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[Jun 10,2009 3:54pm - oscarct ""]
Game has been getting good reviews. will def pick this up. Looks really fun.
[Jun 10,2009 3:55pm - oscarct ""]
[Jun 10,2009 3:56pm - oscarct ""]
haha I still cant post videos on here
[Jun 10,2009 4:04pm - arilliusbm ""]
If it's better than the NES Ghostbusters then it'll be good.

I can't even begin to tell you how much I loathed the NES game. Such a piece of shit.

I would sit there for hours trying to figure out how to get back to Zuul. The one time I did I made it to the end and died. Didn't feel like going all the way back and trying to figure out how to buy stuff and drive on the highway without running out of gas. One of the worst NES games I ever owned.
[Jun 10,2009 4:45pm - timma ""]
I saw the review posted and I was all pumped to run out and get it...then I realized that it's not out until next week...lame.

I second that...NES Ghostbusters was the biggest pile of junk ever. Not even remotely worth playing.
[Jun 10,2009 4:55pm - oscarct ""]
there is a angry video game nerd episode where he reviews the old nes ghostbusters game so funny..

[Jun 10,2009 5:22pm - Sacreligion ""]
I only played the GB2 game for NES. Eesh.
[Jun 10,2009 5:24pm - reimroc ""]
Hope its successful enough to convince them to make a new movie.
[Jun 10,2009 7:09pm - Pires ""]
they ARE making a new movie.
[Jun 10,2009 9:08pm - RustyPS ""]
Grizzly Adams DID have a beard
[Jun 10,2009 9:14pm - Pires ""]
I'm gonna send YOU to the moon
[Jun 16,2009 8:24pm - oscarct ""]
game is so much fun
[Jun 16,2009 8:39pm - Eyehatehippies ""]
I have to disagree, the X-men game for NES was infinitely worse.

And then there's the Friday the 13th game...
[Jun 16,2009 8:40pm - RustyPS ""]
the X-Men game for Genesis was badass....in fact, I almost bought Genesis just for that game
[Jun 17,2009 9:22am - reimroc ""]

Eyehatehippies said:I have to disagree, the X-men game for NES was infinitely worse.

And then there's the Friday the 13th game...

F13 for the nes was GOD AWFUL.
[Jun 21,2009 11:42am - oscarct ""]

[Jun 21,2009 12:55pm - Stabby_McGunnakillya ""]
Playing GB right now. Way better than I was expecting. It plays just like Gears of War minus the cover thing. Storywise it's more of a straight sequel to the first movie as it utilizes music and sounds from the first and has a few nods to the second film.

Look for the painting of Vigo in the headquarters and listen to the hilarious shit it sais.
[Jun 21,2009 1:15pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Aug 13,2009 11:33pm - xanonymousx ""]
fun game is fun.
[Aug 13,2009 11:51pm - joeyvsdavidlopan ""]
everybody i've talked to that played it said it was awesome. particularly good things were said about bill murray's part in everything.
[Aug 14,2009 1:29am - the_reverend ""]
I dl'd the demo, but I need to install it.
[Aug 16,2009 1:09pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
My girly got this for me last week. Haven't had time to play it yet though :(

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