[views:2160][posts:5]_____________________________________ [Sep 20,2008 12:40pm - RichHorror ""] |
____________________________________ [Sep 20,2008 3:14pm - fleshfries ""] You should hop on that to please the master. |
_____________________________________________ [Sep 20,2008 4:02pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""] LOL WUT |
__________________________________________ [Sep 21,2008 1:15am - douchebag_patrol ""] "This posting has been flagged for removal" |
_____________________________________ [Sep 21,2008 11:32am - RichHorror ""] Star-crossed Reply to: [?] Date: 2008-09-20, 3:00AM EDT Thus, the ghostly Moon & its mezmerising light beseeches something awful in me... The mysterious inner core that moves my aimless body urges me into another night of ill-mannered sentiment. ...and, although the effort needed to commit these grizzly acts is, in part, done willingly... The call to do them is externally initiated. ...initiated... By HIM!! He of whom I speak is known by me, (and soon, you too) as the Master It is through his benevolent evil that I come to you this night in the hopes of gaining your trust, then (sometime after my self administered morphine shots wear off) leaving your withered body to be discovered by a horrified jogger, sometime before dawn.... the following condition: ---scalped ---hastily half-buried ---purple with bruises ---eyes cautrized by a dashboard lighter from a '76 Camaro ---missing portions of your thigh muscles ---sexually assaulted by an instrument which authorities can only describe as, "mousetrap-like" ---and apart from wearing only one(1) shoe, nude. ................ As previously stated--I do this NOT because I want to--but because "HE" dictates it. My master commands me--- To.... Harvest... Souls...... O, won't you please help my cause?? Just think of it as a "Donation to Damnation" From your sacrifice...from your blood...the master will be closer to walking the Earth. Your (what will no doubt be) gruesome and gratuitous death will usher forth a new era of Blight & Sorrow He will be free to draw from the power of his victims... It will be from your innocent fluids that Hell's supplicants shall call this world Home once more... Please don't be frightened...I up what we have come to take for granted is difficult. But fear not... <=Your synovial fluids will provide fuel to the engine of destruction... <=Your ground-up nose cartilage will grease the gears of a million bone-crushing Killbots... <=Your precious red tomato paste has a destiny far more glorious than just cycling through your pitiful veins... REJOICE! You do have a purpose...there is meaning in your life... Let me take you for a night only I'll remember.... Let me show you a world that benefits from your demise.... Let me dice you into morsels that will find their way onto the sizzling steel of an Asian Wok ... Let me provide you with the kind of immortality that the Manson family's victims have enjoyed for decades... All this do I wish to grant you. So, why don't you let me?! I just wanna remove the stigma that all cannabals are bad people. We'll be waiting. * it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests PostingID: 847691066 |
___________________________________________ [Sep 22,2008 12:11am - douchebag_patrol ""] [img] |