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Message from Satyricon

[Mar 20,2009 8:32pm - demondave ""]

Hi everyone! Dave Navarro and I have gone Metal! It's the cool thing to do. Now donate to my red ... I mean Product (RED) TM .... campaign!


- Bono
[Mar 20,2009 8:44pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
good band
[Mar 20,2009 8:45pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
in carrrs
[Mar 21,2009 12:27am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Dork Medieval Times
[Mar 21,2009 12:36am - Dave_Maggot ""]
black metallers evolve into german synth pop stars. its the only natural progression. i've seen its evolutionary chart.
[Mar 21,2009 12:40am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Welcome to Ulver 11 years ago.
[Mar 21,2009 12:46am - Dave_Maggot ""]
black metal: from church burnings to ketars and neck ties
[Mar 21,2009 11:51am - demondave ""]


Now Iz zee time on Satyricon Ven Ve Dance!

[Mar 21,2009 11:55am - demondave ""]

I never really listened to Satyricon, but over the last few months I have been checking them out now often. They are really good. It started with a Swedish radio broadcast that I got ahold of. Pretty Good.

However, whenever I see pictures of these guys I still want to punch em.

[Mar 21,2009 3:12pm - demondave's wife  ""]
now dave... don't you know you're not supposed to be hitting ANYONE ...EVER!? it's just not like the man I fell in love with. PLease thtop.
[Mar 21,2009 3:23pm - the_reverend ""]
dave's wife is wicked nice and that sounds nothing like her.
[Mar 21,2009 4:47pm - demondave's wife  ""]

the_reverend said:dave's wife is wicked nice and that sounds nothing like her.

Sounds like someone's got a bad case of the Mondays ....only thing is it's Saturday Rev! whats a matter? can't take a joke? I hope Dave can ha ha.

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