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The joy of eating pussy

[Jul 22,2009 8:20pm - Pussy Eater  ""]
Now before we begin, let us take a moment of silence for all those pussies not being eaten right now.

Ok, that being said, let us now begin the purpose of this thread. This thread was created for the reason of the joy of eating pussy. Everybody loves it. I know I do. Pussies usually taste excellent - but only if taken care of. So, for all the ladies reading this wonderful forum tonight, please take care of your pussies.
NOW, that being said, please share your best and/or favorite stories of eating pussy.

[Jul 22,2009 8:31pm - Pussy Eater  ""]
All right, well if you assholes don't want to participate, then I will.

Years ago, I was dating this chick name Suzie. Suzie was a tad overweight - just a little - but for some reason her when she came it was always like cottage cheese. I never understood why. Everytime I'd eat her out there it was like having a healthy midday snack minus the crackers. So, being the wiseass that I am, I brought crackers to bed one night. She asked me what they were and why I had them.
I proceeded to open the bag as I was eating her out, and when she came, I quickly put the cottage cheese cum on the crackers. Now, to my dismay, I thought she would find it funny. But she didn't.
Needless to say, I've never had cottage cheese again.
[Jul 22,2009 8:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jul 22,2009 8:48pm - Pussy Eater  ""]
40 Views and no responses? You know what? Fuck all you. You is all queers.
[Jul 22,2009 9:06pm - Pussy Eater  ""]
[Jul 22,2009 9:17pm - Alexecutioner ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:[img]

god damn, thats a hairy pussy
[Jul 23,2009 12:37am - xgodzillax ""]
youre nothing in the pussy eating game until youve messed around with numerous lesbians and theyve all told you that youre better than a dyke doin it. just sayin..
[Jul 23,2009 12:57am - Eli_hhcb ""]
how do you get in on the lesbian pussy eating game?
[Jul 23,2009 1:24am - xgodzillax ""]

Eli_hhcb said:how do you get in on the lesbian pussy eating game?

you just gotta know how to flirt your ass off. bein italian helps also. the girls were technically bi. but hadnt messed with dudes in years..
[Jul 23,2009 1:36am - Eli_hhcb ""]
pretty dope...

...The more you know...
[Jul 23,2009 8:11am - Pussy Eater  ""]
Yea okay Zilla. How does being Italian help you in eating pussy?
[Jul 23,2009 10:21am - the_reverend ""]
manga! this thread is pretty gay.
[Jul 23,2009 10:22am - arilliusbm ""]
yea, this thread is horrible
[Jul 23,2009 10:24am - brian_dc ""]
Hey, internet, I have sex.
[Jul 23,2009 10:27am - the_reverend ""]
this is totally gay, reference the bible.
have fun burning in hell.
[Jul 23,2009 12:03pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
[Nov 28,2009 12:16am - douchebag_patrol_2 ""]
[Nov 28,2009 6:41am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Nov 28,2009 8:09am - NuclearWinter ""]
I broke a silverback gorilla's eye socket once. Bein' Scottish helps. Just sayin'...

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