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Earth Hour in pictures

[Mar 31,2009 8:56am - the_reverend ""]

I forgot about this.
[Mar 31,2009 9:16am - W3 @ work  ""]
damn that's pretty neat
[Mar 31,2009 3:52pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
When you click the pictures, it dims down to what it looked like after the lights went out.

[Mar 31,2009 4:00pm - ouchdrummer ""]
nice pix. some good shots.
[Mar 31,2009 4:40pm - dreadkill ""]
that's tittybumpers. the globe arena in sweden pretty much disappears with no lights.
[Mar 31,2009 6:31pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
the parliament darkened ist uber brootal

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