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Whats with all the In The Shit hating?

[Jul 15,2009 11:27pm - dertoxia ""]
Seems every thread that godzilla posts in or where ITS gets brought up there's hating. I don't get it. They play some good ass grind. I'm really hoping i can make it down to NYC for that powerviolence fest, should be fun.

But srsly? Why the hatE?
[Jul 15,2009 11:28pm - RichHorror ""]
I don't notice hate, just by Teen Wold Goes To Manray.
[Jul 15,2009 11:28pm - dertoxia ""]
thats just the latest of it though, there was other thread a little while ago
[Jul 15,2009 11:32pm - RichHorror ""]
Impossible, they're my favorite new band and everyone knows my opinion is the correct opinion.
[Jul 15,2009 11:33pm - dertoxia ""]
exactly, thats what i'm sayinn!
[Jul 15,2009 11:34pm - RichHorror ""]
You would want Rampant Decay to come to that powerviolence fest as well but you don't love me like Vesper and Griz do.
[Jul 15,2009 11:42pm - dertoxia ""]
Rampant Decay should totally get on that fest, make it happen
[Jul 15,2009 11:51pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I heard Evan Rachel Wood declared that fest a lie
[Jul 16,2009 12:01am - RichHorror ""]
I didn't even know there was one so it's ok.
[Jul 16,2009 3:09pm - xgodzillax ""]
people just dont like me. its ok, because i dont like them more. lulz0rz
[Jul 16,2009 3:32pm - reimroc ""]
the problem is people take zilla too seriously
[Jul 16,2009 3:53pm - ouchdrummer ""]
the problem is EVERYONE taking everyone too seriously.

Person A: talk shit (fucking around)

Person B: Fuck you for talking shit (also fucking around)

Person A: Why do you take me so seriously? (serious)

Person B: Sigh...
[Jul 16,2009 3:54pm - reimroc ""]
everyone gets trolled.
[Jul 16,2009 4:15pm - W3 nli  ""]
we still need a bassist and possibly someone for vox, getting a zazzy new practice in allston next week.

oh la la and shit......nick smalls go make that new logo plz k thx
[Jul 16,2009 4:51pm - brian_dc ""]
I don't stay up to date with all of the hip hate trends to know who to hate.

I just know I want to cuddle Sean, so I wouldn't hate them.
[Jul 16,2009 5:53pm - W3 nli  ""]
you're all talk Mr. Williams, at least I had a beer with Murph.
[Jul 16,2009 9:42pm - xgodzillax ""]

reimroc said:the problem is people take zilla too seriously

serious about weiners..
[Jul 16,2009 9:44pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Still down for vox.
[Jul 16,2009 9:48pm - xgodzillax ""]
[Jul 16,2009 10:56pm - BlackoutRick ""]
[Jul 17,2009 1:58am - xgodzillax ""]

yeah, i went there...
[Jul 17,2009 2:05am - titd nli  ""]
godzilla seemed like a good dude at the hatred surge show
[Jul 17,2009 2:10am - xgodzillax ""]
i have my moments of sanity. but i tend to offend the impossible to offend...
[Jul 17,2009 4:03pm - W3 nli  ""]

xgodzillax said:[img]

it'd be more fitting in BLACK AND GOLD.

we still need a bassist and someone for vox were getting a practice spot in allston before the end of the month get at us bitches.

some amazing shows next month and more road trippin to come
[Jul 17,2009 5:42pm - Kevord ""]

xgodzillax said:[img]

yeah, i went there...

It will End in Pure Horror already went there two years ago.
[Jul 17,2009 5:51pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

reimroc said:everyone gets rickrolled.

[Jul 17,2009 5:52pm - W3 nli  ""]
yuh, and before them it was a few other hundred bands.
[Jul 17,2009 5:57pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Jul 17,2009 5:59pm - RustyPS ""]
sick show is sick
[Jul 17,2009 6:14pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jul 17,2009 7:59pm - W3 nli  ""]
yeah rich, ima need to get a hold of you soonish.
[Jul 17,2009 8:00pm - RichHorror ""]

hahaha I just noticed Spoonful Of Vicodin. Best band name ever.
[Jul 18,2009 1:22am - xgodzillax ""]
oh you mad
[Jul 18,2009 5:15pm - W3 nli  ""]
Aug 23rd In The Shit and Rampant Decay @ Great Scott


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