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Ace of Cakes

[Nov 30,2008 2:13pm - Lamp ""]
This show is fucking amazing. Cakes that look like realistic sandcastles. Giant severed toe Big Lebowski cakes. An unbelieveably detailed Millenium Falcon cake. Is there any kind of cake these people can't make?
[Nov 30,2008 3:27pm - sub  ""]
they look like they taste awful
[Nov 30,2008 5:35pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
they are the biggest douchebags ever. Not a single person on that show has an ounce of personality. And the cakes look like they'd taste awful
[Nov 30,2008 5:50pm - archaeon ""]
Rich horror is interested in this thread
[Nov 30,2008 9:26pm - Lamp ""]

sub said:they look like they taste awful

That's not even really the point of the show. It's more like making the cake an artform. If you want good taste, just go to Carvel or some shit.

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