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New songs up on the WeymouthRock MySpace

[Nov 9,2008 12:08am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
So I live in Illinois and yet I still do the MySpace page...I'm such a fucking loser. I don't think any of the members from the bands I was in even have a computer, except for Bob from the Gumen. There is some backstabbing in the bulletin I wrote, but it's justified. You just don't fuck your best friends wife, even if you aren't that close with the friend anymore. Why don't people have fucking morals anymore?
but i digest


New tunes with a few new pictures
[Nov 9,2008 8:34am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
lots of new pics. some from the Chopping Block with a short haired emo Blue, and Hirudinea at Tom's New Years Party
[Nov 9,2008 12:20pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
[Nov 9,2008 12:21pm - the_reverend ""]
clicked, don't get it, but clicked.
[Nov 9,2008 3:15pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Nov 9,2008 4:15pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
don't get what?
[Nov 9,2008 5:30pm - MassOfSlits nli  ""]
[Nov 10,2008 10:14am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

MassOfSlits%20nli said:gay
[Nov 10,2008 11:14am - watchmaker666 ""]
what did Mark do now?
[Nov 10,2008 11:44am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

watchmaker666 said:what did Mark do now?

Bill is getting divorced
Mark is bangin Bill's wife
Bill and his wife have two kids and possibly could have reconciled. She could have banged anyone i suppose, but Mark jumped right in there. I thought sober people were supposed to think more clearly...
[Nov 10,2008 12:11pm - inject-now ""]
some good old pics on there.
[Nov 10,2008 1:28pm - MassOfTwoSlits nli  ""]
What about her? Blame her, not Mark. Mark's not married. Can't blame the kid for getting laid...
[Nov 10,2008 1:36pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

MassOfTwoSlits%20nli said:What about her? Blame her, not Mark. Mark's not married. Can't blame the kid for getting laid...

you're a failure
[Nov 10,2008 1:39pm - RichHorror ""]
I still don't understand what Aaron doesn't get. It's a MySpace profile, it has songs.
[Nov 10,2008 1:41pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

RichHorror said:I still don't understand what Aaron doesn't get. It's a MySpace profile, it has songs.

WHOA WHOA WHOA! SLOW IT DOWN!! Pro.......file?
[Nov 10,2008 1:44pm - MassOfTwoSlits nli  ""]
Sounds like Bill is a failure if Mark is the upgrade. Mark told me that everyone hated him, Brad, I didn't know he meant you too. .... Terribly dissappointing.
[Nov 10,2008 1:53pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

MassOfTwoSlits%20nli said:Sounds like Bill is a failure if Mark is the upgrade. Mark told me that everyone hated him, Brad, I didn't know he meant you too. .... Terribly dissappointing.

wrong. No one had any problem with him until he did this. After our last show I saw John and Nick all the time because they actually put some effort into getting out and returning phone calls. Mark never answers the phone or returns calls. He has a problem with being around people who drink, we didn't have a problem with him.
It's all on him. He's just trying to pass the blame and find excuses for his poor judgement and non-existant morals.
[Nov 10,2008 5:28pm - watchmaker666 ""]
I find it funny that I knew this was about mark and I didn't even read the bulletin. lol
[Nov 10,2008 5:38pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

watchmaker666 said:I find it funny that I knew this was about mark and I didn't even read the bulletin. lol

you know as well as i do, he's a fucking drama queen. I'm sure you wanted to smack him just as much as we all did, but at least he saved his drunken stage banter for KA and didn't make you guys look like amatuers. I have alot of pent up rage for that little shit.
[Nov 10,2008 6:30pm - Mess ""]

MassOfTwoSlits%20nli said:Sounds like Bill is a failure if Mark is the upgrade. Mark told me that everyone hated him, Brad, I didn't know he meant you too. .... Terribly dissappointing.

that's probably the stupidest thing i've heard.

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