents is age for a white man, meaning during the mid 19th century it was perceived that a white man reaches maturity @ 2x rate of a black man, historically speaking [DISCLAIMER], while C3 DP represents age for a black man. So, in regards to Tom Sawyer’s novel, absolutely no one
seem to have noticed the relationship of status between Jim & Huck or between Huck & Jim that being THE similar status between Huck & Jim, meaning if Jim is @ age 20, then Huck is @ age 14, where 14 would represent 14 C2 DP for Huckleberry Finn, while age 20.588 for Jim would represent 20.588 C3 DP or his default psyche @ age 20.588, but Jim is @ between 20 & 30 C3 DP. RULE # 155: Velocity for flight = 10^[((C2 PL) – COM)^(1/3)], (km or mi) / hour. The ‘- COM’
is an important part of the equation, based on RULE # 7, #. NOTE that light speed velocity is @ 729 C2 PL with 321 C2 PL of & for spaceship. Look @ RULE # 190 for a new Godzilla equation based on a combination of maximum distance equation & possible point of origin. But, to get the correct C2 PL to use in the equation subtract COM { @ C2 PL for body or size of TL object such as spaceship } from C2 PL to get the NEW C2 PL for velocity < this equation, can, also, be used for Destoryah & Gamera, as well as the ZERGs >. So, for a WW II aerial bombers were @ 20 C2 PL can fly @ 10^2.714 (km or mi) / hour = 518.105 (km or mi) / hour, which WORKS nicely with RULE # 16. So, current modern aerial bombers @ 30 C2 PL can fly @ 10^3.107 (km or mi) / hour = 1,280 (km or mi) / hour. So, an Empyreal Shi’Ar battle cruiser @ 3,000 C2 PL = 73.235 C1 PL flight = 10^[(3,000)^(1/3)] = 10^14.422 (km or mi) / hour. But if the Shi-Ar battle cruiser’s size or body is @ 75 C2 PL, you need to ADD 75 C2 PL to 3,000 C2 PL, giving a NEW C2 PL of 3,075 C2 DPL. But, like an ordinary aircraft running out of fuel in a few or/to several hours, the same rule would apply to the Shi’Ar battle cruiser moving @ such high velocity though space. So, in order to conserve its fuel, it would need to slow down to PER WEEK, meaning 10^[14 - 2.225] = 10^11.775 (km or mi) / WEEK, where LOG10(168 HOURS / WEEK) = 2.225 raised LESS. So, for your spaceship to be able to move @ light speed, you or technology for your spaceship needs to be @ 687.487 C2 PL, which WORKS nicely with RULE # 10, # 23, & # 30. Is this equation really the best ? No. I wish it was. It ONLY lead to more problems than answers. Does it practically unify my entire rpg into ONE single equation ? NO. I wish it did. Look @ RULE # 116, & # 160. RULE # 156: BODY of spaceship @ FTL = [C2 PL – 687.487]. You’d need to add [687.487 / 10 ] to 687.487 to get C0 C2 PL for light speed for a spaceship with a body shape & size of a battle cruiser, giving a NEW C2 PL value of [68.749 + 687.487] = 756.236 C2 PL @ 756.236 C0. DIAMETER = 10^[((C2 PL) / 10)^(1/2)], where C2 = body. Look @ RULE # 10,& # 160. RULE # 157: PREMISE IN ’86 MU TSR RPG of C 1,000 flight = light speed, the original premise ONLY applies to body (size or volume)
@ [1,000 – 687.487] = 312.513 C2 PL which is size of the moon which conflicts with RULE # 10; by RULE # 155, the correct statement of this is that light speed velocity = 687.487 C0 applies to a spaceship size of Millennium Falcon @ L = 10 meters. So, mystery continues as to the true flight equation, putting a spaceship @ body of 10^[1,000 / 687.487] = 10^1.455 = 28.482 meters conflicts with RULE # 10, but does not conflict with RULE # 155. So, mystery continues, and I’m back to square 1 as they say. RULE # 158 : The Ultimate Flight Equation: R # 155 : [10^[((C2 PL) – COM)^(1/3)]] ( km or mi ) / hour, for velocity, where C2 PL = flight C0, where COM = @ C2 PL for body or size of TL object such as a spaceship, and where C0 for flight in HYBRID = CLASS for flight in ’86 MU TSR rpg ; but, to get the correct C2 PL to use in the equation subtract COM from C2 PL to get the NEW C2 PL for velocity < this equation, can, also, be used for Destoryah & Gamera, as well as the ZERGs >; but, I came up with this equation independently but COINCIDENTALLY IS VERY SIMILAR or/and CLOSE TO BEING ALMOST THE SAME AS IN THE ’86 MU tsr rpg, < when I plugged in 10 C2 PL for flight for WWI warplanes @ 10 C0 flight; 20 C2 PL for WWII warplanes @ 20 C0 flight; & 30 C2 PL for MODERN American warplanes @ 30 C0 flight > when I decided to plug in values for flight for Shi’Ar battle cruiser into this. This equation proves that the ’86 MU TSR rpg with the right set of units can be a viable rpg, rather than using the unitless unit “CLASS”, referred to as C0 for being unitless. This is the direction that my homebrew rpg is or was going: to RULE # 155: it’s the best ! But, ALWAYS keep in mind that this equation applies to @ C2 PL, but ONLY @ C2 PL. But, note that fuel will deplete @ in hours, so u need to reduce velocity by 168x. For accuracy of 687.487 C0, look @ RULE # 11, # 16, #116, # 160, # 179, & # 189. RULE # 159 : The UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE of/for HBYRID rpg = [1,000 – 687.487] = 312.513 C2 PL for FTL for spaceship @ length of 1 kilometer or 1,000 meters, which for FTL can be either @ body of a moon @ diameter of 389.3 km. or miles, use 312.513 C2 DP rather than PL, by diameter in # of meters = 10^[(312.513 / 10)^(1/2)] = diameter 10^5.59 meters for body @ 312 C2 PL, to something smaller @ length or diameter of 10^3.125 meters or feet = 1,333.919 ft. or meters in the length of a spaceship, where 1,000 is @ C0 C2 PL. Use the sun as a template to get the above equation @ 800 C2 DP for the sun. Look @ RULE # 11, # 16, # 135, # 155, & # 189. RULE # 160: C2 DP of an interstellar object @ [10*(Y^2)], where Y = LOG10(X), where X = length or diameter of object in meters. So, the sun @ diameter of 10^9 meters would have a DP of 10*81 = 810 C2 DP; and, the moon @ diameter of 10^6 meters would be @ 360 C2 DP. Note that moons range from 30 to 39 C1 DP. So, the above value should be slightly less @ 40 C1 DP rather than @ 40 C1` DP, since the moon has 0 atmosphere; so, the correct value for the moon should be 39 C1 DP. Look @ R # 165. RULE # 161 : TOTAL LIFE POINTS in Synnibarr rpg = mostly @ C4 unit of magnitude in HYBRID rpg, but few parts of Synnibarr rpg is @ C3, which can be @ for LS, PL, or @ DP, but the character on p. 115 is @ C4 PL, or total life-points, & for the power stunts on p. 262 is @ C4 PL, or life point damage. This rpg simply changes C3 to C4 by C3^LOG10(C3) = C4, where C3 is hit points in D&D or total points in Yu-Gi-Oh. RULE # 162: LENGTH of TL object = C3 PL @ FT. or meter, meaning @ 49 C3 PL, it’s length = 49 FT. or meter. And, so on. So, an aircraft carrier @ 75 C2 PL = length of 999.7 meters by [3,279.856 / 3.281] = 999.7 meters. So, to have a planet-size space-ship @ length of 1,117.075 miles long would need 400 C2 PL by [ 400^LOG10(400) ] / 5,280 = 5,898,155.2 / 5,280 = 1,117.075 miles long. But, if you put Mars @ 444 C2 PL, then it would have a diameter of 1,931.98 miles, but due to the spherical shape occupying more space than cylinder @ length, it would need more C2 PL. So, you’d need a mutant like Graviton or DC Firestorm @ 30 C1 DP to make the initial changes to planet, but you’d need a mutant like Magneto @ 40 C1 DP to turn it into a giant spaceship, but it would be a serious drain on Magneto’s power(s) : NOT healthy to do it. So, length of TL object near, on, or in a planet = C3 PL @ FT.; but, for an / the AVERAGE spaceship, it’s length in meters @ C2 PL. So, @ Y (250) C2 PL, its length is @ Y (250) meters, giving it minimum of Y (250) meters = [250 * 3.281] = length of 820.21 FT. @ Y (250) C2 PL. But, this 2nd rule applies to LESS THAN light speed. For FTL, change unit METER TO FT. Look @ RULE # 166, & # 169. RULE # 163 : This is not really a rule, but about how history of this rpg based on definition of IQ which @ the very early initial stages of this homebrew rpg HYBRID which I started in 1990, more than a decade ago, when this rpg had NO name & wasn’t called Hybrid, name given in 1996, when there were only 1 paragraph of rules, but since before year 2000, my homebrew rpg HYBRID has been growing @ rate of one line per month, but after 2000, it has growing @ a rate of 1 accurate rule & 1 inaccurate rule every 2 weeks or @ rate of one rule per week, including the IQ equation based on his average psyche, but this IQ equation was faulty from the beginning, at least faulty in the sense that its definition was different than common definition of IQ, with my working definition a decade ago being that for someone that isn’t smart, it would take him the same # of years to understand a concept proportional to the object’s life span, so greater the life span of the object, the longer it would take to understand the object, reason for starting the IQ definition @ C3, but I seem to be @ C4, which is what Synnibarr rpg uses @ C4, and has been improving in accuracy every since, but this is following chart on the evolution & progression of my equation for IQ : starting 1990, the initial starting equation : 1st) IQ = 10*C3 : this is an INCORRECT equation; starting 1995, CHANGED 1st version TO 2nd) IQ = 10*C2, which relied heavily on COM or [difference between COM & psyche] : wrong, not as accurate as the 3rd or next equation, but much more accurate than the 1st ; & finally, the current version, starting 2000, CHANGED TO : 3rd) IQ = 10*C1, which is most accurate & correct IQ equation. My rpg gives material strength for iron @ [C3] C0 = @ 368.635 C3 C0; concrete = 152 C0; cement = 49 C0; & leather @ 10 C0. To get life points for these substances in Synnibarr, take C4 PL for each of’em. RULE # 164: Grade is subjective. But, this grade equation = [(his C2)/10], where C2 = DP or PL, for someone that is totally innovative; otherwise, grade is @ [(his C3 PL) / (X)], where X = # of average credits per semester or per year. So, @ 48 C3 PL, a person can take 12 credits & get a GPA of 4 @ 12 credits per semester by [GPA*X] = his C3 PL. So, Teleios @ 50 C2 DP & 50 C2 PL would get gpa of 5.0 in biology, bio-chemistry, & chemistry, but @ [50 / 2] = 25 C2 LS or life-span, & [50*2] = 100 C2 PL or power level, he’d get a GPA of [100/10] = 10.0 but his LS would be reduced to human levels, making him mortal, but @ LS of 180 years before dieing of old age. But, use 2nd equation to calculate # of credits he can take. RULE # 165: Because of Binary Logic vs. Fuzzy Logic, damage estimate by the next equation is unpredictable. But, it may
accurately predict damage. But, what’s the size of 45 C2 DP meteorite ? It’s diameter = 10^(((its C2 DP) / 1.59) / 100), in # of mi. or km.: 10^.126 = diameter of 1.919 mi. or km. @ 45 C2 DP. The next equation for damage estimate when LS is reduced to 0, because it has NO difference points, it can’t work as a matter-antimatter equation, but simply turning its DP to PL, rather than having his PL double which is what it would take place as an anti-matter equation, rather than as meteorite. An object @ 45 C2 DP for a very large meteorite could do damage @ 45 C2 PL nuclear explosion @ 1945 US nuclear weapon & technology. But, it would NOT do a 90 C2 PL antimatter damage. But, note that large asteroids {that can wreck a planet} range from 20 to 29 C1 DP. Look @ RULE # 3, & # 25. RULE # 166 : For to create the robots Decepticons & Autobots of the ‘80s cartoon series The Transformers, 1st just treat them as if they were mutants, but using these 6 characteristics : height, amount of damage they can inflict, their flight velocity, IQ, growth power, or/and gender { male gender gets LESS points than female gender }. 