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the Acacia Strain posts comercial for DVD shoot

[Nov 17,2008 9:05pm - the_reverend ""]


hilarious to see vincent talking.
I totally remember them playing basements when they first started.
[Nov 17,2008 9:19pm - xanonymousx ""]
Cause they cant sell tickets.
I bet this is really going to be on tv...
[Nov 17,2008 9:36pm - archaeon ""]

The Red Chord and Cruel Hand for ten is the shit. i need to get tickets for this ASAP
[Nov 17,2008 9:37pm - yummy ""]
none of those bands capture my interest...anymore. (red chord)
[Nov 17,2008 11:20pm - xanonymousx ""]
i like how he was like even if you hate us come out for the other bands. lol
[Nov 18,2008 1:50am - RichHorror ""]
I do hate them. And also the other bands.
[Nov 18,2008 2:00am - goatcatalyst ""]
Clutch is playing that same day in CT.

Bourbon will be consumed.
[Nov 18,2008 2:55am - the_reverend ""]
when I clicked on this
[Nov 18,2008 7:21am - Yeti ""]
come watch Scott Lee wax and polish our balls!
[Nov 18,2008 10:09am - MillenialKingdom ""]
So glad I'm going to this.
[Nov 18,2008 10:57am - tramplethweak ""]
Shipwreck seems out of place
[Nov 18,2008 1:04pm - matt breen  ""]
sweet show but ill be in australia. bummer
[Nov 18,2008 1:05pm - Yeti ""]
i'd hardly call that a bummer.
[Nov 18,2008 2:40pm - xanonymousx ""]
i may be there cause me and my friend always go see the acacia strain at the palladium and make fun of them.
[Nov 18,2008 2:47pm - oscarct ""]

goatcatalyst said:Clutch is playing that same day in CT.

Bourbon will be consumed.

I will def be at clutch instead
[Nov 23,2008 2:20am - Lastff:(  ""]
No bitching can be done by people when there isnt a show to goto anymore, Why hate on these bands? Cause they're successful? People wonder why there arent good shows anymore, Its because of shits like you.
[Nov 23,2008 8:24am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
no, its because of the people that DO go to those shows.
[Nov 23,2008 11:12am - goatcatalyst ""]
I find your use of "good" to be thoroughly subjective, Ms. Lastff:(
[Nov 23,2008 11:14am - tylor  ""]
shipwreck on this? weird
[Nov 23,2008 2:34pm - luke nli  ""]
what are you, 12?
sounds like somebody has a secret crush on TAS...
[Nov 23,2008 2:53pm - the_reverend ""]
Shipwreck on this is weird, but awesome.
I was sad that there was no shipwreck sweetness at FF
[Nov 23,2008 3:59pm - luke nli  ""]
that was directed at xax...the quote didn't copy...

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