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WANTED: phazor and flanger pedals

[Jan 11,2009 11:43am - niccolai ""]
preferably boss so they will fit in my pedal board.

[Jan 11,2009 1:35pm - niccolai ""]
ibanes and digitech pedals will work also I think.

someone must have something kicking around they never use.
[Jan 11,2009 2:29pm - blue ""]
you looking for relatively run of the mill, or some cool stuff with extras you could use? try the ibanez cf7 chorus/flange (tonelok series). find em pretty cheap on the bay and will cover all sorts of modulation bases (assuming thats what you're looking for).
[Jan 11,2009 2:33pm - niccolai ""]
I'm looking for something cheap enough to justify only using once in a while, but not so cheap it sounds bad or is going to fall apart

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