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[Jun 5,2009 8:25pm - succubus ""]
have a bunch of on demand free coupons...just rented it...


[Jun 5,2009 8:31pm - RustyPS ""]
im dying to see this
[Jun 5,2009 8:34pm - anonymouse ""]
I enjoyed it. Decent little action/thriller.
[Jun 5,2009 9:38pm - succubus ""]
yeah it was. just ended
have it for 24 hours...doubt aaron will watch it..he didn't want to go see it at the theatre with me
[Jun 6,2009 3:21pm - Sacreligion ""]
liam neeson is the biggest badass ever in that movie. I love when he's punching that peter dude in the ribs saying "The next one's going into your lung"
[Jun 6,2009 3:58pm - reimroc nli  ""]
Going to watch this tonight I also rented it via netflix.
[Jun 7,2009 6:58pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I like to play as Heihachi or Hwoarang. Awesome Tekken thread!
[Jun 7,2009 7:02pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
Eddy Gordo
[Jun 7,2009 7:05pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Lee is a silver haired faggot.
[Jun 7,2009 8:30pm - immortal13 ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney said:I like to play as Heihachi or Hwoarang. Awesome Tekken thread!

I just lost some beer outta my nose reading this
[Jun 8,2009 3:04am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
You niggas unlocked Doctor Boskonovitch yet?
[Jun 8,2009 5:15am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Tag Tournament blows, so that's off limits in this thread.
[Jun 8,2009 8:55am - largefreakatzero ""]
Besides the action scenes, this movie sucked balls. OVER-FUCKING-WROUGHT with the stupid cunt daughter. I was actually wishing she would get raped the entire time. Typical Hollywood cliche crap.
[Jun 8,2009 10:31am - Yeti ""]
for some reason whenever i see a picture of Liam Neeson from this movie i expect him to say "GET OFF MY PLANE!!".

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