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For anyone who wants to watch free tv shows...FREE FAMILY GUY!!!

[May 7,2008 8:35pm - Hoser ""]


[May 7,2008 8:37pm - Hoser ""]
Hshahahahahahaha....such a great episode.
[May 7,2008 8:41pm - powerkok ""]
dude ....got that bloodbath.......fruckint sick shit. mee liike
[May 7,2008 8:51pm - fleshfries ""]
The Michael J Fox as Zorro bit was fucking hilarious!
[May 7,2008 8:54pm - Hoser ""]

powerkok said:dude ....got that bloodbath.......fruckint sick shit. mee liike

Knew you would.....glad to hear it.
[May 7,2008 8:54pm - Hoser ""]

fleshfries said:The Michael J Fox as Zorro bit was fucking hilarious!

Hahahaha, hell ya it is....
[May 7,2008 8:57pm - Hoser ""]
"sometimes I have to poop for a long time"

"or you'll see my scrotum and see that it has a seam on it and then you'll think that I'm made up of 2 different guys that were sewn together, 'cause that's what I think happened...."

[May 8,2008 11:02am - Hoser_NLI  ""]
I watched allllll night.

[May 8,2008 11:03am - the_reverend ""]
nice, I've only been posting about hulu for a few months. things run slower in maine.
[May 13,2008 7:55pm - Hoser ""]
I am sorry, your eminence. I am a loser of divine proportion.
[May 13,2008 7:59pm - powerkok ""]
Wow, Im suprised he even spoke AT you, and didnt have a lowly translator do the actual referral.
[May 13,2008 7:59pm - powerkok ""]
psssh wahhhhhhh
[May 13,2008 8:03pm - the_reverend ""]
powerkok needs kadoogan to challenge him to arm wrestling again...
he's like getting to big for his britches.
[May 13,2008 8:21pm - powerkok ""]
Im down for an Indian cock wrestle.
Oh what? huh?
I mean sports. Always sports.
Manmade fire. hyuuhhh.
[May 13,2008 10:34pm - tylor  ""]
im one of the only people who doesnt like this show
[May 13,2008 10:34pm - tylor  ""]
*people i know
[May 13,2008 11:22pm - powerkok ""]
Are you a retarded?

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