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my computer went kabloowie

[Jan 4,2009 5:25pm - dertoxia ""]
a few months ago my computer started rebooting itself. It would do it very randomly and not very often so i just dealt with it. Last couple days it's started doing it every time i do any type of heavy work, burning a dvd, playing a game etc....

I took a look and noticed i have about 7 blown capacitors on the motherboard. So it's toast now. I cant replace the board because it's an AMD 754 pin which they only made for a few months and are impossible to find now. So i decided to take the leap and get a new computer.

I priced out a pretty decent build with a Phenom Quad Core and 4GB memory. Came to $530ish.

But then i saw this...http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883103188

It's only a tri-core and only 3GB RAM but for only $369 i think it'd be worth it. I do like the spot on top for my phone and mp3 player, i've noticed more computers are coming with something like that. Also it's got a 780G chipset which has a Radeon HD 3200 built in, even though its on board video it still beats the pants off my current Raden 9550.

Pretty much whatever i do will be way better than my 5 year old AMD 3000+ with only 1 GB memory and an 80GB hard drive.

I'm just debating whether i want to deal with the hassle of building my own computer for more money that only gives me a little bit more performance, or just buy that acer and be done with it.
[Jan 4,2009 5:49pm - the_reverend ""]
fuck making your own computer.
[Jan 4,2009 5:50pm - Arist ""]
[Jan 4,2009 5:52pm - Arist ""]
Get one from cyberpower, can customize it out however you want with their configurator pages but they'll make it flawlessly
[Jan 4,2009 5:53pm - the_reverend ""]
also, fuck AMD. their processors were the shit 5 years ago compared to Intel.
then they decided that they wanted to make processors that run at insanely high temps and fell behind intel. They are still struggling to catch the intel behemoth and are 6-months to 1 year behind Intel on cost and speed. tricore? gay.
[Jan 4,2009 6:03pm - dertoxia ""]
well pretty much the same computer with an Intel Core2Quad and an extra GB of memory is more than 100 dollars more expensive. I don't really play super crazy games or do anything really processor heavy so i don't see how i'll get much of an advantage.

I've always liked AMD until Intels dual cores came out....but the stuff i've been reading about the Phenoms is making me switch back to AMD.
[Jan 4,2009 6:15pm - the_reverend ""]
AMD let me down in a major way with the 700 and 1900+ that I had cause it ran at 75C
[Jan 4,2009 6:39pm - dertoxia ""]
my 3000+ has a fanless passive cooler and idles at 45
[Jan 4,2009 7:13pm - the_reverend ""]
and you see how that turned out.
[Jan 4,2009 7:13pm - niccolai ""]
My dell xps 420 was 600 bucks.

quad core intel, 350 gb HD, blue tooth, firewire, 3 gigs of ram, 3450HD graphic card. I love the thing to death.

when I was looking for a computer, it seemed like building my own vs ordering a dell had the same features at close prices, but dell you get the warranty and no headaches.
[Jan 4,2009 7:27pm - dertoxia ""]

the_reverend said:and you see how that turned out.

Nothings wrong with the processor. The motherboard just crapped out. It's 5 years old and runs 24/7 so i'm not at all upset about it dieing.
[Jan 4,2009 7:40pm - the_reverend ""]
you could have just typed "sick burn" instead of all that.
[Jan 15,2009 9:37am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
My socket764 machine just died again. It's about 4 1/2 years old. it was mint back then so it's still fast as shizzle for XP, but I don't use it hardly at all since I have my new machine I built 1 1/2 years ago.

This is the 2nd motherboard that died in this machine. boo. I doubt I'll get it fixed. This was my fancypants Doom3 / Half-Life 2 machine with the fancypants $500 (at the time) video card in it. boo-urns.

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