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mastamindz the gayest shit ever to come out of massachusetts

[Feb 11,2004 10:31am - SUBJUGATE ""]

total rip off of ratm hahahahahahahahhahahaha
[Feb 11,2004 10:45am - RustedAngel ""]
hahaha, are they even a rip off of ratm? these guys look like TOTAL homies!
[Feb 11,2004 10:56am - the_reverend ""]
wow.. that shit sucks...
took me like 30 minutes to realize what ratm was
it's more like ran... rage against nothing...
[Feb 11,2004 11:10am - dreadkill@work  ""]
ha, the singer calls himself m1 and the bass player looks like a G'ed out bruce willis. what a bunch of goons. "The word “mastermind” if looked up in the dictionary would read: A very clever person; a work done with extraordinary skill; the greatest work done of a person or group." what then, does the word mastamindz mean? my guess: a very clever person who is so clever he can come up with clever new ways to spell otherwise mundane looking words.
[Feb 11,2004 11:15am - dreadkill@work  ""]
the lyrics are hilarious too.
Let me define -follow as I ryhme -step into the world of a mastamind -Blaze some weed for my people in the sky -we're all be together and soon we will ride -there ain't no stopping us we ain't ever going quit -keeping it real with this mastamindz shit -how do you define what's a mastamind -where do they live -how do they get by -tell ya right now -keep it straight off the fly -just like juggalo's -we ain't ever gonna die -where do we live -on the west side -providence of course -where people get tossed -always on the run -like Randy Moss so let me define -follow as I ryhme -step into the world of a mastamind
[Feb 11,2004 11:37am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
haha awesome. i just offered them a record deal
[Feb 11,2004 12:44pm - JellyFish ""]
wow, they are retarded. And I thought killswitch engage was the worst shit out of mass.
[Feb 11,2004 3:05pm - morkul ""]
they look about as bad as a band called gridlockt here in tucson. they think they are bad ass because roadrunner gave them a second glance.
[Feb 11,2004 3:41pm - Abbath ""]
ahahahah wow painful Subjugate why would you do this to us?! anyone hear that bitch song?! ASS CRAP... it's embarrassing to know they came out of my state....did they actually believe that their songs were good when they finished them? and that's why i know that god hates us
[Feb 11,2004 3:46pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Just look at their spelling- masta-mindz.
Just as retarded as back of da neck and e-town concrete.
YO YO YO I dones be chilling with ma niggas down in southee. DAMN BOY dat be mad tight. BLAP BLAP 'pon yo dome!!! Oh snap!
[Feb 11,2004 3:51pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Fuck you subjugate!!! I just looked at the site. WHY???? What the hell!?!
Did you read the lyrics to bomb? Look and laugh... then kill your self for reading it. I know I will.
[Feb 11,2004 3:53pm - morkul ""]
you seem to have a good wrap on their dialect, makes me wonder?????
[Feb 11,2004 3:55pm - swamplorddvm ""]
That hurts dude. Why you be talking smack 'bout me gee? Gid up off ma grill nigga, damn!!!
[Feb 11,2004 3:56pm - Abbath ""]
"pull out my 44
cause I gotta do ya
it's all ya fault
you started this shit
it's up to you kid
only if you want it"

BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! douche ass hat!
[Feb 11,2004 4:02pm - succubus ""]
well i'm glad i do not know them then
[Feb 11,2004 4:20pm - M1  ""]
Yo gee, don't be frontin on my bizand. I'll do to you what I did to those three homies. I TOLD YOU HOW FAST I BLAST!
[Feb 11,2004 4:24pm - morkul ""]
blast. does he mean drumming wise or out his friggin grizzo? cause i can't tell what the fuck this kid is talkin about.
[Feb 11,2004 4:26pm - swamplorddvm ""]
YO nigga you wanna bring out da gizzatz? Foo don't know what he gettin' into. I got MAAAAD peeps behind me. Represent! EAST SIIIDE!!!
[Feb 11,2004 4:26pm - M1  ""]
Dammit dawg, I blast out my gat. Shit. I know Ice-T, man... and the Kottonmouth Kings...damn...
[Feb 11,2004 4:30pm - morkul ""]
oh good you must be a huge fan of his work on law and order,,,,,,,moron
[Feb 11,2004 4:31pm - swamplorddvm ""]
OH snap, you know dem niggas??? Word up. dey tight wit me. a'ight maybe I wont gat ya. YO, you know dem niggas twiztid? Dey put da smack down!
[Feb 11,2004 4:37pm - M1  ""]
WORD BITCH! TWIZTID is my niggaz.
[Feb 11,2004 4:44pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Feb 11,2004 9:34pm - JellyFish ""]