2nd, if the Decepticon or Autobot is a leader, use multiplier X = 2 which would double their C2 DP, since they are alien robots, not of earth. For using their height as length, use RULE # 162, where after using RULE # 162, convert their C2 PL to C2 DP: THIS RULE WORKS REVERSE OF RULE # 165. So, a Decepticon @ size & shape of an aircraft carrier @ length of 1 kilometer @ 75 C2 PL would be converted to 75 C2 DP. But, if it has growth power, meaning increase its size from a submarine to an aircraft carrier, then use multiplier X = 2, which would increase his or its C2 DP from 75 C2 DP to [75*2] = 150 C2 DP. Since, he or it is NOT a leader, you would NOT double this value of/from 75 C2 DP to [X*75] = 150 C2 DP, < not applicable>, but leave his C2 DP @ 75, assuming he or it has NO growth power, where X = 2, where X = for damage estimate of [1 – 1/X], where @ X = 2, damage estimate is 50%, but this % is NOT accurate. Use X = 12 for the Quintessence, but their base value is @ (1 / 2) that of a battleship. Then, if cybernetic planet CYBERTRON is size of earth’s moon, then it would be @ 40 C1 DP @ 368.635 C2 DP, while a Quintessence is @ 30 C1 DP @ 152 C2 DP. This reminds me of the relationship between Galactus & his Ta II battleship, where if Galactus is @ 40 CA DP < since MU SAGA put his average psyche @ 30 > then Ta II would be @ 40 C1 DP = 368.635 C2 DP, putting Ta II @ same power rating that of Cybertron. This would then put Optimus Prime @ 20 C1 DP or @ 49.281 C2 DP. So, in effect, it’s basically human to mutant equation use, but to create super robots. So, then, Ultron would be @ 49.28 C2 DP, about power rating of Optimus. But, note that psyche for most mutants is @ C1 DP, while psyche for magical users & entities is @ CA DP, but humans males in sci-fi @ C2 DP, with normal male humans @ C3 DP. So, Buck Rogers would be @ 49.28 C2 DP in a sci-fi campaign, but as a normal, he would be @ 49.28 C3 DP. But, since he has access to a stargate, you’d increase his DP to 49.28 C1 DP, and you’d put his boss < the guy in the grey suit > @ 49.28 C2 DP. But, in the ‘80s episodes of Wonder Woman, this same guy < in the grey suit > would get 2x his C2 DP as an elite from 49.28 C@ DP to [2*49.28] = 98.562 C2 DP, but WW would get multiplier X = 3 < and extra +1 multiplier from 2 to (2+1) = 3 because of her female gender, but ADVANTAGE is 1 LESS THAN multiplier; so, @ multiplier 2, advantage = +1; but, @ multiplier 3, advantage = +2 >[but she never uses her power greater than 20 C1 DP, though she’s @ 30 C1 DP > but in that she focuses all of her extra C2 DP for manipulating dimension to get inside the alien craft after whistling < as some kind of password >, where inside the alien craft, the dimensions are different than outside, sort of like in Dr. Who’s TARDIS. And, it’s possible < theory > that she or WW shares her C2 DP with the other ladies of her island or as its called Paradise Island, where the focus < term from HERO rpg : term, focus > is the other ladies, whom she WW shares her extra C2 DP < theory >, or the island could be a location for female mutant convention, like some kind of Greek sorority, sort of like the Hellions of DC Apocalypse, NOT to be confused with the Hellions of the MU Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Look @ RULE # 135. RULE # 167: Maximum C2 DP for an adult male genius scientist or/and engineer = [((year after 1900 AD) – 1900) / 2]; but, C2 PL = [(year after 1900 AD) – 1900]. So, using this, one can figure out exactly, IQ of Einstein by putting him @ 36 C@ DP or @ 6 AMBS, where by reducing his LS to [36 – 18] = 18 C2, would allow him to increase his PL to [36 + 18 ] = 54 C2 to create a 1954 nuclear bomb @ [(54 C2 PL @ C3 PL)^(1/2)]d6 surface damage @ 31.66D6 with diameter of nuclear blast @ [10^(N/10)] meters @ on 2 dimensional scale @ Z = 2 = Z. This equation also works for mutants with energy blasting power(s) @ Nd6, where N = [((C2 DP)/10)^2)] = PL in rpg Mutants & Masterminds. So, then the North Koreans & Pakistanis would need a scientist or/and engineer @ 25 C2 DP to create a nuclear bomb, with his personal attributes @ [25 + {5 or 10 or 15}] C2 PL = {12.33 or 15.56 or 19.2)D6 @ 1912 to 1919 US technology @ C2 based on his C3, due to their low COM. So, the nuclear bombs used & created during WWII would put Einstein @ 17 C1 DP = 32.659 C2 DP, putting his IQ between 170 & 229, and if written in for the 250 Point Project of/for HERO system, his total points is equivalent to his IQ between 170 & 229, allowing him to create nuclear bomb(s) @ (26.8)D6 which has a radius or diameter in # of meters = 10^((nd6)/10). The North Koreans or/and the Pakistanis can work @ COM @ [90/10] = 9 C3 PL & LS, allowing them an increased PL of [90*10] = 900 C3 PL = (30)d6. RULE # 168 : Based on RULE # 167, a new rule can be derived for the MU character the Mad Thinker, whose C2 DP, numerically, = to C1 DP that of Mr. Fantastic of F.F known as Reed Richards < leader of F.F. > in his civilian identity. So, if you put RR @ 49.28 C1 DP @ power rating of Xavier, then put the Mad Thinker @ 49.28 C2 DP, numerically both have 49.28, but magnitude-wise, they’re quite different, due to the unit C2 for the Mad Thinker & the unit C1 for RR. But, RR of 20th century MU comics was @ 98.562 C1 DP. So, you’d put the Mad Thinker @ 98.562 C2 DP. NOTE that 98.562 C1 DP = 9,437 C2 DP. RULE # 169 : You combine RULE # 162 with RULE # 88 < human genetics >, to RULE # 116, # 130, # 132, # 135, & # 158 to get this RULE # 169, which is genetics equation for robots or/and sentient robotic planet(s). So, if you had a Death-Star @ 368.635 C2 PL, to make sentient, you’d change its PL (power level) to DP (default psyche), giving it a 368.635 C2 DP. NOTE that 25 C1 DP is for mutants like the U-Foes, who should get (1/2) C1 DP that of HULK: ratio of {((20:40) or (25:50)), @ C1 DP}. But, NOTE that HULK uses 1st (1/2) his C1 DP, with the last 2nd (1/2) his C1 DP used to create & maintain his alliance with Dr. Strange, but lot of this is subject to interpretation. And, NOTE that the velocity equation < RULE # 158 > for objects is @ exponent (1/3), while the exponent (1/2) is for energy like radio waves & neutron bomb, where @ 77.895 C2 PL is for light speed velocity, assuming the energy isn’t dissipated or/and absorbed, & @ level of resistance or/and interference. For mutants & Godzilla-like monsters, it’s starting @ 77.895 C2 DP, but @ increasing C2 DP greater than 77.895 C2 DP, that you start to notice how powers of mutants & Godzilla-like monsters work & function. But, size of 40 C1 DP Cybertron would be @ 40 C1 PL that of a Death-Star of Star Wars. In other words, you’re adding 10 C1 DP to its previous value. But, for time travel, add 10 CA DP to its previous CA DP, where # of years = 10^[(CA DP) / (Y*X)], where its Y = 3, where its Y = LOG10(Q), where Q = its length or diameter in meters, & it was this equation { # of years = 10^[(CA DP) / (Y*X)] } that was used in the Bolar Wars in the last segment(s) of the Yamato Series, where X = 10 for 90% accuracy by % = [[1 – (1 / X)]*100], but it might be able to be done @ X = 5 @ 80 % accuracy. To increase race status, add 10 C2 DP to his previous C2 DP value. So, to give a normal 20 C1 PL battleship, flight power(s), change its PL to DP, giving it or its Captain @ 20 C1 DP. To give it power to travel through space @ light speed, add 10 C1 DP to its previous value, but adding 10 C1 DP to a base of 10 C1 DP would not give it light speed velocity, but it would allow a mutant @ [10 + 10] = 20 C1 DP to change to energy form, such as certain member of the Power Pack or White Lighter of/in “Charmed”, but the ship would be a focus by its Captain, with its new C1 DP @ 30, which still belongs to the Captain, with the 30 C1 DP given to the space battleship as a focus only, with Captain status @ 30 C2 DP, with his normal human stats @ 30 C3 DP. So, the Captain that got blown away by the Comet Empire, put him @ 44 C1 DP based on the Soul Equation, where each junior captain would be @ 40 C1 DP of his own space battle-ship. But, the Captain would really be @ 30 C1 DP. As for the Comet Empire itself, you’d give its leader a 21 CA DP = 56 C1 DP. You can use this for the “Yamato” series, but the Yamato would be @ 49.28 C1 DP, but only as a focus, with its 1st Captain @ 49.28 C2 DP, the Captain’s human stats @ 49.28 C3 DP. But, the 1st Captain would really be @ 49.28 C1 DP. But, for the 2nd Captain, add 10 C1 DP to previous 1st Captain’s 49.28 C1 DP, putting him @ 59.28 C1 default psyche. If you’re still confused as to what all this notation means, then use Borg Queen @ 60 or 62 C1 DP, Jameway @ 90 or 93 C1 DP, & Halo-doc @ 30 or 31 C1 DP. Look @ RULE # 135. RULE # 170 : To use astral form to travel back in time or into the future, use the following equation which works like a mind link (with technology) : # of years = 10^[(-LOG10(%accuracy) + {{(C1 DP) – 30}/10})^2], when C1 DP is greater than or equal to 20 C1 DP. So, @ 20 C1 DP < current maximum human genius >, # = 1 day; @ 30 C1 DP, # = 1 year; @ 40 C1 DP, # = 10 years; @ 50 C1 DP, # = 10,000 years; @ 60 C1 DP, # of = 1 billion years; and so on. So, for the recent movie The Time Machine, you’d change his C3 DP to C1 DP from 49.28 C3 DP to 49.28 C1 DP after multiplying C3 DP of his appearance by 2, giving 2x24.64 = 49.28 C3 DP, but don’t forget to add 10 points, before converting his C3 DP to C1 DP for time travel for you want the character to be able to travel an extra distance in time of [10^{-LOG10(accuracy) + {COM}^(1/{LOG10(% accuracy = 1,000%)})}]x for every increment of {COM} C1 DP for character for extra travel through time: 2 units up : from 21 C2 DP to 21 CA DP,< [(CA DP) - 10] = 11 in MU SAGA >, 2 units up, where 21 C2 DP = 56 C3 DP. But, to transport body, rather than astral projection, through time, is: # of years to an alternate timeline = [10^(-LOG10(accuracy) + ((C1 DP)/30))], where 30 CA DP = 152 C1 DP. So, as you can see astral projection is lot cheaper to use for time travel than a body. Dr. Strange @ average psyche of 20 in MU SAGA would get 30 CA DP in my homebrew rpg system HYBRID: SAGA 20 = 152 C1 DP. So, the guy & the protagonist in the tv series THE DEAD ZONE would be @ 33 C1 Default Psyche. RULE # 171: The 2nd time travel equation in RULE # 170 can be used for the final episodes of the Yamato series. RULE # 170 puts 49% known universe @ 700 C1 DP @ 49%, % of time travel @ PL is proportional to DP of universe = [((C1 DP)/100)^2], where 500 C1 DP = 25 % of known universe, and vice versa, where 25 % of known universe would be @ 500 C1 DP. And, seems to be consistent with the Voyager series. RULE # 170 leads to the 2 following time travel equations: 1st) time travel by astral projection, # of years = [10^(LN(C1 PL))] ; and, 2nd) time travel by transporting physical body, # of years = [10^((LOG10(C1 DP))^2)], which may or may not conflict with RULE # 170, depending on one’s interpretation of the last few episodes of the Yamato series, regarding time travel, where it was boosted to 49 C1 DP, from 36 C1 DP. RULE # 172: # of dimensions = 10^[-M + ((CA DP) / 10)], where M = LOG10(X), where X = % humanoid femaleness of what you appear to be @ but not actually @. Use M = 1 to appear innocent or 2 if evil is like in movie Hypercube Part II or Hellraiser. So, a wizard @ 20 CA DP or 49.28 C1 DP would be able to travel to 10 dimensions. So, to be able to travel to a thousand dimensions, a lady wizard would have to be @ 50 CA DP. But, Dr. Strange is @ most 26 CA DP by year 2000 in MU comics. But, pg. 100 of the
CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE is uncertain as to Istvatha V’han’s # of dimensions she has access to in HERO. RULE # 173: The diameter or length of a 2-dimensional object that can travel through time = 10^[-(LOG10(% accuracy) + {(C1 DP)/30}], in # of meters proportional to # of years. This leads to the following equation : maximum size of body that can travel through time is 1 dimension LESS, meaning if you wanted to teleport a galaxy back in time to the start of the Big Bang, you need an extra 1 dimension to your power rating, by that I mean, since a galaxy is @ 100 C1 DP, you need to be @ 10,000 C1 DP by squaring the object’s C0 = C1, giving a required DP of @ 100 CA which is based on another rule that you raise the 1(one) level of the unit by 1 such as from C1 to CA for the galaxy being transported through time. Do NOT confuse the phrase “an extra 1 dimension” with RULE # 172, which is totally different from this RULE # 173. So, to paraphrase this: the required C1 PL to teleport an object X through warp space or/& time = [10^{{LOG10(# of years)}^(1/3) + LOG10(C1 DP of X)}], as its NEW C1 DP needed to teleport object X through time. RULE # 174: Some of the plans & key ingredients to the teleportation device stolen by COBRA from headquarters of GIJOE @ # of men that device can teleport was @ # in unit meter or km depending on other related special effects = 10^[(C2 DP) / 100], similar equation for Night-crawler, to anywhere else on surface of the planet. Another way of coming up with a C2 DP for teleportation is to change C3 DP of the men being teleported to C2 DP. But, before you can use C3 DP, you need to make sure of its accuracy by the Soul Equation by RULE # 34. And, once you’ve got the C2 DP correct for the # of men, change C2 DP to C3 DP, and then change C3 to C2, by that I mean if # of men are @ 40 C2 DP, then convert 40 C2 DP to C3 DP = 368.35, then change 368.35 C3 DP to 368.35 C2 DP. If each of the men is @ 20 C2 DP & total value of the men is @ 40 C2 DP, then the # of men about to be teleported @ 368.35 C2 DP is 10^[-1 + ((40 – 20)^(1/2))] = 10^3.472 = 2,965.76 which gets rounded off to 2,965 men, but if you start including equipment then # decreases. What you’re really doing is changing C2 DP to C1 DP, or C3 DP to C2 DP. For the above example, if you want(ed) to make your characters intangible, sort of like ghosts, change the required DP to PL, after increasing unit by 1, by that I mean < either GM or the player playing a character with this power > the needed PL is @ 368.35 C2 : another words, change the required 368.35 C2 DP to 368.35 C2 PL = 30 C1 DP by decreasing LS & increasing PL by RULE # 3 : this power stunt @ 30 C1 DP was used by the DC supervillain Gentleman Gin in the ‘80s cartoon series Superfriends, or was it JLA, not sure, but I recall the episode, where GG tried to take over the UN, but was stopped by JLA, but Wonder Woman was turned into a ghost in the crossfire : this 2nd power works similar to that of MU Shadowcat. The -1 modifier in the RULE # 34 is a bit tricky & a bit complicated to use anywhere. You may directly use the 1st equation of RULE # 174 & change unit to PL, rather than the 2nd equation of RULE # 174 which involves using the Soul Equation, but increasing unit by 1, but changing its status from DP to PL. RULE # 175: The Q-like entity in the *original* Star Trek *series* (*before* NG) was @ 60 C1 DP, same as the captain of Enterprise, or same as the 2nd Captain of Yamato. How ? A planet is @ 483.839 C2 DP. To move it to light speed velocity would require a 967.677 C2 DP [this NOT based on Rule # 388] (R # 175) in which is