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anyone know any good ambient bands?

[Jun 5,2008 3:54pm - xanonymousx ""]
like anything like explosions in the sky?
[Jun 5,2008 3:56pm - thuringwethil ""]
anything off of Cold Meat Industry records

[Jun 5,2008 4:00pm - c.Dead  ""]
Controlled Bleeding (mid era)
Raison Detre
Archon Satani
Select Bill Laswell recordings
Old Aphex Twin ("Selected Ambient Works" I and II, duh)
Nommam Ertyz
Aube (some noiser than others)
A ton more I can't think of right now, but go from there. Explosions in the Sky isn't real Ambient or anything, but this stuff is so you might not dig it as much.
[Jun 5,2008 4:01pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
The American Dollar, Hammock, Godspeed You Black Emperor, The Elemental Chrysalis, Mogwai, Sidewaytown (these guys are more like a "real" band but have the same sort of atmosphere),
[Jun 5,2008 4:02pm - thuringwethil ""]

[Jun 5,2008 4:02pm - W3 nli  ""]

W3%20nli said:oh yeah and CRYOSTASIUM
[Jun 5,2008 4:03pm - cav nli  ""]
im definitely re visiting this thread when i get home!
[Jun 5,2008 4:04pm - Martins ""]
[Jun 5,2008 4:12pm - xanonymousx ""]

c.Dead said:
A ton more I can't think of right now, but go from there. Explosions in the Sky isn't real Ambient or anything, but this stuff is so you might not dig it as much.

some of those kick ass. thanks.
[Jun 5,2008 4:12pm - cav nli  ""]
you listen to sigur ros xanonymousx?
[Jun 5,2008 4:14pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
i would have put Sigur Ros, but i figured everyone knew about them
[Jun 5,2008 4:15pm - brian_dc ""]
go here

[Jun 5,2008 4:23pm - xanonymousx ""]
and cav i listen everything.
[Jun 5,2008 4:27pm - c.Dead  ""]

xanonymousx said:
c.Dead said:
A ton more I can't think of right now, but go from there. Explosions in the Sky isn't real Ambient or anything, but this stuff is so you might not dig it as much.

some of those kick ass. thanks.

Awesome, glad you could find something worthwhile.
[Jun 5,2008 5:19pm - xanonymousx ""]

cav%20nli said:you listen to sigur ros xanonymousx?

some of their stuff must be a trip if you took some psychedelic drugs.
[Jun 5,2008 7:44pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]

c.Dead said:Controlled Bleeding (mid era)

Skin Chamber was great too, though quite overlooked.

Lull and anything Mick Harris tends to rule.
[Jun 5,2008 8:01pm - ScruffMcGruff  ""]
Ghosts of the Canal
[Jun 5,2008 8:08pm - Hoser ""]

thegreatspaldino said:The American Dollar, Hammock, Godspeed You Black Emperor, The Elemental Chrysalis, Mogwai, Sidewaytown (these guys are more like a "real" band but have the same sort of atmosphere),

Godspeed You Black Emperor..........BACKED.
[Jun 5,2008 10:31pm - Raynnn_  ""]
Gregor Samsa, Mono. In addition to most of the fine bands listed already.
[Jun 5,2008 10:32pm - brian_dc ""]
recently got F#A# (infinity) LP...it's fantastic
[Jun 6,2008 12:05am - DJ DEATH  ""]
Klaus Schulze, Neptune Towers, Tangerine Dream, Sunn, Temple of Not, etc...
[Jun 6,2008 12:06am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
"Low" is incredible, def check them out.
[Jun 6,2008 12:13am - RichHorror ""]
I like Trial Of The Bow.
[Jun 6,2008 8:34am - Yeti ""]
Thou Shalt Suffer - Somnium is a weird ambient album.
[Jun 6,2008 8:36am - RustyPS ""]

Hoser said:
thegreatspaldino said:The American Dollar, Hammock, Godspeed You Black Emperor, The Elemental Chrysalis, Mogwai, Sidewaytown (these guys are more like a "real" band but have the same sort of atmosphere),

Godspeed You Black Emperor and Mogwai and Mono..........BACKED.

[Jun 6,2008 10:45am - c.DeaD  ""]

mikeofdecrepitude said:
c.Dead said:Controlled Bleeding (mid era)

Skin Chamber was great too, though quite overlooked.

Lull and anything Mick Harris tends to rule.

FUCK YEAH!! Skin Chamber was fucking awesome! I used to have both of their records on tape, but long gone. I should ebay them, they were tits.

They were called Fat Hacker before that, I still have their split 7inch with Candiru. It was a little bit grindier.

For the most part, Scorn is one of my favorite bands of all time. However I prefer when it was Nik Bullen ("Scum" vocalist on the first side of the record) and Mick doing wicked scummed drug-dub like "Colossus" and "Evanescence". That is some overlooked shit right there.
[Jun 6,2008 10:51am - c.DeaD  ""]

DJ%20DEATH said:Klaus Schulze, Neptune Towers, Tangerine Dream, Sunn, Temple of Not, etc...

Yes yes, Temple of Not, forgot that one. Shit rules.
[Jun 6,2008 11:20am - aril  ""]
Rapoon > Temple of Not.
[Jun 6,2008 11:21am - Wantonnabe  ""]
Anything from Winds is amazing stuff. Not sure if its what you mean but amazing nonetheless.
[Jun 6,2008 7:59pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Cult of Luna is up there on my list but they are more or less edgier Progressive/Sludge Metal.
[Jun 6,2008 8:00pm - Martins ""]
Bibio again
[Jun 8,2008 12:49pm - ArilliusBM ""]
if you like explosions in the sky then check out the band "this will destroy you."

Very similar style
[Jun 8,2008 12:49pm - Martins ""]
Bibio once more
[Jun 8,2008 7:31pm - Ancient Master  ""]
procer veneficus
neptune towers
october falls
Raison d'etre
ruhr hunter
subarachnoid space
trial of the bow
Zpoan Vtenz
[Jun 9,2008 1:34am - Phrozenspite ""]
sounds to me like hes looking for Post Rock rather then ambient
[Jun 9,2008 3:19am - deadlikemurf ""]
godspeed you black emperor
godspeed's other band... thee silver mt. zion orchestra.. soooo fucking good...

and local...

check out presley
[Jun 9,2008 5:27am - anonymouse ""]
[Jun 9,2008 8:08am - darkenedsoul ""]
Darkened Soul (my project), Nether, Instincts, Sophia, Coph Nia, Raison d'etre, Sephiroth, Visions, Profound as a Thousand Nights, Inade, Yen Pox, Hollow Earth, Angel of Decay (jonathan from Hollow Earth), New Risen Throne, I could go on...

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