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Abnormality's Debut Full Length Album Art and Title Released

[Jul 29,2009 12:06pm - deathchick ""]
"We are very excited to announce the release of the cover art and title of the debut full length album The Collective Calm in Mortal Oblivion. Every piece of this was done internally, and we are proud of the results. Before we go any further, we want to thank each and every one of you who have kept in touch and expressed interest in the record; it really means a lot to all of us. This year has been full of twists and turns with plenty of adversity for us while working to put this together. During this process life has thrown us some severe setbacks and obstacles including broken limbs, personal tragedy, and even death. This makes us even prouder to be at this point with the record. We feel that enduring this and persevering will make us stronger, and we want to thank all of you for being supportive throughout this entire process. With this record, expect the writing to push even further into twisting boundaries of metal, death, grind, and even some surprises along the way. We are working hard to get this into your ears, and we want to say that you guys fucking rule, and thanks to all of you for the support!!!" Jere/Abnormality
[Jul 29,2009 12:07pm - narkybark ""]
[Jul 29,2009 12:16pm - blue ""]
Feckin' right!
[Jul 29,2009 12:17pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jul 29,2009 12:19pm - dreadkill ""]
that artwork is excellent.

is every new england band going to use "oblivion" in their album titles? we put out our "oblivion never came" ep at the end of 2007, "the collective calm in mortal oblivion" is coming out soon, as is withered sun's new ep "oblivion." plus, the newest mastodon album has a song called oblivion. i think a few other bands also had songs or album titles including that word over the last few years.
[Jul 29,2009 12:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
oblivious oblivion
[Jul 29,2009 12:22pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Jesus fuckin' Christ, about time. LOL
[Jul 29,2009 12:24pm - BSV  ""]
i never heard of any those other examples, if anything I think about the cult Quebecois band Obliveon. it's been over a year to record and mix the album, so yeah, alot has happened in that time....
can't wait for it to be out though. i want to play shows! the new material we've been playing with is really heavy and apeasing to headbangers.
[Jul 29,2009 12:24pm - deathchick ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Jesus fuckin' Christ, about time. LOL

Yep, haha. Even Chinese Democracy came out before our album.

We're going to try to get a teaser track up as soon as we can too!
[Jul 29,2009 1:56pm - thuringwethil ""]
I love the artwork!!!
[Jul 29,2009 1:58pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Harry Yakookoowawa's Empty Oblivion
[Jul 29,2009 2:01pm - deathchick ""]

dreadkill said:that artwork is excellent.

thuringwethil said:I love the artwork!!!

thanks guys
[Jul 29,2009 3:12pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I also love the artwork, and can't fucking wait for the album. Does Josh do any backrounds on it?
[Jul 29,2009 3:13pm - RichHorror ""]
Good album cover, nice to see DM art that isn't generic for once.
[Jul 29,2009 3:38pm - BSV  ""]

ouchdrummer said:I also love the artwork, and can't fucking wait for the album. Does Josh do any backrounds on it?

I actually didn't record on it cause the majority of the recording was done before I joined up. Mike is the 2nd singer for Abnormality so it's not something we've even discussed yet.
[Jul 29,2009 3:40pm - arilliusbm ""]
Yep, haha. Even Chinese Democracy came out before our album.

haha, nice one
[Jul 29,2009 4:43pm - Thedeathdealer nli  ""]

dreadkill said:that artwork is excellent.

is every new england band going to use "oblivion" in their album titles? we put out our "oblivion never came" ep at the end of 2007, "the collective calm in mortal oblivion" is coming out soon, as is withered sun's new ep "oblivion." plus, the newest mastodon album has a song called oblivion. i think a few other bands also had songs or album titles including that word over the last few years.

you are absolutely right Ken, which is why we're changing it.
[Jul 29,2009 5:01pm - goatcatalyst ""]
[Jul 29,2009 7:27pm - farten_dust ""]
Cool, so when you guyz think this will be in our filthy littlle hands?
[Jul 29,2009 9:30pm - BSV  ""]
Hoping for a promo in time for NEDF. I imagine that a fall release is quite possible.
[Jul 29,2009 11:24pm - slymo ""]
aww im so psyched for this
[Jul 30,2009 11:59am - foghorn ""]
I love Abnormality! Can't wait for this to be done, but I'm really digging the artwork. Great job guys!
[Jul 30,2009 12:20pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

RichHorror said:nice to see DM art that isn't generic for once.

Whoa, let me get a rag to wipe the sarcasm that's dripping from my monitor.

I hope the guitar sound isn't thin and weak.

[Jul 30,2009 12:22pm - Conservationist ""]
I saw a picture of the band. They looked normal. So much for descriptive band names.
[Aug 11,2009 5:12pm - BSV  ""]
we're playing at the Middle East downstairs next thursday with Bang Camaro.
[Aug 11,2009 5:17pm - boblovesmusic ""]

BSV said:we're playing at the Middle East downstairs next thursday with Bang Camaro.

I'm so there!
[Aug 11,2009 5:18pm - Blue ""]
upon opening my copy of patholgy's 'age of onset' today i noticed matti way sporting an abnormality shirt in the promo pic. boner.
[Aug 11,2009 8:20pm - BSV  ""]
Matti is my boy!
[Aug 11,2009 8:22pm - BSV  ""]
bang camaro i think is doing the theme song for Madden 10, i just saw it on a commerical on the nintendo channel.

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