power of a star, such as our sun. To such a planet @ FTL would require a 1451.516 C2 DP = 60 C1 DP [which does NOT use 0 END]: a similar episode took place in or/and during the final episodes of the Yamato series, where an alien aircraft size of a city < NOT REFERRING to the Comet Empire > was able to move a planet, Aquarius, consisting of mostly water @ FTL @ 100x. Look @ RULE # 135. RULE # 176: To create the MU character the DOT, you set his # to same that as that of Spiderman @ PL which comes out to 105 C2. You assign this # 105 to the DOT, but you, then, increase status of 105 from C2 to C1, then change status of PL to DP. In other words, the # of black holes you can create is = [10^(((his C1 DP) – 30) / 10)]. So, @ 105 C1 DP, DOT’d be able to create a maximum total of (pi*10) million black holes per year, but frequency = (1 black hole /second), which is quite a lot of power. RULE # 177: My personal favorite equations are # 130 to # 139, and of these my favorite is # 132, for reason that it comes closes to helping me figuring out of accuracy of RULE # 175 & # 135. This RULE # 132 confirms the accuracy of RULE # 175, by changing DP to PL, MEANING by changing DP in RULE # 175 to PL in RULE # 132, accuracy is reinforced. The key is changing it or DP to PL, in order to make RULE # 132 work for you to confirm the accuracy of RULE # 135 & RULE # 175. Look @ RULE # 132, & # 135. RULE # 178: Velocity in mph = [10^{(LN(C2 PL))*LOG10(C1 PL)}] : this confirms (the) accuracy of RULE # 175 & # 135. At 49.28 C2 PL = 20 C1 PL, maximum velocity = 10^5 mph for an object @ 49.28 C2 PL or 20 C1 PL. And, @ 10 C2 PL = 10 C1 PL, maximum velocity = 10^2.3 = 200 miles per hour. RULE # 179: If you combine RULE # 158 with RULE # 16, you can remove the COM from velocity equation in RULE # 158, allowing you slightly faster or slightly greater velocity. RULE # 180: This NEW nuclear bomb equation works @ C2 DP, temperature = [10^((C2 PL)^(1/N))], where N = LOG10(Y), Y = radius of blast in # of meters. So, smaller the radius, greater the temperature. Use N = 2 for radius of 100 meters, and N = 3 for radius of 1,000 meters. And, note that C2 is @ PL. If this equation as rapid fire @ multiple shots, change PL to DP, such as for mutants, you’d use [10^((C2 DP)^(1/N))], but for a TL, due to it being used less often than mutant power, use [10^((C2 PL)^(1/N))], such as during WWII. Look @ RULE # 13. RULE # 181: The MU Sentinels come in various types < the following notation is NOT part of any official MU rpg {MOSTLY IMPLIED} > @ combinations of the following by most Sentinels: {C2 PL < then, Sentinel has NO free will & likely to be @ unit ft. for height, but can be @ unit meters for height, but if it’s @ unit meters, then it might lose its power of flight & would have to rely on its STR to neutralize mutant(s), but if it was @ unit ft., then it could rely on hi-tech internal devices to neutralize mutant(s), though some of the more advanced Sentinels would be @ C2 DP> or C2 DP < then, Sentinel has free will & likely to be @ unit ft, but it’s @ unit meter for height, its limitations for power(s), skill(s), talent(s), & attribute(s) is same as its more primitive models @ C2 PL, EXCEPT THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BEING FREE WILL @ C2 DP, but both versions < {C2 PL} or {C2 DP} > can be @ unit ft. or @ meters for its height : all that changing the status from PL to DP does is give it free will, and the implication that some of the Sentinels @ C2 DP might be mutants disguised as Sentinel(s), implying a war between mutants, war between using mutant power(s) to mimic technology vs. using mutant power(s) to mimic mutant power(s) > , including Master Mold, whose height is @ unit meters rather than @ unit ft.; but, Nimrod is @ [(((C1 DP)/10)^2] @ unit ft. But, Nimrod was something entirely different; meaning, he or it looked like a Sentinel, but had mutant powers. Assuming, Silver Surfer < whose maximum C1 DP is 2x that of Galactus’ CA DP, and minimum C1 DP of the Heralds would be @ 1x that Galactus’ CA DP, meaning if you put Galactus @ 35 CA DP, then SS is @ maximum or @ most of or @ 70 C1 DP, which is that of a black hole that of center of a galaxy, but (far as I know) before the Heralds became Heralds, they, individually, (for each of them) were 2 units less than that of Galactus, who increased their unit by 1 from 35 C2 DP to 35 C1 DP, in return for their servitude, and after becoming a Herald, after their cosmic transformation by Galactus, each was, now, @ minimum of @ 35 C1 DP, where power(s) among the Heralds would be shared by method of raster interrupt < maybe > < but, they @ total or sum of or @ 105 C1 DP for all the Heralds of Galactus > < THEORY > and IF SS > has shape-shifting power(s), enough to shape-shift into an entity that looks & acts like Nimrod, < AND, SS kills about as often as ROM, but both are heroes, seem to violate the 4-color comic code of 1959 which states that comic books can NOT glamorize murder, crimes, & acts of indecency >, SS could have disguised himself as a Sentinel < THEORY>, or how else could you explain Nimrod being to time travel : that’s the only logical explanation, considering both had metal, silver or while coating, and SS could have lost his memory, like Bishop, maybe, a side-effect of time travel(ing). Another THEORY is that Norinn Radd & Xavier are from different timelines but one & the same, < sort of like (in) the current movie Nemesis (Star Trek), regarding Picard & his alternate self (king of vampires) in parallel universe >, assuming you want the Dark Phoenix to wreck havoc on the Shi’Ar Empire, then Xavier’s 75 < rather than 50 > Psyche in the ’86 MU TSR rpg roster would be 75 C1 DP which would imply that Xavier’s Dark Phoenix would be @ 50 < rather than 40 > C1 DP, @ same power rating as MU Firelord. Most of this, regarding Nimrod, Xavier, Phoenix, & SS, is what-ifs < NOT the official What Ifs > & theories. But, when PL is applied, then it’s assumed that the Sentinel works & is created like a combination of (tachyon) field(s) & science. But, a mutant can disguised himself as a robot or a Sentinel which may sound contradictory but it’s not contradictory, meaning the conflict is really about binary logic vs. fuzzy logic, meaning it’s mutant gang(s) fight(s). Height in ft. = [C2 DP], for the most advanced current models. So, @ height of 20 ft., it’s @ 20 C2 DP; &, the Tri-Sentinel @ 60 ft. or meters would be @ 60 C2 default psyche. But, getting back to Nimrod, he seemed to be @ 30 C1 DP when he or it attacked the Juggernaut @ 25 C1 DP = 90 C2 DP = 9.49 ABMS , but Bishop being @ 35 C1 DP. The Juggernaut [who fluctuates between 20 & 30 C1 DP] is able to fend off attacks from Cyclops @ 20 C1 DP. Bishop has to be @ 32 C1 DP or (1/2) C1 DP that of Forge. Xavier says he gets his technology from the Shi’Ar Empire which would imply he’s @ 49 C1 DP & Dark Phoenix @ 36 C1 DP & Phoenix @ 25 C1 DP. But, Forge had to fend off attacks from Apocalypse which would put Forge @ 64 C1 DP, and Apocalypse @ 81 C1 DP. And, assuming that Xavier is pre-occupied by thoughts of creating & maintaining his Danger Room & links with the Shi’Ar Empire, Xavier’s psyche to fend off attacks from Apocalypse would be @ 36 C1 DP, about same that of Magneto, giving (false) impression that Apocalypse is greatly more powerful that Xavier. But, then, there’s the episode of THE Stranger capturing Mystique, who’s @ 30 C1 DP, which would put the Stranger @ 30 CA DP = 152 C1 DP@ power rating that of Dr Strange of MU. But, Magneto uses his powers @ 21 C1 DP, +5 C1 DP to create asteroid base, +10 C1 DP to create the powerful mutant that his side-kick female science assistant who end of getting credit for creating it, putting Magneto @ 36 C1 DP in MU comics, but is @ 20 C1 DP in X-Men movie, but tried to portray himself @ 25 C1 DP, which he could have been @ if he used 5 of his points as Negative Energy to convince Rogue to help him to mutate the UN members into low level mutants. The Sentinel story ends with the Sentinels killing themselves by flying into the sun which would imply that the maximum C2 DP of Sentinels would be @ 50 C2 DP, taking them 1 (?) decade to fly into the sun, about average power rating that of a mutant @ 7 ABMS or a human genius @ IQ of 200, assuming you put Einstein @ 36 C2 DP = IQ of 177, and why those Sentinels thought of any human(s) @ IQ above 177 as border-line mutants, with male humans defined as or @ IQ of 177 or less, since they were programmed to protect humans, and why those Sentinels < @ the end of the Sentinel story > killed themselves, since there was a conflict in their programming which they @ first dealt with the conflict in their programming by attempted to kill humans to prevent the possibility of mutants being born, and almost ended up killing all life on MU earth, since mutation < as in mutant power(s) was not limited to human(s) >, such as the mutant by the name of SWARM @ 6 ABMS: a humanoid entity consisting entirely of bees or wasps. Next, IF there’s any credence < about as likely as cold fusion > to the likelihood to Einstein’s Philadelphia Experiment, then you’d have to give him an extra 1 ABMS, putting him @ 49 C2 DP is @ 7 ABMS @ 19.96 C1 DP, putting is IQ @ 199.6, but his IQ was probably @ 177, and the rumors about the Top Secret experiment known the Philadelphia Experiment was probably just rumors or never really worked, as those drunken sailors could have hallucinated the whole thing, and wrote about the experience as real, when it was probably just a hallucination from drinking too much alcohol, side-effect is that it gives a huge headache, which was probably embellished upon & exaggerated, with the headaches not from being zapped by an electromagnetic field such as lightening, but rather just too much alcohol, true source of their headaches, referring to the movie. RULE # 182: Where it says on pg. 257 of GURPS Basic Set, “The starting character points depend on your campaign. 100 points is the usual starting amount for a heroic character. A “normal” would be about 25.” COINCIDENTLAY, this & those 100 points, in my homebrew rpg system HYBRID, would be @ 100 C3 DP or default psyche @ 100 C3 for a “heroic character”, and, COINCIDENTALY, 25 C3 DP for a “normal” @ default psyche @ 25 C3. Another similarity between GURPS & HYBRID is the wealth advantage on pg. 16 of GURPS Basic Set, where # of points of wealth advantage = [C2 PL], which is used @ the low end of the power spectrum, but to compute wealth @ high end of the power spectrum, the wealth advantage of [C2 PL] is converted to [C2 DP], which is assigned to X, before taking the square root of X after adding the modifier M for greed, in my homebrew rpg system HYBRID. Luck on pg. 21 of GURPS Basic Set could be considered part of [C2 PL]; so, you can use a combination of luck or wealth advantage to compute annual income, $, meaning to have an annual income of $ 1 million @ M = 0 = 1 % corruption, where M = 0 is most any human can be @ legally & morally & spiritually, he need to have the following [C2 PL]: sum of luck & wealth advantage if each used differently. The only difference between the height equation in RULE # 4 & equation used in RULE # 11 to compute annual salary is that the height equation uses C3, while equation to compute wealth (annual salary) uses C2. Look @ R # 4 & 11. RULE # 183: The great thing about my homebrew rpg system HYBRID is its amazing similarities so many different rpgs, many of these features in my rpg HYBRID is/are just part of the math with no terminology for it or/and the process, but, like I just said, features available for HBYRID is amazing similar to 2 dozen different rpgs, like “minimum cost” in HERO 5th on pg. 68, and goes on with an example for desolidification cost of 40 = either [(base + 40) @ C2 DP] or @ 40, latter: the same power rating used by the members of the MU Power Pack. Actually, it is difficult for the person to use his power @ 40 C2 Default LS & almost impossible @ human size, without 1st decreasing his LS, increasing his PL or Power Level to [40*2] = 80 C2 PL, doing so 1st will decrease LS or life-span to [40/2] = 20 C2 LS. I may be slow @ making sense out of HERO rpg, but the process of making sense out of HERO rpg is made easier with my homebrew rpg system HYBRID, THE EASIEST RPG IN THE WORLD, far as I know, as I’ve been searching the internet for an rpg more complicated than HERO or Fuzion, but that’s about the highest level of complexity you’ll ever get is in HERO or/and Fuzion. So, if you want something easier but compatible with HERO, I’d recommend HYBRID, but my rpg’s mechanics is very different from HERO, and HYBRID is mostly diceless, while HERO seems dice-heavy. I haven’t done much reading on Fuzion, so I can’t comment [meaning NOT sure] if any similarity exists between Fuzion & HYBRID. The 2nd similarity that I found today was on pg. 93 on ‘clairsentience’, sort of like for the character in the tv series “The Dead Zone”, where HERO’s (minimum) cost of 20 character points as either base or difference or as PL but @ C1 for either ‘retrocognition’ (looking into the past) or ‘precognition’ (looking into the future) would be (minimum of or @) 20 C1 DP (by astral projection which is sort of like using Maxwell’s Equation for time travel by or/and through radio waves to sense, hear, & see into the past or/and future, sort of