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Post times when People AIM you, thinking you are someone else

[Mar 17,2004 7:24pm - the_reverend ""]
[03/17/2004-18:26:04] IKillEverything: hey sweet thang
[03/17/2004-18:28:40] IKillEverything: that show on sunday is going to be sogay
[03/17/2004-18:29:47] IKillEverything: i actully have it all writtne donw in my pocket do you want me to send it to you
[03/17/2004-18:29:52] IKillEverything: oh god
[03/17/2004-18:29:55] IKillEverything: wrong im
[Mar 17,2004 7:57pm - dreadkill ""]
i don't have the conversation saved, but i got an im from some kid once saying "hey. aren't you the guy from beyond the embrace?"
[Mar 17,2004 8:28pm - succubus ""]
dreadkill beat me to the punchline...

[Mar 17,2004 8:35pm - BornSoVile ""]
[Mar 17,2004 8:40pm - BornSoVile ""]
Zack, I'm calling you Sweet Tits, forever, forever, forever, forever, forever, forever, forever, forever....
[Mar 17,2004 8:47pm - succubus ""]
he im'ed me stuff too, only i'm not posting it
[Mar 17,2004 9:12pm - BornSoVile ""]
I'm scared to interview them now!
[Mar 17,2004 9:15pm - succubus ""]
[Mar 17,2004 9:27pm - dreadkill ""]
ha, that was a funny im conversation with succubus. succubus and the reverend are nice as hell. they rule. thank you succubus for talking to me while i waited for aaa.
[Mar 18,2004 11:08am - dreadkill ""]
this thread has the potential to be hilarious. i'm bumping it back to the top.
[Mar 18,2004 1:54pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
humm... don't think i've gotten
anything that funny... i got a wierd
one from a guy wanting me to watch
his web cam as he sat there in a
ski mask.... fucking strange.
[Mar 18,2004 2:50pm - succubus ""]
someone i knew sent me a link to his web cam and it started out fine,..then he started masturbating!!! and i closed it

and i guess he knew that i closed it

[Mar 18,2004 4:47pm - BornSoVile ""]
I can't wait to laugh and point my finger at Zach on Sunday!!
[Mar 18,2004 4:57pm - extremedeath666 ""]
duuuuude, hahahhhaa, i was so wasted yesterday!!! hahaha man thats great i feel like a real american hero, oh and staples you know you can call me what ever you want ;)
[Mar 18,2004 4:59pm - BornSoVile ""]
ok sweet tits. hey tell your boys I need a ride back from lowell!
[Mar 25,2004 12:59am - Abbath ""]
ugh it happened tonight at my radio show
some random chicked im'd me thinking i was one of her lady friends and went of a 5 minute rant about how bad she needed to take a shit. gross! girls don't poop!
[Jul 9,2006 6:52pm - the_reverend ""]
now what ever happened to this thread?
[Jul 12,2006 5:14pm - anonymous  ""]
wow major bumpage by the rev

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