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mp3 converter program

[Apr 20,2008 8:46am - ancient master  ""]
I need a free program to convert wav to mp3, any suggestions?
[Apr 20,2008 9:12am - bradmann ""]
[Apr 20,2008 9:13am - bradmann ""]
[Apr 20,2008 11:46am - the_reverend ""]
cd ex
[Apr 21,2008 1:57pm - BrianDBB ""]
ITunes has one built in too.
[Apr 21,2008 2:10pm - dreadkill ""]
[Apr 21,2008 2:52pm - aril  ""]
just get adobe audition from a torrent site. it can do that and serve you as a 64-track multitrack program as well.
used to be cool edit. ahhh, i remember cool edit.
[Apr 21,2008 3:06pm - the_reverend ""]
cdex is the bestets. I love cool edit.

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