like having a tv or a radio that can tap into the energy frequies of the past or/and the future ) = 49.28 C2 DP = 733 C3 DP by {20^LOG10(20 C1) = 49.28} & {49.28^LOG10(49.28 C2) = 733 points}. And, HERO’s cost of 40 character points for looking into both directions of time, past or/and future, would be 40 C1 DP = 368.63 C2 DP = 3,867,373.7 C3 DP by {40^LOG10(40) = 368.63 C2 DP} & {368.63^LOG10(368.63) = 3,867,373.7 C3 DP}. But, one can, also, use this power stunt @ 30 C1 DP = 152.02 C2 DP. And, finally, for today, at least, the last similarity that I seem to have found was on pg. 304 of HERO 5th, for DEF & BOD, both are or seem to be @ [between (Body + Defense) & {2*(Body + Defense)}] @ C2 PL rating in my super simple rpg, is @ either its PL rating or (1/2) of STR, where STR = [(C2 DP)*({(C2 DP)/10}^(1/2))]. To calculate BOD is similar to using RULE # 16, where a 100 ton tank moving @ C3 mph = 20 C2 PL by [10*LOG10(mass, tons)] for most objects that move through a medium near the surface of a planet for land, sea, & air vehicles. If you convert DEF to material strength, DEF seems to be (1/2) of C2 material strength, where a DEF of 20 would be @ 40 C0 @ 40 C2 PL which is C or Class 40 in the ’86 MU TSR rpg might be C3 PL: IF NOT @ C2. You can use C4 to assume or figure out that Clark Kent may be millions of years from future, who went a little too backward into time, so had to travel slightly forward, to get to exact date for meteor shower, could also imply that he is from the past, from the past or future: year = [10^(C2 – 20)] = 10^[LOG10(C4) – LOG10(light speed per hour)], where % = C2 PL or DP: to sense time: to astral project oneself, he’d need minimum extra 1d6 C1 DP, & TO physically TRANSFER HIMSELF THROUGH TIME REQUIRES 2X THE AMOUNT THAT IS REQUIRIED FOR ASTRAL PROJECTION THROUGH, requiring minimum of an extra 2d6 C1 DP, to his base @ C1. You may need to add extra ABMS, depending on how powerful he is, such the MU Senator Kelly would get +1 ABMS to his +5 ABMS after being turned into a mutant, although he could already be a mutant, and he could have used Negative Energy to get Magneto to kidnap him to turn him into a mutant, so that it would NOT seem like he was a mutant already @ 36 C2 DP, -1 ABMS than Spiderman, who’d be @ 7 ABMS, or +1 than the Green Goblin @ 6, who may be @ +1, if his schizophrenia is a time travel power stunt, ELSE he needs to be @ 5 to 6 to create similar effect by projecting his thoughts. RULE # 184 : Salary, $ = [10^{(C2 DP)/10}], varies between per hour & per day, depending how well you follow the rules, you basically make 12x to 24x times more pay under capitalism, by that I mean per hour, while 12x to 24x less pay under communism, by that I mean per day, and depending on the difficulty of the task, opposite of what you would think, meaning the more difficult the task, the less pay, or if he were to waste his resources or/and time, but not always the case if demand for the task is high, then pay is high, &/but the easier the task, more pay, but not always the case; for example, if the equation is used to create diamonds through molecular control, then the equation for salary is per day, but if it’s locate diamonds, then it’s per hour, since he’s doing less work, by that I mean letting nature do the rest, by that I mean, use whatever resources that are already out there to be exploited rather than creating new recourse where there were none. So, DC Robin @ 20 C2 DP would make $ 10^2 per (hour or day) or $ 100 / (hour or day) = $ 36,500 / (month or year) @ 20 C2 DP @ 4.47 ABMS. But, if he were to marry some CEO’s daughter & become CEO himself, he’d make $ 100 per hour. But, if you increase his ABMS an extra 0.543 from 4.47 to 5, he’d have an ABMS of 5, depending on the type of task, including demand for the type of task, giving him a daily salary of $ 10^2.5 / (hour or day) = $ 316.23 / (hour or day) = $ 115,423.13 / (month or year) @ 25 C2 DP. And, this equation works @ 10 C2 DP @ 26% corrupt can make $ 146,025 / year by RULE # 11; but, the other side of it @ 10 C2 DP is salary of @ $ 10 / (hour or day), such as salary might be $ 10 / hour in the US, Canada, & richer countries of Europe, then it’s $ 10 / day in Asia, including Russia, depending on state economy & other factors, such as culture & politics. So, @ 120 C2 DP, power rating for Dr. Destroyer of HERO rpg would make $ 10^12 / day = $ 1 trillion / (hour or day). NOTE that 120 C2 DP = 21,037.53 C3 DP, meaning Dr. Destroyer in GURPS would get a total of 21,037 points, same total used by HERO_5th’s current CHAMPIONS & CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE, using point distribution slightly more accurate than Dark Champions, assuming point totals of/for characters written or/and controlled by Steve Long is same or similar as if < THEORY > they were written in GURPS or D20 & garnished in HERO rules & mechanics which I suppose there’s NOTHING wrong with that considering the foundation of my rpg, the equation, X^LOG10(X), where X is some # @ some unit of magnitude & point distribution, is in its various manifestations & forms is COINCIDENTALLY compatible with 2 dozen rpgs, CA < after some modification > is compatible with MU SAGA; C1 = CA^LOG10(CA) < after some modification > is compatible to Psyche in ’86 MU TSR rpg @ C1 for Psyche; C2 = C1^LOG10(C1) is compatible with Primal Order & Envoy System @ C2; C3 = C2^LOG10(C2) is compatible with GURPS @ C3; C4 = C3^LOG10(C3) is compatible with Synnibarr rpg @ C4. So, my entire homebrew rpg system is based on X^LOG10(X), where X is some # @ some unit of magnitude & point distribution, with its 2 manifestations : LS for life-span & PL for power-level: NOTE to NOT to confuse PL of HYBRID rpg to PL of rpg Mutants & Masterminds’ whose PL rating = [{(C2 DP)/10}^2] = PL of M&M < NOT the rapper > rpg, where Jackie Chan or Bruce Li @ pi (3.14) PL in Mutants & Masterminds rpg would be @ C2 DP = [10*{PL^(1/2)}] = 10*(3.14^(1/2)) = 10*1.77 = 17.7 C2 default psyche = 36.09 C3 DP, which might explain why they match him up with that guy,
who’d I’d put @ 25 C3 DP based on his physical makeup, rather than height @ C3 DP = [(height - .75)^2], assuming his height is @ 5.75 ft. But, there is a margin of error or uncertainty of [pi – e] for Jackie Chan & Bruce Li, by that I mean, if you put or place Jackie Chan @ e (2.72) PL, the PL used in the rpg Mutants & Masterminds, then his C2 DP = 10*(e^(1/2)) = 16.49 C2 DP = 30.30 C3 DP, which might be a closer, more accurate estimate, but assuming his martial arts is exaggerated by pi-e, by that I mean margin of error for PL @ (3.14 – 2.72), for/in rpg M&M, putting him @ PL of between 1*e & 1*pi, which is cinematic by 1x. But, not referring to the cartoon version of Jackie Chan, who’d be @ minimum of 2*e to 2*pi PL = 2*2.72 to 2*3.14 PL = 5.44 to 6.28 PL = 23.32 to 25.07 C2 DP, which is PL that of Jet Li or Chuck Norris (during their youth), which is cinematic by 4x, without giving him any magic powers, including excluding access to any magic talismans, leaving him with his maximum average male attributes. Maybe I ought to give him a power range of 3*e to 3*pi PL = 28.56 to 30.7 C2 DP, is cinematic by 9x. RULE # 185 : To figure out the technology & dating of Star Trek universe, you use the analogy of for dating of King Arthur, by that mean a 1:2 ratio, by that I mean, the real King Arthur, IF he existed, probably existed during the 5th or/to 6th century AD according to recent studies, but previously dated @ 10th or/to 12th century AD which is a 1:2 ratio, by that I mean if you want(ed) a fantasy/ sci-fi/ cinematic version of King Arthur, then put him & Merlin @ 10th or/to 12th century AD. You use the same ratio of 1:2 with the dating of the technology & of the characters & storyline of the Star Trek universe, which is somewhat similar dating process that of the Buck Rogers universe, by that I mean, if the storyline take place in 2,500 AD, then it’s actually taking place in @ 5,000 AD, not or rather than 2,500 AD, putting master genius @ 50 C1 DP. So, @ 2,500 AD, C1 DP for a male master genius would be @ 25 C1 DP. RULE # 186 : Total distance for space travel in # of miles or kilometers = 10^[((C1 DP)/10)^2], for a spaceship. @ 30 C1 DP, total distance = 1 billion miles or kilometers by 10^(3^2) for space travel for a spaceship; so, @ 20 C1 DP, total distance, for space travel, in # of miles or kilometers = 10^4 by 10^(2^2) @ 20 C1 DP. NOTE that @ 10 C1 DP, distance = 10^(1^2) = 10^1 = 10 miles or kilometers; and, @ 40 C1 DP, distance = 10^16 miles, which works out beautifully for the Star Trek storyline, including for the Voyager series. So, Jameway has to be faking it that she, her ship, & her crew are lost, as I think her crew is trapped on board her ship, similar to the analogy of the BORG. So, @ 50 C1 DP, her total distance = 10^25 miles which is more than enough to find her way back to earth, but she, Jameway chooses to be lost in the Milky Way galaxy, sort of like the ‘60s tv series “Lost in Space”. So, what does she do with her extra 40 to 43 C1 DP by [(90 or 93) – (50 or 52)] ? My calculated guess is to attempt to take over the galaxy: imperialism. And, is her crew aware of this ? YES < theory > ! But, they don’t voice their opinion, but attempt to escape her & her ship, but the Captain Jameway always force them to return, INCLUDING THE Q’S NEWPHEW (OR SON) ATTEMTS TO ESCAPE HER < “JUNIOR” {AS THE Q CALLS HIM}, “JUNIOR” calls Jameway his “AUNT” >, BUT IS FORCED TO RETURN, through conspiracy, Captain Jameway is much better @ it than her crew, but it helps to have an extra 40 to 43 C1 DP beyond what she lets others perceive her @ 50 C1 DP, as does others attempt to escape, but Jameway always turns the tables on their feeble attempts @ escape, including 7 of 9, Paris < the character, not the city >, Holodock, Chocotay, just about every member of the crew @ point or another attempt to escape her, but the crews’ < her main staff > attempts always fails, partly due to cowardice, lack of planning, or/and lack of coordination with others, or/and the others do not cooperate for bad timing, loyalty, or cowardice, or/and lack of coordination. You can, also, use this equation in RULE # 186 for the ‘80s tv series Star Blazers, the American version of the series shown in Japan, including for the never shown in the tv series, the Bolar Wars, just as deadly as the Comet Empire @ 20 CA DP or/to 21 CA DP = 49.28 C1 DP or/to 56.01 C1 DP by {20^LOG10(20) = 49.28} & {21^LOG10(21) = 56.01} : Look @ total distance equation @ start of RULE # 186. And, NOTE that the MU Dr. Strange stats in terms of average psyche fluctuates wildly, but is @ maximum @ 25 CA DP or default psyche, by 1990 @ 90 C1 DP, same as Dr Doom, who in MU SAGA rpg: @ 15 by [CA-10], for AVERAGE psyche of Dr. Strange of MU. But, the strange thing about RULE # 186 is that the ratio of Enterprise arriving on/near humanoid inhabited planet nearing warp technology is similar to the Q meeting the Enterprise for having limited time travel technology: giving the following fundamental universal ratio of Star Trek universe @ [30(+/-5):60(+/-10):90(+/-15):120(+/-20):150(+/-25)], by that I mean you need minimum of 30(+/-5) < 25 to 35 > C1 DP or default psyche for warp technology, with average Federation starship @ 60(+/-10) C1 DP, Jameway @ 90(+/-15) C1 DP, the Q @ 120(+/-20) C1 DP, & with the Q- Continuum @ 150(+/-25) C1 default psyche. Look @ RULE # 178, & # 192. RULE # 187: Remember that her COM = [LOG10((her C3 PL)], where she @ 20 C1 DP, her COM = 4.4 @ 20 C2 LS & 125 C2 PL for COM. So, her height for a perfect
maiden in # of meters = [{(her C1 DP)/(G + (her COM)}^2], where G = [10 + R] COM for an almost perfect guy, where for most, R = 1, 2 or 3, and note that 1 meter = 3.28 ft.: you can use this equation for/as a cloning equation, with some adjustments & modifications to the equation, using the modifier G; you can, also, use this equation to explain homosexuality mathematically because of the modifier G in the equation. How ? The purpose of the G modifier is that it acts as a “MINIMUM COST” < a HERO term from p. 68 of HERO 5th > : you need this modifier in the equation to calculate her height, THOUGH it’s not impossible if you use RULE # 3 and # 32, but those 2 rules don’t give you height, but COM based on height, age, beauty, & race. So, @ 30 C1 DP @ 10 COM @ G = 11, her height = (30/(11+10)^2 meters = 2.04 meters; @ 20 C1 DP @ 4 COM, her height = (20/(11+4))^2 = 1.78 meters = 5.83 ft.; and, @ 50 C1 DP @ 25 COM, height = (50/(11+25))^2 = 1.929 meters. So, a woman @ 16 C1 DP @ 1.5 COM would have a height of (15/(11+1.5))^2 = 1.2^2 = 1.44 meters = 1.44*3.28 ft. = 4.72 ft tall. She @ 1.5 COM would be @ 24.165 C2 DP by 15^LOG10(15) = 24.165. Top equation explains male & female homosexuality mathematically, where a very elite Caucasian male would have the same C2 DP, when compared C2 DP of/to a woman @ 2 COM, both are @ equal C2 psyche @ 24.165 C2 @ his COM = (24.165 C2 @ C3)/(pi+1 = gpa for error free DNA)) = (81.887/(pi+1)) = 19.77 COM for a guy @ 24.165 C2 DP or default psyche. You get 81.887 by 24.165^LOG10(24.165) = 81.887 C3 default psyche or 81.887 total points for a GURPS character @ 24.165 C2 default psyche. It starts to get interesting when you got a Korean woman @ 17 C1 DP @ 2.5 COM, giving a height of (17/(11+2.5))^2 = 1.26^2 = 1.586 meters = 5.2 ft.
