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most evil song ever

[Feb 26,2004 11:36pm - the_reverend ""]

it's at least the scariest.
[Feb 27,2004 7:20am - aliciagrace ""]
its not the scariest. the scariest song is "Body Language" by Queen. Freddie totally sold his soul for that one.....
[Feb 27,2004 11:36am - Deathcow ""]
Which song?
[Feb 27,2004 12:12pm - MyDeadDoll ""]

you're my cuppie cake!
[Feb 27,2004 12:15pm - bludgeoncore ""]
the_reverend said:http://bludgeoncore.home.comcast.net/

it's at least the scariest.

Thank you! I had to burn my nephew with cigarettes on several different occasions for him to finish that song.
[Feb 27,2004 12:17pm - bludgeoncore ""]
Come to O'Briens Thursday, March 4th and watch me burn him with cigars as a line of strippers chant my name while they make love to a bunch of salivating goats.

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