Mr. Shit talker
How much shit comes out your mouth
Every word I speak is soft
But yet they’re heard loud
Every thing you seem to spit
Seems to smell like shit

[Feb 11,2004 9:35pm - JellyFish ""]

You bitch, you bitch
you mother fucking bitch
you fucking bitch
you bitch, you bitch
you god damn bitch

jesus, these guys think theyre eminem or something.
[Feb 11,2004 11:25pm - diamond_dave ""]
actually those guys are from providence. they practice in the room next to ours. EVERY DAY. worst thing ever. the guitar player is 39.
[Feb 12,2004 10:44am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
haha, imagine being 39 and being in a playground band
[Feb 12,2004 8:46pm - diamond_dave ""]
haha, and no, i won't imagine that. i'd kill myself.
[Feb 12,2004 9:00pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I refuse to believe this shit is real.



[Feb 12,2004 9:44pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I used to think ice-t was kinda cool.
[Feb 13,2004 1:25am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Is that last pic Ice-T and Devon (TYAG)?
[Feb 13,2004 3:30pm - Assuck ""]
The bassist looks like his name should be Nigel... maybe its just me...
And that picture with Ice-T is friggin ridiculous.
[Mar 4,2004 6:29pm - ERIC WRIGHT  ""]
Mastamindz i can't understand how this band can make so many people talk if they are so weak why do you speak?It looks as if all you tiny little hamster dick muthafuckaz need to change your diapers!I always say if you don't know what your talking about don't fucking talk,I did research the bands not from mass. you dumb azz!Why don't you go drink some goat semen while you give your best friend a azz reeming.Satan rock fast metal music to hear while you ride the devil's cock.raaa haaaaSAtaaaan,what the fuck kind of music is that?You all sound like Mike Jackson fans,id rather listen to country!Have a nice day Haters
[Mar 4,2004 6:45pm - anonymous  ""]
why are you buthurt because they are your favorite band. you weak ass son of a bitch. don't ever bad mouth death metal. when you can play what they play then you can talk, until then eat a dick up and hiccup...
[Mar 4,2004 8:32pm - JellyFish ""]
what is this guy doing on this site if he dosent like metal?
[Mar 4,2004 10:05pm - Assuck ""]
what is this guy doing breathing at all?
[Mar 4,2004 11:24pm - Abbath ""]
at least if you're making fun of us you can spell ass right you fucking cunt rag, if you like this band you should die from ass cancer, eric wright if i ever see you in person i'll smack the living crap out of you for commenting on such a sacred area for metal
[Mar 5,2004 12:44am - Josh_hates_you ""]
well ill give whoever recorded the music credit its a good recording it probably made them sound 5 times better than they realy are. i think not common records should host a battle of the gay bands and let the rttp board be the judges for gayest band ever. btw sign up to the mastaminds message board and post this whole thread!!!
[Mar 5,2004 11:49pm - Assuck ""]
Josh_hates_you said:well ill give whoever recorded the music credit its a good recording it probably made them sound 5 times better than they realy are. i think not common records should host a battle of the gay bands and let the rttp board be the judges for gayest band ever. btw sign up to the mastaminds message board and post this whole thread!!!

genius! all of it ! genius!
[Mar 6,2004 12:55am - deathcow ""]
"Born in Worchester, Mass to English parents, growing up was not easy. At age 15 his eye was poked out by a paperclip."

Well, if that isn't street cred, I don't know what is.
[Mar 6,2004 8:42am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
If I booked a battle of the shitty bands, Mastamindz wouldn't be on it, but the bands I would put on it would make half of you hate me even more then you already do.
[Mar 7,2004 9:55am - Assuck ""]
Now I wanna know which bands you'd put on there. Would we be on there? Cause if we would...:skull: to you.
[Mar 7,2004 10:05am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
haha no way, Abhorred is totally tubular dude.
If I didn't like your band, I wouldn't be booking you guys on shows.
[Mar 7,2004 10:46am - Assuck ""]
i suppose that makes sense. i'd say we're more gnarly than tubular though.
[Mar 7,2004 12:27pm - intricateprocess ""]
this is the worst website ever.........................ive been laughing for like a day know.................fucking classic..........the lyrics are the WORST ever.......even worse than chris barnes lyrics..............goddamn....
[Mar 7,2004 12:29pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
[Mar 7,2004 12:36pm - intricateprocess ""]
[Mar 7,2004 12:39pm - Terence ""]
[Mar 7,2004 12:48pm - intricateprocess ""]
alright, when are mastamindz playin RTTP?

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