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just listened to Black Pyramid's CD

[Jun 22,2009 8:54pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Awesome. Last two songs were my favorite.
[Jun 22,2009 9:07pm - boblovesmusic@thecoolidge  ""]
Mirror Messiah and No Life King are my favorites. So awesome. Can't wait to see them like 3 or 4 times this summer!
[Jun 22,2009 9:09pm - tylor ""]
i need to see this band/get this cd. im an idiot for missing both shows this weekend, elder rules too
[Jun 22,2009 9:15pm - RichHorror ""]

[Jun 22,2009 9:25pm - mortalis ""]

boblovesmusic@thecoolidge said:No Life King

the demo version's vocals seem much better to me. sick song, regardless.
[Jun 22,2009 10:35pm - tylor ""]
ahahahahah best flyer ever
[Jun 25,2009 8:34pm - W3 nli  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Awesome. Last two songs were my favorite.

i saw your record in brooklyn yesterday, it was 20bucks. i did not buy it, sell your shit to me for cheap.
[Jun 25,2009 9:23pm - Eyehatehippies ""]

mortalis said:
boblovesmusic@thecoolidge said:No Life King

the demo version's vocals seem much better to me. sick song, regardless.

I like the vocals on the demo a lot better too, I was much drunker.
[Jun 25,2009 10:23pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
went to see this band at the hackman cd release show over a year ago. they played first and blew all the other bands away. i need to grab the cd.
[Jun 26,2009 12:38am - goatcatalyst ""]
Oof! They go for 15 shipping included from hotairpress.org I'd love to hook you up, but we're down to our personal copies, though I'm sure I could wrangle one for you. Wholesale on 5 was $55 shipped, so that may account for the savage markup. Small pressings, man.

Wait til my new band rolls out the wax cylinders... Limited to 9

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