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Wow, someone sounds gayer than Michael Jackson singing one of his songs...

[Mar 17,2008 12:33am - i_am_lazy  ""]
Fallout Boy and John Mayer covering Beat It...LMAO

[Mar 17,2008 2:04am - anthny  ""]
Michael Jackson had some awesome fucking records. It's just great music - it's pretty hard to deny that. This is actually a really well done cover too, from what I heard, although I have no interest in Fall Out Boy whatsoever.

[Mar 17,2008 9:19am - thegreatspaldino ""]
i will pop in Thriller from time to time and slap my junk to it non-stop. it really is good music. i dont care how many boys he supposedly touched.
[Mar 17,2008 9:38am - This_Is_Heresy ""]
I gotta go ahead and agree with Lazy here. This is pretty much gayer than 8 dudes fucking 9 dudes.
[Mar 17,2008 9:43am - thegreatspaldino ""]
oh, THIS is gay, definitely. Fall Out Boy is the epitome of triple penetration on a turkish prison guard, but Michael Jackson's music, atleast used to be, really good.

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