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i need some music clips..

[Mar 25,2008 4:53pm - succubus ""]
jsut the short 10 to 30 second clips...
for a powerponit presentation..i tried amazon and buy.com but even if i save the target it doesn't save the file...can anyone help?
I need:
money changse everything- cyndi lauper
marvin gaye-wht's going on?
pink floyd time
elvis costello-accidents will happen
beatles-magical mystery tour


[Mar 25,2008 5:10pm - succubus ""]
i know i'm going to get a ton of replies on here as usual

[Mar 25,2008 5:13pm - brian_dc ""]
if you have those actual songs on CD or something, you can import them and then edit them to be clips with something like Audacity.
[Mar 25,2008 8:24pm - succubus ""]
nope..i just need a clip from each....anyone?
[Mar 25,2008 8:30pm - thuringwethil ""]
I only have the beatles and pink floyd songs, I can audio tweak them

what sections of the songs? do you have the other songs, carina?
[Mar 25,2008 8:49pm - succubus ""]
i have 0 of them...i just need about 15 to 30 seconds of the clip...if possible the chorus part...i will have to put it in a powerponit presentation
you rock for replying
[Mar 26,2008 12:07pm - thuringwethil ""]
alrighty. they're on their way. thank goodness for the library

do you want mp3s, aiffs, or wav files?
[Mar 26,2008 8:43pm - succubus ""]
whoah!!! whatever is easier ! i'm guessing mp3 or wav

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