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Old school death metal

[Feb 11,2009 9:35am - purellhandsanitizer  ""]
Hi, I live in somerville MA looking for people that live in that area.
I want to do a cannibal corpse cover band. maybe play some dying fetus.
I play the drums and already know gallery of suicide and killing on adrenalin if anyone would like to jam.blank
[Feb 11,2009 9:37am - arilliusbm ""]
no offense to dying fetus, but I didn't know they were old school death metal?
[Feb 11,2009 9:54am - purellhandsanitizer  ""]
you know I ask my self that often, and i figured I would just throw that in there.
[Feb 11,2009 10:30am - xmikex ""]
You ask yourself if dying fetus is old school often?
[Feb 11,2009 10:32am - Lamp nli  ""]

purellhandsanitizer said:I want to do a cannibal corpse cover band.

It's pretty much been done already:
[Feb 11,2009 11:14am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Fuck it - sounds fun anyway.
[Feb 11,2009 11:57am - Ryan_M ""]
I wouldn't call Gallery of Suicide or Killing on Adrenaline "old school" death metal....granted those albums were both released in 1998 - just over 10 years ago, but when I think "old school death metal" I'm thinking stuff from the mid 80's to early 90's.
[Feb 11,2009 9:56pm - immortal13 ""]
Old school would be more like Eaten Back to Life and Butchered at Birth.
[Feb 12,2009 6:39am - corpus_columbine  ""]
[Feb 12,2009 8:10am - Marquis de Crepitvde  ""]
Wouldn't call it old school, but Killing on Adrenaline is a devastating album, and easily the best Fetus material.
[Feb 12,2009 8:13am - W3 @ Work  ""]

Lamp%20nli said:
purellhandsanitizer said:I want to do a cannibal corpse cover band.

It's pretty much been done already:

I can't get on myspace right now but they even have Acoustic Corpse who is playing this years Midwest Fuck Fest.
[Feb 12,2009 8:59am - aaron_michael ""]

xmikex said:You ask yourself if dying fetus is old school often?

don't you? many sleepless nights my friend, many.
[Feb 12,2009 9:11am - Conservationist ""]

Ryan_M said:I wouldn't call Gallery of Suicide or Killing on Adrenaline "old school" death metal....granted those albums were both released in 1998 - just over 10 years ago, but when I think "old school death metal" I'm thinking stuff from the mid 80's to early 90's.

From "Seven Churches" to "Hate," excluding poseur bands like Cannibal Corpse, if you ask me...
[Feb 12,2009 11:34am - purellhandsanitizer  ""]
cool so no guitarists or singers want to jam out some CC?
[Feb 12,2009 12:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Conservationist said:
Ryan_M said:I wouldn't call Gallery of Suicide or Killing on Adrenaline "old school" death metal....granted those albums were both released in 1998 - just over 10 years ago, but when I think "old school death metal" I'm thinking stuff from the mid 80's to early 90's.

From "Seven Churches" to "Hate," excluding poseur bands like Cannibal Corpse, if you ask me...

i think that is actually the first time i have ever seen the word "poseur" spelled correctly in context on this site. kudos sir.

Unfortunately attributing that word to CC is ultimately wrong on many levels.
[Feb 12,2009 1:14pm - purellhandsanitizer  ""]
CC is awesome. bottom line. go listen to some seven dust or disturbed at ozzfest. maybe you will luck out and coal chamber will make a guest appearance.
[Feb 12,2009 1:15pm - purellhandsanitizer  ""]
hey do u know mark richards, or even duplicie?
[Feb 14,2009 2:43am - substitutecreature ""]
shit, ill play i cum blood with u if u want
[Feb 14,2009 3:28am - BSV  ""]
listen to soulside journey for 2 months....nothing but soulside journey. then you'll begin to understand old school.
[Jan 21,2015 5:58pm - mars666  ""]
[Jan 21,2015 6:02pm - For Whom The Bell Trolls  ""]
I wonder if he ever found anyone, they need a where are they now for threads like this.
[Jan 21,2015 7:44pm - Bungtrollio  ""]
[Jan 21,2015 7:50pm - Bungtrollio  ""]
[Jan 21,2015 7:52pm - Bungtrollio  ""]
[Jan 21,2015 7:56pm - Bungtrollio  ""]
[Jan 21,2015 7:59pm - Bungtrollio  ""]
[Jan 21,2015 8:01pm - Bungtrollio  ""]
[Jan 21,2015 8:08pm - Bungtrollio  ""]
[Jan 21,2015 8:16pm - Bungtrollio  ""]
[Jan 21,2015 8:21pm - Bungtrollio  ""]
[Jan 21,2015 8:26pm - Bungtrollio  ""]
[Jan 21,2015 8:30pm - Bungtrollio  ""]
[Jan 21,2015 8:38pm - Death Metal Expert  ""]
[Jan 21,2015 8:40pm - Bungtrollio  ""]
[Jan 21,2015 8:44pm - Bungtrollio  ""]
[Jan 21,2015 9:17pm - Bungtrollio  ""]
[Jan 21,2015 9:31pm - Bungtrollio  ""]
[Jan 21,2015 9:53pm - Bungtrollio  ""]

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