@ 32.66 C2 DP by 17^LOG10(17) = 32.66 C2 DP, where 17 is @ C1 DP for her. 32.66 C2 DP is extremely rare for a guy; it, 32.66 C2 DP = 17 C1 DP, < no, not @ 4 AMBS which is applied to C2 DP, & he’d need to be @ 16 C2 DP to be @ 4 AMBS > would either put him @ COM = (196/(pi+1)) = 47 COM < only a fictional character like DC LOBO can have a high COM as 47 > or if used as IQ, he as a (North Korean) scientist, his increased IQ @ between {170 & 229} by { [10*(C1 DP)] & [100*LOG10(C3 DP)] } would help his country nuclear bomb(s) or serious bio-weapons, where 196 is @ C3 DP or a total of 196 points in GURPS. And, finally if you got THE perfect Viking or Slavic woman or maiden @ 27 COM < which is still less than 30, which is maximum, as I’ve never come across a woman higher than a score of 9 being @ 27 COM >, you 1st calculate her C1 DP based on her COM, giving a C1 DP of [10*(27^(1/2))] = 10*51.96 = 51.96 C1 DP, and you plug in her C1 DP into her height equation to give a height to of (51.96/(11+27))^2 = 1.367^2 meters = 1.87 meters which is quite accurate. And, if you use 30 COM, which is, also, maximum COM allowed for any real woman, her C1 DP = 54.77, then her height = (54.77/(11+30))^2 = 1.7845 meters = 5.853 ft. which is 90% accurate, with 10% margin of error, but that’s close enough, as no equation is perfect, close as I’ll ever get. RULE # 188 : The table on p. 216 of HERO 5th works similar to in of Chapter 5, p. 129, of “D20 Modern”, though the (+) & (-) signs of HERO 5th are opposite that of “D20 Modern”, in that for HERO 5th it starts @ 20 C2 DP, but the +0 starts @ either 10 C2 DP, by that I mean +10 in the table would be @ 20 C2 DP, while a + 15 would be 25 C2 DP, such as extreme beauty for a guy, but the same +15 for a woman < in HYBRID > would be @ 50 C1 DP by (2*(10+15)) = 50, but the table on p. 129 of Chapter 5 of “D20 Modern” for -0 begins @ 12 C2 DP, by that I mean -8 for a housefly would be @ 4 C2 DP, while +0 in the same table of p. 129 of Chapter 5 of “D20 Modern” begins @ 18 C2 DP or 3d6 C2 DP, where a +8 would be @ 26 C2 default psyche. You can’t roll for this except during the character creation process, unlike the NEXT, which you can roll for. The # of character points on the side table of p. 217 of HERO 5th would as following in my HYBRID rpg: the hunted by Viper for 15 character points would place the Viper @ +15, which would place the Viper @ (10 + 15) = 25 C2 DP, using the other 3 as templates, but, hunted by the police for 20 character points should be or cost 10 character points, placing the police @ (10+10) = 20 C2 DP, with the other template : hunted by goblins for 20 characters points would place the goblins @ (10+20) = 30 C2 DP. What the #- (# or less roll) does is that a character @ +10 wanting or wants to be @ +#, such as +15, which is (10+15) = 25 C2 DP, has to make a 15-, by that I mean a 15 or less: if he wants to be @ +11, which is (10+11) = 21 C2 DP, assuming he’s @ 10 C2 DP, but if he’s @ different C2 DP other than 10 C2 DP, then replace that # that the character is @ rather than 10 & add the difference, which in this example would be (10+11) = 21 C2 DP < a +11 > or # that the character wishes to be @, such as +11, then he must make a 11-, by that I mean an 11 or less to succeed, such as becoming, being, & maintaining his “enraged or berserk” personality. These values were @ C2 DP, but if you want to work with smaller values, but more specific, then you may use C3 DP, by that I mean the next similarity between HERO 5th & HYBRID rpg, the similarity that being in the top right corner of p. 217 of HERO 5th, where they have “berserker trance” @ 25 character points would be @ (10+25) @ C3 DP = 35 C3 DP: you can use this for interaction between gang members, though this is not specifically or in any way stated as such in or on p. 217, but is applicable in HYBRID rpg. Calculate what 35 C3 DP would be in terms of C2 DP & subtract 10 point to calculate the #- to roll. It comes out to 17.7 C2 DP. You, then subtract 10 points from 17.7, you get (17.7-10) = 7.7. So, you roll 7.7-, but since there is no 7.7 but either a 7 or an 8. You round 7.7 off to 8, giving you 8-, where you roll 8 or less. Look @ RULE # 17, which contradicts RULE # 188. RULE # 189: 1st Look @ RULE # 159. Then, there are 3 forms or alternatives to calculating DCV based on the “velocity-based DCV” table chart on p. 237 of HERO 5th when written in HYBRID rpg is: 1st) DCV = 10 @ 30 C2 DP, because @ 30 C2 DP, 30 C2 PL is being used for TL & because of p. 237 & because velocity = 10^4 mph @ 64 C2 PL by RULE # 16 & # 158; 2nd) DCV = [(C2 PL)/3] for weapons, while DCV = [(C2 DP)/3] because of RULE # 190, # 3, & # 158; 3rd) simply @ C1 for “DCV” < DCV being a term from HERO rpg > is very much similar to C1 @ PL or DP, depending on nature of attack, 20 DCV = either 20 C1 PL or power level or 20 C1 DP or default psyche. Look @ RULE # 158, where V = {((C2 PL)-COM)^(1/3}, # 158, where COM for vehicle(s) & interstellar object(s) = size & mass of object. Look @ RULE # 7 to estimate C2 or/and C3 PL or DP. So, @ 60 C2 DP, DCV = (60/3) = 20 DCV for Godzilla @ 60 C2 DP, & 30 DCV @ 90 C2 DP. RULE # 190 : The following equation is for Godzilla & Gamera like monsters, but can be used for the robots of the Transformer universe for Autobots and the Decepticons @ average height of 10 meters, & for the Quintessence @ (1/2) that @ height or length of 3 or 4 meters, not including their tentacles of length of 3 or 4 meters, with total length or height @ 4 or 5 meters: velocity in mph = 10^{1+{{(C2 PL)/10}^{1/2}}}. This velocity equation can, also, be used for ZERGs, as well as the MU War-Machine, @ 30 C2 DP, where 30 C2 DP is converted to [30-10] = 20 C2 LS & [30+10] = 40 C2 PL, would have a similar flight velocity equation of 10^(1+(((C2 PL)/10)^(1/2))), which @ 40 C2 PL would have a flight of 10^(2+1) = 10^3 = 1,000 mph. So, ratio of C2 DP to C1 DP would be like comparing a humanoid mutant @ C2 DP having access to most surface locations planet, sooner or later, while a super-mutant monster @ C1 DP would have access to most 2-d surface locations within its galaxy, since the above equation is a velocity equation, but not a total distance equation, though it might take an extremely long time. The maximum for any monster is @ 30 C1 DP @ start of film, and by the end, it or them monsters are reduced to 20 C1 DP; but, in 1 particular storyline both Godzilla and the scientist that creates the Oxygen Eaters are both @ 25 C1 DP; while, in an another film, where the humanoid robot @ beginning of film @ 10 C1 DP grew / grows to 20 C1 DP towards the end of the film during the monster fighting scene, the 2 scientist would need to be @ 25 C1 DP, but in HYBRID rpg, the 2 scientist or engineers would get the credit, rather than the humanoid robot, meaning there was a difference of 10 C1 DP points between the robot & the 2 scientists or/and engineers: this is similar to cloning equation, where you need minimum difference of 10 points, in favor of the creator, meaning if Frankenstein has 30 C2 DP, then you must give Dr. Frankenstein a [25+M+10] or 36 C1 DP or 6 ABMS for Dr. Frankenstein, by 36^(1/2) = 6, where M = 1 for cost of lab equipment, putting Frankenstein @ 25 C2 DP or 5 ABMS in BESM rpg which puts Frankenstein @ COM of 21.73 IF you give Frankenstein 25 C2 DP by [(90 C3 DP)/(pi+1)], where 90 = 25^LOG10(25), where these are minimum to average values. And, it’s (he’s) stupid, but not ugly: it’s too much like Shrek, a difficult character to make because of its low IQ which could be explained away with Doppler effect, that is divide PL into 2 components: STR & INT. But, Dr. Frankenstein’s points are in his IQ, meaning the difference would be his C2 – C3, in terms of magnitude, else you need to convert C2 to C3 or C3 to C2. Look @ RULE # 14. RULE # 191: You can time travel by use of negative energy which is as difficult to make as anti-matter. Use the force field equation of RULE # 7 to compute negative energy : use exponent @ (1/4) @ C3 DP, & @ (1/5) @ C3 PL of/for anti-matter in RULE # 7 to compute negative energy. Use RULE # 8 to compute the necessary IQ, C1, C2, C3, DP, or/and PL for RULE # 7. But, before you can start to use or apply negative energy, 1st consider that the length of a Godzilla-like or Gamera-like monster in # of meters = 10^[-1 + (C2 PL)/100]. NOTE that I use C2 PL, rather than C2 DP; using C2 PL is derived from using RULE # 3 to monster’s C2 DP which is different than using C2 DP into the just mentioned equation, & wouldn’t work, by that I mean it would give an inaccurate power estimate, for the monsters which work like & are created like the monsters of Pokemon, Digimon, & Yu-Gi-Oh, meaning there is some grand puppeteer somewhere pulling the strings behind the monster’s havoc similar to Dr. Banner pulling the strings behind the HULK, sort of like Dr. Banner using HULK. RULE # 192: MC or minimum cost for light speed velocity & FTL depends on the value & magnitude of the quantum barrier for RULE # 10 & RULE # 30, where minimum cost for a spaceship is placed @ 100 C2 PL for a starting radius or diameter or length of 1 meter, with cost going up to 200 C2 PL for a vehicle @ radius or length or diameter of 10 meters, with 100 C2 PL increments every 10x increase in length of its radius or diameter of vehicle for space travel. Now, if minimum cost of this quantum barrier was @ X C2 PL, then it’d be @ 120 rather than @ 100; if minimum cost be @ Y (250) C2 PL for see into, perceive, or communicate to another in another dimension. But, Z (520) cost for dimensional or/and time travel. But, minimum cost for hyper or/and warp space is @ about X (120) C2 PL. And, since 123 is so close to 120, you can just replace 123 for X C2 PL. You can use MC to know that Godzilla is between 61.5 & 123 C2 DP. NOTE that I use DP rather than PL, because of its huge size & mass, & powers. RULE # 193: Sodomy: improper sex, including between 2 consenting adults, including between heterosexual couple(s), including between a guy & his girlfriend or/and his wife, illegal in state of Louisiana ? RULE # 194 : Just like C3 = C2^LOG10(C2), for super strong (NON-mutant) man/men @ greater than 10 C2 DP, if you assign length of biceps inches to C2 & length of chest in inches to C3, then 20 inches of biceps = 49.28 inches of chest by C3 = [20^LOG10(20)] @ 20 C2 DP = 49.28 C3 DP. But, for animals & monsters, length of # inches for chest = [{C2^LOG10(C2)}/ N], where N = for Nd6 damage capability, where length in inches for biceps for C2. So, using 1st option, a black or African American man having 49 points in STRONG MAN OLYMPIC CONTEST would be @ 49 C3 DP for 49 “ or inches of circumference for chest & 20 “ or inches of circumference for biceps. So, the ratio for aquatic & snake-like monsters is 1:9:81(?) for biceps: chest: length of entire body of organism. Maximum length of organism in # of ft. = [C2^LOG10(C2)] @ 1d6 damage. If a 40 ft. long T-rex can inflict 1.5d6 damage, you’d give it an [1.5*40] = 60 C3 DP, but a sci-fi version of a T-rex @ length of 60 ft. @ 2d6, like in the movie Jurassic Park, would be @ [2*60] = 120 C3 DP, 60 points more than the realistic version, since the one in movie was [60-40] = 20 ft. extra big & bionic, with [120-60] = 60 extra C3 DP points. RULE # 195: RULE # 196 is X-rated, and is for mature audience only, @ or above age of 20, but I’ve included this RULE # 196, since it’s an essential part of character creation process for male characters, and because the arithmetic seems to be accurate, but within context of this role playing game, unit C3 for R # 196. RULE # 196: These are X-rated rules here. The 2nd equation is for humans after 1st half of this paragraph. But, the 1st part of this rule, for male animals, L = [(its C# @ {-n}) (/n: optional)] in # of inches, but this equation doesn’t work on all animals, but rather only on some species such as for an adult male dolphin @ 12 C3 PL would have a an L = 12. But, a 3d6 C3 PL @ 13 C3 PL adult male mule would have a