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Everytime Dwyer says...

[Feb 16,2009 10:13pm - archaeon ""]
ConQueer The FaggoGay

I want to kill myself.
[Feb 16,2009 10:14pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
ConQueer The FaggoGay

ConQueer The FaggoGay

ConQueer The FaggoGay

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ConQueer The FaggoGay

ConQueer The FaggoGay

[Feb 16,2009 10:18pm - Hater  ""]
Please do kill yourself now.
Dwyer, if he kills himself, good work.
[Feb 16,2009 10:22pm - archaeon ""]

[Feb 16,2009 10:24pm - archaeon ""]
I would fight dwyer too, but he's too old too keep up with my MMA style.
[Feb 16,2009 10:28pm - Lamp ""]
It's a dumb insult, but his intentions are good, so the whole thing just kind of neutralizes itself into nothing.
[Feb 16,2009 10:28pm - Hater  ""]
I will fight you or you are a pussy.
[Feb 16,2009 10:28pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
It's quite clever.

[Feb 16,2009 10:29pm - archaeon ""]

Hater said:I will fight you or you are a pussy.

[Feb 16,2009 10:30pm - Hater  ""]
[Feb 16,2009 10:32pm - archaeon ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:It's quite clever.

Not really, maybe the first time you said it. But when I see an argument starting between you two i can always tell where its going.
[Feb 16,2009 10:32pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Feb 16,2009 10:35pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

archaeon said:
AUTOPSY_666 said:It's quite clever.

Not really, maybe the first time you said it. But when I see an argument starting between you two i can always tell where its going.

It's not even an argument just senseless namecalling.
[Feb 16,2009 10:37pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Rhyming Baphomet to FaggoGay is pure genius.
[Feb 16,2009 10:39pm - ouchdrummer ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:Rhyming Baphomet to FaggoGay is pure genius.

i agree.
[Feb 16,2009 10:41pm - Lamp ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:Rhyming Baphomet to FaggoGay is pure genius.

In all seriousness though, you two need to fuck each other's butts and get it over with.

You are both one trick ponies.
[Feb 16,2009 10:42pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
It doesn't take too much brainpower. Has anyone given you your gold star yet, Dwyer?

[Feb 17,2009 12:04am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

Lamp said:You are both one trick ponies.

Like you know me at all... dream on, you never will.
[Feb 17,2009 12:18am - Lamp ""]
[Feb 17,2009 12:30am - Martins ""]
Is Baphomet really pronounced baf-o-may? ???
[Feb 17,2009 1:16am - the_reverend ""]
I was just about to post that I have no friggin clue how those 2 things rhyme.
[Feb 17,2009 1:27am - Martins ""]
Pretty sure they don't. Ph doesn't make an f sound in french. lol maybe it's just silly dwyer humor.
[Feb 17,2009 1:27am - Eli_hhcb ""]
Don't worry, FaggoGay is totally sensible and comprehensiveable
[Feb 17,2009 1:31am - goatcatalyst ""]
Clearly not members of the cult.
[Feb 17,2009 1:34am - mortalis ""]
he's a master of slant rhyme
[Feb 17,2009 7:26am - Yeti ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:
Lamp said:You are both one trick ponies.

Like you know me at all... dream on, you never will.

how myspace.
[Feb 17,2009 9:31am - the_reverend ""]
anything rhymes if you pronounce it wrong.
that reminds me, I got a pretty sweet rhyme with the word orange.
[Feb 17,2009 9:55am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

Martins said:Is Baphomet really pronounced baf-o-may?

Uh, yes!
[Feb 17,2009 10:22am - SW  ""]
[Feb 18,2009 10:25pm - archaeon ""]
[Feb 18,2009 10:31pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
[Feb 18,2009 10:33pm - Lamp ""]
Is that your second baby?
[Feb 18,2009 10:36pm - archaeon ""]
Every baby is a blessing.
[Feb 18,2009 11:09pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Every baby is salad dressing

[Feb 18,2009 11:10pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
[Feb 19,2009 7:55am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Bitch's about to get clawed in teh face.
[Feb 19,2009 11:24am - pam ""]

Yeti said:
AUTOPSY_666 said:
Lamp said:You are both one trick ponies.

Like you know me at all... dream on, you never will.

how myspace.

[Feb 19,2009 11:27am - Murph ""]

Martins said:Pretty sure they don't. Ph doesn't make an f sound in french. lol maybe it's just silly dwyer humor.

The original spelling was "Bafomet," as it was a colloquial French term during the Middle Ages in some sects for "Mohamet," or Muhammed, the prophet of Islam.
[Feb 19,2009 11:31am - brian_dc ""]
you just got yer shit researched
[Feb 19,2009 11:57am - W3 @ work  ""]

brian_dc said:you just got yer shit researched

good LOLz B - Ry
[Feb 19,2009 12:04pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Class is in session.
[Feb 19,2009 12:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this thread... it is stupid
[Feb 19,2009 12:31pm - archaeon ""]
[Feb 19,2009 1:01pm - xmikex ""]
My impression of this thread:


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