guitar head crisis[views:4841][posts:17]_________________________________________ [Jan 29,2004 4:57pm - fuckerXlynchie ""] so yeah, to anyone who doesnt know who i am i'm one of the guitarist of in dire need and i'm having a big problem with my 5150. basically the motherboard on it fried so i have no head to use and i'm practically flat broke to go out and buy a brand new head so i'm posting on here to see if anyone who doesnt play guitar that owns a tubed head would be into selling me theirs or if they're nice letting me borrow theirs until i can afford a brand new one. i know i'm setting myself up to be laughed at for asking such a thing but i figured i'd try. |
_________________________________________ [Jan 29,2004 5:01pm - fuckerXlynchie ""] i forgot to leave my contact info incase anyone does have an answer to my question., to those who are gonna email me please be serious about this and not say dumb shit cause i know certain people on this board loathe my band but whatever. |
________________________________ [Jan 29,2004 5:09pm - George ""] i dont loathe your band, i loathe 5150 heads. peavey makes shit equipment, im not suprised your motherboard is fried. |
__________________________________ [Jan 29,2004 5:13pm - goratory ""] yo dude, my roomate is selling his line 6 in perfect condition with the pedal for 400 to 500 hundred bucks let me know today cause he is gonna sell it tommorow my contact is |
__________________________________ [Jan 29,2004 5:14pm - goratory ""] by the way, I had that same head 4 years ago and it fried on me |
______________________________________ [Jan 29,2004 5:19pm - the_reverend ""] I think those heads work better if you put camo on them. |
_________________________________________ [Jan 29,2004 5:49pm - fuckerXlynchie ""] yo guy i sent you an email. |
___________________________________ [Jan 29,2004 11:20pm - HiImPaul ""] loathing a 5150 = foolish the signature series were made cheaper unlike the orignal 5150's from the early 90's the EVH models. The EVH models were hand made they sound better and last longer. My 5150 is dated back to 1993 ive had no problem with it at all. Play out of one and mess around with it before you "loathe" it. Id take a 5150 over a mesa or marshall head any day. |
_________________________________ [Jan 29,2004 11:45pm - George ""] i did. i used it as a back up when my marshall broke. it sucked, sounded like shit. |
_________________________________ [Jan 29,2004 11:52pm - George ""] and aside from them sounding terribly bland, they're obviously very unreliable. peavey just makes poor equipment, thats why they're, cheaper than most good amps. |
__________________________________ [Jan 30,2004 1:24am - HiImPaul ""] Your wrong, and I dont really feel like writing out a long explaination so have fun with your marshall combo |
_________________________________________ [Jan 30,2004 8:04am - 5 Minutes Hate ""] HiImPaul said:loathing a 5150 = foolish the signature series were made cheaper unlike the orignal 5150's from the early 90's the EVH models. The EVH models were hand made they sound better and last longer. My 5150 is dated back to 1993 ive had no problem with it at all. Play out of one and mess around with it before you "loathe" it. Id take a 5150 over a mesa or marshall head any day. Yo Paul, I totally agree with you, I've had my 5150 for about as long as you've had yours (early/mid 90s) and trust me, mine's been through A LOT and I still have never had a single issue with it. George, I think you were using a newer, not so great version of it. Back when I was playing drums in a band with the other guitarist in 5 Minutes Hate he was using a marshall JCM 900, and when that crapped out on him, he used my 5150 and our sound improved and he was all set with his marshall. So, now he's using a newer dual mesa, I'm on guitar still using that same 5150 and he still feels that I've got a better tone than him! Oh well! I can respect your opinion but when you've had as good of an experience with the amp as I have you'd swear by it too! |
__________________________________________ [Jan 30,2004 8:09am - TheGreatSpaldino ""] peavey makles gpopods basas eq uipmentg. man typ'iong witjh goloves on is amaaziong |
________________________________ [Jan 30,2004 8:34am - George ""] i probably did use the newer amp. the older models must have been a huge improvement cause when i used that head it sounded like fucking crap. i plan on ripping off blue and getting a line 6 pod pro rackmount anyway. |
______________________________________ [Jan 30,2004 9:29am - the_reverend ""] BOE uses 5150's too right? |
________________________________________ [Jan 30,2004 5:43pm - A_Cold_Reality ""] older 5150s ARe cool, but mARshAl And mesa ARe still better |
__________________________________ [Jan 30,2004 8:01pm - goratory ""] I just bought a Marshall mode 4 two days ago and I have to honestly say that it is the sickest sounding amp on the market right now. I have always been a little skeptical about using Marshall but I honestly almost shit my pants when I heard this thing. Anyone else play one yet?????? |
________________________________________ [Jan 30,2004 10:03pm - DeOdiumMortis ""] I think I want to replace my effert pedal with a Line 6 rackmount, after I get new tubes and a controller pedal... and one of those job things... |