maximum L = 2.89 ft @ -2 by {[13^LOG10(13) @ -1]^[13^LOG10(13) @ -1] @ -2} = 17.41^LOG10(17.41) @ -2 = 34.65 inches. But, this rule above doesn’t work on all animals @ all dimensions, not sure why. The 2nd part of the X-rated rule that being for male humans: X = either [(C2/10)^2] or [(C3/10)] for men to compute length, L, for male genital, xxxxx, for after or/and during an adult male organism. And, for an adult male humans, use X =[height/r], maximum length L = [C3/X], in # of inches. So, for a male human, X = 4, an adult African American male @ 30 C3 default psyche life-force points would have a length of [30/4] = maximum length of 7.5 inches. He could RULE # 3 with RULE # 196, but only in manipulating his DNA before being born, assuming his soul was in limbo, before being born & wanted a change in his future body like ordering a body through a DNA menu & his difference points were 0 after being born & after reaching adult stage: IF you wanted to decrease his PL for his length from 30 C3 to [30-5] = 25 C3, then his COM @ C3 would go up by +5 points, meaning from 30 to [30+5] = 35 C3 for his COM; this is how you get X = 0.5 for mules, else @ X = 1, size of their entire body increases by 2x; but, by increasing length to 2x, normal reproductive anatomy for a mule, you decrease size of its entire body by 2x. You can use RULE # 3 with RULE # 196 for Caucasian males, if you want to keep value of X low, else you’d have to increase value of X to maintain consistency in body anatomy, meaning if you don’t use RULE # 3 with RULE # 196 for Caucasian males, then to get X = 9 to decrease length in # of inches for a 90 C3 DP adult Viking male to get a length of [C3/X] = [90/9] = maximum length of 10 inches for an adult Viking male @ 90 C3 DP or default psyche. Compute height for average adult male {6 ft. @ 36 C3 DP for NON-Caucasians, while 1.23x C3 DP for adult Caucasian males if @ IQ of 123} or/and for giant male humanoid, use RULE # 4 @ C3 PL for adult normal human males. But, when LS or life-span = @ default & for small C3 values, then replace DP for PL. NOTE that the difference in height between a Caucasian and African American determine their IQ, that is being taller can {in some circumstances} decrease one’s IQ if both are @ same # @ C#, but in other circumstances increase your IQ, when within one’s race. It takes experience to know when. RULE # 197: A new COM equation for guys, where COM = [((C2/10) + 1)^2]. So, a guy @ 20 C2 would be @ 9 COM which is slightly different from earlier estimate of [C3/(pi + 1))]. But @ 30 C2, his COM = 16 with this NEW equation which is more compact, in that it has a closer correlation with & to C1 used to calculate COM for ladies (human), where COM for ladies = [(C1/10)^2], where C1 is @ DP. And, COM for human female clone is @ [(C2/10) – R2], where R2 = 2, and C2 is @ PL. There are 3 racial packages: R1, R2, & R3. R3 for Caucasian; R2 for black African or black African American, including very small minority of Orientals; and R1 for South-Asian, Middle-Eastern, & majority of East-Asians males below border of Russia. But, these 3 racial packages < R1, R2, & R3 > sometimes overlap, meaning sometimes a Caucasian can be @ R2 {or even R1} rather than @ R3, and sometimes < but rarely > a South-Asian or Middle-Eastern can be @ R2 rather than @ R1, and sometimes R2 can be @ R1. But, for fictional characters like DC LOBO, his racial package would be @ R4 or higher, but minimum @ R4, but he can easily be greater than @ R4, but minimum of R4. But, the MU character Tombstone would be @ R3, between R2.72 & R3.14. RULE # 198 : Iraqi nuclear war program @ 20 C2 PL, but after Gulf War I & II, reduced to more likely @ 20 C3 PL = associate degree in physics, considering their bombed out nuclear equipment was bought from foreign nations, including France, beautiful language, but then again, most languages are beautiful; North Korean nuclear war program @ 25 C2 PL, same as that of Iran; Pakistani nuclear war program @ 30 C2 PL; Indian (Asian) nuclear war program @ 35 C2 PL; and USA nuclear war program in 1940 @ 40 C2 PL: the Manhattan Project. Iraqi nuclear war program is only @ 20 C2 PL compared to USA nuclear war program of 1940 @ 40 C2 PL: the Manhattan Project is @ 2x C2 PL that of Iraqi nuclear war program. But, USA nuclear war program by 1944 grows to 44 C2 PL. So, current Iraqi nuclear war program is @ levels that of 1920 in USA @ 20 C2 PL of 1920 for its nuclear war program. So, Iraqi nuclear war program was @ 19 C2 PL in 1990, and seems to be growing @ rate of 1 C2 PL point every 1 decade or every 10 years in Iraq. Look @ RULE # 203. RULE # 199: Height in ft. for human adult female = [(her COM)/R], where R = race = 1.5 for an African American woman @ 30 C1 DP & height of 6 ft. RULE # 200: (X+1)^(infinite) = 10^(X+1) @ CX DP, where X = position of letter in alphabet for particular point distribution & magnitude. So, 2^(infinite) = 10^2 CA, where X = A, which is 1st letter in alphabet designated for this particular point distribution & magnitude for 2^(infinite), where infinite is theoretically any #. Then, 100 CA = 10^4 C1. NOTE that 10 CA = 10 C3 by 10^LOG10(10) = 10. So, then, the Beyonder of the MU ‘80s Secret Wars @ 100 CA DP = 10,000 C1 DP = 2^(infinite) = 10^16 C2 DP = 10^256 C3 DP or default psyche = 10^(65,536) C4 DP. And, you can assign any of these values to C0: 2^(infinite) @ 100 CA DP. But, I was originally planning to make X^(infinite) = 10^X @ CX DP, but since the Beyonder is most powerful MU character being @ 100 CA DP, decided to use: (X+1)^(infinite) = 10^(X+1) @ CX DP for 2^(infinite) for magnitude. RULE # 201: For Dark Phoenix, her C1 DP = [Y*X], where Y = dimension(s) of object or space, such as Y = 2 for a 2 dimensional object or space, and where X = exponent of for mass of body in kg that she can destroy. So, if she can destroy surface of a planet with a mass of 10^24 kg, then e = 30 = e, giving her a C1 DP = 2*24 = 48 = 48 C1 DP that she’d have as life force for Dark Phoenix. But, note that C1 DP for Jean Grey is @ [X] C1 DP, and C1 DP for Phoenix is @ [1.5*X], meaning if JG is @ 20 C1 DP, then Phoenix is @ 30 C1 DP, but [2*X] for Dark Phoenix. This equation, also, works fairly well in simulating nuclear technology & weaponry by master scientist or master engineer @ 20 C1 default psyche, where maximum e = [(C1 DP) / 2] = [20/2] = 10, giving maximum mass of body destroyed in either series or @ once @ 10^e = 10^10 kg = 10^7 tons. What this proves is that C1 DP for Professor Xavier depends on C1 DP that of his Phoenix, which works or is created by similar process that a Digimon or Pokemon would be created such as in Yu-Gi-Oh: same process, except that monsters & entities created in Yu-Gi-Oh is @ C3 PL, but ratio is similar, meaning less than its master that created it or them. But getting back to Xavier, his # ratings for some his stats seem to be mixed up with that of MU Apocalypse in MU roster book, meaning IF Apocalypse is more powerful than Xavier, then Xavier’s 75 psyche rating should belong to Apocalypse, and Apocalypse’s 50 Psyche rating should belong to Xavier, since Xavier is less powerful than Apocalypse. And, NOTE that Darkseid defeated Dark Phoenix in ‘80s DC-MU crossover, and Darkseid was @ 60 C1 DP. So, Dark Phoenix would be @ 40 C1 DP. And, NOTE that Phoenix II was only @ (1/2) C1 DP that of Apocalypse, giving her a [75/(2 or 3)] = 25 to 37.5 C1 DP because Phoenix II, Phoenix’s daughter, was able to defeat the Juggernaut @ 25 to 30 or @ 37.5 C1 DP, latter being THOR vs. Juggernaut in comic. RULE # 202 : New salary equation for chance @ getting that salary = [1/[10^((his C2 DP)-10)/X)] = 1/[10^((his C2 DP)/5)] @ high end of DP & 1/[10^((his C2 DP/10)] @ low end of DP = 1/[(his salary)/(1,000)] = 1/[10^(Z-3)], where X = [(LOG10(salary))/3], and Z = LOG10(his salary) = Z. Look @ RULE # 86. In another words, salary = [10^(3*(((his C2 DP)-10)/10))], but this doesn’t work @ or less than 10, but proportional to my 1st & original life-span equation @ ((CA DP)-10) = value used & implied in MU SAGA, for average psyche, where life-span for Galactus @ 40 CA DP = 1 billion years, approximately, but this method is NOT accurate & @ best gives an AVERAGE estimate, such as for the characters in the tv series Smallville, but LS can be increased or decreased by RULE # 3, & # 6, by changing PL. So, a 40 C2 DP guy would make $ 1 billion / year, while a 30 C2 DP guy would make $ 1 million / year. But, he’d need to be @ 50 C2 DP to make a $ 1 trillion / year. So, the Lex character in the Smallville tv series would be @ 33 C2 DP, while his father would be @ 44 C2 default psyche. But, normally, outside the context of the story, the actor playing Lex would be @ 33 C3 DP or @ 17.1 C2 DP, while, the guy playing Lex’s father would be @ 44 C3 DP or @ 19.1 C2 DP, which is an accurate estimate(s). But, someone @ 25 C2 DP could decrease his life span to 20 C2, allowing him to increase his PL to 30 C2 = PhD by age 20. RULE # 203 : Combining RULE # 34, # 198, & rule for grading @ C3 DP, get the following 2 new equations: 1st) for # of years of attending college as a full-time student & passing with descent grades = [C3/X], where X = average # of credits per course = 3 = X; and, 2nd) based on this, you can compute how many years it will take Iraq to gain nuclear technology which comes out to about 1 CENTURY, meaning 2099 AD, being due to the Gulf War & US sanctions & bombing of its nuclear reactor by Israel, its (Iraq) (acquiring) nuclear technology @ 30 C2 PL will be pushed back to 2099, assuming you put Pakistan @ nuclear TL of 36 C2 PL. Look @ RULE # 210. RULE # 204: The # of Vietnamese that were killed by the Americans during the Vietnam War was exponential 1.5 or (3/2) that of the # of Americans killed by the Vietnamese, making the # of Vietnamese killed almost as large as the # of Jews killed during the Holocaust, which was based on Adolf Hitler getting ideas from American history, the way the Americans mistreated the Indians, so he thought he has similar right, based on the way the US President Andrew Jackson tried to get rid of the Indians, based on ratio from the following chart: 1,000 Americans killed vs. (1,000)^1.5 = 31,622.78 Vietnamese killed; 10,000 Americans killed vs. (10,000)^1.5 = 1,000,000 Vietnamese killed; etc. To figure out the difference in C2 PL, between the Americans & the Vietnamese during the Vietnam War, difference = [10*e], where e = 1.5. So, the difference = 15 C2 PL in terms of warfare technology of the Americans used against the average Vietnamese soldier. So, if the average Vietnamese soldier was @ [-15 + X], @ C2 PL, where X = average American soldier @ current Israeli technology + Z, where Z = American technology @ few points above C2 PL of average American soldier; and, as to why only by few points, because of Doppler effect, meaning (-), disadvantage, is greater, by that I mean more costly than (+), advantage, since points are consumed @ far right end of the power scale, rather than the initial points. So, if you want to figure out the e for war casualties between the Israelis and the Palestinians, where, also, use e = 1.5. Israel seem to have its own version of the Vietnam War, where with 100 Israeli causalities, the # of Palestinian casualties (by equation) is @ 1,000 with 100 Israelis killed by Palestinians, @ which point the # Palestinians killed is @ about 1,000. RULE # 205 : (Potential) annual yearly salary, in USA, in $: [K*S*E*D*X], @ C3 PL, where S = variable for sacrifice = 2, E = variable for grade or greed (potential) = 4 is closely related to the variable X, and D = variable for # of (2) decades of experience & closely related to the variable S, and X = variable for C3 PL, where all three variables, except K which = 1,000 for 1K, are a function of {1-1/S}, {1-1/E}, {1-1/D}, & {1-1/X^.5)}. This equation, for those who only care about making money, is extremely accurate. But, the only (thing) uncertain(ty) (about) this above equation is what year to apply it to. 2003 ? NOTE that the starting 10 FREE points in HERO rpg is @ C2 PL or DP, except for INT, which would be @ C1 @ either PL or DP: a pattern closely similar to the ’86 MU TSR rpg, where Psyche & Reason would, often, be @ C1 PL for most characters, except for few like Judge Dredd, whose Psyche & Reason is @ C2. Some characters’ Intuition in ’86 MU TSR rpg would be @ C2 PL, such as for Spiderman; while, MU Elders’ Intuition would be @ C1 when # is small ELSE @ C2. And, 20 C2 PL is = or @ 49.28 C3 PL by {20^LOG10(20) = 49.28 points} in Yu-Gi-Oh (rpg). RULE # 206: COST to send package by “surface, economy, 4 to 6 weeks, by boat or ship”, in $, = [LOG10(X) – LOG10(Y)], $ per lb. of weight, where X = diameter of planet in # of miles or km., & Y = weight of package in lb. or kg. So, COST to send a crate of personal belongings by boat = COST of a plane ticket for yourself to get there, giving a 1:1 ratio for COST. RULE # 207: You can use the next equation to figure out how far behind the Germans & the Japanese were behind the Americans during WWII in terms of technology. And, this is confirmed by the estimate(s) by the History Channel of only 1 or more years for both the Germans & the Japanese, during WWII. This NEW ultimate rule works for most TL objects, maybe or probably for most TL objects, including life-forms that use tachyon fields with DIFFERENCE { DP – COM }, using this NEW velocity equation of for average TL velocity in terms of piloting an aircraft = [10*(C3 PL)], in m.p.h. or (miles per hour), where if aircraft was moving @ 100% which is not really 100% but temporary but for sake of argument we’ll make it @ 100%, so then @ 1%, it would have a +2 modifier, which IF it were moving @ 41 C2 PL in 1941 jet technology, then @ +2 modifier, it would move @ 70 C2 PL velocity @ 1% of time for its velocity = ~ 2,500 mph @ 1% of the time, where 1% is reserved for missiles or for NASA Space Shuttle, which can, also, be used to calculate average velocity of/for bullets. FOR EXAMPLE, a Russian pilot in an Russian mig military aircraft fighting for North Korea, during the Korean War, if he’s @ 20 C2 DP or 49.28 C3 PL, assuming his COM is, also, @ 49.28 C3 PL @ 11.9 COM by [C3/(pi+1)] = COM, would be able to pilot his aircraft @ 492.8 m.p.h. for North Korea. You can use this fact to figure out that average TL velocity = [10*(C3 PL)], where if aircraft was moving @ 100% which is not really 100% but temporary but for sake of argument we’ll make it @ 100%, so then to reduce it to @ 1% of time that it’s used which would increase its velocity during its 1% of time that it’s used such as for a missile technology, it would have a +2 modifier, which IF it were moving @ 41 C2 PL in 1941 jet technology, then @ +2 modifier, it would move @ 70 C2 PL [ by {((41^(1/2))+2)^2}] velocity @ 1% of time for its velocity = ~ 2,500 mph @ 1% of the time, where 1% is reserved for missiles or for NASA Space Shuttle, in m.p.h.. This equation, then, gives rise to (another) NEW average TL velocity equation of average TL velocity increase of approximately or about 50x to 75x velocity every 10 C1 PL, {OR, 5x to 7.5x velocity every 10 C2 PL}, where @ 20 C1 PL < IQ of 200 to 286 > @ 0.000011% light speed, giving the following: @ 10 C1 PL = 0.0% light speed velocity for TL object; @ 20 C1 PL = 1% light speed: you can use this fact for developing nuclear technology or to create aircraft such as the Space Shuttle cable of moving @ AVERAGE velocity of 7,330.51 m.p.h. @ 49.28 C2 PL; @ 30 C1 PL = .00085% light speed @ 576,277 m.p.h. or about half (1/2) million m.p.h. @ 30 C1 PL: science-FICTION Star Wars level technology < NOTE the “PL”: to calculate TL, TL = [(C1 PL)/3] @ the low end of the TL spectrum, while TL = [(C1 DP)/3] @ the high end of the TL spectrum; @ 40 C1 PL = 38,673,737 m.p.h. = [10^7.59] m.p.h. = 6% light speed, while light speed = [10^8.83] m.p.h.; but, by AVERAGE TL velocity in m.p.h. = [10*(C3 PL)], by 47 C1 PL, you
reaches 97% light speed. When you push your spaceship to 48 C1 PL, it’s moving @ 1.443809x light speed. FOR TIME TRAVEL, YOU USE [C1 DP] RATHER THAN [C1 PL]. IF YOU WISH TO USE [C1 PL] FOR TIME TRAVEL, IT COMES OUT TO # OF YEARS +/- = 10^[X*((C1 PL)/100))], WHERE X = 2 = [COM/(2*PI)], = 10^[(C1 PL)/50]. NOTE THAT ALL THE MASS IN THE UNIVERSE IS @ Z (515?) C1 DP. SO, WITH THIS EQUATION, YOU CAN FIGURE OUT MASS OF UNIVERSE BASED ON THE AGE OF THE UNIVERSE & VICE VERSA, WHERE YOU CAN FIGURE OUT THE AGE OF THE UNIVERSE BASED ON MASS OF THE UNIVERSE, ASSUMING BOTH ARE RELATED, ASSUMING ALL OF 3RD DIMENSION IS @ 10^3 C1 DP. RULE # 208: This NEW equation calculates horsepower for various different technological devices that require an engine: # of horsepower = 10^(((C2 PL)^(1/2))-1). But, a 36 C2 PL bridge can carry a mobile device with 10^(6-2) = 10^4 horsepower, such as a cattlepillar. So, a 16 C2 PL WWI tank @ mass of 4 tons would have 1,000 horsepower. Mass of TL in # of tons = 10^(((C2 PL)/10)-1), which @ 16 C2 PL WWI tank would have a mass of 10^(1.6-1) = 10^.6 = 3.98 tons, with an (internal) engine. RULE # 209: This NEW equation calculates COST of technology with an internal or/and external engine of some sort in current USA dollars = 10^(((C2 PL)^(1/2))+1). But, a technology without any engine, such as bridge, COST = 10^(((C2 PL)^(1/2))+2), where AVERAGE worker would be @ C3 PL: so, a bridge @ 36 C2 PL would have an average worker @ 36 C3 PL; and, since < @ low end of the power spectrum > COM = DP = PL @ low end of the power spectrum would have an average worker @ 8.69 COM @ 36 C3 DP. And, a 9 C2 PL European car would cost $10^(3+1) = $10,000 @ 9 C2 PL which for a bridge would COST $10^(3+2). You can use this equation to calculate cost of the Manhattan Project @ 36 to 49 C2 PL, in value & inflation of current US dollars, @ 10^(6+1) to 10^(7+1) = 10^7 to 10^8 = 10 million to 100 million. So, if North Korea wanted to build a nuclear missile, it would cost them, for each, 10 million to 100 million, $, each @ 36 to 49 C2 PL which would be @ TL of between 1936 & 1949 by USA, Russia, Germany, & Japan. So, a modern US or Russian 64 C2 PL nuclear missile of similar TL of 1964 would cost, in today’s terms, about $ 1 billion, for each, @ 64 C2 PL or power level of TL of @ 1964. But, it would take Iraq centuries to have such TL capabilities, if its TL continues to grow @ rate of 1 C2 PL each decade starting from 1800 AD, assuming by 2000 AD, Iraq’s nuclear program is @ 20 C2 PL; &, NK @ 26 C2. RULE # 210 : You can use the Force Field Equation, RULE # 7, to figure out the blast radius or/and diameter, including shock wave(s), of any or an average high-powered explosive(s), using the following super simple equation, in # of ft. or # of meter(s): X^(1/2), where X = # of lbs. of AVERAGE high-powered explosive(s), such as TNT or some or any other NON-nuclear explosive in above equation to figure out impact of nuclear missiles or/and bombs. So, a nuclear bomb @ 1 Megaton explosive capability would have a radius or/and diameter damage of [(10^6)^(1/2)] = 10^3 ft. or 1,000 meters. So, the current high-powered NON-nuclear American missile @ 21,000 lbs. explosive @ 28.33 C2 PL which by RULE # 209 would cost $ 2 million for each such missile & would have a damage radius or/and diameter, including shock wave(s), @ (21,000)^(1/2) = 144.91 ft. or meters radius or/& diameter. So, this NEW equation confirms the accuracy of the Force Field Equation of RULE # 7, but (maybe) in a much more simplified manner. So, 1 lb. of gasoline would have an explosive radius or/and diameter of [1^(1/2)] = 1 = range of radius of 1 ft. to diameter of 1 meter. So, an exploding star @ 10^30 kg mass, where 1 kg. = 2.2 lbs., would have a blast radius or/and diameter of [(2.2*(10^30))^(1/2)] = (1.48*10^15) ft. or/and meters = [2.81*10^11 miles] or/and [1.48*10^12 km.] blast range, including shock wave(s), for an exploding star, such as by a super nova, WHICH IN TERMS OF C2 POWER LEVEL = 10^[(C2^(1/2))-X] FT. OR METERS OF RADIUS, WHERE X = [(C2 PL @ COM)^(1/2)] WHICH @ [(16 C2 PL @ COM)^(1/2)] = X = 4, BUT THIS NEW SIMPLIFIED EQUATION CONFLICTS WITH RULE # 7, THE FORCE FIELD EQUATION. Look @ Rule # 5 on STR. RULE # 211 : Distance for planetary detection in # of light-years = [10^((C1/10)-1)], which you can use to figure out whether or not Captain Jameway of Voyager is really lost or just pretending to be lost. RULE # 212 : The following 2ND GREATEST MILITARY < 1ST GREATEST MILITARY EQUATION BEING RULE # 7 BEING 1ST GREATEST MILITARY EQUATION IN MY HOMBREW RPG HYBRID > equation is the equation to the universe of DUNE, this next equation {though subjective} you can use to create or/and destroy an empire, ranging from both real to unreal, including science-fiction universe, like DUNE, where the equation is as follows, but based on DP or default psyche @ C2 PL or power level < LUCK > of emperor, king, President, or Prime-Minister : radius or diameter of empire IN # OF MILES OR KILOMETERS = [10^(((C2 DP)^(1/2))/2)]. So, if Modip < not sure if I spelled it correctly > is @ 64 C2 DP, he’d have control over a planet @ radius or dimeter of [10^((64^(1/2))/2)] = 10^(8/2) = 10^4 km or miles. This equation is partly barrowed from the tv series THE DEAD ZONE. And, you can use this same equation to figure out why Israel is an ally of USA, and you can, also, use this equation, to figure out nuclear program of N. Korea. =================================================== RULE # 213: Assassin = @ [(target’s C2 DP)/2], used in DUNE SERIES. This equation can, also, be used to simulate < to understand > the Vietnam or/and Korean War conflict. And, also, vice-versa: a = ((trg. C2 DP)*2). =================================================== RULE # 214 : Partly based on RULE # 212, This is or may be the best equation yet, as it, RULE # 214, with this equation helps to explain if Captain Jameway of Voyager is lost or if she’s just pretending to be lost: radius or diameter of empire or distance traveled in km or miles: [10^((C1 PL)/10)], which if LS or life-span is decreased, THEN PL is increased proportionally, since original PL in equation is @ DP or default psyche. So, you can put Modip @ 20 C1 DP = 49.28 C2 DP by 20^LOG10(20) = 49.28 C2 PL @ 49.28 C2 LS or life-span @ 20 C1 DP, allowing Modip to appear human but with power of an Duke or Barron, later an emperor of Iracus, but his LS is decreased to 10 C1 so that he can have an increased PL @ 44 C1 which might explain the existence of the super-giant worms on Iracus, with Modip using his powers similar to the MU character Moleman, arch enemy of Spiderman & the Fantastic Four. So, if he were to decrease his LS to [20/2]= 10 C1 then he can increase his PL to [20*2]= 40 C1, giving size of radius or diameter of empire = [10^(40/10)] = 10^4 km or miles, size of a planet. You can, also, use this equation for the tv series STAR-GATE for character with precognition @ 20 C1 DP or default psyche = 49.28 C2 DP. You can, also, use this equation to simulate the effects of traveling to an alternate or parallel universe, like in the recent Justice League episode, where I’m assuming it’s the same DC earth, not different, but the same DC earth that they, the Justice League, claim that they left, the original DC earth, meaning they didn’t leave their original DC earth, but was a farce (maybe: because they could have had sufficient C1 or C2 PL or power level): my opinion, which is my opinion. But, Modip could just as easily be @ 29 C1 DP = 137.6 C2 default psyche, rather than @ 20 C1 DP influence but with appearance of a 20 C2 DP human. His blue eyes would cost him 1 C2 or C1 DP point, so his COM is @ 19 C2 DP, by [20-1] = 19 C2 default psyche. =================================================== RULE # 215: The cartoon character ‘Samaria Jack’ would be @ 36 C2 DP, but “the” < NOT “THE” > devil < with a small letter “d” > @ 36 C1 DP but when the “devil” teleports him through time, the “devil” is @ 1.5x average 36 = 54 C1 DP, both of which is 1 level up or higher than 36 C2 DP, where C1 is 1 level