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poor economy my ass

[Jan 25,2009 6:16pm - dertoxia ""]
For those who don't know i work at Staples. Just had the biggest Sunday since my store opened. Sold more laptops and computers in about 2 hours than i have in the last 2 weeks. Not only were a ton of people in the store but it seemed like the people didn't care what i was selling them, i was just piling shit in peoples carts. Our sales are all tracked and we're rated on the number of attachments or accessories we get on each sale (cause thats where the $$$ come from) and on the extended warranties. Today was my highest number for one day that i've had since i started working for Staples. Shit was nuts.

Of course it was probably a fluke and we'll be dead all week and end up having really shitty numbers like we have for the last 4 months or so. It's just really weird hearing talk about recession and bad economy when i'm doin up full $3,200 laptop sales every 20 minutes for an entire shift.
[Jan 25,2009 7:24pm - niccolai ""]
Thats what happens in tax return season.

People unjustifiably spend late in january/early in feburary because they know they are going to get a couple grand back.

I bet business was good last year around this time too. especially with the stimulus checks.

People think it's free money.

It's not. It's inflation. you pay for it later when milk goes up to 4 dollars a gallon.

This is the worst for music gear, since alot of it is made in europe. the first three months of the year you always see MAP prices go up.
[Jan 25,2009 7:33pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Pathos sales online are WAY up.

Especially on Amazon, averaging 1 order an hour lately!
[Jan 25,2009 7:58pm - dertoxia ""]

niccolai said:
I bet business was good last year around this time too. especially with the stimulus checks.

we've never had higher sales on a sunday....ever. I know that the total dollars sold in the extended warranties from just today broke the total dollars for the whole week from last year. It definately was an unusual day and not something that we really see this time every year. Yeah people do spend a bit more during tax season....but today was just massively super extra busy.

I hope people aren't being fuckin retahds and assuming that because we've got this great new President that's its ok for them to go out a spend money they dont have.
[Jan 25,2009 8:26pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Staples is a ripoff.
[Jan 25,2009 9:20pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
well if it wasnt for these people spending our economy would be worse.

we need people to buy shit, american shit, for our economy to go up.

[Jan 25,2009 9:23pm - niccolai ""]
No one that buys anything from staples is spending money on american shit.
[Jan 25,2009 9:24pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

[Jan 25,2009 9:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

dertoxia said:For those who don't know i work at Staples. Just had the biggest Sunday since my store opened. Sold more laptops and computers in about 2 hours than i have in the last 2 weeks. Not only were a ton of people in the store but it seemed like the people didn't care what i was selling them, i was just piling shit in peoples carts. Our sales are all tracked and we're rated on the number of attachments or accessories we get on each sale (cause thats where the $$$ come from) and on the extended warranties. Today was my highest number for one day that i've had since i started working for Staples. Shit was nuts.

Of course it was probably a fluke and we'll be dead all week and end up having really shitty numbers like we have for the last 4 months or so. It's just really weird hearing talk about recession and bad economy when i'm doin up full $3,200 laptop sales every 20 minutes for an entire shift.

which store do you work at? my roommate is a supervisor at the westboro store
[Jan 25,2009 9:41pm - archaeon ""]
He lives in NY
[Jan 25,2009 9:53pm - succubus ""]
Subtotal: $169.98
Shipping Charges: $0.00
Total Savings: -$17.00
Grand Total: $152.98

spent that and
Merchandise Total: $ 32.00
Shipping/Handling: $ 6.99

Order Total: $ 38.99
today (not including the $150 grocery trip
[Jan 25,2009 9:58pm - the_reverend ""]
45k jobs being lost per week.
[Jan 25,2009 9:58pm - dertoxia ""]
ya im in Ny, dont even think westboro is in the same district as us.

Most of the stuff that staples sells is actually made in america. A lot of the electronic accessory stuff like headphones and cables and adapters are all china of course, but most of the office supplies that isnt the super cheap stuff is made in america......well, assembled in america at least. And as for the computers and stuff, i mostly sell HP and Dell which are both American companies.

The whole thing with foreign made stuff....yeah most of the dollars eventually ends up in other countries, but it still helps out the local economy and the profit stays in America....so it's not all bad.
[Jan 25,2009 10:59pm - trampletheweak  ""]
i work at the staples in north weymouth and we made $5000 over what was expected from corporate but i think niccolai's right because we were only a couple hundred over what we made this day last year. either way it was incredibly busy.
[Jan 25,2009 11:03pm - Conservationist ""]

the_reverend said:45k jobs being lost per week.

Thank you Bill Clinton!

Obama's working on setting up Recession 2017 now.
[Jan 25,2009 11:38pm - the_reverend ""]
that would mean that 2012 to 2016 will be awesome. can I has my 15% raises back? obama isn't following in clintons footsteps at all. his being more measured, pulling from all over the spectum. I strongly agree in hiring the jobless to rebuild our infrastructure which is terrible. when you are in a down economy, the strong companies should invest in the basics that they can use when the economy swings back. tax cuts are what we don't need since we are spending more, but in 5-10 years it will pay off when bridges don't fall down as you head to work.

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