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Cannibal Corpse to release retrospective

[May 6,2008 6:17pm - W3 nli  ""]

Legendary death metal band Cannibal Corpse has been busy working on the follow-up to 2006's victorious release Kill, which saw the band hit the Billboard Top 200 chart at #170 with 6,049 units scanned, #6 on Billboard's Heatseaker chart, #16 on Billboard's Top Independent Albums chart, #21 on Billboard's Top Hard Rock Albums chart, a coveted spot touring on 2006's Sounds of the Underground, headlining the extremely successful Metal Blade Records 25th Anniversary Tour, and multiple tours overseas and dates in Canada and South America.

The new album isn't expected until the fall or winter, so until then fans will be able to get their Cannibal fix with the bands first-ever career retrospective 3-disc DVD, Centuries of Torment The First 20 Years, due out July 2008 via Metal Blade Records.

Centuries of Torment: The First 20 Years contains live and rare footage, interviews with members past and present, and loads of bonus material (see track listing below). Documentary and bonus footage directed and produced by Denise Korycki.

DVD 1: Cannibal Corpse History

Eaten Back to Life
Butchered at Birth
Tomb of the Mutilated
The Bleeding

1995 - Present
Gallery of Suicide
Gore Obsessed and The Wretched Spawn

DVD 2: Cannibal Corpse Performances

With Full Force 2007
1. Unleashing the Bloodthirsty
2. Murder Worship
3. Disposal of the Body

Toronto 2006
4. The Time To Kill Is Now
5. Disfigured
6. Death Walking Terror
7. Covered With Sores
8. Born In a Casket
9. I Cum Blood
10. Decency Defied
11. Make Them Suffer
12. Dormant Bodies Bursting
13. Five Nails Through The Neck
14. Devoured By Vermin
15. Hammer Smashed Face
16. Stripped, Raped, And Strangled

Party San 2005
17. Puncture Wound Massacre
18. Sentenced To Burn
19. Fucked With A Knife
20. Psychotic Precision
21. Pulverized
22. Pounded Into Dust
23. The Wretched Spawn

New York 2000
24. The Spine Splitter
25. Dead Human Collection

Jacksonville, FL 1996
26. Mummified In Barbed Wire

Nashville, TN 1994
27. Entrails Ripped From A Virgin's Cunt
28. Pulverized

Buffalo, NY 1989
29. Shredded Humans
30. Rotting Head

Music Videos
31. Staring Through the Eyes of the Dead
32. Devoured By Vermin
33. Sentenced To Burn
34. Decency Defied
35. Make Them Suffer
36. Death Walking Terror
37. Stripped, Raped, And Strangled 2007

DVD 3: Bonus Chunks
Compelled To Illustrate
Every Ban Broken
Covered With Ink
Maniacal Merch
Relentless Touring
Word Infested
Sickening Metalocalypse
Diverse Offerings
Staring Through the Eyes of the Band
Kill Crane
[May 6,2008 6:20pm - corpus_nli  ""]
still one of the greatest DM bands imo!
[May 6,2008 6:33pm - blue ""]
im definetly going to be picking this up. the 15 year killing spree box set rules too.
[May 6,2008 7:44pm - aterribleguitarist ""]
the best part of 15 year killing spree was getting to hear the original Vile tracks with Barnes on vocals. the second best part was litening to paul mazurkewicz talk about "sonic meshing"
[May 6,2008 10:54pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
the shows in the 15 year killing spree box set dvd are fucking money. That moscow one rips.

Defenitly picking this up.
[May 6,2008 11:03pm - Neverpurified nli  ""]

aterribleguitarist said:the best part of 15 year killing spree was getting to hear the original Vile tracks with Barnes on vocals.

I liked hearing it because it made it that much more obvious that corpsegrinder is the superior vocalist
[Aug 3,2008 1:12pm - rotivore ""]
this dvd rules! I wish everyband would put out a dvd with the in depth history and timelines that is this. by far the best band dvd thats been put out. lots of barnes interviews and interviews with other bands...like charlie from anthrax, gene hoglan, richard cristy, karl from nile, eric rutan ect. vincent locke interviews about the cover art and more....Ive watched it like 6 times already........if yer a cannibal fan this is as nessisary as breathing.

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