up or higher than C2. But, if ‘the devil’ is a FOCUS < a term from Hero rpg >, then ‘Samaria Jack’ is the one to get the 36 C1 DP, rather than ‘the devil’ that plays tricks on him by teleporting him through time @ between 10 & 19 COM, unless it’s suspended animation, for both or either, like the 1980s tv series Buck Rogers. Note that in the STNG, Picard is @ Q C1 PL, while “Q” is @ Q C1 Default Psyche. So, if you put Picard @ 170 C1 PL, then “Q” is @ 170 C1 Default Psyche. You can use this ratio to figure out the time travel equation, as well for Voyager. Note that “PL” = Power Level, which, also, works like the cloning equation which can help you figure out the the DC character Superman, most powerful version, @ same PL as Picard. =================================================== RULE # 216: You get RULE # 215 by using the following rule for levitation for # of lbs or kg = [10^(C2/10)], where C2 is either DP or PL depending on the complexity of the object: the more complex the object that’s being levitated, the unit shifts from PL or power level to -> DP or default psyche to the character UNLESS the character imbues the object with extra properties such as by or through tachyon field(s), lines of force which is sometimes referred to as manna or magic by or through his personal life force. So, a human size mutant @ 300 C2 DP can simulate the power of the sun such as the cartoon character PYRON in the series “Darkstalkers” < Nightstalkers or Night Warriors >, where PYRON’s nemesis would get or be @ 100 C2 DP or (1/3) that of PYRON’s C2 default psyche: (1/3) based on minimum C2 DP for nemesis for that of [PYRON’s nemis] @ (1/3) of 100 C2 DP, then PYRON is @ 3 x 100 C2 DP. The latter 100 C2 DP is for the big guy with the sword who can project nuclear blast in form of a giant snow flake. But, note that the sun is @ 1,053.4 C2 DP or Default Psyche or life force: sun’s mass @ 10^30 kg, where 10^[{(54.77 C1 DP)/10}^2] = 10^30 kg. =================================================== RULE # 217: DC character FIRESTORM is @ 30 C1 DP, where he/you use(s) the following equation for molecular control: radius or diameter of matter in space-time converted in meters = 10^((C1-30)/10)). You can use RULE # 217 to create powerful weapons such as a fusion gun in the movie “AKIRA”, where the super laser gun would be a “focus”, a term from HERO rpg, but the character @ 6 ABMS with the laser gun, he would be C2 DP @ about that of a Jedi Knight @ minimum of 6 ABMS or that of the character ‘Samaria Jack’, who’s @ 36 C2 DP @ 1% of the time, either before or after Rule # 3; but, when without his powers, skills, & his sword, which sometimes acts as a FOCUS for slicing through object(s), < WITHOUT ALL THAT > THEN he’d be reduced to 25 C2 DP which is mostly just his COM @ [(C3 DP)/(pi+1)], where 25^LOG10(25) = 90 C3 DP. But, NOTE THAT a ninja is @ 25 C2 DP, but a super-ninja is @ 36 C2 DP. But, a mediocre martial artist like Jacky Chan would be @ 16 C2 DP; while, a beginner student of martial arts would be @ 9 C2 default psyche. But, NOTE THAT the cartoon version of Jacky Chan is @ 25 C2 DP; but, with a magic talisman, he’s @ 36 C2 DP; while, his uncle < in the cartoon > is @ 25 C1 DP without a magic talisman but @ 36 C1 DP with a magic talisman: notice the difference in unit for those 2 characters, the C2 for Jacky Chan & C1 for his uncle < in the cartoon > for DP. =================================================== RULE # 218: To solve or to unscramble a Rubik’s Cube, [X + {[10+{(COM)^(1/2)}]*{(COM)^(1/2)}}] C3 DP. So, then, R @ {1, 2 or 3} or 1 to 3, while r is @ [1 to 6] if +1 increment in R every 5 C2 DP; @ C2 @ [10 + X]: X = LOG10(speed factor) = either [10*r +X] or [20*r +X] = [(COM*r) +X] @ C3, @ DP or PL: X = LOG10(speed factor). =================================================== RULE # 219: C1 DP value for our sun is @ 55, where its mass is measured @ C2, but for small objects use C3, to figure out its mass, by [(# @ C#)^(dimension of object which is 2 if it is battleship in tons ELSE 3 IF it is large such as a star in kg, but raised to power of 10)]. But, to figure out the size of a galaxy or/and # of stars in that galaxy such as Milky Way for which # of stars = 10^(((C2 DP)/1,000)-1) = 10^(((C2 DP)-1,000)/1,000). So, then, a theoretical galaxy consisting of only 1 star @ size & type that of the/our sun, that galaxy would be @ 999 C2 DP = 54 C1 DP, assuming that a galaxy @ 10,000 C2 DP = 1 billion stars, where # of stars increasing by 10x every 1,000 C2 DP, starting with 1 star = @ 999 C2 DP. NOTE THAT 100 C1 DP = 10,000 C2 DP by 100^LOG10(100) = about 1 galaxy. Notice the decrease in numeric unit from 1,000 to 100, but increase in magnitude of point distribution from C2 to C1, where # of galaxies without an earth-like planet @ within it = 10^(((C1 DP)-100)/100); but, if each galaxy has an earth-like planet within it, # of galaxies = 10^(((C1 DP)-{%=120})/120). Notice the increase from 10 to 120 to its C1 DP, @ %. ================================================== RULE # 220: Based on the Rasolon episode of Dr Who, it is possible that the TARDIS’s source of energy is anti-matter emanating from either a black hole somewhere in the galaxy or the black hole @ the center of the galaxy. A recent article on anti-matter which says that a black hole can emit anti-matter seems to prove correct my Anti-Life Equation for the DC character Darkseid for radius or diameter in meters = [10^(C2 DP)^(1/d)], where d = 2 for politics = # of dimension(s). So, a male character @ 16 C2 DP could become a mayor of a city @ diameter of 10^(16^(1/2)) = 10^4 meters = 10 km. The ‘d’ is on a universal scale which when changed from micro local to macro universal, it gives the levitation equation of RULE # 216. And, so conversation of mass & energy is maintained, and can just as easily be converted to nano-technology @ for a male scientist or engineer @ %= (C2-(C2 for COM))^(dimension=2=LOG10(% of effort)), where dimensions of effect = LOG10(% of final result), which you can use to figure out PL or/and DP for Clark of for the tv series Smallville, by taking LOG10(final %). But, to be a perfect pool player, be playing @ C# DP, where # = gpa. Woman has her COM @ ((C1 DP)/10)^2. RULE # 221: Look @ RULE # 149 for origin of RULE # 221. But, explanation of RULE # 221 is a follows: to figure out the mass of 20th century technology, including weapons of mass destruction like TNT, its mass in # of tons = [(C{#=3} PL)^(dimension=2)], based on a US aircraft carrier being @ 40 C2 PL @ length of 368.63 meters @ mass of 135,891.54 tons, but a city be @ *diameter* of 1,600 meters, by [(C2 PL)^2], such as the center of a large (metropolitan) city, this is consistent with the storyline that of the ‘80s cartoon tv series Star Blazers; but, @ 10 C2 PL attack, the 2 equations are, also, consistent with the Iraqi attack on their northern neighbors - the Kurds – for both continuous and non-continuous explosion(s) – but both should overlap each other that being definition or/and interpretation of both continuous and non-continuous explosion(s) should overlap each other – which seems to give very accurate results such as for both World War II, I, & during the Cold War (III). For example, if you wanted to use this equation on the sun, since the sun is continuous explosion(s), you’d change the exponent from ‘2’ to ‘3’, giving you the equation in # of tons for a star such as our sun = [(C3 PL)^3], giving 10^27 tons @ 1,000 C2 PL = 10^9 C3 PL or power level by 1000^LOG10(1000). NOTE THAT the sun’s DP = @ 53.96 C1 by 53.96^LOG10(53.96) = 1,000 C2 default psyche, required for smallest stable star. RULE # 222: To create or simulate singularity or effects of a black hole, use the following equation to figure out mass that the artificially created singularity an effect: # of kg = 10^[(C1/10)^2], creating or/and simulating the effects of singularity or a black hole, by generating tachyon field(s), by TK (telekinesis) or/and TP (telepathy) { both being different manifestations of each other like clockwise and counter-clockwise } = 10^[(19/10)^2] = 10^[1.9^2] = 10^3.6 kg = 4.07 tons of mass such as a large car & crush like a soda-can, regardless of its chemical composition. So, Wolverine can reverse this process to create tachyon field(s) to generate his adamentium (laced) – which is only (e to pi) x stronger than iron - skeleton & his claws which are either tachyon fields or combinations of force fields & holograms which is how the powers of the Invisible Woman {of Fantastic Four} works her powers by projecting her powers outward rather than like Wolverine, who projects his powers inward to generate his power stunts. Then, Jean Grey as the Dark Phoenix @ 43 C1 DP = a rating of 9 in Nobilis or MU SAGA = 19 CA DP = 2x the point level that of the MU Onslaught. Look @ Rule # 223. RULE # 223: You can using the cloning equation to figure out the # of people that you can effect telepathically. And, you can use the nuclear equation to figure out the radius within which that you can affect others, but you can use topology to increase the maximum distance that you can affect some particular individual. And, the same method of topology, you can, also, generate or simulate singularity (black hole): % = X^X, where X = (C2/M); or, % = Y^Z, where Y = (C1/10) & Z = exponent, which is inverse exponent that is used on his Life Span. RULE # 224: If guy is @ 12 C2 DP = 2.9 COM, then his woman is @ 32.8 C2 DP, by {10*(2.9^(1/2))} = 17.03 C1 DP = 17.03^LOG10(17.03 C1) = 32.8 C2 DP: in my rpg, women usually get more points than guys, assuming guy is human. He usually gets the square of her points @ C2 DP, which is proportional to the time travel equation for objects. COM level of similar proportionate beauty that you can check by taking his COM level by his C3 DP divided by [pi +1], which is accurate in terms of her ideal male match. RULE # 225: For time travel, object doing the time traveling needs square points than that of its mass; and, the amount of mass that you can put through time travel is square root of C#, is magnitude of tacyion field(s). And, 2nd option is if initial value is set @ 10 or some other # @ C#, (then add 10 to #), & set it to C(#-1). RULE # 228: Pilot Varsity makes an excellent dip pen. RULE # 229: Rate of $ inflation seems to double every 10 years; cause is due to politically incorrect reasons. RULE # 242: Colleges employ the following naming system consisting of 4 equations for college course # are as follows: # = [(age, years)*C2] or [(age, years)*C3] or [C3] or [C4], where C# @ either PL or DP, for courses, where C(# +1) = C#^LOG10(C#). So, you can, eventually, use this easy equation to create a nuclear device @ the price of a beer can, and @ same time get rid of the college institutions, which rob students of their of $. RULE # 312: The mechanics of the 1st & last paragraph under “Quantum” of page 146 of Aberrant rpg & the mechanics of the 2nd & 3rd paragraph of page 147 of Aberrant rpg is & works the same way as in my rpg HYBRID: I HAD THOUGHT OF SAME IDEA(s) ~ 2 decades AGO IN 1987, which is when I got my idea to use quantum for psyche. The C# that I invented was 1% completed in 1991, and it was 100% completed by year 2000, based on X^LOG10(X). It is a COINCIDENCE OF COSMIC LEVEL THAT THERE IS A COMPUTER LANGUAGE BY THAT SAME NAME C#, WHEN I INVENTED THE TERM C#, ANOTHER EXTRA COINCIDENCE, C#, TERM INDEPENDENTLY I CREATED MY IDEA(S), COINCIDENTLY IMPLIED OR/& APPEAR IN RPGS. THIS RPG, ITS FOUNDATION OF C1 CREATED IN 1991, LEAD TO ITS COMPLETION, IS @ 200% & INCOMPLETE BY 2004. THE VERSION # IS [{%% = (%/10)}/100], IS @ V 0.2, when it is 200% complete, but is 20%% in terms of reality. So, when it was 100% complete by year 2000, it seemed like it was only 10%% complete in terms of reality, giving it V 0.1 in the year 2000, reaching V 0.2 by 2004, where % = [(year – 1990)^2], so by the year 2010, Version # ought to reach V 0.4 @ 40%%.[/QUOTE]
Vers. 0.12
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