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photoshop help please...something small...

[Feb 12,2009 11:34am - succubus ""]
I don't have PS at work and i have 3 photos I want to crop my coworkers face into...
can anyone do it?

his face with jessica alba

the kid in the back

and the guy on the left:

I can't psot his face here..because...well because... but if you can do it for me...i can email you his face...please and thank you
[Feb 12,2009 11:56am - succubus ""]
no one?
[Feb 12,2009 11:59am - xmikex ""]
I've got a few minutes. My PS skills are moderate in comparisons to some others here though.
[Feb 12,2009 12:04pm - xmikex ""]
Here ya go:
[Feb 12,2009 12:11pm - succubus ""]
thanks xmikex

but i need to put this guy that i work with's face ...in each of those photos.
can i email you his face? or am i too late?
[Feb 12,2009 2:50pm - sxealex ""]
this made me lol

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